fl, SITUATION.— A correspon- P ' Halifax, i this county, narrates "One day !il " he says, "a man named 1 r!*'on' living in the vicinity of this B S out hunting on the mountains j * „ V as obliged in one place to uW hi ;, h rock, by scrambling up the ! Mr Men he arrived near the top, he his hand, and caught hold of a j on die top, and then laid his the laurel. Directly after do- i 3 heard a loud btming, rattling i j\.i,ich lie knew at once to be a rat- j ml elevating his head, he saw a immediately by his hand, ready j ' This was a terrific situation— . B' 1 " ' r„ of the tree, lie would umloubt- ; B;'; Ve lashed to death on the rocks below; j H t - ~J further, an equally fearful ca-| ■ < rt'hted him. He was a man of ex- ! nerve, however, and having re- | 'moment on ids dreadful position, ■f j , hc-tcok him, which he was not j V ■ sall ,,. Taking his hatchet, which i JJ V |,J S t -ide, irotn his belt, with i ■ hlu { } IC raised his body sufficient- ! B ,]ie top of the rock, and with one j Erected blow, lie cut the savage re]>- j t , r ,. just as it had prepared to fatal spring towards his person. ( portion of the snake immediately j Kj(j,]irii the side of the rock, while the j K .-till remained beside bis hand fast to and it was some time before life j B;. i:i relv extinct. <>r he could move his : '' fir fear of its fangs. After the j ff; ,w fuliv dead. Mor-on took up the J oml after wrapping them up in a pa- I wr!-i !> '•>. satisfied with the ad- j E.,. of il{ fourorf lid B t-> . I. • i• we Hiqwests. Walker and I Ivcufan WIS I-; if tin s uth with confidence, and it I i i I oids I- •. 1 u him to a; part of Mexico. ' I iilerstamling is that they are to Tex -1.. ini.tl slice of Mexieoaod bring it i- ti l it and v;tf it Houston into Ikkmx* Press ii tl'.c Etaglish Swindle laTbe Prwpert f it- AerefitaßCC k) tlte IP* pi<. Tr •: i the Q-iin l.iro Caia'Unv.tn, My 5k j I the English substitute by |c 1 r.nd surrey kt i - w'Yieh (ke Uttfeii now to be k; ■ \V' it -1.,iil be ib'Tic in the crises j'it Li :• - . j. stion of great in intnt, and R#* i if. ■' "' II: readily he msraH -an ' o"- >:<• r4 etthcaaiue—uiLiit r !?.- i.a.' ■spirit by the WMjMtilCtic p.-!*** if every true heart in the territory. Ii: J, answeeed! The fit the . t- 3- *rdf arumnicclntdisttrh iii-i i..•--■ irxi Ly trnatMt ruiou fr.'tn ra iiifttnp that diversifies -our fceaatiful j Lr. - N i new manifesto ** ed (be wade ; t .rp ■(.■ !iic!i •• to ric-zvr fie >'.u> : i-. r- ,i< ccrtKrurr, arc knows to the sftl. Ti\? Hnuir sohtnissi-itt i &cicteustie of tlie free state party, ''("< l drop all thought of existing state tj, ! confederation even under the trt ' J tf;rn "' the English t"'. These •' hip;j' 1 '"* 8 ' D the matter, but we think it tool?' s V n }? ort!int '^ iat a convention of the ftrty' * , J 1 8 ,°, 0n called, and ihat, as a idicy -,A '" :io yld resolve upon some definite kiop * to the present condition of [From the Leavenworth Ledger, .Cuy 7 ) Having found that threats alone aro insuf ficient to curb the people of Kansas, our one mica have joined a threat and bribe, and hope by this means to succeed in their nefarious purposes. We would inform the administra tion and its minions that the government does not own land enough to buy up the people of Kansas. The originators and abcttois of the movement are boasting that the inhabitants of this territory would barter their hopes in this life and the next for a grab at Uncle Sam's domain. What a pitiable mistake! We would rather consign ourselves to eternal poverty, than be the instruments of our own degradation. Who that mingles with the people, hears their opinions and observes the spirit in which they are expressed, can doubt as to what will be the result of that election? Our enemies may consider us fools and knaves; but give us a chance at the ballot box and we will return the compliment. In the event of the rejection of that ordinance, and with it, what harm is there to accrue from our re maining a few years in a territorial condition? Wc can see none, unless it be that the hun gerers for office, the wolves who hope to gorge themselves on public plunder, will be for a while at least disappointed. Our population is at present small; the expense of establishing a S(atc government, erecting public buildings, &e., must necessarily be enormous; aud worse , than that, Leavenworth county will have j nearly, if not quite, half this expense to pay. W hat voter is there who wishes to saddle himself with a burdensome taxation? Let us retain our present position until ourpopu- ; latiun becomes more numerous, our business j expanded and our resources developed; then ; we can le admitted with honor to ourselves, a nobler member of the great family of re publics. {From the Lawrence Republican, May C.] As we go to press, we learn that the Le- ■ compton bill, as reported by English from the j committee of conference, has passed both j branches of Congress—iu the House by nine j majority. Lecoir.pt on is therefore passed—provided ! the people of Kansas vote to accept a proffered land gn.b; otherwise we remain in :t territo- j rial condition until we have 93,G0W inhabi- : tants. Of course we will remain a territory! - | AH At Iteijulalhiy (he Hate "J' Inter'■af. St. . 1. Be it enacted, Ac., that the lawful i rate of interest for the loan or use of money j in all cases where no express contract shall j shali have been made for a '.ess ri-.te, shall be six per cent, per annum, atvi the first and : second sections of tlve act passed second i March, entitled " an act to reduce the interest of money froca to six r-er c--nt. per awnuut," be and h 1 ;-' - tme is hereby re pealed . Str. That wlc-i. a rate of interest fur the ' loan or use of f.. <)• "housair'i eight hundred and fifty eight- WM. F. PACKER. A v-cv l filled with selfishness, and the S-rbbatfc stuffed full of religious exer cises. will make a good Pharisee, but a poor Christian- There are many persons who think >-nday is a sponge with which to wijr at the sins of the week. OLD toper was overheard, the day. advising a fining man to get married—'• Because then, my hoy, you'll have somebody to ]iull oft your hoots when yn i come home drunk " PLUMBINO. / < LOUGE MILLER informs the citizens " X of Lewistown that he has commenced the above business in connection with his office as Superintendent of the Water Company, and is now ready to put in NEW IIVDKANTS, MAKE REPAIRS AT oi.O ones, or do any other work pertaining to the business. I lis char ges will be reasonable, and prompt attention given to orders. Lewistown, May 20, 1858—3 m T, F. McCOY, VTTOUXEY AT LAW, Lewistown, Mif flin county, Pa., will aitend to the col lection of accounts and other legal business in Mifflin and adjoining counties. Office on West Market street, two doors below the True Democrat Office. my2o-ly Ice Cream Saloons. 1 WOULD respectfully inform the public . that I have fitted up two Ice Cream Sa loons in superior style, for the accommodation of ladies and gentlemen, whose patronage 1 solicit. " ANTHONY FELIX, my 13 Intersection of Mill & Valley sts. Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Strawberry, Raspberry,Currant,and wWrtJr Gooseberry Plants, in great variety. Inquire of WM. BUTLER, Lewistown, Pa., or J- K. JOHNSTON, Agent, augl3 Trenton, New Jersey J UST RECEIVED and on hand some half and quarter barrels of Splendid MACK EREL ; for sale cheap for cash at my 2o FELIX'S GROCERY. WOOL WANTED.—Wanted, at the store of the undersigned, East Market street, 1 Ijowistown, 10,000 POUNDS OF WOOL, for whi it tho highest market price will he paid in trade. l' ENN£D\, JUNK.IN &■ CO. liCwistown, May 2G, 1858. TORE BRICK! FIRE BRICK!—For I Noble, Globe, Girard, Ki I Top, New World, Crys- Ul, Finny Forreater, and KuiirtM Cook Stoves, and for alt kinds of Room and Parlor Stoves, can be had nt the Ktove Warehouse of sept!7 F. G. FitANCISCUS. I TUSH.—Mackerel, Shad and Herring for sale < by inhll F. J. HOFFMAN. MILITARY NOTICE. MAJ. JOHN A. CUMMINGS, FORMERLY an officer by election of the 2d Pennsylvania Regiment in the war with -Mexico, and Ex-Brignde Inspector, offers his services as Professor of Military Tactics to Companies being organized, anu to Com panies organized, in Mifflin and adjoining counties. Cavalry Companies will be taught the Broad Sword Exercise in the mode in practice hy the U. S. Dragoons. Infantry and Light Infantry, or Rifle Companies, will be taught the Manual of Arms, Squad Drill, and Company and Regimental Evolutions, ac cording to the system now in use in the U. S. Army; also, Company and Regimental Offi cers' duties pertaining to the field and camp, the manner of Inspecti. ns, Dress Parade, &c. Officers and others desiring instructions in any or all of the above named exercises can secure his services. For terms, &c. address Lewistown P. 0., Pa. Information in regard to military laws and regulations given free of charge. " my' 27 MANNY'S MOWER & R.EAFEK., With Wood's Improvement. IAAUMERS who are desirous of getting the best Mowing and Reaping Machine in use will please send in their orders before the 10th of June. Any comments upon the superiority of this j machine over all others is unnecessary, as it I is universally and justly pronounced to be i the best ever taken into a harvest field. Every Machine warranted. Call soon upon F. G. FKANCISCUS, my 27 Agent. JTJITIATA ICE. To the Citizens of Lewistown ami Vicinity. r | HIE subscriber respectfully informs the JL public that he has stored a quantity of pure ice, which lie will serve tu all who may desire it, on the most reasonable terms that i can be afforded. The wagon for its delivery will commence serving customers on SATUR PAY, May 29, The ice will be fur ; nisbed at the following rates ; Five pounds per day, 50 cents per week. Ten da t8. A Change in Business. 1"A C. HAMILTON", having bought the j entire stock of Hoots and Shoes of P F. Loop, would solicit the patronage of the former customers of the establishment and all others in Lewistown and vicinity, llis stock is 1 trge, including everything in his line, and having competent workmen in his employ, he is prepared to accommodate all who may give him a call. For the gentlemen, he has BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. For the ladies, he has a beautiful lot of I tloat Boots, Shoe tees, Slippers and Gaiters. Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes, which, with all of the above, will be disposed of at lowest prices for cash only. Everything in his line made to order. Repairing executed on the shortest notice and in the neatest man ner. No orders attended to unless accompa nied with the cash. City work sold at cost. Call at the sign of I*. F. Loop, at the old stand. [my27j K. C. HAMILTON. KISHACOQUILLAS S E 1£ I IT A 3. Y. H. S. ALKXAYDER, A. 8., Principal. r IMIE Summer N-*ion of this Institution .l_"o|>en* on Till RSDAY, Gilt of May. The course of study is extensive, embracing till the branches usually taught in Seminaries and Academies. In Mathematics and the Classics, students are prepared to enter any I class in College. Parents who wish their children removed as far as possible front evil influences, could not secure a more desirable situation, as it is entirely in the country—there being no towns, or any public house where liquor is sold, witli : in five miles of the Institution. The community is hospitable, moral and intelligent, the situation beautiful and easy of access, while the health and scenery of the Talley are proverbial. Terms; for Hoarders $55 per session ; $27, , 50 payable in advance. For particulars and catalogues, address U.S. ALEXANDER, ap24 Kishacoquillas, Mifflin co., Pa. The Daily Telegraph. Published at Ifarrisburg, Pa., by Geo. Hergner A. Co., j publishes the l.ist of I.etters by authority, a sure eviilenre of it having the largest circulation. Terms—s3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is also published at f i per year. THE BALTIMORE AfIERICAN, Published dailv, tri weekly and weekly, by Uohliin &. Fulton, 128 Baltimore street, Baltimore. Md. Daily Sb per annum, St for 8 months, #3 for fi months, j $2 for t months. Tri we.-kly #1 per annum, $'A for nine ! months, $1 for six months, and 8! for three month*. The Weekly Ivttnenn is published at #1 30 per annum. ! eight month* sl, four copies s'>, eight copies 10, fourteen I for 15, 20 for SO—all payable in advance Philadelphia Dally News, : Published by J. U. Flunigen, 13b Mouth Third street, at four dollars per annum. The Dollar Weekly JV, ten, by same publisher, at 111 yrr annum. 0 copies for #5, 13 for 10,20 for 15, 25 fur 20. THE DAILY HERALD, 1 Published every morning, Sundays excepted, by Royal M'Reynolds & Whitman, Ifarrisburg, Pa. Terms —#3 per year, #2 for six, or for three months NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE r IMIIS Ureal Journal of Crime and Crun i ii.als Is in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country, it contains all tile Great Trials, Criminal Cases, arul appropriate F.ditoriais on the same, : together with information on Criminal Matters not to be | found iri any other newspaper. t>Subscripitions, #2 per Annum; $1 fur Six Months, to i be remitted bv Subscribers, (who should write their names and the town,county and slate where they reside ! plainly,) to U. A. SEYMOUR, Editor & Proprietor of the National Police Gazette, ap3o New York City. \\ IN DOW CL'IITAINS, Ac.—A fine hh- YV sortinenfc of Shades, Paper for Cur tains, Ac. F. J."Hoffman. ! Pennsylvania Railroad. ON and after Monday, May 10th, 1858, trains leave Lewistown Station as follows: | Eastward Westward. Through Express, 535a. m. 551a. m | Fast Line, 942 p. tn. 730 p. in Mail Train, 330 p.m. 350 " ! Through Freight, 535p m. 205a. m. Local ;• 5 35 " 7 30 44 Express Freight, 1 50 44 9 55 14 Fare to Harrisburg, $1 85; to Philadelphia, 1 5 00 ; to Altoona, 2 10; to Pittsburgh, 5 00. n3=*The Ticket Office will be open 20 min utes before the arrival of each Passenger ! Train. [). E. ROBESON, Agent. j Fashionable Dress Making. MILS. L. F. BAIR, (from Baltimore,) Main street, next door to Town Ilall, will nt j tend to Dressmaking on an entire new and I improved system. Ladies in town and coun | try are invited to give her a trial. Lewistown, April 29, 1808.-3ni BOOKS FOR SALE. 4 LARGE LOL Of BOOKS, comprising 1 jl JL the late Circulating Library, are offered | for sale low in one lot. If not shortly dispos- I sod of in this mode, they will be divided in to two classes and distributed—the bound books at 25 and paper covers 12£ cents per | volume. Estate of Francis JlcCoy, deceased. "VT"OTIOK is hereby given that letters testa i_ X ment.iry on the estate of FRANCIS Me- COY, late of the borough of Lewistown, Mif flin county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in said borough. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and i those having claims to present them duly au ! thenticated lor settlement. R. F. ELLIS. f C. S. MuCOY , ;- Executors. MARY MoCOY, j Lewistown, .May G, 1858. | te£~The PURCHASING. STORING, and FORWARDING of GRAIN will be continued by the Executors until further notice. f Bellefonto papers copy tn amount of §1.50 each and charge this office.) Estate of David Poplin, deceased. N OTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of DAVID COP LIN, late of \Vavne township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed, residing in said township. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having j claims to present them duly authenticated for j settlement. JOHN T.CALDWELL, myG Executor. REAL ESTATE AlilCl. HOUSES AND LOTS in Town and viciu _ ity, and Farms and Wild Lands dispos | ed of for a reasonable compensation. ; Information given respecting Unseated I Lands, and Taxes paid if authorized by the I owners. REFERENCES. HEX. R. O. HALE, PETF.R DUMA, Philadelphia. JOHN A. WRIGHT, Freedom Iron Works, Mif flin county. Maj. DAVID HOUGH, Philipsburg, Centre co. 1 large RlilCK HOUSE & 2 small Fit A ME HOUSES on the lot at the corner of Grand an d West Market streets, Lewistown. A It HICK HOUSES and 2 FRAME HOU SES AND LOTS, on Hale street. 1 EIIAME HOUSE on the comer of Main and Charles street. I It HICK 110 USE, near the residence of •Judge Parker. Al so, a WOOD LOT on the South side of the Juniata River, about 1-J miles from Lewistown, containing about 50 acres, well watered, adjoining the Pennsylvania Rail road, with a two story Frame House on it —nut occupied. Inquire of JNO. R. WEEKES, Justice of the Peace, SbcrCfceurv 5c 0~ FFICEWest Market street, Lewistown, next door to Irwin's grocery. ap29 To the Public. The subscriber would inform v bis friends and the public that he opened a shop in part of the room formerly occupied by M. Montgomery, adjoining the Post Office, where be is prepared to make to order Ladies', Gentlemen's or Children's J3oots, Stiocs X Waiter#, j of all descriptions, of the best quality, and at ! reasonable prices for cash, and from his ex perience in the business, and determination j to please, he hopes to give satisfaction to all | who may favor him with their orders. ill C2&OP Done in tlie best manner. A share of pub ; lie patronage respectfully solicited. my2o-tf JOHN CLARKE. COME AND SEE! AT Kennedy, Junkin & Co's CHEAP GASH STCB.E, WIIEKK they have just received a new and splendid stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, which they offer lower than ever. They in vite all to call at their store any and every day, as they are always ready and willing to wait on customers. Wc enumerate & few of our goods, as follows : Black Silks 50c to $1 374 per yard; Fancy do 50c to 1 374 " Fancy Delaines 12 to 28c " Challa 15 to 31c Lavilla and Du Calls 12} to 25c per yard Lawns and Ginghams t>4 to 25c " All kinds White Good a dresses Cloths and Cassimers 50c to 5 50 per yard Mantillas and Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Cottonade, Hosiery and Gloves,' j Calicoes 6} to 12Jc, best quality Headymade (lothtng, Lower /hai Evert | Brown and White Sugars, 8 to 124 c per lb. j Coffees 124 to 14c per. lb. 1 Best Teas and Spices. Syrups 124 to 18iJ cents pan quart ; Queen"ware aad Willow Ware vsj-y low \ Hoots and Shoes cheaper than ever We have everything that people want, and 1 will sell cheaper than any other house in | town, for Cash or Country Produce. Give ua a call. Don't forget, at ap29 KENNEDY, JUNKIN & GO'S. CIORN CULTIVATORS, —A good article / for sale by F. J. Hoffman f WANTED, At the Lewistown Steam Mill, ALL KINDS OF AT HIGHEST CASH PRICES! On hand, for sale, i FLOUR, bt/ the hundred or barrel, RYE FLOUII, CORN MEAL, 11UCKWHEA T FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS. large quantity of Coal, Salt, Plas j ter, &c. for sale low for cash. ALFRED MARKS, Agent. Lewistown. Oct. 8, 1857. !"NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." A RESISTLESS REMEDY. HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. Circular to the Sick. TIME first hospital suigeons an.l medical publicists of Europe admit the unparalleled anii intlauimatory and healing properties of this Ointment; governments sanc tion iti urn: in ilieir naval and military services; and the masse in this country and throughout the world repose the utmost confidence in its curative properties. It |ieu elrates ttie sources of inflammation and corruption whir h undeilie the external evidences of disease, and neutral ize the liery elements which feed and exasperate the malady. Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipelas. I These are aioig l iiiont frrrible ami agonizing di senses of the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the skin ; >et i in their worst forms, ami when seemingly incurable,they I invariably disappear under a |iersevering application of ibis soothing, healing antidote to pain and inflammation Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff Joints. In cases of salt Ithenm, where medical w aters,lotions, iaiul every recipe of the pli.irmaropo.-a have proved use >ess, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure. Fe ver Sores heal quickly under ilg influence, and its relax j ing elfi ct upon contracted sinews is truly wonderful. Discharging Fleers. ! A most remarkable and happy change is produced in ' the appearance of malignant ulcers after a few applies I lions of this Ointment. The surrounding redness van j islies, and granules of healthy flesh begin to take the |[d ice of ihe discharged matter. This process goes on j more or less rapidly tint il the orifice is fided up with sound j material, and the ulcer radically cured. A Word to Mothers. i The young are most fiequcnt sufferers from external | injuries, and therefore every mother should have this healing preparation constantly at hand. It is an absolute I spec ilit for sore breasts, and quickly removes the encrus ted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads and faceH of children. Significant Facts. This Ointment is universally used on board the Atlan j He and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure for scorbutic uffec j lions, ar.d as the best possible remedy for wounds and i bruises. I.arge supplies of it have recently been ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for hospilj) purposes. i Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following Cases: \ Bullions l.itmbago Sore l.<-gs Scalds I Barns Mercurial Er-Sore Breasts Svvel'dGlands j Chapp'd hands options Sore Heads Stiff Joints I Chilblains Piles Sore Throats Ulcers ' Fistulas Rheumatism r?ore of all Vemrealsores j Gout Fall Kheum kinds Wounds of all skin Diseascasprain* kinds O>CAUTIO.\ ! —None are genuine unless the words | H'Wotray, j\°eir York and I.ottJam,*' are disi ernible as a j water mark in every leaf of the book of directions around icai h (ml or box; the same may be pfarafy seen by holding the leaf to the fight A handsome reward will be given to any ore rendering such information as may lead to 1 the detection of any party or parlies counterfeiting tbe j medicines or vending the Mt i.e, knowing them to be spu ■ rinns ♦ at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOW xv, : 50 Maiden Lane. New York,and by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots, at 25 cents, G2J cents, and $1 each. M-There is a considerable saving by taking the large sizes. N B. Direction* for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. attgfi _ m ... . _ TUB ORIGINAL MRDICINK ESTABLISHED I.\ L>e slil! holds its po sition as the most harmless and efficacious Hair DjC in the World. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, 'J and applied in ten private rooms, at CRISTA I'ORO'R. No. 6, Astor House, Broadwa), and by all Rruggicls and Perfumers in the United Stales. AGENT- Otto II Ksvser, Pittsburgh, Pa 1 m mhll-dm. it is not a BZSft WE subjoin, a few names of those uho recommend ' ' ' .Mrs S. A. .HI it's H'orld't Hair Restorer and Zflo balsa mum. Presl. Eaton, of Union University. "The, falling of hair ceased, and my grey locks changed origis nal eoki ' Rev. C, A. Bqckhee, Treas Am. Bihle Uni-. on, N. Y.: " I cheerfully add my testimony " Rev. If. V. Regen, Ed. 41 Guide to Holiness," Boston : " We cgiu, testify to its. eJ&cts" Rev, E. R. Fairchild, Cor. Sec . Ch'n Union, N. Y.: 44 Used mmy family with beneficjal effects" Rev. A Websier, 44 Chin Era," Boston:— 4 'Since using your preparations, I am ncithei bal4pss grey as heretofore" liev, dts I? Cornell, Cor. See, etc., N. Y. :• 44 It has restored, the hair of one of tj' fam ily to its origuialcolnr, and slopped its falling oiii," ere. We can q-uote from numerous others of like standing H Europe and Anieriaa, but for further informal wa, send for a circular *43. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S World's Hair Restorer P.pot, No. 355 Broome street, N Y | iuhll-3m. tSSOLD.t VER YIIUZPy.. CONSUMPTION* SCROFULA, Coughs, Chronic Rheumatism, Debility, and all Distasas arising f r °" * Scrofulous or impoverished state of the blood. HEGEMAX, CL.HRK $r CO'S Genuine Cod-Liver Oil, HAS stood the lest of over ten years experience, and is recommended by all the most eminent physicians as : the most valuable remedy ill use. Dr; Williams, the eel ! ehrated Physician of the London Consumption Hospital, ! took notes of its effects in about 50UCftsc.an(1. found it ; more efficacious thnn all remedies yet discovered. Tbis remedy, so valuable ,-Acb pure, becomes worthless or injurious wl.en adulterated. See. that the label has the eagle and mortar, ami the signature over th cork of each bottle, as ihuusands have bee r cored by the use of the genuine article why had used olu 'rs without success. I Bold by all Druggists HFGKMAN' £ C,Q 1 itihll-3m