Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 20, 1858, Image 3

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    rttfE GAZETTE,
51*+ **
. says the Lewisburg Chronicle,
1 i idative body so valorous in prom-
I -o weak in performance, as the last
E ofTennsylvania,although
'thirds of each branch coincided in po
'• j profession with the Executive.—
8 I dissensions among the Opposi
,]lo Democracy had full, ample pow
'• J complete control —and must bear
I [hi- responsibility
j'„ re viewing their labors, we must first
: . that they utterly lailod to make the
,' r re f orm in, or additional security for,
K Banking System.
The <a' e or :nV:i y roniain-
s taU3 Works to the Sunbury and Erie
pflpany- an important measure, the ben
orevil of which is to be determined by
, ,vnd or had management of the Com
[V Militia and Liquor Hills were not
une;i lled for. but we believe will be
tl ;j e to the public interests.
r n creating new offices, and raising the
ujcj of the Governor and themselves,
;< overwhelmingly " Democratic" Legis-
was (considering the " hard times")
r liberal, patriotic, benevolent—with
people's money.
I'he Senate pretty nearly "sustained"
Buchanan, while the House as
ijentiv sympathized with his opponent,
u t.,r Douglas.
flio mortification of the party over their ;
■jcat faiiure, is amusing and suggestive. |
<■ v.tote a few of the anathemas from their
jj.ii'i Journal and others ;
■Scarcttlj less distinguished for infamy
t tic preceding infamous Legislature of
members of this body must return
,r h - with the consciousness that
. AR. lift '. NO' NE most of those things
j, tLev ought to have done, and done ma
tilings which they ought net to
J,ne." — Il rri bury Patriot (Dem. or
ueli aieaihcr received 87 00 f.r IX I*'ES
Ml our Capital nearly four months."—
liii rote Journal.
["ae Lycoming <J iz< '•> says, " That exceed
; y useful body, the Pennsylvania Legisla
i adjourned on Thursday. " Last year it
ii the best public improvements of the
itc, and this year sold the balance. If it
Bseli the < ipitol next year, we do not km.w
njtbing • Ise 1 obliging to the State to sell
Legislan-re xobl itself many years ago."
"The list act.-passed numbers 50U. Of
if, only I'MI are general laws. The
oast of s;-i.-il . -gislation about township
c:i sli.-triets,* er.-onal claims,county roads
: hundreds of thing., which the Courts
th: to be em p-owercd to settle, is amazing,
"ho. Bull din.
ilc-i may suffice. 'I he elections in
tang. Line.; -ter, I'ittsbuvg, Erie, IPh.il
; h' , &c.. b. "c made a good 1 eginning
.riE a revolution in (be State, next fall,
re is no certainty in reformation by a
rye. yet the people often resolve to TRY
Ihe present good feeling among the
may place the next Legislature
(Uivocaily on the side of Liberty and
IS 1 mowing particulars from I tah
'X-ii derived by the St. Loui- ilepub
i from Mr. Garish, who left i 'amp Scott
W --'th- Ehiic lii.s information does
i'uih corroborate the news that the Mor
• had submitted, it leaves no ruoio to
•" tlie Ilict that Governor < uniming
ei r 1 ! t Lake City. Col. Thomas
ha.it,. \vho was sent out as Peace Coin
te-ioKt-.". Califoriil.;, arrived at Salt
■' "n ihe 25th of February, and rcmain
eight days. He then proceeded
1 amp Scott, and while there frequently
ir-ui the Camp to a place of confer
riih the leading Mormons outside,
pursuance of the negotiations there en
d uito, Governor Gumming left Camp
w on the sth of Apiril and was met by
-. 'tlen.aii on the oth, when two days
irotn the city. He was accompanied
'i Kane, and was escorted by .Messrs.
ter, Lock',veil Egan and others, Mor-
J " Ihe arrival of the Governor at the
; *as anticipated on the 11 th, and hand
apartnients had been provided for his
gentleman who is well informed in
win to the Mormons, and who had ar
-d from Salt Lake, told the Republican
utinant that the general feeling in the
■ in favor of peace, and only
-on of the leaders were advocating
' c-c. j j ie SCO uting party in charge
ickling, about whose safety appre
had been felt, had returned to
_ Ihe provision trains for Camp
- .t fort Laramie on the 14th of April,
' ■ Hoffman was to leave the next day.
n aur y, with his rain of horses
'' ar "l about 3000 sheep, was
tq J o ''! ° n ( herokee trail, 300 miles
N l r n ' j!tram^e - had not been
the troops detailed by General
ktii . .
ut was waiting their arrival.
K i " ir ' rom his progress was very
1 o{ hfe M WOuld reac k Camp Scott, by
l^jT- — — -,, ,
o/t® 'i? 8 f° ur > ° r d sit take
i o fiords to make tbat number?
The Worst of all the Isms.
"Don't talk to me about your political
isms , said a facetious old valetudinarian,
" I tell you there's no ism on earth so bad as
rheumatism.' The venerable sufferer was
right. St. Lawrence's gridiron or Quatimo
zin's pallet of fire was uot more emphatically
a bed of torment than the couch ef the martyr
to rheumatism. It is generally considered bv
the faculty one of the most obstinate as well
as eue of the most painful of maladies, and
it certainly does resist all ordinary remedies
with extraordinary pertinacity. Skill and
science, however, in this age of progress, seem
to master all opposition, and even this painful
disease, entrenched among the muscles and
interknit as it were with the sinews and ten
dons of our frames, is compelled to yield to
the curatives they have provided.
We have it on unquestionable authority—
the testimony of parents themselves—that
rheumatism, however deeply seated, may be
cured by the regular and persistent applica
tion of Holloway's Ointment. This, we feel
assured, will be welcome intelligence to thou
sands of sufferers, bed-ridden by the disease
or limping with stiffened joints along the
pathway to the tomb. In a climate where
the quicksilver sometimes makes a leap of
thirty degrees up or down, the complaint is
of course a prevalent one, and in our new
settlements at the West, along the alluvial
borders of our great rivers, in the hemlock
swamps of the South, and in all law and
damp locations few persons reach the age of
forty years without a rheumatic visitation.
It is clear therefore that a preparation which
will afford immediate relief and effect even
tually a thorough cure of the complaint, must
be of especial value to the people of this
country. We cannot reasonably doubt, in
view of the well attested statements which
have been laid before us, sustained as they are
by circumstances within our own knowledge,
that the Ointment referred to will effeet that
object, and among all the benefits which the
discoveries of that celebrated physician and
philanthropist have conferred upon mankind
tl.is is certainly not the least important
Many an industrious tiller of the soil whose
services are needed in the field is at this mo
ment languishing on a bed ef sickness, the
hand that should guide the plow or grasp the
spade rendered powerless by rheumatism.
Many a toiler in every branch of productive
labor is similarly situated, and we can imagine
with what joy these sufferers would hail the
means of immediate cure. To all such we
feel justified in recommending this balsamic
remedy, the application of which, with the
aid of a few doses of Ilolloway's Pills to reg
ulate the internal organs, would, we feel as
sured, restore them to health and usefulness.
—.V. I'. Sunday Tint ($.
giaynienry William Herbert, the well
known writer, committed suicide on Monday
morning in New York, by shooting himself
through the heart. Ho left behind him a
letter, showing that he was not in a sound
frame of miud, (if a suicide ever is,) and that
for reasons too well known to his ncquaintan
cos, life had become to him a burden more
than he could bear.
JSS-A "mob" in l'eoria, 111., has made
a descent upon the houses of ill-fame in that
city, T-xpelled the inmates, set the costly
furniture in the street, burned it to ashes,
and sacked the houses. Some ten or elev
en houses were visited in turn, and proper
ty to the amount of ST.'iO'J was destroyed.
.Most of the expelled parties have fled to
LEWISTOWN, May 20, 1858
Butter, good, £ ft. 15
Eggs, -ft dozen, 9
Our millers are paying from •"> i to 90
els. for Wheat; live 50; ('urn 50; Oat- 2*.
Philadelphia Market.
Beef Cattle sell in the r-itv at 1":
Sheep 84 00(Vol per head—l ows, fresh,
>3 to s'b dry 815 to 20—lfogs 8i;; t> 7*
Flour is quoted at 81 s (>(■/ 5 50—Wheat,
prime white, 123. red 109—Rye iG
—Barley 00—< )ats 31)— Corn 08(W 70.
Notice to Taxpayers.
H the purpose of raising a sufficient sum
JL tif money to meet the expenses of tlie
county heretofore incurred, thcComniissioners
pmpoM} to extend the deduction of FIVE I'ER
('EXT. to alLtaxpayers up to and on the 16//t
'J Jane H'.cl, after which time the full amount
of tax will he exacted. K. D. SMITH,
May 13, 1858. Clerk.
LECTIOX.—Xoticc is hereby given that
an election fur Nine Managers to conduct
the business of the Odd Fellows' Hall Com
pany, will he held in the Lodge Room at the
llali, on THURSDAY next, 20th May, at 2
o'clock, p. in. J. HAMILTON,
May 13, 1858. Secretary.
4 LL persons knowing themselves indebted
f\ to I'. F. LOOP, will please call and make
immediate payment, as he is very much in
need of money at the present time. myl3
The Daily Telegraph,
Published at llarrieburg, Pa., by Geo. Bergner 4t Co.,
publishes ihe List of Letters by authority, a sure evidence
of it haviog the largest circulation.
Terms—#3 per year; the weekly and semi-weekly is
also publi.-hed at $2 per year.
Published dailv, triweekly and weekly, by Dobbin it
Fulton, 128 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.
Daily $0 per annum, #1 for 8 months, #3 for 6 months,
$2 for 4 months. Tri weekly per annum, $3 for rune
months, #2 for six months, and £ I for three months.
The Weekly American is published at $1 50 per annum,
eight months $l. four copies fb, eight copies 10, fourteen
for 15, 20 for 20—all payable in advance
Philadelphia Daily Hewn,
Published by J. R Flantgen, 13fi Mouth Third street, at
four dollars per annum.
The Dollar Weekly A'-ies, by same publisher, at SI per
annum, fi copies for fis, 13 for 10, 20 for 15, 25 for 20.
Published every morning, Sundays excepted, by Royal
M'Reynolds &. Whitman, Harrisburg, Pa.
Terms—#3 per year, $i for six. or $I for three months
Great Journal of Crime and Crim
maUis in its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated
throughout the country. It contains all the Great i rials,
Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same,
together with information on Criminal Matters not to be
found in any other newspaper.
tVijubacnpUiuut, $2 per Annum; -Si for Hix Months, to
tie remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their
names and the town, county and st-te where they reside
plainly,) to B. A. SEYMOUR,
Editor 4c Proprietor of the National Police Gazette,
ap3o New York City.
Kennedy, Junkin & Co's
\iniEKE they have just received a new
▼ V and splendid stock of
which they offer lower than ever. They in
vite all to call at their store any and every
day, as they are always ready and willing to
wait on customers. We enumerate a few of
i our goods, as follows :
Black Silks 50c to SjM 371 per vard
Faucy do 50c to 1 371 "
Fancy Delaines 12 to 28c "
Challa 15 to 31c "
i Lavilla and Du Calls 121 to 25c per yard
Lawns and Ginghams 6| to 25c "
i All kinds White Goods for dresses
Cloths and Cassimers 50c to 5 50 per yard
Mantillas and Shawls, Dress Trimmings,
Cottonade, Hosiery and Gloves,
Calicoes 6) to 12£ c, best quality
Reailymadc Clothing, Lower Than Ever!
Brown and White Sugars, 8 to i2lc per lb.
Coffees 121 to 14c per lb.
Best Teas and Spices
Syrups 121 to 18 : ] cents per quart
Queensware and Willow Ware very low
Boots and Shoes cheaper than ever
We have everything that people want, and
j will sell cheaper than any other house in
: town, for Cash or Country Produce. Give us \
a call. Don't forget, at
ESt. H/.F-.EIC/.IT.
{ T)IIYSICIAN fur rti.se i.-es of Hie I.unss, Throat and
j L Heart—formerly Phyviciao to Cincinnati Marine Hos- |
j [iit.il arid lnvilirts' Kelrenl —C</rren[>oii(!ii!j( Mutuher of j
i the London Medical Society of Observation—Autlior of :
| "Letters lo ltivalidE," &.C.,
Dr. Hardman,
Physician for Diseases of the Lungs, i
h\>rmf rhj Phntieisn to the Ci'-cinn.Ji Marine Hospital,
j Lewistown, National Hotel, Tho.rsdav, .I/ay 27.
I Huntingdon, .May 2G.
DR lIARD lAN treats t uti^umplion,Bronchitis,f.ttrviijj
j tis, Asthma,and ail diseases of the '1 hroat by MEUICA
The treat point in the treatment of all human maladies
j is to get at the disease in a direct manner. Ail medicines
j are estimated by their action upon the org in requiring
relief. Tills is Ihe important fact upon which Inhalation
is ba.-d If the stomach is diseased, we lake medicine
direcilv into ihe stomach. If the lungs are diseased,
breathe or inhale medicated vapors directly i< to them.—
The reason why Consumpli.ui and diseases of the Lungs
have heretofore resisted all treatment, has been because
they were not approached in a direct manner by medii ice.
They were intended to be local, and yet they were so ad
ministered thai they could only act constitutionally, ex
pending their immediate action upon the stomach, whilst
the foul ulcers within the Lungs were unmolested. In
halation brines the medicine into direct contact u ith the
dis-eise, without the disadvantage of any violent action.
Its applicaiit.il is so simple thai it may be employed by
! the youngest infant or feeblest invalid It does not de-
J range the stomach, or interfere in the least with the
i strength, comfort or business of ihe patient.
• #>No charge fur consultation.
! In relation to the following diseases, piiher when com
| plicated with I.nug Affections, or existing alone, 1 also
invile consultation—usually finding them I'RO.MI'TLV
I'Rni. A P.-US end all forms of FEMI t-E COMPLAINTS,
j Irregnlaiities and Weakness.
PALIMTATION and oilier firms of HEART IMS
j EASE, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all other Dis
| eases of Stomach and Rowels, Files, 4cr. dec.
tt-AII diseases of i iie E>e and Ear ; Neuralgia, Epi'.ep
-1 s\, and all forms of Nervous Itiseaai
;>,\o charge for consiiltalion.
jv --ly S 11. HARDMAN. M D.
H AVING received llie'auie agency of A F. Hazard &
Co., Wholesale Druggists, Philadelphia, for the sale
of this Rraudy in Miffnu county, we confidently offer il
lo Ihe pu'-lic as a pure and unadulterated article, as the
following certificates will prove:
Sixth st., Cincinnati, March. 185". 5
This v.'lll certify that I have this day inspected two
separate lots of Catawb t Brandy, one in barrels and one
in botiles, manufactured by l.aurit/e Lyons, and sold by
hts sole agent, J Jacob, at lh- Depot. No VU, opposite
ttie Hornet House, and ! 13 West Third street, Cincinnati,
and find them both PUBE and ntsr, from all poisonous or
deleterious drugs, and as such have marked the same as
the law directs. Given under my hand at my office
[Signed ] HIRAM COX, M L>.
Inspector of Alcoholic Liquors, ice.
NEW YORK, 93 Prince sr., July 28, 1857.
Dear Sir : —I have received a bottle of Lyons' Pure
Ohio Catawba Brandy, furnished by Mr. A Ralston, Jr.,
of Lockpnrt, N Y„ for analyzation, and I find il to con
tain only those ingredients which exist in PI HE BRANDY.
The proportion of alcohol obtained from it is 47.00. !
believe this sample to lie pure Brandy u it bout ailultcra-
I tion— the flavor of it isd-licate and peculiar.
[Signed ] Jis. It. CHILTOM, M D , Chemist.
The OHIO C'ATA WBA Hit AN DV not only equals but
j even ex. els Die best imported Brandies in purity and
flavor. It is in fact the BEST Brandy known. This
statement is fully corroborated by the lerlificates of
j many of our most distinguished analytical Ciiemisis.
j The want of pure Brandy has long been felt in thiscouii
; try, and the introduction of an article of such quality as
I to supersede the sale and use of those vile compounds
! hitherto sold under the name of Brandy, can only be re
garded as a great public good. The Catawba Brandy
i possesses ail the good qualities claimed for the best im
ported liquor, and is of perfect purity and superior flavor.
! It is therefore fully entitled lo the patronage of the pnu
j lie. We feel confident that its reception in this e-iate
! will he as favorable as that which il has met with in the
! Great West, and that the time is not far distant when
! the superiority of our own liquors w ill put an end to
; their importation from abroad.
For Medicinal purposes tins Brandy has no rival, and
• has long been needed. It is a sovereign and sore reme
dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Bpirits, Languor,
' General Debility, See.
| made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar
-1 antied to be the pure juice of the grape, mid are eini
| nently calculated fur invalids and persons who require u
i gentle stimulant, and for Sacramental purposes, or as a
| beverage will be found equal, if not superior, to the best
! imported.
ORelail Price for Brandy and Wines, % 1.25 per Quart
i Bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade.
Address CIIAS. RITZ, Lewistown, Pa.
February 18, 1858. eoflin
Ice Cream Saloons.
I WOULD re&pectfully inform the public
that I have fitted up two Ice Cream Sa
loons in superior style, for the accommodation
of ladies and gentlemen, whose patronage I
tuyl3 Intersection of Mill & Valley sts.
rpilE Masonic fraternity are herobv notified
j _L that James Richeson, David Chriswell,
R. A. Sanders, and George L. Cain, are no
longer members of Fidelity Lodge, No. 15,
A. Y. M., working under the Grand Lodge of
, Pennsylvania. J. L. GRIFFITH,
Secretary pro tem.
Lewistown, May 13, 1858. D & P
few bottles of BULL'S SARSAPARILLA
—the best article of the kind made—arc for
■ sale at Rite's at 75 cents per bottle to close
; the lot.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
ON and after Monday, May 10th, 1858,
trains leave Lewistown Station as follows:
Eastward Westwant.
Through Express, 535a. m. 551a. m
f ast Line, 942 p. rn. 730 p. in.
Mail Train, 330 p. in. 350 "
Through Freight, 535 p. m. 205 a. no.
Local " 5 35 " 7 30 41
Express Freight, 1 50 44 9 55 44
Fare to Harrisburg, $1 85; to Philadelphia,
5 00 ;to Altoona, 2 10; to Pittsburgh, 5 60.
he Ticket Ofiice will be open 20 min
utes before the arrival of each Passenger
Train. D. E. ROBESON, Agent.
Fashionable Dress Making,
MRS. L. I. BAIR, (from Baltimore,) Main
street, next door to Town Hall, will at
tend to Dressmaking on an entire new and
improved system. Ladies in town aud coun
try are invited to give her a trial.
Lewistown, April 29, 1858-3 m
A LARGE LOI Of BOOKS, comprising
_ZJL the lute Circulating Library, are offered
lor sale low in one lot. If not shortly dispos
sed of in this mode, they will be divided in
to two classes and distributed—the bound
books at 25 and paper covers 12$ cents per
partnership heretofore existing under
the firm of McCoy & Ellitf, in the Produce
and Mercantile business, is dissolved by the
death ot 1 raucis McCoy, the senior partner
of said firm. " R. F. ELLIS,
Surviving Partner.
NESS will be continued at the old stand by
the undersigned, who will endeavor to give i
every satisfaction to the former customers of
the late firm. R. F, ELLIS,
Lewistown, May 6, 1858.
Estate of Francis McCoy, deceased.
NO ! ICE is hereby given that letters testa
nientary on theeetatoof FRANCIS Me
<-OY, late of the borough of Lewistown, Mif
fnu county, deceased, have been granted to
the undersigned, residing in said borough.
All persons indebted to .-aid estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement.
11. F. ELLIS, l
C. S. MeCOY, y Executors.
Lewistown, May 0, 1858.
1' OR WARDING ot GRAIN will be continued
by the Executors until further notice.
[ Belletonte papers copy to amount of J 1.50
ea :h and charge this office.]
Estate of David ('oplin, deceased.
~V" OTICE is hereby given that ietters testa
jji mentary on the estate of DAVID COP
LIN, late of Wayne township, Mifflin county,
deceased, have been granted t. the under
signed, residing in said town-hip. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. JOHN T. CALDWELL,
myO Executor.
mum mm.
nOUSES AND LOTS in Town and vicin
ity, and Farms and Wild Lands dispos
ed of for a reasonable compensation.
Information given respecting Unseated
Lands, and Taxes paid if authorized by the
GEN. It. C. II A I.E. PETER DUMA, Philadelphia.
JOHN A. WRIGHT, Freedom Iron Works, Mif
flin county.
Maj. DAVID HOUGH, PhilipsLurg, Centre co.
I large BRICK HOUSE k 2 small FRAME
11 (ICSES on the lot at the corner of Grand
and West Market streets, Lewistown.
SES AS D LOTS , on llale street.
1 FRAME HOUSE on the corner of Main
and Charles street.
I BRICK HOUSE, near the residence of
Judge Parker.
ALSO, a II OOD LOT on the South side of
the Juniata River, about 14 miles from
Lewi-town, containing about 50 acres, well
watered, adjoining the Pennsylvania Rail
road, with a two story Frame House on it
—not occupied. Inquire of
Justice of the Peace,
OFFICE West Market street, Lewistow n, next
door to Irwin's grocery. ap29
Central Pennsylvania Wholesale ami Retail
Cigar Manufactory
One door west of the l'ost Office,
Lewistown, Fa.
"\\7" HERE may be found the best, largest
T T and cheapest assortment of Smoking
and Chewing Tobacco and Cigars in this part
of the State.
The pure Old Virginia Diadem Twist
Atkin's genuine Smyrna Fig 44
Goodwin's Fine Cut, in tin foil
Anderson's best Honey Dew, fine cut
Bidgood'a Juicy Fig Pounds
Competitor Pounds
Peclin's Original Honey Dew, half pounds
James Thompson's Celebrated Eldorado
Spun Tobacco—Childrey's Congress Fives
Perm's Congress Fives, §2B per 100 weight
Oscar's Congress Tens, 27 44 4V -
Epp's 44 Fives, 25 44 "
Esmcraldo Regalia Baltimores
La Real Estrellas
Gift Opera Tulipans $5.50 per m.
Concha Opera Fancy Fortunas
Eagle Principe 44 Laguagra
Justo Sanz do 44 Concha
La Napoleans linperiadora
Alcmanas Exuis
Tirabeque Omer Pasclia
Wasbingtons Half Spanish
Virginias $6 per nr. &c &c &c
Which I can sell at from $3.50 to $2O per
thousand. myG E. FRYSINGEIt.
rpAKEN in exchange for Salt and Fish at
I right prices.
ap!s F. J. HOFFMAN.
At the Lewistown Steam Mill,
On hand, f>r sale,
FLOUR, by the htm drcd or bar) el,
Jjfsgf-A large quantity of Coal, Salt, Plas
ter, &e. for sale low for cash.
Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1857.
Circular to the Sick.
rillin firs! hospital surgeons and medical publicists of
-C Europe admit the unparalleled anil inflammatory and
healing properties of this Ointment; governments sane
lion its use in ilieir naval and military services ; and the
masses in this country and throughout the world repose
the utmost confidence in its curative properties. It pen
it rates tlie sources of inflammation and corruption inch
underlie the external evidence* of disease, and neutral
ize the liery elements which feeu and exasperate the
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipelas.
These are among the most terrible and agonizing di
seases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the skin ; yet
in tlteir worst forms, and when seeming!} incurable, they ,
invariably disappear under a persevering application of
litsoothing, healing antidote to pain and inflammation
halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Still' Joints.
In cases of Salt Rheum, where medical waters, lotions,
and every recipe of the pharmacopeia have proved use
less, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure. Fe
ver Sores heal quickly under its influence, ami its relax
ing effect upon contracted sinews is truly wonderful.
Discharging liters.
A most remarkable and hsppy change is produced in
the ap|>earanee of malignant ulcers after a few applies
tions of litis Ointment. The surrounding redness van
ishes, and granules of healthy flesh begin to take the
place of the discharged matter. This irocess goes on
more or less rapidly until lite orifice is filled up with sound
material, and tiie ulcer radically cured.
.4 Word (0 Mothers.
The young are most frequent sufferers from external
injuries, and therefore every mother should have this
healing preparation constantly at hand, it is an absolute
specific fur sore breasts, and qui. kly removes the encrus
ted sores wliiclt sometimes disfigure the heads and faces
of children.
Significant Facts.
This Ointment is universally used on hoard the Allan
tic and Pacific w haling fleet as a cure for scorbutic alfec
tions, and as the best possible remedy for wounds and
bruises. I.arge supplies of it have recently been ordered
by the Solum of Turkey for hospital purposes
Both the Ointment aud Pills should be used in
the following Cases:
Bunions l.umbago Core l.egs Scalds
Burns Mercurial Er-Sore Breasts Hwel'd Glands
Chapp't! hands uptions Sore Heads Stiff Joints
Chilblains Piles Sore Throats lilcers
Fistulas Rheumatism Sores of uli Venerealsores
Gout Salt Rheum kinds Wounds of all
Skin Di-eaatsSprains kinds
J-CAFTION I— None are genuine unless the words
"//il'nirnn, .\"ew York anil t.vndoo." are discernible as a
irater mark in every leaf of the book of directions around
P.l < b Put or box; ir.a same may be plainly seen by holding
the leaf to the liolit. A handsome reward will he given
to any one rendering such information as may lead to
the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the
medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spu
♦ .♦s.ild at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOW AY,
SO Maiden I.ane, .New Vork.andbr all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United
States, and the civilized world, in Pols, at 25 cents, 62}
cents, and <SI each
try-There is a considerable saving by taking the large
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every
disorder ate affixed to each Pot. augfi
; The Omiii.VAL .Meimpixk F.*ta?:i.j*bkd IS 1*37,
j And first article of the kind ever introduced under the
i ants of " Fri.Mojiic WlHths," in this or any other
country ; all other I'ulinon.c Wafers are counterfeits.
The genuine can be known by the name JJKY AN being
stamped on cacti WAFEK.
Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore-throat, Hoarseness.
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.
Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Cbeet
Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Disoasea
Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonaila
Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes.
Are a blessing to all classes aud constitutions,
Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
haprcve the compass and flexibility of the Voioa
Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste.
Not only relieve, but effect rapid A lasting Cur da
Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ona
No Family should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pnlmonic Wafers
No Traveler should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
No Dealer should be without a supply of
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
No person will ever object to give for
Bryan's Pnlmonic Wafers
JOB JMOSJCS, Late I.C. Baldwin Jtco., Rochester, \ Y
For sale by Charles Ritz, Dr. Stoneroad at
the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt &
Co., Lewistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
Six Cents Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the
29th April, an indentured apprentice to
the Tailoring Business named ABRAHAM
CASH. He is of small stature, boyish look,
and has good clothing. The above reward,
but no other charges, will be paid for his ap
prehension and return to me. All persons
are hereby forbid, at the peril of the law,
from harboring, aiding or abetting said ap
prentice, as I will not be responsible for any
debts he may contract.
Lewistown, May 6, 1858—3t.
Celebrated Female Fill*.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.
D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
. onstitutiou is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all olie tract ions, and a speedy cure may be relied on.
It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits
These Pills should not be taken by females during tke
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they ore
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Tain in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, l'alpi'a
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pi'.ls will
effect a cure when all other means have failed, and
although a powerful remedy, do not - r.'ain iron, calomel
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the- constitution.
Full directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
t JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin & C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent will insure a bottle of the Pills by return
For sale br
Charles Ititz Dr. at
the Bee Hive drug; store, and F. A. Hardt&
Co., Lewistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. scp3
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. Of
fice three doors west of Zollinger's hat store,
East Market street. inli2s-6in
New York Advertisements,
1858. FROM 1858.
360 Broadway, X. ¥.,
Ait vitt3 the special attention of all Agents—Dealers—
and Fenders general! y to the following fresh and valua
ble Advertise meats from New York City.
A .fuurnal of Civilization,
Employs the Best Talent In the World !
I copy for 20 weeks, SI on j 5 copies for 1 year, 00
I " "1 year, 250j 12 " '• " 20 00
1 " "2 u -I 10 j25 " " " 40 00
Harpers '* Weekly" and " Magazine, one year, $1 Ofi.
Postmasters sending a club of twelve or twenty dve ;
will receive a copy gratis.
Subscriptions may commence with any number.
Specimen numbers gratuitously supplied
Back numbers can be furnished to any extent
Clergymen and Teachers supplied at lowest Club Rules-
HARPER &. BROTHERS, Publishers,
mhtl-3ui. Franklin Square, New York.
Published this Dun, Feb. oth, Iklb.
450 Pages, Cloth, Gill Back. Price AH
rpill.s is the title* of one of the most intensely interest
L inz biographies of the day. It is the plain history of
HI Aaterican slave in the tar South, who, after two or
three escapes and recaptures, finally, an old man, found
freedom and rest in one of the Northern .States.
What the say.
The story is told with great simplicity, I ■ with much
power and pathos. Whoever lakes it v- ; : it difficult
to lay it down until it is finished.— A'ativnat Era, Wash
ington, I). (.'.
A narrative of real experience like the above, will bars
far more effect against slavery than the ingeniously
1 wrought novel, however true to life its ph lures may be,
—Jim. Sap'ist.
Mere is a book of farts, stranger than fiction, and a
thousand fold more thrilling; a simple fate of life-long
oppression, revealing truly tne workings of the "(•eciit.ar
institution" in our country. To the story-loving we
would say, here is a story worth reading.— Mission Rec
In each county in the free States, to engage in the sale
of the above work immediately. Such can easily clear
The work is beautifully primed and bound, and is as
large as the books that set! for |ri 25 ; but as we mean to ■
sell at least ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES, through
agents, we have made the retail price only ONE DOL
A SAMPLE COPY of the book will be sent by tnaii,
j postage paid, on receipt of the price, and our private cir
' cular to Agents, with terms, etc. Address
II DAYTON, Publisher,
mhll-3tti. No. 29 Ann street, New York
Within a util shell all the un-rils lie.
Of Crisladoro's never equalled Dye ;
| Ited it makes black, to brown conforms a gter,
And keeps the fibres always from decay.
This matchless revitalizing Hair Dye still holds Us po
| silion as the most harmless and efficacious Hair Dye in •
, the World. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,
1 and applied in ten private rooms, at CRISTADORCS,
i No. 6, Astor House, Broadway, and by all Druggists and
Perfumers in the United States.
AGENT - Geo I! KUVSEK, Pittsburgh, Pa
i nihil-3m.
i \X7E subjoin a few names of those who recommend
' ''Mrs. S. Ji. .ill n's World's Hair Restorer and Zylo
. balsamum. Prest. Eaton, of Union University: " The
I falling of hair ceased, and my grey locks charted origi
i nal color." Rev. C A. Buckbee, Trcas. Ac Bible Uni
• on, N. V.: " I cheerfully add tny testimony " Kev. 11..
V. Degeu, Ed. "Guide to Holiness," Boston : "We can
testify to its effects." Rev E. R. Fairrhild, Cor. Sec.
Ch'n Union, N. Y.: "Used in my family with beneficial
1 effects." Rev. A Webster, " Ch'n Era," Boston
"Since using your preparations, I am neithet bald or
grey as heretofore." Rev. Jas. 11. Cornell, Cor. Sec.,
etc., N. Y. : " >1 has restored the hair of one of my fam
ily to its original color, and stopped its falling out," etc.
We can quote from numerous others of like standing to
Europe ami America, but for further information, send
for a circular to MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S
World's Hair Restorer Eipot,
No. 355 Broome street, N. Y
mhll-3m. tb-ScI.D F. PERTH HERE.
Coughs, Chronic Rheumatism,
Debility, and all Diseases '.rising from a Scrofulous or
impoverished state of the blood-
Genuine Cod-Liver Oil,
HAS stood the test or over ten years experience, and is
recommended by nil the most eminent physicians as
' the most valuable remedy in use. Dr. Williams, the cel
ebrated Physician of the Cuasuuiptlon Hospital,
took notes of its edicts )u about 500 cases, and found it
more efficacious than all retnadivs yet discovered. This
remedy, so valuable rrAcjt pure, betmates worthless or
injurious when adulterated. See that the label has the
eagle and mortar, and the signature over the cork of
each bottle, as thousands have been cured by the use of'
the genuine article who had used other- without success
Bold by all Druggists HERFM N Ac CO