AS!/" '— j- —Neatest DISCO VERY r*M, di „ o „ red army. I>H# ARD i. 0 £ pasture weeds a galloped H not P jtlsy that cures were brougi at Oi HuillOl* ___ , „ i-L,V so f,ff,|a down to a common Pimple. Was On hfJg I tJ ver „ on ca( , ef ,, ai , (i never failed rx added tKt nO va * (both thunder humor.) He has * , ithn over ttvo hundred ceillficates of panting f^rottJ n^tWFn jy m j| epo f Boston, heard Sacb • * warranted to cure a nursing Sore ; thunder f rirtf qtlesxv ill core the worst kind of Plmplex an hundl 2 Wbottlea will clean the system of Biles. warranted to cure the worst Canker j Jf" . and Stomach. A' ©ve bottles are warranted torure the worst j tiotties are warranted to cure all Humor in j ridti/j hat >m g _ Amies are warranted lo cure Running of the Blotches amnn ? ,ho "air. six bottles arc warranted to cure corrupt and Je M I'lcers. "t.> V" "Utle will cure Scaly Eruption of the Skin A —i., to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst pOfb Io to three bottles are warranted to cure the most v;ijj'.Jur rate case of Rheumatism. • ce lo four bottles arc x\ arranted to cure the Salt J a or Wftni. to eight bottle* w ill cure the worst case of Scrof tut. < benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, V *2*a perfect cure is warranted when the above quarili §&£.■„. I peddled over a thousand imltiesofthis in the 1 pZnity of Boston. 1 know the effect of it in every ease. irol, o sure as water will extinguish fire,ensure will this •Sit > humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that sold an pi after a ttisl it always speaks for itself. There .1 ■'•IOC, t two things 3bout this herb that appears lo me sur : ■ ' iing ; first that it grows in onr pastures, in some pla - quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been JX> a * Iwn until I discovered it in !SU>—second, l hat it should 110 qe all kinds of humor. hl> order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great .. • mlarity of the discovery, I will state that in April, •St , '3, 1 peddled it and sold about six iottles per day— in I pAS -'brll, 1854, Isold over one thousand bottles per day of it .1 one of the wholesale Druggists who have been in 9* I'Siess twenty and thirty years, say ihat nothing in the *- annalsof patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from ail quarters In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors —but since its introduction asa general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. rteverat raos of epileptic 1it.,—.1 ilirease xx hi' li XV;.m always considered incurable, have been cured by a fexv bottles. O. what a mer.y if it will prove effectual in all rises of that awful malady —there are few who have .nr. more of it than 1 have. I knoxv of ?everal rases of Dropsy, ail of them aged people,cnreJ by it. For the various disenfesof the I.iv er. Sick Head iche. Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side. Disease" of the Spine, and particularly ; in disease- if the Kt lneys, &c .lite discovery has done . more good than *ny medicine ever known. Nochmeeofj'.iet exer necessary—eat Htr be-i \ou £et and plenty of it. DIRECTIONS FOR Use. —Adults one table spoonful ppr day—Children ..ver 10 x ears, dessert spoonful—Children from sto 8 years, tea-spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient cooperate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by I)O\ALD KIvWKIH, .Yo 120 Ifarren St., Rnzbury, Matt. PRICE Si,oo Wholesale Agents. Xew York City, C. V, Cllckner,Bl Barclay street; (7 If. Kins. 192 Broadway; Kusbton and Clark,27s Broadxvay; A. B k D.Sands. I' OFnltonstreet. T. W DYOTT &. SOXS, Philadelphia, wholesale i Aeents for Pa. For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and Mrs MARY MARKS, Lexvistoivn. and by B. F. KEPNER, Miffiintown. [je4-ly. I HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. "PilE testimony of Prof. Booth and Dr Brinckle having A previously been published, the following >9 now td ied: From Prof. MCCLOSKEV, formerly Professor of I henry ari.l Practice of Medicine in ihe Female Medical College of Pennsx Ivama, and late Professor of Burcery in the American Collece o! Medicine, Sir. PltrLxntLFHU, Nov 27th, 1650. Mr. Joseph E. Hoover:—A trial of your Liquid Hair ) Dye w ill convince the most skeptical that it is a safe, e!e- : vant and efficacious preparation, tinlike many others, j It his in several instances proved 9erviceable in th.- cure -f some cutaneous eruptions on the head, and 1 have no I hesitation in commending it to those requiring such an j application. Very respectfully. J F. X McfLntttcv, M. D., 475 Race st. above 13th. lIOVER'B WRITINf! INKS, including Hover's Wrt ting Fluid and Hover's Indelible Inks, still maintain thetr high character which has always distinguished them, and the extensive demand first created has continued uninter rupted until the present. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 4ifi Race street above Fourth, (old Xo. 114.) Philadelphia, xvjll re ceive prompt attention by JOaEPH B. IIOVER. dec!" Manfactarer. ' IHE FARMER'S ((ilk STOVE iT THE STOI'E UAREHOtSE OF F, G. Franciscus, Lewistown. 300 STOVES FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH. Farmers antl others buining wood can find one of the best wood Cooking Stoves used. this excellent Stove is made heavy for use, I takes a stick of wood 28 inches lonz, has a verx large fire place and oven, bakes well, and go't i up in good style. Will warrant it to do its xvork well, and give good satisfaction. It , comes much lower in price than stoves of this kind generally. sepl7 PEARL r- it el Ivory handle Fable and Dessert Knives, for sale by FII.I.YCIS('US I)ILLS for Frame Sniff filled at short J notice, of good quality, and at low rate*. ! "'S'3 FHANCISCL'B. I ( || | DOORS, for inside and outside, Roo:n and Front Doors, assorted size, and qualities, from *1.50 to $2 each FRANCISLI'S. J 50,000 Joint Shingled, 40,000 best 24 . Inch Lap Shingles on hand and for sale by NU * l3 FRANCISCUS. 150,000 Plastering Lath, 3, 34, 4 & 44 _L feet long, and the best iu the market, for sale by AU B I3 FRANCISCUS. GJ.AS BURNERS! GAS BURNERS!— a Ihe most economical coal burning Room or P.irlor Stoxe ever introduced; made altogether of wrought iron, no other metal ben,* used in their manufacture at all, and will eave at least 50 per cent more of coal titan any stove used On hand and for sale by se P li7 FRANCISCUS. PATENT KNIFE CLEANERS One of the greatest lab< jr savin- machines ever in vented. Every housekeeper should have one also Apple Parerr, Bread Toasters, Preserving Kettles brass' copper, porcelain, tinned, Ac For sate hv eptl7 FRANCISCUS. rpUE~NE PLUS UL'I'RA of cook JL stoves is the Noble Cook—the most perfect now- in use. Everyone wanting the BRST cooking stove, are re spectfully invited to call and examine this bakef, baking bread equal to a brick oven. This excellent stove is warranted iu every rr-spect. Fur sale by sept 17 FRANCISCUS. CIOAL BUCKETS, several patterns, / Pokers. Fhov-ls, Sifters l Hastings for all ordinary stoves, Tin and Iron l ea Kettles, Tin and O' -...e. |),,:totu Wash Boilers, Stove Boileis, Griddles, Long Pans, Bake Pans, it. c. In fact, all kinds of trimmings and fixtures for stoves can be had at the establishment of sep'l7 FRANCISCUS. nam-I- III) .mil iiiniirajw. Dyspepsy, Indigestion, Dyspepsy. A MORBID sensibility of the stomach and bowels, at tended with obvious disorder of the digestive organs, Dyspepsy and its attendant ills, such as Nausea, Headache, Bilions Vomiting, Vertigo, Dimness of Fight, Burning sensation at the pit Debility of Nervous System, of the stomach, Hypochondria, Jaundice, I.iver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Oppression after eating. Wasting of the strength, Palpitation of the heart, Flatulence, with frequent Pain In the pit of the stono belching of wind, nch, or towards tight side, Vitiated taste, tkallowness of complexion, Constipation & uneasiness Depression of spirits and of the Bowels, irritability of temper, &r. Have in many defied the skill, heretofore, of the best medical practitioners in the world, and many cases have been ■•handoned as incurable. Dr. J. WILLIAMS, Chemist and Pharmaceutist, after studying closely the practices of Urs. Abernethy and J. Johnston, England, and observing the nature of the iis ease in all its stages, during a sojourn iu the southern and western portions of the United States, where it pre vails to a greater extent than elsewhere, procured from South America certain roots and herbs from which lie prepared an "Elixir," which, after eighteen year*' use in private practice, has proved itself more efficacious in the cure of Dyspepsy than any medicine that has eVer been prepared in any age or clime for the same purpose. Having submitted it, xvitli an exi lunation of its compo. netils, to a number of physicians of Philadelphia, among whom were the late Drs Joseph Hartshorne and J. (! Morion, it lias received their entire approval, and many of the medical faculty re now not only prescribing it for their , .tients but are using it themselves, personally and in their families. a tonic it is unequalled, and its properties are of so invigorating a nature that it is given with perfect safety and SIICI e-s totbe most tender infants. The Elixir is very gradual, but certain in ils action upon the organs of digestion, the increased secretions of the liver, pancreas and mucous membranes of the stomach, and requires llint on!) one dose be taken in twent) four hours; for confirmed Dyspepsy i an only be cured by grad ually restoring the organs of digestion lo a healthy state. The great success met with in curing the most aggravated rases of Dyspepsy, accompanied sometimes with a high grade of hypochondriasis, has established the most un bounded confidence in the curative properties of this Elixir, in corroboration of \\ Inch read the following testi monials : ATTESTATION —We, having used Williams' Anti Dys peptic Elixir with the most perfect satisfaction and suc cess, lake great pleasure in recommending it to all per sons suffering with Dyspepsy, as we are folly convinced of its mou estimable qualities in restoring the digestive powers, removing ail pains and iiiic.Tsiue.-s, and impart ing a healthy tone to the stomach. John U. Penrose, 34 South Wharves; Casper Morris, Taccny ; Thomas Allibone, President of Bank of Penn sylvania ; Aimer Elines, Market street, above Sixth ; Ed ward 11. Rowley, No 14 North Wharves; Michael Dunn, Superintendent Merchants' Exchange ; Hannah Styles, Frankford Road ; Hannah Webli,2B Filbr ri street; H \. Sjerry, No 12 Ed ward street; I, •wrenc; \ev. hold. No. 39t"> Chestnut street, Philadelphia; Win. Vard, No. tiCity Row; Rudolph L'Arni, No. *207 Broadway; 11. X. Wi nans. No 91 Water street,-New York. Titclistnf names could he e.xten-'e ! to almost any length, but tiie foieg oug is deemed sufficient Trrtimony af 11 .V Sperrp, teho teas abaitJuU'J an incur able and given up t" dir. Dr. J. Williams—lKir Sir—For fifteen years previous to 1854, 1 suffered so much from dyspepsy that I became completely prostrated Imth in mind and body, and at length became so weakened 1 could not attend to my busi ness, and was sinking into a decline, ami it was believed I never could recover The best medical aid xx as procured for me, and every m-ans resorted to without any relief, tiii I xx as advised to use your Elixir, and from the lime 1 began taking it I gradually improved till 1 xvas completely restored to heath. The dreadful sufferings I endured from dyspepsy I cannot describe ; but i am confident that without the use of your F.tivir 1 should !>•• in mx grave. I assert that I solemnly believe your Elixir lias saved me from an early death. 1 continue now in the ej .yment of must excellent health. II N sSpkbbv, June 6th, 1857. No. 1101 N. Third st . Philadelphia. We, the undersigned, have known Mr 11. N. Sjierrv f >r several years and lake pleasure in stating that his as sertion can be perfect!) relied on, and tint we ourselves knnxv that he has been wonderfully restored to health from th brink of the grave, and we heliev*. as he asserts solely by the use of Dr Williams" Elixir. THOMAS J CitxNOLtn, N'o. 113 Phoenix street- Jons Eiijtnr, Rare street, above second. Personally appeared before me,(one of the Aldermen of the City of Philadelphia,) II X Sperry, xvho, being duly affirmed, doth depn-e and say, Ihat I lie facts set forth in ihe above certificate are (rue in every particular. Sworn and subscribed this fithdty of June, 1857. FiiSDBBtcK REEL, Aideruran. The Elixir is sold in bottles at V each, or six bottles for #5. Proprietor, JAMES WILLIAMS. M |> , Chemist and Ph iriiiareunst. No. 1 South Seventh street, Philadelphia. For sale by CHARI.F.S RITZ, I.ewistown. apS Grocery. Provision, Confection ery, and VARIETY STORE, At intersection of Valley, Mill, Dorcas antl Market streets, lately occupied by Mrs. W'ertz. f|IIIE undersigned having purchased the L entire stock of Mrs. Wertz, respectfully announces that he intends to make such ad ditions < f articles in general use as to be able to supply almost anything that may be called for by the old customers of the establishment and any number of new ones. Intending to keep on hand all the leading articles of mar keting, he solicits farmers and others having Butter. Eega, Lard, Tallow. Honey. Pota toes. Green or Dried tpples. Soap, Poultry, Kt. to give him a call, as the highest cash price will be paid the market can afford, or GT< - ceries, Salt. Fish, Confectioneries, Perfumery, fancy Articles, Hosiery for ladies and gen tlemen, Ladies' Collars, Combs, bracelets, Buckles, Belts, Cloves, Mits, &.c. furnished therefor at lowest cash prices. Cabinet & Undertaking Business. The manufacture of Furniture and Cabinet Ware generally, as well as the Undertaking Business, will not be relinquished on account of my engaging in the above business, but orders in either promptly attended to. My friends and the public generally are invited to call, examine my stock and prices iti both establishments, and, as heretofore, 1 shall endeavor to please them. ANTHONY FELIX. Lewistown, Nov. I'J, 1857. Fashionable Boot & Shoe Store. Encourage Home Industry ! P. P. LC CP, BOOT A\D SHOE HIM FAtTIRKR, Kespcctfully informs his friends the public that he still con i his establishment on the üblic Square, where he is prepared to man u fact ure at short notice a superior article of all kinde of Boots or Shoes, which he will ; sell cheaper tor Cash than ever before offered. He constantly keeps on haml, of his own manufacture, an assortment of the above ar ticles, which he will warrant not to be sur passed here or elsewhere for elegant style and durability; ako a large stock of Eastern work, which will be sold at reduced prices. , Orders promptly attended to. All kinds of repairing executed on the shortest notice. Liwistown, March 25, 185 H. Wood Turning, Sawing, and Plaster Grinding. leased the old Stone An ri .. J glUe Lewi *t°wn Mills, is now prepared to execute to order all kinds of Saw rr—AuT , Ur r ln n S at rates. fCTAII kinds of Patterns and Jobbb.g gen | erally done to order. SCy GKOUND PLASTER at all times on hand. JAMES M. COUCH I Lewistown. April 1. 1858-lv TREASURER'S SALE OF Unseated Lands in Mifflin County, 1858. "IT .TIIEREAS, by an Act of General As i ff sembiy of the Commonwealth of Penn j sylvuni:), entitled "An Act, directing the ; mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and ! other purposes," passed the thirteenth day of I March, one thousand eight hundred and fif j teen, the treasurers in the different parts of | this Commonwealth are directed to commence j on the second Monday in June, A. 1). 1816, and at the expiration of every two years thereafter, and adjourn from day to day, if necessary so to do, and make public sale of | the whole or any parts of such tracts of Un i seated Lands in the proper county, as will | pay the arrearages of the taxes, any part of ; which shall have remained due and unpaid | for the space cf one year before, together : with all the costs necessarily accruing by j reason of such delinquency: Therefore I, j John B. SEi.iiKt.viEß, Treasurer of the county I of Mifflin, do hereby give notice that upon the following tracts of land, which are situ \ ate as hereinafter described, the several sums | as stated are due on each tract respectively ; for State and County tax, and that, in pursu- I ance of the aforesaid act of Assembly, 1 shall, at the Court House, in the Borough of Lcw i istown, in the county of Mifflin, on Monday, 14th day of June next, j commence the public sale of the whole or I any part of such tracts of the unseated lands j upon which all or any part of the taxes hero in specified shall there be due, and continue ; such sale by adjournment until all the lands upon which taxes remain due and unpaid are | sold. J. B. SELIIEIMEK, Treasurer of Mifflin county. Treasurer's Office, April 8, 1858. .Amount of Tarts due and unpaid on the folloirtng trart* of Unseated /Minds from and intiudius the year 1*1" up ' la the near IS.VS. ARMAGH TOWNSHIP. I Acres. Per. Warrantees or Owners. Taxes. 408 78 Luke 'Fid $0 48 400 60 John Boyle 11 15 400 60 William Tid II 15 . 400 60 Luke Sncidcr 11 15 400 60 Martin Triestcr 11 15 400 60 Henry Lebo 11 15 400 60 John Bell 1) 48 400 60 John Kile 12 65 < 400 GO John Barr 12 Go 400 60 Luke Barr 12 65 400 60 George Ulericb 18 00 400 00 George Row 18 00 400 60 Martin Row 18 09 : 400 60 Nicholas Ream . 18 09 400 60 William Gray 18 99 400 60 Peter Jones 15 82 , 400 00 Win. P. Brady 12 G5 j 400 CO John Mac key 12 65 400 60 Wm. Mac key 12 65 400 60 Peter Fakenor 11 15 400 60 John Brady 11 15 400 60 John Frick 11 15 400 60 John Allen 9 48 400 60 John Thomas 9 48 400 60 Jacob Thomas 10 12 400 60 Wm. Bon ham 10 12 400 60 John Mason 10 76 : 400 60 Robert Irvin 10 76 ; 397 64 Bernard Raser 9 48 299 103 James M'Clure 12 87 . 432 150 John Brown 12 68 I 100 Jacob Kepperling 5 38 4 44 Oliver I'. Smith 13 , 275 70 Adam (.'. Shaw 8 10 200 Alex. Stewart 6 32 50 154 John Crissman 1 62 ; 100 153 John Crissman 2 05 33 80 James Kobb 235 | 50 George \V. Filson 1 62 100 do do 4 84 75 do do 4 84 50 do do I 62 20 119 Moses A. Sample 40 59 107 Joseph Snook 1 02 438 135 Dauicl Zciglcr 4 00 429 45 John 11. Weekes 4 00 416 29 John R. Weekes 4 00 i 2-59 85 John R. Weekes 2 00 ! 403 6 Alex. Hunter 12 65 397 60 Charles floyt 11 15 40 Wm. Boyle 1 28 | 50 John l)idd I 12 250 Wm. Smith 8 10 j 250 John Craig 8 10 60 Thomas Castor 2 22 250 Kbenezer Bon ham 7 46 I 12 Mary 25 James Barr 81 37 80 Thomas Barr I 28 87 80 Adam Hollander 253 100 Albright Swiueford 3 17 112 SO Andrew Kennedy 3 17 1 125 John Kennedy 3 17 137 James Kennedy 4 84 150 dames Hapburn 4 84 162 80 John Cowdan 4 84 | 175 James Armstrong 4 84 187 80 Thomas Hamilton 4 84 200 Wm. Cook 6 34 212 80 Alex. McDonald 634 225 Michael Sigler 6 34 237 80 Isaac Richardson 6 34 250 Daniel Reese 6 34 20 Wm. Lang 64 262 80 Jacob Mouly 6 34 314 Samuel Milliken 8 10 j 305 Thomas Gregg 8 10 305 George McClelland 8 10 305 Malcomb Andrew 8 10 100 J. Sterrett fe E. W. Halo 3 17 BRATTON TOWNSHIP. 400 44 Jacob Widener 12 65 i 399 77 John Dawart 12 05 j 407 74 Wm. Dewart 12 65 400 153 Christian Getting 12 65 409 157 Jaincs Black 7 00 ! 394 103 John Byers 253 400 48 John Barron, 12 65 i 100 John Hansel 12 65 184 130 Philip Minehart 6 34 800 John Winn 11 20 390 George Mitchell, sr. 17 56 1 lot Tarman Thomas 70 BROWN TOWNSHIP. ! 407 54 Thomas Stokeley 12 65 407 54 John Hansel 12 65 . 107 54 Robert Stewart 12 65 j 407 54 James Burnside 12 65 ; 407 54 Matthew McClure 12 65 ! 407 54 John Stewart 12 65 400 9 Hugh Watson 12 65 400 9 Stephen Collins 12 65 \ 400 9 John Barron 12 65 400 9 Xacheus Collins 12 65 ] 400 9 John Culbertson 12 65 400 9 Wm. Harris 12 65 ; 400 9 Thus. 11. Stewart 12 65 425 80 George Rennels 13 43 425 80 James Knox 13 43 287 14 Thomas Nesbit 8 10 409 9 Robert Duncan 12 65 200 Wm. Brown G 34 300 Joseph Martin 9 48 400 John Brown 12 65 288 38 James Miller 9 48 403 126 Robert Sturgeon 12 65 388 101 Wm. Elliott 12 65 395 William Kidd 12 65 401 40 John Barkley 12 65 DERRY TOWNSHIP. 423 110 Wm. Gilraore 9 40 211 110 Patrick Blain 13 43 440 John Blain 13 43 103 80 Andrew Duff 3 17 431 80 James Butler 13 68 425 91 James McCormick 13 68 348 120 Wm. Reily 13 68 345 40 Philip McCrum 11 15 213 132 Henry Gross 9 48 100 148 John Alexander 4 84 il6B 32 John Alexander 6 34 ! 9G 9 Wm. Frampton 317 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. |6O 40 John Hammel 189 | 393 31 Conrad Robb 8 23 i 220 151 Abraham Hassinger 6 34 ] 98 80 Henry Sigler 3 81 - 110 80 John Sigler 3 81 j 138 John Sigler 5 43 i 100 9 John Grass 317 j 404 54 Henry Hassinger 12 65 j 300 John Logan 9 48 j 300 Mary Logan 9 48 | 349 John Harvey 9 48 368 Wm. Boyle 9 48 356 Robert Duncan 9 48 j 213 Wm. Spencer 9 48 216 James Logan 9 48 i 212 George Logan 9 48 212 James Gilmore 9 48 i 215 133 Henry Gross 6 34 i 10 Stull Bernard's heirs I 40 i 140 John A. Wright 11 00 GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP. 181 120 John White 6 34 i 365 120 Hugh McCardle 11 15 ; 403 3 Thomas White 12 65 j 400 122 David Rutter 12 65 403 3 Jacob Witzer 12 65 4iio 129 Samuel Potts 12 05 400 129 Stephen Potts 12 65 100 129 David Potts 12 65 400 129 James Potts 12 65 I 400 129 Wra. Potts 12 65 238 58 Dorcas Buchanan 9 48 i 407 Jacob Barr 12 65 OLIVER TOW NSHIP. 107 80 Win. Butler 12 65 388 Robt. Paugh 12 65 412 40 Wm. Peacock 12 65 423 John McConnell 12 65 400 Thomas Anderson 12 05 400 8i Geo. Campbell 12 65 440 John Carry 13 93 207 W in. Woodward 12 65 1 150 seated James Kobb 49 68 ! 28 seated John Walters 13 70 350 seated Bcnj. Walters 178 87 WAYNE TOWNSHIP. 2'X) John Organ 6 34 408 50 Wm. Kinney 12 65 404 149 Samuel Tennis 12 65 413 85 John Christy 12 65 413 3 Win. C'reath 12 65 399 150 Benj. Kepner 12 G5 425 50 Thomas Nipple 12 65 400 48 Henry Shafer 12 05 402 15 Daniel Hurley 12 65 398 35 Wm. Cook 12 65 390 15 Frederick Lazarus 12 65 419 37 Joseph Taylor 12 65 382 161 Richard Tunis 12 65 400 48 John Wit to 1 12 65 • 400 48 James Smith 12 65 40U 48 James Roberts 12 65 405 126 Peter Debaven 12 65 : 400 48 Daniel Levy 12 65 400 48 Samuel Scott 12 65 400 48 Charles Bruce 12 65 400 1" R. Thorn burg or 1.. Crats 12 65 ALSO, ! Will be s,.ld at the same time and place the 1 following Lands, Lots V;. returned l>v CV>l iect. rs, as per A; t of Assembly of 1844: Own* r. Taxes. ARMAGH TOWNSHIP, j 50 acres seated John Duck 48 20 unseated Jaincs Robb 48 1 lot James Michael 50 50 actes John Deemer 2 00 2(H) part tract Samuel Matters 1 60 50 acres John McLane I 20 j 200 James Robb 40 100 John W. Shaw 80 1 lot John Cotiley 70 1 lot Henry Kenagy 2 00 1 lot Win. Wilkey 40 DERRY TOWNSHIP. 13 acres seated Jacob Bumbaugh's heirs 3 60 1 do James Hawthorn 1 99 400 unseated ll upper & Milliken 190 170 do ISO std. Joseph Milliken 14 11 1 seated John T. Stull 84 f do Henry Searer 1 55 4 do John Hricelin 1 39 1 do Samuel Cook 1 67 3A unseated Geo. P. Cooper 58 1 lot Robert Anderson'* heirs 4 40 \ lot Isaiah Coplin 2 40 1 lot Robert Daley 1 bO 4 acres Joseph 11 Ard 3 50 20 Jacob Bupp 2 10 2 Isaac Everhart 2 05 1 lot Ellis Hummel 25 j 1 lot Andrew Ryan 120 1 lot John P. Lowery 1 00 Yoder 16 10 30 seated Wm. Edmiston 3 95 9 do D W. Huling 1 35 GRANVILLE TOWNSHIP j 2740 acres O. P. Duncan 10 16 130 std. 40 unstd. James Parker 3 45 j 256 ac. seated James Lyan's heirs 523 50 " Margaret Smith 14 80 200 unseated Jesse Thomas 30 70 123 seated John Brock 8 64 50 " Dixon & Huling 48 100 " Theodore &C. Dickson 6 91 35 " 3000 imsd. A. B. Long 35 48 1 lot Tobias Moon's heirs 24 i lot Jos. M'Kimm's heirs 24 1 lot Jacob Shultz 2 93 617 acres unstd. John A. Wright 39 03 1 lot Samuel Molson 48 1 lot Abraham East 1 75 76 acres James Milliken, sr. 5 35 50 Huling & Dixon 1 05 House and lot Daniel Trant 2 30 do do Jas. Wood's heirs 70 2000 acres W. H. Irwin 16 50 BOROUGH OF LEWISTOWN. House & lot Charlotte Baker 1 88 do Wm. Cook 48 do Nancy Coffee 1 43 do David Chriswell 13 70 do Johu Cash 4 30 do John Fletcher 4 36 do Cain Kennedy 1 91 do Samuel Kelley 5 18 do Samuel M'Graw 3 55 do Richard Barns 2 33 do Charles Robinson 1 19 do George Stratter 71 do Isaac Hains 2 51 do James Brothers' heirs 13 10 do H. N. Burrows 9 88 do Richard Coplaud 95 do Silas Glasgow 3 09 do Samuel Hughes 1 67 do Thomas Jefferson 5 46 do Robert Miloy's heirs 143 do Robert M'Neal 8 03 do John Major 2 01 do David M'Clure 4 28 Go Robert Patterson 17 98 do Robert Vanlacht 1 43 do Corne-ius Waldron 13 13 do Ellis Griffith 3 20 Go Paul Gibbonty 3 00 do Alfred Keiser 3 40 do Daniel Link 3 20 do Wm. Lilley 4 00 do John Montgomery 3 GO lo David Roach 5 10 j do Wm Cookes 4 30 do Joseph Mathews 3 50 | do Wm. Montgomery 455 j do Jacob Mowerer 15 05 do Henry Snyder 9 10 j do Henry Stoner's heirs 640 : do Thomas E. Shull 17 15 do J. C. Wilson 4 29 i do George Davis 50 j do James Martin 4 20 do Wm. Palmer 1 75 | do Wm. Sterett 11 20 ( do Dustin Spauhiing 4 20 do Elizabeth Spauiding 1 40 do Charles Shell 4 20 do Wm. Tazwelt 1 05 do Eliza McDowell 3 15 do S. S. Woods 4 45 do Thomas Lowe 1 40 do Charles Stratford 3 85 j do Mary Ann Atkins 2 40 MENNO TOWNSHIP. 120 acres Christ. King's heirs 2 98 20 John Headings 15 i 140 George Geedy 1 85 ; 13 Robt. McClelland'? heirs 25 BOROUGH OF McVEYTOWN. | House and lot Dorcas Stackpole 214 j do do lames Stackpole 1 07 j 2 acres J. C. Montgomery 2 07 I House and lot Wm. D. Davis 9 5G do do Samuel Freedman 36 do do John Bogle G 83 1 do do Foster's heirs 181 do and 3 lots Wm. S. Wooden 4 59 House and lot John Price, jr. 2 14 do do Dr. J. C. Reynolds 99 do do James Carmichae! 2 80 j do do Isaac Correll 747 do do Cyrus Chris well 1 4(> I 7J acres S. S. Woods 7 40 ! j House and lot Samuel Felix 70 i do do H. N. Burrows 1 40 1 do do A & Lydia Brown 55 OLIVER TOWNSHIP, j 150 acres James Robb 23 20 ! 18 John Wallers 4 53 ; 300 Benjamin Walters 42 41 G Samuel Woods 2 So 1 lot dock Ralph Bogle 355 , 50 acres Mary Commcr 80 21 George Foster 2 22 ; 223 mountain Samuel Furgason 1 87 1 4 acres Catharine Callahan 96 , 1 lot Thomas Tarman 126 4 Joseph A. Bell 1 40 j 30 M. Chriswell & Co. 5 03 ! 400 George Hoffman, sr. 2 31 1 1 lot John Humes 55 ! ; 5"0 ac. seated I) W. Haling 10 08 : WAYNE TOWNSHIP. 80 acres Jas. M'Kinstry's heirs 2 38 G7 Enoch Reese 8 14 1 900 Shancbargcr 2 83 I GO Charles True 1 J7 | 4f> ifjchard Montgomery 4 00 ; 6 Thomas Baird 55 200 I'lniip Castor's heirs 1 40 I 5 Joel Book water 8 80 150 H. N. Burrows 7 80 ' 40 Win. Humphrey -1 -jy j 37 Frederick Kilt 2 05 , G9 Joseph Robinson 1 50 J 42 Daac Smith 290 | 1-50 John Holderman G5 75 HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. j A ftmtroltnt /ustitu'ion, established by special en.' vmrnt for lie relief of the sick and elittretted, affirted wi/A f'eretUnt ami Kpidrmir Disentte. ®FO all (wrsnns '.tHiiltJ with --.xnl i!i- ar. .ikli .- A Sp<-ru)atof riio-i, Scmtnil \V-ski-es, impotente, G,ii ortl. II ! A bum-, icc. ke.. The Howard A asocial ion. in viw of the an fi,l ,|.'-irnc lion -t ih-ir I name, to open a I>if>;ienary ("T Hie treatment of lliir 11 i.-i; 111 di-ea-o in atl their fitrniti, atul to give Mr-rii, at Advire fiRATIS. to all who apply by letter, wi It a de scription of llt'-ir noolilioii, (age, occupation, habits ol ! life, ace.) a lid in.rases of extreme poverty to f irnish ' Medium s Free of Charge. It is needlr ss to add that it. Asortalion command* tlie highest me,lie.l skill of ihi j age. and w ill furnish th- most approved modern treat ; ment The D.r,etnt, on a r* view of the past, feel as- I sored that their labors in this sphere of benevolent rif.,rl • true heen of great Item-til tottl* atflwle,J, eprctall) to : the young, and thev have resolved In d Vol.- themselves I with renewed 7.i.-a! to line very important but much de ! spised cause. Jast published I,V the Association, aHi port on Sper j malnrrhm, or Seminal Weakness, the virc of Onanism. Masturbation ot .-"elf Abuse, and other Diseases of the -filial Organs, by the Uonsultiiig Surgeon, which wilt be j s*nt by mail (in a sealed letier envelci|-) Fiee ot Charge, j on receipt of Two Stamps for postage. Addrt ss. for Re. I (Kin or treatment, lr. GEORGE R CAl.llOl'?r,Coiisult j tug Surrenn Howard Association, \n 2 South Ninth i Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rv order of Itie Director*. E7.R.V D HEARTWEI.I., President , GEo Famcttit.D, Secretary dec-3 The Greatest Improvement of the Age! IYOUNGAMERICA CORN SHELLER j The. most Complete, Simplest, <(• Cheapest Cornshel/er in the World! J. P. Smith's Patent, Yovcmtier 25, 1556. The farmers of Mifflin county and vicinity are most respectfully informed that arrange j ments have been made for the manufacturing of this celebrated machine at Lewistown, and that they will be offered for sale at the store of F. G. FRANCISCUS. All persons are requested to call and see them operate. County Rights in the State of Pennsylvania for sale by the subscriber, to whom ail letters respecting the same may be addressed. LEWIS KURTZ, jan2t-ly Aaronsburg, Centre Co., Pa. H(A ER'S INKS.—Black, Blue and lied Ink, manufactured by Joseph E. Hover, ! Philadelphia, in inkstand bottles, at 3, 6, 10 and 12 cents per bottle. For sale at the book store of ELIZABETH COGLEY, jan7 North Corner of Diamond. Ready-made Clothing i will sell at Philadelphia prices. Now ▼ f is the time to pull off your olef clothing | and buy new at the cheap store of jan7 KENNEDY, JUXKIN & Ca_ SOLE LEATHER," Calf Skins, Pink I.ining do., Upper Leather, Kipp do., Madras and Tatnpico Morocco, with all kinds of French Km SkA I Findings. &.C. fcr gale at lowest rates by sept 17 FRANCISCUS. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES!— All kinds of Parlor, Room, Bar, Hall and Cook . Blows, on hand and for sale at reduced prices by aug'Sl FHA.VCISCI'S j 4}00,000 ft. Dry and Green 1 in. Boards, j W from 91 25 to #3 00 per 100 feet, for sale by 1 au*tJ FRANCISCUS. aflrttuiturnUcT* ROTATION!* 1. Lath crop exhausts of the soil elements. Continuing the *** many years consumes these e1,., *** h soil will not produce that crop other crop consumes another J ments, and will flourish when th * f *- not grow. ,n( 'first,! 2. Each plant while growing A certain matters which are nmY- *'< the growth of successive crops plant. Plants in this reynecUrr like animals which always avoij excrements. Now, other j,] lllt these matters. Hence a roiaii,',,,'"' 1 table because one crup iuavlak lr 5 l another crop throws off. ' i'* 1 * 3. Certain crops have certain prey on them. The cultivation of tL^ crop for many years favors the tion of these insects. ('han-'e tlw you diminish or destrov them ' 4. Various crops furnish different of manures, which arc found proli,. J? a farm. lie who wants his V',r,i find a rotation the simplest and e.'; to secure it. ' A rotation in crops results in 1 1 •- 'Utl ?TLIM social advantages. Among the* .""r following: —A community which J a good rotation will he more i n dJ!? of foreign supplies. It will pas W a season of scarcity with less suffering farmer, will be more iMdSpw,' their experience will be more varied h prosperity, too, will * not depend on the ups and downsc'f, J2 crop. — Ohio F'tnnir. fHteceUcUuou#. DICK DAILY'S SPEECH Feller Citizens and Houses: TE,. day for the poperlation of this jwj like a hob-chicken on a rickety henm to be look in' up. A crisis luveani and something's bust! War are w { <„ Here I is and I'd stand here and extiim from now till the day! j you'd ho- tp lor Daily. Feller Citizens—Philadelphia'- and we hain't got any pitch, Oorhjja bolical .Hill majestic canal of crcatiosL unshipped her rudder, and the eapaai broke his neck, and the cook's divdont the depths of the vasty deep in dimunsOur wigWaiWs torn to pta like a shirt on a brush fence, and eitisj of these ore lattitudes is vanL-hice iai blue flame. Arc such tilings to U-did' I ask you in the name of the Aaia Eagle, who was whipporl bv the fhwi headed lion, and now sets mi the uiasnai telegraph, if such doings arc goinsblj conglomerated? f repeat to yuu, in -j name of the peacock of lubertv, whenLc flown over the cloud capjien suiumi;- -jf4 Rocky Mountains, i- we gniit;: in he mm poraneously in this fashion? * 4 Oh ! r*?i>v r nir. !.• f nw ifl iiln-h in iifnorattff," as Shakespeel says. Shall we he zlelied with such unmitigated um-onsui nes.s! Methinks t hear yoa yell— "S sir, hossfly!"' Then 'lect me n.f-sa and there will be a revolution sartii! Feller Citizens:—lf 1 wore standibL'S the adamantine throne of Jupiter,odd lightning was flashing around me. Id tinue to spout. Fin full of lM.ilin.' k lather of Mount Etny, and I wi.n'tl quenched ! I 've sprung a leak and ■ howl like a hear with a sore head, ft together—jump into rank- and ln through. Feller Citizens :—You know me.aidi me out with a mill garb if T won'tstitii yer like brick dust toabarof soap is my opponent ? lie's no trhari i® brought lip among ye, feller citizen?.® papped in a school house, but theyrai get around me with their liit'alutiiffl i words. Ilictum, Strictum, aibranto. a nip, Brazeel, Eengluoiicv and Kaffirso —b-o-o-o What do you tluuk of tnat " Go it poker—root hog or die," as Shakespeel said when Cteser stiW hint in the House of Representatives. Feller Citizens: —Lect iuc to bona and I'll abolish mad dogs, nniskeetory cents and bad whiskey and go in hilation of niggers, caiupiueetin s and.* I ll repudiate crow and fustiden haw* have poker play in-j every day. Sunday' cepted. and liquor enough to swi®- Yes, follow citizens, 'lect inc to Coaf and I shall be led to exclaim in tor 4 lime, the terrific language of Bonn* 1 when preaching in the wilderness— *■ Richard's himjelf arsin '. "On, then onward to the ye!! r _ apace, fiery footed steed, and iu ' welking tremble with anti-spasmi f. for Daily. M Hence ye Brutuii, Broad *!? THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF & CHAINS, BRACKS! RINGS, BREASTPINS, AND OTHER JEWELBI PANSY CLOCK 9 ' and a beautiful asfioTUJ>e Dt BOOKS AND STATION^; are now selling at greatly re^. Ul ßrpf j f Juakin's old stand, corner- ot Market streets, opposite Kuss House. . t. t r>ric"j Qft.Those who desire to buv • I J responding with the times, wi 1 ot ]y# Lewistown, April 8.1858. S