Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 22, 1858, Image 3

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    , £ gazette.
n' iestown Democrat publishes the
fir-'' ',j iirV . "On Friday last a most
wo" of discovery occurred, by
Years that the celebrated and
Rocks,' on Buckingham
arc inhabited by a hermit, who
''"lt it beL>n his residence for
f i fortv years. On the morning
ft ,l! " v ;l c " ( ,lored man named \V illiam
4,1 fv,- pacing along in the vicinity
rt of the mountain in which the
& c r ( ~l ted and hearing a strange noise
tin-ware, or. to use his
! t" I ' t ] ; r. dragging of a kettle by
■The became alarmed and ran to
Y' ;i ,. ( 0 f the mountain to obtain the
r !' o i' another colored man to go back
! *him and make some explorations.
c , vUl d up their courage to the
,!1 ~ M.iiit the two men armed with a
Y 'went back to the part of the rocks
■li'icli the strange sound emanated,
6 4'r' making considerable explorations
3 Vit to abandon the enterprise when
ei ltu them that making a noise
-.vurrcu it . fT ,.
1 ], r i, K the stranger to sight, i hey
' j themselves in a position supposed to
" .] IC location from which the sounds
' ii-sted and commenced boring the
L with a crow-bar. This soon had the
,■ bringing: a voice from some hiding
!! ihich asked, 'who i- it and what .lo
,vt f They proceeded to the cleft ;
V V* and, after diligent search, sue- j
Yin finding an entrance to a large j
yr cavern" in which was a human j
("non being asked to come out j
Y-ed to do so and denied the obtru- I
admittance, threatening to put balls j
4 ,i iem both if they attempted to j
Thev h it. and having obtained rein- ;
friits returned again to the rocks with •
Mition oi bringing the hermit from :
iiiiliin; place. Finding himself over- j
rr i he yielded and came from his !
. Large. who Mas born and raised in ;
jJia.t'iit valley, but has been seen only ;
. qjiv for many years. He stated that ■
j,,] hot an inhabitant of this cave for j
r, than forty years, and had purchased j
jth - and f" • 1 at villages several miles ]
b: t Hi- heard was long, and the fur- j
p. if his cell consisted of a few boards, i
F leaves or straw and some rude vessels
ii liin- water and cooking his meals,
aii that old residents of tlie valley have j
m:iv tears frequently discovered smoke I
from the Wolf Rocks, but as 110 j
M- known to inhabit them, it was sup- |
r j jm le fog, or occasiuued by some op- j
•iia-ion fur whi the most scientific |
. were never able to make any satisfac- '
i.vphiaatioii. The mail, Large, it is i
i labor.- under a strange hallucination \
iiii'l. and has not occupied the cell more
iibii as lung as he tliinks he has. Kven ■
;uia tii la.-t 2d years lie has frequently .
3 -eii in the neighborhood weeks at a :
::!.m] then Mould disappear for a long '
. on- in (he valley kuowinghis where- j
• It i- now supposed that the Wolf;
• - :;ave ft en his retreat at those times i
wi-lted to Lw secluded fr<n the
.: I'hii.-e.i -pot was one of the most
•:;rv.-.|Ue and romantic on the mountain,
imiiiuaiided a f "11 view of th" vnfev
si it is lost in the distant InlL- >J' Ncv. .
-v. The entrance to it Mas of a difii- j
' ••••--. ami when once safely penetrated j
tlie "landlord" a full v'ew of all that I
mi among the young and ardent ,
■- of the place. lie has seen a vast j
•■■'it "lulling" and "cooing" among the :
' - tdk - who ci ngregate there on Sun- j
• 'ruoon to advance matriiuouial uiat
aii Ihe al-o an tell a charming story
--oiiic respectable young men who
ecu "ii Sabbath days, regaling their
'nl and physical constitutions by card
wmg and other species of gambling,
ir Ii rntit is related to a uumber of the
-tainl in. -~t re.- ptc tabic families in Ruck
.':am \ alicy. was born and raised on the
in now occupied by Mr. Samuel K. Broad
>>. niul h;,< a brother, Joseph S. Large,
7 fviiig, -one of the most distinguished
■ ; .ban Ministers in the West.
iie Washington States, a democratic
says that it is currently rumored in
ts and in public places that two hun
• thou-,in<l dollars has been subscribed to
••7 Ucoiupt'n through the House.
• "'' 'j Drum ILid and Evening Prayer
" ijfs.—A gentleman fruin Ohio lately sta
kthat hy adding his personal observations
'■ °se of a friend, lie could say, that from
city, Nebraska, to Washington, there
a hne of prayer-meetings along the whole
b'fii of the road ; so that whenever a Chris
trav,der bt'.pped to spend the evening, he
-1 tiud a crowded prayer-meetiug across
■ ntire breadth of our vast Republic.
!"■•<• s Dtinys. —On Wednesday night ot
•-''frcek, Mr. Chales Lehler, committed sui
• at Mount Joy, Lancastor co., Pa., by
■ r 'g out his brains. Mr. Lehler was un
influence of liquor at the time; his
.14d been a very dissipated one, and he
• times was attacked by the manui-ar
Wu If f%
ne was a German, a farmer by occu
" for many qualities he eujeyed the cs-
D of his neighbors, and exhibited a more
- osmnion degree of intolligence. He
a w 'fe and several small children.
"""''rial Courtesy. —The Springfield Re
h says that a piquant correspondence
; -• passed between two clergyman, in a
- ■ ore considerable religious awakening
'' KU ' ,Htiince { be correepon-
Ii £ (o Methodist Clergyman.
•trts t . TEER I shall baptize some con
■*t Uj ,' orrc l w :if any of your converts prs
-7 t V ' D our mode, I shall be hap
feurch as candidates for your
t0 Ba P tist Clergyman.
ni ' OTHE R—Yours received. 1 prefer
n uiv own -beep. 1
The World Carried by a Coup l>e Main.
A Gigantic Business Plan.— In all our
newspaper experience we have neTer known
any invention or discovery to so completely
enchain pnblic attention, and enlist univer
sal confidence, as Ilolluway's world-sanction-
remedies. All nations seem to hare re
ceived and adopted them. The Journals of
the old world, even the leading medical pub
lications there, lent from the first their pow
erful aid to the inventor. Ilrother Jonathan
followed in the wake of John Bull, and niado
such enormous drafts upon Professor Hollo
way's Central Establishment in London, that
he found it necesary to come over, and set up
a now manufactory in the Commercial Capi
tal of America. With this main depot for
the new world, he has connected more than j
thirty thousand dependent agencies, in the
various States and Territories of the Union. !
And this is but a fraction of his gigantic dis
tributive system. He counts his agents bv
hundreds of thousands, and the mails groan i
under the weight of his correspondence. He
nays the rercnue of a petty prince in posta
ges and freight, and we have yet to see the I
man who can point out a paper, in which
Ilolluway's name has not been mentioned.—
Ail this vast system of production, disburse
ment, dissemination, and publicity is under
his own immediate management, and he gov
erns it as easily as a telegraphic operator con
trols the fiery tongue of the lightning. Tru
ly he is a man in whose mental organization
the highest and rarest qualities seem to have
commingled. He has done more for suffering
humanity in twenty years, than, medical sci- j
ence had previously accomplished in twenty S
centuries.— Boston " Journal."
undersigned having disposed of his
JL Carriage Making Establishment, requests
all persons indebted to call and make pay
ment without delay, as he is desirous of leav
ing this section of country. A few finished
Carriages ou hand for sale very low.
Lewistown April 15, 1858. 3t.
HAVING taken the establishment of Mr. j
Clark I purpose carrying on the Carriage I
Making Business in ail its branches, and will j
always have on hand, a stock from which j
Pleasure and Business Carriages can be rea
dily selected, at prices to suit the times.
SssT" Repairing promptly attended to.
Lewistown, April 15, 1858.
State & County Taxes for 1857,
in the Borough of Lewistown.
"jVTOTICE is hereby given to the taxpayers
it of the Borough of Lewistown who hate
not paid their State and County taxes on the
duplicate of the above year, that the under
signt d h is transferred its collection to JOIIN
L. PORTER, with instructions to collect the
same previous to the FIRST HAY OF MAY
next, and after that date by distress and sale
of property. This course is absolutely ren
dered necessary, as can be seen by referring
to the notice of the Commissioners to Collec
The School Tax for the year ending June,
1858, has also been placed in the hands of
Mr. Porter, with instructions to enforce its
collection within sixty days.
Ix'wistown, April 15, 1858—3t
Patent Galvanic Cement
J <£> JL* LS2. <£> <£> £P a CO. j
rpHE undersigned having purchased the ;
I right for this Cement in MitHin and Cen
tre counties, are now prepared to furnish and
rut it on rooting wherever desired—the roof
oeing sheeted by tbe owner. Scientific men
under tbe direction of government, and ar
chitects and builders in various parts of the
0 iuu-y, tor years have be- n studying and
experimenting to discover some c mposition
or article for roofing, which would resist the
changes of our climate, and woo hi unite tbe
qualities of Lnjierciousticss to Hater, Incom
bustibility, DurabitUg uml Ch< ijtness. No
article now in use possesses these qualities.
Shingles are not fire proof, and cannot be used
upon fiat roofs. Slate can onl\ be used upon
steep roofs. The contraction, expansion and
rusting of metallic roofs are so great in this
changeable < lunate that tliey soon become
worthless, or tbe repairs will cost more than
a new roof. The various cements and com
positions which have been introduced, can be i
supplied only to very fiat roofs, and they are
all so affected by the action of the weather
that they will tut It and run in summer and
crack in winter, and in a short time become
crumbly and worthless. The inventor of the
Galvanic Cement has labored twenty years to
; obviate these difficulties, and it is believed by
those who have had opportunities to test the
; matter, that he has entirely succeeded. As
; now applied,
First—lt is completely impervious to water.
Water may continually stand upon the roof
without affecting it in the least.
Second—lt is fire-proof. It isso incombuv j
tible that it will afford ample and perfect pro
tectiun against lire, sparks and burning shin- j
gles from another building immediately ad- !
Third—lt is durable. It is not injured by
atmospheric changes, having been tested for
several years l>v the Patentee, at Syracuse,
New York.
Fourth—lt is cheap. Roofs will be put on
for about half the cost of tin, and will last
much longer.
Fifth—Repairs are easily and cheaply made.
Sixth —lt is sufficiently elastic to entirely
resist the expansion and contraction by heat
and cold, and will remain perfect and solid in
! the warmest and coldest weather.
Seventh—lt is adapted toallkiudsof roofs,
cither flat or steep.
Eighth—lt is valuable for repairing old
roofs. Old shingle roofs may be covered
without removing tbe shingles. Old metalic
roofs can be made perfectly tight and secure.
Ninth —It is especially adapted to all kinds
of seaming around battlements, eky-ligiits
and chimneys, and for the lining of eave
troughs aud gutters. Roofs which have given
1 trouble for years, and which have continued
I to leak in spite of all efforts, can be made
| perfectly secure by this cement.
Tenth—lt has been proved to be the best
article ever used for covering car tops and
I steamboat decks.
Eleventh—This cement applied to new tin
| roofs preserves them from rusting, by fur
nishing a coat which is at once impervious to
water and an almost perfect non-conductor of
! heat.
Twelfth—lt is the only roofing material
patented which contains India rubber and
gutta percha.
For a specimen of this cement we invite
owners of property to call at our mills, where
a single coating, put on in December last, has
kept the buildings perfectly dry through the
winter. E. E. LOCKE & CO.,
ap!s Locke's Mills, Mifflin co., Pa.
At the Lewistown Steam Will,
On hand, for sale,
FLOUR, by the hundred or barrel,
large quantity of Coal, Salt, Plas
ter, &c. for sale low for cash.
Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1857.
Circular to the Sick.
TIIR first hospital surgeons and medical publicists of
Kurope admit Ihp unparalleled anti inflammatory and
healim: properties of this Ointment; governments sanc
tion its use in their naval and military services ; and the
masses in this country arid throughout the world repose
the utmost confidence in its curative properties, it pen
etrates the sources of inflammation and corruption which
underlie the external evidences of disease, and neutral
ize the fiery elements which feed and exasperate the
Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipelas.
These are among the most terrible and agonizing di
seases of the muscles, the fleshy fibre and the skin ; yet
in their worst forms, and when seemingly incurable,they
invariably disappear under a persevering application of
this southing, healing antidote to pain and inflammation
Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff Joints.
In cases of Salt Rheum, where medical waters, lotions,
arid every recipe of the pliariiiacopo>a have proved use
'ess, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure, fe
ver Sores Ileal quickly under its influence, and ils relax
ins effect up->n contracted sinews is truly wonderful.
Discharging 1 leers.
A moat remarkable and happy change is produced in
the api>earaiire of malignant ulcers alter a few applies
tinus of this Ointment. The surrounding r< duces van
ishes, and granules of healthy flesh begin to take the
(dace "f the discharged matter This process goes oil
more or less rapidly until the orifu e is filled up with sound
material, and the ulcer radically cured.
A Word to Mothers.
The young are most frequent sufferers from external
injuries, and therefore every mother should have this
healing preparation constantl, at hand. It is an absolute
spei itic for sore breasts, and quo kty removes the encrus
ted sores which sometimes dlsfigttic the heads and faces
of children.
Significant Facts.
Ttiis Ointment is universally used on board the fAtlan
tic and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure for scorbutic affec
tions, and as the best possible remedy for wounds and
bruises i.arge supplies of u have recently been ordered
by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes.
Both the Ointment and l'il/s should be used in
the following Cases:
Bunions Lumbago Sore Legs Scalds
Burns Mercurial Er-Sore Breasts Swel'd Glands
Chapp'd hands upturns Sore Heads Stiff Joints
t .'tiilblains I'iles Sore Throats Ulcers
fistulas Rheumatism Sores of all Ve tie rca I sores
Gout Salt Ittn uiu kind* Wounds of al!
Skin UiseasesSprains kinds
WCAUTJON !—None are genuine unless the words
•'l/olloicny. AVe York and Aani/wn," are discernible as a
water-mark in every leaf of ihe book of directions around
each pot or box; the same mat be plainly seen by holding
the le.if t the light. A handsome reward w ill be given
to any one rendering such information as may lead to
the detection of any party or parlies counterfeiting Ihe
medicines or vending the same, knowing tbetu to be spu
**So!d at the Manufactory of Professor Hollow av,
*0 Maiden l-aine, New York, and by all resectable Urug
gisls and-Dealers of Medicines throughout the fniled
Slates, and the civilized world, in Pols, at cents, 62j
cents, and $ I each.
a>Tliere is a considerable saving by taking the large
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every
disorder are affixed to each Pol. augtS
Tint Owioixal MIAM iNE Est-vhu-um. in
And f-rtt 1 irtnle of (J..- kind txer introduced under the
n.ane of " Pri.MoMlc Waik.s." . this or any other
country; nil other l'ulmon<c Wafers ore counlerf&U.
The genuine can be known hy the name UK VAN being
damped on each WATER.
Relievo Oougtvs, Colds, Sore-throat, Hoarseness.
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing.
Relieve Spitting of Blood, Fains in the Cbeet
Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lang Disease*.
Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils.
Relieve the above Complaints in T<n Minutes
Are a blessing to all classes _.i>d constitutionA
Arc adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
hjsprcve the compass and flexibility of the Voioa
Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste.
Not only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Cores.
Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one.
No Family should be without a Box of
Dryau's Pulmonic Wafers
No Traveler should be without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
No Dealer should be without a supply of
Bryau'e Pulmonic Wafers
No person will ever object to give for
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
TWKXTT-rtvs exxra.
JOB JUO&F.S, Late I. C. Baldwin &co., Rochester, M Y'
For sale by Charles Ritz, Dr. Stoneroad at
the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt &
Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
, and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
Great Journal of Crime and Criin- j
| _l_ inais In in ila Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated
throughout the country. It contains all the Great Tri&lf,
Criminal Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the same,
i together with information on Criminal Matters not to be
j found in any other newspaper.
OSubscripitions, 92 per Annum; 91 for Six Months, to
i he remitted by riubscribeis, (who should write their
names nnd the town,county and state where they reside
plainly,) to R. A. SEYMOUR,
Editor & Proprietor of the National Police Gazette,
ap3o . New York City.
All kinds of Parlor, Room, Bar, Hall and Cook
■ Wtoves, on hand and for sale at reduced prices hy
; j „ e i- FRAjvcrscvs
Celebrated Female Pills.
: Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.
j D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
| This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
i those painful and dangerous disease* to which the female
■oustitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo relied on.
i It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
Hie monthly period with regularity.
Kach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE MOUTHS of Pregnancy, as they are
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and IJmbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed, and
although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, oal?mel
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent far the United States and Canada,
i JOB MOSF.S, (Late I. C. Baldwin A C 0.,)
Rochester, X. "a.
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any aa- I
: thorized Agent will insure a bottle of the Pills by return
■ mail. •
For sale by
Charles Ritz Dr. Stoneroad at
the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardtdr
Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
IDIBo IH(3XSr^lB3£
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. Of
| fiec three doors west of Zollinger's hat store,
! East Market street. ial2s-Gm
New York Advertisements,
1858. FROM 1858,
300 Broadway, N. ¥.,
Invites the spceiat attm'iou of all Agents Dealers —
I and Readers generally to the following fresh and eulua
| ble Advertisements from .Yew York City.
A Journal of Cit ili/atioit,
Employs (he Best Talent in the World!
' I cop) for 40 weeks, (SI On j scopies for 1 year, %'J 00
1 >< • i year, 2501 14 " " " 2o 00
I . u 2 " 400| 25 " " " 40 00
H.irpers " Weekly" and " Magazine, one year, .51 00.
Postmasters sending a club uf twelve or Itventy-five,
w ill receive a copy gratis.
Subscriptions may commence with any number.
Specimen numbers gratuitously supplied.
H 11k numbers can be furnished to any extent
Clergymen and Teachers supplied at lowest Club Rates-
HARPER be HROTHEKA, Publishers,
liibll-3m. Franklin square, New York.
Published this Day, Feb. 'Mh, lt5S.
450 Pages, Cloth, Gilt Back Price £1
rnillis is the title of one of the most intensely inlerest
*• ing biographies of Ihe day It is the id-ie history of
an American slave in the far South, who. after two or
three escapes and recaptures, finally, an old man, found
fret doiu and rest in one of the -.ortlieru Stales.
What the Press say.
The story is told with great simplicity, hut with much
power and pathos. Whoever takes it will lind it difficult
to lay it down until it is finished.— .Yalta mil Era, Wash
ington, !>. C.
A narrative of rea' experience like the above, v. ill have
J fit more effect against slavery than the ingeHtously
wrought novel, however true to life its pictures may be.
—Am. Baptist.
Ilere is a book of facts, stranger than fiction, and a
thousand fold more thrilling ; a simple tale of life-long
oppression, revealing truly the workings of the "peculiar
institution" in our country. To the >tory lovi..g we
would say, here is a story worth reading —.Mission Ree- I
In each county ill the free States, to engage in the sale
of Ihe above work immediately. Such can easily clear
The work is beautifully printed and bound, and is as j
large as the books that sell for 2.1; bill as we mean to !
sell at least O.NK 111 RDRSO THOISAI'D COPIES, through i
agents, we have made the relail price only ONE DOL
A SAMPLE COPY of the book will he sent by inail, |
postage paid, on receipt of the price, and our private cir j
cular to Agents, with terms, etc. Address
H. DAYTON, Publisher,
m)ilt~3ni. No. 49 Ann street, New York.
CiuriTADono's IIAIR DYE.
Within a nut shell all the merits lie.
Of Cristadoro's never equalled Dye ;
Red it makes black, to brown conforms a grey,
And keeps the fibres always from decay.
This matchless revitalizing liair D> e slill hialds its po
sition as the most harmless and eflicaeb'Us Hair Dye in
the World. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,
and applied ill ten private ronait, al C'RISTAI'ORO'S,
No. 0, Aslor House, Broadway. and by alt Druggists and
Perfumers in the United Stales.
AGENT—GEO. 11. Kuwait, Pittsburgh, l*a
mbl l-3ui.
j VV/E subjoin a few names of those who recommend
| ** Airs S. A. All n's trarid's Hair Restorer and Zylu-
I balsamum Prest. Eaton, of Union University : " The
! falling of hair ceased, and my grey locks changedorigi
! rial color." Rev. C A Buekhee, Treaa. Am. Bible Uni
on, N. Y.: " I cheerfully add my testimony " Rev. 11
V. Degen, Ed. "Guide to Holiness," Boston ;We sun
testify to its effects." Rev E. R. Fairchild, t'or. Sec.
Ch'n Union, N. Y.: 41 Used in utv family with beneficial
effects." Rev. A Webster, "Ch'n Era," Boston :
"Since using your preparations, I am cithei bald or
grey ag heretofore." Rev. Jas. 11. Cornell, Cor. Bee.,
' etc., N. Y.: "It has restored the klir of one of my fam
: ily to its original color, and stopped its falling •ut," etc.
' We can quute Dixit numerous others of like standing in
| Europe and America, hut for Cwrlher information, send
| fur a circular to MRS. 8. A. ALLEN'S
IPs rid's Hatr Restorer Depot.,
No, 335 Broome street, N. Y
! nihil -3in. )>SOIM EEERXH lIEU E.
Coughs, Chronic Rheumatism,
Debility, aud all Hiatuses orising from a Scrofulous or
import risked stale of the blood.
Genuine Cod-Liver Oil!
HAH stood the test of over ten years experience, and is
recommended by all the most eminent physicians as
I the most valuable remedy in use. IV. Williams, Use eel
! ehrntcd Physician of the London Ctihsuniplion Hospital,
| took notes of its effects in about iOUcases, and found it
more efficacious than all remedies yet discovered. This
remedy, so valunble i cheo purs, becomes worthless or
i injurious when adulterated. See that the label has the
eagle and mortar, and the signature over the cork of
each bottle, as thousands have been cured by the use of
the genuine article who had used others without success.
Hold by all Druggists HEQEMAN CO.
For the infallible destruction of every species of
Termln, Rat, Roach, Ac. Exterminator.
Put up in 20c , 35c., 65c., and 91 Boxes. For the De
sirurtion of Rats, Mice, Ground or Field Mice, Moles,
: Roaches, Croton Bugs, Ants, Ac
Bed Bug Exterminator.
Pill u;> in 25c., 50c., 75c., and 91 Bottles.
Put up in 25c. and 50- B .xes. To destroy Mollis, Bed
j Hugs, Mo-quitoes, Ants, Fleas, Plant Insects, Vermin on
. Fowls and Animals.
CrTerms Cash.
CrNo goods sent on commission.
KrLiberal wholesale Terms made to Druggists and
Dealers everywhere.
"Costar's" Private Circular to Druggists and Dealers
sent by mail, n application.
Bold*, Wholesale .1; d ret.id, at "C 'STAR'S" Prinei
pal Depot. No. 3sr Broadway, New* York, and by Drug
gists and Dealers everywhere.
IMPORTANT I V 1'- -UM ATI'. *N Ft IT 111 T LE -I'LE.
On Receipt of One Dollar,
1 will forward by mail (;e>st aid) a sufficient quantity
of the Rat, Roach, d(-c. F.zteruiinat or to destroy all of this
class of vermin that may infest your , remises.
3>Address all letters to
388 Bread way, New York. |
B>To save mistakes and trouble:
1. Write in a piain hand the name of Post Office, Cou a !
tj and State.
2. Register your letter, ami it w ill come at my risk.
3. New York and Eastern money preferred.
hit'it the Farmers say :
A late writer says that " the various species of vertuii.
are multiplying at a fearful rate throughout the land.
Their ravages have become a mailer of serious dread.'
A Postmaster in Illinois, writing to "C>*star's" Depot,
says, "The country is l.lerally overrun with litem, (rats,
mice. Ac.") Another, from the same State, says, "The
rats positively gnaw the halters off my liorses while in
the stable." An Ohio correspondent remarks, "They
('he rats) are everywhere—in the house, the barn, and
under every stump in the field." In the Bnuth it is still
worse. A late order fiom the Nary Yard at Mobile was
for thirty pounds of the Rut Extcriuinatoi alone.
It'hat the People soy:
NEW YORK. April 12, 1356.
Dear Sir—Hating a great many rats around my stable
and shop, I thusglit 1 would try your Rat Exterminator,
and bought one of your boxes, and fixed it according to
your direct ions. The next morning I found over one hunt
dred and fifty dead rats. I take pleasure in saying that
it will do more than you say it w ill. 1 have also tried it
on steamboats, and sati fled them that it is the greatest
thing of the age
J. 8 UNDER HILL, No. 433 1 oth st.
CAVK, 111., June 21, 1857.
Deir Sin —My brother, J W .McCreery, P. M., pur
chased a box of your Rat Exterminator, ami found it to
be w hat ■ 011 recommend it to he, a perfect Rat destroy er.
1 herewith enclose $5 for more of it Yours, Ac.
NEW YORK, December 17, 1857.
Sir: * * All this summer 1 have been troubled with
Roaches and Mice. 1 was actually ashamed of the bouse,
for the Roaches were everywhere, and I don't know
what I should have done by this lime. I pun bused aln x
of your Exterminator and tried it, and in one week there
was riot a Roach or Mouse in Ihe house.
JOHN B. GIVEN'S, No 91 Elm slreet
MONROE'S BAI.T WORKS. Ohio, June 8, 1857.
Dear Sir : I have used it ('he Rat, Roach, Ac. Exter
minator) three nights, and it is unking a sad havoc am
ong the Rat tribe. Yours, Ac., J B BECOM.
tPhat the Press say :
He know, by aciual experience, thut "Guslar's" prep
arations for ltais. Roaches, Bed Bugs, anil Insects gener
ally, are complete and perfect exterminators Wherever
"Collar's" Exterminators have been used, they have
never failed to perform all that is claimed for them.—
Housekeepers should not fail to try them.—.V Y. Atlas.
IP hat the Druggists say :
A. J. 81.->CKS.S, (Druggist,) New Lisbon,O. "Your
Exterminators prove satisfactory."
O ATE MCDONALD, (Druggists,) New Brunswick,
N J. ' We tried the Kat. Koarh; Ar Exterminator, and
it answi red a good purpose."
E B Ct NNINOIIAS., (Druggist.) Peaver Dam. Wis.—
" It (the Rat, Roach, ACT Exterminator) is highly'satis
factory to those who have tried it."
8 A MILL HII.L, (Druggist,) D ret Creek, Pickaway co.,
O. "The Rat, Roach, Ac. Exteriuiuatur does all it is
recommended to do."
Gt TT.KOiiD A LEVRLIIOKR, (Druggists,) Lebanon, Pa
" We arc pleased to say that which is sold gives salisfac
Wholesale and Retail Agents,
I)HYB!CIAN for diseases of the Lungs, Throat and
L Heart—formerly Physician to Cincinnati Marine Hos
pital ami Invalids' Retreat—Corresponding Member of
the London Medical Sis'iely of OUrV&lfah— Author of
"Letters to Invalids," Ac .
Dr. Hardman,
Physician for Diseases of the Lunp,
Formerly Physician to the Cincinnati Marine Honpituly
1 Lewistown, National Hotel, Thussday, Afay 27..
Huntingdon, vVay 26.
| Dn. HARDMAN treats Consumption, Bronchitis, Laryng
i lis, Asthma,and all diseases.of the Tlt/oat by MEDICA
The great |>oiiil in the treatment of all human maladies
{ is to get al the disease in a direct manner. All medicines
j are estimated by th.pir action upon the org 111 requiring
relief. This is the laipoetaiit fact upon which Inhalation
IAS based If tin :11 is diseased, we take medicine
directly into the .-tiumirh. : ihe lungs are diseased,
' breathe or ioliu!- a,, i.-a :s directly into them. —
1 The reason üby C n ii asi sof the Lunge
1 have bs'Seti re -d al' ':-- itnn-!.T, h'3 been because
i tfey were aoiappr a. iied . . 1 liirvct manner by medicine.
! Tbey were ititeiidni to be f .cul. am! yet they were so ad
j ministered thai they touiii only act constitutionally, ex
| pending their immediate acti •" it'" ihe stomach, whilst
| the foul ulcers within the LiO gs were unmolested. In
halation brings the medicitie xito direct eoutaet with the
! disease, willioul Ihe disadvantage of any violent action.
' lis application is so simple that it may be employed by
j the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not de
' range the stomach, or interfere in the least with the
' strength, con.fort or business of the patient.
tt-No charge for consultation.
In relation to tint fallowing diseases, either xvhen enro
! plicated with lung ARfect ions, or existing alone, I also
1 invite consultation—usually isrndog tlx< 111 PROMPTLY
i .tie* Weakness.
PALPITATIfiN and other forms of HEART Dlß'
EABE, l.tver ' .ui.i'laint, Dyspepsia, and all olher Dis
eases of St.-urxrh 'UtJ- Bowels, Piles. Ac. Ac.
B>AII diseases of the Eye and Ear; Neuralgia, Epilep
sy, and all forms of Nervous Disease.
ONo charge for consultation.
jjß-ly 8. D. IIA RDM AX, M. IK
The Collectors of 1857
ARE hereby notified that the Couunis
sioncrs will attend at their office in Lew
istown on FRIDAY, April 30, and proceed
to allow exonerations and make final settle
i nient with said collectors. By order,
a P IS R. D. SMITH, Clerk.
TAKEN in exchange for Salt and Fish at
right prices.
' apl-1 F. J. HOFFMAN.
MABIE & - 1*
French and Americ^^^^
,Z\ the equestrian"^
V 01 having coir,A |-J rVY
t TgO- -O 1 * the Managers of this gi**l^jjj|ljy|ij|
- bination of FRKNCH A.VL V
*' 1 yKti 'CAN STARS wish to impk u
the public mind these fac ® (t ''.V ros^s
" That this is the only Freik) feed in-
American Company in the*j u.sed it
II on; that these Artists have i ,i' n
engaged at immense salaP' '
' a having been selected from "ext t
leading attractions of thee,PC it a
with the determination ill | lo t
tb the lauemt
2 Star Show of 58:
Confident that they have sue- .
yry. ceeded in this respect, and a-b "lit
confident that the public wi!
admit it, the Managers respec ©- the
invite aH to " ~ j
The Great American flown, ■
Whose genial humor and moth-' ,v '
er wit, joined with a natural fit-tcn
' jf A ness for his arduous vocation in, for
/Js^^'■§£- lone of voiee, agility of
facial expressiveness, and above'
a ] versatility and originality
Q have made him the ever wel?
\T come idol of the comic circle* -
and the chief jester of the dayiake
This performance will g
Comic Songs, Yankee Storiev ",
and Stump Speeches.
Til r
THE 10
HP Collossal Music Ca* -t
Will enter town on the morn].., .-]
of exhibition, anrf parade thro'
the principal thoroughfares?,
drawn by splendid steeds, and
i" containing the New York Be~
'ITimIWTA GLE Band, ' by the Wizard
Bugler, Richard Wilms.
-- W j||exhibit at LEWISTOWN,
Wednesday, April 28th.
Admission 25 cents. Doora
open at 2 and 7 o'clock. Per*
formance half an hour later.
■r _ ?08y Two distinct performances each
• 'X\ da >- The entertainment will
commence with the original
= - . French and American equestri
an spectacle entitled
G-Ai, The Courtiers of Alabama.
Madame Virginie,
Q The renowned French Eques
trienne, will appear on her fa
j \ .aL. vorite steed, and perform those
celebrated evolutionsof leaping
through balloons, vaulting over
'.' garlersand i;ther objects, which.
•ZJtg* h3te wuu the admiration of ev
ery e s c and env ) °' every
rival. The style, ease, grace
** and self-possession of Madame
- Virginie cannot be excelled.
Will perform her inexpressibly
. , J beautiful and stylish act of
B equestrianism, called the Fan
v -fji c ' es °f Flora. In the course of
l 'ie evening she will appear in
a variety of Spanish, French &
Polish Dances, winding up with *
an Irish Jig.
-rT The Apache Warrior,
L r rynjj By Chas. E. Sherwood. In this
xri-' great Indian act this gifted art
isl will delineate, while on
horseback, the life,habits,cliar*
acter, sports and warfare of the*
Red Son of the Forest.
The Horseman of Tartar)-,
By Mr. William Armstrong, in
■2je£Tjp=*sl_ which scene of unrivalled bod
rT Jsr~T P owers , ' ie performs a series
C of somersets, forward and baelt
l?_fT t ward, over various objects, and
tp : while his horse is in lull flight,
By Monsieur Morgan. This
scene is peculiarly French in its
funcifulnessand elegance, illus
trating, with all the affect wkicl
a fu c form and a knowledge of
attitudes can give it, the dream
' . of the celebrated sculptor of
By Master C. Sherwood, in
which, with fearful velocity, he
5 performs the dtiaiag act of leap
ing gates and other barriers, Ins
,f*l borse at utmost speed.
> Astounding Tuo-horsc Feat*
By Wm. Crosby, in which that
redoubtable cavalier will illus
>Av~ Irate the exploits of Hector be
fore the walls of Troy*.
/jfSj, Walking the Globe,
b&JJ A very perplexing and adroit
act by Master John Orton.
The French Gymnasts,
Denzor and Yanish, in their as
tounding featsof tbegymnasium
* on the miraculous Staff Tra<-
."■v peze, &c.
.1 Rv the whole troupe of accomr
jJjr pfished Tumblers, led by Mr.
C. E. Sherwood and Mr. WiK
- liam Armstrong.
• Fancy Dance,
By Master Sherwood.
The Necromancer
A matchless scene of Juggling,
by Monsieur Morgan.
.^ im > STUMP SPEECH,by theem
aAc i nent candidate for Congress,
v "\r3" Tony Pastor.
u p. jenkins,"
.' iVmimar i Tired of the Farm!
An unaccountable and unbeard of scene, be-
I witchingly grotesque and grotesquely bewiidcr
; ing. AN AFTEItPIECE will terminate each
entertainment. ap!s
•;i;KHOUSES in Charles St.
terms inquire of WSaßar
Lewistown, March 18, 1858.
Justice of the Peaoe-j.
Sfemfcetur &
OFFICE West Market street, Lewistown, next
door to Irwin's (grocery. apß-ly