x JINTEI>, or Ste&in Mill, fate LL K INPS OF army. Bp 4 ard a galbped fnot &T* ST PItICE *' were broug. afc hand < for 8ale Jie hundred or barrel, was on h;bg t OUR CORN MEAL, added—tto naijKWHEAT FLOUR, panting pretty FEED Of ALL LL\DS. heard—fich fi quantity of Coal, Salt, Plas w ~!e low for cash, thunder* ring ALFRED MARKS, Agert. an hundt y do Oct. 8, 1857. -onic.;^-' ; gdicine of the Million. . YLOSOPHY AND FA CT. cmpor HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. foi w ! ;k HE EXCITING CAL'SE OF SICKNESS, ■ • te • IE blood is the life-sustaining agent It furriishesllje | ,USIC omponents of flesh, hone, muscle, nerve and integu- | -otVen'. The stomach is its manufactory, the reins rsdi*. ' J ibutors, and the intestines ihe channel through which 1 ..tACOV waste matter rejected in its production* is expelled I. '."pon the stomach, the circulation and the bowel*, these nrt g j m i,|i ane „ U s|y, relieving indigestion, purifying tOyy ' A lids, atrd regnl .tine the excretions. THE SATIO.TAL COHPLAIST. 110 Pvepepsia is the most common disease among aii clan- I hiS a in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and ! .. ; the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; i s, : whatever it* type or symptoms, hqwever obstinate I kflS * reaisunce ordinary preparations, it yields readily ! nd rapidly to this searching and unerring remedy. ea BILIOIS AFFECTIONS. 'UrG-The quantity and quality of the bile are of most v ai 1 A'portanct- to health. Upon the liver, the gland which j " - ,-cretes thi' fluid, these Pills operate specifically, infalli y rectifying its irregularities and effectually curing : . ,;tndice. Bilious Remittants. and all the of dis -01 tiK generated hy an unnatural condition ~f the organ, j c BOWEL COnrLAISTS. Unless thf bowels perform l heir functions properly, the J wh>i€ tx>dy suiter*. Tens of thousands die manually of i Dysentery. J>iarrbi f Caronlc Constipation, and other ; diseases of Ihese waste pipes of the system The eff.-rt of tbe fills upon xi! loiestinal disorders, hither casual j or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medicine. By follow vg the printed directions, the most alarming raes t.f bowel complaint are promptly controlled. k WORD TO FEMALES. The iocs! debility and irregularities which are the cs j pecia! annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the lime ! being, and prevenled for Ihe time to come, by a course of j this aiiid but I borough alterative. UoUotc-iy 's Fills art the best remedy knoicn in ; the world for the following Diseases: j Asthma Diarrhoea Indigestion Secondary Bowel Com- Dropsy Influenza Symptom. plaints Debility Inflammation Inward weak- Coughs Fever and Venereal Af- ness Colds Ague fictions Liver con ;>l't* 1 Chest DiseancsFemale Com Worn,s of aii Luwness of Costiveness plaint" kmdr Spirits Dyspepsia Headaches StoneiGravel Piles tVCAt'TlOX'!—None are genuine unless the word. "Holiovav, .War York and London," are discernible a.a trates mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; ihe same may he plainly seen b> hold ing the leaf to tbe light. A har.dcome reward will be giv. to any me rendering sm h information as may lead to 'he detection of any party or parties eounterf-ii u,g ih medicines or rending the same, knowing them to be spu rious. •♦•Soid at the Manufactories of Professor Hollowav, 60 Maiden Lane, New York, and hy all respectable Drug gists ar.d Dealers of Medicine throughout the I'nited •Hale., and she civilized world, ir, boxes, at 25 cepu.fi2t cents, ann f) earh. "W" OThere Is a constderabie saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Direction, for the guidance of patients in every j disorder are affixed to each box. aug!3 Tbe DSIOIVAL Mkp -I> L.-Tasi IK*-D .* Ji37. Jnd first -ThcU of the * t.J tvrr under Iho | rjme of ** i'fi noun. Wa.lck... , 'kit f r.rty other j e-ovtry - all other Pnimomr Ao'-'t ore ri-ootrrforlt The genuine ran be kxnn • bit the nnae till i AN in* -r otnmped on earh WAFKII. BRYAN'S BIT.MONK WATERS Ikiieve Coughs. Colds. So:-throat. Hoarseness bp.yan S BIT MONK; wafers BRiere Asthma, Bronchitis. Dirf.-ult Breathing. BRYAN'S BUI MONIC WAFERS Eeiirve Spitting 0 f L.ood, Paris in the CbeGt 1 B'rYA.VS Bn.MO.Vh' WAFERS zuhsive luoipient Consumption. Lung Xi'seascz. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Eetove tho above Complaints in Ten Minute*. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFEFJ Ajs a blessing to all classes and constirotrons BRYAN'S BTLMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Valists and Public Speakers BRYAN'S PULMONIC W.AFERS bnprwe the compass and flexibility of the Voica BBY WS PULMONIC WAFERS Are in as mple fjrai and pleasant to the taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relieve, bat effect rapid & lasting Cure* BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every ona Ho Family should be without a Box of Hryau's Pnlmonlc Wafer* l:< TBK BOCBS. Ho Traveler should be without a Box of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers IV HIS frJCSST. Ho Dealer should be w'thout a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers TOK HIS PCSTOMKRS. Ho person will ever object to give tor Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers TWKSTT-FIVB CSMT9. JOR MO&F.S, Late I, C. Baldwin Sc cn., Rochester, v Y. for sale by Charles Ritz, Dr. Stoneroad at the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt& °a'k ' or fh, Atkinson's mills, an - by respectable druggists generally. sep3 R r ITIONAL POLICE GAZETTE rpHIS Great Journal of Crime and Crim- X .nsl.toln it* Twelfth Y..r, and i. widely circulated ! through ut tbe country. It contains U| the Gr<-ai Trial. Criminal Case*, and apttroprime Editori .Is n n the. ame' together with inrbunatton on Critntnsl Matters nr.t t , be found in any other nrwupapcr 4> Au' scri- Hiottti #2 per Annuir ; $ 1 for Six Months, to lie remitti i by Subscribe'S, (who should write iheir names and lhe town, county and -tate where they reside plainly,) to r. A HEY At OUR, Editor & Proprietor of the National P-ilHe Gazette, *pH) X>vv York City roil BAT .TP!, TWO CANAL BOATS, with Stock com plete. Apply to mh4 ALFRED MARKS, Agt. Dyspepsy, Indigestion, Dyspepsy. \ MORBID sensibility of the stomach and bowels, at 'L tended with obvious disorder of the digestive organs, Dyspepsy and its attendant ill*, such as Nausea, Headache, Bilious Vcmkirg, Vertigo, Dimness of Right, Burning sensation attbepit Debility ofNervous System, of the stomach, Hypochondria, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, I.oss of Appetite, Oppression after eating. Wasting of the strength, Palpitation of the heart, ' Flatulence, with frequent Pain in the pit of the stout. belching of wind, ach, or tow ards right side, | Vitiated taste, Sillnwne.s of complexion, Constipation A ui.easiness Depression of spirits and of the Bowels, irritability of temper, See. Have in many cn?*>* d.-fi,-d the skill, heretofore, of the i best medical practitioners in the world, and many cases i have been abandons i a* incurable. Dr. J WII.I.IAMB. Chemist and Pharmaceutist, after stud ting closely the practices of l)r. Abernethy and J ! Johnston, England, and observing the nature of the di lease in all us stag's, during a e journ in the southern : and western portions of the 1 nited dates, w here it pre | vaiD to a greater patent than elsewhere, procured from ' South Au-erica certain roots and herbs from which he prepared an 'Elixir," which, after eighteen years" use in private practice, has ptoved itself nvre efficacious in the ! seph II trtshorne ar.J J C Morton, it has received their en ire approval, and many of the medical faculty are now not only pre-u-nhing it fur their patients but are using it thems Ives, personally and in their famitiett a* a tonic it is unequalled, and its propetties are of so invigorating a nature that it is given with perfect safety and success to the most tender infants. The Elixir is very gradual, hut certain in it arip.n upon the organs of digestion, the increased secretions of the iiver, pancreas and mucous membrane* of the stomach, and requires that only one dose be taken in twenty four hours; for confirmed Dyspepsy can only be cured by grad ually restoring the organs of digestion to a healthy state. The great success met with to curing the most aggrav ited cases of Dyspepsy, accompanied sometin ee with a huh grade of hypochondriasis, h9 rsiatdished the timet un bounded confidence in the curative properties of this Elixir, In corroboration of which read the following teeti- ; monials:— i Attestation —We, having used Williams' Anti l)ys- • j peptic Elixir with the most perfect satisfaction and sue- i ce.s, take great pie ,sure in recommending it to all pm- j ■ tuns guff-ring with Dyspepay, a* we are fully convinced i i of its mo-t estimable qualities in restoring the digestive ! Ipower., removing all pains and uneasiness, and impart I iiig a healthy tone to the stomach. John R. Penrose, 31 South Wharves ; Casper Morris, T.irony ; Thotius Allibope. President of Bink of Penn- , ' sylvania ; Aboer Etrnes, Market stree'.sh v- Sixth; Ed ward H. Rowley, No it North Wharves; Michael Dunn, | Superintendent Merchints* Exchange; Hannah Stiles, . j Frartkfora Road ; Hannah Webb, 2S Filbert .'reel; H N. j Si erry, No. 19 Edward street; Liwrence Newbold, No. j 296 i hestnut street, Philadelphia; Win. Yard, No. OCity j ; Sow; Rud-tlph L'Arr.i, No 967 Broadway; II X. VVi * i nans. No. 91 Water street, New York. Thelisl of names j ! could be ei! n •'to almost any lebgih, but the furegutng j lis deemed sufficient Testimony of H .V Sperrp, trio *ra. abandoned no tactir ! able andgiren hp to die. Dr. J. Williams—Dear Sir—F- r fifteen years previous i lo IS'ct, I suffered so much from dysp-p.y that 1 became j ! completely prn.trat-d both in tt-lnd .and !>• dv, and at length bee imp an weakened I could not attend to my busi ' • nes, and was sinking into a decline, and it was believed j ! never coii'd recover. The besi medical aid was procured ! I f r nie, and every means resort- d to w ithotii ai.v rebel, j | till I was advised to use your Elixir, and from the time I j | bgan taking i; I gradually improved till I was completely [ ; restored to health Tbe dreadful sufferings I endured i i from dyspepsy I cannot describt ; but I am confident that i without tie use c.f your Elixir 1 sbonld be in my grave. , j i assert thai I solemnly believe your Elixir has saved me i - from an early death I Continue n>w to the enjoyment , of most excellent health H X" Spteeav, June Oth, ifiiT No. 1104 N. Th '.lst . f'hd.ide nhi.v We, the ip,lr.lg- ■• have known M . ;r -{f •• rv r o yean and lake pit rue m atati ig thai Ins as- ! ncrtior can he perfectly relied cin, and that we ourselves : know that he ha. been wonderfully restcr%i to health from the brink of the grave, and we believe, as , a-v-m solely by the use of Dr Williams' Elixir. Thomas J Chandler, X'a. 143 Phoenix street. John EhrEt, Race street, above accord Personally appeared b fore me,(one of the Aldermen of the City of Phiiidelphiii,j II N riperry, who, being duly affir , ed, doth depose and eav. that ihe fact, trt forth in the above certificate are true in every pari rnlar Hworn and subscribed ihis fithdty of June, lafiT. Fbbpesick Reci. Aiderman. The Elixir is sold in bottle* a' (t each, or six bottles for 41. Proprietor, JAM Ed \\ lI.L'A.MS. M D , Ulicmi.t and Pharti acetitW:, No 4 Soiilh Seventh street, Ph Igdelphia. ! For sal? by CIIARI.ES RHZ,Dtritlown, apB j Grocery. Provision. Confection ery, and VARIETY STORE, j At intersection of Valley, Mill, Dorcas and Market streets, latefy occupied by Mrs. Wertz. TIIE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Mrs. Wertz, respectfully : announces that he intends to make such ad j ditions c.f articles in general use as to be able . to supply almost anything that may be called j | for by the old customers of the establishment ! aod any number of new ones. Intending to ! keep cn hand ail the leading articles of mar* j keting, he solicits farmers and others having Batter. Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Honey, Pota , toes, fcreen or Dried Apples. Soap, Poultry, Ae. j to give him a call, as the highest cash price j will bo paid the market can afford, or Gro i ceries. Salt. Fish, Confectioneries, Perfumery, i fancy Articles, Hosiery for ladies and gen-! j tlemen, Ladies' Collars, Combs, Bracelets Buckles, Belts, Gloves, Mits, Ac. furnished • therefor at lowest cash prices. Cabinet & Undertaking Business. The manufacture of Furniture find Cabinet j ; Ware generally, as well as tbe Undertaking ! Business, will not be relinquished on account '■ i of nty engaging in the above business, tut j orders in either promptly attended to. 1 . f r ' e,, ds and the public generally are ! . invited to call, examine my stock and prices ( in both establishments, and, as heretofore, I I shall endeavor to please them. ANTHONY FELIX, j Lewistown, Nov. 19, 1857. | Fashionable Boot & Shoe Store. Encourage Home Industry! P. P. LOOP, BOOT ASD SHOE MAACFAiTIRER, Hospectfully informs his friends the jfublic that he still con- his establishment on the üblic where he is prepared to man ufacture at short notice a superior article of all kinds of Boots or Shoes, which he will sell cheaper for Casli than ever before offered He constantly keeps on hand, of his own manufacture, an assortment of the above ar ticks which he will warrant not to be sur passed here or elsowhere for elegant style and I ftlso * ,ar J? stuck of Eastern work, which will he sokl at reduced prices. Orders promptly attended to. AII kinds of i repairing executed on the shortest notice. L3wistown, March 25, 1858. jWood Turning, Sawing, and Piaster Grinding. ! TCfit riber l ? avir ' K lea Bed lhe o,d Slone pipa ed ti ' ~K . tl,e Mill., is now Wood T #to ° rder aH of Saw trill) done to order 8 '" 1 Jobbl "6 B™' PLA ,I T Ji, R " .. ? JAM LH M COUPH Lewi.town, April 1, 1850.-iy THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. DR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury.has discovered in one of our common pasture weedsa remedy that cures livery Kind of Humor from the worst Scrofula down toe common Himple. HE has tried It in over 1100 cases, and never failed ex re jit in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue,alt within twenty miles of Boston Two t.ottlcs are warranted to cure a nursing Sore Mouth. One to three bottle* w ill cure the worst kitnl of Pimples on the Face Two to three bottles will clean the system of Biles. Two bottle* are warranted to cure the worst Canker in the Mouth and Stomach. Three to five bottles are warianted to cure the worst case ol" Erysipelas. One to tw o bottles are warranted to cure nil Humor in the eyes Two bottles are warranted to cure Running of the Ears and Biotches among the H nr. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt a i.it running Fleers. One bottle wilt cure Scaly Eruption of the Skin. Two to three b.ittlesare warranted t-1 ci:r the worst case of Bine worm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of Rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the Sail Rheum Fiveto eight bottles w illcnreihe worst case of t*rrof ula A benefit is always experienced from the fir.-l bottle, and a porfecirure is warranted when the above quanti ty is t i ken. Reader. 1 peddled over a thousand bottle* >if litis In the | 1 vicinity of Bosfon. I know the effect of it in every cave. So sure as water will exlitigMieh lire, ensure will this • ! enre humor. 1 never sold a bottle of it but thai sold an j oilier; after a trial it always speaks for itself. There i j are two thinza about this herb that appear* to Uie sur ! prising; first Ipat it grows in our pastures, in some pi a ; ees quite plentiful, and yet its value lias never been ' known until 1 discovered u in IS 16— second, that it should j cure all kinds of humor j In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great 1 j popularity ofihe discovery, I w ill state that in April, ! 1553.1 peddled it and sold aimut six bottles per day—in l ; April, 1*54. I son! over one thousand battles per day of it. s.,me of the wholesale Druggist* who have been in ; business twenty and thirty years,say that nothing in ihe \ ' annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a i i universal praise of it from all quarters In no. own practice. I always kept it *tru tly for humors . —but stnr.e its introduction asa general family medicine, ; "rest and wonderful virtues have been found in it that 1 : never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was always , onsldered incurahle, have been cured by a few i bottles O. w hat a mercy if it w ill prove effectual in all ases of that awful malady—there Lre few who have i een more of it than I have. 1 I know of several rases of Dropsy, all of them aged •eople, cured byrit. For the various diseaseeof ibe Liv- ! er. Sick Headache. Dyspepsia. Asthma. I", \ e,- and Ague, ' Tain in the Side, Diseases of tlm Spine, ami particularly 1 in diseases of the Kidneys, dec , the discovery has dour I more goodthan any medicine ever know u No change of diet ever ne • **arv —eat the be*t you i 1 and plenty -f it. DIRBCTtuBK FOB U*E —Ad.lltS nlie table spoonful pel ay—Cd.il'ren .vertOyeais 'essert spoonful—Cdnldrei, from sto 8 years, tea-spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DOMED REMEDY, 120 W+rrtn St., floibury, •>/<:. Price •l,f0 Wholesale Agent* New \- rk City,C. V C.ickner,Bl I Brc|ay street; C If King, 198 Broadway ; Rukbton and J Clark, 275 Broadway; A ft & D Sir.de. 1-PFuJion street T. W. DYOTT Sc SON'S, Philadelphia, wholesali Agent* for Pa For sale bv F. J HOFFM AN and Mrs MARY MARKS, Lewistow e, and by B F. KBPNER, j Mitflintown. fjet-ly. j HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. THE testimony of Prof. Booth and Dr Bnnckle li vine previously been published, the follow mg is now added: From Prof. McCl-ostCEV, foimerly Professor of Theory i and Practice of Medicine in the Female Medical College j j of Pennsylvania, and lite Professor of Surgery in the American College o' Medicine, Ace. PurHDEi-PHl*. Nov 271h, I*l6. ' Mr. Joseph E Hoover —A trill of your Liquid Hair j Dye wid touvince th- most skcMir.-rl that it is a safe, ele- I ant and • ffr acinus preparaliun. L'r.llke many ethers, it has In several Instm ees proved serviceable in the cure i t of some cutaneous erufTions on the bead, and I have no ' I hesitation in commending it to those requiring such an 1 appli ati m. Wry n ,■•< ifully. J. F. X MCCLJSKEV, M. D , 475 Uare ft above 13th. HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including Hover's Wri i ting Fluid ind Hover's Indelible Inks, still maintain iheir j high character which ha* always distinguished them, and : the. extensive de inand first created has continued dninter iupte.l until Ihe present. gw Orders addressed to the sfantifilftory, N.. 416 Rare ' street above Fourth (aid No. 144 ) Philadelphia, will re ■ ceive prompt attention ly JO-EPH E HOVER, • dec!" TO Bl ILDLtIS AND t AKPLYf LBS. LUMBER.! Wm. B. Hoffman & Co. \T their Lumber Yard on East Third street, Lewistown, near the Presbyterian Church, j have received, and are now receiving, in oddi j tion to their large stock of well-seasoned Lum ber— -1 90.000 ft panel Boards & Plank, from J to 2 in. ; 10,000 ft first common Boards ; 50,000 ft second common Boards j *20,000 ft li inch Boards | 15,000 ft Sidings 2,000 lights of Sash, various sizes, 70,000 Plastering Lath, all sizes. Plain Siding and ready worked Flooring, Hemlock Joists j Scantling, 3x4. 4x5, 4xo. 6x6. Lap and Joint Shingles and ShiDgle Lath al f ways on hand. £C?*Doors, Shutters, Blinds, and Sash made i to order. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. may2l The Greatest Improvement of the Age! aSm tiie \fljk YOUNGAMERICA JSP CORN JhMLER The most Complete, Simplest, & Cheapest (Jornsheller in the World! J. P. Smith's Patent, Ifovrmber 25, 1856. The farmers of Mifflin county and vicinity are most respectfully informed that arrange ments have been made for the manufacturing of j this celebrated machine at Lewistown, aud that j they will be offered for sale at the store of F. G. FRANCISCUS. All persons are requested to call and see them operate. County Rights j in the State of Pennsylvania for sale by the j subscriber, to whom all letters respec.ing the j same may be addressed. LEWIS KURTZ, jan2l-ly Aaronshurg, Centre Co., Pa. IJIRE BRICK! FIRE BRU'KI-For Noble, Globe, Girarii, Flat Top, New World, Crvii t.il, Fanny Forrester, and Sunrise Cook Stoves, and for ail kHide of Room and Parlor Stove., can be had at ilie Stove Warehouse of ptl7 F. G. FRANCISCUS. GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE The New York Mercury, The largest two dollar Weekly in the World. F.fity Ht columns of choice origins! matter in each number. Splendidly Illustrated. Twentieth year of publication. A Golden Enterprise: "V'O other paper can boaat of auch a galn.ry of talented ' and celebrated authors at the conlribuiorial corpa of the New York Mercury, w ho furnish ita columns weekly with the most absorbing and fascinating romances and stories ever perused Dr J H. Robinson, Ned Buntllne, Lieut. J. Foster Brar.don, T. Hamilton Vsnandn. and R 11 N'eweil, who are well known as the moat successful and popular ro. insurer* of the age, constantly contribute their brilliant novellettes for the mammoth page* of the Mercury ; and each number also contains more complete original stories ami sketches—to say nothing of an immense amount of news and general miscellany—than any otliertwo news- ; papers in America, without exception. In short, the N.-w York Mercury defies competition and invites the most searching comparison. Its immense superiority over ihe little six bv-tiine mushroom publications of the day will be aptiatent at the first glance. We now offer, in addition to a paper fully one-third larger than any of its cotemporaries, and replete with an niipMg*dented variety of interesting reading matter, the following EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. A VII.IABLE OfFT FOB EVEBV St BUCBIBEB. A Gift worth from 75cents to 9- 00 in Gold will be pre vented to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subsrrit ti.in money. TEBMt. One copy for one year, #2 00 and one gift. ! One ropy for two years, 3 50 and two gifts, j One copy for thre years, 500 and two gifts, j TO CLI'DS Three copies one year, g5 00 and three gifta. Five copies one year. SOO and five gifts. Ten copies one year, 16 00 and ten gift*, j The articles to be distributed are comprised In the fol i lowing list: 2 Packages of Cold containing $530 ear h ' 5 do do do 2(io each ! 10 do do do 100 each ! 10 Patent l.erer hunting cased Watches, 100 each ' 20 Gold Watches, 75 e.arh i 50 do . 00 ear b 100 do 50 each ] 31 St Ladies Gold Watches, 85 each ! 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches, 80 each 250 Sewing Machines, #3O to 75 each j 500 Silver Watches, 10 to 25 each 10P0 G<>!d Guard, Vest and Fob Chains. 10 to 20 each Gold lockets, Bracelets. Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast j Pius, Cuff l'ins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings. Shirt Studs, j Vvati h Keys, Gi Id and .-silver Thimbles, and a variety of i other ur'iriee worth from 75 cents to g.5 such. Immediately on receipt of the subscription money the j subsi ri'o r'a -name will be entered upon our subscription I book opposite a number, and the gift corresponding wiih I that ntimbr r will be forwarded w it bin three days to the j subscriber, by mail or express, postpaid. Every yearly ' subscriber will receive one of the above gifts. No sub- : script ion for les* period than one year w ill be entitled to ! a gift All communications should be addrersed to CaI'I.DWEI SOUTH WORTH A WHITNEY, Proprietors of the NV* York Mercury, 27 Spruce -treet. New York j O-Bperimen copies sent free nihil fit ] LYONS' ! PURE CATAWBA BRANDY. | | \V|NG received the sole agency of A F Hazard K I • * to. Wind- sale Druggists, Philadelphia, for the sate j of this Brandy in M'fßui county, we confidently offer it t in the pti' iit us a pure and unadulterated article, s* Hie ' following certificates will prove: CHEMICAL INSPECTOR'S Orrtcs, 5 2N iixih it.. Cincinnati, March, 1957 y Tbia will certif- that I have this day inspected two I separate lots of Catawba Brandy, one In bar: l< and one in b.it He*. iiiaiiufartured by LiurMr.e f.yons, and sold by hi* vole acei t, J Jacob, at the Depot. No Wt opposite the Burnet ll>>us;-ep*l,i. Flatulency, Low tfpiritt. Languor, : Gensrat Debility, Ac Also for *a,e. BAIIELBY'S CELEBRATED STILL AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE. These Winesare made tn the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar , ant led to be the pure Juice of the grape, and are emi ner.tly calctiistcd for invalids and persons who require a ; gentle stimulant, and for Baen a Dispensary for the treatment of this i , class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical 1 : Advice GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, wiih a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of ; life, Ace ) and in caaca of extreme poverty to furnish ; Medicines Free of Charge. Il Is needless to add that the I Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, unri will furnish the most approved modern treat ■nent. The Direclors, on a review of the past, feel as ■ sored that their iabors in this sphere of henevolenl effort have her n of great benefit to the afflicted, esjiecially ta ; the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves , with renewed zeal to this very important but much de | aplsed cause. Juai published by the Association, a Report on f*per ! niatorrba-a, orBemin.il Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organ*, by the Consulting Surgeon, w hlch will he ' ssnt by mail (in a sealed letter envelope) Free of Charge., 1 on receipt of Two Stamiia for postage. Address, for Re. j port or treatment, Ifr GEORGE R CALHOUN,Consult ing Surgeon Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. GEO. FAIRC-MILD, Secretary. deeS l§7l£o 2EI£©WSS , 2 ) ~ SUKGEON DENTIST. PROFESSIONAL business promptly attend ed to, and charges reasonable. ; OFFICE on North Main street, second door j below the town Hall, and nearly opposite tbe Gazette office. je 21, 1855—tf. " geo. ir. "elder, Attorney at Law, OFFICE in West Marketstreet.opposite Eisan bise's Hotel, will atteqd to any business tnthe courts of Mifflin, Centre, or Huntingdon conn* ***• Lsbwistown, Julr 1,186 ft. TH jr FIRM! R'S COOK STOVE IT THE BTOTE WAREHOUSE OF F, G. Franciscus, Lewistown. soo Stoves j FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH. Farmers and others burning wood can find I one of the best wood Cooking Stoves used.— This excellent Stove is made heavy for use, i takes a stick of wood 28 inches long, has a very large fire place and oven, bakes well, snd got up in good style. Will warrant it to do its work well, and give good satisfaction. It comes much lower in price than stoves of this kind generally. scplT PEARL and Ivory handle Table and Dcrserl Knivet, for sale by / K.l WC/SCCS. BILLS for Frame Stuff filled at short notice, of good quality, and at low rates, j augl3 FR A XCISCCB. 1 AA DOORS, for inside and outside, t ± W Room ami Front Door*, aaw rfpil b'izpb and qualiii***, from $ \ 50 t - $3 each. FRANCIi*CTS. 150.000 Joint Shingles, 40.000 best 24 lurti Lap Siungli-c, on hand an.! for ciV by augl3 FRANCiSCUf. 150,000 Plastering Lath. 3, 3j, 4 &, 4.j feet long, and the ijett in the market, for sale by aug!3 FRANCISCUS. OTOYES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! ] All kinds of Parlor, Roosii, Bar, llail and Cook i Btovea, on hand and for sale at reduced price* by i avg-n FRS.JTCISCVS. PAS BURNE RS! GASHURNERS!- \ The mot economical coal burning Room or P.u ; r J Stove ever introduced; made ther of wrought ir n, ! no other metal btii.g used in i heir ma nut"n lure at all,end sill rave at least iO per cent moreof coalthni any rlove u.ted On hand and for eale by septlT FRANCISCUS. PATENT KNIFE CLEANERS.— ! i Jl One of the createat Übor saving mai t:io, ever In ; ven'ed. Kvery housekeeper should have one. Al* >, J Apple Parera, Rrcad Toaafera, Preserving Kettle*, brass, I copper, porcelain, tinned, tr F->r sale t y sept 17 FRANCISCUS. I QOIaE LEATHER, Calf Skins, Link : L7 Lining do , Upper Leather, Kipp do , u.o | T.iutpico Mororro. with all kinds of Fieiuh Kitt rtti-ur ! t Findirige. &c. fc r vale at lowest rate* by ! sept 17 FRANCISCUS. ' _ f |'HE NE PLUS ULTRA of cook j JL aii.vea I* tne hie Cook-the moil pcrfe.:t now in ' ; use. Every one wanting the bu,t eookit g stovr, are re ! ii.ertfuil\ Invited tn call an i examine thia baker, baking 1 bread equal to a brick oven Tht excellent atove i* | warrsnled in rvry reaped. For sale hv ' sept 17 FRANCISCUS. ; /TOAL BUCKETS, several patterns. I \ J Pokers, Shovels, SiiVr* Castings for !l ordinary | stoves. Tin and Iron Tea Kettles. Tin and C >p;ier Bottom ' ! W ash thdlers, Stove Boiler*. Griddle,, Long fans. B ke ' 1 Pa *. A-.c. in fact, all kinds of trimming* and fixture* I f >r smvearan be had at the e.-nblivhinen'. of sept 17 FRANCISCUS. State and County Taxes, ' OTICE i~ hereby given to the Taxpayers ' : i. a of Mifflin county that the Commissioners ! i have authorized 'he different Collectors to • make a deduction of PITS FEE. CS2ITF. ' on County fax assessed far the year 1 *5B, and I i a similar deduction of 5 percent, on the State I i tax for 1858. if paid on or before the FIRST I DAY OF MAY NEXT. On all State and : J county taxes for 1858 paid between the Ist ; day of May and the Ist day of Juiy. a deduc- ] j tion of % per cent, will be allowed on each j ! — nfter which date the full amount wiii be ' charged. liv order of the Board. I hSMh R. D SMITH, Clerk. Notice to Collectors of Taxes for 1857. : r |MIE C ur.ty Commissioners hereby cive I notice to Collectors of Taxes for 1857 j that the whole amount of their duplicates will I ! be requited to he paid to the county treasurer ; j, on or before the FIRST DAY OF MAY next j —at which date warrants will bo issued against | all delinquents. By order of the Board, _mh R. L>. SMITH, Lierk. N. S- LAWRENCE'S PMI, PRIM ER'S CARD AND ENVELOPE SO. 105 COMMERCE ST., PHILADELPHIA. BiCash buyers will find it for their inter i est to call. janT.j I £®2ISJ is SOHSg 805 Cheitnut St., above Eighth, Lett of .Vo. 45 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Are now receiving their Spring Importation of Silk and Millinery Goods, CONSISTING IN PART OF Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Satin and Taffetas Ribbons, Groa de Naples, (Glace and Plain,) Marcelines and Florences, Black Modes, English Crapes, Maline and illusion Laces, Ac. Also, a full assortment of FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS. j Philadelphia, March 18, 1858.-2 m CHARLES H. SPOONER, DEALER IN ! Hides, Coat Skins, Snmae. Red and Oak Snle, French and Amerlean Calf, Kips, Morocco. Linings, Ac., No. 335 North Second Street, above Vine, PHILADELPHIA, i N. B. American Sumac and Leather of all kinds exchanged or sold on commission. Philadelphia, March 18, 1858.-lm Stoves r stovesi stoves i Our nock of stoves ibis season is the largest and most varied of any stork on hand before. Our assort msnt embraces the New World, Globe, kuntine, Capital, Win. Penn, Fanny Forester, Girarri, Crystal, Plat Top, he.i all for wood and coal. F<>r sole low bv •eptl7 FRANCISCUS. BLACKSMITH'S COAL, LUMP COAL, WILKESBAKRET EGG COAL, SUN BURY COAL, Just received, and for Bale low, and deliv ered in any part of town, bv novfl SAMUEL COMPORT. ggrtcuttm-ai, Which ore the Best Hut** , \. Those Fifteen or Sixteen Hand VH This is a subject on which there less be a great difference of otinV N all depends upon this: at what JLI ' H to be fed? There can be no heavy work such as heavy tea toil J N and the like, where horse* Bre and well fed, that those sixtee wear best, and what is n ore satisfaction to their owner like to follow the plough after such hut there is a fault in too Bian . > which are bred at the present tin! have the extra hand all in the !■ . - matt who knows anvthiiw will give all such animals ~ a uide i! i* they are decidedly the worst ?„ u J there is to be found. Again if to be Fornetimes worked hard and •' a times driven hard, and what i* v . "' M all, and but too often the cuo into the bargain, the small hoi-'t'. J? the French breed, will stand such •., 1 better than any other with which D*" quainted. They are hardv, and will stand to be driv'en on'tb the one hour, and draw a heaw next. So the man who wants to'gc-t h to wear well had tetter first con" , r f he is to use them and the work tb-' perform, and then he can ousil T the horses that wili suit Farmer. ** CUaniny Wall the order of the day. now. and all -kj vrho find their paper soiled, would saving by cleaning it instead of puttin- J new. The best process of doing take about two quarts of wheat bran\j in a bundle of coarse flannel and rnb'jt J the paper. It will cleanse the whole J per of all descriptions of dirt and rJ better than any other means that eaU used. Some use bread, but drvbmj better. ' 1 • Indian Banno. l . —'Take one pint oflJ dian meal, and stir into itapir.tofJ milk—fresh buileriiii-k is better—yd teaspoonful of salt, a spoonful J c J butter. Ileal two eggs and add, aadtjj stir in a pint of wheat Hour; then iihj with niiik to the concisteney of dropeaa and when ready to bake, add two hasa teaepoonfuls of soda, dissolved in hot* ter. Pour in square buttered pansaaiad thick, and bake fifteen minutes, 'fhisijar tity makes two pans. Try it. Soda Cakes. —Take ] quart of flour,] teaspoonful of soda, and one of creams tartar, dissolved in hot water; 1 spoonful; lard and one of butter, rubbed iatotheHod a little salt; mix soft with sour or bntd milk, and cut with a tin in round cab bake in a quick oven. T he*e are reran for tea. Griddle. Cakes. —To 1 quart ci fa add I teaspoonful of tartar and one tim fourths full of soda, mix with sour or bra milk, and bake on the griddle:seren taste. Buttermilk cakes can be'tuaded same way, adding two eggs, and are w nice. Pennsylvania Railroad, ON and after .Monday, .March 29tL, !S trains lean? Lrwistown Stationaifoilw Kasltrard. If. we Through Express, 535 a. ra. 5Mi l Fast Mail. 44Sp m. 7 22j.i Altoona Way, 939a. m. 350 ' Through Freight, 5 45 p. m ii foi l Local 44 5 45 44 730 * Express Freight, 1 40 " 10 23 " Emigrant, 1 40 41 10 2o ' fTgJf* Passengers taking the Altoona '4i Train for points West of Altoor.a. willbel tained at that place until the arriva?oftheti Mail Train west. Fare to Harrisburg, $1 ?5; to Pi iiaWjii 5 00 ; to Altoona. 2 10: to Pittsburgh.s6C- Ticket Office will be open 20 s utes before the arrival of each Passeaf Train. D. E. ROBESON. Ap* Estate of John Byler, late of BroaniW ship, deceased. 4 LL persons indebted to this estate I f V. requested to makp payment inurediaM Those having demands will pre?ent a claims forthwith, properlv authenticated i settlement. SIIF.M ZOOK. mhlO-Gt* Administrate?- Estate of Bruce BcSltt, dercawi is hereby guen that letter?, 1 ?! v ministration on the cstac of BRB McNITT, late of St. Louis. Missouri.j formerly of Armagh township. Miffliocaj deceased, have been granted to the nw signed, residing in Brown township,™ county. All persons knowing thenisc.m debted to said estate arc requested t " immediate payment, and those having against the same to present thera uoij thenticated for settlement. , mh4 J. P. TAYLOR. FREEBDRG ACADEMT AND Snyder County Normal ScW FBEEBIR6) Pl# Term#—Half jxiyalAe in aJw nC< Board, Tuition, Ac. per session ~ five and a half months, Tuition alone, . . "\ a Music, French, Drawing A D In connection with the regolw m. course, whieh is full and complete lu ticulars, a Normal Departing | has been established in which i those wishing to become such, c n | I prepare themselves fct the Terms, in this department, fb P The present quarter 1 . of March, but students are s . °V rciii' time. For catalogues and particu®J;' .j ! GEO. F. McFARLAND, P aC "* Freeburg, March 26. 1838 POB. E211TI) . THKFE DWELLING A !;;s-m HOUSES in Charles St jjjM nraPSl F - terms inquire J SAMUEL COMFORT- Lewistown, March 18. ISSS. •)O.OQO Gross Kent's beet w ule OD the traite at t y