Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 15, 1858, Image 2

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    —■—jr Jst conspicuous actors in '
political scenes that
jSsful, Mtr BenUM. j
' W us, and in 1802 lie was
army. Bu' A t j ie nat ( ona j House
galloped Ki not fir an( j
was elected. He
were brougi at fd the administration of
was on hjbg t'- but at having become
added —dwi no t erne that he could
Hr jandoned it. Ihe conse
panting pretty t administration made
heard —ifctich (,<1 his friends in Missouri,
thunder < ring fin again for Congress, in
an liundi : defeated.
', rove n f°r Governor, in opposition
"omeao*o >einocratic candidate, a third
1j a herican) being in the field,
Vhce was that he was defeated,
ridtS* the regular Democratic ean
.. elected.
tjfsrsT 3-16, Col. Benton devoted himself
je' unpletion of his "Thirty Years'
"t* iJ *°a narrative of the political events
Idc 'lrred during his Senatorial career,
poo; .ored, in many places, by his politi
cs JA" personal prejudices; but is, ncver-
J a CQ; a most valuable contribution to our
history. Since that was finished,
fui. w :a6 been engaged on an abridgment of
"debates in Congress, which occupied
"o the last. An incurable disease,
j ',usic r of the bowels,) has for some time
irotFd upon him, and though he labored
• Bcev^ f° r marvellous
VI I gy, in the midst of agonizing suffering. ;
- overcame him before his task was \
t°iy ,
P° ealol. Benton was married, subsequent to |
hifirst election as Senator, to Elizabeth, i
t(a ; Jiterof Col. James McDowell, of Rock- !
e county, Va. His surviving children
' e9S lour daughters—Mrs. William Carey i
ea s, Mrs. John C. Fremont, Mrs. Sarah
,r areon Jacob, and Madam Susan Benton
j V au > now Calcutta, wife of the French
vyi mi-General. Mrs. Benton died in
having been struck with paralysis in
of tru wa „ a devoted husband and fath
•fi', and since bis wife's decease lie 3 avoided
all gayetv and public amusements. ll'=
political life is part of the national history.
He was a laborious, zealous and able mem
ber of the Senate, and a skilful, impressive
and dignified orator. There are few pub
lic men living who enjoy to a greater degree
than he did, the confidence and respect of
the unprejudiced of all parties.
For the Gazette.
"Tt.e laborer should un leratand the principles of his art.
should he able to explain the lawuf the processes which he
turns to account; instead of -worsting as a machine he I
ahould Join intelligence to liis toil—science hai passed frcm j
•peculation Into Iife."— CHINNING.
The article in the Gazette of the let in*t.,
has, I hope, removed all difficulties in regard
to the position and quantity of the iron ore
among the hills near Lowistown: I now offer
■ome facts as to the chemical character of this
ore, and some suggestions as to its treatment
in a blast furnace, which may not be with
out interest. Professor Rogers, in his Fourth
Annual Geological Report, p. 68, thus de
scribes this ore as found in Little (Jove, Frank
lin county, where the formation is exactly
similar to the region around ug: "Among
the bottom layers of this slate (8) occurs a
highly important bed of iron ore, used at
"Warren Furnace. It is a grey proto carbon
ate of iron, precisely identical in chemical
composition with the nodular and plate ores
of the shales of the coa! measures." But it
may be asked, how is it that the ore found at
the Snyder, Banks, Wattain and Calbraith
mines, and recently opened on Kline's land,
is a brown per oxyde of iron ? I answer in
the words of the distinguished geologist, Dr.
Andrew Henderson, incorporated in Professor
Rogers' Report, p. 95, in describing this ore
in tho Valley of LewietewD: —"The stratum
remote from its outcrop consists of bands of
ponderous bluish grey or lead colored pro* <
carbonate of iron, sometimes 1 .caking into
square masses, Romctiuies of a more slaty or
laminated structure. It does- not effervesce
when touched with acid. It is only where
the stratum has been long exposed at its out
crop to atmospheric influence, converting it
into the brown per-oxyde of iron, by which it
assumes a wholly different aspect, that it forms
the deposite at present worked by the furnaces !
situated r ear it. 1 his ore, at its outcrop, is
of dark hazel brown color, a smooth grain,
and a cellular structure. That which is de'
rived from the rectangular cleaving portion of
the solid bed is in square masses, with large- I
eqi arish cells, often glazed, and i iridescent
on their inner surface, and either entirely i
empty or partially fiiled with a pure bluish
clay. Sometimes where the bed has been so
protected as to escape extensive atmospheric
action, this conversion to the brown per-oxyde
is only purtial, a solid nucleus of the bluish
proto-earbonate forming the interior of the
lump, while the per oxyde occurs only on the
surface in the form of a crust of greater or
le-s thickness." Here is an exact description
of the character and color of this ore, an oxyde
a.ia a carbonate, which any one familiar with
K will instantly recognize. I may add, that
Dr. Andrew Henderson, when recently visit
ing bis relative, Dr. Joseph Henderson of this
place, verified his explorations in 1840 bv ex
amining the McGirk bank and declaring it to
be the proto-earbonate of iron, pointing again
to the small ridge parallel to Jack's mountain
as the location of the fossil iron ore, and indi I
eating the lino of the ravine leading from
Show's to 4he Creek as the ore-bearing portion
of the strata, and in the south-western exten
sion oj this line Kline's bank was ojoened.— i
Tne chemical character of thj ore admits of
BO dispute—the outcrop ore is the " Brown
Hematite, or Ilydrated Oxyd of Iron"—the
base or body of the ore jq the " Bluish Grey
Proto Carbonate of Iron." Many persons'
suppose "Hematite" to indicate a particular
chemical character in the ore, and have spo- I
ken of Hematite Ore (referring to the Lime- '
stone Ores commonly so called,) as used at
Lewistown Furnace and other furnaces sup
plied from the slate formation, but in this
sense none of these have run on "Hematite:"
this word describes only the color of the
ore, its Greek root meaning " blood"—hema
tite ore being " blood colored ore."
Of the hydrated oxide, so called because it
holds a large admixture of water, Overman, ,
p. 21*2, says: "The whole class is the result
of the decomposition of other iron compounds,
namely, iron pyrites, carbonates, red oxides,
sulphates, Ac. This kind of ore iu the older j
z< cks is generally good, but where it is de- j
rived from more recent deposits, it contains
some of the original matter from which it j
was decomposed. The pipe ore is deoompos- j
Ed sulphurct, and frequently we find a core
of pyrites in the centre; then the ore furnish
es a hot-short iron ; but carefully rcmsied the
sulphur ef the pyrites can be mostly evapo
rated. The hydrates of the coal formation
are mainly derived from spathic iron, and
frequently contain carbonic and sulphuric
acids, which impair the quality of the metal,
but can be removed by A CAREFUL ROASTINC
lOF TUE ORE.'' Here is the first step. We have
; seen already, that the ore near Lewistowu is
precisely similar in chemical character, with
tiie ores of the coal formations. The oxidis
ed outcrop contains some of the original car
bonate from which it was decomposed, which
impairs the quality of the iron, but which
j can be removed by careful roasting'. We
must begin, then, l>y roasting the oro careful
ly. On page 39, under the head of 4 Hydra
i ted Oxide of lion. Brown Oxide, Hematite,
Bog Ore," Overman remarks, " This whole
class ought to be roasted, not for the purpose
of oxidation, but in order to drive off the
I acids and destroy and pbosphu
rcts, for all the ores of this class contain more
|or less injurious matter. This ore will bear
a high temperature, if there is no foreign
; matter mixed with it; but of this it is very
seldom free." The spathic ore, or laminated
| carbonate from which the outcrop ore is de-
I composed, requires roasting with great care—
page 40, Overman : " Carbonates require are
, ful treatment. In the furnace they melt be
fore carbon has any influence on them ; aud
if there is any admixture of foreign matter,
the carbonates are very apt to produce a
small quantity of white iron, with black cin
der. The roasting of carbonates is difficult:
the best means of roasting them are lotc heat,
and, if possible, access of watery vapors,
partly to carry off the heavy carbonic acid
gas, and partly to prevent a too high tempe
rature ; for if the heat is too strong, the car
bonate melts together with the oxide, and
terms a black cinder. Under all circumstan
ces the ore to be roasted should be broken in
to pieces as small as those usually put into
the blast furnace, say two or three inches; if
we neglect this, of course we cannot expect a
good result, for it is obvious that large pieces
will not receive heat and oxygen through their
whole body so soon as smaller pieces; and as
the maiii object is oxidation, no means should
He neglected which will accomplish the end
in view. Stone coal, properly applied, will
answer; coke or anthracite is preferable. Bad
or sulphurous coal should be avoided, or at
i least coked before used." On this p.dnt let
ute add a few emphatic words from the same
high authority : " Whether an iron ore should
be roasted, is a question which very seldom
arises; at least this question se'dom ought to
arise. With the exception of the red impal
pable oxide, the whole body of iron ores re
quire roasting. The object of roasting the
ore is to oxidise it, for when thus changed to
an oxide of iron, the metal can be revived
(that is, brought to its original condition of
native iron) by means of carbon, more readi
ly than when the iron exists in any other
combination. Jt is of the utmost ]>ossible
consequence to recollect this great principle in
the manufacture of iron. " The metals, with
the exception of gold, silver, and copper, are
seldom found in thrir native state. They are
combined with other matter in their native
beds, and it is the study of the metallurgist
by dissolving this combination, to reduce
them to their simple condition."
"All matter generally found in iron ore which
is considered injurious to the metal is more
or less volatile, and expelled by a cherry red
heat; for instance, sulphur, phosphorus, chlo
rine, arsenic, antimony, sulphuric acid, phos
phoric acid, carbonic acid, &e. A heat suf
ficiently strong to oxydite ore, expels all other
volatile matter and the iron retains oxygen
alone." By roasting the ore carefully we not
only expel the injurious volatile matters in
combination with it, but we increase the osy
•dation of the ore. and the higher that oxyda
tion is carried (that is, the more perfect the
roasting.} the more easily is the metal revived
or brought to its native state. How vain then
is t he attempt to manufacture a large yield of
good iron by burdening a furnace with raw
ores ! As a general rule, it is dangerous
1 to attempt it with any ore, but with the car
bonates it is impossible. The outcrop ore
should be prepared by itself, for the roasting
| of the carbonate requires much more care,
and a short experience will teach in what pro
portion they should be used in the burden of
; the furnace.
1 come n.. w to liie question of fuel. It is
a fact established by many furnaces running
on this ore, that it makes an admirable iron
with charcoal and cold blast. The iron made
thus at " Isabella," by Mr. Duncan, was ex
cellent; so that at " Hope," by (Japt. Patton:
at " Bedford," by Mr. Cromwell, tee., Ac.
But the day of charcoal furnaces is rapidiy
closing. The decrease in our forests and the
trifling yield of such furnaces will soon si
lence them all in Pennsylvania. Wo must
have a fuel which closely resembles charcoal
in softness and openness of texture, but which
will bear & much heavier burden and blast.
The demand for certain kinds of iron, which
anthracite does not yield, requires such a fuel.
Can we procure it? Wo can—cheap and in
exhaustible. Coke is this fuel. It is thus
described: "Fossil coal (coal dug out of the
earth) charred or deprived of its bitumen,
sulphur, or other extraneous or volatile mat
ter, by fire, and thus prepared for exciting
intense heat;" (Cleaveland.J —or, to give Les
ley's definition, " Coke is the solid carbon and
ash in coal, obtained by driving off the water,
th hydrogen, the sulphur, and any other vol
atile matters which the coal may contain. It
isoporous, splintery, crystalline aud sonorous."
\V ithoutentering into the history of fossil coal,
it will be sufficient to state that charcoal, bitu
minous and anthracite coai are each tho result
of vegetation under differing conditions. Bi
tuminous coal is mineralized by its contact
with iron, sulphur, Ac. Expel these foreign
substances by fire and submit the residuum
to enormous and long continued pressure, and i
you have anthracite, which is compact coke ; j
but bituminous coal slowly and carefully fired
in rows, stacks or ovens, produces mineral
charcoal, which, if tho work has been proper- ■
ly done, will have a purity and open structure
equal to vegitablo charcoal, but with much, j
yrraler weight and therefore ability to bear
blast and burden. Anthracite is wholly unfit
as fuel to smelt the carbenates of iron ; it i
is to* hard, too compact, and requires hot
blast of a temperature too high. "Tho compact i
carbonates afford with charcoal and cold blast i
an excellent forge irou ; by the hot blast tho j
quality is greatly injured." (Overman, p. 30.)
On page 147, speaking of a furnace at Eisen
erz in ijtyria, where the sparry carbonates are
smelted, he says: "The application of hot j
otast nas never succeeded. So greatly does
it injure the quality of the metal that the for
ges cannot work it without extreme difficulty."
But let it be particularly noted that Overman
also remarks (p. 30) that where hot blast is
used with the carbonate, IR THE ORE IS PROP
METAL. Few persons in central Pennsylvania
can be ignorant that the iron made at the
Cambria Iron Works is one of the very best'
I In the State, yet many are not aware that j
this iron is made from the carbonate ore, j
smelted with coke and hot blast. J. P. Les- j
ley, Esq., (one of the highest authorities in j
the country,) in his Manual of Coal (p. 18) i
says: "The carbonate of iron is as valuable !
ias the sulphuret is worthless. When fused |
alone it yields one of the best metals in (he ,
world, as "is now shown at the Cambria Works j
in Pennsylvania." It may startle some to be
told that the ore in the ridges near Lewistown
is the same exactly with that used at the Cam- i
j bria Iron Works, but such is the indisputable ;
. f ac t. They are both carbonates of iron, and !
must be treatod precisely in the same way in
a blast furnace. (See lingers' lie port 1840,
p. 68-95.) Whatever has been done in the
manufacture of iron at the Cambria Works
i can be dono at Lewistown. We have the ore
; in exhaustless quantities; hills of limestone
! of the best quality, and a heavy stratum t f
: excellent fire clay close to the town ; and an
j admirable water power in the Kishacoquillaa
i creek, a large and steady stream. It is true.
* we have not the Allegheny coke, but we have
what is far superior, the pure, porous and
\ weighty coke of the semi-anthracite of Broad
! Top, an unequaled fuel, destined ai no distant
' day t revolutionize the manufacture of iron
!in "this State. It is an admitted fact that
| charcoal and coke are better fuels for making
iron than anthracite. Overman (p. 208) says:
"Soft, op<n fuel and heated air form carbonic
oxyde, the agent in the reduction of the ore,
more readiiy than hard coal; and we may
conclude that charcoal and coke are more
; useful than anthracite coal in the manufacture
jof iron." The great end to he sought is pure
and weighty coke, and this never can be made
i from light and sulphurous coal—never. No
! mode of burning eau thoroughly expel from
| such coal that deadly enemy of iron, sulphur,
j or give to the coke weight and body sufficient
to bear the blast necessary to produce a heavy
yield. We must find a coal free from sulphur,
| tif an anthracitous character, and yet with
bitumen enough to yield an open coke. What
then is the relative character of the anthraci
\ tons coal of Broad Top and the bituminous
! coals of the Allegheny coal field? The weight
i of bituminous c al is about 2400 lbs. to the
1 cubic yard, while Broad Top weighs 2868 lbs.
to the cubic yard! within one pound of Broad
Mountain, the heaviest anthracite in Pennsvl
; vania! (Taylor's Statistics of Coal. p. 58, fn
j froduction.) Mr. Henry King, of Pittsburgh,
who has had great experience in the iron
trade, has recently manufactured pig metal
I of most admirable quality with Broad Top
1 coke, at Leninos Furnace, on Yellow creek,
Bedford county, in a small charcoal stack !
the ore being the hematite of formation 6 and
the fossil of formation 5. To this noble fuel
we must come. It contains every required
j condition for the reviving of iron in the most
successful manner—in quality so pure as to
leave scarce a trace of sulphur, open and
weighty —in price, cheap —in quantity, inex
| haustible.
From the foregoing I think we may con
elude, Ist. That the ore of the long range of
ridges traversing Lewistown valley is a true
j carbonate of iron, its outcrop being the per
! oxyde of iron. 2d. That it is a stratified ore,
I and is present in great force and true position.
| 3d. That " it is precisely identical in chemi
cal character with the nudular and plate ores
of the shales of the coal formation." 4th. That
: it yields one of the finest metals in the w rid.
sth. That it ML'.ST be roasted with care and
broken in small pieces before it is charged.
] 6th. That the temperature of the hat blast
must not he very high, and 7th. That coke,
and that alone, is the true fuel to produce a 1
heavy yield of excellent metal, and that this
unrivalled fuel is within easy distance of us
by canal and railroad.
I close this article with an extract from
i Lesley, who is mora thoroughly conversant
i with the coal formation of Broad Top lit in
! any living geologist, and whose spotless rep
utation and exalted attainments give great
I force to his opinions. Speaking of the sup
posed discoveries of the black hand ore, ho
says: "We uny therefore convert ourrepeat
\ ed disappointment at its published discoveries
! in this country into hearty congratulations
! that it scarcely exists in our coal measures :
for while it has created enormous personal
fortunes, and stimulated for a time the local
iron trade of Scotland and England, it has
deteriorated iron on both sides of the Atlan
ti" ; whereas the, time has fully come for the
ucceasjul awl profitable treatment of the etom-
I mon carbonate at innumerable points, either
pure or mired with the bog oxyde, or with the
hematites, or with the fossil ore,, fused with the
i jtc semi-anthracites of Shamokin, Broad Top
a I'd Cumberland, or the coked bituminous coals
or the great west." (Manual of Coal, p. 20.)
. Such testimony from such a source isconclu
sive. But if the raw semi-anthracite will
produce good iron, how much the more sue
ctssful must the mineral charcoal or coke i
prepared from it be—when every impurity has
j been expelled by careful preparation, and its
■ treatment in the furnace is regulated by the i
i light of experience and practical scientific
knowledge ?
I submit tho foregoing to your readers that
; such facts, so important and BO fully esfah
lished, may turn their reflections and inqui- j
ries to the only true source of permanent
prosperity to this community— the development
of the vast, the incalculable mineral deposites
which lie among the hills traversing the valley
of Isxcistown.
Respectfully yours,
W. 11. IRWIN.
UaTTo cure a cough, buy a bottle of the
Balsam of Wild Cherry. Wo have more
faith in this combination of I>r. Wistar, than
in any other remedy known, having witnessed
its entire success in many cases of protracted
fQrSenator Bigler recently wishod Kansas
might come into the Union as a slave State, i
Congress ought to gratify his wish with the
condition that ho black his faco a little and
become one of the slaves.
gtaJf Liquor merchants who pretend to sell
"pure liquors" now-a-days, are a good deal ;
like tho fellow who thought he was drink- '
ing pure water out of a puddle in which swine
had been wallowing.
cases of small pi* have prevailed
at Patterson, one of which, a girl •named
Heller, got on to the hay mow of a stable :
where sho remained two days before she was .
fetAuXho President has issued bis procla
mation authorizing sales of public lands in j
Nebraska, to commence on Monday, tho 6th
day of September next. The quantity of
lands to be offered at these sales amounts in
tbe aggregate to 2,253,976 acres. v
Never marry a stranger, or one whose .
character is not known or tested. Some fe- {
males jump right into tha fire with their eyes
wide open
Thursday, April 15, 1858.
Notices of New Advertisements.
Bacon taken tn exchange fbr Salt anJ Fish at Hoffman's.
John Clark has disposed or his Carriage Making Estab
lishment to James I'. Hamaker, who continues the busi
ness. Mr. C. desires a speedy settlement of his accounts.
Attention Is requested to the advertisement of E. E.
Cocke A Co.
Mr. Flchthorn has placed his duplicates in the hands of
John L. l'orter Tor compulsory collection.
The Collectors of Taxes will and an Interesting notice
among the advertisements.
Mrs. Wurts has takeh the Brown's Mills Hotel at Reeds
vllle, where she will endeavor to accommodate the public
to the best of her ability.
;Bfcy"An interesting scientific article on
the Manufacture of Iron—a subject in
which all our citizens are, or ought to he,
interested —from the pen of Gen. Irwin,
appears in our columns to-day.
The Opposition and so called Democrat
ic parties have each a glaring fault, so
prominent that no one can well mistake it.
i With the opposition this fault consists in a
| bank mania, which almost invariably char
acterizes every administration that gets in
to power, either by re-chartering unstable
! old banks or suffering new charters to get
into operation that never ought to have
' been granted. This wa3 the great fault of
Pollock's governorship—for although as a
! general thing his official acts were commen
i liable, yet we have no doubt in our mind
some severe losses will result to the people
by the ultimate failure of some the institu
! tions which he suffered to become laws,
when a prompt exercise of the veto power
ought to have arrested their progress. By
this we do not mean to say that the oppo
sition is composed exclusively of hank ad
vocates, for it numbers many members (our
selves among the number) who are utterly
opposed to the present system of bank char
ters, but that the policy or interest of the
leaders has led them into such a course
i when in power.
With the Democratic party the great
fault is, that it is in a measure subservient
i to the liquor interest, just about in the
same degree as the opposition is to banks.
In its ranks are many active and leading
temperance men, who strive earnestly for
the right, but whenever the test comes the
liquor interest is sure to rule among the
powers that be, from the Governor down to
the most obscure member of the Legisla
ture. Thus, at the present time, when we
have good laws that but needed moral cour
age on the part of temperance men to ren
der them effective, we have the singular
spectacle presented at Harrisburg of a ret
rograde movement by a democratic legisla
ture, under the plea of revenue, which will
make the sale of all the vile compounds
now manufactured almost a general thing.
Less than a prophet can foretell that for
dollar the state will derive from this
source, the taxpayers will in a few years
have to pay ten in the shape of poor tax
Both the above may not be very palata
ble truths to politicians, hut they are nev
ertheless truths, and as such entitled to the
serious .consideration of all good citizens.
The second one is undoubtedly a great evil,
constantly kept before the public by daily
evidences < f degradation and shame, but
could we look into all the minutia: of the
distress brought about by bank failures,
the former is not less so, save that it is not
so general.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
The Legislature is dragging along
slowly with public business, though a large
number of private acts contrive to be pas
sed, the provisions of one half of which
will probably not be known uutil too late to
be remedied.
From appearances the public works will
be given to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad.
The liquor bill will also pass.
Proceedings of Congress.
The House of Representatives at Wash
ington by a majority of 8 votes determined
to adhere to the Montgomery-Crittenden
bill, thus throwing the responsibility on
the Senate of further action. On Tuesday
Mr. Green asked for a committee of con
ference, which created a warm debate.
The deficiency bill providing for expen
ditures over and above the estimates to the
amount of nine millions of dollars, has pas
sed the House. Wonder what the old
Jackson men yet living, who charged John
Quincy Adams' administration with extrav
agance for spending twelve millions a year
altogether, will think of a Buchanan ad
ministration spending a hundred millions ?
A&Mabie & Crosby's French and A
merrfcan - Circus will open the equestrian
campaign at this place on Wednesday,
April 28th, when a troupe of renowned ar
tists will give their wonderful performances
before Tony Pastor and tho rest of man
kind, most of whom are his relations.—
(Those who desire to know who lVny Pas
tor is will of course be there to see.) Ad
mission fre* on the payment of 26 cents.
XF.W STORE. —Col. Butler has opened a
new store at the stand in East Market street
lately occupied by Jacob Everich, where a
; large and select assortment of all kinds of
I Dry Goods, embracing the latest styles of
| Dress Goods, &c. can be found at prices
; that will astonish the natives. B. K. Fi
| roved, an accomplished salesman and ex
: oellent judge of the wants of customers, has
j the management of the concern, and will
• be happy to wait on all whether they come
! to purchase or examine.
: were so well satisfied of the value of West's
| Patent Galvanic Cement, that they pur
chased the right for Centre and Mifflin
counties, and now offer to furnish the arti
cle and put it on roofing. Its cost is about
the same as shingling, and is rapidly re
-1 placing the old method of covering roofs
|in the principal cities and towns. We had
' occasion last summer to examine a roof
thus covered, and were so well satisfied
with its water proof properties and incombus
tibility that, for our part, we should want
no other. \\ e recommend our readers to in
quire respecting this cement before they
purchase shingles or other material.
TROUT FISHING. —To-day by law, trout
fishing commences in the Kishaeoquillas
and its tributaries, and if the weather will
permit numbers will no doubt avail them
selves of the opportunity to hook a few of
the speckled beauties. Some sneaks, we
! learn, who are ever bent on being contrarv.
have been fishing Iloncy creek for several
; weeks, catching trout when they were ab
i solutely unfit for the table. It is to bo
hoped that the time is not distant when ev
ery resident along the Kishacoqnillas and
its branches will feel so far interested in
the preservation of this fish, as to j.rose
cute every violation of the law. .Wt jish
!n(j is altogether prohibited in the tributa
ries of the Juniata, under a fine of So for
each offence.
MlJjUti County Agricultural Society.—
The annual meeting of this association was
held in the Town Hall on Wednesday even
ing, April 7, 1858. The list of membeis
having been read, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year :
President—E. E. Locke.
Vice Presidents—Hon. John Henry, John
i Watt, Shem Zook. Gen. L). Milliken, Mo-
S-S Miller, George 11. Calbraith, Adam Ilarsh
Executive Committee in addition to the off
| cers— Jaiues McCord. David Witheruw, Rob
j ert Campbell, Joseph Kyle. Jr., Wru. Mitchell.
Corresponding Secretary—F. J. Hoffman,
i Treasurer. Librarian and Curator of Seed*
j —Hon. T. W. Moore.
Roc. Secretaries—George Fry-iriger. H. J.
| Walters, James S. Urisbig, John R. Weekes.
The following resolutions were then ad
| opted :
fiesolced, That the Committees at the next
j Annual Fair make report on the morning of
l the third day at 11 o'clock, and that the
I Treasurer be authorized to pay premiums
: immediately thereafter in the order entered
j in the book of entry.
| red, That to compete for premiums aii
! articles must be entered before 12 o'clock on
the second day of the Exhibition.
ficsolved, That the Executive Committee be
authorized to fix the time and p'ace for the
next Exhibition, and revise the list of premi
ums as they may deem expedient.
On motion, it was determined to hold
meetings for the discussion of Agricultural
Subjects as follows:
Thursday, May 20th, at McVeytown—
Subject—The red Wevil, or insect destruc
! tive of Wheat.
Belleville, Thursday, July 15—Subjects
—Rotation of Crops, and Improvement of
Stock generally.
Wednesday, August 4th, at Lewistown
—Subject—How to interest Agricultural
ists in their profession.
Farmers generally are invited to attend
these meetings and participate in the pro
iguThe proceedings of Court are em
braced in the following report:
M. Buoy, vs. R. Bogle. Issue to try wheth
er a Bote was paid. Verdict for defendant.
Robert Newlin, vs. R. Cummings. Defen
dant's counsel with leave of court, gives judg
ment in favor of plaintiff for $63,33.
Casper Dull vs. Jacob Philips, Administra
tor of John Philips. An action to recover
the value of some hogs alleged to have been
taken in a drove by defendent in his lifetime.
Defendant pleads that Jacob Philips is not
defendant's administrator, and is not his sole
administrator. Plaintiff, with leave of court
took a nonsuit.
John S. Miller for use ▼■. J. A. Cunning
ham. Action in debt. Verdict for deft.
D. Fichthorn vs. Z. & M. Orner. Eject
ment for lot of ground on West Market street,
Lewistowo. Verdict for plaintiff.
Commonwealth vs. Jacob Price. Indict
ment, —keeping a disorderly house and selling
liquor to minors. Verdict, not guilty, but de
fendant to pay costs.
Same sa. John Miller. -Indictment, forni
cation and bastardy. True bill. Defendant
not taken.
Same vs. James McConahy. Indictment
burglary and larceny, on oath of Geo W.Gib
son, for robbing his jewelry store of watches
and jewelry somotimo since. Verdict not
Same vs. Jas. McCurdy jr. Indictment lar
ceny. A true bill. Recognisance forfeited.
Same -ve. M. Bloom, Robt. McCurdy and
J. 'McCurdy, jr. Indictment burglary and
larceny, oath of Samuel Comfort, for rob-
bing his smoke hou-e. True bill x>
Curdy not taken, M. BU. lu eseiu, ' *
Same vs. Elmira Everhart. T n .:-
larceny. Ignoramus.
Same vs. Jane Prettyleaf T,,i
murder and concealing death of bastjjfc
Same vs. Wm. Womelsdorf F,l.
ces—true bill. Defendant not
cognizance forfeited. ppe,,rir 'g,*
Same vs. John Peachy and Rm>;„
ler. Indictment obstructing privr*"""
no bill, and Wm. McClelland toll
Same vs. Joseph Brought and Matt',
—indictment lewdness, l c . . lt s
county to pay costs. * " '' B taJ
On sundry* chs rges against John Fichu,
and Joseph Brought for assault and U? (ti
S>. M. Jennings for forniea ion to, i k ■■
fnise pretences, ihe district attorre
leave of court, entered nolle pro^oi*'
Com. vs. R. A. Means—continued. '
M 1 the licenses applied for Were ,
with the exception of that of \V."
'THIE undersigned having disco*,,
A Carriage Making Establishment'
ah persons indebted to call and mat.,
uient without delay, as he is de<ir:, Uj ~f •
ing this section of country. A few
Carriages on hand for sah/verv low.
JOlL\ ChAl'v
Lewistown April 15, 1853. 3t.
HAVING taken the establishments u.
( lark I purposerarryingontlieffir V
Making Business in all its brunches nilfi
always have on hand, a stock from
Pleasure and Business Carriages can b e
dily selected, at prices to suit the timet
Skfi' Repairing promptly attended tO . '
Lewistown, April 15, 1858.
The Collectors cf 1857
VRE hereby notified that the C.jtrm*
sinners will attend at their office in Let.
istown on FRIDAY, April 30, and pr jo(rt '
to allow exonerations and make final Et tb
inent with said collectors. P.v order
ap!s K D. SMITH, Clerk.
State & County Taxes for 1851,
in the Borough <f Isirutowx
is hereby given • > -J e taxpav-n
-Ll of the Borough of Lev i-t. wn •vbtau
not paid their State and Con at r taxes on tb
duplicate of the aboT* year, that the ur.d.
sign'd bis traiisferrtd RacoiWti n JOHN'
L. PORTER, with instruction* t-. coileettiu
same previous to the FIRST DAY OF MAI
next, and afftr that date by di-tress and safi
of property. This curse i absolutely ret.
dered nece.-oary, ss cuu D seen by rcltn.y
to the notice of the ('• .mmituh-netg u. O.ilw
The School Tax for the year ending Jure
1858, ha-i also L-> n placed ia the bands if
Mr. Porter, with instructions tu en three it
collection within sixty days.
Lewistown, April 15, 1858—2t
Patent Galvanic Cement
ZJf* <£> LLi z* jl> it aaa*,
r l M.E undersigned having purchased It
A right for this Cement in Mifflin and fit.
tre counties, are now prepared t.. fumi! V.i
put it on roofing whereter de-irrd—therts:
being .sheeted by the owner. Scientific tan
under the direeiion of govt-rnuienf. sndt
chitects and builder* in r&riuus parts uf tit
country, for years have been study:u;sd
experimenting to discover some e tnp"sitii
or article f r roofing, which would n dcttk
changes of our climate, and would un'tf ill
qualities of Lnjeerciousness to Wafr, Lut
bit*ability, l)ai ability end Cheapness. M
article now in use these qualiiitt
Shingles arc not fire proof, ami cannot be nsd
upon fiat roofs. Slate can only beudup:i
steep roofs. The contraction, expansion tad
rusting of metallic roof* are so great in thi
changeable climate that they soon Iwa
worthies*, or tin r-pairs wiii cost ni. te tb*
a new roof. The vnricus cements snii cos
positions which itave been introduced, can it
supplied only to very flat roof*, sod they
all so affected bv the action of the weather
that they will mi It and run in summer ami
crack in winter, and in a short time beome
crumbly and worthless. The inventor of '.at
Galvanic Cement has labored twenty year'!:
obviate these difficulties, and it is believed
those who have bad opportunities to test f&
matter, that he has entirely succeeded. As
now applied,
First—lt is completely iroporvicus to water-
Water may continually stand upon the
without affecting it in the least.
Second—lt is fire-proof. Itisfoicccait-e
tible that it will afford ample and perfectpr:
tection against tire, sparks and burningsh:e
gles from another building immediately •
joining. _
Third—lt is duraide. If is not injured J
atmospheric changes, having been tested i
several years by tbe Patentee, at Syrsco*
New York.
Fourth—lt is cheap. Roofs will s* ? PP; .
for about half the cost of tin, and w:;i.
much longor. ,
Fifth- Repairs are easily and cheaply
Sixth —lt is sufficiently to eoti J
resist the expansion and contraction by
and cold, and will remain perfect and sou
the warmest and coldest weather. ,
Seventh—lt is adapted to all kina;o. r-'
either flat or steep. . . o
Eighth—lt is valuable for rc P airlD *
roofs. Old shingle roofs may be
without removing the shingles. Olum^
roofs can be made perfectly tight aM*,
Ninth—lt is especially adapted t°al
of seaming around battlements,
and chimneys, and for the lining o
trough? and gutters. Roofs which bavep
trouble for years, and which have c ° n
to leak in spite of all efforts, can
perfectly secure by this cement. ,
Tenth—lt has been proved to be tn
article ever used for covering car top
steamboat decks. . -jj
Eleventh—This cement apphel to
roofs preserves them from rusting. .J*
nishing a coat which is at once impf j
water and an almost perfect nou-cou
Twelfth-It is the only
patented which contains India rub
gutta percha. ; o ri
For a specimen of this. ce®c nt
owners of property ta call at our j® 1 ,j#
a single coating, put on in December 1 1
kept the buildings perfectly dry tb .
winter. E E. LOCK| *
. P l 5 Lake's Mills- Mifflin o,"