Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 18, 1858, Image 3

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    Ij A IT 71 n W ?
.For the Gazette.
'notwithstanding the short
tff* V" :,e audience at Mr Thompson's
evening the 12th inst., before
: ;;ar " !• w,';*yy at Milroy, was large and of
table character. The subject
like "Astronomy," was one
'public mind is always interested.
jffllK !' bv stating he felt rather in a peou
';- a a3 to know how to proceed in
• a? t once please 4 Young
!scb * a jj;,n.i satisfaction to others.—
l# „f the lecturer was such that
' ,jt 'nv preliminary remarks he soon c.il-
: l,eir emotions and placed them in
"„f his subject; arid the strictest
;: V- u.is paid to his remarks, together
;'. ut jc u i and well performed ex per i-
I,:i Th"' last experiment performed, the
i® 15 ; \iure-tlis," was brilliant, and a fcel
came over the audience. There
' U c streams of light, followed with
,| mms ; rat i 1 changes of motion,
riV VvV V.rting. waving, Hashing, vivid and
: hi'J-ed the lecture with experi-
es ..lanatK>ns was most interesting
1 it was concluded with great
, he l-ai-t of the audience. In style
- r ' ais most happy, s< -king to
■ . t-iin rea.-oning, and in all cases
,:tkc Ids points easily understood
' v"" The subject was one that
%■ ;lv • e entered on in a single lecture.
• !"' '!■■■. a preliminary, it was most inter
. !i' ! was a resident of Miivoy I
■ *' '.iiat Mr. Thompson be request
v'_ ; |,c his remarks nn the same sub
r the au
i " There need be no doubt a largo au
ff".. u i-l be present on the occasion.—
i.vrur-'r took Ids scat a vote of
was tendered him for i.is truly inter- j
""., ; ~ dive lecture. 'J'ne society
s t their regular order uf busi- j
i; j r-rand that Mr. Thompson has |
b, a •: it interest in the society in dril- '
k ; ; ic. "elocution" —and is at all times
"r ■ c .tribute a mite of interest in the
n ;f thr society. The young men, s
pieces spoken were wit, humor- j
.. vijii", ->r descriptive, wore so thor- i
i in > !<-ution that tliier voices j
, v. rc always ready to change j
c' ; ;, v - utiiicnt—giving grout credit to |
#'• i;.;:ractcr as w.il as thontselves. In !
r pini-.a it would be much bettor for the
V- men. generally, in every town and
•,-b t i .lie members ©fa literary so j
; -v ir 1 sr,erid their leisure hours of the 1
K _at " fireside searching in books,
•ii .1-. after useful knowledge—that '
: 11 , rc-pared to meet their so- j
in n instructive manner—that they j
r:i rut on:? be a "star" in the literary |
{ r—hit society at largo. I think it'
;.JUI ii in-re instructive for young
!i . be -;i _' in such it work as this
i_: : if {'. uud when evening conies lying
pi- • or any other nasty plane,
to: v iiiit-r liear nor see any good for
fc- or an? ! ody else. SPECTATOR.
J! ir v. March 13, 158.
■ Ach i tftnenl <>J Seieuee. —The
L -•?, w h its tireless strength, its pul
t .; ;• an i its heart of Hamc, is a glori
ci it f the creative capacity of the
l. :.ivi;;uni the metallic i erves through
t. ir uiiM.ee courses over a continent,
■: y i-v.'-rv flesh i f thought which traver
s: that rnin ; sses one attribute
i g ilik u the power to annihii.i*' j
fin •• Bat vast and important as j
i :: tin. results of making steam and
! . common carrier ari l messenger
d. the disc iv -ry by which weak or
: 1 -an be vitalized or restored to :
i i . r and purity, by means of internal ;
c • lies is . f inSnitely greater <
■ of vegetable chemistry 1
is H dhe
f •••e v.-.j equal to this mighty task,
f '•••• - f idle.- impart to the stream of
: • - r ' g principle which frees the
- a all impure and poisonous ele
i ■ ic- powers of chemistry are almost
r ■ .tic it, and as he has brought
t-' tr ur- r ii all the varieties of disease,
• inv;iuab!e vegetable compounds
i. iU Ai 'S ibt.i.S and OINTMEST,
f l i-* -cd their highest and holiest
the great motor, is after all but
ry ag.'nt. Its usefulness Consists,
i: -. i?i conveying substantial benefits,
• . c"ainty to the fichftl in v\ hieh
■ . x:-:. it is simply the bearer
•I'":". -it their originator. Of all the
w:. f carries over land and sea,
r * <'S' ii. Ps none so precious AS Hullo
-0 H'medics. It is scarcely a figure of
' that whithersoever it conveys
b ' s ''with healing on iis wings."
1. • . • influence of the Ointment, the
cr disfigured l.y eruptions or ex
t •. !-ec .mi s a tabula . o.ta, pure, spot
'rills; crent: and this erasure of
- ;s not accomplished by driving
' ; in f o the vital recesses of the
by neutralizing tLe niurbidmate-
I - "b feeds it.
- ret upon the internal fluids and
i r .'Crete tliem on the same sani
c. They destroy the acrid par
' I 11 their chemical action as
'• i- an uikali neutralizes an acid ;
- "uitaaeously impart a mild and con
' : action to the secretive and ex
- machinery.
' 1 he repeating a familiar story to
' > > diffusion, the universal cleb
tv. :n curatives. They have pen
civilization has penetrated,
r.u iiciues of every class, creed,
: JI. the face of the earth. The
'-"jvernuient-, the patronage of
■' approval of all Christian nations,
? ■ . r ud of pagan millions, attest their
h' fact, ihere is no region with which
■ is any commercial intercourse,
1 - '-.-.ay would not find himself at
-in' i -tirnate may be formed of the
. '" var "'ty of his foreign correspon
ds! ttie fact that sixty corresponding
y ( 'uich number sixteen are accom
-'!• ■<*''[ are PDI F'' O J' il l ' n conducting
\,y c ntre of a SANITARY CIRC'I.K
' • rlA.—-Jyjudon Man ting Her•
. ( '":io ot the kind made—are for
■' at , j cent* per bottle to close
i'\ ' i< ; \ j large portion of their
" u of iuf origin and progress of
1 a: i:* i-;>read all over the length
The im-etliigg in New York city
:• ute-estlnE, and crowds are unable
*** 6 • -arups of Florida U said to be ■
iit ~ " Uv * hundred bu.Ueia of froga to the .
hough lor fencing. An emigrant !
■sat', of neighbor* would soon meet a j
j FEMALE SUASION.— Great Excitcmm
nt . uyahoga F'alls. A corresponden
writes us that the citizens of Cuyahog
fulls wore last Saturday surprised bv th
j sudden appearance in ilie street of 4oin
forty k * female women," armed with axes
i hatchets, hummers, Ac. The curioush
, armed and equipped females immcdiatel*
j proceeded to the Baloon over the post officii
: the doors oi which were barred agains
•them. J hey demanded admission am
I whatever of the ardent the premises contain
j ed. Both requests were denied, But a;
j "Hell hath no fury like a woman (s)com
j rd," they soon chopped the doors dowi
j and made a complete wreck of the ostab
j lishment. They then marched to the oth
I cr saloon and soon mingled several barrels
| of "Lawty's best" with the waters of the
j dark rolling Cuyahoga. At the hotel the
amazous met with rather a warm reception
—a plentiful sprinkling of hot and cold
I water, keeping them at bay for some time
; However they effected an entrance, but
i spared the landlord's ale on his promising
ito sell no more.— Cleveland FUnndcviler.
The amount of losses settled and adjusted by tlu
I Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Company, from De
I c. idh-r 3: It, 1*57, to tUcfer.li day of March, 1858— being thi
third 'iir.irter oi the present flsval y> ir, coiumc ucliik June
i 10th. ISS7 —whs $22 784 71
Losses previously reported, v 22* 768 s
$-!,553 7(
Unsettled claims !n process of nd|it stun ot, about $3,020.
The boatmen ; Huntingdon have agreed on a rat.:
ot freight from that place, to Jl.irrisburg t>'. routs pet
busltc), Sl.2'i per ton net, Sl.Bo cross: to Columbia 7 cents
per bushel, $1,73 per ton net, sl.t>o gross; to Havre deOrace
II 4 cents per bushel, s2,.'i7', per ton net, s2.o6gross; to
Philadelphia 12 cents per bushel, $11.25 per ton net, S3CJ
Appointments by the Governor.
Gen. GEO. .M. I, vim AN, of Berks County,
has been appointed Flour inspector of Phila
JOSEPH 11 ni E, to be Recorder of the city of
Philadelphia, in place of Robert Lee, resign
William O. Kline, Bark Inspector, Philn
Jacob Layer, Superintendent Powder Mai
gazine, Philadelphia.
Joseph Collins, Whiskey Inspector, Phila
Quarantine Master. Lew is It. IVan.
Port Physician. —Samuel P. Brown.
Inspector of' Butter and Lard. —John Koiss
Health Officer- —Arthur Hughes.
PITTS in; Ron. — Flour Inspector.- John M tck
infallible in o inning stoppage, or irregularities of the
men-'es These pills nr<- nothing new, but have been used
by the Dmtor fur n; my years, Ituih in France arid Ameri
ca, with unparalleh ,| series in every rase, and he is
urged by tu'itiy ladles u lie have used llie in to make these
pilis public for ;h" a'leviulioa ■ f these suffering from any
irregularities whoever, us w ed ae a prevenlii e to ihnse
lad it- .vli'ipt he ilth will i; •1 per in it an increase off >. uiily.
Pregnant females, or those supposing thetnselve. so, are
cautioned against using these pi,ls. as the proprietor HF
snines no responsibility after tiie above admonition, al
though their mildness would prevent any n jury to health;
otherwise th e pills are reroitiuiended Uireriioi s ac
company each hoi Price .J I Sold tehuleiale and retail
by 1' v. IIaKIIT & CO., f.eneral Agents for Lewistown,
Mi til it roiiiity, I'a.. and also agent, f,,r ilelleville. Vlilroy,
Iteed-vi le, Alleriv ille, Jcr '1 bey will supply dealer, at
the proprietor's prices, and -end ihe pills to I. dies (cvnji
<!cutiiiil by return mail to any part of rity or country,
on r> ceipi oi >1 liirongh the i.ewistown post otfiee. For
ptria .ii.irs gel circular of agents 3-See that earli lox
has my signature. .I LK PONCO,
jySO Broadway post office, New York.
LEWISTOWN, March 18, 18C8.
Butter, good, lb. l."
Lggs, "ft dozen, o 1 1
Our Miller* yesterday were paying for
wiiite \\ heat ii.tOr 1 Lie; red Wheat 0( )(a
100; Corn 40; Rye f>o; Oats J.~>; Barley AO.
Flour is selling at from 'l:\ to B 2~ "ft
KMj lb*, as in quality.
Philadelphia Market.
In el Cattie sell iii the city at §7( 10 ;
I Sheep 8 \(<t -1 :><! per head — Cows, fresh,
BBJ ?o !", dry 811 ro 20— Hogs 87 to 7 '
! net.
Flour is quoted at s*l f>ofo !i 2o — Wheat,
prime white, 180, red 100(0110 — Rye 70
Barley 00 —< hitr ilo— r-Corn 00(0,00.
Possession given Ist April next.
For further information apply to
Freedom Iron Works.
Dcrry tp., Mifflin eo., .Jan. 28, 1858.—tf
I S hereby given that the undersigned has
disposed of his entire
;to Samuel Watt. All persons therefore know
! ing themselves indebted to me are notified to
make SETTLEMENT immediately, and thus
B&' All kirid.3 of PRODUCE taken en
Book Account. SAMUEL HAFFLY.
; Belleville, February 18, 1858.
Notice to Collectors of Taxes for
riAHE County Commissioners hereby give
• _J_ notice to Collectors of Taxes for 1857
that the whole amount of their duplicates will
be requited to be paid to the county treasurer
on or before the FIRST DAY OF MAY next
—at which date warrants will be issued against
all delinquents.
By order of the Board,
mhll B. P. SMITH, Clerk.
Fruit and Ornamental TREES,
¥? Strawberry, Raspberry, Currant, and
ijP Gooseberry Plants, in g r eat variety.
of WM. BUTLER, Lewistown,
Pa., or J. E. JOHNSTON, Agent,
augl3 Trenton, New jersey.
HIGH CONSTABLE. —We are authorised
to announce JOSEPH GKUV ER as a
candidate for High Constable of the Borough
of Lewistown.
17 Our stock of stove* this season is the largest and
most varied of any stock on hand before. Our assort
ment embraces the New World, Olobe, riunrise, Capital,
} Wm. Peon, Fanny Forester, Cirard, Crystal, Flat Top,
See.; all for wood and coal. For sale low by
1 sept 17 FRANCiSCIJS.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M.
D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all
thoee painful aud dangerous diseases to which the female
j constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may bo relied on.
It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, boars the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits
These Pills should not he taken by females during the
FJRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are
sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Tain in
the Back and lambs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, theso l'ills will
effect a cure when all other means have failed, and
although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
i JOB MOSES, (Date I. C. Baldwin .V C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent will insure a bottle of the Pills by return
For sale uv
Charles Ritz. Dr. tstoneroad at
the Bee Hive drug store, aud F. A. Hardt&
Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
' : -n t cnJ Ty \ -
B6k.Cash buyers will find it fur their inter
est to call. janT.y
JDiJJ A J.^JiISDJd3 a u
No. 39 & 40 North Wharves,
Half-way between Arch and Race sts.,
March I*2, 1857.-ly
r I Ml IS Great Journal of Crime and Crim-
JL inals hin it# Twelfib War,and is widely circulated
throughout the country. It contain* ail the (.'real Trial.-,
Criminal Case*, and approprin'e Kditortul* on the same,
together w ill. information on Criminal Matter# nut to be
found in any other newspaper.
ft>Sub(rripiiions, frti per Annum; $1 for Si* Months, to
be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write their
names and the town,county and stale where they reside
plainly,! R A SEYMOUR,
Editor &. Proprietor of the National Police Gazette,
apun New York fit v.
To Buy Cheap for Cash,
Blacksmiths, buy at Hoffman's,
Carpenters, buy at Hoffman's,
Saddlers, buy at Hoffman's,
Shoemakers, buy at Hoffman's,
Cabinetmakers, buy at Hoffman's,
Farmers, buy at Hoffman's,*
Builders, buy at Huffman's,
Housekeepers, buy at Hoffman's.
Don't forget, if you want good Stoves, Bump
Chains, Oil Cloths, Nails, Steel, Iron, Cutlery,
Vices, Bellows, Chains, Glass, Ac , F. J. Hoff
man's Mammoth Hardware Store, arid you can
be accommodated. mhll
Medicines, Bed L ines, Medicines,
Paint*, Paint#, Paint#,
Glass, Glass,
Oils, Oils, Oils,
Trusses, Trusses,
C 1 A RDEN SEEDS!—I have now on hand a
J fine assortment of Fresh Garden Seeds,
consisting of some of the finest varieties.
Pole and Bunch Beans, early and late.
Dwarf and Bush do do do
Cabbage, do do
Also, Radish, Beet, Onion, Lettuce, Chinese
Sugar Cane, and other seeds,
nihil F. J. HOFFMAN.
I,'LOUR. — I have now on hand and shall con
jl tinue to keep a supply of Extra Superfine
Flour from Pittsburgh, which we will warrant
to give entire satisfaction.
N. B. Those who want a good article can find
it at mhll F. J. HOFFMANS.
\ 1 r ALL PAPER!—As the Spring opens,
VV housekeepers will be looking around for
Wall Paper, where a good supply can be found
and cheap. This can he done at
mhll F. J. HOFFMAN S.
f 1 ROCERIES.—F. J. Hoffman's is the store
VT where good Groceries can be found, and at
low prices. mhll
riTOVES! STOVES!—A large assortment at
low prices for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN.
IMSH, —Mackerel, Shad and Herring for sale
' by mhll F. J. HOFFMAN.
For sale by [mhll] F. J. HOFFMAN.
Sugar Cane and Flower Garden
At [mhll] F. J. HOFFMAN'S.
White Corn Meal.
An excellent article for sale by
mhll F. J. HOFFMAN.
33iLl 341)3.013,
A good article for 12$ cents at
mhll F. J. HOFFMAN'S
Estate of Bruce JlcMtt, deceased.
; ~|VJ OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
j _LN ministration on the estate of BRUCE
McNITT, late of St. Louis, Missouri, and
formerly of Armagh township, Mifflin county,
1 deceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in Brown township, Mifflin
; county. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and these having claims
against the same to present them duly au
| thonticated for settlement.
mh4 J. P. TAYLOR, Adm'r.
New York Advertisements.
! 1858. FROM 1858.
300 Broadway, X, ¥.,
Invites the special attention of all A/rcnts-Dealers
and Header, generally to the following fresh and vahtn
lie Advertisements from JVetc York City.
A Journal of Civilization,
Employs the Best Talent in the World !
I copy for 20 weeks, .$ 100 I 5 copies for J year, S ( J 00
1 " "1 year, 250 12 " ' a , H0
I " "2 " -1 IK. j25 " - 40 m ,
Harpers "Weekly ami "Magazine, one year, 00,
Postmasters sending a club of twelve or tweiily.five]
will receive a copy gratis
.Subscriptions may commence with any number.
Specimen numbers gratuitously supplied
Baek numbers can be furnished to any extent
Clergymen and Teachers supplied at lowest Club Putts-
mil 11 -3m. Franklin dquare, New York.
Published this Van, F rb 9th, l -.'jN.
WUtTUR'i 3V 111 MS'. 1,1.
450 Pages, Cloth, Gilt Hick I'rict:
HUMS is I lie title of one of the most inter.sclv interest
T nig biographies of the day. it is the plain history of
j an American slave in the far South, who, after two or
• three escapes and recaptures, finally, an eld man, found
freedom and rest in one of the Northern States.
What the Press say.
Tile .-lory i- told wiili great simplicity, but willi much
power and pathos. Whoever takes it will find it difficult
to lay it down until it is finished —.Yalivaat Kru, Wash
ington, l>.
A narrative of real experience like the above, will hav t
far more efleet against slavery than the ingeniously
wrought novel, however true to life its pi.. lures may be.
—Am. Bap'mt.
Ilere is a book of facts, stranger than fiction,and a
Hi usaud fold more thrilling ; a simple tale of life-lung
oppression, revealing truly tne workings of the "petuli .r
| iiislilulioii" in our couotiy. To tie story-loving we
j would say, here is a story woriii reading— Mission Ret
n rtl.
In each county in the free States, to engage in the sale
of the above work immediately duch can easily clear
The work is beautifully printed and bound, and is as
large as the books that sell for Si 25; lint as we mean IO
sell at least ONE 111 NDKKD TH<>l>A II COMES, through
agents, we have made the retail price only ONE DOI.-
A ciAMPi.E COP\ of ihe hook will be sent by mail,
postage paid, on receipt of the price, and our private cir
ctilar to Agents, with terms, etc. Address
II 1) \ \ TON", Publisher,
mill I-3.i1. No. 29 Ann street, New York.
suijoiu a few tinning of ill WIM recommend
Airs >. A. All jl*.-- World's Hair Restorer .n<l '/.via
balsam urn. I'rest. Datoit, of ITn ion l'iiverly: 4k "!*!*
fulling of lialr cea*#?d, ami my ifrvy links changed
ital color.** Kev. C A Burkbt c, Am. lithic* Uni
on, .V \ : •• 1 cheerfully add my testimony " Ilev '!.
V. Degren, Ed. "Guide to Ifolifiegs,'* Boston: 4 * \Vt can
(edify to il* effect*." Kv K. It. Kairchild, Cor. Sec.
Ch'n Union, .V Y.:"lf*ed mint ftmily with beiiein.iai
effects Rev. A Wei*ur, "Cii'ii Kru," Boston:—
"Hime using your prepu rat tons, I am neither bald or
grey an heretofore. *' R. v. .las. il Cornell, Uor St-r ,
etc., \. \ : 41 It has restored the hair of one of my fan -
ily to it* original color, and stopped it* falling out," ei
We can rjttote from tionierntt* others of like standing in
Europe and America, but for further information, set.d
for a circular to MRS. S. A. Af.UE.VS
World's Hair Restorer Depot*
No. 3JJ Broome *lreet } N \
nihil -3-il. r: SOLD EVER YWHERE.
Coughs, Chronic Rheumatism,
I lebilif y, and all Diseases urisiug frona Scrofulous or
impoverished state of the blo"J
Genuine Cod-Liver Oil,
J I A8 stood the lest of over ten years experience, and is
recommended by nil the most eminent pin siciaus as
i!ie most Valuable remedy in use. I>r. VYiiliams, the eel
ebrated Physician of the London ( ensumption Hospital,
look notes of ils effects in about 500 cases, and found il
I more efficacious than all remedies yel discovered. Tnis
remedy, so valuable ithen pure, becomes worthless or
injurious wTen adulterated. S. e that the label has the
eagle anil mortar, and the signature over the cork of
em ii bottle, as thousands have hi en cured by the use of
the genuine article \v ho had used others without .-mo •
j Sold by all Druggist*. HEGKM VN & CO.
, , Within a tint shell ail the merits I.e.
Of Cri.-tadoro's never equalled Dye;
Red it makes black, In brown conforms a grey.
And keeps the fibres always from decay-
This matchless revitalizing Hair Dye still holds its po
sition as t lie most harmless and efficacious Hair Dye in
•he World. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,
and applied in ten private rooms, at CRISTADORO'S.
No. 6, Astor House, Broadway, and by ail Druggists and
Perfumers in the United Slates.
AGE-NT—GEO. II KBYSBS* Pittsburgh, Pa.
luhl l-3m.
ExTeRINi Na t or S.
For the infallible destruction of every species of
Vermin. Rat, Roach, kr< Exterminator.
Put up in '2oc , 35c.,65c., and -SI Boxes. For the Do
: struetion of Rats, Mice, Ground or Field Mice, Moles,
i Roaches, Croton Bugs, Ants, Ace
Bed Bug Exterminator,
Put up in 25c., 50c., 75c., and SI Bottles.
Put up iu 25c. and 50c. Boxes. To destroy Moths, Bed
; Bugs, Mosquitoes, Ants, Fleas, Plant Insects, Vermin on
! Fowls and Animals.
I i?>Term Cash.
'■>> No goods sent on commission.
I aH.iberil wholesale Teruis made to Druggists ami
Dealers everywhere.
"Guslar's" Private Circular to Druggists and Dealers
sent by mail, un application.
Sold, Wholesale and retail, nt " COstTAß'ft" Princi
pal Depot, No. 38b Broadway, New York, and by Drug
j gists and Dealers everywhere.
On Receipt of One Dollar,
I will (brward hy mail (post paid) a sufficient quantity
| of the Rat, Roach, Kiterminator to destroy all of this
I class of vermin that may infest your premises.
e>Address ail letters to
386 Breadway, New York.
SVTo save mistakes and trouble:
I. Write in a plain hand the name of Post Ofire, CtHv
i ty and State.
\ 2. Register your letter, and it will come at iny risk.
( 3 New York and Eastern money preferred.
IVtint the Farmers say :
A late writer says that "the various species of vermin
1 am multiplying at a tearful rate throughout the land.—
Their ravages have heroine a matter of set ions dread "
A Postmaster in Illinois, writing to "Cosier V Depot,
j says, "The country is literally overrun with thotn, {ruts,
I mice, &.c.") Another, from the same State, says, " The
I rats positively gnaw the halters off my horses while in
! the stable." An Ohio correspondent remarks, "They
| (the rats) are everywhere—in the house, the barn, and
i under every stump in the field." In the South it is still
worse. A late order from the Navy Yard at Mobih was
for thirty pounds of the Rat Exterminator alone.
ll'hat the People say :
NEW YORK, April 12, 165 C
Dear Sir—Having a great many rats around my stable
and shop, i though; i would try youc Rat Exterminator,
and bight one of your boxes, and fixed it according in
your directions. 'I lie next morning ! found over one hut -
dred and fifty dead rats. I take pleasure, in saying that
it will da more than you say it will. I have also tried il
on steamboats, and satisfied them that it is the greatest
1 thing of the age.
J s UN DERI!ILL, No. 13510 th st.
CAVE, 111., JUNE 21, 1855.
j Dear Si,-: My brother, .1 W. MtCreery, P. M., pur
chased a box of your Rat Exterminator, and found it to
ibe what ion rerommem! it to be, a perfect Rat destroyer,
j I herewith enclose $5 for more of it. Yours, &c.
NEW YORK, December 17, 1857.
Sir: " * \!l this summer I have been troubled with
j Roaches and Mice. I was aci ally ashamed of the house,
tor the Roaches v. sre iv iy where, and I don't know
1 what I should have done hy ttii.-, tiuie. 1 purrhast da h x
of your Exterminator and tried it, and in one week there
was not a Roa. lt or Mouse in the house.
JOHN B. GIVENS No. 91 Elm street
M .Niintt's SAI.T WORKS Ohio, June 6 1857.
I Dear Sir .- 1 luve used u (tin- Rat, Roach, die Exlt r
i linator, tiiree nights, ami it is making ,i sari havoc, am
ong the Rat tribe. Yours, Ac-., J B. BECO.M.
. ii itul the Press say :
H'e know, by in : nil ex|ter.ence, thnl " Go-tar's" prep.
I nr..lions lor il.its, Roaclu-s, li- :1 Btiirs,and Insects g:-uer
all. . art- complete an I perfect < xieruiinators Wherever
'•(.'.isiirV Exterminators In v. b en used, they have
ii 'Vtr failed in p- rf .rm all that is claimed for them.—
Housekeejters shonl-1 not fail ! try tliein.—,V }'. Jitlas
*f hat the £ay :
A. J. BI.OCKSON, (Druggist.) New Lisbon, (J ' Your
Extermiti'alors prove satisfactory."
ft. A. T. E McDONAI.D, (Druggists,) New Brunswick,
\ J. '• We tried the Rat,Roacb, Sec. Exterminator, and
; it answered a good purpose."
i E B t.'t N'MNOIIA.I , (Druggist.) Peaver Dam, Wis.—
!" it (tln- Rat, Roach, dec. Exterminator) is highly satis
factory to those who have tried it."
SAMI kl Hili., (Druggist,) Deer Creek, Pickaway co.,
I O. " 7'iie Rat, Ranch, &.c. Exterminator does ait it is
! recommended to do."
i Gi n. FOR i) A LEMBOROEII, (Drogeisls,) Lebanon, Pa.
" We are pleased to say that which is s -ld givt- satisfac
The New York Mercury.
1 In- largest two dollar Weekly in the World. Fifiiy six
columns ol choice original matter in each number.
Splendidly illustrated. Twentieth year of
publication. A (.'oldtn Enterprise:
VO other paper can boart of such a galaxy of talented
; La ,r„.| celebrated authors as the contribulorial corps of
I lh New Yoik Men my. w ho furnish its columns weekly
| with the mo.-t absorbing and fascinating n iuances and
I -uories ever perused.
Dr J. Ft. Robinson, Ned Bunttine, Lieut. J. Foster
Brandon. T. Hamilton Vananda, aml H If Newell, who
are well known as the most successful and popular ro
' mancers of th ■ age, constantly contribute their brilliant
1 novellettes for the mammoth pages ef the Mercury ; tuid
| each number also contains more com plete original stories
I and sketi lies—to say nothing of an immense amount of
j news and general miscellany—than any other two news
, papers io Ami i ica, without exception. In short, the New
: York Mercury defies competition and invites the most
: searching comparison. Its immense superiority over the
i little six hy-nine mushroom publications of the day will
! be apparent ai the first glance.
i We now etfVr, in addition to a paper fully one-third
( I reer than any of iu rotemporaries, and replete with an
! unprecedented variety of interesting reading matter, the
fnllowit 2
A Gift wor til from 75 cents to y. 1)0 in Gold will he pre
sented to each subscriber immediately on receipt of tiip
subscript ion money
One copy for one year. 5 ,2 00 and one gift.
One copy for two years, 3 50 arid two gifts.
One copy for Hire year-, 500 and two gifts.
TO cr.t n-.
Three copies one year, -S5 IX) and tiiree gifts.
; Five copies one year, 800 and five gifts.
Ten copies one year, 15IKI and ten gifts.
The articles iu be dialribiilcd are con pi . ed in liie fid
lowing li.-t:
; 2 Packages of Gold containing |ISIK| cat h
I 5 do do do 200 each
10 do do do 100 each
ifi Patent Lever hunting cased VVatco. -, HOi-.uh
| 20 Gold Wall lies, 75 each
50 do 00 each
: 100 do 50 each
f 300 Ladies Gold VVatciies, 85 each
. 200 Bilver Hunting Cased Watches, each
; 250 dewing Machines, S3O to 75 each
i 500 dilvt r Wat. Ires, 10 to 25 each
' 100(1 Gold Guard, Vest ami Fob Chains, 10 to 30 each
Gold Lock- is, Br Crb t. Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast
Pins, ( uiT Pit s, S! eve Buttons, Kings, diiiri dluds,
j :.ii h Key -, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of
j other article - w.-.th from 75 cents to sls each.
Immediatt ly on receipt of the subscription mm ey the
i subscriber's name will be entered upon our subscription
| book, opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with
. that number \\ ill be forwarded withiii ihiee days lo the
i subscriber, by u. fi or express, postpaid. Every yc. rly
' subscriber w til receive one . i the ab-.ve gifts. \ > snb
' scription for less period than one year will be entitled to
a gift. All communications should tie addressed to
Proprietors of the New York Mercury,
22 dprute street, New York.
KcSperimen copies sent free rnhll-fit
Normal Class.
V NORMAL CLASS will be commenced i
at M Veytowu <;n the 12ti> of April and
continue eleven weeks. The first object and j
I aim in the exercises of the class will be to
give thorough instruction in the common
English branches of education —the second to
teach the best methods < f imparting this in
struction to others—the third to attend to the
more advanced branches. Tn connection with
| those, semi-weekly lectures will be delivered
i on " School Management and Government,"
thus affording to Teachers and others an op
j portunity while pursuing their studies to ac
i quire a knowledge of the theory and practice j
lof teaching. Every exertion will be made to !
i give entire satisfaction to all who may come.
' Boarding can be obtained at very low rates. |
1 TERMS —For common branches,ss per quar
j tcr ; higher branches, SO.
i For further particulars address
A. D. IIAWN, Co. Supt.,
•McVeytown, Pa.
IfeT-A u examination will be held at Mc-
Veytown, March 27th, for those desiring per
manent certificates. Notice of intention to
ap>ply must bo given at least ten davs before
that time. [feb2s] A. D. HAWX.
I 4 LL persons knowing themselves indebted
j\ to tiio subscriber by book account or
otherwise will please be prepared to pay the
same by the second week in March, as 1 iu
tend calling on all of you. Please save a few
dollars. J. K. RHODES.
Newton Hamilton, Feb. 25, 1855.-0t
Estate of Jacob Bjler, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on the estate of JACOB
BYLER, late of Monno township, Mifflin
county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in Union township, in
said county. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims to prcseut them
duly authenticated for settlement.
feblß* JOHN KENAGY, Admr.
A LOT of Fresh Ground Buckwheat Flour
i i V for sale at IRWIN'S.
< March 4, 1858.—3t
j /NORN SHELLERS—hand and horse power,
I j for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUB.
1 At the Lewisto|
* 1
On hand, —, |
| FLOUR, by the hundred t • • 1
i-KBD i_ No. 25.
B&PTA large quantity of \ *
tor, <Ske. for sale low for cr.sJOL.-of
ALFRED M.b '^; x eeu
Lewistown, Oct. <S. 1557. tekzL,.* *f
>, >• -_i f^y
The Medicine of -Si l --*
„ -
IV i E blond is I lie life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the
• components of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve and lategu
iiifcut. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its riis
tribulors, and the intestines the channel through which
the waste matter rejected in its jirodnctions is expelled}
Cnon vie stomach, the circulation and the bowels, these
Bills act simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purify ing
the fluids, and regulating the excretions.
Uy.-p. j iis the most common disease among all clau
ses ;n this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, am)
is the primary source nf innumerable danserous maladies;
but whatever its type or symptoms, however obstinate
its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily
and rapidly to litis searching arid unerring remedy
The quantity and quality of tin; bile are of most viim
I importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which
secretes this fluid, these I'll!? operate specifically, infalli
bly rectifying its irregularities and effectually curing
Jaundice, Bilious Renutiants, and all the varieties of uia
i ease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ
I'id ess the bowels perform their functions properly, the
w hole body surfers. Tens of thousands die annually of
Dysentery, Diarrhtea, Chronic Constipation, and other
diseases of these waste pipes of the Evstem. The effect
of the Eills upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual
or epidemic, is a phenomem nin medicine. By following
the printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowel
complaint are promptly controlled.
The locai debility and irregularities which are the t.
pecutl annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when
neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for the tupe
being, and prevented for the lime to come, by a course of
this mild but thorough alterative.
Hollmeatfs Pills are the Usi remedy known in
the world for the following Diseases :
Asthma Diarrhrea Indigestion Secondary
i Bowel Com- Dropsy Influenza Symptoms
plaints Debility Inflammation Inward weak
Coughs Fever and Venereal Af- ness
. Colds Ague fections I.iver compl'U
| Chest Diseases Female Corn-Worms of all Low lies* of
Costiveness plaints kinds ' Spirits
; Dyspepsia Headaches Stur.e&Gra vel Piles
! TrCAUTION None are genuine unless the words.
I'^lfolloiru* . .Verc YvrL a*d /.eruiea,'* are discernible as :i
i cafe.- mart in every leaf of the book of directions arouiiu
each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by hold,
ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be
giv.-ti to any one rendering such information as may lead
to the detection of any party or parlies counterfeiting the
medicines or vending the same, know ing them to be spu
♦.♦ Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOW AY,
| bO Maiden Lane. New Yntk, and by all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers of Medicine throughout the United
Stat- , and Hie civiiiz. d world, in box *. at 2b tents, 62'
! cents, and Al each.
: There is a considerable saving hv taking the larger,
.V II Dire. Lions fur the aaidun:e of patients in ever,
disorder are affixed to each box. angl?
= CATC TEVI, -:—££-
4 33, 1 !#
Tnr. OmoixAL MFDICK K ESTAKM -HHH >V ] t r~.
And Jini article <•/ th iml <c<. l'uua ced aader Ih. a
noid of " Fri-vi'Sic WAfKk>," I, M.j or Mi/ o/Air
country; all other I'nitnan.< ,'i'rftrt art counter is/a
'FA* genuine can V iauirn bj/the nn .it BUY AN ban#
*tam t .d on CM* WAFER.
Relieve Coughs, Colds, tore-throat, Hoarseness
Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.
I'i'.YAN'S Vl i.>l'Nlf WAFERS
Relieve Spitting ci Blood, Pains in the Cbeet
Relieve Cciisumptiou, Lung Diseases.
| Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils.
Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes.
Are a blessing to all elssses and constitutions.
Are adapted for Vocahsts and Public baakcis
hnprcve the compass and flexibility of the Voice.
Are in a simple form and pleasant to tho taste.
Net only relieve, but effect rapid & lasting Cares.
Are warranted to give FftUsfactioa to every one
No Family should be without a Box of
Hryau's Pnlmcnic Wafers
ix THE Borsr.
No Traveler should be without a Box of
Bryant* Pulmonic- Wafer*
It ais t'KEBT.
No Dealer should ho without a supply of
Bryan 1 * Pnlmonte Wafer*
No person will ever ooject to give for
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
JOB .MOSES, Late 1. C.Baldwin Ac., Rochester, M Y.
For sale by Charles Ilitz, Dr. Stoneroad at
| the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. liardt &
j Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
| and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
Books and Accounts of R> W. Jnitki-j.
HP 1 !! E bocks and accounts of IT. W. Jnnkiti
, X having been transferred to the subscri
! ber, all persons knowing themselves indebted
are hereby notified to ceil and make settle
! uacut, as within a limited time they will be
; placed intho hands of a justice of the peace
for collection. J. O. .JINKIN.
Lewistown, December 17, 1857.
Lewistown Gas Company.
1 -\rOTICE is hereby given to the Stockhold
id ers of the Lewistown Gas Company that
an election will bo held at the office of the
undersigned, in Lewistown, en
the 20th day of March, 1858, from 10 o'clock
a. m. to 3 o'clock p. in., for one President
and Six Managers to eonduct the business of
! the Conipauy for the ensuing year.
I mh4 J. W. SHAW, Scc'y.