! vt E GrAZETTS. * " profftdingg of Congress. . Senate on the 3d, Mr. Seward (X. Y.) ; ;t lengthy speech on the subject of ' .- (]iettßsing the following propositions: That whereas in the beginning the t r t. M w"of the slave States wa absolute, tf? A ' h e i,i-T reversed. I—That whereas heretofore tlie Na- iiovernment favored this cliango of o' from the slave States to the free j t |, a s now reversed this policy and > the ehungo. ■ftTt—That national intervention in the ln ; n ;.tavor of Slave liabor and Slave opposed t-j the natural, social and w! '.i vtloitni-'iit? of the Republic. "f .oin these propositions. Mr. Seward Xebraska was resigned to free labor J , "is'tiruggle, an 1 Kansas became a the ' f the actual national conHict be "re , iveholding and free labor immigrants *i'f y'te face, to organize through the uia 'v ,i" ivpn ilieaii action a civil cominu 'i,, ihi> first hour of trial, the new *',f popular sov reignty signally failed, X. i' is impossible M orgnniae by one in "tie day. av umiiuiuty perfectly . rf.ctlv sovereign, and perfv,tly con '•!V iut "f chitieiiis nnussiiniiated, unar- Bpv' ! and uiicorjp. s 1. free labor right- Bf i-.'.ii the day. S;a\o labor wrested the ;-. vitsc lf hv fraud and violence. ■ piking "f the opinion pronounced by sr r of the I'nited States in B s.i-tt case, he said: "In this ill- Hj.'cJ 'at it forgot its own dignity, which H* ' !■ ,> heeii maintained with just judicial v" Tie v lorgot that the province of a I .7;" s jiiuiiilv Jut d/cc/T,' and not at all Jus ?A iuev forg 't. also, that one ' foul sen 1m j,j . e> uj .re harm than many foul exam- H* gpj last do but corrupt the stream, H:. the firmer eoriupt the fountain.' And RfVid the President alike forgot that judi jjurpati oi i more odious and intolerable Kiiliv oilier among the manifold practices ; After further argument he ! ■ V_. \ I Wonder that the question before i v- apprehension and alarm. There is ■ i-t i North Sid.e of tiiis Chamber, a Xurth K . f (be Chamber of R-prcsentativea, a H sijc of :'ie Cnioii. as well as South Haihree. Each of them is watchful , *'resolute. It" it be true, as has so often j isv-iteil, the I it ion cannot survive the abv i'.ingress fa direct question in- H. adoption of a free State into this - ttlii.a will establish the a-.-endancy ff.-ec > .t.s under the Constitution. and Hi r.: i' it th* restoration ef the influence aa iii th" domestic and foreign con lH, ■;> rep.eut, tlicit the day of dis- a Hank of Poiuisy Ivania. ■ 'in i! r-.-port of tin ' onnuissioners ap- H . arsotigaie the condition of the H ; !'. imsvlvania ha icen piiflisfnal. i H ; n.rii'iiis the pr vious stateinctti of H.j • i.fu-i/ii of the acfouots of tlio H ~,-j :! niai vcilous recklessness and - that have characterized ill its ■ru-mi.- fir a number of years. It ex reflect on j <|ucii.'es i ( his reckless managcuiciit, i ■ ;n.uli:r i 1 look int. the dclails'of bis inert"' i- an item needing ex f SJ-i.lltHi i were sold by the IJank at 'i-rat. - : usury. Hot there i.s notli ■ explain dm immense deficit in the ifr!. : !1 ink. and the disorder of t':e •• ir j roi .iblc that this will never | ■ N anit-%* (hit a m.m can hnv , but H ;l! ill* .* rtii t!<* tuiu cat SaU ; ■ th.r lib-. ■ • . -i In iu.,' •-L.f i;i s!i -Irti ri!. ! u ' , .' u'i>, xi>i *\. *ie lii't .fitcn i t'i v.*tMranv- W ; *.*•• u v\ii". .i iamb ; .rt -1 - else Hickfrtliy a - ir.- :• I i:i l*l:i.Tlci;#bia l*r ;iii ? |M • > ' t!tf Naiioitai Aituinuirafio&: \o , I-fliitsi. IT \-i SIKIMHI by Isjiat lia !'. >..! i l-r—i. ami j:bt-rs. ■ 'UfabU.' \\ f >t t'.i.rt in ' on-r.iiiiitiyii 4 cur* li b efl cflW'led r i : . U iUI Oicrry i>rfiarati< f l>*K !r arc ivruliily won-lfrful. Vor 2 . .' JScmli, üb' run uv^r H \ f ft*H ■**-*.- .12*). lii." tiiff til r , ii injuria*. N*v NufStd a* the llmtuf i, u- r.'o anipnUliou, and jtrintH in her -iVr nibrlidcfttion took plce, \vh*a the phy , H ' . iisciei to peiform the operation. | THE MARKETS. hi;wt STOW v, Marcli il, 18CS. p dozen. 11 | ■ Millers yesterday were paving for H "In-;;; 'i'>(; Jlarley 50. H - '.ling at from 82 25 to .* 25 ft a- in quality. y Plii!alelplila Market. '.'attic >ell in the. city at Sf 7 (ft 1* * ; 4 st per In-ud—t'owh. fresh, Ml id, dry 812 to 18 [logs 87 to 71 ■ is quoted at 84 50(odj 25 —Wheat. H white, 130, red KB—Hye 70 B" e - Y ,utA 44—Corn 60(a 00. llo]{I Io]{ RENT, iSMFAIH, ■ "ssion given Ist April next. IJrt W information apply to J NO. A. WRIGHT, Freedom Iron Workft. ■■ Miflia co„ Jan. 28, 1858.-tf PUBLIC NOTICE \y given that the undersigned has • of his entire STOCK OF GOODS att -_ All persons therefore know to me are notified to ; m.MKN'T immediately, and thus COSTS. r AII kinda of PRODUCE taken on : SAMUEL IJAFFLY. | r<-bruary 18, 1858. [^2l f h > fmhll] F. J. HOFFMAN. j New York Advertisements, •858. FROM 1858. RICHARDSON'S ADVERTISING BOISE, •160 Broadway, I, y., ' l "*lTll,l)V Pteial a n ri, ' ia * " f UU **<*"- lUuler,- , f'Jhr fouling fre.n cd valua j hie Advertuements from JVeto York City J I spr.E.vniDi. R ILLUSTRATED JYEIRSPJTPR.IT HARPER'S WEEKLY: A Journal of Civilization, Eaploys tbe Best Talent In the World I TERM*—IXVARIABLV IN ADVANCE. J cpy for 50 weeks, *1 00 I j copies f.,r t vnr $'J iXI ' " I year. 250 12 " '• " " , , w , „ '!. .' OO • " •' " : u ii.iriwr* Weekly' aml " Magaxin.:, one year, $i 00. I*.l.oa-iers aenUinc .t club of twelve or Iweiilv five will receive it copy grnli*. Subsi riptb.n. mi, commend; \\ iih any number, i*!*. inien niiiuber* L'raluitoiisly suppli. U. Hark niiailier. can be furitislieil to any extent Clergymen and resellers supplied at lowe.l C tub H, T, D . IIAItPKK & BROTIIEIt", Publishers,' "' , ' ll ' 3!ll ' Franklin Square. New York. A GREAT BOOK PdR AGENTS, Puhtiglied thi* Fej (j/fr jgjg FIFTY YEARS IN CHAINS: O. rui: T.TY . OF A.V A.VKRIC.I.Y SLACK, wairiKx nv niMsei.r. ro Prscr, Cloth, Uili Back Price #1 rjVIH i* th- title or one of the most intensely inler.-.l I "" bioerapliies of Hi.- day It is the plain history of i an American slave in the far r-oulh, who, after two or j three escapes and recaptures, finally, an old man, found ! I reed..in and rest in otn- of Hie Northern Stale* What Ibe Press say. T lie. story is told with great simplicity, but with much power and pathos. Whoever takes it will find it difficult | to lay it down until it is finished -.Yational F.ro. Wash- 1 iiiglnii, It. C. A turraiive of real experience like the above, w ill have for more elfiel against slavery thin the ingeniously w r..light novel, however true to life jt* pictures may he —Am. Baptist. 11-re is a ho-.k of fails, stranger 111 in Action, and a i thousand fold in..re thrilling ; a simple tale of lif„.|„i g ; oppression, revealing truly the w. rking* of the "|m. uliar j iusiituii'in" in our country. To the story loving we ; would -say, her. is a story worth reading.— Mission Iter- [ urtf. ./ THOROUGH C.UYY.iSSER IS U.LYTEH, j In each county in the free Stales, to engage in th ■ sale | of the above work iiittnedi tfely. Bacli can e isily clear < from *SO TO 8100 PER MONTH ! Tde work is beautifully printed and bound, and i- as large as the hook-that sell f,i g) o-,; but as we mean In sell ~i least oi. tit NDKED THOI'SAVU COPIES, through aget.ls, W'e have made the retail price oiilv ONE I.AK. A fi x Ml'I.E t iPX i.t th** ti.i.ik will be -ehf t, V mail, postage paid, on receipt of the price, an our private .ir riilar to Agents. Willi terms, eic. Address II IIaY KtS. P., Mistier, ml.ll-3m. No. 29 Ann street, \ey V York. IT IS HOT /. LYE. \\' V *'i j*in a few oi ili ulo r.-tunimeiul , ...M >. .f. .VI ffV * //uir lUst .rcs am* S.nlo : It'ifimum. I'ivst. KAIOII. of l.ninri l uivern i\ : 44 The j t'tllinjf •! luir reisetl, nml my l rlim fed or gi nil rolr.** R-v f a llu 'kb*o, Tr<-;8 An. 15.hU- l*i:- *•• N. \ : " I cherffiiily aM my le-ti*toiiy " Rev 11. \ Di'U'n, Ell. 44 Ci.l lilf to Holiness .* * Un6tn; " \S"t rrin le-lisy •• its efi'..;t* ** Rev K fl Fair* hilil, <\ir. . tnitiH. \ V : 14 in in* f.iiitilv vvi'h Hi'iifTii i:| cß>vi* ** R v \ UVlis.rr, ** Cli'n Uwicm : j t ''>'iice iiiitnie %'otir t?fry ns luffi it f ri It J if. M Urie!J. C!tr. Sr-r , 1 ei , N \ :* 4 It tin reslfet the hiir ot one of inv fm - ii\ ti its *rii; !i;ti color, .nil] utiipjieit its f ptc. e tin i|'|o| from ii!tiikrMis other- f bki: htbiiiimg to B a*i i A ie ri ;i, hill f.ir f.irilier in formiuo:!, seuil for a tin whir t • MR*. S A AIJ.EN'S l'\.rlti'i Hotr Hcpturrr Vepot, 355 Broome afreet- ,\ \ ini.il 3.i : y.y k H yhi/EHI:. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, Coughs, Chronic Rheumatism, JjebiUfyi ami all Jttse-utt ng'tng from a Scrofulous or ' impoverished *t;te of th- blood UEGBMOL\\ CI~IRK CO S Grenuine Cod-Liver Oil, T f A* stood the tes: of over ten years experience, and ;s recotiimertdcd by ail the most eminent pliy rictan* as the ni'.st valuable remedy in use lr. Williams, the cel ebrated l'hysician of the Loudon Consumption Hospital, look notes of il- . fT cts ill about 50ilcas-'s. ami found it •m.re Hfi. acinus than all remedies ye! discovered. 'KUi* reuredy, so vaiuabti* when pare, becomes worthier* or , iiijnrbms when adulterated. .Nee thai th -label has Hie ' eagle and mortar, ami the sign tu-e over Hie cork of j eacti lio.tte, as Hi us mds have b c i cur, d by ihe use t.f | the genuine article who had used others without success .Sold fy all Hruggist* HEGEMxN A. CO. mill I-cm. pKtsTAOOUO's HAIR IYE. " ' XX'itliiu a nut shell h'l the merits lie, of Cristadofo's never ei|nalle.d I>ye ; Red it makes black, to brown conforms a grey . And keeps the fibres always fro.n decay. This matchless revitalizing Itair Dye still bold* iis po sition as ihe niost harmless and efficacious Hair l)> e in ; the World t'repa e.l and sold, wholesale and retail, and applied in ten private rooms, .n (JRISTAI'ORO'B, j No.fi, Astor House, Broadway, ami by all Druggists and j Perfumers in the United Blate*. AUE-NT-lixo. I! KGYSEB* Pittsburgh, Pa. nth 11-SIM. , j " COSTAR'S" WORLD-WIDE Exlerniinators. For Ihe iufallible destruction of every species of ltrmin, Rat. Roach, Re. Exterminator. ; Put up in 20c ,35c.,65c , and fl Boxes. For the De struction of Rats, Mice, Ground or Field M.ce, Moles, j Roaches, Croton Bugs, Ants, Arc Bed Bug Exterminator. Put up in 25c., 50c., 75c., and -Jt Bottles. ELECTRIC POWDER, Put up lit 'lie. and 50c. Boxes. To destroy Moths, lied ; Uu(s, Mosquitoes, Ants, Fleas, Plant Insects, Vermin on ; Fowls and Animals. rvTerms (.'ash. No goods sent on com miss inn. >Liher.il wholesale Terms made to Druggists and , Dealers everywhere. . "CostarV' Private Circular to Druggists and Dealers I sent by mail, an application. Bold, Wholesale and retail, at " COATAR'K" Princi- j pal Depot, No. 388 Broadway, New York, and by Drug gists and Dealers everywhere. tStPORTAKT INFORMATIO* FOR IHE PEOPLE.- On Receipt of Oae Dollar, I will forward by mail (post paid) a sufficient quantity ! of the Rat, Roach, !(t Exterminator to destroy all of this j class of vermin that may infest your premises. . e>Address all letters to COSTAR'S PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 3bß Breadway, New York. #>To save mistake* and trouble : I. Write in a plain hand the name of Pott Office, Coun \ ty and Stale. U. ItegMfer your letter, and It wilt come at my riKk. 3 New York and Eastern money preferred. HEE THE FOLLOWING: Kats, Roachbs, Bios, Imbcts, tp. U hnt the Earners say : A late writer says that " the various species of vermin are multiplying at a fearful rate throughout the Their ravages have become a matter of serious dread. ! a Postmaster In Illinois, writing to "CostarV Depot, says, " The country it literally overrun with tbem, Oats, ' mice. A''") Aiioliier, from the same mate, says, The rats positively gnaw the halters off my horses while in he stable" An Ohio correspondent remarks, "They /the rats) are everywhere—ln the house, the barn, and n iider every stump In the field." In the Houth It is still j *ore a late order from tbe Navy Yard at Mobile was for thiriy pounds of the Kat Exterminator alone. IPkat lie People soy :■ NEW Yoan, April 12, 185(5. Dear r'rr -llavlfif a great many rats around iny stable and shop, I thought I would try your Rat Exterminator, j and bought one of your boxes, and fixed it according lo , your directions. The next morning I found over one hun dred and fifty dead rats. I lake pleasure in saying that i it will do more than you say It will. I have also tried it on steamboats, and satisfied them that it is the greatest 1 thing of the age. J a UNDERBILL, No. 435 10th st. j CAVE, 111., June 21, 1857. j Dear Sir:— My brother, J. W. MeCreery, P. M., pur- j chased a box of your Kat Exterminator, and found it to ' : be w hat •. ou recommend it to be, a pet feet Rt destroyer j 1 herewith enclose £5 for more of it Yours, etc.. A-MILKY hi. CREERY. NEW YORK, Deceit,her 17, 1857. Sir: * * A.I this summer I liave been troubled wllh Roaches mid Mice. I wis actually ashamed of the house, tor the Rnachea were everywhere, aud I don't know what 1 should have done by this time I purchased ab >x of your Exterminator and tried h, and in one week then was not a Koarh or Mouse in lire house. JOHN u. GIVEN*, No. 91 Elm street. MONROE'S SAI.T WORKS Ohio, June 8 1857. Dear Sir : I It ive used it (Hie Kat, Roach, &c Extcr- i ruinator) three t.iahts, and it rs making a s.ol havoc an.- ong the Rat trib'-. Yours, ir., J It BECO.M. U'liat the Press say : Iff know, by aciinl expereuce, thru " Co-tar's" prep orations for lints, Koacti-s, 8.-.l Bugs,antl Insects genei ally, arc complete and perfect exterminators Wherever "Costar's" Exleritiinators have been used, they have never fitted to p-rr'orni all that is claimed 1"..r llierii.— Ili.usekeejrers sliouU in. t fail to try them.—.V Y.Jitlis. II hut the Druggists sat. : A. J. Ui.'iCKMux, (Druggist,) New Lisbon, O "Vimr Ex'urminitnrs prove s:iti.-f..ctor>." K MIDOMI.O, (Druggists,) \>w Brunswick, N J. ' We tried the Hal Uiurli, ruggi*f.) IVaver Dun, Wis " It (the Kat, Itoarh, &c. Extern.inator) is highly -ali factory to th niltirisbu;h, 23 Jait'y, 1-56 ! 3. It. Pi< htlmrti i, Mi flint n A. Mills w. II 52 Api it " 4. J dwift. Esq , vs. Jam-s Q .inl-iii 2> \ov. " 5. Robert .Nuwhn vs It. Cumming*. t-7 Jany 1*57 ! f>. ('has. Uratloi. vs. Wm. Rued. IIP April *• 7. Walls . Miller for use, vs J A. fuiiiiinf. ham, 76 " " 15. S SL M Frank, vs lluurj Iru in, 83 •* " 10. S. S. Worlds Vs |J. Fn Inborn, Itl7 " IT. D. Fir.hlhorn vs /.Ac M timer, ils " " 18 J. H Ard vs. Wdliam Wilson, 132 An? 1-53 j ly M liur, Rued Ac C. f r use vs Jns. Ab-x ii.der. et at, 31 " |>.V4 i 2d. I>./ujgier for ose vs Irwin Ac .M'foy 67 ■' 1*55 j 21. 1). W. M'formiik v> P Albright, !>3 " 1*.% 22 F M Bull for use vs. 11 A. & hull, 23 Jany 137 ! 23 sv II It.-tl for o-e vs M. G irretty 25 April " I 11. J WALTERS, Prolh'y. I I.uw istown, Mar it S, 1853 LYONS" I'URE CATAWBA BRANDY. HAVING received the sole agency (if A. F. Hazard A Co , Wholesale Druggist*, Philadelphia, fur the vale > of this Brandy in Mittlm county, we confidently oiler it to the public as a pure mid unadulterated article, as the j following.' certificates will prove: CHEMICAL Ixsrr.crpn*# OFFICE, > 28 Sixth St.. Cincinnati, March, 1857. J This will certify that I have tins day inspected two . separate lots of Catawba Brandy, one in barrels and one iri bottles, manufactured by l.auritze l.yons, and sold by j his side agent, J. Jacob, at tbt Depot, No OP, op|osile the Burnet House, and 113 West Third street, Cincinnati, and fliul them both ec HE and FREE from all poisonous or j deleterious drugs, and as such have marked the same us the law directs. Given under my hand at my office [Signed ] IIIRAM Cox, M D., Inspector of Alcoholic l.i(|tinrs, &c. New YORK, 93 Prince st., July 28. 1837. Dear Sir: —I have received a bottle ol' Lyons' Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, furnished by Mr A Balaton, Jr., of I.bckport, X. Y„ for attaly zalion, and I find it to con tain only those ingredients which exist in to KK RHANIIY. The proportion of alcohol obtained from it is 17.00. t belisve this sample to he pure Brandy without adultera tion—the flavor of it is delicate and peculiar. [digued ] JAS. R. CHILTON, M. D , Chemist. The OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY not only equals but even exiels the best imported Brandies in purity and flavor. It is in fact the BEST Brandy known. This statqpienl is fully corroborated by the certificates of many of onr most distinguished analytical Chemists. The want of pure Brandy tins long been felt in this coun try, and the introduction of an article of such quality as to supersede the sale and use of those vile compounds hitherto sold under Ihe name of Brandy, can only be re pnrded as a great public good. The Catawba Brandy possesses nil the good qualities claimed for the best im ported liquor, and if of perfect purity and superior flavor. ; It is therefore fully entitled to the patronage of the pub lie. We feet confident that its reception in this (Date i will be as favorable as that which it lias uiet with in lite Great West, and that the time is not far distant when the superiority of our own liquors will put an end to their importation from abroad. For Medicinal purposes this Brandy has no rival, and lias long beep needed- It is a sovereign and sure reme dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Hpirits, Languor, General DebtD'ty* 4rc Also for sale, EtOIELBY'S CELEBRATED STILL AND BPAHKLING CHAMPAGNE. These Wines are made in the neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar antied to lie the pure juice "of the grape, and are emi nently calculated for invalids and persons who require a gentle stimulant, and for Sacramental purposes, or as a beverage will be found equal, if not superior, to the best imported. OKetail Price for Brandy and Wines, >1.25 per Quart Bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Address CHAB. RITZ, Lewistewn, Pa. Februaiy 18, 1858. eoOm TO INVALIDS! DR. HAK.DM.AIT, I)MVsKHAN for diseases of the Lungs, Throat and r rti IT ?. e . rl . y Ph >' sician " Cincinnati Marine llr.a- I rtal and Invalids' Retreat-Corresponding MembA of he London Medical Society of Observation-Author of " Letters to Invalids," Ac , IS COMING. BURCH iPPOISTSIESTS. Dr. Hardman, Piiysirian for Diseases of the Lungs, Fonntrlp Physician to the Cincinnati Marine Hospital, WAV BE COSSt'I.TKD ST Lewistown, National Hotel, Wednesday March 17th, (seventeenth.)^ Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel March IG. I>n H vhdm*n treats o'lsumption. Bronchitis, l„ir) ug tie, Asthma, and all disease* of the I liroat by MEUIUA TED I \ IT A I.A'I ION. The ureal imii.t in I he treuloiei t „f nil hum 111 maladies i in get -II t lie disease in a direct manner. AU medicines are estimated by llieir action upon the org-u, requiring relief. This is the important f.ict upon which Inhalation is bused If Hie stoinach Is diseased, we take ute Vine directly into the stomach. If Ihe lungs aie diseased, breathe or inhale medicated vapors dirt cMy it to them.— t he reason why Consumption and diseases of the Lungs have heretofore insisted all treatment, has been because tl ey were not approached in a direct manner by medicine I hey vveie intended to lie local, ami y. • tln-j were so ad miulstered that lliei could only at t constituliotial'y, ex pending tin ir immediate action 11(1011 til. stomach..whilst the toil ulcers within Hie Liliurs were unmolested. In halation brings medicine into direct contact with the ' d'se ise. u itliont the dis nlvantage of any violent action. Its application is en simple that it may be employed by tile youngest infant < r feeblest invalid It does 110! de range Hie stomal It. or interfere 11. tin: least with the strength, comfort or business of tin: patient. I O.N" ill irn" fur" (iiiiuiliition. OTHKH lilSi'.ADF.ft ThK. 'FID. In re! iti>n tn tltr luilutvius disease'*, either uhen coin plicated with l.utt" Affection*, i>r existing alone, | also j invite <-nii*ult;ittoti —umiallv finding them PUOMJ'T! V ' ! CUU.VBI.E : TUOI.VPSIItS llml 111 forms uf rEAI.E CoJtrLAITB, | Irreetilaritie* ami Wcakm**. I'AI.I'ITATKIN ami other forms nf HEART IMS i EASE, l.lver Coitiol.tiot. I>ys|trjtr-ia, and all other UU ! eases of Stomach ami Bowels, I'tles, &.r. Are. OAil diseases of the E>e ami Ear ; Neuralgia, Ejtile|. sv. and all forms of Nervous UisCaae. OXo charge for coositllation. j>S-y S. D. lIARDMAN, M. 1). ; Normal Class. V NORMAL CLASS will be commenced at Mc\ eytuwu < n the 12t!i of April and > continue eleven weeks. The first object and aim in the exercises of the class will he to \ , give thorough instruction in the cotnmort English branches of education—the second to ' teach the hest methods t.f imparting this in struct ant to others—the third to attend to the more advanced branches. In connection with these, semi-weekly lectures will he delivered mi " School Management and Government," thus affording to Teachers and otliers an op j portunity while pursuing tin it studies to ac quire a knowledge of the theory and practice |of teaching. Every exertion will be made to give ctitire satisfaction to nli who may come. * Hoarding can be obtained at very low rates. TERMS —For common branches, $5 pcrquar ter : higher brunches, SO. For further particulars address A. P. HAWA*. Co. Supt.. McVeytown, Pa. &a?*An examination will be bold at Me \ eytowu, March 27th, for tiiose desiring prr |in uncut certificates. Notice of intention to apply must bo given at least ten days before that time. [fel2sj A. I>. HAWN. A. CHAIVCE! For Every Person to Raise their Own GRAPES, A\D Tlikb THEIR OW \ WIVE, fIMIE undersigned will deliver from the Ist JL to the loth April next, to any persons residing in Mifflin co., ISABELLA GRAPE VINES of one year's growth, from cuttings j j of "Juniata Vineyard," at the following rates, ! [ payable when delivered t 25 Nines fur S3, 50 do. for 85.50, It 10 do. for SlO. Good Cuttings will bo delivered at half the rates fur \ ines. Also, Osage Orange llc< Plants to sell, ami Hedges grown by contract. Orders must bo, received before the Ist of April to insure attention. Address A. HARSH BARGEE, febl'S McVeytown, .Mifflin Pa. NOTICE. VLL persons knowing themselves indebted j to the subscriber by book account or ' otherwise will please be prepared to pay the ; same by the second week in March, as I in tend calling on all of votliin°. heating antidote to pain and inflammation Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Stiff' Joints. In cases of Bait Kheuui, where medical waters, lotions, and every recipe of the phaimacopa a have proved use less, the Ointment will accomplish a thorough cure. Fe ver Sores heal quickly under its influence, and its relnx i.ig effect upon contracted sinews is truly wonderful. Discharging Fleers. A most remarkable and happy change is produced in tie* appearance of malignant ulcers after a lew a,iplira lions of this Ointment The surrounding redness van ishes, anit criniiles of healthy flesh begin to take the I place of the discharged matter. This prrc-ess goes on ! more or le** rapidly until Ihe orifh 1: is liiled up with sound J materia!, and the ulcer radically cured. K Wort! to Jlolhcrx. I h** young are most frequent sufferer* from external ; iitjmies, .and therefore every n other should have this j healing preparation constantly at hand. It is an absolute | specific for sore breasts, and quickly removes the encrus- i teil sores whit It s onetimes disfigure the heads and faces t of children. I Significant Fact*. This O.nlineul is universally used on hoard the Atlan 'ic and Par iti ■ whaling fleet as a cure for scorbutic alfec lions, and as tile best possible remedy f.o wounds and bruises. Igtrge supplies f it have recently been ordered by ihe Saltan of Turkey for hospital purposes. llith the Ointment and Fills should L# used in the J'ollowiny Cases: But ions Lumbago Bore Legs Scalds Burns Mercurial Er-Sore Breasts Swel'ddamls Chapp'd hands options Bort Heads Stiff" Joints Chilblains Biles Sore Throats Ulcers Hhetimatism Sores of if.l Vcncrealsorea (in tit Bait It Inn 10 kinds Wounds of ai! Skin 1 in-east sSprains kinds t>CAFT!OX :—None are genuine unless the words "/// ftruy, .Vrir YorL aml /.nation," are discernible a* a irater nark in. every leaf of the book of directions around en h p.it or box; the same may be plaiul) seen by holding the U- fto the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering sueh information as may lead to the detect ion of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending ilie same, knowing ibetu to be spu rious ♦ Solil at the Manufactory of I'rofessor Hoi.lowxv, sp .Maiden l.unc, New York,ami by all respectable F>tug gisis and Dealer* id Medicines throughout the United States, ami tiie civilized world, in Pols, at 25 cents, 62| cents, anti ->i eacii. K-Tle.-rc is u considerable saving by taking tlie large si/,".. N. li. Directions for the guidance of patients in every dwordi r are alf.\<*,| to ra< h Pot. augG 1 if. 1 ikioi.,.ll. Mkiiicine F.sTiiu.isnKu in 1X37. Jn,l first article of the kind trcr introduced under the i.mt uj "Pr-.n. >a \re 1: i this or any other country: till other i'Wn.n c H'.ifers art couni/rfeito. The genuine can be kuairn by the same hltV AN hi-i.ig stamped on each WAFKIL BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore-throat, Hoarseness. Bit VAN'S PULMONIC WAFUftS Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difhcult Breathing. BRYAN' S PULMONIC WAFERS Believe Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Believe Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Remove Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Believe the abeve Complaints in Ten Minutes. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are a blessing to all classes and constitutions. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Improve the compass and flexibility of the Voice;. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS' Not enly relieve, hut effect rapid & lasting Cures. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one No Family should be without a Box of Hryttii's Pulmonic Wafers IN TUK UOCS*. No Traveler should be without a Box of Bryan'* Pulmonic Wafer* IN BIS J'OOKRT. No Dealer should be without a supply of Bryau'e Pulmonic Wafers FOR HIS CUSTOMERS. Bo person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers TWRNTT-FIVR CSKTS. ; JOB MOSES, Late I, C. Baldwin ten., Rochester, fj. Y. For sale by Charles Ritz, Dr. Stoneroad at 1 the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt & ' Co. Lewistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills, and by respectable druggists generally. sep3 i- - Books and Accounts of H. W. Jnnfeln. TITHE books and accounts of 11. W. Junkin L .having been transferred to the subscri ber, all persons knowing themselves indebted are' hereby notified to call and make settle ment, as within a limited time they will be placed inthe hands of a justice of the peace for collection. J. O. JUNKIN. Lewistervn, December 17, 1857. IEWISTOWN ACADEMY.—An election j for Fifteen Trustee:' to serve for the en suing year, will be held at the Academy, on MONDAY, sth April. All persons who have paid?s per share are entitled to a vote. WM. P. ELLIOTT, Sec'y. Lewistown, March 11, 1858. " N/ A v l THE GREAT ENGLISH SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED LETTERS BY ROYAL PATEHT. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine ia unfailing in the cure of all thoae painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution ia subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring o— the monthly period with regularity. " - - Each bottle, price One Hollar, bears trfi^'ifcment Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits These Pillt should not he taken by females during the J'/RST THREE MOHTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring en Miscarriage, but at any other time they I are safe. j In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affection*, Tain in j the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, I'alpita j tion of the Heart, Hysterica, and Whites, these Pill* will effect a cure when all other means have tailed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, ca'.rmel antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, i JOB MOSES, (lAte I. C. Baldwin A C 0.,) Rochester, N. Y. N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au i thorized Agent will inaure a bottle of the Pills by return j mail. For sale i>v Charles Ritz Dr. fctoneroad at j the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt& Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills, J and by respectable druggists generally. sepU N. S. LAWRENCE'S * NEW PAPER, PRIMBR'SCARe AND ENVELOPE (SX Oa OO s> SO. 405 (OHIffERCE ST., PHILADELPHIA. #QL>Cash buyers will find it for their inter est to call. j:\n7.y No. 39 & 40 North Wharves, Half-way between Arch and Race st., PHILADELPHIA, March 13, 1857.-ly NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE THIS Great Journal of Crime and Crim inals U in its Twelfth War, ant) is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal Cases, anil appropriate editorials on the same, together with information on Criminal Matters not to be found in any other newspaper. *>!4ubßcriphiotis, Stl |x-r Annum; *tl for eti.\ Months, ic be remitted by Subscribers, (who should write llieir names and the lown, county and state where ibev resid* plainly,) to H. A SEYMOUR, Editor &. Proprietor of the National Police Gazette, ap3o New York City. Dissolution of Partnership. is hereby given that the co part li nersliip heretofore existing between S. & M. FRANK was dissolved on the 22d dav of December, 1857, by mutual consent. The books and accounts are in the hands of M. Frank, at the store, where all those will please call and settle their accounts. SAMUEL FRANK, MEYER FRANK, Lewistewn, January 7, 1858. I ¥ I AYIXG purchased the interest ef S. XX Frank, I now offer the extensive assort ment of goods on hand at very low prices.— The stock is large, comprising everything usually to be found in stores. Very thankful for ilie liberal patronage heretofore extended to the store, I respectfully solicit a enrtiou ance of tin; same, as I feel confident of being able to please all in price, taste and quality jan7.3m M. FRANK. The Greatest Improvement of the Age! wk YOUNG AMERICA <9r CORN JhsiELLER The most Complete, Simplest, cf- Cheapest Corns/teller in the World! J. P. Smith's Patent, Sovtnkcr 25, 1856. The farmers of Mifflin county and vicinity are most respectfully informed that arrange ments have been made for the manufacturing of this celebrated machine at Lewistown, and that they will be offered for sale at the store of F. G. FRANCISCyS. All persons are requested to call and see "them operate. County Rights in the State of Pennsylvania for sale by the subscriber, to whom all letters respeotiog the same may be addressed. LEWIS KURTZ, jan2l-ly Aaronsburg, Centre Co., Pa. NOTICE. THE undersigned being about to remeve to M'Alavey's Fort, Huntingdon county, hereby gives notice to all persons having un settled accounts with him to call and adjust the same without delay, as otherwise he will be necessitated to place them in the hands of others for that purpose. SAMUEL B. GROSSMAN. For sale low, a large lot of Lumber, such as Shingles, Boards, &c. MTThe STORE HOUSE, DWELLING, BOARD YARD and all necessary outbuild ings now occupied by me, are for rent. The right kind of man may t 11 from SBOOO to SIO,OOO worth of goods per annum. Belleville, Jan. 28, 1858-3t. LOST, in, ox coming Irem the Presbyte rian Church, a LADY'S WATCH KEY. If it be returned to the subscriber, a suitrbl# reward will be given. T. A. BOWERS, mh4 Coruer of Main and Water sss.