911 HBB9IH. THE SUN-BRIGHT CLIME. HAVE you heard, have you heard of that aun-brlght clime, Undimmed by sorrow, unhurt by time, Where age hath no power o'er the fadeless frame. Where the eye Is Are and the heart is flame— Have you heard of that sun-bright climef A river of water pushes there, 'Mid flowers of beauty strangely fair. And a thousand wings are hovering o'er The dar.z'llng wave and the golden shore, That are seen in that sun-bright clime. Millions of forms all clothed in light. And garments of beauty, clear and white— They dwell in their own Immortal bowers, 'Mid fadeless hues of countless flowers That bloom In that sun-bright clime. Ear hath not heard and eye hath not seen Their swelling notes and their changeless sheen; Their ensigns are waving and banners unfurl O'er the jasper walls and gates of pearl That are reared In thai sun-bright clime. But far, far away Is that sinless clime, Undlm'd by sorrow, unhurt by time; Where amid all things that's fair Is given The home of the Saints—and Its name is Ileaven, The name of that sun-bright clime. aterccuUural, PRACTICAL HINTS TO AMATEURS. Don't let insects of various kinds over run your orchard or garden, and then lazi ly fold your arms and say, 44 It's no use this trying to raise things, now that so many vermin are about." Spend three days, industriously, in the early stage of the matter, in putting down the rascals, and then look around you and see if a lit tle industry is not better than grumbling. If you want early vegetables, set your self, in winter, about making some boxes to protect them. A few cheap boxes, a foot square, with a pane of glass in the top to put over tender things at night, will cost you but a trifle, and will give you ten days start of the open ground. If you have a tree that grows 44 apace," but won't bear, dig a trench around it, and cut off a third of the roots. This will check its growth, and set it about making fruit buds. If you don't love flowers yourself, don't quarrel with those who do. It is a defect in your nature which you ought to be sorry for, rather than abuse those who arc more gifted. Of what possible 44 use" is the rainbow, we should like to know ? And yet a wiser than you did not think the world complete without it. Do not grudge the cost and labor neces sary to plant a few of the best shade trees round your house; and if you have any doubts about what to plant, stick in an elm. There are few trees in the world finer than a fine weeping elm; and two or three of them will give even a common looking dwelling a look of dignity. If you plant fruit trees for shade, they are likely to he broken to pieces for the fruit, and they grow unsightly by the time that forest trees grow spreading and umbrageous.— There are very few men whose friends build so fair a monument to their memorv, as they can raise with their own hands, by planting an elm or a maple where it can grow for a century, to be au ornament to the country. Don t be afraid to clip hedges, or cut back young trees, when you are planting them. You gain more growth than you lose, though you may not he able to com prehend it till you have seen it with your own eyes. Never work your ground in wet weather if you can avoid it, as it makes it cold-likc and compact by forcing'the air out. Aud ridge up your kitchen garden ground be fore winter, so as to expose as much sur face as possible to the action of the frost. Never lose an opportunity of getting sods from the corners of old pastures, or the breaking up of commons or meadows, where they cannot he spared. Placed in heaps, and rotted, they make "excellent mould for tender plants or trees. Never buy fruit trees in the "market places" of unknown venders, who have no character to lose. You cannot tell bv '•examining the article," whether they cheat you or not • and you get your trees at hall price only to wish, when it comes to bear, that you had gone to an honest dealer aud paid ten times as much for something worth planting. Collect from about your neighborhood all the bones that are thrown away as use less by persons ignorant of their value. Dotcning. Grocery, Provision, Confection ery, and VARIETY STORE, At intersection of \ alley, Mill, Dorcas and Market streets, lately occupied by Mrs.# Wertz. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock of Mrs. "Wertz, respectfully announces that he intends to make such ad ditions of articles in general use as to be able to supply almost anything that may be called for by the old customers of the establishment and any number of new ones. Intending to keep on hand all the leading articles of mar keting, he solicits farmers and others having Butt "'***♦ Tallow, Honey, Pota toes, Green or Dried Apples, Soap, Poultry, ht. a P a "' U8 highest cash price will v ,c paid the market can afford, or Gro ceries, fish, Confectioneries, Perfumery ♦Fancy hosiery for ladies and gen tlemen, LaJ ,es Collars, Combs, Bracelets Buckles, Belv '* Olov es, Mits, &c. furnished therefor at lowes/ caßb Pces. Cabinet & Uncu" rtakin & Business. Tba manufacture aud Cabinet Ware generally, as well 08 . the Undertaking Business, will not be relinv^' u ' 8^ on IMSoou *ifc of my engaging i n the ah ove business, but orders in either promptly atW nd<3d to ' „ . My friends and the public e nerall J. ar * invited to call, examine my stoca ' and T""? in both establishments, and, as hm ' ot °i° r * shall endeavor to please them Tv r • ANTHONY PEL Lewiitown, Nev. 19, 1857. 00.000 Gross" Kent's best Matche7~f> W.a l eu, tbe ua, le at.ow erat e,. MatCtUt '< FRAJvcrsci's. f RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF MIFFLIN COTJNTY, From January 21, 1857, to January 4, 1858, iuclusivc. HENRY ZERBE, Esq., Treasurer of Mifflin county, in account with said county, from January 21st, 1857, to January 4th, 1858, inclusive. DR. To am't county tax ass'd for '57, $13,504 40 " " " for 1855 out standing as per last report, 54 "1856, " 4 ' 042 6 ' " extra co. tax ass'd for '56, as per last report, ' o, Ar * rec'd of Pro. M'Coy, ver. fees, -1 00 John C. Sigler, bor rowed for use of county, 00 ii •• f o r full assessment 1000, bo 04 Balance due Treasurer, 2,04* 41 $34,201 54 Clt. By am't comm'rs's orders lifted, $20,488 30 By balance due him last settlein't, 1,713 95 By am't court orders road dam age, road viewers' pay, 229 50 " court orders Auditors' and clerk's pay, 44 50 44 justices' cer. fox scalps lifted, 283 00 ' " co. money redeemed 4 canc'd, 100 M Bundry notes and counter feit money received from predecessor cancelled, 61 00 " Erie City Bankjinoney re'd for taxes paid to successor, 15 00 " drafts eastern penitentiary maintaining convicts, 230 96 " exoneration allowed collec* tors 1855, 1856 n extra tax, 805 40 " commissions allowed same, 1,645 86 " abatein't allowed collectors for prompt paym't ex. tax, 462 00 " do do do in 1857, 101 08 " extra county tax 1856 outs. 1,390 89 " county tax 1857 out. 6,172 17 " Treasurer's commissions on $44,570 91 (a, II per cent. 557 14 $34,201 54 HENRY ZEROS, Esq., Treasurer of Mifflin county, in account with the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. 1)1*. To am't State tax ass'd on per sonal & real est. f 5 per ct. 11 38 T.W'ERN LICENSES. DR. To am't said liceuae ussess'd 1857 075 00 CR. Bv State Treas. receipt dated June "23,1857 ' 400 00 44 bal. of tax on real &. persona! prop, overpaid corn'wealth after paying militia tax applied to tavern licenses 225 44 44 on $675 00 (o, 5 per ct. 33 75 4 * bal. due commonwealth 15 81 EATING MOI'SES. DR. To am't said license granted 1857 100 00 CR. By Treas. ccm on SIOO 00 @ 5 per ct. 5 00 44 bal. due commonwealth 95 00 _ KM) 00 I'AMI'H LET LAWS. DR. To am't said laws sold in year 1857 400 CR. By am't Treas. com. on $4 00 @ 5 per ct. 20 44 bal. due commonwealth 3 80 4 00 MILLERS LICENSE. Dlt. lo am't said license assessed and granted for 1857 131 00 CR. By bal. due Treas. at last set. 85 41 Treas. com. on sl3l 00(? 5 per ct. 6 55 44 bal. due commonwealth 123 60 } OYSTER SALOONS. DR. •Aoam t said licenses granted 1857 25 00 I CK | By Treas. com. 0n;52500 @ 5 per cent 1 25 uai. due commonwealth 23 75 : • 25 00 I _ RETAILERS "LICENSE. DR To am't said license assess'd 1857 857 00 CR By cash p'd state treas. June 23 '57 200 00 • 4 am't Sunday license, in which suit was brought and judgment given vs. commonwealth, as per certificate of Justice Swartz and Hoover ' 1 ' C ash p'd Geo. Frysinger, adver tising list 1' 40 < 11 W. F Shaw " 17 40 ■i am't treas. com. on $786 00 (gi 5 per cent 39 30 " bal. doe commonwealth 511 90 BREWERS AND DISTILLERS. DR. To am't said licenses assessed aud levied for 1857, 105 00 " E. E. Locke & Co license unp'd at last report, 50 00 155 00 CR. By cash D. W. Woods, Esq., coun sel fee, pros'ing license against E. E. Locke, & Co's distillery, 5 00 " am't Geo. Siegrist, license on which suit was brought, and judg ment given against the com'th, per certificate of Justice Hoover, 50 00 By am't deduction al I'd by com'th, to E E. Locke & Co. on their assessment, for Distillery, 45 00 " Treas. com. on S6O 00 Qf per ct. 300 " bal. due commonwealth, 52 00 155 00 JAMESM CDOWELL, Esq. Register and Record er, iu account with the Commonwealth from Jan'v 22, to Nov. 30, 1857, inclusive. COLLATERAL INHERITANCE TAX. Cll. To am't said tax on the estate of Jo seph lveiser, 18 57 " " " " Jane Power, 22 31 • " Alf'd Miller, 64 92 " " " " J. T. Sterrctt,so 00 " bal. due at last settlement 14 92 170 72 CR. By cash p'd state treas. Jan'y 7, 'SB 125 (>0 " am't reg'st. com. on $155 80 (ei, 5 per cent 7 79 " cash p'd appraisers fees & mileage 13 92 " am't registers', fees 8 75 " cash p'd audt's and clerk, set. this account 4 50 " bal. due commonwealth 10 70 170 72 JACOB MUTTUERSBOCUU, Esq., Sheriff of Mifflin county, in account with said county, from January 22, 1857, to Nov. 7, 1857, inclu sivc, DR. To am't verdict fees ree'd iu Com* mon Pleas, 12 00 " " " " lines ree'd in quarter sessions. 242 00 " bal. due Sheriff 5 71 259 00 CR. By fees summoning 252 jurors at 25 cents each * C 3 00 " expenses conveying Saiu'l Can ter to linuse of Refuge 65 GS " fees adv'ing Gen'l election and amendments to constitution 1 50 '• '• sundry commonwealth cases 122 27 " am't of com. on $242 00 at 3 per cent 7 26 259 71 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Mifflin county, in the Commonwealth ot Pennsylva nia, do certify that, in pursuance of an 'Act of Assembly relating to counties, townships,' &c., approved the 15th day of April, H34, and the 4th section of an 'Act relative to the appointment of Trustees ol Orphans' Court,' &c., passed April 22d, 1846, we met at the Commissioners' Office in the Borough of Lewistown, on the 19th day of January, 1857 ; and did audit, settle and adjust the several accounts between Henry Zerbe, Esq., Treasurer of, with said county and the Com monwealth, and the account of Jacob Mut thersbough, Esq., Sheriff of, with said coun> ty, and also the collateral inheritance tax accounts of James McDowell, Esq.. Register aud Recorder of said county, with the Com monwealth, as the same stand severally sta ted in the foregoing report. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands at the office aforesaid this 4th day of January, A. I>. 1858. GEO. II AX A WALT, ) . JOSEPH K EARNS, J AUDLTOR9 ' Lewistown, Feb. 4, 1858.-4t. Commissioners' Orders Issued from January Is/ to December 31s/, 1837, inclusive. T. A. Werrall, medical attendance on prisoners, $Ol 25 Lewistown Water Co., water rent, 92 00 If. J. Walters, Attorney and Clerk fur Commissioners for 1856, 325 00 William Wilson, Collector of Oliver township, taxes refunded, 6 00 Jas. Fleming, services as Com. in full, 45 00 Abraham Mutthcrsbough, collector of Decatur township, taxes refunded, 100 Jacob Mutthcrsbough, Sheriff', balance due at Auditors' settlement, 457 88 J. Muttherabough, horse hire to arrest prisoners, 2 75 J. Mutthersbough, reward for arresting George Smith, 25 00 J. Mutthersbough, house rent for Jailor, GO 00 Geo. Melson, whitewashing cells of jail, 5 CO 11. A. Bradley, room for holding elec tions from March, 1854, to March, 1857, inclusive, 24 00 Jos. Kunkle", water pipe and laying it in prison, 51 00 Junkin & Robison, pencilling jail wall, 30 00 John C. Sigler, money loaned county, 270 00 Myers & Gutshall, balance on con tract for building jail, * 11240 00 Mifflin County Agricultural Society, 100 00 G. W. Stewart, putting gas fixtures in the jail, 118 25 John Swartzoll, making list unseated lands, 12 00 James McDowell, Register, indexing deed books, 10 00 R. D. Smith, grading jail yard and hauling sand, 81 00 R. D. Smith, making tax duplicate of unseated lands, 20 00 David Mutthcrsbough, work at and bed clothes for jail, > 76 71 Amos Hoot, blacksmithing for prison, 5 00 John Swartzell, drafts of land for use of county, 3 50 Abraham Shull, making grate pattern for jail, 3 00 J. A. Shimp & Co., repairing hopples, 1 75 Wm. Creighton, Commissioners' seal, 250 John T. Wilson, boarding prisoners at Harrisburg, 190 87 Wm. Wilson, Commissioner's pay, 100 00 Daniel Bearley, grate for jail, 2 55 Constable's pay for returns to court, •lection services, and fees in Com monwealth cases, 270 58 Repairs, 24 87 Fuel for court house and jail, 319 10 Grand Jurors' pay, 324 83 Petit Jurors' pay, 1250 31 Furniture for jail, - 33 00 Witnesses in Commonwealth cases, 59 11 Justices' fees in Commonwealth cases, qualifying election boards, commis sioners. sheriff, county auditors, di rectors of the poor, &c., 173 60 D. 1). Mutthersbough, Jailor, for board ing prisoners, 530 07 Henry Ferer, Court Crier and Janitor, 73 12 Books and stationery for public offices, 134 72 Andrew Reed, District Attorney, fees, 11 50 Jacob Linthurst, Esq., Comm's pay, 165 00 Jacob lloover, do. 50 00 R. D. Smith, Commissioners' Clerk to October Ist, 1857, 225 00 Assessors' pay, 488 46 Cleaning gutter, pavement, &c. at C. 11., 3 74 Wm. F. Shaw, et al, adv. & printing, 200 00 Clothing for prisoners, 1 00 Directors of the Poor, 4000 00 Election officers' pay, 355 94 Coroner and jurors' inquisitions on dead bodies, - 28 03 Jacob Mutthersbough, Comm'w'h fees, 4 00 Interest paid, 150 00 T. F. McCoy, late Prothonotary and Clerk of Sessions' fees, 53 57 Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA.- Statement of the Assets of the Company on January 1, 1358. Published in conformity with the provision of the Sixth Section of the Act of Assembly of April s th, 1842. MORTGAGES. Being first Mortgages on Real Estate in the city and county of Philadelphia, except $30,- 950 in Montgomery, Bucks, Scliuj lkill and Allegheny coun ties, Penna , ' $1,596,825 19 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's sales under mortgage claims, viz : Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150) feet, on the southwest corner of Chestnut and Seventeenth streets. A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on the north side of Spruce street, and west of Eleventh street. Two houses and lot, each 18 by 80 feet, on the south sjde of Spruce street, near Sixteenth gF street. Five houses and lots, each 17-9 d? by 90 feet, Nos. 159,161,163, 2 165 and 167 Dillwyn street. Three houses and lot, 49 by 54 g, feet on east side of Seven- Notes and Bills Receivable, $4,307 00 Cash, on hand, $36,225 00 do in hand* of agents, 4,630 48 $1,888,90 1 74 Losses by Fire. Losses Paid During Year 1857, $203,789 74 By order of the Board. CHAS. N. BANCKER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. Attest: VV. A. STEEL, Sec. Pro. Tem. DIRECTORS. Chas. N. Banckcr, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Geo. W. Richards, Geo. Fales. H. J. WALTERS, Esq., Agent for Mifflin county. jan2B-6t HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A3 Benevolent Institution, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted Kith Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. mo all persona afflicted with sexual diseases, such as Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Con or rtxca, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice of Onanism or Self Abuse, Sec. Sec. The Howard Association, in view of the awful destruc tion of human life caused by sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical Advice GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, 4tc.) and in cases of extreme poverty to furnish Medicines Tree of Charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treat ment. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as sured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves with renewed zeal to this very important but much de spised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report on Sper matorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sant by mail (in a sealed letter envelope) Free of Charge on receipt of Two Stamps for postage. Address for Re port or treatment, Dr. GEORGE Rt CALHOUN, Consult ing Surgeon Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors EZRA D IIEARTWELL, President GEO. FAIRCMLD, Secretary dec 3 Ready-made Clothing will sell at Philadelphia prices. Now ▼ T is the time to pull off your old clothing and buy new at the cheap store of jan7 KENNEDY, JUNKIN & CO. MIFFLIN COUNTY POOR HOUSE STATEMENT. JOSEPH 11. MORRISON, Steward, in ac count with the Directors of the Poor of Mif fin county, from January Ist, 1857, to. April 1 st, 1857. DR. To sleigh bells, §5 00 One talma, 10 50 Order on Treasurer, 18 00 Cash ree'd for 109 bushela wheat, 154 40 do do 60 do potatoes, 27 00 do do 2 do corn, 100 Note for mare bought at sale, 151 72 Sundry articles eharged by order of the Board, 103 68 $471 30 CR. By balance due at last settlement, 200 86 Cash paid W. W. Morrison, 100 08 do do Cook, 1 75 do do for threshing, 600 do do for marketing, 300 do do for table and chairs, 13 02 do do for traveling expenses, 367 do do for sund. outdoor paupers, 16 92 do do Justice for issuing orders, 1 00 One quarter's salary, 125 00 "$471 30 JOSEPH I. IJANGTON, Steward, in account with the Directors of the Poor of Mifflin county, from April la7, 1857, to January 1 st, 1858. DR. To amount of orders on Treasurer, $524 60 Cash from John Walker and sort, 5 00 do received for 12 bushels rye, 8 40 Balance duo, " 105 92 $643 92 CR. By 2 bushels dried apples, $4 00 22 do oats, 9 90 Half bushel beans, 1 25 7 bushels corn, 2 50 Barrel of cider, 3 00 Quarter of beef, 6 35 Cosh paid for kitchen furniture, 1 90 do do for wood and bar rails, 362 do do for books and stationery, 436 do do for brick, " 2 "50 do do for traveling expenses, 933 1 do do for cart, 14 yo do do for new purnp, 32 00 do do for labor, 33 25 do do for marketing, 12 82 do do for digging graves, 450 do do for clothing, 5G2 do do for barbering, 537 do do for postage, 130 do do for shoes, 10 23 do do for lightning rods, 500 do do for repairs, 15 79 do do to and for sundry outdoor paupers, * SO 33 Three quarters' salary, 375 00 $643 92 Amount of orders outstanding for debts contracted before Jan. 1, 1857, $424 06 Ami. of orders outstanding for debts oontracted from January ], 1857, to April 1, 1857, 259 09 Arnt. of orders outstanding for debts contracted from April 1, 1857, to January 1, 1853, 1266 81 Amount of orders unpaid, $1949 96 Balance due Jo*. 1 Langton as above, 105 92 Balance due Slate Lunatic Hospital for support of Lydia Adams and John McCormick, about 250 00 Amount of indebtedness Jan. 1, 1858, $2305 "8 ; I'rudnce of Farm. " About 200 bushels wheat, 250 do, rye, 403 do. eorn, 300 do. oats, 100 do. potatoes, 5 do. beans, ido peas, 10 do. turnips, 800 heads cabbage, loads hay ; 1 beef killed weighing 400 lbs. ; 8 hogs killed weighing 164)0 lbs. Stock on J'arm. One horse, three cows, nine shoals Parminy I tonsils. 1 shovel, plow, cultivator, 2 one-horse wag ons, 2 sou single harness, 1 set plow gears, rid ing saddle and bridle, wheelbarrow, cart, sleigh, grind stone, cutting box, 2 axes, 2 woodsaws, 2 shovels, spade, 2 grubbing hoes, pick, 4 cow chains, haiier chain, post bar, 5 bntr. 11 >us< Furniture. 7 coal stoves, 2 cook stoves and furniture, 1 copper kettle, 5 tables, 3 stands, 1 dough tray, 5 coal buckets, 29 bedsteads, 28 beds and bed ding, 3 iron kettles, 3 tubs, 6 buckets, 19chaiis, 1 sink, 1 churn, 4 large meat vessels, 1 writing desk, 2 short cupboards, mantle clock, lounge, looking glass, 30 yards carpet, 1 small brass nettle. Work done at Poor House by and for Paupers. 37 shirts, 5 skirts, 3 sacks, 23 aprons. 7 pairs drawers, 7 chemises, 12 dresses, 13 pair stock ingi knitted, 1,7 pairs pants, 6 barrels soap, 4 roundabouts, 6 pairs pillow slips, 2 night gowns, 4 night caps, 20 haps. Paupers. No. in Foor Hoyse January I, 1857, 37 Admitted through tho year 1857, 45 Born in the house, 3 Whole No. inmates for 1636, 85 Died in the house, 5 Bound out, 4 Discharged, gj —7O No. In Poor House Jan. 1, 1658, 15 Outdoor paupers, gj do died, 9 do discharged, 24 —33 , „ " —23 In State Lunatic Hospital, 2 Whole No. supported by Co. Jan. 1, 1858, 45 In addition to the above there has been about 60 transient paupers supported for a short time without orders or any entries on the books. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Mifflin oounty, elected and sworn according to law, having examined the accounts of Joseph h! Morrison, late Steward of the Poor House, from January 1 to April 1, 1857, have settled the same as above stated, aud having also examined the accounts of Joseph I Langton, Steward of ? a \ d o r,? 0 House ' from Apr'' L 1857, to January 1, 1858, do certify that we find a balance due to tho said Joseph I. Langton, on the books, from the said Directors of the Poor, of one hundred and five dollars and ninety-two cents. Given under our hands at Lewistovso, Janu ary 14, 1858. GEO. HANAWALT,) . ... JOS. KEARNS, \ Aud'to"- HENRY Z.Ell BE Treasurer, in account with John Atkinson, John Peachey, and John Oubbison, Esquirs, Directors of the Poor, of Mifflin county from. January Ist, 1857, to January Is/, 1858. DR. To cash received from W. Ruseell, former Treasurer, f 1 39 Proceeds of sale of farming utensils, stock, Ac., at public vendue March 10, 1857, 1259 86 Cash ree'd of County Treasurer, 4000 00 A fine ree'd from a Justice of the Peace by tlie hand of John Peaohy, 3 37 $5264 G2 nit. following orders Paid, vi? ■ S. & M. Frank, merchandize I'enna. State Lunatic IlosDi'tal f support of John MeCorS McKinney and Lydia Adam?' James McCord, saddlery, ' Jacob Hamaker, repairing wa*™,,, J t u* Cu " pia ? hani . hire ' '*! Jcehua M< r rison, wood for uutiW paupers, uor R. 11. McCliatic, coffins, David Jenkins, fire wood, '9j J. C. Wilson, carpenter work G. W. Ste wart, Esq., fees on'order. of relief, * W. G. Zollinger, hats, li| John B. Selhcitner, tinware, & c Joseph 11. Morrison, on account' F. G. Franciscus, hardware, ' Geo. Stull, keeping John IWltoni W. P. Milliken, merchandize, George Blymyer, merchandize r !' J| F. Schwartz, fire wood, ' Owen Owens, funeral cxp.of M.-Pl, . 6 ! n-pH^ ele^ eepingS - Dr. Charles Bower, two years' saw ' Ijr. .1 1) Stoneroad, drug, 4 maiiti 2 j !wrfdlkrl^eTcSdiL PI ' !Si " M '! C. Hoover, Esq., fees on orders of John McKee, fire wood, ','' l F. McCoy, clover seed and plaster n McCoy it Ellis, merchandize ' Henry Frvsinger advertising notices, 1! John Davis, saddlery, ' k| Major Jc Shimp, meat, J' Isaac Kipp, keeping Chas. McKinnsy %, Wm. Swartz, Esq., fees on ord'sofrriilf • J. W. Stewart, removing T. W. rire insurance, '' Jacob Bearley, wood and coal, Mary A. Dailey, cook, John Zeigler, plow beam A stove "rate "' Major & Kittenliouse, meat, r Miller A Shimp, blacksmithing, Amount of debts contracted in I<7o and paid in 1857, jxp J. W. Ilackenberry, wheat and fa. neral expenses of Mrs. Mooncv, jy F. O. Franciscus, hardware, Wm. Ilardv, keeping J.dm IV-ris, (col., jj? F. J. Hoffman, merchandize, G. W. Thomas, stationery and tobacco C J. 0. McCord, funeral exp. of C. Carr !0 Blymyer A Brisbin,.groceries, Z. Kothrock, exp'ses, Ac. .Mrs. Mooncv, l] Charles Ritz, drugs and medicine?, [ij Galbraith A Kobison, bringing paa. per to poor house, John Baptist, fire wood for J. Wood Dr. J. A. Swartz, Pbys. for McVevtown 17 N. J. Rudisill, hats, ! John Atkinson, caslt and grain for C. Berlew, J. Strong, groceries for Mrs. Moom-v, li W. A J. Macklin, funeral expenses" of Beatty's child, * George Blymyer, merchandize, j? A. A. Banks, drugs, Benjamin Stauber, pruning orchard 3 S. A M. F rank, merchandize, Jfij Ktting, Graft' it Co.. coal, W. F. Shaw, printing vendue bills, notice, Ac., t G. J. \ anriper, repairing boots, William Butler, beef, i] F. Smith, keeping Elizabeth Cornelius, ID Amos Hoot, blacksiniihing, J. Wharton, Esq.. fees on ord's of relief Alfred Marks, flour, feed, Ac., V Amount of debts contracted from January 1 to April 1. 15,17, and paid in 1857, ?7i!j J. B. Sell. eimer, spouting, tinware, Ac.lll Dr. T. A. Worriill, on account, 2'| l>. Bearley A Sons, stoves. i£j It. I . Parker A Bros., merchandize, "1 William Butler, meat, Dr. J. A. Swartz, in full ..f sil.-irr, I7i Win. Hardy, keeping John IVrb.'icw. J)l do do S Former A K M Vall.iVi A. McManigle, wheat furnished Mrs. Longwell, and rent of house, ill Dr. J.J. Dahlen, medicines and at tendance on Kelley, 31 S. A M. Frank, merchandize, Joseph I. Langton, Steward. 47 John Boas, coffin for J. Smallman, 4i Lewis IN isler, school tax, oil Henry Book, in full as Director, hi Amos Hoot, ironing wagon, John Atkinson, provisions furnished C. Berlew, and salary as If rector, Henry Kreiser, fire wo.xl. Dr. J. D. Stoneroad, halt year's salary, Jacob Everich, bacon, fish A. groceries, "3 • J. W. Everich A Bro., bacon, Geo. B. Patterson, carpenter work, • ' John M. Bell, State tax, 21' Richard Galluher, on account, 22' G. B. Oves. two coffins. Dr. S. Maclay, medicines and attend ance on Itager and Stringfellow families, Longwell and Itublo, -j Debts contracted after Ap. 1, 1557, Amount of debts of 1850 paid, Do. from Jan. 1 to April 1, 1877, $50091 J. H. Morrison's vendue note return ed and charged to him, Discouut on vendue notes for 5 mo?., -' Treasurer's per centage, Balance in favor of Directors, We, the undersigned, Auditors of J® county, elected and sworn according to having examined the accounts and w* of Henry Zerbe, Treasurer for the IW 1 * of the 1 oor from January I, lßsi,to*j>® 1, ISSB, do certify that we find a balf from tlie said Henry Zerbe to said of the Poor, of nineteen dollars an=g JOHN FLAB** Lewistown, Jan. 21, 1858-4f 3500 Headed and Square not headed do on hand and f" 1 suflS **