Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 03, 1857, Image 3

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    r* v 2 O* 2EI 2E •
[FrulW tic Louisville Journal,]
„ n ,„dous Lost of Human Life—Seventy-
Zt Lit" and $200,000 Lost—Boat and
Cargo Total Loss.
On tbe morning of tlrer 21 st,*about 2 o'clock,
retainer " Rainbow," Capt. Holcraft, on
way fro™ Now Orleans to Louisville, with
full cargo of. sugar and Coffee, and with
5U t 150 -soculs on board, whilst under way,
j (en miles above Napoleon, and near the
' j of Island 74, wns discovered to be on
■ and the officer of the deck, Mr. C. Whit
r' a { once gave the order to run on shore
ffbich order was immediately executed-by
.. hatnb, the pilot at the wheel; but by that
,e the entire boat was enveloped in flames.
os e of the passengers and crew that were
tbe forward part of the boat escaped with
t difficulty ; those on tbe stern were cut off
ui any weans of escape, except by jump
into the water —and although it was oniy
:ir yards to the shore, but few escaped that
into the water, and many were burutas
< lay in their berths—some were overcome
h fright and knew not which way to move,
[ thus were lost. . . j
•be books and papers being lost, it is a
iter of utter impossibility to ascertain the
Be „ of the lost or saved, hut after careful- J
comparing the statements of those that j
reared, wecannot make the loss less than
, n ty five human beings, all ushered into ,
presence of their Maker without, a uao- j
nt' warning.
The officers without an exception were sav j
_th Steward, (colored) 2d do., do., and
trv cook were lost, with fifteen of the firo- 1
lie 44 Sovereign," bound down, was fortu-
Sy near at hand, and succeeded in picking
several of the passenger* floating in the J
or supported by pieces of wood, Ac. She i
those of the saved on board, who wished I
eturn South, and the Minnehaha o<>n
e along, bound up, and several went off '
few hours after the J. E. Woodruff eaine
a! ,d took on board the crew and the re
nder of the passengers saved, with the ex
dun of a few, who staid to look for the
Jin* „f their lost friends,
he • (Seers of the boat a;rte that the fire
inated in the cook house, which being
rred, they think that the fire was under
*v before bursting out, and then it w is
ir started that nothing could be done to
>t its progress.
ler cargo consisted of sugar, molasses and
•e, fur Louisville—about 300 tons in all—
ul lot*. . .
he passengers, or a majority of them,
e returned Californians, with their treas-
Fi.f gold and their families, coining hack
Leir fadrr laud, but alns, to meet with the
[embrace of death in it* most horrid form,
*sd of that of kindred and friends from
jm they hud been >o long separated.
[lithe passengers lost everything, money,
he* ami all tlicy had, except that which
t bad on. Forty or fifty thousand dollars
-uld and twenty thousand dollars in jew
r wai undoubtedly lost.
'he boat's safe with content* was soon re
tred, and those of the passengers who had !
.sited their money in the office, were sav- i
bmloss in that particular.
mdaUt. —Mr. Wheat lev, from California, '
i wife and child, jumped from the stern,
•truck boldly out for shore, but the wife !
rijj $2,400 in gold On her person, soon
ktc rise no more ; the father with his in
tin his ana*, still bravely battled f..r life,
being numbed from cold, the child slip- ;
and was lust; the father was saved by
H J:I si: >rr who had witnessed his brave,
ggle against the fates. He had $3,500 in 1
•if.- ot boat, which vva recovered and !
tec in his hand*. lie remained at the i
i;r recover, if possible, the remains of i
r. camp tniun and child.
Ir Whitler, the mate, picked up five per ;
(tanging on to one small piece of timber: j
rere saved though. In two of them life ;
apparently extinct.
Ir. Ma<ldx, a travelling agent of Phil* ;
jliif, lost $20,000 worth of jewelry, saved j
king hut hit pan's—no coat, no hat—no j
Ht-rrv one of those who escaped, were but i
Hrclr.'i; gome had coats and no pants, and .
■ ba.j hcN „ r boots; but their w.lnts'were '
suppli -d by the crewr of the other bouts i
>T came up.
and ,V.> tiny. —McGoffin, of Scott Co., ;
mUsing; brake, of Arkansas, missing;
of New Orleans, missing; Mrs
nd child, lust; Mr-. Latino:k, lost ;
of West Point, lost; lady, nana;
lost; Frank Starkcney and assist
lost; third and fourth cooks, un
lost; K. Prather, steward, lost: Win.
I '*t*r,.*trward, lost: George Davis, col- i
I, S | ; Wallace, colored hoy, lost;
Avhby. J„hn Adkins, Thotnas Gullins,
1 st; three children of Mrs. Wliit-
throe ladie* n deck, lost; blind
wife and three children, lost; William
V cuLrcd, Est.
|l Stone Man of Perry County.
of the sudden turning of a Ma>-
of Perry county into stone have
W weulated, and in answer to numerous
Judge Baker, editor of the P'er
■" ou °ty Freeman, gives an explanation
18 1 almost worthy of Washington Irving,
this wonderful occurrence the
these: In the central part of this
oot tbe highest
of Dick's Hill, having an elevation of
61t,e thousand four hundred and sixty*
above the level of the sea, (acccra
-1 ille barometrical measurement effect
i- hysmeans of a bottle of wbis
■.„!?, 11081 de ®°liog the degrees marked
K 'outside, and which may not be
* borate, hut a sufficient appro* ima
f® h® *®#n the ruins of an ancient
HZ,, a ! , hc Missionary Station, establish
>KT A - D ' ° 84 ' the last of whose devoid
I H. ' ■' I'agen McFurgus, died at
'H.I ' n c J fc ar 13C8, and whose devotion
,^B ; ' | Uent are well remembered by the
, , tbi * T *oUj.- It had always
that large quantities of gold
:^E.,' w ® re -hidden in the deep vaults and
'^K e Kt-. °[ \ ' e ® e ruins, and some few
,'.^Br e t. h , •7 ,d . enou gh to make occasional
>MWried i> pursuit of
man ebe )} e * erß,n this concealed wealth,
own to many of our citi
"Hi viole Qt TetoUß H "d grasping disposition,
e i { P r ®'anity, by the name of Solo*
L Wa ? ™ ore ÜBUal, y called
p. Kb- cire'i '' * although in very com
-18, of a aT tan ° es> wa sstill inordinately
H'> C hiß w " rld, y -t..re. T -
B'S w, r 1 J "'j W- kt crup
n greatly injured by the weevil, in
consequence of which he was often heard fo
indulge in curses against Providence. Solo
i men, no doubt hoping to make amends Tor
what he had thus lost, repaired shortly after
I dusk oft a rainy evening to-thespot aforesaid,
and, with the aid of his little son John, who
held the lantern, commenced digging diieetly
over the supposed vaults containing the trea
! sure. • And after having gone down about
seven and a half feet, there was (as now sta
ted by the boy) a great explosion from below,
whieb sent the boy possibly, and the father
certainly, many lect in the air. The boy,
however, seems to have been uninjttred. and
speedily recovering from his alarm so sts to
be able to walk, made the best of his way
home, reporting to the family tthnt had oc
The alarm being given, the neighbors soon
j congregated in wild dismay to the scene of
: the catastrophe, and there ending this upen
-1 ing in the earth, waiting until daylight ap
peared, some two or three among them made
bold enough to descend in the dark month of
the cavern, when to their terror and eurprise
they discovered a man apparently fresh, as if
in full life, but naked and tibnjed to -inE
itARDCST bton'E. It was soon bruited abroad
that Solomon Feltus had turned to stone for
blaspheming Providence on account of the
f loss of his crops and daring to violate the
sacred vaults of the old Catholic Koine to re
pair his misfortune—and this belief became
universal, when Solomon could no where be
found after the most diligent search instituted
by his friends aui others. Now, the solution
if this whnle mystery seems very simple to
the scientific mind, and we need no Ovid to
explain in mythologic verse the metamorpho
sis. The whole affair, with all the air of su.
peraatural agency which confused reports
have throws around it, is plainly solved as
follows: This vault, penetrated by Solomon
Feltus, as before described, was evidently the '
tomb of some old officiating priest of the sta
tion, who may have been interred there as
early as Che year 1000, and from the chemical
and mineral qualities of the percolating wa- !
ters of that region, the body of the dead man
had been converted into stone. The expio- j
sion which blew up Soionu n and the boy
doubtless can be very satisfactorily referred '
to tbe explosive gas generated iu the vault '
for the la9l 800 years; and the disappearance
of Solomon may be readily accounted for, by j
supposing the force .( the explosion to hate 1
been sufficient to carry him beyond tbe earth's
gravitating power, when, according to well
understood dynamical laws, he would go to
the mot n.
In addition to the moral which this
judgment should teach us respecting the aw
ful consequences of murmuring against the
ways of Providence, ami of the unscrupulous j
means we make use of in our haste to become
rich, its investigation #lso shows that the
wicked are no 1 inger punished in a mirncu- !
lous manner, but through the agency of nat- '
ural causes, and moreover settles to the satis
faction of the most doubting mind that long
vexed question that, if never before, there is
note unquestionably "a man in the moon."
By giving currency to the true version of
this remarkable occurrence, the blundering
errors connected with all former reports touch
ing the stone man will Le corrected.
JUST KECEIVKD, lO.(KK) lb,, of Eitrn
Family Flour, in 25 and 50 lb. bags, at
$3.50 per hundred, at
FA.MILk , $3.50 per hundred, in
J bags. Superfine nt $0.25 per barrel, at
Superfine, Extra Family, and Su
pcrSne fur sale low fir cash,
octß F. J. HOFFMAN.
EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned,
Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Coart of M ffiin . urn , >• distribute the fund
in the l.m d of JiivtPH S. WanrxM, Admin
i-drat >r ol JAMKS WAKEVM, late of Lew istown,
deceased, to and among those entitled to re
ceive the same, will attend to the du ies of
the appointment nt the Register's OOiee in
Lev,istown, on FRIDAY, the 18th day of De
cember next, nt 10 o'clock in., where those
interested are requesteu i<> attriui.
W. IN ELLIOTT. Auditor.
November 19, 1357.—4 i
A L DITUR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned,
L Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county to make di>trihutiun
f the fund in ti.e hands of JAM> G. MI C<>V,
surviving Executor of Hfou JOUNRT-.V. late
of Mc\ eytown, deceased, will attend to the
duties of the appointment at the Register's
Office in Is'wi.'town, on SATURDAY, the
10th day of December next, at 10 o'clock a.
in., when and where those interested arc re
quested to attend. W. I*. ELLIOTT,
Nov. 19, 1857.-It Auditor.
Best Assortment Ever Offered.
NEW and Beautilul Styles now opening of
French Mechanical TOYS, Richest Dres
sed DOLLS and Fancy Pieces; Wax, Crying
and China Dolls ; China Toys, Jewel Boxes,
Card Receivers, Vases and Fancy Articles,
Alabaster Goods, Confectioners' Rich Boxes,
Cornets, Bags. Ac.
Fancy Baskets of Willow, Ac., over 150
patterns; German Toys, over 1000 patterns ;
with an endless variety of other goods of the
latest and most desirable styles, fur sale in
quantities to suit at very low prices.
lQk*Caes of Assorted Toys at $5, $lO, S2O.
W. TILLER, Importer,
No. 24 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia.
November 5, 1857.-ot*
Great Journal of Crime and Crim-
JL inal U In il* Twelfth iVar, Lid is widely circulated
throughout Ihe country. It contbfiis'dll ihc Great Trials,
Criminal Cues, mid-u|a|}<o(>rt(i(e Kdttnrial* on the same,
together with infi/riijiO)"" Mailers not to be
found in any. ii t w*|agSr. _ •
Oriubacriphinns, $1 i>tj Annum; #1 for Six Months, to
be reirthted by Kubsefilmri, (who should write their
names and the town, county and stale where they reside
plainly,) to ft. A. SEYMOUR,
Editor k. Propretftr of the National Police Gizeitp,
uji3o New York City.
Just received, and for sale low, and deliv
ered in any purtof town, by
j; m mim
THE twrv-atory and attic DWELLING and
STOKE well known as the People's
j Store, situate in Market street, Lfcwistown,
adjoining Hamaker's ami Mutthersbough's
.i. Hotel. The house is new, in the centre of
business, replete with every convenience, and
the store room one of the' best in town. For
further information inquire of Sou It & Co. or
| of F. SWARTZ,
; novl2-4t* x near Lewistown.
| T\TILL be sold at public sale, at the resi-
T t dence of the subscriber, in Armagh j
township, Mifflin county, on
! Tuesday, December 15, 1857,
the fallowing personal property, to wit:
Milch Cows and Young Cattle,
Hogs, (some of them fat,) Wagon, Plows,
Grain Drill, Windmill. Gears, and a variety
of other Farming I'tonsils too numerous to I
mention. Also, HOUSEHOLD & K ITCH F.N
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of
sclid day, when terms will be made known bv
WM. S. WILSON. * !
Armagh township, November 25, 1857. ,
At tbe Lewistown Steam Mill,
ixi xx is oxr *
On hand, for fia>e,
; FLOUR, by the hundred err barret,
Jtta""A large quantity of Ctrl, Salt, I'las- j
ter, Jtc. for sale low for cash.
Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1857.
The Original Gift Book Store.
G. EVANS would inform his friends and I
f, the public that he has removed his Star 7
Gift Book Store and Publishing House to the j
splendid store in lir-. wn's Iron Building, 439 !
Chestnut street, two doors below Fifth, where j
the purchaser of each book will receive one of !
the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to \
SIOO, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry,&c. j
, SSO Pat. Eng. Gold Watches, SIOO 00 each
j i>so Patent Anchor do oO 00 "
400 Ladies 1 Gold Watches, lbk case,3s 00 "
j 000 Stiver lecv. Watches, warra'ted, 15 00 "
500 Parlor Timepieces, 10 00 "
500 Cameo Sets, Ear Drops dc Pins, 10 00 "
500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets, $5 to 12 00 "
500 Gents' Vest Chains, 10 00 "
■ ltlOO Gold Locket*, large double case, 300 "
| 2000 do small size, 300 "
1000 (Jold Pencil Ca-es &, Gold Pens, 500 "
; 10((0 Extra Gold Pens, with cases, 10 50 "
1 2500 Gold Pencils, (Ladies') 250 "
■ 2500 Gold Pens, w itb Silver Pencils, 250 "
| 2500 Ladies' Gold Pens, with cases, 150 "
6500 Ladies' Gold Ring, 100 "
2000 Gents' Gold Kings, 275 "
! 2500 Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, 250 "
3500 Misses do do 1 50 "
3000 Pocket Knives, 75 "
2000 Sets Gent's Gold Bosom Studs, 300 "
2000 do do Sleeve Buttons, 300 41
2000 pairs Ladies' F.ar Drops, 250 "
| 8000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 500 44
I 15000 Ladies Cameo, Jet or Mosaic Pins.s 00 44
i 2500 do do Shawl & Ribbon do 3so 44
; 5000 Fetridge'i Balm of a Thousand
Flowers, 50 44
I EVANS' new Catalogue contains all the most
| popular books of the day, and the newest pub
' lications, all of which will be sold as low as
can be obtained at other stores. A complete
I catalogue of books sent free, by application
; through the mail, by addressing G. G. EVANS,
43'J Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Agents wanted in every town in the United
; States Those desiring so to act can obtain full
i particulars by addressing as above.
N. B.—ln consequence of the money crisis
and numerous failures, the subscriber lias been
: enabled to purchase from assignees an immense
stock of books, embracing every department of
literature, at prices which will enable him to
i give SSOO wot lit of the above gilts on'evtry
i SIOOO worth of hooks sold.
An extra book, with a gift, will be sent l
• each person ordering TEX books to be sent to
one address, by Express.
November 5, 1857.
Estate of Crtrgc Itotbrork, deceased*
N OTICE is herein given that letters testa
mentary on the estate of GE..RC,E ROTH-
K<>CK, late of Decatur township Mifflin coun
ty, deceased, have been granted to the under
signed, residing in said township. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Estate of Joteph Campbell, deeased.
is hereby given that letters testa-
LL nientury on the estate of JOSEI*H CAMI'-
BELL, late of Uuion township, Mifflin county,
deceased, have been granted to the under
signed residing in said township. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Novs-6t* Executors.
Estate of Melissa Stout, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on tha estate of MELISSA
STONE, late of the borough of Lewistown,
Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted
to the undersigned, residing in said borough.
All persons indebted to said estate will plenso
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same proscnt them duly
authenticated for settlement.
0c29 GEO. W. STEWART, Admr.
Estate ef James Coulter, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on the estate of JAMES
COULTER, late of the borough of Newton
Hamilton, Mifflin county, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing in said
borough. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and thoso having claims to present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
nov26-6t SAMUEL DRAKE, Adm'r.
A LARGE assortment at low prices for
sale by F. J. HOFFMAN.
Grocery, Provision, Confection
ery, and
At intersection of Valley, Mill, DoVcas and
Market streets, lately occupied by
Mrs. Wertz.
HE undersigned haying purchased the
entire stock ot Mrs. Wertz. respectfully
announces that le intends to mnke such ad
ditions of articles in general use as to be able
to supply almost anything that may be called
for by the old customers of the establishment
and any number of new ones. Intending t
keep on baftd all the leading articles of mar
keting. he solicits farmers and others having
Butter. Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Honey, Pota
toes, Green or Dried ipules, Soap,
Poaltry, kt.
to give him n call, as the highest cash pric.*
will lie paid the market can afford, or Gro
ceries, Salt, Fish, Confectioneries, Perfumery,
fancy Articles, Hosiery for ladies aod gen
tlemen, Ladies Collars, Combs, Bracelets,
Buckles, Beits, Gloves, Mils, &c. furnished
therefor at lowest cash prices.
Cabinet & Undertaking Business.
1 1 ' ie manufacture of Furniture and Cabinet
\\ are generally, as well as the Undertaking
Business, will not be relinquished on account
ot nty engaging in the above business, but
orders in either promptly attended to.
My lriends and the public generally are
invited to call, examine my stock and prices
in both establishments, and, as heretofore, I
shall endeavor to please them.
Lewistown, Nov. 19, 1857. .
Will find a beautiful lot of
and various articles of
iinaaas iO'im
Kennedy, Junkin & Store,
East Market street.
The Lftdtec are particularly invited to call
before making their whiter selection, as a neat
bonnet adds as much to the atfr.nction of a
pleasant face as any article <rf dress Worn.
November 12, 1857.
New Goods!
McCoy & Ellis's
IMIE undersigned, trading under the name and
firm of McCOY & EI.LIS, respectfully in
torni liieir friends and the public generally that
they have just returned from Philadelphia, and
opened in the house formerly occupied by ). &
J. MilliUen, on Market street, directly opposite
Geo. Blymyer's store, a neat assortment of
Seasonable (roods and Superior
to which they hare added a good supply of gen
tlemen'-, ladies" and children's
1500t9 antr &ftor*,
suitable for the season. The market price IN
CASH will always be given for COUNTRY'
PRODUCE, and liberal advances made on Flour
and Grain on store.
always on hand. A quantity of Salt, suitable
for Cattle, now on hand. F. McCOY,
nov!4 R. F. ELLIS.
Tar OmoiNAL IfcntciXß Fl*T*SM*asi> J Y I'ST.
JnU frel nrtitle of the kihd trrr t trodured under the
name of "Po MOSIIC WaKits," t* tk\i or mny other
country; oil other Putrnoni,: ttaJ'Tt art counterfoil*.
T genuine eon he >U ky let Hum* iillX AN hoing
it .Tofidtr'n ciuk
Relieve Coughs, Colds, dore-throat, Hoarsen ma.
RelieTC Asthma. Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.
Believe Spitting of Blood, Paine in the Cheat
Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lang Disease*.
Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils.
Relieve tho above Complaints in Ten Minutes.
Are a blearing to nil classes aud constate tioca
Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers
Improve the oompass and flexibility of the Voice.
Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste
Not only relieve, but effect rapid A lasting Cures.
Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one
No Family should be without a Box of
Hrjranl Pnlmoiilc Wafers
No Traveler should b without a Box of
Bryan's Pulmonic "Wafer*
r ix ins Pocsst.
No Dealer should be without a supply of
Brian's Pulmonic Wafers
No person will ever object to give for
Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers
JOB MOSES, Late I. C. Baldwin it co., Rochester, tf. Y.
For sale by Charles Ritz, Dr. Stoneroad at
the Bee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardt &.
Co., Lewistown ; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists generally. sep3
Neat, Cheap Sk Durable.
Market Street, Ticjd door to Kennedy's Store,
Kit always prepared to sup
ply the public with all the /
different styles of Hats of
the best qualities and
prices as to defy competi
tion. He has now on hacd a large assortment
of Fall and Winter Hats and Caps, of ail the
latest styles, which he will sell at the lowest
cash prices. He invites everybody to call and
examine for themselves, as he is satisfied that
his stock cannot fail to please.
For the Ornish he has cohstantly on hand, or
will make to order, bats to their taste of any
required size or brim, at prices that cannot fail
to be satisfactory. . .
Country Merchants will find it to their hd
vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction
will be made on wholesale purchases, and es
pecially so to punctual men.
Don't forget the place, next door to Kenne
dy's store and nearly opposite the Odd Fellows'
Hall. oct 22
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, Af.
D., Physician Extraordinary to the Qveen.
This invaluable medicine is unfailing In the cure of all
those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female
onstitntion is subject. It moderates all excess and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy core maj be relied on.
It Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price. One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits
These Pills should not be taken by females during the
FIRST THREE MOUTHS of Pregnancy, as they ors
sure to brtntf on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
ere safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Bark and limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpita
tion of the Ileart, Hysterics, and Whites, these PiUs will
effect a cure when all other means have Sailed, and
although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, cal-mel
antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution.
Fall directions accompany each package.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
t , JOB MOSES, (Imte I. C. Baldwin A C 0.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
N. B. —$1,00 and S postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorized Agent will insure a bottle of the Pills by return
For sale bv
Charles Riti Dr. Stoneroad at
the Ilee Hive drug store, and F. A. Hardtdt
Co., Lewistown; A. J. North, Atkinson's mills,
and by respectable druggists-generally. sep3
At the Old Corner Stand,
HAS just returned from the city with a choice
selection of Goods, purchased at vastly
reduced rates, which for Cash or Country Pro
duce will be sold at unexampled low prices.
The stock embraces
LAW on (1081,
Ginghams, Cobtirgs,
Cashmeres, Lustres,
De Baiges, &c. j
Printed and Shaded De Laines!
Also, a well selected lot of
Cloths, Cassimeres,
Satinets, Flannels,
Tweeds & Jeans,
and a general assortment of
and everything else generally found in a large
Merchants who desire to replen
ish their stocks without going to the city, will
find strong inducements to purchase. 0c29
East Market street, Lewistown,
Opposite Judge Ritz's Drug Store, invites at
tention to his new stock of
Buffalo Robes,
Fur Collars,
Fur Gloves,
: such as Martin, Sable, Fitch, &c
New Styles
riwsro &sm xtsriFASnKP
Common and Fancy
Fall and Winter Style of Men's
of every description.
A large stock of the above just opened, and
in consequence of the times, for sale VERY
LOW for CASH or its equivalent. 0c29
Money! Money!! Money!!!
JS now ail the cry, and if you want to save
money buy your goods at the STE-9 >1 Af ILL
five per cent, is taken off for silver or gold for
bills amounting from five dollars and over, and
all solvent Bank notes taken at par for goods.
Sugars, Coffees and Teas, can he had at reduced
Good Brown Sugar, 10 to 12 cents.
•' White 44 14 "
Coffee, 13$ to 14 "•
Lovering Syrup, 87 44 per gallon.
Baking Molasses, SO " 44
Dry Goods, of all descriptions, lower than
ever. AU kinds of PRODDCE taken in exchange
for Goods.
4 Give a call, both great and sat&U,
To the Cheap Store of KEKNEPT, JVKEIK,
A Co.'
Lew istown, Oct. 15, 1R57
£ttu HAB.nicA.xr,
PHYSICIAN for diseases of the Lungs, Throat and
Heart—formerly Physician to Cincinnati Marine Hos
pital and Invalids' Retreat—Corresponding Member of
the Condon Medical Society of W5 arvatiou—Author of
" Letter* to Inrlid," 4tc.,
Dr. Hardman,
Physician for Dist-ases of the Longs,
formerly Pkyriria tt to the Cincinn-iti Murine Hoe pilot,
Le.wistown,National Hotel, Wednesday, Dec 16
Mifflin, Patterson House, •' 17
Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel " 15
Da H ABDMAM treat* Consumption. Bronchitis. I srj tig
tis, Asthma, and ail d<seasrs of ihe Throat by MEDICA
The (treat point in lite treatment of all human maladies
i to yet at the disease in a direct manner. All medicine*
are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring
relief. This ia ihe important fact upon which lnhalat'on
It baaed If the itomacli is diseased, we take me.'icine
directly into the stomach. If the lungs are diseased,
breathe or inhale medicated vapor. directly into them. —
The reason why Consumption and disease* of the Lung*
have heretofore resisted all treatment, hag been bemuse
they were nntapproached in a direct manner by medicine
They were intended to he Iocs!, Knd yet they were so ad
ministered that they could only art cnt.efiiutinnall) . ex
pending their Immediate action upon ihe ston ach. w iiilst
the foul ulcers within the Lung* were unmrdested. In
halation brings the medicine into direr! contact wrh the
disease, without the disadvantage of any violent action.
Its application Is so simple that it may be employed hy
the youngest iiifutl or feeb!< st invalid. It does not de
range the stomarh, or iutcrfere in the least with ihe
strength, romfnrt or business of the patient.
O-No charge for consultation.
In relation to the following diseases, either when com
plicated with l.iing Affections, or existing alone. I also
invite consultation—usually finding them PROMPTLY
Irregularities and Weakness.
PALPITATION and other forms of HEART DM
EASE, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and nil other Dis
eases of Stomach and Bowels, Piles, dec. &c.
SJ-AII diseases of the Eye and Ear ; Neuralgia, U, tlcp
•y, and all forms of Nervous Disease.
>No charge for consultation.
The Medicine of the Million.
FIE blond is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the
components of flesh, bone, inns: le, nerve and integu
mailt. Th< stomarh ia its manufactory, the veins lis dis
tributors, and the Intestines the channel through which
the waste matter rejected in its productions ie expelled;
Upon the stomach, the circulation and the bowela, these
Pills act simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purifying
the fluids, and regulating the excretions.
Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all clas
ses in this country. It assumes ath -nsami shapes, and
is the primary source of innumerable dangerous malad i a;
but whatever it* type or symptoms, however obstinate
its irs'stanfe to ordinary preparations, it yields read l>
and rapidly (o this searching and unerring remedy.
The quantity and quality of ihe bile are of most vital
importance to health. Upon the liver, the gUnid which
secretes ilii- fluid, these Pills operate specifically, infalli
bly rectifying its irregularities ami effectt.a. y curing
Jaundice, Hilioua Remittents, and all the varieties of ur
ease generated by an unnalural condition of the organ
Unless the bowels performlheir functions properly,the
whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annually of
DiFfMery, Dim r has v C; ronic Constipation, and other
dineaiei of theee wade pipes of the system The effect
of lite Tills upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual
or epidemic, If a phenomenon in medicine. By follow mg
the printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowc!
complaint are promptly controlled.
The local debility and irregularities which are (he es
pecial annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when
neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for ihe.tmr*
being, and prevented for the time to tome, by a eon res of
ihis mild but thorough alterative
lloUo way's Pills are (he best remedy known in
ths world for the following Diseases :
Asthma _ PiarrhtM Indnseetjou Secondary
Bowel Com- Dropsy Wi.it-aji Symptoms
planus Debility Inflammation Inward wii|.
Coughs Fever and Venereal Af- ness
Colds Ague fecllons Liv-er compl'ts
Chest DiseasesFeuiale Com-Worms of all Lnwness of
Costivenesa plaints kinds (Spirits
Dyspepsia Headaches Stone&Gravel Tiles
i j>CAUTION !—None are genuine unless the words
"Holloiray, -Vv York end London," arc discernible as a
wafer mark in every leaf of the book of dirertiotis around
each pot or box ; ihe same may he plAinly seen by ho.d
ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward wi. the
given to any one. rendering such information as may teed
to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the
medicines or vendiug the same, knowing litem to he spu
rious. -■
•♦♦Sold at the Manufactories of Professor lloLV>wrv,
SO Maiden !.aue. New York, and by all respectable Drug
gists and Dealers of Medicine throughout the United
States, and ths civilized world, in boxes, at Si cents, 62|
cants, and $1 each.
O There is a considerable saving by taking the larger
X. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every
disorder are aADted to each box. aug!3
Prices to Suit the Times!
4*reat attraction
Clock, Watch & Jewelry Store,
NOW OPEN, a large and splendid aasortment
of Clocks and Watches, Fine" rich and new
style Jewelry, silver and plated Ware; gold,
silver and steel framed Spectacles, with plain
and periscopic glass; silver Spoons, Forks, but
ter and dessert Knives ; Spoons, Forks,
Ac.; a large assortment of the best Gold Pens
now in use; gold and silver Watches, pf the
latest Liverpool, London, French and Swiss
makerf: elegant gold Jewelry, including ear"
Tings, breast pins, .f/n^er>tn'gs,"Fob, vest and
guard chains, medallions,- cuff pins,
aies, Fancy fjfcods. Ac., at such prices as ean~-
not fad to give satisfaction, and to whiclr he,,
invites the attention of purchasers.
800 EL S.
Theological, Miscellaneous, School, Blank
and other Books; Cap, Letter and Note laper;
Albums, Annual*., Ac. at low prices.
oct22 H. W. JUNKIN.
SUPERIOR 9yrup Meksses, at 80 cents a
gallon. Sugnr also reduced in price.
octß F. J. HOFFMAN.
/CONFECTIONERIES, always fresh, whole
\j sale and retail, at HOFFMAN'S.
20,000 Gross Kent's best fo ate he a, for
•ale to the trade at lowest rates
ryS" , FRJXCnc US.