Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, November 19, 1857, Image 2

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Thursday, November 19, 1857.
Notices of New Advertisements.
Those iudebted on the books of A. Marks,
assigned to Humphreys, Hoffman k Wright,
will see by a natice in another column that
suits will be brought without regard to per
son, unless settlement is made.
Anthsny Felix has taken the sleek and fix
tures of the establishment of Mrs. Wertz, and
will carry on the business at the old stand.
He will also continue the cabinet making and
undertaking business.
See Dr. Hard man's December appointments.
Two auditor's notices are also published.
The last No. completed the eleventh year
since we became editor aud proprietor of
the Gazette, during which time, with the
exception of 4th of July and Christmas
weeks, (when we do not profess to publish
a paper) it has appeared regularly every
week. This, as our readers know, is a long
time for any one to be connected with a
paper here, but unless some unforeseen cir
cumstance occurs, and life and health re
main, we may continue its publication until
another decade rolls round. Although of
a partizan character, our paper has steadily
increased in circulation both among politi
cal friends and opponents, and secured a
list of steadfast patrons, who, although not
always agreeing with its editor, yield him
the right of expressing his opinions on all
subjects without flying into a passion at his
course. The}- do this, we think, because
they know that we are in reality " indepen
dent'' of party trammels, of factions, and
of cliques—that we can and dare exercise
the right of thinking, acting, and speaking
for ourselves—and that gross wrong will
be as readily opposed in friend as in foe. j
This course we have found to be the true i
one in publishing a p>aper, and until we see j
good reason for changing it, we shall con
tinue in it.
Tn a pecuniary point, during the past
few years, we have not much to boast of.
With articles of general household use at
almost double price, and no increase in our
rates, any one can cypher out that the dif
ference was taken altogether from the profits
of the establishment. At this we do not
complain, being content to take the world
as it is; and so long as our patrons will con
tinue to furnish us with enough to pay
all expenses, economically incurred, and
thus keep us out of debt, we shall not.
CEREDO CRESCENT. —We have received
two numbers of a new paper published at
Ceredo, Wayne eo., Virginia, by W. Boyd
Wilson, formerly of this place. It is of
large size, well printed, and ably edited.
Ceredo Is located on the Ohio river, below
Parkersburg, and is the point selected bv
Thayer's Land Company for inducing north
ern emigration to Virginia instead of the
west. Our opinion always has been that
"V irginia presents extraordinary induce
ments for those desiring new homes, the
land being equally productive with the
west, and the climate far more salubrious.
The only drawback thus far has been the
absurd sensitiveness of the native popula
tion in settingdown the "freedom of speech"'
of northern men as abolitionism, when not
one in a hundred would disturb the pecu-
Jiar institution beyond "opinion," even if
they bad the opportunity. In the region
alluded to, lands can be bought at from a
nominal price to $8 per acre. Should we
ever pull up stakes at all, our course would
probably be towards Ceredo or some other
inviting point in the Old Dominion.
KANSAS. —Advices from Kansas, receiv
ed by telegraph from St. Louis, tate that
the Con-titutional Convention adjourned on
the 7th inst., having provided that the
"slavery section" only of the Constitution
shall be submitted to the people. A pro
visional .State government, with Gen. Cal
houn as Governor, was fom A to go into
operation immediately, an enterprise that
copies too closely after the Topeka scheme
ol the Free State men to receive the ap
proval of those who denounced that effort
as treasonable. Gov. Walker has been in
voked to call an extra session of the re
cently elected Legislature to meet the
The Fall Of Delhi. —After a siege un
surpas.e< in recent times by any except
that of Sebastopol, Delhi has fallen, and
British arms may be considered as once
more in the ascendant in India. The siege
was begun early in May and lasted till the
20th of £epte-ro'.er, when, alter a fight of
six days, the British gained complete pos
session of the whole city. The loss of the
British in the final attack, does not appear
to have been very heavy, and as it is stated
that the King of Delhi and great numbers
of the rebels escaped, it is presumed that
their garrison also did not suffer to any
very greet extent. But "no "juarter" to
the men was the order given by the Brit
ish commander, and, we may fairly con
clude that when the captors entered the
city there was fearful slaughter.
Dreary—The weather.
Empty—Oar pocket and flear barrel.
Busy—Religion at one end ef tewn and the
deTil at the other.
Coming—The season of messages and sau
J&*A brother editor says the only way to
restore confidence is for all to pay the printer.
Makes good music—The string band of
this place.
tetfTwo bouses and three stables in York,
Pa., were destroyed by fire on Thursday.
F. k Co., Boston. —A contract was made,
but no copy ever forwarded to this office.
called a benevolent meet
ing on Tuesday evening, but couldn t raise a
Again in Lack—Having drawn an elegant
gold pencil case with pen and pencil in Ev
ans's Gift Book Sale, advertised in another
j£gF*The Broad Top miners lately got on a
strike, but wisely went to work again. Strikes
at this time, when the country is full of idle
persons, are simply uonsense.
Jtty~The Sheriff cf Huntingdon county ad
vertises several tracts of land at public sale
on the 3d December, as the property of Eli
sha Shoemaker.
13kSome of the Mifflin county boys wh#
enlisted under Uncle Sam seme years ago, are
likely to have a nice time of it in the Mormon
IB?" Walker is out on another filibustering
expedition against Nicaragua with about 400
recruits. We should not much regret to hear
that he has run his neck into a noose this
Child Killed ly a Bear. —The National
Democrat, of Johnstown, says that a small
child was attacked and destroyed by a bear,
in the woods about two miles from Summit
ville, Cambria county, last week.
" llalf a Loaf is Better than no Bread."—
The Irish laborers on the railroad, in Hart
ford, Ct., lately struck on account of decreas
ed pay, and their places were supplied with
Americans, who had nothing else to do.
Pollock we see is still occa
sionally appointing aids with the rank of
| Kurnel, <fcc. We don't care much about the
military titles, but if he should happen to
want a "civil" aid with S6OO or SBOO a year,
we hope he'll remember us.
Thursday of last week, one million
of dollars in specie, belonging to the L'uited
States, passed through Pittsburgh, in charge
of Capt. S. S. Williams, of the Adams' Ex
press Company; and on Saturday night anoth
er million was forwarded in charge of K. 11.
Nicholson, Esq.
Sosf-An association, headed by Mrs. Sarah
J. Hale, has been formed in Philadelphia for
the purpose of procuring places for females
throughout the country. Qsod bouse servants
can find ready employment, but girls
and women are here in abundance already.
IfluThe democratic papers have much fault
to find with the votes of some colored men in
Ohio who voved for Chase, but not a word of
condemnation against some hundreds of sav
age, half naked and ignerant Indians, who
aided the democracy in Minnesota in electing
a number of their candidates.
e learn from the Harrisburg Tele
graph that GOT. Pollock has appointed Hen-
James T. llale, of Centre county, Hon. Eli
Slifer, of Union couDty, and Jacob C. Bam
berger, of Dauphin county, to b Commis
sioners to investigate the condition of the
Bank of PennsylTania.
Damages for Slander.— ln the District
Court at Pittsburgh, Pa., a day or two since,
a young lady of that city obtained a verdict
of $l,lOO against a well known dry gooda
merchant, for having falsely accused her of
defrauding him of a pair of corsets, and pub
licly insulting her in consequence.
ISa-A great hunt came off near Browns
ville, last week. The huntsmen divided into
twe parties, one under command of Captain
Saowden, and the other under A. 11. Shaw.
The game bagged reached within a fraction
of five hundred, including rabbits, wood-cock,
pheasants, 4c.
DEATH BV LIGHTS IVR?— Singular Coinci
dence.—On Friday last, a woman in Corydon,
(Ind.) wlnse name we did not learn, was
struck by lightning and instantly killed. At
the same instant, just as the lightning flashed,
her sister, who wag lying on a sick bed, expi
red. I his is certainly one of the most sin
gular fatalities of which we have ever heard.
Shower of Lizard*.— The Le Roy (N. Y.)
Gazette say that during the heavy rain on
Sunday night last, live lizards, tome of them
measuring four inches in length, came from
the clouds like manna, though neither as
plenty nor half a3 welcome. They were
found crawling on the sidewalks and in the
streets like fugitive infantile alligators, in
places far removed frora localities where they
Laughable—The Philadelphia Ledger's ev
ery other day commonts on the solvency of
the city and the insolvency af the country
banks. Its editor no doubt has worked him
self up to the firm belief that the country
banks first suspended, and that, instead of the
Batik of Pennsylvania and some of its kin
dred in the city, they are all broke. So far
as we have advice to give to our readers, wa
would say keep clear of city bank notes when
the day of resumption comes.
v Township sued for Damages. —Some time
emce Mr. John Aitkin and Mr. Quakenbusb,
while crossing a bridge over a small stream
in the township of Providence, Luzerne coun
!f' . a [' awa 6 011 ' precipitated into
the bed of the stream, from the neglect of the
supervisors to keep the bridge in proper re
pair. Mr. Aitkin and the horses were killed,
and Mr. Quacken ,usb was very seriously in
jured The widow of Mr. A. and Mr Q
have both instituted suits for damage* the
former laying her damages at $25,000.
j was held the Town Hall on Monday
evening, called at the instance of the cler
'' gy, for the purpose of devising ways and
■ means to stay the progress of intemperance,
j James McCord, Esq., was appointed Pres
ident, and Captain T. F. McCoy Secretary.
Some remarks, explanatory of the objects
of the meeting, were made by Rev. Dr.
Woods, Rev. Mr. Bowers, David Candor.
Esq., Mr. Warner and Mr. Clark, when a
committee of eleven was appointed to re
port a plan of organization at a meeting to
be held on Monday evening, 30th instant
So many organizations having in view
the benefit of the liquor drinker, after a
short period of usefulness, have degenera
ted into empty declamation and show, that
it is a very difficult matter at this day to
say what course ought to be pursued. All
know and acknowledge that the intemper
ate use of liquors of all kinds is a great
evil, and many firmly believe that its use
at all is not onlj- no benefit but a positive
injury. The world however cannot be re
formed in a day, or a custom of years erad
icated in an hour or by the mere declara
tion that it ought to be done away with;
hence the question naturally arises WHAT
■ CAN BE DONE ? In our opinion, the best
measures that can be adopted will be to
induce drinking men themselves to take
hold of the matter, and like the glorious
old Washingtonians, tvho thirty years ago
thrilled many a heart with fheir eloquent
descriptions of the scenes of miser}- and
degradation in which they had been chief
actors, form an association to be composed
exclusively of drinking men, who will
pledge themselves to each other that hence
forward they will abstain from the use of
all implicating drinks, and use their best
efforts to induce all who frequent the haunts
of liquor dealers to do the same. Such an
association would do more towards reform
ing the intemperate in a single year than
ten years labor of temperate men. We
have a number of young, middle acred, and
even aged men in our midst, who almost
daily meet together and indulge in drink
ing to the detriment of both health and
pocket. They know and feel it, yet habit
and want of resolution keep them in the
downhill track. Now, why not turn from
this and become a band of brethren in a
more noble work—one that will give them
a sweeter sleep and far more pleasant
dreams than the best wine or brandy they I
ever drank? Let no false pride deter thiem,
for the community, both male and female,
will give the leaders in such a work a
countenance and support beyond their an
As for the temperate men, they too can
form an association, but to be of utility, it
must be one with moral courage enough to
uphold the laws and to bring to summary
punishment all who violate them. lAt
them see that the drunkard, be he high or
low, who staggers through the streets out
raging all propriety by his profane and in
decent language, is arrested and properly j
dealt with—let them see fc that those who
sell liquors to notoriously intr u.perate men
are prosecuted and punished—let them sec
that " inns and taverns" arc kept for the
purpose intended, and the drinking man
will then see that those who profess to be
his friends are in earnest. We want no
new laws on this subject at this time, but •
a rigid enforcement of those in existence,
which are at present unfortunately almost
a dead letter.
PUBLIC OFFICERS. —During the Nov em-,
ber court, William Creighton, Esq., was
sworn in as Commissioner, and took his
seat at the Board, which now consists of
the following: JacobLinthurst, President,
Wm. Wilson, and Win. Creighton, Esqrs
Jacob Hoover, Esq., is the retiring member.
Elected at a time when partisan feeling ran
high, and subsequently connected with the
letting and building of the new jail, he
had of course many difficulties to eontend
with, which however he met with promp
ness and fidelity.
The new sheriff, T. E. Williams, Esq.,
took possession of the "jail and office last
week. He has appointed Wm. Shimp, Esq.,
formerly Sheriff of this county, his Depu
ty -
The new Register and Recorder will en
ter upon his duties on the Ist December,
and the Treasurer on the Ist January.
iguThere are two dogtype establish
ments in full blast at present, one of John
son's wagons at the hay scales, and Smith's
old established gallery across from the Ga
zette office. Just now pictures are taken
as low as 25 cents, but next week they will
probably come down to nothing and a plate
of oysters or soma other gift furnished the
sitter. A young lady who has had herself
taken at both places says she would like to
see the stores following, suit, as she is in
want of two or three dresses; and thinks it
would be delightful to buy levy calico for
three or four cents.
—We have had samples of molasses from
John R. Weekes, Esq., from the Farmer's
High School, and oae or two others, bt
by far the best article we have yet seen was
manufactured by Richard Morrison, year
Newton Hamilton. The syrup is almost
transparent, and in taste approaches the
best southern syrups. These are all first
experiments, but are ample evidence that
even fanner in our county can, with a lit
tle effort at learning the mode of boiling,
manufacture an abundant supply of molaa
ses fox his own use, if not for sale. An
article on this subject will be found under
our agricultural head in to-day's paper.
GAME AS IS GAME.—The fojlowincr ac
count of a hunter's doings in Armagh
towaship, we copy from the Democrat, as
furnished by a correspondent at Miiroy:
About the first of September last, John
Treaster, of Armagh township, commenced
to trap at a deer lick, not far from bis res
idence, and had caught some in this way,
but he soon discovered that he had a part
ner in the business of taking them from
the trap, which, on strict observation he
discovered to be a panther, which relieved
him of two or three of his deer, without
bis consent. He, however, continued his
trapping operation, the result of which was,
the capture of six deer, two bear, and final
ly, on the 10th inst., the capture of his
panther-ship. Mr. Treaster fired three
shots into the panther before he became
docile, although fast in the trap. The
length of the panther was nine feet, and
the weight of the entire carcass, 155
P. 8. Since the above was in type a cor
respondent has also given us the above par
ticulars, with the additional intelligence
that by the signs three more panthers are
about! The one caught can be seen at the
slaughter house of A. Swartaell in Miiroy.
The trap used by Treaster is a common
wolf, weighing 14 pounds, and was set
about 4 miles northeast of Locke's Mills.
SAD ACCIDENT.—John H., a son of
John Ruble, of Granville township, some
ten or eleven years of age. fell from the
lft of his father s barn to the floor on
Tuesday of last week, receiving some severe
internal and external injuries. He linger
ed until Friday morning, when death put
an end to his sufferings.
PL BMC_MKETING. —At a meeting held j
iu the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, for j
the purpose of devising means to relieve
the poor and destitute of the Borough of
LeWigtown and vicinity, Abner Thompson
was elected President, Charles Stratford
A'ice President, and A. A. Banks Secretary.
On motion—lt was resolved that a soci
ety be formed to be called '• The Lewistown
Benevolent Society," and that the above
named officers be permanent officers of this
On motion of (Jen. W. 11. Irwin a com
mittee of seven was appointed to nominate
an executive committee to an adjourned j
meeting, at six o'clock, on Thursday even
ing. Committee—Hen. W. H. Irwin, Da- j
vid Bloom, F. R. Sterrett, .John Kennedy,
X. J. Rudisiil, Samuel Comfort and Dr. J.
I. Marks, A. A. BANKS, Secy. j
transacted in the Orphans' Court was as j
Joseph Hartzler, A '.mr. of David Ilartzler,
deceased, was authorised to sell some real es- i
tate of said deceased.
The court, on petition of the heirs and le
gal representatives, appointed Hugh McKee,
Andrew McKee, Michael Ruble, Jehn Ruble,
Henry Aurand, Samuel Yoder, and Daniel
l'oder, to make partition of or value and ap
praise the real estate of Jeseph Kissel, late
of Oliver township, deceased.
Some exceptions to the auditor's report
distributing balance in bands of administra
tors of Dauiol Brought were overruled, and
one sustained.
Geo. W. Stewart, administrator of Melissa
Stone, deceased, was authorised to sell certain
real estate.
£. L. Benedict, Esq., was appointed Guar
dian of Homer Benedict. Bail S6OO.
Ephraim Hazlett was appointed Guardian
of William W. and John C. Hazlett, minor
children of Wilson Hazlett, deceased. Br.il
in each, SBOOO.
Wm. Creighton, Guardian of John B. Al
exander, was authorised to sell his ward's
intersst in certain real estate, unfold for want
of bidders, at public or private sals
The account of James G. McCoy, surviving
executor of Hugh Johnston, was referred to
Wm. P. Elliott, Esq., to make distribution.
Thomas Reed, Guardian of the minor chil
dren of John Sigler, deceased, reported that
be had sold certain real estate to George Ault
for S3O per acre. Sale confirmed.
Jefferson Swanger, admr. of Ephraim
Swanger, deceased, reported that certain real
estate remained unsold for want of bidders.
The accounts of Christian Hoover, admr.
of Dr. Lewis Hoover, and of Wm. A. Mc-
Manigle, Guardian of Charles Marks, were
confirmed absolutely.
Ihe account of Thomas Stroup, admr. of
Andrew Summers, was referred to T. F. Mc-
Coy, Esq., for distributien.
The account* presented at this court vrere
; confirmed nisi.
J>Qf-I>uring the removal of the new
Sheriff into the Jail last week, some of the
prisoner* who were permitted to be in or
had gained aece*>. to the corndor, broke
the look of the door and part of the stair
bannister, and got into the nom* where
nome wotnen were confined. The deputy
sheriff, Mr, KLimp, f*oMy in re
storing order, though to A with,at some
difficulty. Tim matter ehows the in;por
tance of keeping up a wbolcworne diseiphne
: in that building,
party of y/unjf men rirlted lick
ing creek last week, for the purpose of en
joying life in the wood®. They remained
several day®, met with sotae rough weather,
saw sortie game, and altogether were pretty
well pleased.
(Frorci U>e JvjtkaS, JW. 11.}
During the past week there bare been hea
vy rain* throughout the counties on the line
of the Erie Canal and Central Railroad *re?t
|of Syracuse. On Monday came the ro t ter
rific storm of all. It began early in the
I morning. The rain fell in torrents, accompa
nied by a violent gale, rooting up tree*, blow
ing down chimneys, destroying fences and
sheds, and in some instances unroafing hou
The storm was immediately followed by the
heavy freshets and floods. IliTer* and creeks
bum their usual boundaries, submerged the
adjoining fields, and swept away bridges, mijl
dams, and whatever opposed their resistless
coarse. Canal embankment* and railroad
culverts shared in the common ruin, leading
again to new disasters. Mail communication
was completely cut off yesterday in that sec
tion, and is even yet so much interrupted that
the full extent of damage done cannot be as
East of Palmyra and east of Newark sev
. eral breaks in the Canal occurred. The dam
age can hardly be repaired in less than five
days. >cx
The present flood is the greatest knswn in
forty years, the high water reaching houses
and barns never before touched by it. Near
ly the whole track of the railroad from Weeds
port (Cayuga county) to a mile this side of
Newark, (Wayne county.) a distance of 25
miles, was at one time under water. In some
places the water st.osd at the depth of four
feet. This was caused by the giving way of
the banks wf the Canal, submerging every
thing in the neighborhood.
HoUvway's Ointment and Fills. —Cough,
B>re threat, bronchitis, asthma, tightness of
the chest and pain in the left side, the pre
cursors and accompaniments of consumption,
are rapidly subdued by the regular application
of the Ointm> nt after warm fomentation of
the throat, chest and side. There is no prep
aration in existence whieh passe* so quieklv
from the surface to the diseased and irritated
membranes employed in the office of respira
tion. 0..e or two application* will sometimes
restore the voio* which has been reduced tea
husky whisper by cold, and enable the gain
ing victim of asthma to respire freely, regu
larly, and withi-ut pain. A few dose* of the
Pills, by promoting the general health of the
system, minister to the perfection and perma
nency of the cnre. Beware of counterfeits ;
see Caution at foot of Ilolloway's advertise
infallible in removing n .pj.afr- m irrerutaritir* oi'tfee
mense* Th**e jnM* *te n' ion* -w. Jwjt have been -<)
!>} tbe L> ictor f.r noitT rear*. boih >o France ami Ameri
ra, witb unjaralle'rd sncrevs in evrn n, m 4 ke it
ur;-ii by many ladies who haF iJkmi to maXe :ht.e
pit!* public fur the aletaiiM f ih-w- Mtfrrin; frw any
irr "ularilies whatever, a well as a prevettiiie t<>
la iiog w hose health will not permit increase of f aulr.
Pregnant females, or those supposm; Ivne lr-.
ratio med ariinst asms these gHs, u iV ptspnHsi u-
Minirs no responsibility after the above ah"wii.m. at- '
ih 'UEIi iheir mildness would prevent *t*v injur? lohenhh; ;
otherwise th -se pills are recommenl'ii Uireesions ac- i
company each lei Prirr jl. Hula trial ere l( cna retail
hy F i. iIAKUT 4c Co., General A genu for LeM<iwa, ,
Mitilin county, Pa., and also agents for Belleville. lUisy,
Seedsriite, Alienvilie, ice. They h ill supply dealers at ]
the proprietor's prices, and scad he pills to ladies (rt rwi- >
dtatiallf) by return mail to any part of city or country, j
on receipt of $1 through tbe Lewi-tow-n post nffi. e. For
particulars get circular of agents *>See that each Six
has mi" signature. J til PON CO,
j>3o Broadway post office. New York.
Lewistown, Nov. 19, 1857.
Butter, good, 1* ft). 15
Eggs, £ doxen, 12
Our Millers yesterday were paying fur
white Wheat 70(<hll5c; red Wheat BOfti
100; Corn 50; Rye 60 ; Oats 25. Flour
is selling at from §2 50 to 350 100 lbs.
as in quality.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
The supply of cattle this week was not so
great as the previous week, the offerings at
both yards amounting to about 900 head.—
Prices remained about the same except for
the better quality of beeves, which brought
as high as s9| per 100 lbs., about J cent more
per pound than last week. The offerings of
■heep amounted to about 5000 head, most of
which were sold at from $3 to 41 each, ac
cording to quality. The demand for cows
and calres continues very good. £OO head
were sold at from 535 to t>s for milch cows
and from 23 to 35 for dry cews. The demand
for hogs was good, and sales were made at
frem s7* to 8J per 100 lb.
Flour, Grain, dtc.
Cloverseed is wantod at $5 par 64 lbs., but
the receipts are only in small lots by wagons.
No sales of timothy or flaxseed.
The flour market is quiet, but prices remain
without quotable change. There is very little :
export demand, and the only transactions re
ported are extra at (5 25 per barrel, and in
email lota for home consumption at 2 25 up
to 6 for common and extra brands, and 6 25a ,
750 for extra family and fancy lets. Rye
flour is held at 4 50, but there is no demand
for it. 250 barrels Pennsylvania corn meal
sold yesterday at 3 18J per barrel.
Grain—There is a fair amount of wheat |
offering, but the most of it is of undesirable
quality, and this description can only be dis
posed of at & concession upon our last quota
tions. Sales of choice Southern red at J.I 27
per bushel, afloat; fair and gond do. I 20al 24
and small lots of white at 1 33. Rye comes
forward slowly and commands 75 ceuts. The
receipts of corn continue light and it is in
good demand—sales ef old yellow at 80 cents,
afloat, and new at 60 cents.' Oats are in fair
request, and prime Delaware sold at 34*34}
cents per bushel.
An Opinion and its Basis
French physician, is said
of drugging the sick, that -oCs*
patients bad swallowed a
prescriptions without wincia, Z*
poor victim's hand in an eestL
tion, exclaiming, "Mv dearsiA" 1
fords me pleasure to attend
to be ill." The remedial
Holloway, with whose fame a :; ?l
ringing, is in beautiful eontra?
wholesale indiscrinating use 0 f
medic*. It comprehend* onlr tk'
tious. but they would seem to
tldote* for nearly all malady i
pint, 'for we cannot discus? m£}
in a couple of paragraph?,)
tbe extraordinary success of H-,nJ
nf*rmd by medical men. has
ed its ravages of late years, anTd!
more malignant form. Be that u*
there can be no doubt that it
met*itm of the country at this
the fall, and that h"
most eminent medical men.
features is, that it paralyse? *
boriest season* of tbe year, and if
in itself, lays the foundation f
ous disorders. A remedy, thereto'
at once break the chills and
strength and energy of the patient,
of inappreciable value in t>or a?r]
districu. Friend.* upon whom
and who have had full opportunity?
a correct judgment, inform o* that E-
Pills are a positive specific for
Tbey have been tried intherity
cotton plantation? of tbe South, iay,
of the Ohio and the Miasisainpi ...
healthy banks of Red River, on tfc|
prairies, and among the cane bnj.
swamps of Louisiana and Tetv •,
same happy results; and multitudes'
heretofore trusted to quinine ar] otb
gerous curarires, and found
no use, now rely entirely apett tlw M
yet harmless vegetable remedy.
We state these facts, derived frua.
teDt source*, as matters of genw!
It has become of late year? so matfe,
of course to extol every new rMa,
came up, that the respectable jowy
quires proofs a* the basi* of hu e-a,
ti<n. We have taken the
amining tbe credentials of Prof, ly
preparations before endorsing theo,a
tbe cvmsentaneous testimony of Laif |
ta sustain the result of our <*tb
hre, we feel no hesitation in sendintj
tide to our readers —G'alresl Tas,
Important Derision. —lt was lati
cided by the .Supreme Court at Pita!
that, "When an administrator ore
deposits trust funds in his own nam
Bank or Savings Institution whid;
the loss shall fail upon him and nati
the cestui que trust.'' The court hdi
"The liability of an administrator
tee for funds lost by the failure i
bank or institution in which they
been deposited, does not depend upa
good faith, prudenee or judgmest
which he may have acted—nor uw
fact that he has deposited hLsoxnfa
the same place. He is persoDaliv ra
sihle for the los of the money dta
in his name, because he did not miu
deposit as administrator of trustee." !
is an important decision, and thosei
it interests, should make a note of i;
ISHALt cliwc up the B-n<k, Notes,l
A. Marks, assigned to liumphrm,
man A Wright, in a few da vs ty
cas. GEO. . KLI'KtL
NOT. 19, 1857. Attorney)
Grocery, Provision, Confetti
ery, and
A; in>fersectin of Valley, Mill, Porta
Market streets, lately occupied k;
Mrs. Wertz.
TnE undersigned having pnrchtsrt
entire stock of Mrs. Wcrtx, respeesi
smeartrw tbat he intends to make MS
diiions of articles in general nse as to!#
to sopplj almost anything that markti
for by the old customers of the estate
and any number of new ones. Inteniie
keep on band H the leading article! oil
keting. be solicits farmers and other*!*
Batter, Eggs, Lard, Tall*v. Hsßft.fi
tees, Crtee er Dried Ipples, Sfk
Niltrf, Ac.
t* gire bim a call, as the highest cadi
will be paid the market can afford,
eeries, Salt, Fish, Confectioneries Perfß
- Articles, llo<ierv for ladies idj
tie men. Ladies' Collars, Combs, Bnf
Buckles. Belts, Glores, Mits, Jtc. fursd
therefor at lowest cash prices.
Cabinet & Undertaking Busim
The manufacture of Furniture audCd
are generally, as well .is tbe I nderoi
Business, will not be relinquished euwfl
of my engaging in the above busioe*
orders in cither-promptly attended to.
My friends and the public genenilj
invited to call, examine my ftock M<ip
in both establishmenta, and, as herett®
shall endeavor to please them. „
Lewistown. Nor. 19, 1857.
4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.—Tbe unto*
Auditor, appointed by tbe Orp®
Court of Mifflin connty to distribute d®
in the hands of JOSEPH S. WARE AM. A®
istrator of JAMES WAKEAM, late of I**®"
jjtfcased, to and among those entitWf
same, will attend to tbe d®
the appointment at the Register's <-*•
Lewistown. on FRIDAY, the 18th toy®
cernber next, at 10 o'clock a. m., wbi*"
interested are requested to attend.
November 19, 1857.-4t
4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersj
Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Mifflin county to make distn .
of the fund in tbe bands of JA*E$ & j
surviving Executor of HUGH
of McYeytown, deceased, will atte
duties of the appointment at
Office in Lewistown, on
19th day of December next, at 10 o (
m., when and where those
quested to attend. W. P.
NOT. 19, 1857.-4t