Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, August 06, 1857, Image 2

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    practice in business, is already adding large
ly to the fortune acquired by trade and
marriage; but apart from the love of accu
mulation, which keeps his mind active and
excited during business hours, he ha. 5 } no
pleasure in life. He does not love the wo
man who presides in his elegant home, and
she affects nothing in regard to him; they
only tolerate each other for appearance'
Sometimes Fanny Lovering, now Mrs.
out an almost audibly breathed 'Thank God
that 1 am not in her place!' as her eye
rests upon the countenance of Allen, "in
which evil and selfish purpose have already
stamped their meaning.
Thursday, August 6, 1857.
American Republican Ticket.
DA\ ID WILMOT, of Bradford county.
WILLIAM MILLWARD, of Philadelphia.
JOSEPH J. LEWIS, of Chester county.
JAMES VEECII, of Fayette county.
Where parties are unknown tons, onr rule for a-!ver
fs to require payment in iivante, or a guarantee
from kaown persons. It JH therefore useless for all such
to sen I j\6 advertisements oflferlnp to pay at the end ot
three or six niOntl Where advertisements are accom
panied with the money, whether one. live >r ten dollars,
we will .give the-advertiser the full benefit of cash rates.
Notices of New Advertisements.
Dr. llardman announces his September
M. S. Converse proposes te publish a map
of Miiiiin county.
Charles S. McCoy is recommended as a
suitable candidate for Treasurer, and William
Morrison, of Union township, comes out as a
candidate for Sheriff.
The harmonious proceeding with which
the campaign opened on Tuesday evening,
ou tlte part of those opposed to the patent
democracy, is a subject of general congrat
ulation, and affords strong evidence that
common prudence can do much towards
organizing and bringing into the field
an effective force. Some few things were
said by the speakers that might ]>erhap*
have been as well left unsaid, but as they
were only their individual opinions, they
must merely be taken as sueh. As a
whole, the meeting, both in numbers and
the standing of the men who composed it,
was undoubtedly one that has not often
been equalled, and this fact speaks in sig
nificant tones the feeling throughout the
county. Their recommendation to hold
township meeting on the loth instant, will
we hope be responded to in every district
by the people at large, and delegat - elec
ted who will come here, not bent 011 having
this man or that man nominated for office
without regard to the remainder of the
ticket, but with a determination to make
choice of those most likely to subserve the
ends in view. For our parr, we have but
little preference among those thus far
named, and -hall therefore cheerfully sup
port whoever may be fairly nominated.—
.Such a feeling we h ..pe also animates those
who have been announced as candidates—
lor as all cannot be elected, and if all should
run and thus divide the opposition, none,
fheir duty is to submit their claims to a
convention and abide by the result. Such
a course is a prelude to success—any other
to defeat.
ILLINOIS LANDS.—As fall approaches,
those seeking homes in the west are refer
red to the liberal inducements offered to
purchasers by the Illinois Central Railroad
Company. The lands are of the best
quality, located 011 each side of a prosper
ous railroad, with ready access to all the
great grain markets of the west.
MnrJcicooii .i Mar/anne\ —The July num
ber of Scott's American reprint has been
received, containing No. 2 of "New Sea
side Sfielii s;' another instalment of Rul
wer's " What will he do with it?" a fine
article 011 < harles \ . ; another scene of
Clerical Life, entitled "Janet's Repen
tance;" an appreciative review of Currer
J lei I; a hie 01 Sir ( harles J. Napier and a
political article in favor of Colonial Repre
resentation in Parliament, vigorously and
liberally written.—Terms $3 a year. Ad
dress, Leonard Scott A Co., N. V.
Dead—Commodore Newton of the <J. Jfavy.
ha< " CCUMr l lu Philadelphia.
Trinity Cliur< ti,'lte<uiin - , '" :,lnall ' : ' a8t """ ° f U,e Luthera "
:XR?R,H:N I UR K - *
Conrad St.illm in. a Herman. W; „ wanton 1, killed at
li'triflt on Friday ! o by a man named Sheridan
Who U the strongest man He tlut cat. lift in, u<>u , B
every Jay without borrowing.
John ROODS, of York. Pa., wan drowned while bathing
In Codorus creek, 011 Friday last.
A few Java ago. Mr. Henry Grub, of Leacook, f.niica'ntrr
county, was stung by a wasp, from tlie effects of which lie
On Saturday last, John McLelland, aged 13, was crashed
to ' o:U In tiie Lyken* Valley ( (*.) Con] Mines, by the fal
ling of .1 large ma- of coal upon him.
A man named Sbroder was recently arrested in Lancas
ter for bigamy, when the sc-oad wife bought out the right,
title and Interest of the fir-1 for #d.
Twelve inquest, were recently held In St. Louis In two
days—the deaths Including murder,suicide,drow ning, sun
stroke, c.'id 111 temperance.
The Democrat wants to know who are the State robbers?
A more pertinent question would be. who that has had a
chance oft the public works Is not ?
Mr. Wilmot having resigned his judge
ship for the purpose of canvassing the
State, addressed the following letter to the
opposing candidate:
TOWAXDA, July 14, 1857.
Dear Sir —l propose to spend some time,
during the summer and fall, in canvassing
before the people of the State, the principles
and issues involved in the pending State elec
Party meetings bring out only that portion
of the people to whom the call is made, and
the addresses are necessarily all on one side,
whereas it is desirable that the whole people,
so far as may be, should have both sides
fairly presented before them at the same time.
If it should meet your views, I propose
that we canvass so much of the State as is
practicable, in company, addressing alternate
ly the same meetings. Should this meet your
assent, please to inform me at your earliest
convenience, so that we may arrange the
times and places of meeting, order of speak
ing, <fcc., <fec. Very respectfully your obedi
ent servant, DAVID WILMOT.
To this the following reply was received :
WILLI AM3PORT, Pa., July 27, 1557.
Dear Sir:—Your letter of the 14th inst.
was duly received; and as it prop sed a plan
for conducting the Gubernatorial Campaign
which had never hitherto been adopted in
Pennsylvania, and as the interests of other
candidates were involved in the result, 1 did
not feel at liberty to accede to your proposi
tion without first consulting the State Com
mittee to which the Democratic Convention
has on its part specially confided the control
and management of the canvass.
You will receive herewith a copy of my
letter to the Committee, as also their reply,
by which you will perceive that your sugges
tion does not meet their approval, and that,
for reasons stated at length, I ought not to
accede to your preposition. It is therefore
respectfully declined.
I atn, yours, truly, WM. F. PACKER.
It is pretty evident from this note, as
well as Mr. Ruck a lew's letter, referred to
by Mr. Packer, that the loeofoco leader.-
are not at all desirous of bringing the
thinking men and the bone and sinew of
their party under the sound of Judge
Wilmot's arguments, but vastly prefer to
call them together alone, and then under
the cloak of " democracy" cover up the
worst features of old federalism and anti
democratic practices diametrically oppose 1
to the principles of the Declaration of In
dependence and the legislation of the la
thers of our republic.
The last act of the drama, says the llar
risburg Telegraph of the 30th, was finally
executed this morning, by the signature of
A. G. Curtin, lvsrp, .Secretary of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, to the deed
conveying the Main Line of Public Im
provements to the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. These improvements, for which
the State has spent an enormous amount of
money, have finally pa-scd into the hands of
a company composed of the best business
men in the State, and it remains to be seen
whether they will be able to manage them
in such a manner JUS will reward the stock
holders Ibr their heavy investments. The
State having lost large amounts in their
management, we hope that the company
may meet with better success, and be am
ply repaid for their trouble.
The oOtli day of July may, therefore, be
hailed as a day of RELIEF by the taxpayers
of this great State. Their State debt has
virtually beet) reduced tlun dav tlie sum
LARS; the Pennsylvania railroad having
paid that amount in cash and bonds
to the State Treasurer of Pennsylvania for
the works, and this money must be applied
immediately to the reduction of the State
debt—although the company does not pav
the whole amount of the purchase money
in cash, yet they will pay interest on their
bonds, consequently the people will be re
lieved from the payment of interest on the
State debt to that amount.
'J he deed as executed is written on parch
ment in a bold and plain hand, handsome
ly bound in Turkey morocco in folio form.
The book containing the deed, contains
also, a handsomely embellished title page,
decorated with a beautiful coat-of-urm.s and
other suitable devices; the act providing
fbr the sale of the Main Line; the procla
mation of the Governor offering the same
for side are also bound in the book, and fi
nally the receipts of the purchase money
and bonds to the amount of seven millions
and a half, signed by the proper account
ing officers, closes this pleasing drama.
Subsequently the Governor made proc
lamation of the fact, and from and after
Saturday last all the officers 011 the main
line were in the employ of the Railroad
Company. How long they will remain so
depends on their behaviour, as inefficiency,
neglect, drunkenness, dishonesty, and other
relicts of State management will no doubt
hereafter meet with a prompt reward in the
shape of a dismissal.
„ ' ev< ' a ' " f '"' r ex< now are claiming to be the
ol til > ({ay. They all steal thin piece of vanity
1 Trau sh. ami be stol, it f riltli a „ ( , [(1
A MiUUn ■>l V-a-a-sIX
Nut a bit uf it: The " horn"' t„ thl. county belongs to
the 'letiiocracy, strychnine hi. r..lupauU all
The Nor.- York Court of Appeals have lahl a , Jown as
law that an Individual has no right to cross a railroad track
without first takiug every precaution tonscertuib whether
u train la approaching.
In pursuance of a call published in the
Gaeette, the Town Hall was completely
filled on Tuesday evening by the farmers,
mechanics and working men opposed to
the present National Administration —a
larger proportion being from the country
than has attended a county meeting for a
number of years. When the fact Is taken
into consideration that the civil list was
continued, and consequently hut few per
sons in town attending court, this evidence
of interest in political affairs speaks well
for the campaign. The meeting was or
ganized by the appointment of the follow
ing officers:
Vice Presidents,
MATTHIAS NIECF., of M'Yeytown,
WM. SWART/., ESQ., of Lewistown,
SAMUEL LAIRD, of Wayne township,
Charles S. M'Coy, W. F. Shaw.
The officers liaving taken their seats, the
following gentlemen were appointed a com
mittee to report resolutions for the consid-
elation of the meeting.
K. M. Kinsloe, Esq., James Barefoot,
John Davis, Win. ltissler, Kobt. Sterrett,
Jr., Samuel Watts, Win. Barr.
During the absence of the committee,
S. S. WOODS, Esq., scientifically dissected
the patent democracy, and exposed the
specious pleas under which the State has
been robbed and the taxpayers imposed
upon. At the conclusion of his speech,
which was greeted with repeated applause,
the Lewistown Baud, an association of
young men finely progressing in their play
ing, favored the meet in-r with music.
i The following resolutions were then read
j and unanimously adopted :
\V UEREAJ, A number of candidates hate
| been announced fi.r several of the offices to
i be tilled this fall, and this meeting regarding
■ a duplication of candidates in 0pp...-ition to
| the so called democratic ticket as suicidal to
| all concerned—therefore
Jl>'nolcc(J. That it be recommended to all
1 opposed to the present National Administra
j tion and to the county ticket mminatod by
; the patent democracy, to meet in their several
townships and through* en SATURDAY
AFTERNOON, August loth, Lv>7, at the
usual places fir holding delegate elections,
and elect two delegates from each district t*
assemble in convention at Lewistown an
Monday, liih August, for the purpose of
i forming a county ticket: and that all candi
; dates now announced, as well a those who
! may yet announce themselves, he and are
I hereby requested to submit their claims to
j said convention.
Jlf-solved, That wo endorse the sale of the
I Main Line of Public Works, and that in our
opini m the whole amount of the purchase
money ought to be faithfully appropriated
towards the extinguishment of the Public
Debt, and thus render certain a reduction of
State taxes.
Resoled, That we are opposed to any mea
sure ot legislation making a direct appropri
atioß, lending the credit of the State, or in
any wise assuming or guaranteeing the pay
ment of principal or interest, to the Suubury
an l Lrie Railroad Company, or any other
company engaged in the construction of works
of internal improvement—believing that there
is ample capital among private individuals to
construct all such works as are likely to be
come profitable.
j Rt.voiced, That we endorse the whole action
of our Representative in the last Legislature,
John Pureed!, Esq., and especially his vote
against appropriating three millions of the
people's mouey to the Sunbury and Erie
; Rai'road.
Re>dved, That the proceedings of this meet
-1 ing be published in the Lewistown tlalette,
i and that the editors of the Independent Press
be requested to copy tjie same.
A resolution was also adopted returning
! thanks to the officers, speakers and lland.
Thomas Stuart was next called upon ami
; addressed the meeting in an aide manner
on the necessity of cultivating good feelings
in the coming campaign, and assured his
, hearers that success would crown their
1 efforts if they pursued the path plainly
before them.
The Band again struck up whm the
meeting adjourned.
SHERIFF'S SALES. —The Sheriff dispos
ed of the following property, heretofore
advertised to be sold on Saturday hist :
A lot of ground in Lilleysville, 21 acres,
as the property of John A. S. Yourig, sold to
John Burkholder for $45.
A tract of land in Oliver township, con
taining 71 acres, as the property of theCriss
wells, sold to 11. N. Burroughs lor $76.
A lot of ground in McYeytown, with house,
store house and stable, as the property of
John B. Stewart and A. P. Owens, with no
tice, sold to Dr. Ard for $220.
A lot of ground in the West Ward, Lewis
town, with frame house and other improve
ments, as the property of Z. Orner, sold to
D. W. Woods for $5. Also, another lot with
a small frame building, sold to S. S. Woods
for $55.
The foundry, with machinery, &c. in the
West Ward, JLewistown, as the property of
Daniel Zeigler, sold to S. S. Woods for $4150.
Also, a lot on Main street, with two frame
buildings, to S. S. Woods for $5. A3O feet
lot on the road to McCurdy's, to Samuel Eis
cnbise for s3l.
Three tracts of land in Granville township,
with a frame saw mill, as the property of
Win. 41. Irwin, sold to Win. Butler for S3OO.
Also, a tract of 418 acres in same township,
to Gideon Wells for SIOO. Also another
tract of 212 acres, adjoining the above, to
same purchaser, for SSO.
BSifThe colored folks celebrated Eman
cipation day on the Ist instant by a pro
cession and dinner, which, with the excep
tion of a few noisy ones who were oa the
ground, passed off pleasantly.
selected out of the flock on Saturday duly
arrived iu town on Monday morning, and
after sundry flappings of wings by the
" rooster" and cackling of the hens, pro
ceeded in the afternoon to the Town Hall
|to hatch the eggs that had been laid. Ihe
result proved to be the following:
j Assembly—i)r. Bower of Newton Ham
, ilton.
i Sheriff—Elliott Williams of Brown.
Register and Recorder —Jos. Wareain of
; Lewistown.
i Treasurer —John B. Selheimer of Lew
' istown.
Commissioner —John Cupples of Gran
Coroner —John McKee of Lewistown.
Auditor —Josepli Kearns.
Director of Poor from Borough—John
Isaiah Coplin, Esq., of Armagh town
ship, was appointed Delegate to the Dem
| ocratie State Convention to nominate a
' candidate for Canal Commissioner.
Robert 11. McClintic of" Lewistown, M.
! M. Faxon of McVeytown, and Dr. G. V.
j Mitchell, were appointed Conferees to se
| lect a Senatorial Delegate to the State Con
vention, and were recommended to urge
Col. J Kerr, of Brown township.
For the principal offices there had been
considerable contest at the delegate elec
tions. A. .V. Banks, who has lately set up
a faction on his own hook, ran an indepen
dent set in the Borough, but did not suc
i cecd iu securing any delegates. It is said
he had the promise of a vote from one of
the delegates elected, and that eight or
ten others from the country were prepared
to follow such a lead, bv. when the conven
tion met Alee had what the Irishman defi
ned " nothing' to be. a "bootless stocking
without u leg.' For Sheriff the contest
lay between Williams, Kyle, and Mitchell,
and resulted rather unexpectedly in favor
of the first named. The principal fight
however was for Treasurer, and we suspect
a considerable portion of the ticket owes
its origin to that bone of coi tntion be
tween Mayes and Selheiiuer. When an
nounced there were wry faces to be seen
in all directions.
In the evening the county meeting as
sembled. which, but for the attendance of
the oppo-ition who called in to see the fun,
would have been a slim affair. Being dulv
organized, and a committee appointed to
draft resolutions, Joseph Alexander pro
ceet Wd to deliver his exhortation. The
committee having returned, their resolu
tions were read, and then came the tug of
war by A. A. Banks offering a series con
demning the sale of the main line—oppo
sing a repeal of the tonnage tax —con-
demning an appmpiation of 000, OOP to
the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, and en
dorsing the decision of the Supreme Court
in the Bred Scott case. These ugly and
officious assumptions were also poked at
Dr. Bower, who was required to make
known his views on them.
Alec in offering them >aiil that the Sun
bury and Erie appropriation had been
passed by democratic votes, Simon Came
ron elected Senator in the same way, Ac.,
and for his part he wanted to know where
the democratic candidate stool 011 these
questions before lie was prepared to vote
for him.
.Joseph Alexander got into an analysis
of the matter pro and con, but rather op
jiosed their adoption.
lb. Mitchell at first favored them some
what, but finally steered against them.
•Jno. ih W eekes saw no impropriety in
adopting the resolutions, and did not feel
bound to vote for a man who would refuse
to make known his opinions on these sub
1,. J. Elberty went in for the Dr. as the
democratic nominee, and didn't care whe
ther lie himself to those resolu
tions or ..of. He was for taking him no-
Icns vohns.
Dr. Bedford said he was opposed to the
repeal of the tonnage tax, but could satisfy
any one that the appropriation to the Sun
bury and Erie Railroad would have been
to the advantage of the State.
Auditor General Ranks we take it was
on the fence, lie thought it might have
been as well if the resolutions had not
been offered, but as they had been offered
it might be as well to adopt them.
Mr. C op]in sate so many opposition paces
in the hall that he doubted whether a fair
vote could be taken without a division.
We were too unwell to be present, but
give the above outline as derived from
those there. All concur in the assertion
that it was one of the most amusing epi
sodes in democratic history tlint had occur
red for many years. When the vote was
taken, the ayes seemed to have it, and this
gave rise to the remark of Mr. Coplin
above. A dh is-ion having been called for
the faithful toed the mark, and the resolu
tions were sub. Hntially voted down ! The
" Banks faction, which seemed to have
allied itself with those who stick out for
robbing the State in the old-tashioneu way
by canal mismanagement, was thus left
high and dry, and unless it can find some
better hobby to ride, will grow " small by
degrees and beautifully less, as many of
their present adherents have too strong an
itching for the ruling faction to continue a
warfare with it.
Whether the ticket as fbrmed will meet
with the approbation of the people is a
question we leave with them to decide, as
! the candidates generally are well known in
i their respective localities, where those not
knowing them can make the proper inqui
ry. If such inquiry prove satisfactory, let
| them be voted for by their party friends—
i if not, they ought to know their duty with
out being reminded ol it.
ROBBERY. — Some scoundrel or scoun
drels broke into the dwelling Louse of J as.
S. Wallis on Valley street, on Sunday
morning last, while the family were at
church, broke open a trunk and took there
from $lO or sls worth of jewelry and $lO
|in money. Mr. W. it will be remembered
was burnt out last winter, losing nearly
• everything. The villain who would rob
such a family, would commit anything in
the catalogue of crimes.
COURT. — The civil iit having been con
tinued. the business before the court was
| nearly all of a criminal character —quite a
number of the fancy having been tucked
| up on charges for keeping disorderly hou
ses, assaults and jgitteries, &c. There have
been several convictions, one of whom, ,
1 Maria I logic, was yesterday sentenced to i
j three months imprisonment.
If onr neighbor of the Democrat looked into the Town
!1.V.1 on Tuesday evening,he probably sow what "leading
men" were on our side of the house —to wit, fanners, me
chanic.-, business, and laboring men. Wonder how he lik
ed them?
Horse AMD Rl:rr. Killed.— A few days ago, a boy named
Kelly undertook to ride a Mind h<--,* in a -i rub race on
the Metallic course at New Orleans, but when half way
rouu 1, the horse bolted through the pick t fence, killing
both himsHf and his rider.
A Lettha.vd C"MPl:>:est.—At the late celeb-at ton in Ke
okuk, lowa, one of tie- speakers remarked, that " when he
landed la Keokuk, in 1537, it was a VEST or piraTi:-," and
directly afterwards aided, " Keokuk lias held her own re
markably well for twenty years past."
Eoulke A Itrother liave commenced the publication of a
new paper at Tain- una, Schuylkill county, called th-- Dem
ocratic Sentinel. It ably advocatesM'llmot torliovernor—
a - iincwliat slgnln.-ant fact, as a Backer paper lately died
M'e should think voting down resolutions was the best
evidence in the world of opiiositiou to them, but a writer
in the Democrat Intimates that the democracy are s >r in
favor of appropriating to the Punbury £ trie It.
11., notwithstanding a considerable majority voted down a
resolution to that effect on Tuesday evening.
The "Big Sarpent** of the Standard thinks our suggestion
as to HOOltlxu cherries, turkeys, Ac. very poo-!, but says
that unfortunately they are all gone. The next best thing
we can suggest, in case the waters ever get clear, will be to
make an appointment to meet us at Huntingdon, get the
editors there—at their expense of course—to drive us up
Stone creek, an I then and there ascertain whether pike
are as plenty as repute 1. Will that do?
In the his: number of the LewUtown Independent Press
we Hud til report of \V. Mllflln, Chief Knginocr of the
above ra'.lr- al, made to J. Kdg tr Thompson, President of
tne IViiua. K. K. Co.—Altootia Tribune, July Sj.
Considering that the report referred to was published In
the tiatette of July <tth, anil the Denes rat of tiie iii;h. you
must be remarkably good in " findlug" things—almost as
g od a- the Commissioners on the IVriagt- R. It., who used
to hunt for fr.iuiis, but somehow never could tiud any.
Th re I- a mare in .Salem. Mass.. which late!;.- refused to
draw frank Pierce, and sul-equeatiy wouldn't bulge for
one of Be eh an an's a- us to m-b •iu -e oißcers. while a K -pcbU
can had no trouble with her, having procured her twice
from the livery on the same day. Even the brutes seem
to know the slave drivers-
According to the Hard-burg Patriot and Union, (?en.
1 ack -r a- uncompromisingly opposed to the enactment
of the 1. gisiature of lisT."' authorising a sale of the main
line. 11.• may then-fore safely be set down by ail honest
democrats in favor of a sale of the public works and a re
duction ■>: the Siate debt, a- the State robbers*candidate.
fißt at Jouxstowx.— The Cambria Tribune lias graphic
description oi the destruction by lire on Saturday evening
of the rolling mill of the Cambria Iron Works at Johns
town. Th • bail ding destroyed Was of frame, built in the
shape of a cross, OA) feet long by 100 wide, with a eye
piece feet in length. There were hi double and 11 single
puu iling furnaces and IS heating furnaces under the roof,
ail oi which are left siandiug and supposed to be but slight
ly (if.at ail) Injured. The engines are also thought to have
sustained but little damage, comparatively. The value of
the property de-troyed i, estimated at about SIOQ.M). on
which there are insurance- amounting to about s.*,*).
Holhnroy's Pals. —Depression of spirits
and a di>p isition to look on the gloomiest
side of every subject are mental affections
born of bodily ailments. The condition of
the stomach has much to do with the action
of the brain, and hence dyspepsia not unfre
quently leads to confirmed melancholy, mad
ness and (sometimes) suicide. If Ilolltway's
Pills were universally administered for di
seases of the digestive organs, these sad con
sequences would never ensue. That tiioy are
prevented in thousands of instances L. the
use of that incomparable restorative is beyond
all question, and it is strange that with this
fact before the world, and supported as it is
by volumes of testimony, any dyspeptic who
can read should risk a danger so easily obvi
Valuable Properiyfor Sale.— Capitalists or i
others desirous of making an investment in
property which must annually increase in !
value, are referred to the sale advertised to !
take place at the court house in Wiliiamsport
on the 19th of August. The tract comprises
660 acres, 200 of which are cleared and under
cultivation, the remainder covered with tim
ber, much of which is of the best kind.— j
There are also a saw mill, five good dwelling
houses, two large barns, and other buildings
on the premises—the whole forming a verv
desirable estate. j
infallible in removing stoppages or irregularities of the
menses. These pillsare nothing new. hut have been u*ed
by the Doctor for many years, both in France and Ameri
ca, with unparalleled success in every case, an.' he is
urged by many ladles who have used the ni to make these
pills public for the alleviation t f those suffering from any
irregularities whatever, as well as a preventive to those
ladies whose health will not permit an increase of fatnilv
Pregnant females, or those supposing themselves so, are
cautioned -gainst using these pills, as the proprietor as 1
•nmes no responsibility after the above admonitior al
though i heir mildness would prevent anv injury to health •
otherwise these pills are recommended Directions ar"
company each box. Price #l. Sold *k*UsaU cad re,,'
Mm' X l! A , RD J 41 t0 " G ""<* ra ' Agents for Lewisiown,
Mifflin county, Pa , and also agents for Belleville, Milrov
Reedav.lle, Atlenville, fc c . They i supplv defers
the proprietor's prices, and .-end the pills to ladies
acntuuly) by n turn mail to any p* • ~f cUy 0f cou „ tr £
on receipt of l through ihe l.ewisto .post office FW
particulars get circular of agents. i-S ee thareach box 1
J> Broadway office, New York, j
ship, at the solicitation of many fa*!
fers himself as an independent
Sheriff, and solicits the
pendent voters of Mifflin COOMJJLT!
ted promises faithfully to discharge. '
of the office.
Mr. Editor —In looking around f,,
persons to till the offices, j /''•
that CHARLES S. McCOY, „f j? !
wold be an excellent candidate,
nated and elected, would nmlc*> Sl) ' 3
Treasurer. I therefore, with the
of others, suggest his name f' r that
. ckamlJ
We are authorized to announce .Ji>
MeCORD, of Oliver township, as si,
for the above office, subject to the
a Convention of the opponents if t | t
National Administration, should
Samuel Comfort, Esq., is ri-coranw.
a suitable candidate fur Count* 'jy
by ' Mil
To the Independent Voter- of
The undersigned offers jfmiseif as t
pent candidate for the office of SU r ;f.
ensuing election. lie pledges hiai--y
ted to discbarge the duties of
imp .rtiality and fidelity.
jy9 MOSES CTX.N'IXuji,
To the Voters of Bifflin (oucu
Fellow Citizens—At the wilicitati.-,[ l .
era! of my friends, I respectful!? off r
as an independent candidate for the :
County Treasurer, and if elected \ y
deavor to discharge the duties of the
faithfully and honestly.
j. v9 S. RAi
An American HTeetirg
Will be held in the T own Ihi) jj
Tuesday evening, August IS,];
which will be addressed by isanc Haii. s
the nominee of the Lancaster convetti*
Lewistown, August G, 1 S->7— 2t
Map of MifSin County. ?j
FROM the County Record* and Ac;-;; i
urements by Original Survey- ihrrJ
the county. By G. M. HCFESNS "aafs;d
ed Surveyor, and aiithor of Map of v;VJ
The subscriber i preparing to puunaj
ly, by subscription, a new and e n;r:-i-q
TV MAP. Ihe Surveys n r e m J
perienred Surveyors. All the Pub d
and the locations of the Mills, Taverns,rj
for Worship, Post Offices. School Houses j
try Stores, Smith Shops, Wheelwright,
are to be marked. The Name? of the Prs
Holders generally, fcarefully ioelttdu.gs
in the country who aubscribf In mlruui
Map,) are also to be inserted
in the Style of the Map of Adirascoa'.a
To be illustrated with vignettes - f views'j
county. Maps of the Principa, v'ilbf*
large scale will be inserted In the rcsrj
The plan will be plotted to a suitibki
so as to imtke a large and ornamental ns?.
be engraved and delivered to Subscriber!
sonic ly colored and niouutcd for Fiveh
per copy. Address,
Nos. 517, 519 & 521 Minor street. Pi
August 6, 1 ~57.
C Ire alar to the Sick.
*TWIE tirsi hospital surgeons and medical
X Europe ail.it-t tle unparalleled ami h S-iriv:
heal in j properties of this Ointment; giver nt
lion lis u<- in lUeir naval anil military gcrvicfi,
masses lu 11l s country anil throughout in* >'*
the inmost confidence in its curative proper-e*i
et rates the sources of inflammation a nd e,trrii:w
underlie the external evidences of disease,uil
tae ihe fiery elements which feed and ensfß
Ru?*!*uatlsm, Scrofula, Eryilpfli
Tli-se ar- anion; the Most terrible ai>d i;-*:
seas-s of the muscles, (he fleshy fibre asiltt**
in their worst form*, and when seeaMngty Ittina
invariably disappear un.lcr a persevi rn. 1 tadO
this soothing, healing antidote to pain awl
Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Stiff M
In capes of Salt Rhe i?m, where nKu.Cal tritei*'
and every recipe of the pharmarnpoci have pis'
less, ihe Ointment will accomplish a rlwrougtt®
, ver Sores heal quickly under us influence, iuis
iing effect upon contracted sinews is truly wore*
Discharging fleers.
A most remarkable and happy chaage i*|*->®
I the appearance of malignant ulcer* a'teri (•"
tions of this Ointment. The surnuidin: ret*
ine, and granules ofheMlby flesh beim to*
place of the discharged nutter This pricrwS
wore or less rapidly until the orifice is 6 lei up
; material, and the ulcer radically cured.
A Word to Mothers.
The young are most frequent sufferers
injuries, and therefore every moiber skoal* V
beating preparation constantly at ha-:d. ltu" 11
specific for snre breasts, and quickie remove*
ted sores which sometimes disfigure the btti 40 '
of children.
Significant Facts.
This Ointment is universally used en boari** 1
tic and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure ferret
1 J t lons ' 71 "'i "s the best poeaible remedy frt 94,B
I Urge supplies Of it have recently Wet'
by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital pnrpofti*
Both the Ointment and Pii/s should>**
a . the Jol/owing Casta:
Bunions Lumbago Sore Legs Sal*
°""' 8 Mercurial Er-Sore Breast*
Cnapp d bands unions gore livid*
Lhtiw.it,, Piles Sore Throat*' ■ r ' l
Fistulas Rheumatism Sores of .v' v "' " e
<> Salt Rheum kind* V**
Skin Diseases;*,>rains
At'TION !—None are genuine >! '< ; i '
liolloway, AY* Yark amd 1U *
tenter-mark i„ every leaf of the book ofr*"*I** 1 **
eaih pot u r haj ; the same way tie pinch * a!
| UaJ ,hf A handsome r. wir * f *
to any one rendering such information ** **
the detection ot any party or partu s cot:-' t'' 3
medicines or Vending tl Ie same, known* lt *
***.< old at the Manufactory of Profei* 4 *'"H
NJ Maiden Unn, Net* York, and bv all n ;
gists and Dealers of Medicines througW "' .
tMatei, and the c,vili*ed world, in Pol** 1 fc "
cents, and *1 each.
•--5" I here is a considerable saviuE by tsku4
N B. Directions for the guidance of f :: ~'t
dtsordc re affixed ia each Pot.
<3 HOT GC N S.—Sitioic an
j K_J Guns, very low, at MALKUV**