Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, July 23, 1857, Image 1

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    Hhoic No. 2417,
For -i\ months, To cents.
"|fc? • \!l N HW subscriptions must he paid in
■nice. If the paper is continued, ami m t
within the first month, >1,25 will he charg
■B if not paid in tliree months, $1,51); ii not
pafd ii. -ix months, $1,75; and if not paid in
fiilhe months. $2,(Kb
RfAh pipers addressed to persons out of the
fiSlßnty will he discontinued at the expiration of
the tune paid for, uiilt*--special ivqiit -t i made
eonlrary or paveient guaranteed by some
i|en line- of minion, or the ir equivalent, con
ite u square. Three insertions §l, and 25
I- for each -übs< qnent insertion.
ic West Branch Insurance Co.
OF Lo< K H 14EXj PA.,
BURGS Detached Buildings, Stores. Mer
fiaintisi*. Farm Property, and other Puild
aml tlii-ir content-, at moderate rates.
i. John J. Pe.uee, lion. G. C. Harvey,
rle- \ Maver, D. K. Jtiekmau,
lion, G lIAKXF.Y, Pres.
mel 11, l.loyd, Tfio-. Bowman, 1). I).
M ,
Dr. I. S. Crawford,
10 - t
3*-X-;ent for Midi in county, t.. V. . STF.VV
fnmily from I.ian ;tui ll.. iiiusp Kiir.
m contixkntal
fffire X 0.61 Wulnut S?. aljnt < Serontl, lliila.
■ I
BIT; ;:i i ire Insnraiicc (ompa-
Im of Philadelphia.
•' 1* CI.••-triut strut*, near Fift!.. I
atcincnt of 1--< i.-. '-1.527.1v7 tji
January 1 -1, 1 -.77.
i ' i agree -In to an act of Assembly, be- I
M .:.ip'v - urf'l, s 1.51 r? .9.i*2 T.'i
B* iv, present value, ]'},)
■--,A0., 64J21 5G |
t. i - -27,1 -'(J
■ I
■a!' - i ..- iit <; ;n-i-U:nt w itli njrjtv.
■ >
tkbt years, they ! ive paid overTtnree Millions ,
1> i ii-' | <-<, > : . then y afloniing tv
■ ' tin u-- > "t Iri- ur.iiici-, a- v<• 11
ILo-ses by Fire.
'• ■ ['ai . . . ing ti.e vcar 1 ~G, vlOl.GuB -4
mi. i run -
VlJ.vkiT, !
Boiiij- \">' _r■ er. | David S. Rrown,
■mut-l Oront, J Isaac Lea,
■ (I S'.nt!), ! Edward C. Dale,
Im. w Hi.-hards, J Gooree Falc*.
I Cm- <; Uvvlkeu. tko y.
I inty, 11. J. W \L
i'KILS, I'. - q , Lew istnwn. mar]')
For the People.
\M Tiii: RR,<H'LF.'S I HIM)I;I;.N.
ii II ii) J si J I J. ,•
if AS I W,.i n ci -trpll, I .(■ w istown. opposite the
[J J I'o-t Office. t i- just returned from the city
pith a larj'e iil li * uegai.t sleek <>l I u-hi uiahfe
Ire., suitable for spring and summer wear, |
phi. h. notwithstanding lies advance of almost
p' rylliing else, he v ;!i dispose ol at low pii
f 111- -tore ha- te<-n litod up with large
fr t-'s. with gla-s frotit-. so that the stork ( i
fce cvamined at a glance.
I Me will manufacture to order any descrip
tion of hats, (having the hest of workmen in his
fcntploy and m abundant supply u' material.) .
phouM In- e\t.-nive -! .rk fail to furnish . -uit
fchle article. Parents ,rr e-peciallv invited to i
F >ll ami examine In- varietv of Children's llat
p"<i t'ap-, comprising a first rate stock, from
tfhieh they rati make choice to please thern
I 'P- Ornish friends will find thev are not for
khtieri, and they may rest assured of finding an .
fcrtiele tia their taste, or can have one made, at
phort notice.
I I harikful for the patronage heretofore so lib- ;
r r a 11y extended to him, he solicits his friends to ;
F'll—those indebted to square up and begin !
an' v and any number of visitors frorn this or 1
(trie neighboring counties, to take a look at him j
fduy fir evening.
I "T' u '> " J. Rf DfSIIJ,.
[l ' O to Hoffman's for Tubs
| f, '> ' M iff't ;irt*-f : r f'htjrr s '
t • Hi'tTtwtti'x for Buckets
( If'.ff,, .i/§ for Brooms
Go to Hoffman's for Baskets dec 11
iKßSSjtfa© ASJiffi ws ®a<sa£<&ia smrnisreiHß, mmmsssmrss 9 rnsmm <ttmxws 3 3>a.
a C- £ "n
T<J tin' Citizens of Lncistotcn and Vicinity.
rpiIANKFUL for past favors of a generous
J_ public, we respectfully solicit a continuance
of the same. We have just returned from the
East with a large assortment of
C'o nucals, Dyest tiffs, Oils, Paints. Varnishes,
Brushes, l'trj'uutcry, fancy Goods, Pat
ent Medicines, Sony it: a! lustra incuts,
Trass' s, Shoulder Braces, <be.
Also, Wines, Brandies and Liquors of all
kinds for medicinal purposes.
lo the ladies we would say that our assort
ment ol Pet turnery, /lair Brushes, Dressing Coinhs,
Cosmttics, Toiltl Soap, and a fine, articlv of Buy
Hum —is unexcelled in Lewistown.
For the gentlemen we have Porte Monnaies,
of a variety ol patterns. Pocket Voices, Shaving
Brush. Shaving Soaps, tYc ,in great variety.
We have also a -uperh lot of imported S'gars.
1" or the sick and utllicti-d we have a.'■'balmfor
every wound."
Country Merchants can he supplied with affv
articles in our line at city prides. All goods
warranted to be as represi nted.
Prescriptions carefully compounded.
I'hy -iciai!-' orders prompt I v filled at the usual
discount. J. J) {STONEROAD,
may 23 Bur Hive Drug Store.
Xji xt 3VE ii zn :o_;
Wm. B. Hoffman & Co.
\ T their Lumber's ard on East Third street,
\ Lewi-town, near the Presbyterian Church,
have receivi d, and are now receiving, in addi
tion to their large stock of weil-seasoned Lem
hi- r—
-20.1)1)0 ft panel Boards & Plank, from Li 2in .
Iti.OlKt ti tirst common Boards
Ad,(loft ti second common Boards
2(t,(M)O ft I inch Boards
15 OUU it Sidings
2,000 li-rht* oi Sash, various -izes,
• D.OIH) Plasteri g l.alh, all sizes.
Plain Siding and ready wniked Flooring,
Ilemloek Joists
Scantling, 3x4, Ixs. 4\fi, dxtl
Lap ami .1 int Shingles and Shingle Lath al
w ~s • on hand.
. Lf=Door, Shutters, Blinds, and Sa-h made
to order.
All order- thankfully received and pramptlv
attended to. may2l
-W / W =*"l C* = .. my
ztm Srs X,* -5 tm hU S w, Sjt J, i ~ ,
IMIE public are her. by respectfully informed
J[ that we have leased the above well known
K tndry, situate on M .in street, in the bor-mgh
of Lewistown, a few doors south of the stone
bridge, w here we will keep constantly on hand
n full assortment of all kind- of ST'IVES,
~~ J *j viz : Hathawav Cooking Stoves, difien nt
c_3^-si Z c- w Egg Stoves, .Nine Plate Stovr, Am
avid ul-<>
Ir. n Frnrr. Hollow Ware, XVat, r
-vc.. and will make to order all kinds of CAST-
I N <S. All orders -: ttou- w til be filled w uii
care and de-patch, ami on as reasonable term
as at any other establishment in the State. We
L< ,IP, turn;,is, you will call ami . xjtnine our
- ck br; t,• buy it- ; any w ~ei. el- . X.u wMI
undoubtedly save n. ney bv doing so.
Lew istown, .March 2t>. !■-.">7 -v
.Selling Off' at Cost!
t ? times arc hard arid money scarce the sub
\ -erP'crs wi-h t> reduce their stuck, and
will sell their present assortment of eastern
wo.k, con-is;tit!g of
I.cut , I.adirs. itojs and Youth's <.niters,
Children's Mtoes, \c.
for en-h only. All kinds of goods in their line
made to order of the be-t material and warran
tiso, a large assortment ot Home-made
now on hand, which will Sic -old at the
Jo'.ve-t prices. The attention of the public is
invited tu the ato-ve, a- llie eastern wuk will
be ottered at such prices -to defy comjietition.
All person- indebted to us will please call
and iiiitke payment immediately, or the next
nut to many will be si t through the hands
of the constable,
Pennsylvania Railroad.
iAN end alter Monday, June £2t?d, ]&.a7,
V / !* utis leave Lewi-town Station as follow-:
Eastward. ft'dvard.
Express, r Ha. n. 540a. m.
I' i-t Line, 10 47 p. m. 7 "JO p. m.
Mail, 404 •' GO4 "
'i l.r nigh Freight, it 00 " 1 50 a. m.
L.nigrarit, 5 00 " td."> "
Express Freight, 5 <H) " 10 15 "
Local " 7 35 " 13 40 "
Fare to Harrishure, 50 ; to Philadelphia, I
I 20; to Altooria, 1 75 ; to Pittsburgh, 4 70
£L.t"The. Ticket Otfice will be open 20 min
utes before the arrival of each Passenger
Train. D. E. ROBESON, Agent.
- .
V I * I* ' *
g_^i _\ > r-- n-.f J
For protecting and preserving the Dead for or- j
din iry inti nm nt, fur vaults, for transport
ation.or fii any other de-irahlc purpose,
for -ale at the new Furniture rooms, under :
the Odd Fellows' Hall, by
New Arrangements.
\i ! LR returning otir sincere thanks to our
numerous Iriend- and customers for their
continued patronage, I would inform them that
I am still to be found at
r ; vn ,-i
With a di sire to bring my bu-iness nearly to
CASH, after the first of April our credit terms
will be Thirty Days and accounts not to exceed
Filly Dollars. We hope sliil to conduct otir
business so thai we shall enjoy the good w ill
of our numerous customers, and that the num
ber may be greatlv increased,
mar 12 ' F. J. HOFFMAN.
"T Hii) rlieevc at H'lflfirinn-V ,
B iy Sugar at HufTin in's
Bnv Mulassea at iloffiuari'g
Buy Tear,, 4cc .at Hoffman's |
Par the I. •vvisiovrn 11 estate,
Be si 1 1* ii t, my inns' .' I licy will It ■ c'l not 11. v ws -
Tlie gitldy, the gav, nor th<- wise, it may be;
Then why -till in sadness thy m -asures prolong?
1 h* world will treat tiiee as it has treated in- 1 .
Then, be thy voice units, ci i tie." ad harp unsiruna.
And no luof alive to the minstrel's request;
Bui, c\ press-vvreatiifd. Up on the willow b
An ohlect of pity, unpftied, unbtest.
T "ll blest by the word, yet one tear on that harp
Shall glisten forever, that others may see
That lie who shed it, although envy in.iv carp.
Was ever devoted and faithful to thee.
To slumbers of pe soon I'll lav tic ,'., v ;i \ V j, ~.
The hopes of my heart liave „> id . be.-n laid:
1 The stinys of itepro.u h will ar tme not there,
Nor sorrow coin. nor vv,vy upra! I.
! Tie- dews will fall softly all over my breast.
The sun and the rain wlit lie 11-hi on my b-d;
The cold drops will chill not, but add to my red.
By softi nine the clods which shall pillow my head.
Find!.i.v, (., June, IS./7.
A Snake Removed from n Vlouiau's Sfuiu
The Lognnsport find.) Pliuus .sf.tos that
Dr. Myers nt tbtvt city, vvlio bus iic<|iiircd
| sonic celebrity as the inrcntor of a trap for
the r> nioval id taje wmnts, has perl >rmed a
cure that is worthy of more than ordinary
I Mrs. L. Jlyan, of For* Wayne, about 2'2
years of age. has been seven ly afiiicted for
I i 'tir years with sensation in tiic st< much.
a£ thnugli there was -.. me r. utile m ino i„
it. During that time sip- wis treated for va
rious diseases by numerous phv.-ieians if
skill, am.' by several IV.r tape w,irin.
i Hearing of Dr. Mycr-' n< vv t.r ,ce-- f.r tin
removal f parasite fn n the human bud v,
Mrs. Ji. went to 'c-gan-; rt \ti i i iae. d her
-■ If under ins c.i;u;v. Witbin two weeks,
Dr. M. r< moved it m her s .nvud. a snake
about IV. t long, and H ine! • - indiametei;
at. i relieved her of a!! her sufferings, instead
>f aggravating it as bad been the result of
previous treatment-he received. The latter
part of her ilhn -s -lie was ut. iT.-I • :■> att. nd
to the dome, tic care of the family, • r even t>>
take carc of herself. It required two hours
to prepare for retiring at night, an equal
length . f tint ■ transpired Let" re -.he ci.ul 1 lie
"■ wt) —lil. ! often v. bq i'v.-d i f sb'ej
I r rngiit- Ig- tlier. Ir< ntly >■ vv alb
walk the ih) t until exhausted, h. eau- tin t
-1 : to lay d< v u with nit the J; . .t ex ruciat
.ug j>ain. Mrs. Ryan's ,vn vv rd- are that
"1. r MiiiVriugs an .- a-h ti .• si ■ i. pray-d ;
tor death ton !i- vo ti, in." Mrs. R. uppos ..J
> wallowed the snake, which vv is up pa
r. iitly of tiie water sjucii s, while drinking [
from a -priug in the evening at her former
residence west of l-'ort W ivii".
Slie left the care of Dr. M. for h ono, feel
ing as tli .ugh site vva- saved from w rsetl.an
Shocking Double Suicide in Erie County,
We letirn from the \\ aterford, Erioc ountv,
(Ph.) Museum, that two Herman*, bearing
the iiann-3 of Ferdinand and Mi.ua idiuitz,
residing about six miles from Waterford. un-i
ale tit eight or nine fi an Jlrie, above Caj.t.
Strong's, were found July 10th, d a 1, hang
ing to a tree twenty r ds back f their da 1-
Jing. Tie: parties v. i.. .■ ; r.-j,
about 40 and Mil; came from the Old World
six years ago, sin .-e which they have lived in
thi> section, la<t Spring having bought 25
acres at the point above mentioned and mov
ing thereon. The women is reputed the s' C
ond wife of the man, be hav'ng a boy by a
previous marriage, who is n ,w n ft in hi- LJth
1 he Museum Stab's that the parties were of
•parrel. iue and violent dispositions, and
fought with etich other at. i tin. if neighbors
until the man was aire-' d on a charge of
threatening a neighbor's life, lie found bail
anil was released. Several other cases were
pending against him, growing out < i alleged
slanders, horsetrades, <fco„ and (as he sta'ed
several times) his neighuoio I. id iiuiuci d huii
to believe he could not escape the pt uitentia
rv. This idea had made hint d sperate, an 1
joined vvith a depraved e-tiiuate of life, led
to the horrible event we have to t cord. His
little boy testilied that lor three or four days
his parents had not worked, laying about the
house, half sick and despairing, his mother,
he said, "adting crazy" on Thursday. The
parties were found hanging to a trie, and au
inquest held, which resulted in a verdict that
the parties voluntarily hung themselves.
Yew ami Destructive Uiilt Rail.
Everybody has read of Jules Herard, the
lion killer, and his wonderful encounters in
the jungles of Africa. When Gerard came
back to Paris the last time front his favorite
amusement in Africa, he suggested to Devis !
me, the well known gunmakcr of the lioule- j
vard des Italieus, the idea of inventing a ball
that would explode when it arrived in the
animal - body. The new projectile is about
the size of the Minie ball; its penetrating j
force is equal to the common ball. Arrived
in the animal's body it explodes like a bomb,
and, of course, causes the sudden of
the animal. ]| shut into the lungs of an ele
phant, lor example, the ball in exploding dis- j
THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1857.
engages carbonic acid gas, and the anipial,
which from its size might otherwise survive
■ ira short time, will suddenly fall asphyxia
ted. A few days ago a party of gentlemen
1 accompanied M. Devisnie to a horse slangli
j ter house in the environs of the city. There
, the new projectile was tried on five horses
who were standing tied to a fence waiting to
ibe shot. 1 hey were each shot in the lungs,
the ball exploded, and the animal MI dead.
I'he experiment was completely satisfactory,
feince then, M. Devisme, to demonstrate tin
practicability of his new projectile as a sub
-'itute for tho harpoon in the destruction ol
w ha! s, has gone to Havre, nut with the hope
that a vvhaf' vv.-uld pn sent its.-!i' ii be killed,
but 11 1 try tiie exp iMiient on an artificial
• whale that would respond in its resistance to
a r ai one. 'i he experiment was entirely
successful, and tLuse vvlio witnessed it assert
positively that the substitute fur the harpoon
is f un !.
■'■■a A punster thus speaks of the differ
, en re of character between the JJ's, the C's,
the E's, the I's, the I/s, the O's, the l"s,
the and the V
Ii it'll are the most industrious letters?
The Bees.
XV hieh are tlie most fond of comfort?
The Ease.
Which are the mo.-t egoiistieu] letters'
The I's.
XX hieh are the longest letters'
1 The Ells.
XX hieh are the most noisy letters?
The Oh.--.
XX hicli are the leguminous letters?
The Reus.
XX hieh are the ere.itf .--i bores?
The Tease.
XX iiieli are the most sr itsible letters?
The XX ise.
it —'l iic model lady
j tils Im r children out to nurse and tends l„p
--u igs: lies m lit 11 lid noon; wears paper
solid >: nt.-; pinches lu-r waist; gives the
piano to.-; forgets !<> pay her mtlliticr; cuts
le. r poor i'f I iliotis; goes to ehurch when
siie lias a new honnet; turns tiie cold shoul
der to heroin-band, and tltrts with his
"lnciid;" never saw a thimble; don't know
a darning needle from a crow bar; wonders
where puddings grow; i its h un and eggs
in pi it ate, and (lines on a j genu's leg m
public; niii.- mad at the 1 i-i new lkshtoii;
dotes on Byron: and adores any man who
grin- behind i moustache: and when as
ked the age ot her youngest child, replies:
"don I know indeed—ask Betty!"
Si( liBOKN CHILDKKN. — lie sure lo give
no commands of which you can not enforce
obedience. The powers of resistance pus
s< ssed by some little children are truly ex
traordinarj; be careliil not to amuse them.
A spuit ot antagonism is most dangerous,
and once awakened, may never again he
come dormant through lile: once let a child
conquer you, and it will never forget the
lesson. Let your commands, then, he few;
ami insist on obedience to thelD .
lif A singular sort of a man, not 10
miles Irom here, sent for a magistrate to
write his will. After a number of be
quests, lie went on—"1 em, 1 gr.e and be
qu jilt to inv helovetl brother, Ztick, otie
ill* Is. 11. J 11 011 ar s.
•*A\ iiy \ on are not worth half that sum
in lite world, interrupted the magistrate.
••Well, no matter if I ain't,'" replied the
other, "it's my will that brother Z.irk
should have that sum. an! lie mav work
am! get i: if he h is a mind to."
Liif "Hones, why is the geltin out of
tied on the Itisi ub August iike one ob
Moore's melodies.'"
"Does vou gub it up, my 'specled friend?'"
"In course 1 decs Why?"
"111-cause it'sf de las rose ob summer."'
"hook here, nigger, if you preambuLte
any more such nonsenst a!>o.i tliis rhild,
he'll cave your head in. I've had enough
nit da I highforlutin talk, I is."
rs* A young lady at a ball was asked
by a lover of serious poetry who.her she
had seen "(Jr.ibbe's Talcs?"
"W by, no." site answered -I didn't
know that crabs had tails."'
"1 beg your pardon .Miss," said he; "I
mean have you /-<<</ Crabhc's Tales?"
"And I assure you, ISir, 1 did not know
that red crabs, or any other, had tails "
is? O! whistle, daughter, whistle, and
vou shall iiave a cow; 1 never whistled in
my life, and 1 cannot whistle now. O!
whistle, daughter, whistle, and vou shall
have a man; 1 never whistled in my life,
but I'll whistle it 1 can.
IW'A new remedy for cancer, credited
to the Virginia .Medical Journal, is going
the professional rounds—which is made of
three parts of sulphate of lime lo one of
chloride of antimony. It may prove of
great value.
A TACT. —An exchange thinks that it is
woman her ell, and not woman's wrongs
that ought to be re-dressed.
•ifW hy .i c the country girls' cheeks
like well-printed cotton? Because they
are warranted to wash and keep the color.
EsgyXY'e have no room, nor do we know that
"the game is worth the candle," to answer
such side door cavilers as tho editor of the
Sclinsgrove. Democrat, W ho, so far as ourrec
ollcction of hiiri goes Lack into the good old
days of whigi.-m, vyas invariably fouiul am
ong tho growlers at every election, but the
following extract from Mr. XX'iiniot's sweep
tauce, togctlier with the endorsement of John
V. Kunkel and other prominent Americans,
ought to salisty all opponents of Paelcw
Co. that Mr. XV. is certainly preferable in
every point of view to one who has denoun
ced Americans as everything base, mean, and
contemptible. It however like spaniels, they
are content to lick the hand t. at smites them,
icc certainly have no objection, it being a
small matter to us, in these days of political
corruption, prostitution and debauchery, who
is Governor of Pennsylvania, or who holds
j any other office. As a whig, for such we
still are, partly coinciding with both Ameri
cans and Republicans, but not with the ex
tremes of cither, our aim is and has been to
concentrate the opposition strength against
the patent democracy, and by so doing to de
feat them. That accomplished, it will be
time enough to commence splitting hairs and
filing down mosquito bills.
Mr. XX ilniot, in his letter of acceptance,
"The position taken by the Convention, in
it- r> "oi re torn, hi tig the du tie- an J obligations
imposed upon those who seek adoption into
our gn at American family of frc men, must
meet the approval of every patriotic citiz n.
XV e have u right to expect and require a per
fect and undivided allegiance, from ail who
are invo.-ted with the high prerogatives of
citizen-hip. A- the adopted citizen receives
in full measure all the rights and immunities
oi the native born, so ought he to render the
like single and unreserve 1 devotion t . the
country of hi- adoption. He should acknow
ledge no earthly power superior to the C<>n
-trillion and the sovereignty of the Ameri
can people. There is no danger that we
shall err in our zealous devotions to our
country, and in the cultivation of an intense
American Nationality."
To those editors who desire to be satisfied,
this avowal will be sufficient; to those who do
not, nothing Mr. XX'ilniot could say would
answer, a- any political mole can sec that
three fourths of them arc up "for sale, freb-ht
or charter."
Nothing could well be more ridienl HIS than
to make an objection to Mr. XX Burnt on ac
count of his ppo.-ition to a high tariff twelve
or fourteen years ago. If some pretended
Am .-lean- were tested by the same rule of
what they were at that time, what would the
record say?
Packer as (anal (omniissioner.
We cut the i-Howing, says the tlcnesdale j
Deumerat, from the Philadelphia Pennsylva
"The contrast between those two candidates
is striking: W burnt has always boon an ul
traist and and lias no experi
ence in the necessities or dot dopment of our
State, while (letieral Packer iuss for tnanv !
years been identified icit/i for ad ininicti itian,
and scrr.'d in various positions <■/ rcsponsibil- j
dy and (fits', winch ffii't' imn hen'i y rsonal 1
kntuclcdtjc >a do trait's and rcs> OT I ; <a' fh.
i aninunweal to than ataj otio'r nan en. >ys."
\\ edo not propose, further remarks tlie i
Bene crat, to comment ourselves upon the
"various positions ot responsibility and trust"
which he lias occupied but we do propose to !
subjoin an exp isition t-f the manner in which
he has tilled one <>{ thn-e positions, that of!
Canal Commissioner. Gen. Packer was Ca-1
nal Commissioner, by appointment under -
David K. Porter, from 1*39 to L* 12.
A committee of investigation was appoint- i
e l in 1541, to inquire into the expenditures I
upon the canals and railroads of the State, i
It reported upon the ICtii of April in that
year. Iti that portion of their report which j
relates to the western division of the Main
Line, in speaking of a reservoir which is cal j
led the Western, near Johnstown, it says:—j
"Those facts, in connection with the proof
that MeCouib Bingham's and OT'riel &. j
Co's. bid, at rates nearly corresponding for j
the Pastern r servoir, ev.ablish nn t e nclu- *
sively in our minds the opinion that the Wes ;
tern re- r\ ir was allotted to Moon hcal jc
PACKLL at prices so far beyond the real !
value of the work that the transaction can j
neither be explained or excused.
"The cireuuistance ot 11. 11. Packer, me of
the contractors for this job, being a brother
of one ot the Canal Commissioners, should
not deprive him of an equal chance with any
other citizen in the Commonwealth f r public j
work, tor which lie might he the low< st and
best bidder, but, certainly, this circumstance j
should give him no prcfcrctn '. The commit
mittee will not say that, because Mr. Packer
is a brother of the Canal Commissioner, he
was therefore favored in allotment of a job. j
They will, however, assert the belief that the j
contract is one, the granting of which they
cannot reconcile with propriety or justice to j
the people of the Commonwealth. Besides
the allowance ot must extravagant prices for
the job, the circuinstaiu. s attending its allot
ment we think deserving of censure, and go
so far to show it was previously determined
upon, not to out the public work to the j
1 iwcst good bidder, but, by arrangement, to
throw certain jobs into the hands of certain j
persons, a d at the same time, to satisfy all :
prominent competitors for the job." (Vide
2 vol. J. 11. R. IS-41, page 575.)
The committee state it ~s their opinion that j
the State lu-d, by the Jivoriti-ui oi" the Canal ,
New Series—Vol, 11, No, 37.
! _ ,
Eominissioncrs, $109,200, in the canal and
railroad contracts in 1840—that is, that tht-y
awarded the contracts at prices so far above
what reliable contractors offered to do them
■ or, that the sum over and above what was a
proper expenditure, was paid. (Vide same,
page 588.)
Does this favoritism to bis brother, this
squandering in a single year of §109,200, of
the public money, evince fitness for "posi
tions of responsibility and trust?" If thev
do then lien. Packer ouglr to be elected, oth
erwise be ought not. Xo such shameless
family partiality, or such reckless profligacy
and waste of tlie public money, stains or
mars the record of David Wilmot. llis pri
{ vate and public character arc alike umini
peached and unimpeachable.
Th<' Fourth m Foul/t Carolina. —The "Flea
bite 0 mpany," a military corns in !Bt. Mat
thews Parish, S. €'., celebrated the Fourth of
•July |.y a parade, after which they bad an
oration and a public dinner. At the latter
the "F'enbiters" illustrated their love for the
Union by applauding the following toast: —
"The only Union that we want, is the Union
, of the South to dissolve her connection with
the North.
Floody affair. —On the 9th inst., as two
men, named Peace and Skuggs. were quar
relling in Sumuiersville, Ivy., a Mr. iteau
champ interfered to prevent mischief, when
Peace threatened to kill him. Mr. 13. then
lired a revolver at Peace without injury, when
the latter, placing bis rifle at the breast of
licauchauip, "literally tore bis heart out."
The affair was witnessed by the deceased's
wife and children.
j AA< ic Fature. —The Troy (X. V.) ladies
have introduced a new feature at their fairs,
I which makes them draw like steain engines.
All the most bewitching girls wear placards
labeled "kiss s one shilling each;' and in some
} cases where dealers possess extraordinary
beauty, as high as twenty-five cents is obtain
ed. One gentleman actually purchased sl4
Worth of this honey. What next?
lFoys Doomed. —A Paris correspondent of
the New York Courier says, "lank as the lle
-1 camier of ISUO, the substitute for the full
blown rose, the bcllr ol 1858 will come upon
j us in appalling, unmitigated deformity, so nit
crinolines .sain basque, sans bustle, sins wad,
I sans wool, sans cane, sans steel, fans every
fr-df" A la Iv, named M iry Ann Eldridge,
had occasion to send a Mote to a gentleman,
and put two r's in her first name iu the sig
nature, thus —"Marry Ann Eldridge." The
man was a bachelor, and consequently took
tiie hint —married Ann Eldridge.
A C harimny Country. — A large portion of
to • swamps ut 1 lorida is said to be capable
ot producing 500 bushels to the acre, with
alligators enough fur fenting. An emigrant
wandering there in search of neighbors,
would s on meet a settler.
I T Col. Sutter, in the race-way of
whose mill the California gold was first
discovered, has been reduced to poverty.
lv the last arrival front (' dtforuia we learn
liiat Hock Farm, iiis residence, has been
sold under the sheriffs hammer. This is
the last of the magnificent domain which
was at one time his property, and the old
man whose name is so closedv associated
with the history of California, w hose un
bounded hospitality has welcomed and
cheered so many travelers to that country,
ami by whose means so many have been
enriched, is now left in his declining years
without a home of his own. Ilis gener
ous unsuspecting nature was not sufficient
to cope with the shrewdness of lawyers
and speculators when his lands become
of value; and so they have a!! been wres
ted from him. much by what hi the par
lance of trade would be called "legitimate*
trunsacti ns," much by "barefaced fraud."
—lioff ato ('fiti. .\'h f rl' r
.! /> ir Kit-- ■ i. —A bear weighing 100
1 bs. and measuring G ft. Gi inches in
length, was killed in (.recti's vallev, Walk
er township, on Thursday night, the Till
it.-t.. by our young Irion Is Jus. Fulton and
Jas. R. Unburst. This bear had been
ranging the mountains in that vicinity, for
a number of years, and hail committed nu
merous depredations in that region, but
had always escaped the pursuit of his ene
mies, notwithstanding lie hud been wound
ed several times. At the lime he was
kill, d two old bul els were taken from un
der the skin ot bis neck. One of the hind
claws ot the be:ft was sent to the editor of
this paper and is now preserved in the nui
ttmn of Mr. A. (J. Tonner of tins bor
ough.— HM/onte Of n ocrat.
Taking Out an Ey<. to no nu It. —The
Leipsie Journal ol Literature, Science and
Art publishes an account of the wonderful
discoveries ol l)r. (iraett'iii diseases of the
eye, and the wonderful cures i:c performs,
lie lias found the ball of the eye to be
transparent, and by a curious instrument
examines minutely the interior, taxes it
oat, and perfoms any necessary surgical
operation, and then replaces it without in
jury to its appearance and vision.