p..:: Azitis. l-'ureign News. Tin- I • >■ frigate Susqutdtanna, which had Lentlv airivctl oil' Cowes, to assist in laying fa-n tiie Submarine Telegraph ('able be tL-1, Irelaii.l anl Newfoundland, was the Lt vessel to salute the yacht conveying the bssian Puke Constantino from France to Lit ijueen \ icU-ria. ller yards were man }d. tiie Russian Gag run up at the main, and. salute i t' 'dl gnus ~as tired in splendid style. I San lay. the Grand Duke, accompanied by e Qu en, visited the squadron off Spithead, id was received with a royal salute, and on e following day, (Monday Ist inst. the ike took his dep-t tr.'* for Calais. /That part of tne Atlantic Telegraph cable ing at the factory of Messrs. Glass & Co., rccuwieh, barely escaped destruction by lire, me of trie sheds of the adjoining building ntaiuing the cable having been burned Hie Ac t India mail steamer Parana, arri d at Southampton with over three million The recent storms in Frai.ce had done great ,in to the v ine- an 1 crops In many of V 40 rumors were current at Paris of other attempt <-n the life of the Emperor, iilst 01 a visit to the Military Museum, but p rum have net been c ntirmed. H':'L" I S 'Vigat Niagara will he fitted up ■ lay.-. - n f the submarine cable, with- B.Mr Hr ,r.at \ ienna on the 30th ult., with Hi a ■ -ante t-vt-ning. Hi .; I>i 1 th vetting of the 29th ult. ■A ■i • • ivh 11 mi Constantinople, states that hi* ! !• ral u i Berne, h:ts been ' -r tne 9th of June, to ratify the show a popula ■Thc 1 oustitut;anal publishes a private let tt ' trorii tli-- iVi-iitii liult, received through ■ ■ : . ' - 1 a. .|-i!in !!. U alhacli. 1 !i. ■he t ofTn. r ir. i' _ *" " 1: 1 ~t in- residence : p St. lgr.-r.tu>" '■ bed'-re nil clock last r 1 f hi- age, after as; ill -. G. n. U . v.n< |.i rsi in 1 ! K:.;i. . lit Oct iber, 1794. At . - i i the Austrian f -rvi ■ ■ : h u;- A\ 1 at the frontier when II m '■ ' " -lit .n a: i 1 rt.n I. array. ■ •- r .-••rvi--.- nit h;s regiim-nt - W -■ 1 N'-;t!v t'l-- whole . f the I • • ' • al!in 17 ii ■ a:no t tl i i: try- Iv. . . in P lad -Vhia. His father ~., ; '; : '• . in , t! '.' s 1 - -* I •" ' ' city of l'iiiiad-.-Ipl i 1 d : t, it i t.: • s .j : , then a y-.ung 1 it ■- tody I .v, . and 1 1 that - tli 1 ! Alexander '• T in N. .v Vol k. '- 1 - 1 nii -! r tin- life of as ! ;i-: id jtamed a coinmi-sioii in ' a;? - 1 aited States, and has fre i; " .- ■ - : nii that 1:- r> ceived it ,!:l A a-!.ingt .it. 11., tir-t rvic • 4 * '-••■ ii. W iikin- >11, on the fron -1 1 ' •' ! it h - whole career he bore • - : 9 n as a gallant officer anj - war of K-12, 'l4, - pur, and was twice H H '■ •uat i ;-nioutli, V w Hampshire; diiii In the late war with Mex - r,; d ' take part, but Ins age pre B i in tins .ty a ituutber ol years, atid B- .onerally - med and respiocied. ■ ' at'., in tit'- active s-rviee a w .ts a custom H'h hint to b" on farniiiar tonus of friend- H;> whh all the jtini >r officers of bis c in- Btan i. but requir t-d a close observance of all H niditiiry rules. He was a man of extra- : Hth: uy constitution, and until within a year Hr-- fi -sed a degree of activity ran ly ■ I: t m men of less years, while hi> health iiißt st uriint rrupted. About 7 o'clock H-'-ttitfuy evening last he was attacked with '.'l' l ' l(: I i Ad MARIETTA. IHi esterday aft-i noon, a young mulatto wo o, named Mary Jane .Sebastian, was ! "'gat to Lancaster tr ,m Marietta, charged ■' I i- r ing her husband, Henry Myers , >a-Uan. was arrested on Monday -in< n, by William iates, Constable <1 " • tta, arid brought b fore Squire Rhodes, i ' 1 pi i'-". From lor own testimony it • that being charged by Peter G-org ' •-': an and John Anderson of having poi '**- - J.er husband, .-tie said she was in-tiga ' - >itbv a man named J .euiiah John- j ' I to li-r tout she should give him S.\ d- 11; n, gi thi in out of the road. For 9' / tlii-, -b-rry wa- arrested; liut the w .- n oeing aked whether be was in earnest '• 'v. t n l.i i;d .t, an wtr< ith it she did 1 w, and tie '--quire, thinking that there b ' ' uffii . I;nt grouii !- to detain liini, dis tfkyd him. Tim husbsod died on Satur-, day morning last, and on the Monday follow ing his wife was arrested. She is quite young, only seventeen years of age, and of prepossessing appearance, and does not look as it she was capable of com mitting so dire an 1 awful a crime as that j which she is charged with. What interest Johnson could have in instigating her, as she j says he did, to commit this awful crime, we cannot see; if his motives are purely selfish, ; then he is really worse than she, and should sutler the penalty of the law. Rut the de tails which wilt in time appear, will show which of the two is most to blame. — Lauras- ; .'er Inland Tiiites, June 11. Sr. I.oris, June 15.—Sir George Gore and suite returned here yesterday, after three years' absence on a hunting expedi tion to the head waters of the Missouri. He reports that the country was never in a worse condition respecting the Indians. The Santa Fe and Sioux tribes were committing atrocities against the whites, and since the removal ol the troops from Forts Randall and Look-out, the Indians in the neighborhood had assumed a hostile attitude. A party of United States troops had marched out against the Saulees. FACTS FOR GREENHORNS. Dear infatuated mortals! why do you oppose David W ilmot? Oh, says some sapheaded fellow, with just sense enott'di to swallow bread without chewing it, and chew water without swallowing it, because he is a Black Republican ! Ah, indeed, good simpleton, and what do von mean by a Black Republican? \\ hy a man who is 111 lavor ol the niggers. Hold on, soft pate—there is your mis take. Mr. \\ 1 1 mot is not in favor of nig gers, as you classically say, but such whiTe specimens as you, who have not brains enough to thrive in a city beset by puliti- ! eiatis. He wishes the territories to remain free, so that \ ou may go there with your "shovel and your hoe," or pick-axe and make a living out of your free labor.— W hat would such lellows as vou do in a slaveholding State? ou would not have senrs. \ou therefore oppose tid aba?.- D ivi ! \\ ilmot with a very bad grace. Married. <>n tlif ltiil, in-t., I,v .JuLn L u-ger. K-q., WILLIAM 11. M :MAXIGIL, of Brown towa -iii . and .'ii-- M SAN A. WARD, of Oliver : j\viishii>. Died. On the 29th M iy. near Arkin- >n's Mill-. ; FLIZARF'I 11, wif, i,i* J ,hn Atkinson, K-q., .1 the 49 1 y. ar of her age. In >nin y town.-iiip, Hunting.) -n count v. '• 1 11 -• -'"nut. after a severe but sti rt ill : in 'UN IlUO\ KK, formerly of this ■ • iinty, aged ab ait 50 years. ( '•'! f y. Nliy* 99J, in Muscatine, luwa, 1 all.-. JANK KIR i KS. fiirnicrly of this place, agi i ah' ut O.j y 1 a; -. 011 th- 12th in. st., at the Central II ilel, in Hanover. York couniy, of typh i ! fever Miss < IRACK I'ARKIN#" hoagbtcr ,f H.ra'rable Niyes Darling, of New Haven, t't. 'to tin- I.l'll hist., JOSKPII 11 . sou of (Jo-m. and Mary Cook, of Kittle \ alley, aged 0 years. Ihe 1 erc-aved mother may well "i mi went away so quickly, \ u never said 't juod-by ;' I lie'- r shall k.-s your cheek again Nor see your sparkling eye. i 1 u are in 11 .v. n, dear t, Ir seems so far away. Km oli, it's such a ' happy land,' There you will wish to stay. I wish that I could sec you Among the angels bright; I vvi a that 1 eou i hear you -mgiiig ' bath day and night:' " "Mother, Jesus loves me, j In his new, glorious home, But, mother, I know you love me too, And Jesus bids you come." -v v *m ■■■ m - ~ 11 ■ 11 ■■ ■ —l -1 in M E E. Grt At A. T. Hamilton, Hygieo Medical Physicians, OFFKR their professional aid to the citizens _ of Lew istown and vicinity. I fi-y treat di-i a-e on new and scientific prin ciple-, a!t .rding the best chances of cure in all inanner • t Acute and Chronic diseases ; dis- i 1a: ing !i ding medication. I'artir .1 r attention given to Dyspeptic arid 1 Rheumatic patients. Office three doors ca<-t of Hoffman's store. June 11,1507.-2tn ri'i.KTH KXTRACTKD hy Dr. J t.lK'l . without pain, by a taw /MHBL proce-is of benumbing the gums. ~G-J_l MT l.ood flood- and I.w Prices! McCoy & Ellis's (IF DAD STORK ! f PHK undeisigned, trading under the name and 1 firm ill McCoy &. KKKIS, resjiectfully in f.rrn tbeii fiicnds and the public generally that j they have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened in the house formerly occupied by J. & J. Milliken, on Market street, directly opposite Ot;o. jflymyer's store, a neat assortment of Seasonable Goods and Superior Groceries. to which they have added a good supply of gen tlemen's, ladies' and children's ifooM nutr aiiotss, suitable for the season. The market price IN 1 AMI will always be given for COUNTRY PRODI '<:K, and liberal advances made on Flour and Grain on store. PLASTER. SALT, FISH AMI STONE COAL always on hand. A quantity of Salt, suitable ' for Cattle, now on hand. F. McCOY, jell it. F. ELLIS. j V, " AKIiF'IELD'S hand Corn Planters, { f Luliaumi rounty liorsc power Ouii Mann r-, re reivefl and for sale by I'. C. I'RANfIISCI'S. \ \ ' .Mil, and Window I'apor. 200 dif- V fin 111 ;.-alierns, fur all l.istes .-iiu) prices. ap3ll p. I. FKANCMCI'S. 1 toRN Slll.liKKßS—hand and horse power, I Vy for sale by F. G. FItANCISCUS. | TO INVALIDS! UP,. H/.P.PIC/ATj I)HV>M IA.N lur diseases of Hie I.ungs, 't'hroat and 1 Heart—formerly Physician 10 Cincinnati Marine Hos pital and Inlands Itelreal—( orr* spending Member of the London Medical Society of Oh-ervation—Author of " Letters to Invalids," &c , IS COMING. JI L] R APPTJTXTMEX TS. Dr. Hardman, Physician lor Diseases of the Lungs, j Form tig Physician to the Cincinnati Marine Hospital, MAY BE CONSULTED AT Kevv istovvn, National Hotel, Thursday, July 2 Mitllin, Patterson House, Friday, " 3 Huntingdon, Jackson's Hotel " 1 Altoona, Logan House, June 29 Hollidaysburg, Exchange Hotel, " 30 Johnstown, Cambria House, " 07 Indiana, Indiana House, " g(j (rrcensburg, Westmoreland House, " 25 Pittsburgh, St. Charles Hotel, June 24 &. 19 Hit II A RDM an tre :,t- Consumption, lire ,11 hit Laryng i l ' s - Asthma, and all diseases of the Throat bv MLUICA TKI) INK VI. \TH\ .in sr. .it point in the treatment of all huiiian mafulie is to pel u the di.-ea ein a direct manner. All medicines are estimated l,y their action upon the relict This is ihe iminirlant fact upon v, huh luhalatiou lis b is.rd Ii Hie stomach is diseased, vve lake medicine ! ; directly int.. 1 the stomach If the lungs are diseased i hruathe or inhale medicated vapms directly into Ihein.— ! I The reason why C pi ion and di-. as. ~ of the !.an: s j have heretofore resiMe.l ah treatment, has been because i 1 fey were 11 >t approached in a direct manner by medicine. ' They were intended to he local, and v : the-, Lvere so ad ' miiii-tered that tln-y could only act constiiutnuially, ex pending th.-ir immediate action upon ih-- slomai li, whilst . I the foul ulcers within the Lungs were unmolested. In halation brings the medicine into direct contact with Ihe ! doei.e. without tiie disadvantage of any violent action, lis application is so simple that it may be employed by i t!i younge.-t infant or feeblest invalid. It does not d - range Ihe stomach, or interfere 111 the least with the ; ,-ireiigth, comfort or business of the patient. dr.No charge for consultation. OTHER 11!si:.1sES TUE ITEH. In re! tlion to the following diseases, either wln-n com- j (dilated with Long Atfei tic.ns, or existing alone, I also j I invite consultation—usually finding Iliem i'KOMI'TLV i ! CURABLE: I'KoL M'.SL'S and all forms of FEMALE COMJ'L.VI\TH, : Irregularities ami Weakm-ss. I'AI.riTATION and oilier forms of HEART DIS EASE, l.iv.-r Coiuplaiiit, ll\ -pep-ia, and all other Dis eases of StoiiiT h and Bowels, Piles, Ac & #> All ill-ease- ol tin- Eye and Ear; Neuralgia, E,.iVp i sy, and all forms of .Nervous Disease '.-N,, charge for consul tat ion J-i D S D. HARDMAN, M. D. THE GREATEST M E DIG A li DISCO V E !(Y OF Till; AOK. DR. KENNEDY, ol Roxbuiy , bus disuovcri'd in otic of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures li t*j 2ihs cure a niirs.iig Sore < Mouth. 4 lae to t!irc. tioll 1 -c. F: crl : !ic worst k:i !of I'imples on the Face. I w.i to iiu- . u ;■.• . } it 1 ■. _. I'.Vii hot'.l.- ar vv irr Ititi dto • i;r. the u .r.-t t ..til r in Ihe Mo.all Sto a. h I hr> eto li. •I. ft;. - arc arrant< '. •• art ih cv. rst 1 -e of Er j s j>t Ins II .. to tiv.j ties are w .rr.iitlcd to cure :!llamor in th • e\. s. Two bottles are warranted to cure Uitnning of the Err.- ami If hi-s mo. g th- II i:r Four to mx • itlhs at. u arranled t > . ir- m rnij ! and r mi log I Icr.-rs D I)OU!F u I'.l Fir J j l rt th*-* -Miiri. 1 wci in yvarr.intnl t) < ur. ilit; C "I 11. Two to boU.p* f w TRR uit .! ♦ ~N* TH#* IMOST d' -p* rate c .t-*: f Kli uu.:iii-in TIIP-C 10 four • :IR : rr !to i: re the Sal: h h**ii in Five I*l ighih u! * will cure the ivort ca of gcrui is la Al nefft ia aivv • IH I'd Ir ■ tin; I: -1 1. . i; J . . and a perfect pure is warranted \v!i*ti Use ah.ve qnt!.;i- I ty is 1 ken Re tder, I peddled over 1 l!i usafof Imith> of ihg in the • vicinity of !S<>-ton. \ Kn*v\ tin- t t .i a m very case, i >.• A*siir- a w.ittr will . xtiiiguisli ii* si, -un- w ill ip s ' cure humor I riev. r a !oitle of it hut fliat ao'! .in other; after a trial i! always >pak- for itself, ihure ! are two taints about this herb that a 4 q;. ar-* to me mr* prismp ; first tli it ii - i.i our p-mtures, in soti . pla- I es quite ptnittful, ii*l >*t ite v iiu** has iiev. r been known until! u i> --v.-ici it u I - iv— si*toi.l, th it i- I* ui*t care a!! kinds <•( humor. In to give some idea of the sudden ris* and jrrent popultrit'. ofth* discovery, I will st.tf.- that in April. !b33. I jwddled il and sold about MX h*it(les \**'i dIN i.i April 1P54. I sold over one thousand buttles per d=iv of it s one <>! the wholesale Druggists who have beei in busnies* twenty and thirty y ears, say That nothing' i the 11111.1 is tri. tlv for fiumors —but since us lntrodurtion as i "erier il fantilv inedieme, I*real ind fid*n'ui virtue.- ii iv>*beei t >uud in it that I never stiMpiM ted. Several i ises t* ' pileplb fats—. disease which was always con - ide r*d incurable, have b* n < ur< dby i few bottles, t, what a mere > i! tt w ill (trove 'tle( tnal in all ; < *•! lit it aw t'ul malady there are few whohavi | nqi more of it th an I have I .now of s veral eases of Drops y f all ( f tliernaged , p ■ qile, cured b, ;t I-or the various the I.iv er, So k Ifeadai he, Dv spep- ja, Asfhii:i t ["• ver and Atfiie, Fain in the Side, Diseas -of u.>.DL,aiui partn ularly j in dis**-is* -of:h* II idney ... .tli' disovry has done I more cod than any ineft( iite ever know n No change of diet ever lie i>sarv—eat the best you : c* t and plenty ITTSIM RGH (.'liairts of every tlc- I scripliin, l-'jrtu Bslls, liar mil <"r,.s* lui SJWI l30 ! c FRANCIBCUS. 23GK837 a 3* FISH CIIII ill PKOVISIOX HffllEfflSlASKl'Bis No, 39 & 40 North Wharves. j Half-way between Arcb and Race sts., PHILADELPHIA, March 12, 1657.-ly i HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE, I'WIS HAIR DYE needs only atrial to sut -1 isfy all of its perfection as' a Dye, and the following testimonial from that eminent Ana lytical Chemist, Professor Booth, of the U. S. Mint, will only confirm what thousands have previously borne testimony to. LABORATORY FOR PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, ) St. Stephen's Place, j Philadelphia, February 17th, 1657. '■ lleing well acquainted with the substances composing Hover's Lie/aid Hair l)yr, I am -atis ficd that by following the simple directions giv en lor its use, it will not injure Hair or Skin, but will give a natural and durable color to the Hair. .IAS. C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist. HOVER'S WRITIXG IXkS, including (•< /" > Fluid and Hovers Indelible Inks, are too well known and introduced to require any additional testimony of their characi r. The sales have been increasing since their tir-t introduction, giving evidence that the articles truly possess that intriri-ic merit claimed at first for them by the manufacturer. Orders, addressed to the manufactory, No. lib Race street above Fourth, (old No." 141,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention bv , JO.SI.PH L. I!OY Lit, Manufacturer. Philadelphia, April IG, 1657-y NEW GOODS! JOHN HAMILTON & CO. H AVE just returned from the city with a large arid seasonable assortment of SPRIXII Si SI MHIiIiOIR which they will sell at very small profits. I heir stock of C.H.ICOES is the most splen did in town. Also, Lawns. Delaines, Brilliants. tIIAELIES. SILKS, and Any quantity of Bonnets. Ladies* lld-c. foliar-, (.loves. A. Dress Trimmings. HOOTS A\H SSBOKS, and a good assortment of Queensware and. Groceries, I hey have also on hand a good -lock of CAiU'ibTS. ill of which they will sell at low rates and warrant them to he o! (he qualities represented. Long experience in btt-inc-- has enabled u to -el< < t the right stripe of Goods, and fairness i in dealing is an evident e that the people will be -a fe in making their purchases in our -tore, at I the old stand, nearly opposite Blytnver's. JOHN HAMILTON A CO. .May 7, 185.. LUMBER.. I I 1 landed, a load ot Susquehanna Lutn her, which will be disposed of at low rates: IIKM LOCK HAILS. I, 11, ! '. and 2 inch PLANK. Worked FLOORING. PI. AN Id I > SIDING. BOX BOARDS. LATH. INCH BOARDS, in variety. &~>j") aril on vacant lot near corner of Way no and Third street-. ajt.'JU SA.MIKL Co. M FORT. mm\\\m COIL. A BOA 1 LOAD just received and for sale K. by SAAII'LL COMPORT. TO BI ILDERS A\D iiIIPEYTCItS. L XJ M: 13 Hi IT ! Wm. B. Hotlinan &. Co. VT their Lumber Yard on East Third street, Lewi-town, near the ITesbytei i.,n ("hurch, *. have received, anil are now receiving, in addi- 1 tion to their large st >ck of well-seasoned Lum- ; be r— -20,000 It panel Boards & Plank, from to 2 in. 10,000 ft tii -1 common Boards 5ii,000 It second common Boards 20,000 ft I. inch Boards 15,000 ft Sidings 2,000 light- of Sash, various sizes, 70,000 Plastering Lath, all sizes. Plain Siding and ready worked Flooring, Hemlock Joists Scantling, 3x4, 4x5, IxG, 6xo. Lap and Joint Shingles and Shingle Lath al ways on hand. iC?"-" Doors, Shutters, Blinds, and Sash made to order. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. may2l To Jhiildcrs and Coat factors. LUMBER! LUMBER! HERE IS THE PI.AiE FOR (HEAP (.(TIBER! JUST RECEIVED, 111 i if if i IT.K I 1.1 Yellow Pine Work- \ I A f," MrA f oJ F i, jonil;r 5,000 feet 1 Yellow Pine Worked Flooring, 10,000 " 1 White " " Boards, 47,001) " 1 ' " " " 70,000 " 3. 3£, 4, 4t best Susquehanna Plus- j tering Lath, 20,000 feet Roofing Lath, 12,000 " Common Plank, 10,000 " 2 in. Panel, 1,000 Lights Sash. Any quantity of Doors, j Shutters, Blinds, Ac., which we will sell from ! 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than any other j dealers in the country. Hemlock, White Pine Joist, Studding, Ac., al ways on hand. I respectfully invite all persons wanting any kind of Lumber to call and examine our .stock j and prices. All orders for Frame Stuff for Houses, Brid ges, Barns, Ac., v ill he tilled with promptness. au'ZH I'. (.. I'll AN CISC Lit?. X^TJTVXX^&S -IYURNIIAM'S patent double ailing LIFT; |T AND FORCE PUMPS, for general use,' suitable for mills, factories, railroad stations, : Ac. They are also efficient f ire Engines. By attaching hose to them y ou can force water over any house. Their simplicity gives them advan tages over all other I'ump?. for sale at the Tin and Stove Store cl ap3o-6m J. B. SELHEIMER. 1A MI'S !—-Glass and Hritluunia Fluid j J I.amp.-, Oil Lamp- fo llroadtcaij, NEW YORK. " Costar's" Rat Exterminator. AN infallible itestrovcr of It ATS, MICE, ANTS -A. GROUND MICE, MuI.ES, &.•&<•.&.(; (Not dsn' m-ruus to Hi.; I lonian I'.i uiily ) Kan- do not die in llieir holes. hot come out ami die. Pot up in 20c, 35.-, 65c, SI, S3, and *5 Boxes. "COS'J'.lle'y' m.IJ BUG F.XI I.ItMIWMR. Never known lo It il—and used every day by thousands in New \ ork ami el-eu here. Put up 111 25c. 511. , 75c, SI, SI 5(1, $2 50, A SI 30 Bottles. u COST.iii'S" h i.ltd IIIC PUUhKJi. Fur ilm deetrur.i ion of Motus, Mi sy. rrotis, FLIES, : I LEA-. I'I.WT I.Nsr.cng, VLILVIN OX Fnuu & ANIMALS. Put up in 25c and 50c Boxes. | Sold Wholesale ami Retail at "COSTAR'S fit?NCI j PAL DEPOT, 3-- Broadway, New Y.uk, and hv the ■i ' hit Ipal Drue- its .lid De ih . I a:.,■ ; 1 , hi i[t I liii' d slat.*-, the (. a aadas, West Indus, California atid fiiiilli America. B>Oidt rs must -/irui. he accompanisd by the cash. #>N" goods si ni on ton.mission. ,-iiinll - 1, ui pi < Pucka jis p I nji at ihe low est whole sale prices |. r first orders m new places, with Cards, Show Bills, Pos:ers, Jtr. &.c. : >Packages expressly pot up for .-hips, Steamboats, 1 H 1'.1.-j I'uhlit lri Titniiond, Sc* . j &>FuII particulars lo Dealers— eeatea at pri { j ' i-~. A.c.,&.c., will he promptly ua 1 led on application, i Address "CO-TAB," N . 3ft Broadway, \. Y. by f . A. HARDT A CO., Lewis- 1 town, Pa. New York, March 20, ]-57.-.'iiii IT IS NOT A DYE. ! PRESIDENT J II EATON, t. I D. Union University. Jilurfreeshuro, Tenve-'tee. Say.-: u No! vvilhsljindiiig the ircrjru/.ir us' 1 cf Mrs. S ! \ Allen'g World's Hair llestorer, &.c., the falling af of | huir react d, iait tun grtr lurks acre rtalortil tu tuitroriui . nat color '' ltev M Til ACIIEtt, (fiO years ol' ate,) Pitcher, Cbe- I nan-i. Co., N \ *• My hair i- now restored to as iuii.- j ral color, and cet.s.-s to fall niT. * Rev. B P. STONE, D D , Concord. N If. M to r,' u hi. h wa- .-rev. is now ri .-tor.d to it.- natural color. *' Rev D i I.E NDE M.N, Clio i an, ill "|, u add my ; testimony, and ri < • inim nd it to my fu-rids " } Rev. D. I . WOOD, Mni iet, •• >,." N \ "My own hair j li is gr< Ally thick' tied, also that t f one of my famiiy who I was b. coming bald," I \\ '• might swell this list, hi; if not convinced, Tit Y IT. ,57/rS v -7. .1/./.1..Y S y. 1 HiH.ILS.-iMt ,V t Or World"- I! :r Dr sinj. i-> —.-miai tou-e u ithtbe Re ! stor- r, and i- the best II r Drc-s-u for old or young*' x i i in', being often eflkn i >us fn a sr.- of hair falling, Jgc., ! w ilhout the Restorer. l.rey haired. Bald, • r (lersoi.s afflined w iih di.;. tses oi j I lie hi ir or sralp, read ihe aho? e and judge of ; x ./. .d/./.H.Y'S li oHLh'S 1/ illl HPS / illtFK j it dent out set/ or srj. Sold by all the principal whole- - i -i l ' d t.-i nl ii" r. hauls in ihe I - . Culm or Canada. DEPOT 355 CItOOHE STREET, Aork. -'■ane d. iters irj lo - a articles mslead of this, on uhi Ii tlie> in ike more profit. Write to Itepot for circu- . j iar and ii.loiiiialion. u ar26-3ni C| No Pen nor Ink Used, j •)I \ . , ... vIVI . I ED, No TSACHBR R£o IftEl .1 MAcljsumjjcs r. rr.Yi SELF-IJYSTRTOTIJCG j I*HOCKss /.\ t-ii .< for-S - Addfe?s I.KI.AND I Broadway, York. itfe2£-3m NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE '2 i l i 1S fin .l Journal of (iriiite and Crim * ic d-is in lis 1"W. ;.|| "tear,..ml is w.dely circulated ilu.inch.nit the counlry. It contains all the Great Trials, Criminal i .ua-s ind appropriate Editorials on the sauie, together with Inform ill.lll on Crimii.il MaDcr# :iot to he ; 1 found in any other newspaper. gVcuhscripition*. #2per Aaaum; si for Six Moatbs, to he reiniited by ."uhsi riheis. (w ho should w file their j names ami Ihe luw n, county and -tate where they reside i plainly,) i. II A si;\ viol li. Editor A. Proprietor of Ihe National Police Gazette, *p3o New York City ; 25 Witnesses; if OR, 3THE FORGER CONVICTED. g JH\ S. DYE IS THE .41 TKOK, \\ iiu has had ten years exptt ience as a Banker and Puhli-lier, and Author of CD when, f.r Id successive nights, over "2, 50,000 IVople^^j (i i eeti .1 him with rounds of a; plause, while he exhibited the manner in winch Coutiter- i —, leili i s execute their Fund-, and the Surest q and Shorte-t Mean? of I Meeting them ' > Greatest Judge of Paptr .Homy living. S THE GREATEST DISCOVER) OF THE PR ESE.X'T ( EXT I R Y FOR Counterfeit Notes. o Describing Every Genuine Bill in Exist- j ettcc, and exhibiting at a glance every Coun- ; c- terfc it in Cireulatimi! Ai l angeil so adnii- , Orablv that REFEREXCE IS S'.ISV and L UETECTIOX IXST.IXT.IXEOLS, £ No index to examine! No pages to hunt up! j £3 But so simplified and arranged ihat the Merchant, Banker and Business Man rati see < all ut a glance. Knglish, French auJ German. Thus Each may Read the same in his own ■ .N'u/ire Tongue. • Most Perfect Bank Yote List Published. Also, a List of <3rj. All liie Private Bankers in America. W AC Complete Summary of the FIXAXCE OF i Et HOPE AND AMERICA will be published in each edition, together with all the Important ; pj NEWS oi r HE DAY. Also, M ./ SERIES OF T.ILES P_, From an old nianu-ci ipt found in the East. - it furnishes the most complete history of (Xi OBIEVr.AL LIFE and describing the most perplexing positions hJ hi V' htch the ladies and gentlemen of lliat ; H-| country have been so often found. These ; O stories will continue throughout the whole j V—( year, and will prove the most entertaining j ever offered to the public. W Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at i £•"*! Si a year. All letters must be addressed to c=> " JOHN S. |)YE, Broker, p--. Publisher and Proprietor, ap23 7U \Yall st., New York* Estate of Robert JlrHanigil, deceased. VTOTIOK is hereby given that letters of atl ministration on iln- estate oi ROBERT Mc.M A.N IGIL, late ol Yruiagh township, Mif- j tlin county, deceased, hu\e been granted to the | undersigned, the first named residing in the ; borough of Lewistown, and ihe latter in Ai maglt township, in said county. All persons indebted to said estate aie requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to ! present them duly authenticated for settlement. I S. S. WOODS, ) , . , YVM. A. McMANIGiL, ) Adm rs * i May 28, 1657. fit Vl-AKGE and splumliti assortment ol . Gun B ttrels, Chain*, Slc. FR A NCISCI'S. j JRON ! —A new lot of l ire, Square & _ Round lion, Valeuliae*. beat FRANCIiSCEsi. j i MANNY'S COMBINED Mowing and Reaping Machine, TIIE BEST F-EAPEF, & I£C7fEP* IN USE. HARRiYTEI) I\ EVERY RESPEfT. ; ©SJSE TAKE ONE AND TRY IT. Ask those who have used them: It. . Menus, Esq., JUS. Ear her, Esq., I'. 'Smith, Esq.,J. I). JSageny, Esq. >Eul a host of others. Received i,diploma f..r best combined machine, at the III" Spring Literary Institute, N'ewville, Pa., August i 15, Received premium at York, York co., October 0, 6,7, . for coinbtiutil machine. Received premium at Huntingdon, for best combined machine, October 6, 9 and If), lfcyo. Received premium at Carlisle for best Mower, October j T, b and 0. ibi.fi. Received piemium ;.t Bellefoute fur best Mower, fit to her 7, b ami 9, 13if. Received ,i v::i im-dal at Pilt.-ku.-gh, [,t 1M), Oct. 1,2, 3, for best < oni'iim d machin-. Atxi al.-o received diplo. i mas and preniiiiius for best combim d macliine at man-, other places too I.UIIK roue to mention. It will be observed lire foregoing testimonials and i.r ports bavi l.een made during or since the harvest of 1-5G, Uo.I at. in aihlition to those In n ' fort pu' iisbed ; also to ; a great mass of voluntary testimonials on hand, whit h have accumulated within the ia-t two months. These testimonials point out plainly the points in which this machine e.vct ls all others, viz : its e.-y > .*u vet t itulity ft*' ana Mower to a Reaper, and en', toes,/ ; i s construction tor adaptation to uneven sur faces ; tin e -* - with which it can lie raised or lowered, for cutting from two inches to eighteen im hes from tin ground, w on ii is done i.> means of a lever controlled by the driver while in Ins teal; its ease of nr..ft, portability ! and cleanness, and ease of cut. Many of these features are patent/d and caiunu he embodied in any olio r ma t chine, and ./It w ill admit how r-senr:al and iiidispei/Sable i they are to a complete cotuhiued mar bine. With each ma/ tune win he furnished two scythes,two extra guards, 2 extra sections, 1 extra pinion it wrem h i have made an exte, >iv- sale of machines for the pres ent harvest, and g.xen my personal attention to their op eration in all parts of tl State during im w hole harvest time, and their snrct sh is been unbou/i/led and complete. In ooler that tlmre will he no disappointment about in " trns, | will -hip by railroad tins winter full supplies to each Agent, lln-reliv saving overcharged expre--ape, as is Hie case in waiting until harvest tin e before sending tii :m. The machine is warranted capable of cutting from ten to fifteen acres of grass or gram per day. It stout. To the J arm* /? <1 Centre county the undersigned Judges, appointed us above, rnjantj'ulhj report: I hat the Ml t or 101 l 1, m ue. bine ol i Sag pi r f./r toed ill grass iei\—of]*- air grain only . Ail tin- Ollfer machines per formed both in grass ai d grain. One i ri.l of the field was a heavy crop of timothy and < boer; the other end w is a ln-avy crop of i : Vi r, most of wltirlt had fallen to tin* -until i .st leu Ii in jil: i i.e made three rounds. Tie* Mi (' riuii k in ii bine, airended by the driver and a man to dear the machine, perlurineil well and made good work on tin- i . rtii-we-i and east, but made long stu' 100 i and clogged iM tasionally on that part of the south side covered with dov.r only, cutting iu tire same direction in which the clover had fallen. . ihe Manny machine with Wood's Improvement, atteu eltei I the drive r dune, made good work oil I lie three sides i a a I ("tor work on the south side than any machine on ' the ground, and did not cieerr. The llussey m .chi/ie, alien/led by a driver and a raker, ,ii ! mow log well. The Kam machine, in a great measure, failed; the com ruilti . Hunk principally from w ant of a sufficient tin tioti in tin* sickle. To prevent delay the M/ Corini/.i. mai liine of l"sj ha/1 been fitted tip for reaping in lite w heat field, to w huh the -ft in-r machiiti -. on being < liar girl to Reapers, were iin inediately transferred. The Mct'ormn k Reaper lo re ; again led off The committee, w ere much pleased w ilh : the operation of the machine, s a hevper. ' 'i he Manny machine, with Wo d's iu/proveineut, |#er foru/' d Well. i> .*/, vt 11, both lit /chlin s removing tlie sheaf suffi. a ntly to the right to allow the horses to pass with out us Iming removed The llussey did good work, but left lire sheaf upon lim track. rv/juiriug it.- rciuuxul prior to the entry of the ne.vi machine. The Kant machine again failed, probable ow it a to tin great haste in w Inch it was put tog/ iimr, it having been tin- last machine brought upon the ground. The committee tike pleasure in announcing the Mi • Cormick Improved Machine the best Reaper; the Manny m .chine, with Woofs Improvement the best .Metrcr; the Manny machine, with Wood's improvement, the lees' Combined .M.r hi ue tier Motrin" eed rtaping.suA thercfon i h.-st adapted t<>r the use of the furiuing rnmniuiiily gen erally ; and the Hiiss. y mm bine a useful implement, i run as Mower ami Reaper, yet iu their judgment, t xrelleil both by tlie Manny and Mi Cnrmixk tiiacbincs T e committee lake this opportunity to express their gratification at the very large attendance of the fanning community, and ;>l the deep interest man if, sted by theu; in the exhibition. All of which is no si respectfully submitted. James Ge>rdt>u, John T. Thompson, j li . -I. Itavidsou, Judges. . 1 o • J.lilleS (.ile.iell, I I'm. liaiid, | The undersigned. Agent for this county, is now receiving orders. Farmers wanting the best Mower and Reaper in use will please send in their orders early, so that there may be disappointment as was the case last season, I'rice §l4O. ma2l F. G. FRAXCISCUS. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! Secrets for the Million! -1 Most Wonderful and Valuable Publication. A WOKK OF -iOO I'AGBS, AND 30 t'UI.ORED E.' UAKX INUS Dr. Hunter's Vade Mecum; VN original and nopal ,r treatise on Man and Woman — tie ir Physiology, Functions, and Sexual U.rorders of every kind, xvuli Never Kaili.no He.mluils for their speedy cure. Price if) cents. I)r. Hunter is a graduate of one of the first inedii.it seh.i./ts 111 the I S , and lias ilevoti d a ,111:11 ter of a ceo ; tury to the study and treatment of Syphilis and kindred i disorders. The practice of Dr. Hunter has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at tlie earnest solicitation of numero a persons, he bus been induced to extend his profrs: ionat" iisi liilries- through the medium of i.is ' VADI7 MF.( I'M • It - a volume I'iu.t sitould he in the hands of every fain ily in the land, as a preventive of secret vi. es, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most an ful and destructive scourges ever visited upon mankind. , The au'hor argues most strongly ag litis' , veiy speriea ; of self defilement, and warns parents :i' guardians in j searching tein.s to guard lite . i.nag of both sexes from I ill.* terrible consequences of Un*tr ignorance of t hysiolo ' ghat laws ami s xual in.pinnies and irregularities. To ; those wlio have been already ensnared to tMe 'paths that I take hold mi ili atti," a clear and i xpln it way is sbexvnbv i xx Inch they may aecure a return of sound health and a ; regeneration of tlie soul from its terrible pollution. It is well known that thousands of victims are annual ! ly -arrifii ed at the shrine of x^uackery—(specially those suffering from Venereal or Sy jilulitic diseases—Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Nervous Di bility and the nnuierous maladies which spiing directly from the indulgence of cai rial passions am) secret violations of Nature When it .3 ulso considered thai about 100.000 persons die annually in lite I iiilt d Stales of Consumption—a large majority being tlie victims of the voluptuous indiscretion of tlie ir. progenitors —the author, imbued xv nil sen' imepls "f i tilarged philanthropy, wiil scarcely he r nsnr ii for any c.fori to restrain the x . es of the age, by the humble I ilist iumei tali x;i ins lade I. .cum. line copy, securely , rvclopcil, >x lit he forwarded free j of postage to any pail of tUx i nited States for on. in P. | St; ai -, or .1 > , ii- for vi. Address, postpaid, Dr Hi.N'l 1 NV. 3 I'.x isiou S.iei't \'\i \i. '• f 11.x* . . of ! x.fns l>r. Hunters,- no connection with j any otliec Dr. Hunter. rnaVS f ANN US Mower ami Reaper, best a combined inacliiiie : use, for sale Uv K. 6. FIANCHCW. I\< x KEGS of CTimberlaiiu Nails just f)' f received. • Fix A NCISCI'S. T>LACKS M ITU'S Anvils, Vice*, Bel j JL> low Sy \\ dgoh uoXca, X*. E L. M'IiCTS