Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 04, 1857, Image 2

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    sar iaprareaeai a Jirecdy taaifeahie
wisfe ine Mam Lia* si is iss B't!>
E&>rt: sad Oko ros-J. Wi'Ji fee local bu
sings® ai 55 ! i? Mi 1 Ijn*. 'he
▼ae; railroad mar. io >ooe f x-ent, hare
laterfcred. Bi when yoe c *"oe to bis
asce the accosat of wrta: r. nas taxes trt-aa
the Siiie work*, aed * sat it La to
them and &?£/ for the®, ihe oterwfeei t f
portion of the lodebsxCaes* *C m :r>>ra "he
now valuable portion of the State iopror;
deals to ibe Pesas; Lani* r> j. Fist®
:r a c.tser eoociosioa lat a trse - ~e, cot-
Wsthstad!af every ar. e ir. teres *. ha* ar
rayed i -Hf 3£i :s: lifeis
siractiOfi has save- t • the Stte the tabe
c; '.he Co-smbta r s Is preser
ved to the Comtaon* •*i .-. o e .-.:.k in the
Mi.n Line of :se p.. T Why
the TRADE of - 5 r*. -J *V a tor ~je tax*
frronir u pn" tipU as that ux and
caL*uliiei 10 fetter an-, manacle our eoas
meres J t iierprise. how jlazrmi -jtcatzt*
that wrot.x, w aea, .r.-.-3 Jo: . j uring "'.e
Mi.a L "e, 'J :: was '.:jc|ht it won Id do
wr.en trie charter * _* granted, it hes been
eiearlr shows that .-s toafinsttioa tiop.e
sueJ Use Co.urobta ra.iroaA Jroca becom
ing 2 rek-J of mere XAL trade ani tr-the.
Tte principle which originated toe ux i*
■* =c.Oits aca unsound Fne ground tf ne
ce*si:v or expediency upon which it *ti
i.upjsed has wholly disappeared. Wby
•hen s soa'd the tux not be taken ojf? In
z.. jus-ice *■ ;ou*d be remoied.
The quesuou th-n ag* n recurs. what
docs use 1 j.r ac-. a m;.. jnsot tte>;2rs.
ah ,re die value of the Columbia railroad,
w c;. -.niter tb;s b.; is the or jr vaisah.e
poru>a of the Ma;;, Line, represent Not
v JiU C *x> X iVt ill 2• i* •' * 3 .- - 1"
p.e and uroust in pracace. We na-.eaow
reached the point w aere that excess over
the intrinsic and actoA ttioe of the Main
Line beg wis to re present *">®e Unrig ten si
biz —g read. By t'.e profoioM
• i ;h.r b.I: ? e - re.ra-.-i fr.-s ier Suie
i:i. r.ot her roc, y, 'jorocg' .jttown
ship -ax. IL.-w s -.e released! How
ex /Derated! H-w granted 2 fresh ei'n
oriiaarj dangerc-os unsnutday, as st
Wi. m egeo? By ae ptvaen: r,t tr.e
Tr- jary, a:. y. sr iri-J. o, ♦•'i'ia,-
(H>o. T jbu the payment of toe prinoptl
of thai s<.. four ami a bsif mJiiocs oi
- -s. I* this an ex or,-ration! 1? tnis
2-- -sse! Let as at the hsures, and
t . y are apen to . e most rigid crat?ny.
'- 1 ' ..st are tr.e Stat- axes of at:is road!—
T' a*tet do they 5 mot it at a ttne w:>ea
the State her isjortu militant?
saate ux go - per ?ra;. cjixiewd
os * 2 >t£ >♦. stoci. >f'>.or4 Oh
S"it tax oc 6 per cert, nertriec
a-.:i "o: 23 51*3 CC
St,at aad cototj taxes ate r the
.at ex: re a? f.a.liipaja,
State aal ec *-.tj iaxes iaP
?ij, " 15.tr© OS
Jife >43
Ninety nine thousand ar.J forty-three tiijl
ter; and tweatv-six cents is aer aggregate
tax. county, borough and Sate. We pa*
by the fact that under iae proTicioo* of
this bhi, sue is sua the ot city,
county at*d towns, ~p rates a:, j jtnes. We
to make the case is strotg as possi
ble. She there'ore pays two hundred ami
twenty-fise ihcosan-i do.lars per annßai.
and iq lsdO she prop-ttees to pav the pnn
c;p_. of iLis — f ju - millions and a ha>f of
dollars, is tins a reie.se! Sue agrees 10
pay this pjtz —j.ot for the Ta,ue of the
public improvements; not alone to be re
leased from taxation—but to get VOB to
take the hampers off her trade: 'ounsnvt k
ie her business, and ,et her fight 2 haide
w;h her New \or<t and Maf. land rivai*
upon an equality. To Hgi-i a battle, the
farombie issue of which rn;st redound to
the prosperity of that great State, with
w '.ose § j*i and ma enal pros; eritv, all her
.merest* are so close;v idenufied. The
priac.pse of rtieas.ng from taxation where
an iuiroe. se consideration is offered, is a
new oae. It may be open to objections.
Do;,b;:fcss it is. But where a party comes
forward, ami voluntarily agrees to pay
more than double the amount of the tax
annually lor thirty years, and at the ex
piration of that lime double the p+iacipai.
and that too right 10 the lace of a prospec
tive reduction 01 OBe-tf.irti of the present
enormous debt, vie see no verv vahd objec
tion to it. L couies upon us stronger, t>x>,
uhea we io ,k at tie f*.c: that we are get
ting a Urge pnee for an that
is every ye-ar cosiiog us on roe use sums—
that ne.er has arid will nett to ti*e
treasury one dotiar. It comes with over
wheLiiiiig force wiien we look straight in
the t .ce, t.'.e tact that under all pobticai
parties, under every firm of roanagenoeßt,
its bold, rank and startling corrupuon, has
thrown in-o Lhe shade aii ordinary pecula
tion and fraud, it is large! v to the pecu
ruary advanrage of the St-ie ?o seii it, if
she can do so under sr*i a bi-.i. It is of sttH
far more impor:r:?e to he morals of her
people, that tf;is deadly bbght be removed.
Lr f t'f; j broisu-nj Cite —A party of
* ?'rc ters &*, ad French, named F. tViile
raia, Miss AdoipLioe Wiiisoio, Miss Ceiia
immoerT. M:s- Marianne Kustx, Gcstavai
Gig'.a, X trier M inf?. Frederick Lottmxo,
Cbar.es O- A;:rf--i F-rrencr:,. David Oail
lott, aoi Joseph Cmyn. left PhiladeipLia in
the eaii boat Rambler, n Friday last, to take
a pleasure exenrv; n d-wn rhe rir- r t 0
Bank When they had arrived opposite How
ell's Cove, their frail barque was struck by a
beary equail of wind, whicb inamediatelv
capped it, and before aaistxoctt c&uil be
rendered, three of their number had perished.
Their naa.es were F. Wiliecain, aged thirty
eight; A-iilpbine. his daughter, aged seven
teen, and Miss Ceii3 Humbert also about sev
enteen years of age.
L'eaih 0/ Senators Butler and Bed. —The
d-atbs of H.iii. Andrew P. Bauer, Lnited
States Senator frem Sv>uth Carolina, and of
Hon. James Bell. United States Senator from
New Hampshire, were simultaneously an
nounced by teiegraph last week.
Thursday, June 4. 1857.
American Reftablican Ticket.
I/AVID WILMOT, ei Bradf-rd e-asty.
Z C • v XL CCXX-telOWf ir
I- K i <tl svwsmti
J €EPH J. LEWIS, of Cbesor ctmotj.
JAMES YEEOH, of Fayetee cowety.
lalica cf sc* Wfrti*sU.
Dr. liar :-s*n. a physician ef s me cote
can be c asoiteJ a; tie liaues
and pLaces m ntk --fin Lis mirertuemeni.
The rAIr.vI trailßf ire n.'W r. -n
seminar time.
D.Bxs-i Kenne-ly, .e ppjpriefc-f and man
.faelurrr of an excellent meiiCSD?, renews
his Ts lies f r Its sale here.
The ners..n*2 prepevsy of Br.-okiacd fur
nace is advertised f r -ade on the I'Jth Juno.
•xvCz<l —f jl tie- mr Awwi *- - -
I*. • ( - -•-.-> w ,xt. tat - grv 1
• 7 ••.; • tf* i ; tn:-e <• it Ar.r.:*.: i.:, . . -
I, u
- it rsi in j .
Is n-*r le W<e - *e v-^M**- im: tviw treS
—j*Cir+ew fnv is:" v * . T • i. .. . .
Us.e VKU . . . *-J t-t .
- "i its . e . : g ". art w.'ai..: tot is.-tej,.
■nzotr • w.s.- i - ei*r i la e.-.-aa
- - t*; : :V; t -. be ■*.t:
-j. — •: t e " j-_.it xsy-.'. -i
t-.e £ 1 T - s-r - ■, . * t
t--. : s-.t !•** — : iO/Stt-,-aoc.* r - it .t
cnh; f. -jes wsc£> -11 - .-.*• r--s..' * •. ia: •:: siy
trt u. -a art** a—a. ; z '< -..k.0•
te *tso*w!Jßrf : W .-.oe. we w." a*t ;wqpmtiw- <er
;e- t.e t.:.? yt-.- r - .< i :<r
W . . te- WEteT Wsli it - £ SeW , i>*
*—et -iotrwi.
We Ti* the Acn?n the full bereft of its
resro-rk* re s. t-n: tl'.ere :trey ? - *s
nr, iersttn !-g r, by :-or re*. i;r§.—
Between W;Iot and Packer the e-ii: r f s'r
tar* wticds wi. -, tho- rk-*rj esoo'.-..it.g
that it r;,.i as s n - . Mr. Packer, wL;
W..TO than cacc LLd j-in.coced Aicer.-
cari-m as v".-wt scum of p ..ItAA .orl t
ry, tie tti G -vsn. .r ts Mr. V* £, - wwo ac
knowledges (Li; ear natara. xatioa iiws and
T : ~e •- s*:' t p-.t;o-r *z d". - r. Mi i--
fcetive and fxr .rs treir atemdaeet. X w
this vtrik*- o* a 4 b^' T z a .itt:* ve : ntense 1 t
Americac. esperialsv *Lee - ter- is no t-.-wi
ble cbinre f.r o -r*:r.g a nr. lidf .- ' f tit;
faith, sad Lot a p .-r rL.Ls between what
might be termed "two evil-." M.st r-.-Ik- la
so-.l oases ti-ke eLo'.re of the i-ast, oat witn
the Au: n the gr ilrr seem; u ; puite as
w-icoa.i as :he e o.sve oereutLre
-o j*o tnai the strictly Amer.can rote .n ta;?
State is saali, an i ma; sb on Ere Air.vuu,
wiiich faascae .i:ng i.-t-aL.>-
aa sewtiaien-*. i- far from equaling the Re
pwb-fican. a* *'•- va by the figures list fail:
The Frem ct v te was 14T. , 1"1*.'
FlUm-.re fu*' r. 3d.'>
*• straight, 26.< m)
RepaLiie&B ssr -sritr, Co, *M
Witii these facts -taring thevi in the tar*,
what tarthlj fa. pe r-n tie -traigut Am-rrlcar.s
tare of ever sacceeiiE,; in Penß-Tiraali with
a third ticket? Certain?* nene. And if this
feeling prevails IE' the Americans . f M;f
--£ nt /jis'T. a? the Aurora w „'d hate c? 'e
liev; it dots, what will they b-? in numerical
strength a few year* ~esee; or if still further
fjlltwing >i ait ice and throwing ,v:r the
"baker's d>zen." xbs: will i>e the result this
fall ? WLT the lemocratie ticket *i" be
e'ected aim : *:tb;ot a show of opposition,
f-r any Ameri..ac w.uld be truly fboliah un
der saou circumstances tv spend Lie time and
loa-y for the ; „*or of being <**>ihr beaten;
y-.-t tois is preciselj the coarse advocated by
the Aurora. i what is recrat.--n4 its party
to d>.an d call# it principle i' Vow in this
s&un?y. m far a* * hare understood its poli
tics, the main object, frst f the Whigs, sub
sequently of the Atgerican, and car ef the
Americans American Republicans- R-publi
- can-, ari t.:e few remaining whig*, has oeen
vi t still is to Wat l:ie patent Democrats, and
whenever they succeeded it was a f .urce A
Coogrataiati u a,;, DJ matter what p iitieal
weed tL- ir candidates pnfjd. \ cme
turn ii ugl.t that he court *SSEI bis princi
ples Ly eten * .tir.g !>r a Wn. ,erat. because
the principal objectsought was attained in the
defeat of the ett-cus tkkst Last rear bow
err men wa- had always previously adv. -a
tei a uti" rs oft-- : • -*ti - te d-.-rc-era-y
a it is. —tdl iily tii- .jst-red that ihs.-y c m
protoWd their j-aiNCiPtx- by continuing to
aid in defeating the common enemy, the re
sult of which was that the rejoicing was made
bv the ET,F '.*.y: and BOW the editor A the Au
r ra announces that A- will nor "compromise"
his principles "fur the purprse of gaining a
few jetty cunty offices.'* in ear view •'pet
ty county £ees are net sly noC'-ssary but
highly important to rue organization of in\
patty. Though cat *ortb much in a pecan!
ary point of *iew. they arc strong incentives
to politician* to go to work bring eat rotes,
ar.i keep the ntacbV,try of p.rty in rnetion.
It is this. coupled with still more r-ettjoffices
on the canal, that uis kept rotes :o the i-m
ocratie rank that otherwise wtuii Lave down
from it, and as every one knows in many ca
ws made v.tes. Laborers outemployment
are apt to be grateful, perhaps more so taaa
other classes, and unless strongly tainted
With partisanship. care bat little for whom
tsev Tute unless s.me personal friend should
be in question.
Snch the actual position of here,
and now wrten the democracy is on the point
of losing its right arm, the canal, the opposi
tion to it, if the Aurora represents ar.y con
siderable portion of it at all, instead of uni
ting and striking effectual blowg at the c- m
moD acemy. are to wrangle about theories, ab
straction*, and mathematical lines, and while
contending for the bone leave the democracy
lc grsw 1 35 eleau Well, wt sksl: est com
plain a; thi*, if it *ai" all other*, for while
as ia id whig, soxs-e what tinctured with biiii
American ttd priacipios, we art
ewito willing e cc-nusue fighting oar old op
; E,nts, esnr; bet link whether the candi
date* are Americas or Rer-aUkac; bet if the
•'; rarer are ?-. sLrmfkt a? not to be wiittag ,
eren ts stake bands bat in addlti&n pet a?
f - the axe freting as ;L as
timattd i r tbe Antra. we know of wo reason
* T *e -l.&akd aid t:.;a in keeping ep a
third par.j. This pen f the programme we
inUtZid :. when the f roper time arrives,
u> i- is ae4 if even a "btier's toa • trao
Anrerlcare ef any etas-iing cas be found is
tie cEi: T t< sr. fore- seen rK-JiEicceiauOLi
a £ r-i ff.suiw-i is, -*w r arf of tie Aa
f.rb: are we -Lafo t ike tcr c :rs
la re-!**: st Vih owntj ar 1 .State affairs.
{?&„ there has U-:c quitea*cT2..*s: in Ohio
abo-t a i*G|itit slare cafe where. -. :e I". S.
Marshal atd a p -*e 5 t lite a fight **l*b the
sheriff of Green county. Tb-: former were
wmtel and held t. bar; and it is now rr -~>rt
ed tn.it the at Washing: a will
bicv the mar*:.: with troop?. Our country,
under the new :r, ;t. of "Liberty awl
very, is pram., .gate iby the Scpreme
is Sretting ir.tv a jretty -tew.
gs*, wrasse Bztuvc.-re row:!®- ri-ited Wast
is£t>s daring the revets ciij *2-fold, wII iQ d
Civ.—ed jisUrbssots vt several j ..!*. &iee
rest It e*l in e. *':&g .jt : US. Mirj-.es sr.i
an arti.lerj c.spi;, *-. _. 1 rt M.*H:-nry.—
The row foe- it Is *j,ii, ware knew a -t'.cg
badges, hvt the Baltimore American sates
that I tit ißtrims ani deomti left that
city f r foe.-ti.-o g..::. Ihtrin :_t
melee which oecarred be;w-er. the troop-ar i
firearm? were used. and a? oaoal a
i&tnber „f innocent ta--.r- y we. k le-i r*
, woe&dcd—accounts bj u kiSedaad six tees
wouode i.
Tyrone ileraM *.j w.en t'.e
r*;iruai i* c -wj} ietsd t- L.ck Havea, fo-.ks
—v- i-'c - c - •v - -—• vt sjr .v. ..•£ .X . L,< lh.
plaoe. a there Is <? • plate at
least ah-re they c._hli': g . r.: hjtr yen
cosld hx it.
IWis. c. a lit:se > t the other
hay, "the &r are t.-t w nh
the ,*d!"'
Bemefm. * J JKnbiJ —it nbs he whr
Brasse,- Carpeting ,r*i. : Ere
whias tbe naa--'- has- re*s r. t h iin re
gard. but oe si. ti.rt.--- s ?ti..: g tisefal
to ererybixiy. One >f car g-t-rrment 05-
cin:- ."st-ij re-tamed fr sr. L . nj: £i :.n in Bn
is., t-r..- as an ar<*^r: ■;• thxt ai&'jer t:.e sr-f
. ?.•■..*■ a-. d> —TT - - t— . _ M> w -• -J. —J 3 _
the Aateneaa Chemist, Dr. J. C. Arxst. wbr
atesiiOi the '.'v. 'j iW:... j. a..t Ctiikan*
t A.s these articles _a.re part: alarly
the cities of h.ath Antria, th y are the
m st prevalent repr:-.-stat:ms cf An ri-.at
r -iuct?, and as many th.asani- there MM
weli as h rr. <nret| thera the rer. tery cf
t .e.r health fr -ta 'W?tjpar.t i--sea.- £ e-. 1: issot
strange th-y sh>vl-l K-li the ir,renter In es
teem, bet it is rather simple la :h:-ta t
p.se that the Dot ris the nly taars f t&ark
we bate among our twenty-ire m.il-leQ of
people.—, .4ir>rnV.
Lrrrn*>-.x, Juna 4, i'dT.
White w..eat. imhd, I<o
Ile i " 1 CO
Leeristcwn F". ur. cer !•"*} lbs. 4 37
Freeliim " 3 62
Barler 75
Rye, hasLe!, 90
Oats, do. 50
Ceo, do. 75
CVjeerseei. r* bushel, 6 50
Timotbyeeed. " 2 >0
Eutter, good. f 4 2. 16
£jr, f do ten, 12
Tjaaif V'fr- i Msrks. at tbe new- Mill,
is paying for White Wheat 1.70* >.OO, Red
X. E—Wheat taken r.n store, with priri
lege to the wb<t to sell or ship by boat.
Philaeielphia Cattle Market.
The upply f beef cattle has been ncasu
xl.y large. The high prices which bare c-re-
Tul.ed for toe iast tw weeks has naa the
effe.t f f.rcing many of rery inferior qaaii
rr intr the niirket. which, an-ier ordinary
circuta-unc'.-s. wrouid hare been fed f>r two
m jctlis yet and prices A this description A
cattle decline*!. The wh le receipts w -re
Ter 1?Y) bead—&f th.se, r63 were sfred at
the 8.. i : ii-.at ana m.riis at^iL-j
13 50.
C war.d Calres —r .1 ? f 250 ySv h :
as in qua.:ty. frein >--• I j teJ.
Hog?— 2 bea<i w-re disposed of at Van
lecr ? at jr \* 1<, prices rale fr ta 3 to ?J.
Sheep and Lxmbs—Tbo demand con tin aes
quite scute, and the receipts liberal.
Prices 'are r t quite -> firm. The offering*
th.* w- -k f t:p 4 -•/ >* heal. 500 of these
were suit at Vanleer's by J. Given, and the
balance at tie Avenue Dr rt Yard by J.hn
11-.-s ran 1 tchers at >4{y 0 each, on the fc .A,
and 05 f ~1. gross. Lambs are c micgin
n. re fre* :y. and sell at $3 s*j a5 10, as in
quality and coniiti.n,.
Hour, Grain, <*c.
Breadst u£s are exceedingly quiet. The ex
p-rt dsDiiL I -onunues quite ii mi ted, but hol
ders are firm at fi7 50 c bbl for standard
brands, and sales of &*.•.' obis of extra and
extra famiir were made at $3. There is a
rr. derate inquiry forborne consumption with
in the range of the same figures for common
ani extra bran-is, ani |2 '25 a.z 75 for extra
family and fancy. Eye Floor is scarce and
firm at %5. Tbe receipts and stocks of Cora
M ai are trifling—t.,e last sale ef Pecna was
at §-4 f 4 bb!.
Grata—There :$ very little g .4 Wheat
offering, an iit is wanted. >E.t!! sales of red
at leO, ar.d white at 135(t0,192 Y 1 bu. Eye is
scarce and commands 110 c, at which figure it
5 taken on arrival—l,soo Lu sold at this rate.
Among the latest freaks of trade we n nee
the receipt of several thousand ba of this ar
ticle at Pittsburgh fr m Philadelphia, on its
way to Chiiicotbe. Obi.e truly this is sending
coal to Newcastle! C jrn continues to meet a
goo-i demand, but there is less ccming for
ward—sales of 6000 bu Scaibern and Pcnna .
yell vw at &5e afioat. Oats are doll—sales of;
3GX> I a Penna at 60c f 4 bu.
r ,_7~, — to tbe west whi £-&■! tie
laads mh>cg the llliaiii Centra* Ea.Jrai A
thar kiad sal table (*tt farmrcg por
poa CBngeniai cilmate, asd -uff-rred cm
term* that will enable even a c£*spararj*ely
p-y>r ruaa v. r-u rtha.se a homestead, and if at
all Iniostrl-ci to pay for it in a few year*.
t Ut._ke -"-her p&nfone where farming cc me*
fret ar.i reads afterwards, me ta: 1s here
already nude, thus ensuring a tuirket :.r
as-suing that can be raise i. We w&ali ad
vi-e emigraats who well go westward, by all
mean* first fc -riamlue these hut-i* ani ascer
tain the eaip*isj's terms bef.re they Ixate
A meeting of the purist !:eer*e-i innkeep
er* -■.* r.- li ar Miirey *n Satarday. Mst . .
135 T. :' r parp. -c stuu. visaing isn.-
form prrte to be charged hereafter by the
taverr keepers for Unrdiag, I. iging, m-als.
On moti n of Jha E.se, THOS. MAYES
w.s sp. Intel Chairman, ani XV'jlll,,* Bxe
* ruti- Sr retary. The object of the meerier
*•- ?:vted to be in cnrsuarce A an aij irre
ei mc-eticg heli in Lewi-:, wq on the 23d
Cm motion f T. E. Wl! -.i, William. Bro
thers was appointed to make 1 r-p>r: t. sc.-i
meeting. Wbereoptc the fallowing re: .rt
was read an i ai.pt.. i;
" Ar> art gran: taverr. Ihjgase-s vri rtg
alate the sale cfinr.xlraring liquor* *ls •
acted .y the Leglslsicre ef Per.L-vDar.fo u
tbe 29tb day of March. 1656. The 7th see
tl.r. , r this a..: pr.vi-ies ma: lirensr:* : .- me
*i.e of l;q. rs herein pre?*idei shall be grsnt
r, - v rue C- arts of tfosaner Sessions of tL
< proper rjiry, arid stall be for one year.—
Secti-ra T'h in same act -us that -.very - :r
--* inter:ileg : K~ J for a license is amy
elty or c-runty of this C. sat-t mlib, shai,
£.. with the Clerk the C. Crt of K-nrrer
fos- .us A u.e pre per c:". :y his peuaac at
leas: three wrr.a.* . .-fore prestating the surr.e
in C.ur*. Ac j at : -. s-.re -Irr.e toy eai: cl .rk
1 twei.ty-i ? e-:*t* for r *•. ::*hi*-g s rice there
.:. xni ue ter.:. -a sha.. rE .-rure a certificate
- g* 1 y a: least twelve res pi .tithe cltlx-ns
ef the wiri. b.r:_gh crt:w:,sbip Ir. tLku
such hur l, inn 3r tavern is rr.r-'---i : . he
ke* t. lue sth section in same a.-r s -y- t: a:
ni p:r- n suo . _e im .-itscu t. keep a
.m .r nav =-n in a: t city :r Cven.y *.
aforesaid, which sl.c'l &.t have f.r the -,x. _-
s.ve use of travelers at least furb d r ms
u: rl.i; beds, n.r in any othrr part .: the
:m *1 .east :w : room* an: : _r e-is
f.r uicn use. The lOtb seettew in sa.n.-.- art
sitj that bef re any ..censes for me sa.e :f
. .rs un :er m-e p-rvv:*: ns . f tn.s am sni.:
:* g*i-* : i. r:.h re:*, r- aprlv.ng : r :re
.-■ me shah' give 5 fo nd to theOsc:£je-il
- I .-BBivlnaK with rw< s&Sdrat sure:.
. - e s:u of ->ie dotiar* where the
.-- v . *-.s s.. i... be seven:*,
fre :.-aired d.liars for all in and re..w that
rhi-*. r. nil*." eel f:-r the faithfal observance
A a . ti.e Isw, < : LLsCobb uwealth relating
t, the be.-lr.ess. Ac. The 1 .tL s-:ti n*; sali
art rr>v: :e* tbm all here!?, inr.s and tavern*
*h' be :.:-*ifei ani rated ace&rdlcg :: the
estimated yearly rental c-f the h.use ar 1
property httetdei : • te ccccpiei for saii
porr-se. ani par a license a* f.71. ws:
1*: t.uss shall pay a .:cense of ?! * .
2d do d: 3l*J,
SI do do
4:h do d 4Cv,
sth do do j?Y,
I:U do do - I>J,
l":li d> do ICO,
Mil do do s*>.
sth do do 25.
Thus "ttlttg forth these fact- shewing to
the pel 1 .- t e great rr able and eireuse tun:
we -are a: u g*•; hcesse to keoßaadxte the
pa! II: ar. i esurtaLa strangers aa-i travelers,
and the ur.usoa: high t-rire* that .we have tc
pay for all seoessaries :f life, has eassed u*
to nrs.e this coarse s- that we may be able
t aeroratc ia:e cur feh.w citizens ar j rea
ier them comfortable while they snav call
wllß US.
On m-.-tioa, was res.lved that iis reu .r:
be a-I . pted.
•Jn mr-tJ'Sn of Robert McCnun, 1 comaittet
ot hve ai* appv inted to prices to be
charged by the public innkeepers hereafter.
Wr re-.- n tb® chair aup-nrei B 'er: M:-
Craan. -i. A. Murray, T. J. C- cud, Wiiliacn
Swine hart and Jacob Mauhersb. agh.
RrfA d. That from arid after the 3th of
Jen?. 135 T. the follow Leg prices be ani are
hereby established:
• 1 Amman! h-irse over night, sapper,
Edging, and breakfast. ~ fil 25
i —■ A man ani two horses over night.
supper an i breakfast, 1 75
3. Due h- rse ver night, where the per
sor car his bay sn i fee* J along, for
each sad every horse, i 24
4 Horse to oats and hay over n>ht.
n * to feed mere than 6 q. oat*. 50
-5. II -se to oats and hay over night,
1 peck cats, " 52-i
0. One horse, when feed is 4 qis. .at*. 13f
{■ Lo do do 37y
3- One by ;he div, to eare ani
" * 50
9. <>ae horse, brariiug br the week. 3 '*>
10. Boarding per week for one aaan. 3 >.
11. B- arding per week for one man.
when he may oecopy a separate
rocMn, " - * 3 50 -
12 B-aniicg week for gentleman
*rd lady, (L e. man and wife, 7 \X>
!3. Boarding rer week for one man.
when he finds his own bed. 2 73
.4. I :-r lodging one man, withent meals. 25
14. F:r dinner, two h:rses foi. 75
15. Gentietaaa ani ladv ore? night,
supper and breakfast, S7l
10. Beard per day for all Jurors cr
Witnesses thst a.tend Court. 1 00
M>. tfce uni®relga*d. d : hereby establish
me above and foregoing prices ani wi.l ciain
tam the sam®, whereof we pledge rurselves
one to the other not to deviate from them as
men of honor.
T. E. Will lain*, Tfccmas Maves,
J. A. I:-ss, J. A. Marrar,
Robert McCnun, John Brown"
Jos. Graver, George Yager,
T. J. Copiin, Mjtthersbcugh k Ha-
J. G. Larimars. maker,
George Otinker, Swinehart A Bell.
W. Brothers,
On m tion. it was res;'red that we have
these prices printed and pat op in our bars
with our licenses.
Qa mot _'C, i: was resolved that we recom
mend to all public innkeepers t- establish
these priees throughout this State.
On motion, it was reselved that the .pro
ceedings of this mating be nubSished in all
oar county paper*, and in Centre, and Union,
and suca other capers as mav see proner to
. e*py them.
I THOS. MAYES, Chairman
W. Baoiaxas. Secretary.
Trial if -¥i — A oatme
al tr'jL tf reep-iog. xjowißg, 4-:. izapi*-
ffitau wLi take p is Js.j next, tetr s*t
aeare, is New Yz-rk, e&da the ass-'
*?k* uj u a part cf tfc~ epeTßttoea >f the
Laited States IjTiecltoni Sody. The
time will Ve ?r::a iLe Gtfe to tae I:th of Ja?j.
Rata, Roaches. Bedmßegs, lawtf, e.
"Ctosiar," tbe great Rat. R-ovck It, Ex:-r
Ea:ra*--:-r, 3S€ Bwaiwiy, >"** Yerk, is estab-
L-:.:eg for h.- rY-x;.!" Remedies, it
et rr City, Tv*a. ai XdgLv.rbeod
beads of Drogglltt. St*.-re-Kerf-rs. 4t, 4e.
Wjsere dais x*
or ezprest. tx. :. : -ia tae jries .:' artcLes wiib
fu£.:,-o; o> p:-.- par. wili bate t-r-ispt attre
Address --C.tar.'* LB-* B-.tadrjt, New
Jf - , a- :/? P.. t T tbe rt :<•?-; powerful remedy
for a.. dN .Tiers affe-srizg Sb*
These P:!!s ars tr:a '.rr-:*-a with a: hema
tic i tj ail to; bit-? tri-ti then: to fee . se of
the a "st t£ zszi jas i.es st-t ex vish(*i.
that it is
a-rh r L- weis can res.,: t£*ess- s-sarect&r
•face. aiid si ti>*v tatrvofbiy pan® ttroags
as 1 cieaase tbe fT-wa, rcwxriag tB traces
of disease. It is a rtmarkv. :* fart. that tie
, Pills ae!dam fail to restore tbe p*3tt! ti
Leaiob errs uf:ar trerj .tbtr rem-sdr baa
-- n saa - j-**.st f r V
00 tbe 2-i t_ W the but. C. M. KHmk,
RET M WAGXER, a. f ttU c -otj.
Os 51.- bar last, JAMES MAXWELL.
-r „ ~ g*si sr. :* Gex-rg-e . a,r. o'. cmsti 1
SoGtn. u jrirt to i 4 oaA-Btbs.
At Fr- sarj. >-ycsr occur. a 2Ttb
Hit J K *.' K'i'lP, .:* iecaßar t-yaasuo/p
; p-r: a* .: rears.
-■a-..-.; -.-- &* Via: El- *;•*■•* i- f. •-o
*_v" . ~ 4 . Y' Js jrt —r,a Ii _? f. '.-oi-fcT —J"!?,
L/Jib L lifT v- >'L" LS2T a"*T A >tt,
' rV "~ WW;' K I>r jti"'"""
Will bt f '.i at f . jii : - bo. :M; ejxe we. oc
Wednesday. June 10. ISST.
tie fvi. :■* 3f P-rrs.aai Prjji-iT. to wit:
25 tons Wrought Scrap Iron.
£ tea; Sail Plate. 3 tea* fctel. 2 tea*
Bar irea.
8000 ft. Yellow Pine Beards.
00 Eiocust Pests.
B-ostct; Wtg-..z. II r- ■■ s.r* M. : Il.rr.o>-
i- i e-. •>z or •- \ ttrirtj .i
za. ot t.i.x a.r. Ji.;r. terms j U eoo
. sc:3 iv T- "5". WOOL'S,
. • 4 Ass.oaae ijiii. Ir. o < *
KENNEDY of Ro\t _rj ai* c.-eorerec
is co. of &tr siar w;kr a
rtssedj tkat c.res
liYt rj Kind oT llmiior
fro* :* i f?w* sic e- Ks.*
IJ £ 5--** traei a> cr; .;> ai. .ej &te>t ti-
A1 &*; !: ta, v-'.l ti . Hmt > H* oju
Z-'M 3. hs f 5-r :*" a^rr- 1 id
innna,i a f Sckft'-i
T* -'-AV-i-i wi" t-'-; -: i S."
O?- - .sr-* r . csr - r;E : "-i jOm
lie Iw;
T* *> b- *l. "* . a *•' £
7- vc> ii - it* < * sn; Ckttei
im '% H-. u:St . ■ act.
Tin* :t bt koln ire :ir; *ii WKR
hj C Ej; :#'M
Cj M :m>;. ;jfs ir- * to c.rt t B.atr i>
tte er
ir, wtmete# t car; R u-r g :4 -.2 x
E.t si B • :
F>art ~i i —i; ir-£ :s :crr r< ur
rsar *5 tV#r
tA-Sr- ML', e. ' :-.re S; A • £■. '•• vr - •• Si--
T ; I i• i-r nrr-.i•.r; ■:.-e tic
t; f R--r- ,
Ti nniiHtuat tie •
fcf?frat; if : I0--4*kTt,jt
Tfcr to- ?•-. r -# r; ware*
—rr' rif< rftcnf j
A>* rcSl A i air< CI ■- - ■.: if:' V'C
*ao a. MtfttCßi a ■irriiir: * ;a< ti- . < ;aUi
tr M t\kc*.
R*e—, T,- . - t-i. i.n '.urn s • .*: t-> .f; 11 .t
si S: ; -:o. I *s>w u-f 1 ;\f-i c *c
So mr at *: wr.o -• i t> fc . :
r*re fc:-r In- - v.-.OJ a K-" - GW:o ( ta a
■:; 5S Mill t.. ... ,o' 4 ..ir,:- rat**
ir * two iiurt xt i' jtrtikui :j. a&e >u
. r • Xrrs .; ■K r* w 3* .r ii.< ,?<<. :s: -t -
ftti e** jteßTifol. U4 *1 AS Aio4 vv.f iiscat
rvwi UtX i ioc..f*Ki AO t;c> —tt-CMi.tax:.-. -fa•
tjfti SjatAi <ef stitc:
la orfcr to (iumm iieaof ti **& • ui <r i
R=.pi.xraf of tike irft. r;iy, I wfi4 < :jxx: i-
IsiJ. I pAiiri r. aac s>x xSwoi ,:i xi _■
.A.;-*.;. lis*. 1 asttj cer *M i*ttonxEi per Xi; ci a
Sea* tic *O. oSo a** iieeets :
t m ezij u; : veari, xaj .out; i tfer
xaco. ,of ftUtt BS;4JC-]W wU ;s;r .sX; .1 Tiffs a *
Ei*sri ;rxo cf a frrsn
la a? owe frwtE- 11 ; 1m *-.z*nr im
—a lis xttfwn. u*i
xsi -or4frixi Tataet ;,*T-e '.wax fessiiaatast I
iit o: -pi* £a-* *x. >r U
• Gkxu RtxiitKf: x it
eotart- O. ixt i pttßt rf :t *.O ptct; *scexl eaaxi
; *-<; of :axt BXtxir—Utrc xr itiik-t.:!
w5 o.st of x lac i UTt
1 tt caosaof Xtewgay,aii of taeaaxssd
p*e>pic, torsi aj st. For tto rxrx:-s$ SMratsaU .a* Lit
sr. Usxisjic.Dvtp-pi j.,\nMa,FtTu<A{,
Pxj is tiw Svie. Dsn. - " >, :•*, xai pantcaisr y
a fiNiMt of (toKitorn, at,tkt tit itswe
s&ors f'ooi:fc*-. is; weittfae ewer titat.
Xo -.iiaxs of tier i XNSS.—ex; its oesr
fs: xs: pissiy of jV.
Dnacnoss ro* Taa.—Aa.-:r px-:xiwc spioofa.
iiv—Cti.iret itaasai epoeafito—<Xa4rea
l>9aiiss }MR,u*4pouo. *■- - - nniip -.
ajtptico&ieteailcDWWieetaeeoxtetSMfttxat so
©a tisr twscs a day,
Maca&tiarei tr
AV iaj tr i-rm Si . R.-rlxrj. .Iki,.
P*fCS #:,!#
WaciMSls .Uvsu. New Yort Ck; c V C
Barcta; strtti ; C IT £.r><, 1 Br xJway ; Rsstsos xai
axi. rj Broaiway; a B i D Si- s.. lA*Fa't>-! tlrttl.
T W IVt)TT a SONS, wisotsroit
Afrat, W Pi For sa.it fcr F J xsi Wrs*
MARY MASKS. Lswusotto aai fcv B F KEPNESi
IMiaCoww Ge+i r .
-■ —1.r.^10.11
1 F(T#st' i A fer kwt> os ate '
I fit— <■■ ■■], - f rkymw; | Cat. . x; 5, f L
J Is- jftltii - - v
XT *
fcjT L(.-:r6* jf '
" LoF. -£7 •• fck-T* ';>• fe?! .
Dr. Hardman
ftjnkiii d
F.-w-if / i. CiMiW,.*., t> r<x ,^
**r r. L.*n.? tr
Ltsitt a-. >-)! HiAc'. Tro.-i.-i,
Y!.-S * . O..V:rX iiv.-M.' Fi^u'l
T . .--t:L.xtfi ■ BoU
1 : m L- r "f t" IGae, .
5 i.... t* ;o .r p. £-<ftee ikfie
J.a-twE. CiSt.!<":: rs-.sAt.
. . I o.x i fFssae.
G'-r -i'. .rr. .ojj. s,.- Bcjie.
Pttta&arzs S: CSarJet H&te j ;i .
-*♦ - - 4 - T ** " ** . i „
Li- Urun.f-.. jt wi: u TV - >, - •
-. Ac.'! 1
TEX'- IYSt: At: A
T">s jSoH ;♦ *t. --Z* lr-fat*>6 a
a ■. r- . am x Mux-- - ...
T "-.n
:r - t .
fceo-k !•* 1- gt-imxi-N <w:r ■. : ftl
fitrr. i iWir saw ic-omtta I" -tr . .
xria-3* ..it. -
T Vs- ret*: ■ fa f -.- i.Mcr ,
ix; tesKsirt rt-taiaai a trw .. - -o. >., v
•-; :• *T< "wrSei t 'rrr . ,—,
TVi *- •o-'tf'Tr V r'. tj,: j. ■... s.-. j
g'i ■-* - *-i tias Gs: CS'.-: ;xt x-. --.,
rw. ;f :Fc narxjfa to .-■ i .a k - J
tae a.t miei&x :rlxir r . -W(!) . '
ji' io y. a>a-.,-wr S4&-:
t • *VMt t. l.h * .if- if i:.- . .
:• a.:..-.-3rav a •.-tt '.si * ati< .. . .
--- T - E—!( ' Ol • 4 *- ■ E*st 1- 1 ; .
-.t-.aja a* w at fcr* '-ir. nii
: r i -'U-i tr. zt tn af ifc; > ::
10- N ;V-ftR Ve* n'.iri w<.
c- rjHJU iBRi- e* r,- *. • rc£>. i
il r-ix-.ttt fat '..fat it itzmr-jez £ HHa awtn,
. 53.:- xrl Inf ifr-jt-i- ■- -r . --.. ..
-i*t reaaas^atatw —ratSy fa&. r -A-a, P2&|
?'£ KLiF-iC* ui *3 s.nt of ?i ttx-i Cixraj
Or.-ea-aii-'.-LxcX t ' f -IXf-f
PA -"iT.ON Xirf iCitts H iai- t
t ' -f. !- 1-T ' *: .-jas. IXiRp-fa- i. X- .a-,
. t —.. ' -t BCJ-Y; i: tt '-m-f P-..-t .far.
rr- a fSw i -ii - i -; \ £j
- . i ; xr " wxw f \--rr. j ' jt
-. r- ft a-i ri. • -
fut '-
PeiiLSjlTania Rellroad,
I |N . Fixer .-ore ,>0
; ' I ;:i : • :ii S"iO. ,
{ /Ti-.-i r £j
r..- :L\. TC2 ; *E.I 11 r]
■ -Lb. in - <si
1 . .p- Fnt.abt. ! se' v & jV ■
iSi * lis;
Er. i r.->fa F'..*b£. li f IS " S;C
Lfc-t'-i. *" JI "™ , v>
- - s . i I 7 i 1 . ~ "
. T - ": ' I it' ' JfSmcte :-e',:-r- n
tttc-T Vet', o* 1-f atf it -c-f ta .. ffc-a
Tr,. . o. E. moms
Choice Farm Lands for Si
The lilmols Central K R &
'* S-. ar ft£.-xt£i- TS tZLI arcr
lilil't f IKMI.U 111
:*. irio'is i : acres oak I ; *'*rcs.i
of-, tt.'ts -_c Low RzU~ . : ;t
--lined* mitt gr ttd 3- ii* 6®
it.- ao-0 i.. lice C. T... Ut>!
A ' ■ - C * . L. tttto-C ?•* Jc. L att**x !. J
e * .;.*: S Tttj e At*; . Hca N Li
N.. . YYfcri. xc.rc-sgii tve UtS
'. i-f fl'.NZt S its. 1" i :r< o. C-: r--tTJ
:: c id.".■ x-i p..">'c*rtf -T- less.
5-ars.jcaS ox .I'..'.Toi N. -sore p.r.
ei-..-<fr pnirie, :2lerper>ttt r -s. t;.< p
isc :e tbe tc*si:e a*c S-:c:rer *e£".™a
pnec —str-of w.:o :-i.'
ris* ac ofAisci.
Tm C; mare rs svxrt s-i-x'n •• t ck
-■it. T&A3 ar; cover jcr*... ' iL* co-.rxr-a
.? : .re ar-r bnetvf L it p ,-•
*"" esst.kal a:er x
E---C_:S:i Cost 3i tvUS; *.■ —-CC
i-ppoes icWa; ;ci C;o:c. . ".t..:<4
r.-r- r a*, eiet st <c : x. r-er 'Jtr
w>.-c cas ce ssc si tee sasse rxu rercasJ
S. : rc So;" sr <x--r ~x -ii
s:-o-_" :;* as;cs c sr jrcetrte .:: . X-iw
—A- :s-eexpe:.s< of I
Tbe great Sendity : ibese i Ci rrl
a r-,As* rtes mcsii from twe ;. ifc :"<t ;
isc: gestiy ro..,.ig—teeir cor.t c ..";•;.
by _w&ieb eterrlae'EitT is fsrvfedc farl
intrf *Tx, 13 LZLc
Xcrdt, Scstb. Erfc Weak, A-C :•< -
vitb wbieb iter cas be otlliTASrb t:Xf'
tae acc~i ra'-aSie 'uttTTT * tsuiciirt' 1
Asa pce-iezt: lie see**. btsntXt - ■ '
perso®s cf ir-i .**o ss Eir.r* . z '
to Require a ccsafertable i>ief<v.K2i
- Tears.
c ' xac : is rc* tbe gre c cesl era r ra^
tie *cr -1. a- i it* f*c . c< a i ttoam>
w:. eh the c rcC-cis cf t-.es c -. cs ear : -'
pcruc 10 ha* ca-ket B*ti lies c- ; ' :
pi hiicce. at i&c prices sstc : "'
restate at pcnmKti rates, as i : ;
iTMaportAlioc is a perpeCwii i -'"• ut '
wccci. st-est be hrae by lie p-cc-ice-' -t
daeei pr-ee he reee.*ej for a.s rf lls -.
The Tit e Is Fee feck un! wiea lie ::1
r-euis are ettie. Dee-Js are eiecxid r
i rv -:re-* :■ pjhimTi c 54 ij-j- Sialc. ■''
tbe ti; * rs vLsie-i. 10 tie p a -cci-.r>.*-'-f 4
eey to ih.em - s:< titles r : f r
*a>d cjear of eerr ieecearnrce. Efc "'
Tbe Prke* ire frea $4 te #:
ty S per rear.
7Ve*c* pr srtoL wshf I* iMhenud fnm s
price fsr Cmt.
Tbtrse woo pare Ease os kei^crei.'-?" 1
f.ivabve ia 2, 3. 4. 3 isd S years after
are req-cirec la iatprore oeV-:ec'i srtth
Ere ;eirs. so as to } W eae-bdf ik'^ 5
eciuraiisr ai ibe tc-J ofthait se L*
s^- r *wyoes * I: seccctpi-v u.-s*'"' 1
ettaiasce ties* Ltcs. free ciar?-*
them is making selectico*. Tie
tg_ ussoli art as ricb am Ti..al- <t
which rare beea disvesed o:
wao iF esselote £ft* nts .- fcea^ 5 "
Bocks or cocta.: s-f
ÜbUsctS u SnCCC^fv ; l T. J
spectabce a&c well ksown farsstrs -'- s;: s,
fesgbborfcood tbe Ra..rc-jc U&xstkw
cattle, ectper.ie e f barxe>iirg
or a'*** -ether afc-matkr w. " - 4 l *.i
g.Tea ao apr'icataoc. either
It iter, *0 Es£.isb. Freoch, or
ec to to ~ JOHN Wi-f- -
Laoi Cc.atai.sxivaer Dliaois
Ofiee m DHsors Ceotial Ra;i.-o*-
cago. IlUnois. •
—- —
Duvall's Galvanic 0^
IS tie greatest care for
kit is of Fain. Sell at tie Bw
stcka T-v one bottle—price R • < **
Ma; 2S. 1*57.
X>LACksMITH S Cod. *•'*
JJr foe <a*e V F i! F*- 4><t