Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 23, 1857, Image 2

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Thursday. April 23. 1857.
American Republican Ticket.
rot eermn:
Mi ll; WILMOT, of BraiLrd ejpctj.
row casal cmvuiiMEX:
WILLIAM MILL WALL, of Puilalelpsia.
ro* KTtni vituek
JOSEPH -J. LEY.I- of better e. jnrr.
JAJJL; £ECH. of FajtuecosiiiT.
sf?iw ef J?v lijrrtbkfatsti.
Oar reai'rs are to the advertise
ment of the hwinsrm Acadeatv. under the
i'bie of A. J. Warner and ML?
M. J. Mabteu.
J.:.r Kennedy has ret*.*fed iwc boat .oai
of wb: *key at; b*.:- -ti f.-.:a the West. wkl.L
be save L* will .l cheaper thaa tier can be
bad at ary other t*t*h..i££a .a: :u the .. -aty.
George Bijajer ha- r_. .Ive*i hi? mommo::-
stock of gr.vds, vhhfe fee it* Los evtr;- ... :?:.
eali and see.
The aitestito of and others
i# invited to the aaveruseaaem of J >Le 5
I>je. New lLrk.
S. Comfort k-e a k'U load A ..mebtimer?'
eoal on taad.
A bst of bock* selling a: Jcax-B-, ati At
Mercantile Appraiser'- Li of dealers i-r. Is
tfc*>? eHBt;, also appear.
Person? wl-h'a® their jr. pertr itsnred are
referred to the adrertisemer;! of the Wets
Branch Is.-trar.-5e Company f r width 0. W.
it is a an. Esq. 1? ager.t.
The Mercantile Appnker'f L et w.'L be
fvani aaancg the tdvirtisezneots is to-day's
paper. , *
Tee Pe pie's Sf.re will pes a new -xibbi
fion, with an entire cr ange of *;:cery. nest
This Council, which met at Alto&na la-:
week, passed the f. 11.*it2 preamlL ax.i
ree.lotioß? reported bj a c suol: tee at p.:n;-
td f.-r that purpose:
WatKii-. The v.-.:e Council a: .u regular
t*-s.*ius. hei ia: A •->. - a . s the hi f M
it-IT. -tutti it rv ,r. far-.Ttf a: :ih Union
of those opposed t. the ro -oerr Democratic
; -rty; sad where*- a I'&i -a State C nveo
* 6m was held at Bsnicban oa the 25th of
March, 1 *"-T. ar.o r at -at i L • : W
for G Ten: >r, and Wa. Miliwsri for Carnal
Ccoauiecsc-r, ai Joseph J. l>*h :i
J nines W-eh f r Judge? cf the Supreme
C. art; tLtref.-re,
&£->nsi. That tr.' Stale Cgu net; i—sa it
iaexpedieat to make <flttir...-:*rs r>.a.:na:k-cf.
and that it will rot mse a call f.r a se-ara-e
American C srentka.
Keiolt-.J, That ;sa-s .eh a* the Union State
Co&ver.tLn woe c.saposei to a great extent,
cf members of the American party, ami in
asmuch as the essential principles f our or
gan. z_t.on are contained in ti.e platform of
said C'.r.T st, a, and inasmuch as the nomi
nee* cS said Convention approre of oar prin
ciples, therefore, we reeoaosecd them te the
support f the member* cf the American
party a: the sneak October eiection.
A tnin vrity. headed by one of !vt fail's
purchased p Irtieal prostitetee, yry tUd
aga.se; th:§ a—.i:-n. pr*el*]T a' he ar 5 h
f/Jowers ->? campanioiia w. aid hare d ne
azaine? act; n tending to hannor ixe the
opp.?itivn to Packer A Co. It c.w remains
t. w "oemhe r L Americans of thi?
Stacc are wL.ing to flkw the lead of J..on
K. Ze.iig. H. Baefeer Swop:. Leiben. Thomas,
and a nomber . f other small potato poiitielan?
who k't fall to efficiently aided Buchanan
or: ier the -ide-door arrangetaeat* of J hr W.
Fomey, er act in concert with those who up
tj ibis time hare stood by tb-.n, yieMing
erer: :; ■'■■Z pv..ncai to 'iie.r gohionee. ar..
thus enabling them to triumph it the Stat'.,
and especially in the electi ns of tbisc untv.
1 his is theqaesiion, and the only one at
If they desire to overthrow 'paur.tdem -.ra
cy' here, the way is plain before them, t:.rae
ly, to unite in the support cf the American
Republican ticket r mina ed a: Ilarrb.Utrg ;
it they do not, but prefer taking nothing to
half or three quarters cf a iraf, the way is
equally plain -let them aid in briuging out
a third State ticket, and our word fjt it the
democracy this foil will carry Miflin coor.tv
by each a u.i_ .rity that an Ain.ricaxi ticket
will thereafter be unknown.
Another Suicide in Ctntre CV Are
1' arn that an ta niui-vl Henry Jj-ehzrt. r*-
s.img r. i* Potter.- B .rk in Ces're ccr/r,
committed suicide :a-t we-.k br cutting Lis
wriit with an tx*. aft r first mutilating hi*
Uody. He ws- intemperate habits, and
pr babij eorniniued the fatal d id ar.ier tie
nßaence of that infamous bane tc manhood,
S%.The receipts <oi the Pennsylvania Baib
roed during the month arc- ern rtceu*. rurning
close on to t:x fean Jred thousand dollar?.
Tue f..,lowing is the monthiy statement:
Keo-oipts for the month ending
March SI, ' $590,875 49
Same month last year, 52C>,l?p 7C
Incrfcas? .
From Jan. 1 y> April 1, 1857,
hamc- peri A :agt year, 1,116,740 25
Ingres-, g!41,795 10 '
**BuTLe locofoco paper* -ay Gov. Pollack
considered the American Republican nomi
nees unfit for Supreme Judges, because he
did not appoint either to the vacant **-at.—
As there was hat oe vacancy, the Governor
wisely avoided making an invidious distinc
tion, but this of cm .ve no blinded political
vision can see.
fexT .come of the State rubber* are down <Sn
Jarnes Burt"?, Esq., of this place, like a thou
sand of brick, because he is exerting himself
in favor of & sale of the main line.
>O.l be Weatber eonLnass to be a subject *
of sp-fecslatlfrE. aci w>aier to as
welt a* Oidfett iaaailtact. On Sunday the
usual fall of rain, hail .and kxcw oommenoed,
and continued between the £rct and last unul
Tuesday evening—a large quantity of sx:w
Laving in tbe meantime fallec, but melting
away ntariy i; &§ fell. Yesterday tit
saa ?n ,n. out fall and fair far a few bt-nre,
bat t.wari? r-o.r. the wjn-d? apLn rose, si
that the -weather-wise are still at a:■•=. to
knvw * hetber this it spriug or wiater —Isaog, .
areurding to ".ne alntanac, tie r.rmer. ant :y
a* pearances tee latter.
Aan f --rr- eeem? tj nave beeai genera... the
z&'.untains t tee ut-ru. anc west be.ng c.-v
--erei tne of li r —" in.Lrs. At
Pittsburgh tie =n:w was 2* inches—a: Pvtts
vl.;.- the same. A: S ailt-g, .air; to the
great trrar,,. th : uf ?n:vr tc: ~-n r on the
r.-.f :-f the Readiag Eaiirfcal zuniL-n-.- sLcti,
a p-crrLs. :f the :r:-n rc-?-f :f this vast boild
•: r fell. Abut i-.. ncen were n: work In the
snep a: the :;me. and the crs.*b caused them
us be very greatly alarmed. Fartcnn'e y. but
sw. persons war-: Injured, and ih.-se but ehgLt
:j. The sfectl .n c-f roof which fcli is abcut
I>o t-y 49, being tb. ct c-ce-elgi;L of
?v:>f *r Lsbcx —lt is a matter cf tr.:s
tr-Lssfent that s- many pec-le. fully aware of
the Orinaacts relative to swine
rnnt.ng at large, and witn the sncoal exr
.. tint tn-.-y at; tik-tn on nr.i n: tln.r;
d.-y *uc .f. *lll per?At 'a suffering ti.'..in to
be ct A.rnyia notice the time when the
Iltgn ♦"'onstable w old cceac eooe clearing tie
streets of this ann-yacce had beer, pasted in
a., parts A towa weeks this spring, yet
on Tuesday i: ey were taken a- and driv
en Vj the pound by the doi>n. "Tfceae." sav
the .!i saw. ' that *lli not hear, must feei' ? —
and as ue-ost fee.lag uowadays lies in the
t-1, we tt-p- rt the streets will *:<n be
rid cf the auleaaee.
G*s Lioßl os Tilt Stmsxt-. After u fail
ae*. feriitoss of tbesu J- .-r. the be: .jz:. nu
tfe' ritie-i and tnir.agcr- f the Le-I-t.wa Go*
Com par. y have at last come to an under*' -
*Z for Lgnitnjt - ... -tr-r.-t.-. *h. .. w , -?
i- ; ti tr. *e si'.-'i.'.ri t. n.. cvnverr.—
The t*r uln-r.it* -;* -ed cj ,® art- a* fsi sw*: !
La The C hi .•'> C'l'twf •* Adi*. i - 2 ,
w.tn >a:i.c*. tie -tree'- w-.sr- the
gas c .pes ar- : now .i, in ea-fh n _'-;r
Bay see tit.
24. The Gas Cccapany to famish the -er
vjcc p :-es from m:-. u lao-e, with burners.
* the ueeeassry s: p e.-.ka, aad one meter.
■Li. The : meuT.T f ga= c a*.m.i i - ie
estimated by one met-r. end :i e i> r: jgh to
pay |3.10 jer !•' ..c.cf.ei. iuojwrt to the
role? and regulations ...f the C to pa:, v.
4*h. 1 re Bor tig:. t tj t at anvctai to * t
mcre ti.s*ii tLtr c-r - :m-.-r*.
The above -up-ulat. - * are ..-r v ng-sri
B by the Towfi C - axtcil of the R. rouge of
Lew.-town and the Lewitt wc < :n- n„r
Pres't Twn Louscil.
I'rt- t Gas Ci-inpany.
April 3c, lb-57.
Arr.ag- m nt* are nenr in progress f.r pro
curia g .imp p -t- and lamp-, nn-i *.
B-.tfcir.g udtoward occur, all the street- on
which *as pip** are lati c.-wa will r-roba 1 ly
Lt tn the c arse ufa month or lx w
Pxiwrtrr- .£-- .—A* 1- .sen when
h ,u-e* iTts are c: *t troubled to know what
Vj cook, we kbld reecmsses.d an t-ceas: id
s -.-jcer f preserves a? a br.u* to th- se who
expect much when little is to be Lad f.-r love
era oO?r. .nau- pr -^erre-, pi -kir*, -xc.,
put up iri j -.r- far fiToilj use, can still be got
a: L.. -y an i Yuri- *y Lr.-r-'. Ea-t
Market tr • w 1.-.-u-*-i'. t- -*1 l.ave
grumbler- ah .-at th-a will pi?a*c- call and
supply themselv s with the article. It if a
sure care f u r the " growler?,'* particalarlv
tLuse who Late a ** sweet tooth."
Tivna.v* a\i> Eiiisc ilugst-.—The f.Hew
ing i a iiet of tae tar .-rii .Icenses grantfed a;
Arrii term:
Mattht-rebuagb k II -msker, Lewi-town.
John A. iio**, do
xhoutos Mayes, do
Alexander EisenLis-*. do
Dantei Kiwnbise, do
J:.a Brown, do
James A. Murray, c >
Jacob Price, do
1-aiah J. C-jphn. Armagh t wnship.
William .Swiioehart, uj
I hurnu- McC'rmjck, Br*tto& town-hip.
William Br- - cr*. Brswo towmhip.
1X: j„ W-lisiag, do
A. H yTtht-rsotagh, Decatur township.
Joseph Graver, i.Hrrry townsaip.
J /bn f. MtUaghiiD, X. Ham.Gin.
L.tnaro itriu-.,e, Lm.n township.
Henrv S*-lfridge, do
Cotlar Wix, " do
Be: j. A. Bra Hey. M eyt .*&.
ihosanna JLiavis, L
jfc& following were iisc-r.seo for eating
Win. Botiorf, Lewbtcwn.
Gee. Sic grist, do
•L-.--. M. ihomi.*, do
E-iwiu ilarnci, McX ejtewn.
Henry Kepner, Brown township.
'SfQ-*, I he f ilutriug i- a correct list of the
Trustees c-f the Lerwi-town Academy, several
. having been omitted iast week:
Hon. A. S. Wilson, E. L. Benedict,
Rev. Jas. S. Wood*, Mm. P. Elliott,
Rev. C.-M. Rank, James McCord,
Ret. 'ilb. V. Bowers, Joseph M. Cugley,
f • W, M T. F. McCoy,
James Parker, Frederick Sthwartz,
Dr. Jes. Hendcrscn, Samuel Comfort,
Wia. B. HoSman.
Moyer, a sen of Mrs. Alice
ii— y, fell mu# the canal vesterday jnendea
v-jring to recover a -tick, and was rescued in
a senseless condmcn by A. J. Miller, who
promptly jumped in. A few momenta more
would have terminated his earthly career.
itar-Professor Com stock delivered his in
structions on Terra-Culture to a larzv cia—
the Town Hail yesterday.
VT]l*q. a sad Lis associates, after
b'.'f:ng lire •? "cf tße eclored boy Carter
&s*i?r KHwdindsc :' r tisyi on Sat
urday secteaeed kia i-: tie Qmk of Refuge
and he is tsntj-oM jtzrs of age. The
solitarr cecfireneEt in oar sew jail we learc
Lad already eomraierabij tsaed bins.
ggg-Xne eagiDeers whc are making a sur
tt; f:r me we aa-i Rrflef.nte Rail
real. Lai reached MeFariaa id mill oe M a
isy. Tr.-i weather thus far has been very
utfaTcrahie f..r 5-.id operation?.
#9=.Fe ras-sals tree* ©pea thecal'.a of
Jehu KESMIY'J ©a Sua IST T*oiag—
fTuiely after some prime Mooes gabeis, as
art:-hi the ssaicpe i.s'i eftta get —bit did
at: saoaeoi in procuring it. Setrli Jell.w*
tight to he ' itkled is a L.-rga: eni -f r. tgut.
and then smoked with ns-sadY-tlda.
faf li--:, :-p Potter will cot be is Lew.?: WE
the 2'L-d, isst., in tit-itaaws *.f other
t rcssing esga^eenests.
fc£*A. stii-:: pr-stoler held f.rtb icuj
f renoos and Last evening at the conn boose
steps .a the dej ravhy .f the times, he.
■BkRtv. X. A.. Keye: formerly ©f Laacae
aer. Pa., laieiwci&J at IVLn.cttn. I istls.
Brb=-TLi jaii at IhgErston, Mi.. -r*& es
tirriy i -trcyei Ij fire >n ti * Ivth April—
l„e prisosers were ssted.
t*3st t boy? are cr.de? arrest a: tsi t -ar
Lewishcrg, Un.- s ct-aaiy, charged viih ia
cesdiariss, tfeeft, 4-e.
PtJ.se"- -tier * ira;-threatM 3L<&* VB
wa? triers, a few weeks ag. and j.-bbe-s of
fed"* A Large £re oecsrred a; Baitimcre ia-t
vk a: */.i if:-ex. :-r-:s- t.ut-z
ist-D. were killed by tiae falli' g .: s* *ll ii?*.
Less tb>:ut $- ' .•
fiar*A lager 'tier fes->ai of brew: r* ras
re): at New Y rk last reh st **;.!_£. we
presu- h was scewn haw b?aatlf<F y drank
that ar:i Je can make pfesple.
1 ~e LL jw.r League it ,s 'ili are i . wr.
en Pa it r ran -r he T.tei for the ag and
2Tu" 0,1 **** Ll "
STUr: i- • -me likelihood of iroaUebe
;r en? ef the Panama ri-.-ts. A w_r -i:_
tint Rule retshbile w.sl-i be jest the tcir.g
f r the filibusters.
Ie? ? -:.*j t ; -; ts sr-eak ..Lgl-
Acaiemy on M : lay ef la.it woek. Toil -x
--tt-lieftt lufiiVii: :: is col r the n anagcm.t t
of Geo. F. McFarianJ, A. 8., L-rmi-rLy ef
thii ec ar.' y.
tarA ear*: b at owned by A R.lir- r,
f toe L>ef- in B.oir ccan'y. Later, with 1" -
I--:.- - whect. wa- sent: ir.-h> JV.er*b-'j
d*as .ut w<-i. by -iHiing svta* rock a The
T- ..eat war vwac-i by Jamis oadrou .f
.' In M ..er. Les , at.;-: h_- way
L.tr.c R.-.TA Patters n at r.. GIT. YC, •*-.: pot
** w ¥T ■' i• T t SL2I """" i* is . •? *
e-i. Mr. M. gase t . f.~. w a tvuch * tb ±
hickory stick Le hap|ni fib hie nth bus, i
r r . him. and left—ill a Lurry. saw
an ether chap rcakir g Lis way :( the w :->].
go?* The H&rrisborg Telegraph sagr sts
H. C. Illekik, ii-q., n* a suitable apt ;E .
men: c Sj>rictea ictt of PuUic Scbo-j] Le
rartxaer.t cn-iag the new law. Mr. H. *e
know is an tiwiitt: L-us.Btss man in aii that
re-ates to ecacat". D, S.C i WO D .-nbt whether
GOT. PATTNCFC eaaU make a better ap- cl
SarA y -trig mac nam? J Datii Shall, frcm
necr X rr rt. P 3 rry c uuty. w* - r-r
wcur ie-i in the cars ias: r---ek by the a *ri
deotai expiceion of a pbt l in Lis side pack
et. We do c : n -w, and i,?Ter cool I uLI- r
r:ar. i what f-ecf it mean ;.y earrytog l-iadei
pis* ".. a cars, stage e-.*acae#. 4-c. in thU part
cf the c nr.try.
A Mil e-n a: Santa Fe baring shot a
seller in an affray, gar? Litaseif up, aci
was put in ja.i. While there a party of sol
dier* g t in aoi end forty shots, kihiag Lizn
ar L another prts n .r, an-t w ..unding sererai
others. S.me vf the s-.-idiers bare been idtu
tified ani will be tr.c-i for the tffence.
g®r* F:r "OOSTAH'S" Kat. Roach, ic.
TRIC K'WMR, f r Ants. F::e-, ic. t order
fr_>EJ Ikrp-.U So. bes X. Y.. or
Drc.-is and De-l.rs everywhere. Full
part: : alar* by mail.
See advertisement. . aplC-lm
//. '?- yv e G*ts*e-.ii and /Vi>, to* mist
effectual remedy for Old W und* and L'lcers.
—"i he w-n-.erfui carts 'la. a y effected Ft these
celt r.t si riineii"- bare e>tabli-hed them
w k the ite;is of the Un. n, as twoj.f the
fi st preparati.ns, ever mat-: known, and it
art u: siahing ioct, tb -.y will heal and
cure wconds and ulcers of twenty veirs
standing, even after every other treatment
Las 1 en resorteu to inefT-.toaiiT. All cuta
nc.us eruptions readily yield to their m'gbty
; ,wer: an i the cure of A-thma, they are
mvaiuablc. . ;
Died. f
In Wayne t wn-iiip, on Th urs day night last,
JOSEPH KIXTZEL, aged about 73 years.
In Granville t wnahip, cn the 15th inst.,
MARGARET, infant daughter of George and
Anne E. MeKee, aged 1 year and 2 L nths.
In West Reaver, Snyder county, on the Oth
Ir.st.. HEXRY FITTER, Sr., aged 79 years,
4 months and 2 days.
At Fort Wayne, Indiana, on the sth inst.,
gress, of disease contracted at the X'ationai
Hotel at Washington City.
On the 13th inst., in Decatur. Illinois, after
a brief illness of 12 L ars, RACHEL, wife of
D-wis Bond. Mr. B. and fsmiiv left Wayne
township. Mitiiin county, on the 2d April, for
the purpose of seeking a new home in the
west. They had been in Decatur but a week,
when Mrs* B. was suddenly taken ill, and
notwithstanding ail that skill end friends
could do, departed this life for, we trust, a
better and mvre enduring one.
ft®*The canal derer feats, finding there j
a likelihoad that the malr. Line wiiL be self,
and thus deprive thexa of easy births and
end less stealings, are figuring cut * prifts
by ail psT~cr,us for interest.
4 Bt.'AT LOAD reeeivef and f-.? >*Ls
A supply of well-seasoued
Lewis: vwR. April 23. In5T.
■iiii fiSTmm -
Hat Juit Optntd a Splendid .iitorim-ni
TP - uti ci-t; cz z- 'in OW Ccrvrr
* Ji'fe *M-i * Sit** cs tt tai C i Cco>w
: r y: I. W-11-. S. t* caS *- ste <#,i Otarf
If ''*k iilft ' Ey. K-. , CM. litO : C-.1 atx.
x' t '■* *-- cr T - - '• -"i ei -z>* O.:
Cachm-.. Ftub. a?' t xz.ot zt>£ ciw^r*.
? - wsf cr fcriep-ti. ck£ .v? f.i C-.'-i.-rf
1 ya vi. - E-i. t- ♦: - LAY k*, r: O:: C cner.
Sf }->b warn Li Viti c%: - i*. call si 'Use W Csvwev.
f :B *a! * , ca .. t; -3t O Z Cmtf
Uj- c w**3 M-.>sntsac : *j ;kcO l C.wf
3't. -i - •:{ Us. - rci' - 'f<i C -n *r.
■ ex •.•--C- 't La - r : .'.rwr
; - * EAfl .E-- E. E -ri ■-■ - f **-
' •• j. ' i at. EJS v : { - "i* c; Cvm*.
If TM tu C cSsi SUliy e-t-Biae it:- #. e Hi*" - caS
u r '*.c
- Jf y-rs* *u: t'- ca*. eat as :r> -0W Corstr.
If i■■ via t iM&tsmn ©Si i: 'K fr.i Caruev.
:f : VE * i sSi:fSS*,c,.;as?i -' l: Cno
■> r r m-jjrr lv TZF. it r
0 , ,!.S U.S'E. , G > ro >Ei> COf-Vi*.
if tsw * u.l *.: aosfce r:-; nt f-r-t. ref is nsriw VtV.
f"< £ . is, *:t O.i Cosmw
If rva wsm a Carpos <f u< aant, ps t* O* CM Cmer.
if j - • Gr*e*reJ, ttsecaa-araj* -ji C-v ir; e 4 :
Cr.. Oct*:
- ? v ts-X *' i. *1- BaU w
t'. :bc OMs
If fei- ■ -t sftrT rr: :ke ti ftf <*:•:<-, tx .
t: :ie Old trt**-
:* T- i ; it,; ; a. Q .aa* O i
&C 'tf.*TT tE- . ,i, •** €S6 Sy *-'i-v*ese
isSTinCae i T* C* * .
Good News from the West!
5Q blYiEi OF sTA£'iiTlii\:
rLore aN2> wKiii iaxxixo sanm
2Vf> U-7? L/yid* rf WHISKEY i*rt SAC OS
arricid. c- -u. ,G> 'T* r - -. h<-: j~JL*rr
at /'duster, riz:
; | BBLr. iWtiffei WHISKEY,
"•O r 15 Lbls. Old M jcongueh
5 HA. Old Kentucky Bcurbtn i:.,
25 h grbeais HAM aad SHOULDER,
LL tierces Cincinnati DRIED BELr.
** I*avir kCs £ Ciiitlt.?ati Sugar
Currd Canvassed HAM.
b,x?.- Wai:.*, Mi-Li CANDLES.
5 " Bryan do
:* b-iWhite SOUP BEANS
1 b"' Li. Water. Butter ar. i Sugar CRACK
ERS. aad B-.-t r. BISCUIT.
5 I- i: BiiccLt,
25 half bUs. MACKINAW TROUT.
■ a? Eagl-l Cream CHEESE
1 LbX. X). I Eastpcrt HERRING.
2* oIX. £ i obis. No. 1 i 2 MACKEREL
. LAG* ■{ the b?rt RIO OJL FIE Ln Ltw
-2 h Us: Syrup MOLASSES in
L: * Lstcwn.
I Can rw x?U
Boots and Shoes.
Jirotjieions ,V iiiq[Uore t
. ?.- t: an any otl.-cr 6t>re in Lewistown. I
d. r. *. buy my Groceries ami ProvisL ins vf
tra-::ng :- *: th? Cana! ILk? -- me of
ccr vraoid be hiwfeii I>eaL-rf, wfc-, buv 10
:r 1"_ Hams a: a tim-. and p.y rh* b
2 cent? Pr Ik advance. I purchase ef first
L-in-is an L carry in my yarn beat#, and can
iltTtfsrt s-' LL ch raper than any othar dealer
in the county. Come on then and bur where
v u --n .- v u- ca-or.. at ...i
LeK-st'jwn. Arril 23, 1557.-3:
25 Witnesses;
1 OR.
XDO na- :jd ten jears ex-vtrienct 2- a
Bar ker aid p--i>;. ; ":er, a-.i Au'.o ;r of
m .1 Stjkti of Ltclurtt c! ike Bri _J -ffi Te&tziuztlt.
© when, for 10 -ucce-'-.ve nirati. or-.r
o Greeted : a with rounds 1 a;p a-ie. w:.ue
r:e txl.y.ted the manner i;, *fc..-c Coa-.ter-
,—, feiUrrs txc : -le tx.eir Fraud?. a:.d ice S-re*:
O i ' •- ? Means of Detecting tt em .
Tir fk'.k ,V .? Eugrctfr* oil 'v Ska.' h< it the
O c/ Pcj-t r .V-. s,<% Xiri'r.g.
® Detecting Counterfeit Notes.
© Df-:ri g Every Get.-ice ELi in Exist
ence, an j exaibit.nr at a glance every Coun-
in Circulauon Arranged o adu.-
© rallv tr.;t REtEHESCE IS E~ISY and
No index to exaciinet No page; to hunt up'
© But so simplified ard arranged that the
® Merchant, Banker and Busine?- Man ?an see
••—i alt si a glance.
rv , 5
ILn_L - French and German.
' Thza Each ir.ae Read tut ante in kit cicn
> 5!?t Perfect Bank Vote Li-t Pubihhed.
- Aijo, a List of
All the Pritate bankers in America.
A Complete Summary of the FI.VAXCE er
Etaort and AMERICA will be published in
each edition, together with all the Important
or THE DAT. Aiso.
p { From ao old manuscript found xn the East.
It furnishes the most complete history of
and describing the most perplexing positions
R which D.e ladies and gentieinen of that
country Lave been so often found. These
C 3 stones will contm-e throughout the whole
Q year, and will prove the mos*. entertaining
ever offered to the public.
H Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at
>sl a year. All let'ers must be addressed to
CD JOHN S. DYE, Broker,
K Publisher and Proprietor,
t-3 ap23 70 Wall St., New York.
TO Ikadtrs arJ EA'Zct of
Jferriiirfii? a ootisfy. —Use Cai
iotrlsj is a list of Merchants asd Df-aier*-
asi the varioas clause*, agreeoUj v. the f rv
riscfij wf the A.i vf Awemtly •
14t£i class J4JJ *'
Lsd ■ " 10
12th " " 12 (W
nth " " 15 oo
1 3th ** 2t? (W
** - - ®J®
sth " *' 3^
—.sj * 40 OO
f, ,n| J" Xi's*lr'i. hoa* tf £*~r-.t*n Cm*
A. W. Graf. Araujii t:whip, 12
Joseph Beck, do 14
Jcbc Keller, da
Wiiham LiG. Furs:. do 14
Tfccmpa&ti k Wastsan, A; 12
Tboak&i Esojis,
J. B. Alexander A Co., do
H. 11. Gibtcm, do —. 14
iiris'iii i Sierri-rt, Brawa tawnsisp, 12
Jaaaos Parker A "N/T, d "->
JL Kepricr, dc
Fi*ei a Iron Co., BePT t*iss4ip.
Jvhftllaopes. do 14
Daniel Miners. d, __ 14
L;r: Scltxaaagli, X*®catcr t. .s
Jc-fcn Kxse. do _ 14
H'pe FartiS/re C-a., do 24
B mvtr A Bnsiic. Liwisrowr
Hard: A Bros., d. 13
R. IL McCiiatie, do 14
Mrs. FcgKiaM, do 14
Lvtsie Porter, do 14
I.T. C rieiL do 14
F.J. Hcffaaa, do 10
McC. t A: F.lls. do 2 i
JuLr jLamilt: s A Co., du IS
X. J. Roiuafl, do 14
Edward Frrsinger, eo 14
J .cn B. Seceimer, da 14
£**-£ W. Thomas. d, 14
-J McC. ri, do 14
iLW. Jankin. d. 13
< i M Frank. d. 10
F A. liardt A Co., c; 14
Peter Spasgler, do 14
11. A. Zdlicjer, do It
J .-eepL F. Y'eager. -io 12
Ge r IV. i-bsoo. do 14
Jacob ETerirh. da 14
Jaiaes M r*.' aa: y, cL 14
William B.norf. d:■ 14
'A G. 4.- 14
J,32 Kennedy. <i 12
JAc A Height, do 2 4
Samoei Mark*. lo 1 i
A. FeHs. 4& 14
Mrs. >i Wertx, do
H-cnrr Sitsdk, do 14
J. Hoitrtr rtb, i j li
E. R>: Laer. do 14
J. Irria Waltie, da 14
J. lb StOBHMd. <! i 14
F. ii. Fnaeksc-i-, d.. 1.
Kraacdr. Juqjl.U A 0 .-, d- 12
J. aci Clark. do 15
John LaG*, -i> 14
R. I". Parker J Brca., do 1
Rolen Patsoa, do 14
A. A. Banks. do 24
Charles Hitr, do lo
G- rge W. Stewart, d 14
William L : .nd, dc 14
BlvasTer, d. y
P. F. Lrp, " do 14
E. Lb Aaner, dv 14
Gilbert Waiers,
Z. O.aer, 14
Jvsboa Wiiey. do U
Gejrge B. j i 14
b..ar;er Stusbargcr, do 24
Wiliiim Lrttie, do 14
Rnsneli Lb Sraiib, dj 14
i ntact* M r." v. d. 1
W. B. il-.5e. an X Co., Uia
ber \ari. do 14
F. G. Laaaber
Yard,; do 14
Sato a-: I C iaiort, Ltitn >. r
Yard.) do 14
J.ha IjC-vt. t. ai Yard. • do 14
A. .Marks, " " do i-
JiS. A'. sn, * 4 " do 14
S. CVafhrt, *• " do 14
VY G. Macki n. do 12
Geo. W. do 14
W illlaai Hardy, d> 12
E. ii.TLct. do 14
McCoy i Il.Lrcr, do hi
John Price, do 14
C. Stocer, 'do It
J&QJ6S Li-beil, McfißO tOVTlljliip, 1-j
E.dctt i Myers, d >
SiHtat! Sechrisi. Xetetou ILu&iitoa, 14
J jQQ Vanrasdt, do 15
B..££S i Co.. do 10
J.'ba Purccii, do 12
M.cbae. Ysuy, > Oliver towosbip, 14
Jx.ba Strong. do 14
Sitaoti ILaSev, l 1.1 -
fl'ttr i MrXabb, do 11
Wilson S. Cos, do 14
flapbael ar. i H.Glaogblis, do 14
M m. Sar.key, do 14
' B. Grossman, do 13
A. F. Gibbuoey, do 14
; .jiii B' >ii.eiiLcr, M avne township. 14
A. J. Xvrtli, do * 14
i.. L. L>_-ke. Armagh
Maelay i McManigal, ** •' 14
lb A b llaribbargcf, Braiton, " 14
E. W. Hale Jk, Co., Brotrn, " 14
J esc-pit A. Taylor, *• •' 14
Jeroiatj Jacob, L*errj '* 14
J. M. Yager, ;• * •• 14
Camper Haii, Oiiver " 14
Id .-W:,Lams A Su-rrett, Le*iw*a. 9
A. Marks. " 11
Aogastine Wakefield, Granville rwp.. 14
Stookey, Brown tvrp , 14
Joseph Strode, " " 14
Joseph Hardt, Wayne twp., 14
Smith i He;*: r, Xewtoa llamiUoa, 14
Henry Swartzell, Cuion twp., ' 14
Piank A Y'oder. " 14
E'iij*g Homes, Oyster Cellars, de.
Daniel Eisenblse, Lewistown, 6
WiiHam Bottorf, do 8
John A. R .e=, do 8
Alexander Etsenbise, da 8
Satnaei Mark, do 8
Goorgc Si-ed't, do 8
Mrs. M. Wcru, do 8
C. Stoner, MrVeytowc, 8
Jobn Price, do 8
E. Ilcmer, do 8
H. Kepner, Brown twp., 8
| DiitiUeries and Bretc< us,
E. E. Locke A Co., Armagh twp., 10
Jacob Fisher, Lewistown. 10
George Siegrist, do 10
An ap peal will be held 3t my £fEce in Lew
istown, on TUESDAY, May 26h, 1857,
where persons who feel themselves aggrieved
can attend if they think proper, and obtain
that redress to which they may be entitled
by law. WM. F. SHAW,
Mercantile Apspraiser.
Levristowa, April 23, 1557.-4t
6^"The above Licenses will be readv im
mediately after the appeal, and as there has
b**s e-jmt iiSLsulxj it 0.-deetir.g _„„H
o * - -jp
Jsne. 18'7. rnii be edier/d tj Ut
hij to the order ■>f tie Stats T. : e4i- Sr -„ : jP " ¥
T ii£ e - !
5f.22-4' Trearcrer of MriKg r-
The West Branch InsuraLfefc
•F L(k BifEf. n„ L#3
JXSUBES DetaocfceJ Bt. .xg &. W
ek**t Farm fTtftnr. is 4 o**#.'J| "**"
ixr*. i :t*iT eoateats, at
Hz J-. •. J. Yt-sste. Hu.G c.Hi... -Se
Jot". B. Ha - TT A bra®. : .
Caaritt A. Mayer. D. k Jirkmta ee '
ObrktCiwt. W. White. Di
Yeott Dkkawa. Tf.t. K.ttt*' ji
Boa. G C HAR'.EV A
T. T. Atfcijfi,
7UI K fA't-. ?ec>. " - J
urtuxcti. r
H. Uvyd. It;* |9
A. A. % isfMS.atr. 2
L. A Mi'ttf, Wa. Fea- g )?
White. " Dr. J. 8 C- t ,oJ
Q.--rrie, A I pbmf. " S
Jo-Lt. W. M;Tr,rd. ."';ao IplC
Hot Stmoc Came rot.. H*z. Wa. B
Agent f MJSta , G 'A . 12
A K - - -S
AT 12
1 ?:aM- LC;rr *t ... frfg
s • t mt* mf *. Book
& * i*i J'w>. r*c* sare f <m iij nij 2!
: - i- lit i •• o* t. fee -*
a, "A Waaw Eaicr.
r| MewSs*. XT? SmSI
T.--t Ue*J4 Betwiev* T ee.
O 9# ll - >- 1, 3 sV; _<■
il-t.: c -"* Sarr<i PS-tiM. '; aH
La r -c* •••' rt* - -f. 2J
Li— ef li** Ti-- - *£ i J
>-w E- {.. •'. Til: l, b K-** 3?*' *■*-
T'tj? !. -jer f.f -r
fy.tfemgwMc L"2s- J J( A IbasiMfSj .
Tfcr T asac LtjS *
tl -me TSotiifc*,-ar Cz-m?- la Ifce /to £*.
< azJtmr<S tat- IS 3- ,■
Vj*-a it, H fveeflWfar S.- ia*a,
L .*.- _t i* / i-Tt s; nd, 9
Sc . -.i PtttiU. fej L'ttl W~.!rr til
Tirf i : .*■ X -- *-. 71
TV .vft i fc -:• e_ - ? B.at*sxai ■., >* S , . j
. ; . 13 m- . > J t ,Ta**m ' .. <t ..
f* ||fl
3! t.k' T j* S-=- c. '
hi|r B ' t : ' W iter r; <jl
, . - -. ~ - .;
. - -.WW TBe Fiat-..4 •
f™ -- 9
"■> at <■ ■*•- ■ -f :* Prveeewe,
Tat .-ts F..- ' 5. a-rr. h
" L :. -t ./ i
. - .
* - • .-a V j|fl
*. .r. ■ t ®iA: f it#- j'. * 4.
. fm
r ' :2 tT o . :.I.™ f¥::. IT r.g
- t .7 ..r-At. i: it i. t a®stw j
Cnoice Farm Lanes for SIJ
Ti-c li'incis Central R. H cT| 1
It K V 7i.tr-AXJ> 74 Stt.L AMZIJ - M
likiKt UK)ll\li Ljjji
f r*r*s : to z-rzs and CpwsT;- ea l 9
C: • • J i Lo* Rales cf hit .t_ jH
TBE3E e {taalc4 oy the Cutol
I -.>*' li.-raß
- , - c at,-, -t the tiehest a&-2 4 ..-9
- - .. iti y Jt-'W \ -jet
' v * t.! .*s..m
• - At?: .ar S ws. t-1 sfcci-iii; eff;
■ i. -,tf a- . pm&sctloM : m! letwvestafl
■ j.lti- iui..ce. Tie _\ ri .t s
. Sy ; fe->t tr-. dm
-. ; i-. t Xi.-_c,c a. 1 s>taiib<rsi -•: * ;aj|
■ j<iaiw. isrfth ;-ejtairolynm
' re. salt it..rr Lealthv, E; -i ard e:aj
■t - .f , art . : ::.c ton :rr—tbtvJ
.- . . r—; c :e 2*isg sveastn
spring* ::" ex^elicit water shear d.
ELtusiooiii Ceil i fXlfitzreiy t :t:
i-T-o a cheap*vj cesirakle Tjel,
: ii zz.a' y r-v.--.ts at >- tc 41 per irs-a-1
■ aa -e Lai at :• ? fame rate per rr-r2- I
bi jf an excel!eet qisaiitviiV
iiDaSii, * c.i le jr&%-i.red for
to* ; tae expense v! trawrpcrtatics.
; great Serblily of ties* lands, autli-m
.. r: h n.. ircta l . ;g £ve i"ee".cw
sd i J W —tneircusiiguitv tEat rcaiß
r.y nhici every i.ciiitj ss turnsA-ned fartß"l
. :.-i mispcituu to lue jrincs, i. r-.-'k-w
Nr: Sc-u-.s. tb-t. V\e>l. i tie ef.cj
w;ih which they cab be rtsderbfli
the tacst valtubSe jrvestnafii Al. en. be
tiifl present Use most favorable opportasity fc*
person* of ndustriotts habhs aad sit sitiw
to aajnire 3 comfortable isdepeneeace ,aai4
Cnicsga is r,o the greatest gra.r. caitrt 1
the * orld, sr.d the facility ad er:y
which tie rrrd ;<. ts of If,esc iind* '< fnP
ported la that market make them Er.
ircnta; ;e. *i tfee prices isked, ISar lb *e
remote at government rate*, as lie
trarsporutiTß is a petpetuai tax or the
wbic must -;>e home by the producer ii tiftf
diced price be roce.rea for bis fnia, Ac
The Title is Perfect, and wfcea the f'lipsp
meet* are made. Deeds are eaec.-cd by
Trustees appointed fcv the State, and n s* s
lie ut<e ;s vested, to the psinchastrs.
vey to Gem ahsalnte titles rn Fee Slr. rle.fie
C'&ar ct eiery locmAfuce, l>en cr sifi
The Price* are from $ t J#: ieterestM
'I J Fr (tit,
7Vi*rfc ptr ccsL wiii he deputed frsm tin crt*'•
prttr frr Cs*.
ih-ose wno pore base or loaeertdit citesonN
pa.- •.:•; in i 3. 4. 5 and 6 years after date, J--1
are repaired to .taprove one-teeth anngtlif - s j
eve years, so as to have one-naif the la: iU2* s:
enltieation at lie end ef that ume. Con;*'®]
Sjrveyers will accompany these wi. W.s:R
txansiQc laese ian-is, free cf ehargs.
Thee in making seiectiocs. The lands r*at*
igg 'J..-,, j ire as and TaUftahlc as
which Lave teen deposed of. >
SEC I iOXAL MAPS will be sent to i-T
w._ Wii, ecciose fciby cents sn Postage Sti®? 4
ana Books or Pamphlets ccetatcirg
instances of successful farming, signed Jf H
spectab.e and well known farmers living 5
neighborhood of the Ranroad Lands thro#*!
lie State—also tic cost of fencing, prtoi i
ca,Ue, expense of iarvesuag, threshing. A ; "
or any other information, will be cr'crrri?
g.ven on apphcat;>a, either persocaiv ot?
letter, in Eng'sfe, French, or German, a-b*re?
Land Commissioner Illinois Central R R i*
0£ :e in liiinc is Central Railroad Dep
cago, Illinois. apSefi
laOGust and Chestnut Posts
FOR sale bv
Ai*o Shingles. sp