Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 19, 1857, Image 4

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    a- A S S TIE.
I Letter from Philadelphia^
s last act in cfae eventful history of Dr.
•was consummated yesterday. His
has been deposited in the earth of his
e city, honored as no merely private cit
ever honored before. The scene was
imWffcsMve in an unprecedented degree. The
ittfhSc buildings were draped in sable, the
I of the city tolled, the ilags of the ship
vero at half-mast, the sounds of muffled
i were heard in the streets, and an im
i concourse of sorrowing citizens, mili
cnipanies and public associations thron
join in the funeral cortege. The corpse
one amid these impressive evidences of
moral sympathy and grief, iirst to the
i, where the services and sermon of the
HBIK W. .Shields added tu the solemnity of
tension. and thence to the cemetery at
J®xt to tlio tomb of our gallant hero, the
HlOtt touching memorials of his adventurous
Kiidfpoble life now left with us are the Loaf,
riflsrand a portion of the sled which accotn
panted him in his Arctic voyage. These are
.11 this city, and bear fearful testimony to the
iajtedts &nd struggles attending the discovery
if thi Open Polar ' t is little to say that
hjr : .|re now ineiu'utoes exceeding in value
the pea: Is and rubies of affection.
PSjling the procession and its incidents
yesberde.y the pickpockets and other thieves
twk'pceasi.in to force the soulless villainy of
heir kind prominently upon public appreci
ition. i, They swarmed and stole at every
iUiWpnd were happily arrested in quite pro
iorda- io numbers. There were nine pick
jookats before one Alderman, all caught iti
he act luring the procession, and all held to
msvrer die charge. Their arrest wasaitend
:'l by one pleasing act on the part of tho
OHpian. Buring their examination a poor
romau who makes a precarious liting by
iwesj[yh churches entered and said her pock
it had been picked of 86 50, all the money
he be b As she did 11 <t know who did it
md tt- fu re Ciiuld not identify the p' isruerfi,
he Ai' lernian levied a contribution on the
uudsj foun i in possession of those present,
ihd.-.paid her loss back to her.
To ihow the boldness and vigilance of these
hidygß, when the procession was passing a
;iven |p'>irit a gentleman and Ids family left
he afcnm r table to see it. While gone, a
bteTffciH'-r. d by the rear entrance of tko
MHtjeland st ile all Us. silver ware on 'he hi
de. .
A gentlemen e.-nnected with our Navy
kard,rpr'tc;.-d h\ Submarine Armor, made
L (tssc. iu "ii Monday under the receiving
hip jfcnioti. He remained under the water
bejft: space of nearly //•■< hours and a huh.
Tfea annual report of the county prison has
jesn ■resented. There has been n decrease
n thtt expenses of this institution for the las'
iix fifenth- ol ti;e year eotnjiared with the
ireeeSng six of over ?lo.tii)o. it appears
iiat 'we number s>t commitments is on the
ncraw ovvuig mainly to intemperance. I i
IB|S :le v amounted to 115,04*1; in lßs<i, to
14,20?. t U the last ttuniber, 2.110 were
nuajjptt d f r dire t in tt mp •-ranee, 2,828 for
iisorderlv conduct. 2.222 for vagrancy-, 824
far Wt#s • no .no i-, 2,11.8 for assault and h:\t
vry; '§,•'•• .. - •f •• m t were dis
w ;
|Ki igii'-red by fhe (innid -Jury. > Oily
hnte'dui.'."* uvvumd during the past year.
JH. . i-o- SEAT p. HIE . LoATL.
• March 11.—Mr. Benjamin,
" mmiUce, to which was
Mi' du lhiury ... "teste i c!- ctiot.
i£|H the I'. liiisyhaii'.a cu.. . ( .p c€r .
asv, #ey rted that IV m the prate*,
aiti o-'r.s ~f the Senate and limine u.
ti:praei taii-.r-s 0 f the Legislature of P.-nn
ylvanta, it apnea: ed tiiat the grounds of the
iroteft batl irst. that there was ml a con
urw*k me-m-v each House in fx* .r ol
**<ili -l l<e let 1; an! sec
m wg. Senate did not comply with
" * State laws, bv up
te qu Hi. **.iual
atfxufe A ' a..d making u ■ -
■&.+ tit It*r* w t, '!?& v
f nventioK. j- addition to
ice gr■.ui.'i-., v.-;.- a third. The prote*. "
temeai v;.- . uie 11 MliMi (> f ileprcFcntatlref
harge;tl.at thu election of Mr. (Jameron v*a>
rodue<. as they are inforun d and believe,
y com: u and unlawful means, involving
ertain famm;,; i .■> of that body; and they it
uest the Smate to order an investigation,
ut only to qualitie into liie illegality oi' t'ne
leettofi, mt ito rd'-r toafl ird uu opportunity
■ Mit proof a- to the facts on which this,
hurge fe- r. This, the Committee say, i> a
eneral failegatii n, and they cannot recom
lesud mil prat cr to be granted, owing to the
hargo b' ing t vague and indefinite. There
•as not a single fact or circumstance detailed
* the pasis f the general charge; nor was
; aßsgp d tli.it ii,,- fitting riioiii <• r participat
d ia lb •" ci rrupt means, or had a kno'.vl
of ti.' ir existence. The Couiniitt.ee
ould at', 'hi-rcfore, coiisid r it necessary to
loving conunissimi to procure
>roof- tie ailcg 1 fraud, in order to de
rive ajiiii m. r ola seat to which he is en
itled, is th. party charging corruption wen
barged ample power to investigate the
iatfee. ' If, en investigation, the charges to
r ove|B-a::.l if they believe the character of
tr. iron so involved that he should not
e a ■butor, t'ne r- suit could be reported, and
be Si ■ate could take further action. With
sgardßto the first two points, the Committee
egard tin- provisions of the iawasnien ly
irectOfy an ' a failure to comply with them
lid nefcifcp.ke the election invalid.
~ \r . 10 . W C Jearn the follow-
T £! j r weidimi.
a K Pfßcular of tne , , ( - 4 ,
lamiltor ■
eene of do-c't .r this nn ruing. The ace.s.
ccnrred ot. the (Jicat Western Jiailway at
be brpdg over the D<-s .lardine's Canal,
vhicb is eh vatcd some 60 f-c-t above the wa-
OT. The bridge swings, and it is supposed
bat tbo train vvltich passed for the East a
•kort ss&|, V tioiP, had sunk the bridge so
>bßtrQcj|d by the abutments id sdon a degree
hat the piussenger cars were raised up 1
.hrowtijilt) the Canal. The train was the
oca! sees, ncdation from IVronto to llamii
on, and left Toronto at 4 o'clock yesterday
ifwrnoon The number of passengers was
•stirastod at from 75 to 100, of whom only
15 were laken alive from the wreck, and of
these 5 (have since died. The water in the
panal if T Let deep, and nearly all those not
mimedpt' ly killed were drowned. The en
pne and tender with the engineer and fire
man wtft. pitched headlong into the canal,
and are [buried 20 feet below the turfacc. —
Ihe ear and two passenger car. arc
eompl3y shattered, and one of the latter
turned I)' ; torn side upward and nearly sub
When iur informant ar/ned this morning
the pai P<. - were still busy in extricating the
the v.'-it. In
joining the station-house at Hamilton, about
fifty or sixty corpses of men, women and
children were lying on the floor. No inqui
ry into the cause of the accident had yet
been held. Most of the passengers were
from Hamilton. Toronto and the adjoining
towns. Samuel Zimmerman of Niagara Falls,
Isaac Buchanan of Hamilton, N ice President
of the Bond, and Capt. Twokey, a popular
commander on Lake Ontario, are among the
victims. Only one of the lady passengers
was saved, and she was much cut and bruis
ed. A German lad in the hind car seeing the
conductor hastily retreating to the back door,
took alarm and followed him, and be, the
conductor, and three others were the only
ones who escaped with trilling injuries.
[Mr. Zimmerman was a native of Hunting
don county, and formerly on the Pa. canal.]
On AH A, Nebraska Territory, Feb. 21. We
are under the government of a Vigilance
Committee. Not for the general purpose of
reform in administration, but for the vindica
tion of squatter sovereignty. Claims have
been "jumped"' contrary to " the code," and
several "jumpers" have already been tried,
and forced to withdraw their " filing."
Our streets are filled with citizens armed
with rifles and muskets. Our best men are
heart and soul in the movement. This is to
protect the three hundred and twenty acre
claims. 1 was yesterday witness to the de
struction of a jumper's cabin. The army is
again under arms to-day. No examples have
yet been made: but should any offer resis
tance, I shall nut be surprised at any tiling in
the way of punishment.
The surrounding towns have sent delega
tions tov- mass meeting, and offered assistance
and support. Law reigns supreme. Itisthe
law of protection t<r rights acquired by first
settlement, well understood by our venerable
Secretary of State, and which is founded cu
ttle necessity of forming society and civiliza
tion. On every tother subject \v are quiet
and peaceable.
Children Stolen by Indians and Hears.
—Some months since the Western papers
gave a thrilling account of tlie loss of a child
which had been carried oil" hv a bear near
Manitowoc. No traces of the child have
been discovered, and the excitement was
about dying away, when on Wednesday
o{ last week, in the sam* locality, a .Mr.
Woodward, living near Sand Bay, had
some difficulty with an Indian whom he
had fed nearly every day during the past
winter, and kicked him out of doors. I'he
next day his little girl, three years of age,
was standing near the house, when an In
dian sprang out of the thicket, clasped her
in his arms, and hounded avvav through
the underbush. Pursuit was commenced
immediately, but up to Saturday without
success, though information bad been re
ceived which, it was hoped, would lead to
the recovery of the child—an Indian and a
squaw having been seen the day after the
abduction carrying a child which was
close I v v. rapped in a blanket, and was cry
ing bitterly.
.7 Malignant li fe. —A respectable Vir
ginia farmer, named Babb, and his son
were arrested in Petersburg, \ a., on Mon
day, for fraud practiced upon a merchant
in selling him lard with stones embedded
in the centre of lite firkins. It was in ev
ince that the wife of the elder lLthb,-and
step-motin?s t>f die young man, had placed
lilt tit there in Iterance of a malicious
threat to her husband, with whom she
did not live happily, in trouble. The
"v was thereupon refunded and the
motiv .
'■ '"-sod.
case Uisnu.
Mardis, of Indiana .
Pa., was killed instantly, while at work in
his saw-mill, in the vicinity ol Strougs
town. There was a large circular saw in
motion in die mill, and while Mr. Mardis
in shifting a log that was on
V; as engage w. . time, one end
the saw mill carnage ai
af a ,'j ose board caught in lite saw u..~
threw the hoard ';:ek with such force, that
the opposite end of it iin*?h£ M. in
the face, killed him instaiHaneousi/.- H e
leaves a family.
Harnessed Wolves. —A span of wolves
(says die St. Louis Democrat) regularly
trained to die harness were driven, amid
a crowd of yelping, apparently indignant,
dogs, and wondering people, down Fourth
and Pine streets on Saturday.
f3 O , O O O
JZk. c 3FL Ei S3
of the very best
In Macon, fclieiby, IVlouitrie and
Clay counties, Illinois.
rniIF.SE LANDS arc located about the centre
p of the State, near the Illinois Central, the
•treat Western, and Terrc Haute and Alton
Railroads, are equal if not superior to any
lar.ds in this county, and from their location,
--oil and climate otier as favorable inducements
to purchasers as can he had in the west. They
WILL BE SOLO LOW. For further information
enquire J" person or by letter of
L'-'wistovvn, Mifflin county, I'a.
fjy=rMr. M. will reniCtm in Lewistown until .
ibout the 10th of March, alter which he will |
ae at Decatur, Illinois. <Je2s.:hn
Estate of John C. leattor, defeased.
"VOTiOK is*hereby givci that letter.-, testa
uutntary ou the estate ol JOHN C.
IFiTTOB, late of Bratton township, Mif
flin county, deceased, have been gran ted to
the undersigned, residing in sanl township.
All persona indebted to said estate- are re
quested to make payment without delay, and
these having claims to present them duly an
il ..nutated fur settlement.
niaro-Gt Executrix.^
Uio Ho
KO A 1* ft KTI
PROFESSIONAL basinet promptly uttend-
I ed to, and charges reasonable-.
OFFICE on North Main street, second door
below the town Hall, and nearly opposite the
Gazette office. je 21, 185u t •
EA J i GTS? (D 0i) Aoai) -3 ii y.
W. H. WOODS, A. M., Proprietor and Principal.
'(.■ l' , ~°J' cai<or "J the G-reek and Latin Languages.
/. A LIKED Sl[Al>L, Af. J)., Lecturer on Anatomy and Hygiene.
Lev. If. S. M (JlilllSOJV, Lecturer on J] ride nets of Christianity.
II d/t attic Assistants in the Lngtish and l'rtpuraiory Departments.
rpHE next Session of this Institution will open the First Wednesday of May. Peculiar in"
J ducements are held out by this Institution to young men. desiring an "education. The Board
ol" Instructors is composed of gentlemen of high literary attainments and skilled in their Pro
fession. ihe location is quiet, secluded and healthy. Situated among the mountains, it enjoys
the pure mountain air. There never has a single case of ague originated here, and tho'se subject
to it could not find a better place. The course of instruction is such as is best calculated to
prepare young men for business, for teaching, or for taking a high stand in college.
A NORMAL SCHOOL is lormed lor those wishing to become Teachers, in which practical
instruction will be given in the art of teaching, hearing recitations, and the proper mode of
managing and conducting a school.
COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—The course of study in this department is such as to give
thorough instruction in Single and Double Entry Book-Kecpir.g, Mercantile Calculations, Pen
manship, &c. I ime occupied will vary from .'1 to 10 weeks, depending upon the diligence of the
student. They can take up this branch of study cither in connection with other studies, or de
vote to it their whole time.
SHADE GAP is situated on the mail route between Nit. Union station on the Penn'a Railroad
and Chainbersburg, from which p!ae there is a regular line of stages.
TERMS for session of five months, (washing and light extra,) ()0
Tuition in Double Entry Book-Keeping, full course, time not limited, of) po
Single Entry " " " " b 00
Students in academic department studying book-keeping are only charged half the above pri
ces. A deduction of ten dollars is made for sons of Ministers.
Payments half in advance—balance in middle of session.
For Catalogues containing full particulars, addi ms W. H. WOODS,
March 10, 1857. Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa. !
Office, next door lo the Post Office, No. 83 Dock Street, Philadelphia.
All Sums of Money Returned on Demand.
fPIFE STATU SAVIXfit? FUND. No. t3. Dock Street, next ilimr to Third Street, and adjoining the Post Office,
1- receives Money on deposit daily, from 9 in I lie morning unlit 3 in the afternoon; also Monday evening* from T to
'J o'clock. Interest is allowed on deposits at the late of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Depositsw.il he return
ed in whole or in part on demand, without notice.
The popularity of this Office with all'classes of the community, iioth in town ami country, and its consequent
success, may be ascribed, in part, to the following substantia! reasons :
1-t. It offers a convenient, responsible, and profitable Depositary to Executors, Administrators, Assignees, <"ot
lertors, A (rents, and alt public officers- lo Attorneys, Trustees, S,niet ies and A--an: in l ioi s, u hether incorporated or
otherwise —lo married or single ladies— to Students, Merchants, Clerks, and business men generally -to Mechan
ic s, Farmers, Minors of either sex, and all who have funds, much or little, to deposit, where they may be had at any
time with Five per cent, interest added.
2d. Depositors receive Books, with an abstract of the By-Laws and regulations, in will h is entered their depos
its. which Books serve as vouchers. They may designate, in i ise of Sickness, Oca 111, or absence, uho shall receive
their deposits, without the intervention of Executors or Administrators. Any one or more persons may deposit in
Ins. her, or Iheir name, or fur any other person or persons.
3d. A Report is made each war lo the Legislature and Cm: in-its of the City.
■itlt. The Officers are sworn before they enter upon tl.eir duties, in addition in giving Bonds with sureties
Slh. The Suite Savings Fond is a real Savings Fund —im/'aii insurance ar.d Trust Company. Our large list of
11-posit >is and the Fliitadelphia public, have la.en careful to observe that llie charier avoids the business and risk
C.f insurance.
full. l:i order to afford every reasonable facility to Depositor* who result a a distance from the office, their de. '
posils ai e per mi tied to be withdraw aby < hi. ks, after the manner • ostou.ary wiih I lie B a nks. t liec k Be 1s w ill b. j
furnished to depositors without charge.
The popular patronage bestow- d upon litis ofiict by a proverbially eauti.ins and dis. riminalii community, and
where tiie character of i Is.; institution is best known, is a gratify ice fact to which the Trustees desire to call atten
tion. CiEO. If. MART, President. j
Cham. C 5. Imlay, Treasurer. Philadelphia, March £O, If jG — y
S)LACKS.M I I'JlS.—'l'o Iluflniaii's you
.} ah ui'.tl continur to go fur Iron, Sterrl, he.
/ 10RfL\(iE, Twines and Tar at
Motoo I. t is, ami til kinds of sShot! I' inl at
't J (>ll r Mock of s.ulillerv and oacbivr<* i ho pr and at
towpttfiM. HOFFMAN.
1 \_y 'l'he STAR. ,
The READING, ' Irll
' A J Buy Cheene at Huffman's
I)ii\ Sutrar at Hoffman's
ItaiMolasses.it Hoffman's
Buy Teas, Sir. ~ it Hoffman's
■u'g jfyj- Tubs
/ I O to Ilottlllo..
vJf 0.1 to lloffmaii's for <"Unrn
(to to lloffiiiau's for Buckets I
(i ■ to Hoffman's for Brooms
(to to Hoffman's for Baski-U ' ' '
"••diciißSj Medicines, Hcdiciues,
Paints, Paint*,
Faints, ' r
(tlass, uiaas, t
Oils, o,ls, Oils,
Trusses, Trusses,
List of Causes for Trial
it April Term, .1# >• 185T,
\*, # Jtrm. Year
I. Kisher vs. Milllkeu Sc McCulloch, 63, Nov. I>io |
I Samuel llolliday va. John I'eac ln y, Jn, Anp. 1651 ,
Joseph B Aril vs James Somei ville, 51, Nov. IS.>3
lteiilH ii Hale vs. John Winn, 'l*, Nov. 1851
Samuel (traham vs. Filing,ftrneff &Co 102, Ap'l. 1855
J. L> Scully vs. John Slerretl &Co Si, Nov 1855
I l>. A. &F. J. McN'ath vs.Giluiore's Eirs.63, Ap'l 1856
I'eier sheislej vs John McCorinick, C., Aug. 1850
John Irvin vs. Joo. A Wright ACo 80, Aug. is ,6
Joscpl: Swift vs. James Quiitlan, 28, Nov. ls.Ji
8. .1 Creswell vs. Fiesb. Cong, et al, *lO, Jan. 185,
1 uhlborn for Koss vs A J. Miller, 111, Ap I. l^.'l
tteo. 11. Calhraiih vs. Dennis I go, 57, Ap'l. 1854
! Jamea T. Hale vs. Win. J Met.'oj, IT, Aug. 1855
Joseph II An! vs. William Wilson, I .'ft, Aug. 1853
Jos (treeii A- Co. vs Juniata Iron Co 16, Jan. 1857
II J WAI.TKKB, Proth'y.
l'rotliouol.iry's Office, I.ew isinwn, Feb. 20, 157.
LjH r ' r -'
For protecting and preserving the Dead tor or- j
dinary interment, for vaults, for transport- |
ation, or for any other desirable purpose.
For sale at the new Furniture rooms, under j
the Odd Fellows' Hall, by 1
I orcuGS
f |ll1 K unbscribor has a stock of DKA
I GOODS and HARDWARE on hand am
ounting to about $2,500, which he will sell at
a bargain, either for cash or approved paper,
or exchange for a piece of land if it be
suitably located, to any person who may do
sire to engage in the Mercantile business. —
They are principally staple goods, and such
; as command a ready sale.
j no 20 —tf CIIAS. KHZ.
FOR A M. 1R J 'ELL OUS . i GE! >
1)\ tlie ail of a iiiicrusco(H*, wo see million? of little
openings on Ihe surfico of our bodies Through
;h .<• this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried
to .111 v organ or iiiwawd part. Dlse.ines of the Kidneys,
li'rd. rH of the Liver, affections of the Heart, Inflain
:.ti n of ill*- f.ungs. Asthmas. Coughs and f'tdds, are ly
ls to* Jilts* effectually cured Every housewife knows
Hi it sail passes freely through bone or meat of any thick
ness This healing Ointment far more readily penetrates
' iiiniigh any bone <u thc-liv part of the living body,curing
i .lie iii t danger 'Us inn trd complaints, that cannot be
| reache*! by other means.
I Erysipelas, Salt Rlirimi X Scorbutie Humors.
No remedy lias i-ver done no niurti for Ihe cure ol" di
f il'; Skin, li it.-vi r firm they may assume, ns
•|n> Ointment. !Sf> iof Salt Rheum, Scurvy, S< re
Ht-atls, Si ruhil: or Krysr-ehi?, ran long withstand its in
!iut:iiee. The inventor his traveled over many parts of
■lie gh.be, vUitio? the prloeipal hospitals, dispensing this
Ointment, eiving advice as to its application, arnl has
! '.bits tneans r (' res'orinc countless nuuiliers tiy
j Health.
j xcrt) Sore Breasts, cumis an I fleers.
Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely
' on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to
[ cope with the worst cases of sores, wounds, ulcers, glan
| dular swellings, and tumors. Professor liolloway his,
jby count, and of the Allied Governments, dispatched to
; the hospitals of the Kast, large shipments of this Omt
-•. to Us used under the direction of the Medical Staff,
uc -- of wounds. It will cure any ulcer,
in the worst o-. - conUaclion of the joints,
glandular swelling, stiffness
even of 20 tears' standing.
These and other similar distressing complaint* can lie
effectually cuied if thn Oililtm lit he well rubbed in over
the pars atfei t< d, and by otherwise follow tng the printed
directions around each put.
Roth Fit Ointment and J'ills should he used in
the following Cases:
Bunions Lumbago Sore la gs
lliirus Mercurial Er-fc'ore Breasts hw el d Glands
(dhapp'dhands itplionn *<"<-' Stifl Joints
fhilhlaitts Piles rt..re l brm.ts libers
fistulas lll.eun.atbm Mores..,'a,l N cnerealsores
Gout Salt 11 It,-.in. Wounds of alt
Skin l>i.*e A
• *Bold at the Manufaetorb. - ''"'b ssor lou.nWAV,
, , *>4 1 Sir*:r.v', I aitu
>0 .Maiden l.an.!, New \urk,um. -
bv all resp. clal.le Druggists aim Dealers "t Mediut.es
tm.mUoi.l the Cr.ie.l States, r.nd t." '"''
t25 couts, G2£ cur. is, and $1 ML "
t -There i a considerable saving by the larger
N. B. Di.e tions for tla guidance of patn'c ' sin ttiay
disorder ate alß.redto cadi Pot.
I t>i 'AI ! HON '.—None tire genuine unless the " 0,( '
'■•/loUtiiciur, .Yew York ami Lomlon," are di- erni ili! . * a
water mark in every leaf of the book of directions arum. <•
j each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen bv iwmf
•Ac Imi' ta the Ivjiit. A handsome reward will be g.vcn |
I to any one rendering such information as may lead t > j
I the detection of any party or parties countert'. .ting the ;
j medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be s;ui
l rious.
Truth i stranger than fiction.
A Certain lure lor till Rliensualic Pains.
Don't Condemn but try if, it Cannot lull.
s:. €. .%3s3.s:vs
Concentrated Electric Paste,
I And Arabian Fain Extractor, for Man and
Copyright secured according lo law.
1 T1 T FIAT will it cure? We answer— Rhcu.
I VV matic Pain*, when everything clsefaiU,
Cramp®, Chilblains, Hums, b-' aids, Sprains,
Ht ul Ache, Tooth Ache, Swellings, Bruises,
Sores Ring Worm, Tetter. Stifl' Joints, Con
tracted Cords, Fresh Cuts, Ulcerated Sores,and
all Scrofulous Diseases where external reme
dies cat, be used, Sore Throats, Still Ncclc , -Ye
What it will Cure for riorscs and (Mltb .--^eo
nv, Spavin, Fistulas, Poll Evil, \N tndgalls, Fl
eers Cholic, Sprains, Collar and Saddle Calls
Stone Bruises, Stiif Joints, Verdigo, Splints and
Running Sores. ...
For sale at the Drug Store of Charles Ritz.
Lewistown, Pa. , . ,
genuine but those bottles having
the words " F, C. Allen's Concentrated Electric
Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor, Lane r, l a.,
blown in the bottle. Look out for counterfeits.
Don't forget to ask for Alien's. aplu-y
. ■ &)3 aMHIJ b... JS?
No. 39 & 40 North Wharves,
Half-way between Arch and Race sts.,
March 12, 1857.-1 y
S 111S work having been enlargedthrongh-
JL out to admit the largest sized Pennsylva
nia Canal Boats, the water will be let in from
Middletown to Reading on the first dav of
April. Toll Sheets and information respect
ing the Canal can be obtained at the Office of
the Company, No. 56 Walnut street, Phila
delphia, un application to
March. 12, 1857—3t President, Ac.
g —i
\\7 ILL be offered at public sale, nt the
t f residence of the subscriber, East Mar
ket street, Lewistown, on
Thursday, March 26, 1857,
the following Personal Property, viz:
Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, 2 Shop
Stoves, Stove Pipe, Bedsteads, Dressing Bu
reaus, Bureaus, Carpets, Hocking Chairs,
Chairs, Stands,-Settees, 5 splendid Art Union
Pictures in (lilt Frames, 2 Divans, a lot of
Books, Tables, Tubs, Venetian Blinds, Crocks,
Meat \ c-ssels, V* ater A essds, Iron Kettios,
Dishes, aud various other articles of
HouseHold & Kitchen
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock p. m., of
said day when term® will be made known bv
I.ewistown, March 12, 1857.
LECTION NOTICE.—The Stockhoh! rs
1 J of the Lowistown Academy are hereby
notified that an Election for TlF'l EKN THUS
TEES of said institution, to serve for the en
suing year, tr ill he held at the Academy, on
the second Monday, the loth day of April
next, at - o'clock p. m. All persons who
have paid five dollars are entitled to a vote.
Lewis', iwn. March 12, 1857.—t0.
V" SSI ON EE ACCOI NT.—'l he -account of
_ Join C. Si</hr, Assignee of JOHN B.
PHILIPS, will be presented for final confir
mation at the ensuing April Term of the
Court of Common Pleas of Mi Hi in coutifv,
commencing on the first Monday of April
next, having been examined, passed and filed,
of which all parties interested hereby have
notice. 11. J. "WALTERS, Proth'y.
Proth'v's Office, Lowistown, )
March 11, 1557. }
A. J. WARNER. Principal.
f JMI E Spring Session .if this Institution will
1 commence on WEDNESDAY, April Ist.
Instruction will ho given in all the branches
of Study common t. Academics—also lessons
in Drawing. Painting, Music, &c.
Lewistown, March 12, 1857.
At Acidemia. Juniata Count;/, I'tnua.
advantages and attractions of this
J Institution are such as pertain to a thor
ough and comprehensive system of education,
combining artistic, literary, scientific, hygi
enic and moral culture—and a location in a
very liea'Miful region, away from towns ami
villages, and in the midst of charming seen
cry. Mxi'm-iisCS, $l2O per annum ; including
Music, slot>. The Summer Sessions vvil
commence May sth. E. HINDS,
March 12. 1857. 4t Principal.
Freeburg Academy and Nciinaj
r |M!l> LVSTII t FION, located in the beau
1 iful and healthy little village of Freeburg.
Snyder county, Pa., will commence the second
i Spring) quarter of its Second Session on the
-3d of March. In view cf the great want ot
. ro -°'' instruction for Teachers in this and oth
>r counties, a If?"**!. DEPARTMENT will
aereaftcr he connected with this school, in
which Teachers will be prepared for the ardu
ous duties of the school room. That justly
popular Teacher, Lecturer and Author, Prof.
.1. F. SroDOvno, has been engaged to deliver a
course of Lectures and assist in arranging and
conducting the Normal exercises and training,
and it is hoped Teachers will avail themselves
of his services while in the county. An addi
tional Female Teacher has been engaged, and
other arrangements made to meet the wants ot
One-half payable invariably in advance.
For Board, Room, and Tuition,
per session of '.2 weeks,
Tuition c.uly, per qr. of i 1 w'ks, 2.50 to B.OA
Instruction on Piano and use of
Instrument, 9 05
- For Circulars, Ac., address
GEO. F. McFARLAND, Principal.
Freeburg," March 12. 1857.
ISMI.E first lot above the Presbyterian
j[ Oln.'t'ch, iu the burnt district, on Brown
street, ow.te-1 by lb v. Mr."Hughes, is offered
for sale u7 reasonable terms. There is a
Stable (Jarradge Jlouse, ami other outbuild
ings on the loj. which is a most eligible site
for building, befng in a quiet part of town,
and but a few miiu'tcf) walk from the business
portion. For terms apply to
mar 12-31 THOMAS IV. MOORE.
New Arrangements.
\ FTF.it returning our sincere tlmnks to our
numerous friends and customers for their
continued patronage, I would inform them that
1 am still to be found at
With a desire to'bring my business nearly to
CASH, alter the first of April our credit terms
will be Thirty Days and accounts not to exceed
Fifty Dollars. We hope still to conduct out
business so that we shall enjoy the good will
of our numerous customers, and that the num
ber may be greatly increased
marl 2 F J. HOFFMAN.
SUPERIOR make of Horse Blankets,
FT made in Philadelphia of best inateii ils, well linlsh
ed, unit will be soli ut might* low prices, s'l .'0 to 35C
c-ach. oct'J F. FRANCISCUS.
; riIUE partnership heretofore existing bc
1_ tween Samuel Watts ami Samue] Katfly,
in the dry goods, grocery, queensvaru and
; hardware business, at Belleville, Mifflin coun
ty. was dissolved on the 28th of Februarj',
1857, l>y mutual consent. The books are left
in the hands of SAMUEL IIAFFLY, who is
1 alone authorized to make settlement of the
same. Those knowing, themselves Indebted
are hereby notified to call and make settle
ment of their accounts, as the firm is desirous
of closing up their business as soon as possi
Belleville, February 28, 1857.
1 he business will bo continued by Samuel
| Ilaffly, at the old stand, who, while returning
thanks to the public for their liberal patron
age to the firm, respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of the same.
Belleville, March 12, 1857.31*
351331)®?* >3 3Ala3,
] > y virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias,
) Levari Facias, \ enditioni Exponas, anil
Alias Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin county,
and to me directed, will be exposed to sale,
by public vendue or outcry, at the Court
House, iu the Borough of Lcvvistown, on
Saturday, April 4, 1857,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following
described Real Estate, to wit:
A tract of land situate in Perry township,
Mi'Hin county, containing about 200 acres,
be the same more or less, about 200 acres of
which is cleared, with log house, log barn,
and other improvements thereon erected,
bounded by the Kidiaeoquillas creek <n the
west, land of Ephraim Banks and others on
the north, land of llenry Strunk, Hubert and
Matthew Forsyth on the east, and south bv
Poor House farm. Seized, taken in execution
aiul to be sold as the property of Landman
A lot of ground situate on the south side
of the Pennsylvania canal, in the borough of
Lcvvistown, bounded on the northeast by the
Pennsylvania Banal, on the southeast by the
Kishncoquilias creek, on the southwest by the
.Juniata river, and or, the northwest by com
mon ground, containing about ] of an acre,
be the same more i r less, with a two story
stone house, brew house, and other improve
ments thereon erected. Seized, taken in ex
ecution and to be sold as the property of
Geory<• Sieyrist.
All that certain lot of ground situate, lying
and being in the borough of MeYeytown,
Miiflin county, whereon is erected a two story
frame dwelling house, brick store house and
frame stable, bounded by Market street on
the west, John street on the north, Sarah al
ley mi the east, and by lot No, 23 on tlx;
south, and known in the general plan of said
borough as lot No. 24. Seized, taken in ex
ecution and to bo sold as the property of John
I- SI tie art and Alexander I'. Owens, i pith no
tice to the tcrrr tenants.
Sheriff s Office, Lcvvistown, March 12,1857.
N. It. Purchasers it tb" above sheriffs sales are here
ly notified lliui tilt* anion is t .t tlic "vill i<p rtffjuirt'd
to ho paid, in ail rasu-s. f ti?n*-di it el v or. the property be it
km k(rd down, or it will hp forthwith resold to the high
est bidder. j. t \|
Register's Notice.
X ined and passed by mo, and remain tiled
of record iu this office for inspection of Heirs,
Legatees, Creditors, and all others in any
way interested, and will be presented to the
next Orphans' Court of the county of Mifflin,
to be held at the Court House in Lewis
town, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of April,
1857, fur allowance and confirmation:
I. The account of Eliza Mcllvaine, Am'x.
of Miller A. Mcllvaine, late of Berry town
ship, dee'd.
u. Ihe account of Samuel Drake, Adm'r
of the estate of Isabella Johnston, late of
Wayne township, dee'd.
J. Ihe account ul Samuel Drake, Ex'r of
the last will, Ac. of Elizabeth Drake, late of
the borough of Newton Hamilton, dee'd.
4. The account of Joseph Hruver, adm'r of
the estate of Jehu Gibbs, late of Granville
township, dee'd. •
5. The account of Geo. W. .Stewart, Esq.,
adm'r of the estate of Charles Heisler, late of
the borough of Lcvvistown, dee'd.
0. The account of John Allen, Ex'r of the
will of Catharine Dunmire, late of Oliver
township, dee'd.
7. The account of Stoneroud and
Ephraim Ranks, Ex'rs of the will of Lewis
Stoneroad, dee'd.
8. The final account of Wn>. J. McCoy and
Samuel Yodcr, Adm'rs of the estate of Chris
tian Moist, late of Bratton town-hip, dee'd.
9. The account # of James G. McCoy, sur
viving Ex'r of the last will, Ac. of Hugh
Johnston, late ot the borough of MeVeytown,
10. The Guardianship account of Casper
De'il. Guardian of Sarah Alexander, minor
child of Disaix Alexander, dee'd.
11. The Guardianship account of Jatnes
Beam. Guardian of Andrew D. Bruner, mi
nor child of Henry Bruner, dec'ii,
12. The Guardianship nceoun t of John
Allen, former Guardian of the minor children
of Joseph A Bell, of Union township.
13. The account of Joseph llaifly, Esq.,
A .n r of the estate of Ruber! A. Gibbonev,
late of Union township, dee'd.
14. J'he Guardianship account iff Jacob
Muhlcr, Guardian of Isaac Price, minor child
of Banc Ptice, dee'd.
io. The Guardianship account of William
R. Morrison, Guardian of Catharine Beard,
(late Catharine Latherow,) one of the minor
children of M m. Latherow, late of Wayne
township, dee'd.
16. The Guardianship account of James
Beatty, Guardian of Henry Clay Brur.cr, mi
nor child of Henry Bruner, dee'd.
17. The account ol Christian Hoover, Esq.,
Adm'r of the estate of Robert Melov. dee'd.
18. The account of Isaac Plank and Nich
olas Voder, Ex'rs of the last will, Ac. of Ja
cob \ oder, late of Brown township, dee'd.
19. The account of l ost King, or.e of the-
Ex'rs of John Yoder, bate of Mer.no town
ship, dee'd.
20. The final account of Christian Hoover*
Esq,. Adm'r of the estatv of Joseph Gocbvu
uur. late ot Granville township, dee d.
21. The account ol William Mitchell. Guar
dian of the minor children of William sn.dl
Amelia Arbucklo.
22. fho account >.4' .Tosej 4 S. M ates m,
Adm r >■. th" estate of .fames tV:irv.m
of the borough of Lewis' >wn, dee d. ' v
Register's Office, LewLstown, •
March 12. In>7. j
pLSll—lfuil ? 4 bv paok,~
X. J'lievsal i-.J. '
~ vS' 3 -
CI'.EDS.-C.'.rdcii sue' 1
n " w, ' k£ - w Spades,
% } hoft** v *