Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 05, 1857, Image 3

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Letter from Philadelphia.
curious story is current in our city just
esent, presenting one of the many chap
0f villainy to be found within the pur
of a large city. A well known and very
jnt Alderman was called at night to the
euce of a woman of questionable char
and on arriving found he was required
ill-form the marriage ceremony between
eniale specified and an old and well-to-do
■n, who has a family of grown children.
Alderman at once discovered that the
jentleman had been stupefied, either by
ging or with liquor, and therefore, under
nee of going hack to his office to get the
;r papers, returned and informed ane of
jns of the intended victim what was go
n. The son, with a constable, succeeded
tting the old gentleman away, and thus
■d nil ingenious plan to "raise the wind."
e ninth annual commencement of our
epathic Medical College was largely at
d by ladies, and about forty graduates
,ed diplomas.
sterday afternoon a middle aged man
fitted suicide by jumping from the Mar
street bridge into the Schuylkill. The ;
was recovered and an inquest held, lie
a ring upon his finger upon which was
ame of ilhatn IV ilson.
ere was a total of 213 interments in this :
during the week just closed. Of these
ied from consumption and ether lung ,
ses. 10 from scarlet fever, and 4 from !
/medical colleges continue tbeir annual ;
and semi-annual commencements. The Phil
adelphia College of Medicine, on Satqrdav,
diplomas to fourteen graduates.—
The Female Medical College also turned out !
seven lady M. I'.'s, among whom wasOrio It.
jflL,n of Virginia. Happy the man who has j
jfij/i'/ tor a doctor!
of our many paltry "conspiracy" cases ;
oSaturday had a well merited, though ainu
tiag termination. A petty dealer in contra-
BK3 "policies" sued a brace of our Herman ;
■Tow citizens for extorting mosey from him. '
The . had him arrested for his nefarious traf
fic, "but afterwards, having in the mean time j
(E&e>*d complainant of S4O as a condition for j
not appearing against him, allowed the case
to fail through. <'n these grounds he brought
aeti n for a conspiracy to extort money.—
Jod trt> Conrad held that there was a "conspi
rac; and that complainant was himself also
a f irty to it: he therefore bound over the
.whole three for court! That man looked more
like lie had received a shower bath than sat- j
the month which closed on Satur
mm there were 1820 arrests made in the con
jjßdated-ei-tv of Philadelphia.
. 7® _ . _ _ _
JS "
'•afcety.A committee, representing the most
literal of the Herman ecclesiastical parties, |
has teen formed at Worms, to raise a nation- -
al, monument t* Luther, in remembrance of
the memorable words which he pronounced
in that eirv against all the oppressors of con
WHtuiiiKpixii f.tui Er&i'l Top Railroad. —ly
•the summer arrangement, which went into
•*fle t on the 2d March the cars leave Hunt
ingdon for Hopewell at ha. in. and 4p. m.
•Thfi t. T. V'.urmaii ha- . een appointed Super
,inte: lent in place of James 15 ion. resigned.
JJb-'-.-",? iisve i. ;tifi doing lots of job work
daring the pest few weeks, and consequently
dia but iitth- tit.".'- re attend to " the best pa
4r in the I wited States," which an old
'old us-the other day we print.
'ln lii'.s place, on Tuesday evening hist. Lv
die*. .Limes S. Woods, I). i)., AXHi IF W
iPA'I PERSON, Esq., of Juniata county, and
.Mrs. MALI BRE/.FH of this place.
May their da; he prosperous and happy !
dßn t!ie 3d ins*;., bv the l'-v. 0. M. Jvlink,
tlQli V SAI7.LEI! to' Miss -AUGLINE YO
JRB'', both of BraUoil toivcshio.
19Rt Sliipmati, Macoupin county, Illinois,
nHHiV SLA'I L!', infant sou <f A braJiatn
■h,and Marge.!•.t J. P-.pe aged 4 mouths.
lib the g .tli u!t., in .Viff'intown. JACUB
LAPP. Pr- . rioter of the Juniata Hotel, aged
abm. 34 years.
j®t the < mrad % in Bellefoute, on the
dSfti u it., LI A AXY IH CHEIi, of
•Swi ry, aged 4.7 years.
ifkl the r<-sid'-m.. of Mrs. llavs, in Belle-
Mfr. on tio- 27th ut., Wis- JAY hi 11EN
SRlX IN, 73 years:.
aHt '■ "k Havoi < Monday niglit last,
very Mi l. M, ;
K, >. |., >g •{ ale nit 33 years.
tflßp L- :. Brattoa tuvyslup, cm
"the l it. February, JGjfN C. LEATTOtt.
31 years and 19 days. The decs rased
a higaly respected citizen, and fur his
iotot, ,.it-y and amiable disposition was beloved
by *ll who enjoyed his acquaintance, and his
•early departure froui life's busy scenes will
ply regretted. Yet we are not witbout
Mn-suranee that our loss is his eternal gain.
as he. had lived, in the hope of a
hereafter, which enabled him with
IHBrance to say—
!■ Lor<t, I c.Q.min\* my U ihec,
*ff Accept the acml truM :
# , /ft Act ive tlijft Mart ol iu\
A H i wait'li my dltrepbii;
*jrW r.ii that lllM-trhvtis iiiom hall come,
ien all thr SaintH shall rls<%
JK full iiDiiiortaJ bloom,
Atten'l thee t® tbe nkietu li.
On the 27th February, after a brief illness,
■wHIRS FOSTER, son of Rev. C. M. Kliuk,
.MM 1 year, 1 montli and 17 days. The fu
neral took place on Sabbath afternoon. Jiev.
•J. B. Crist preached the funeral sermon in
ihe courch. and a large number of jieopjle
the little coffin to the cemetery.
Gqc. in his boundlus Jove, looked clown
pon his garden fair;
hi- omniscient eye beht-hl
bud of promise rare.
Fife, he said,
nip this bud, 1 see;
the Eden of my love
( ' wer s hall bloom for me.
Far ;n the shining courts above,
lovely flower is seen,
a risen Saviour's love
NV i'l ever bloom 1 ween.
A n u °ep rn,t though thy little ono
' Bfi house Of clay ;
hut gone iit Hod's command,
iaH" hve in endless day.
angel forms are waiting you,
'JB>o that blissful shore;
You :nay at last to theni he joined,
ni eet to part no more. SEE.
' y jmm
Reaping and Mowing Machines. —As spring
comes on farmers will be looking around f>r
such machines as are best calculated to aid
them iu their arduous labors. There is no
doubt a number of excellent machines are to
be had, but so far as our observation extends
none receivo so much commendation as .l/ciii
ny's Combined Reaping and Mowing Machine, ,
with Wood's Improvement, which, as its name
signifies, can either bo used as a Mower or
Reaper, an advantage we believe not posses
' sod by any other thus far brought before the
public, i. e. of both mowing and reaping well.
The following certificates speak strongly to
this effect:
NEWVILLE, Pa., Aug. 1830. '
I W. A. WOOD: Hear Sir—After having cut
a heavy crop of grass and grain with your
i Combined Reaper and Mower, which 1 pur
| chased of Mr. Armstrong, your agent at Car- j
lisle, 1 would express to you and to my fel ;
low farmers my candid and confident opinion,
| that it is the most convenient and durable j
harvesting Machine that has been offered in i
i this eeunt; r , aud that it does the best work
in all kinds of grass and grain. Its cutting i
i was witnessed by a large number of my j
neighbors, who, it they have an opportunity,
| next year will show their appreciation of j
| your skill and enterprise by purchasing a :
Manny Machine with Wood's Improvement, i
Yours, respectfully,
From a report made by Jacob Kauffman, i
John H. Bower, llenry Landis, John Heps, j
i and John Bear of a trial of machines made |
near Lancaster last summer, wc select the
"The Manny's, with Wood's Improvement, :
I which was managed by the driver, Mr. j
; did its task in a shorter time than any of the
; Machines in competition, and in a more work
l manlike manner, cutting its piece cleaner
; and closer, and has no side draft. It is easi
j ly drawn and managed by two horses, and of j
lighter draft far than its competitors. Its
i perfect adaptation to uneven surfaces, adjust- I
j ing it-solf to the inequalities of the-ground,
the facility with which by means .fa lever
at the driver's seat, it can be raised to avoid I
I obstacles when moving along, its portability j
from field to field on its own wheels b; the j
use of a wagon, its superi-a-gearing, whereby
tlie horses are not obliged to move taster than j
a natural walk, are all important points which j
j attracted our peculiar attention; and there \
j fore, we, the committee, respectfully report j
that afit r a careful and candid examination i
, of the several Machines in competition, that
Manny's, with Wood's Improvement, did the
; best work, and that with confidence we cheer
fullv rec uitnend its introduction and u-e by !
i the farmers of Lancaster County.'
F. (1. Franciscus, Lewistown, is ag-nt for !
: the sale of these machines in Mittiiu county, j
at whose establishment they can be examined.
THE WE.ATUEK. —A sprinkling of snow and
i a high wind in ule quite a change in the
j weather in the beginning of this week. On
M unlay it blew up cold, aud'hiring the night 1
the thermometer mu-t have been within a i
Jew degrees of zero, making a variation in
| about ten days of 70 degrees. Such weather
is of course unhealthy, and persons subject
to cohis or diseases ot the throat cannot be '
too careful.
k-n„i; tchael DeMars, a somewhat noted!
character in the region of Water street, died :
i a lew da\s ago after a long iilne.-s.
.H;n.vra U.I.YTED m < \-
civ I'own or Village of the Hnion, lo sell I)K |
SXvEORirS LYVIUOK.ITOR. Many ol' our
i Lady /genis are making more than a living i
! fioai its -ale. No MO.Ni.v required until the ;
i medicine is sold ; simply a good reference ac- ;
company ing application. The Invigorator w ill
j cure .Sick Headache. Take one or two tea- \
spoonsful at each attack and it will soon dissp- !
pear. For on overloaded stomach, or when '
5 food rises or sours, take the Invigorator after ]
i eating, arid it will not prove disagreeable or op- •
! pre-sive. For Heartburn, Palpitation, or Diffi
; cull Bifatbing, take a teispoonl'ul obce or twice
| daily. For loss ( Appetite, Languor or List
: lcssness, the medicine is invaluable. It will
| restore the appetite and make the food digest
I well. Nightmare—take a teaspoonful on reti
ring, and the demons of dream-land will all be
i fairies. Alter eating a hearty dinner, take a
dose, of Invigorator am! it will relieve all op
j pression or fullness. The Invigorator i- a Liv
i er Remedy of unequalled virtue, acting direct
i lv on that organ, curing Dyspepsia Jaundice,
Bilious Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and
, all Female Obstructions, for which it has no
j equal. Any person after using a full bottle of
the Invigorator for any of the above named
j complaints, without benefit, can call at the
Agiul'fi and get their money back. Sold at
One Dollar per bottle, by SANFOHD & Co., Pro
prietors, New York, and !y CHARLES RITZ,
LEWISTOWN, March 5, 1857.
Lewistown Flour, per 100 lbs. $4 00
Superfine " 3 .5
Freedom " 3 50
t Barley 75
' live, bushel, 00
Gats, do. y5
j Corn, do. 50
Cloverseed, bushel, 650
Timothyseed, " 2 50
Butter, good, f' lb. 20
Eggs, p* dozen, 12
New Potatoes C bushel, 00
Pnrk F cwt., 0 50
Tlvc Lewistown Nli 11 is paying $1,30 for
red wheat, 1,40a0,00Ar white wheat, accord
ing to quality.
B®-Alfred Marks, at the new Steam Mill,
is jiaying for White Wheat 1,40a0,00, Red
j 1,30.
N. If.—heat taken on store, with privi
lege to the owner to sell or ship by boat.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
The supply of beef cattle this week lias
been small. The demand was active and
prices advanced 25(</50c fur 100 14.5. .Ml
offered were disposed of within the range of
?'j 50(" 11 \ for 100 lbs. The sales for the
week only foot up 750.
Of cows and calves the arrivals were about
300 for the week at the Washington Drove
Yard, Ridge Avenue, which met a very dull
market, sales ranging at from $25 to 4<! for
fresh cow s; S2O to 30 for springers, and 15 t J
25 for dry cows.
Some 1300 hogs only were at market at
Singer's yard this week; the demand was
brisk, and all •offered sold at from $9 to 94
the 100 lbs.
Sheep and Lambs—The receipts from the
West have been quite large, 8(// 10,000 heud
j having come in during the week; 1000 were
i taken for New York, and 2000 left over.—
The balance sold at a decline on last week's
prices; sales at $2 50@,5 50, in lots, by Myers,
llesser, Alcorn, nud others.
Flour, Grain, &c.
Flour and Meal —Receipts continue on the
increase, with little or no demand for export
te notice, the sales of flour only reaching
some 40U0 bbls, in lots, at $6 25(0 6 37* for
mixed and straight brands, chiefly at the lat
ter rate, including lOOObblsof a letter brand, !
at 0 024, closing with more sellers than buy
ers at the above figures, which is a decline;
and standard superfine is freely offered at
$0 23(736 374—the latter for good struighl
brands. The following are the inspections
for the week ending the 26th inst.: 14,085 bbls
wheat flour, 140 da rye do, 408 do corn meal,
and 21 puncheons do.
Grant —The receipts of Wheat have been
j only moderate, but the demand has been less
: active, and prices are rather lower, s-mie
10,000 bu only having found buyers at 145(3
149 c for fair to prime Pcnua and Southern
reds, and 100(7/ 103 c for white; the closing
i sales were at 147 c for the former, and 102e
1 for the latter of primo quality. Rye is about
stationary, with moderate receipts and sales
at S2c and 80 for Southern. Corn
is arriving more freely, and the market has
ruled unsettled and lower, particularly for ;
j damp lots, which are unsaleable; sales reach ;
i some 55(/(,60,000 bu at G0(o 65c for new Sou- ;
them yellow, iu the cars arid afloat, as to j
dryness; 01(y/ 62c for white, and G8(o 70c for i
j old Penna and Southern yellow, in store and !
afloat. Oats are also dull and lower, and 12 J
("15,000 bu, mostly Southern, have beendis- i
j posed of at 41(3 40c afloat; chiefly at 43(</ 44. j
Heeds —There has been an increased de- I
j mand for Cloverseed since our last, and large i
transactions to note at fully former rates, j
sales and re-sales reaching some 3500 bushel
mostly to go out of the market, at from S7 75 :
!to 8 bu, including choice lots at a fraction ;
! more, and some from second hands at 13c p* j
j lb, the market closing firm at $8 ~(3 bu fur j
prime lots, which are rather scarce. Of Tim
othy some 300 bu have changed hands at
$3 25("3 75 ft bu, as to quality. Flaxseed
continues scarce, and domestic is quoted at
$1 85;" 1 90 *js bu.
ABRAM D. HAWN, ? McVeytown. 1
Principal. $ Milllin co.
r J MIIS INSTITL'TION will open fur the!
1 session on the F'th of April, 1857. In !
, struction will be given in all the branches j
■ usually taught in Academies. Good board- !
ing. at reasonable rates, can be procured, and !
I every eft'ort wiil be made to render the school I
: pleasant ami profitable.
McVeytown, Feb. 12, 18-37.-tf
Brs. Moss & Stoneroad
U~ FFER their professional -ervices to the cit- i
izens ol Lewistown and surrounding couu
ry. Oflii-e at the Beehive Drug Store. je;3 I
Lewistown Gas Company.
f JlilK Stockhnblers of the Lewistown Has
1 t 'ompany are here! y notified that an
| elect! n for a PRESIDENT and SIX MAN- j
AHF.RS, to conduct the aflairs of said com- 1
! pariv for the ensuing year, will he held at the I
! office of <•. W. Stewart, Esq., (at present the j
i ' ttice ol said com; any,) on SATI lIDAY,
; March 21st, 18.56, hctw- > n the hours of lo
| o'clock a. ni. ami 3 o'clock p. in.
fc 1.20-31 H. 4S. STEWART, Scc'y. i
Pennsylvania Eaiiroad.
! i 3 X and after Monday, February 23, 1837, \
j \ / trains have Lewi-town Station as follows: |
II cslward. Eastward
Express <j 0G a. ni. 5 12 a. in.
Fast Line, 11 30 p. ni. 11 07 p. rn.
I Mail, 339 " 4 40 "
i Through Freight, 2 20 a. in. 5 35 "
! Emigrant, 500 " 535 "
Express Freight, 10 20 " 535 " \
| Local '* 7 05 " 7 25 "
Fare to Harrisburg, $1 50; to Philadelphia,
4 20; to Aitoona, 1 75; to I'ittsburgh, 4 70.
fl Ticket Office will be open 20 niin
: utes before tlie arrival 'f each Passenger
: Train. D. E. ROBESON, Agent.
at Private Sale.
fllilE subscriber offers at private sale tlic*
I two story Brick DWELLING HOI SE in
' which he now resides, and a iloublc FRAME
HOI 8E on the same lot, situate in West
j Third street, near Grand. The houses are
i well finished and desirable residences. The
: lot is 60 feet front on Third street and extends
back 200 feet to an alley, and has a number
of choice fruit trees on it.
The above property will be sold at an cx
' fremcly low price—so low as to be a strong
] inducement for any one desirous of a home
j to purchase—which will be satisfactorily pro
| ven bv inquiring of the subscriber.
Lewistown, Feb. 19, 1857-3t(ui
~ w. & IIcM
McVeytown, Pa.,
keep constantly on hand a large assortment of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Wall anil Window Papers,
Salt, Fish, Plaster, Guano,
Cfinciit, Stoiif Coal and Grind Slums.
We are paying the highest market price for
all kinde of GRAIN : or where parties desire
it wc will ship their Grain by canal and pay
i them nett proceeds, after deducting freight.
McVeytown, February 5, 1857.
/"TORN KHELLERS—hand and horse power,
V for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
CtORN Mills, always on hand. Almost
; Grain Mills, ( any Agricultural lmple
| Fodder Cutters, f merits furnished to order
Premium Fans, Ac. J F. (3. FRANCISCUS.
".| v COAL BUCKETS, dillerent sizes
fj' f uiul |iaiicriiß. 100 Coal Sieves, Pokers, Shovels,
i it. Fire llrick.-(, Cylimlt;rs, &c , for sale by
j oct9 F. G. FRANCISCUS.
U JL B 3E3 HVAC Si t
f IMIE following property will be sold with-
JL out reserve on
Wednesday, 11th March next, !
ot Rough and Ready Furnace, 17 miles from
Huntingdon, on tlie Broad Top Railroad :
One splendid Six Horse Team, young and
in fine order; one Five Horse Team, one brood 1
Mare, one fine young Mule Team, five Wag
ons, one Road Bed, one Cart, thirty setts j
Harness, a number of cooking and ten plate
I Stoves, a Milch Cow, Furnace and Ore Bunk
Tools, Burrows, Scrap Iron and other proper
ty too tedious to enumerate.
There will also be sold at the same time a
valuable fossil ORE BAN K, within a mile of
the railroad, opened working order, i
with a slope of 70 feet of ore above the drift. j
i A comfortable Miners' House is erected on j
the property. Terms liberal.
I B@uPassengers can leave Lewis town by the
I morning train of ears on the Pennsylvania
| Railroad and return the same evening.
February 5, 1857-ts
Mifflin County Poor House.
I "V¥7"ILL be exposed to sale at the Poor j
I T 7 House of this county, in Berry town- j
I ship, at public vendue, on
Tuesday. March 10th, 1857, !
the following described property :
Four Horses and Two Colts,
rz iiog-s,
two Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators,
Grain Brill, Threshing Machine, two Corn
Shellcrs, a lot of Wagon and Plough Gears,
. together with a large variety of
Farming Utensils,
| too numerous to mention. ALSO, at the
same time and place the Steward will sell a
I large variety of
Household & Kitchen Furniture.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock a. in., when j
i the terms will he made known.
! febl9-ts Directors of the Poor.
Mowing and Reaping Machine,
For the Harvest of 1857.
\I.L persons desirous of getting this ceiebra- I
ted machine will please send in their or- j
ders early, to prevent delay and disappointment ;
as was the case in so many instances last seas- j
on. This machine look the premium at York, I
Huntingdon, Carlisle Chambersburg, Harris- J
burg, Bellefonte, and other places too numerous f
to mention. East summer we had hundreds of i
j testimonials and official reports, vouching the ■
superiority of this machine over u!l others now
iin use. This machine excels all others in the 1
| following points, \,z: Its easy convertibility
: from a Mower to a Reaper and vice versa; its s
I construction I'm adaptation to uneven surface ;
I tlie ease with w bieh it can be raised or lowered, i
j for cutting lrom two inches to eighteen inches
j from the ground, which is done bv means of a
I lever controlled by the driver while in his seat; !
its ease of draft, portability, and cleanness and j
case of cut. Many of these features arc pat- 1
' cnted and cannot be embodied in any other ma- j
i chme, and ail will admit how essential and in- i
| dispensable they are to a complete combined !
machine. With each machine will he furnish
ed two scythes, two extra guards, two extra j
sections, one extra pinion and wrench.
They are warranted to give satisfaction, eilh- j
j er as a Mower or Reaper, or no sale.
Price >l4O, delivered m Lewistovvn. All ,
• communications directed to F. G. Franciscus,
j Agent, Lewistown, Mifllincounty, Pa. vviii meet
j prompt attention. To persons nearer home, 1 j
j respectfully refer then to it. A. Means, J. I>. !
i Nagcny, O. P. Smith, R. McManigal, and Jas. j
; Parker, all of whom having used this machine '
1 last season, consider it unsurpassed by any com- ;
j bined Mower and Reaper now in use.
feblO Lewistown, Pa.
The West Branch Insurance Co.
INSURES Detached Buildings, Stores. Mer
chandise, Farm Property, arid other Build
ings, and their contents, at moderate rates.
Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey,
John 15. Hall, 'J'. T. Abrams,
Charles A. Mayer, D. I\. Jackman,
Charles Crist, VV. VYi.ite,
Peter Dickinson, Thus. Kitchen.
Hon. G. C. HARVEY, Pres.
T. T. AMRAMS, Y'ice Pres.
Thos. Kitchen, ."ec'y.
Samuel H, Llo)d, Thos. Bowman, D. D.
A. A. Winegardner, Wrn, Vanderbclt,
i E. A. Mackey, YVm. Fearon,
A. White, Dr. J. S. Crawford,
James Quiggle, A. Updegraft',
John W. Maynard, James Armstrong,
Hon Simon Cameron, Hon. Wm. Bigler.
R "f 5 * A gent for Milllin county, G. W. STEVV
ART, Esq. apl7
Imlfmnity from 'TSS end Damage by Fire,
.•JiiJ the I'ertls of Marine and Inland Transportation.
Incorporated by ike Lrt/i.slaiarr of J'auinylca
nia, with a I'irpetnal Charter.
Authorized C-.ipitai, $1,000,000.
| Office No.Ci Walnut Si. iibinc Second, Pliila.
Fire Insurance on Buildings, Furniture, Mer
t chandise, Arc., generally. Marine Insurance
on Cargoes anil Freights to all parts of the
world. Inland Insurance on Goods, <Yc., by
Lakes, Rivers, Canals, and Land Carriages, to
all parts of the Union, on the most favorable
terms, consistent with secuiit) .
I George W. Colladay, William Bowers,
; John M. Coleman, Joseph Oat,
i Edwin V. Macbette, Howard Hinchman,
I GALEN WILSON, Secretary.
I for Mifflin county, Win. P. EL
j LTOTT, Esq. fob 19-1 v
LECTION NOTICE.—The stockholders
J of the Levvistown and Kishacoquilli.s
| Turnpike Company are hereby notified that
j an election will b<* held at the house ot \Y m.
Brothers, in Beedsville, on the SECOND
MONDAY (the 9th day) OF MARCH, 1857,
to elect a President, .Six Managers, and Treas
urer, to conduct the affairs of said company
for the ensuing year.
feb!2 CASPEII DULL, Pres't.
(At Ike late Steam .Mill Store uj Alfred Marks.)
' Having received a new and splendid stock of *
iEit? fRJfi £ i,
Boots and Shoes,
| which they are now selling at the LOWEST
I PRICES, and wishing to do business on fair !
principles, they offer their Goods LOW, to in- j
| uuee every person who wishes to
Buy Goods at Great Bargains,
Ito call and examine their stock. Their motto is !
" Small Profits and Quick Sales."
They ask hut a small advance on city cost.
or Country Produce taken in ex- '
change for Goods at ail times. Market price j
paid for all kinds of Produce.
MARKS' OFFICE of the Steam Mill in the back j
room. [Lewistown, Jan. 8, 1857.
A splendid assortment of j
I OJi Si S'i L_sP a.sn ss 9 !
fr&sr&iam E&ss&sa
and other suitable Jewelry FOR GIFTS, will
be found at
11. W. JUiNKIN'S
Establishment, East Market street, opposite
Russell's Banking House.
A LS<,
A beautiful supply of
Various sizes and binding
and a general assortment of
Theological, Miscellaneous, and
School Books.
Lewistown, Bee. 11,
(* cor ye Hlym aer's
f lEORGE BLYMYER has just returned:
iCT from the city with a mammoth stock of j
i to vvliich he begs to call the attention of his
i friends and the public generally.
I who have always so liberally patronized him,
be has a very large assortment of
including elegant plain and fancy Silks, Bere
j ges, Berege Robes, Bt-iege Delaines, Crape de
; Spang, &c., of every new style and pattern to
jhe found in the city. Also,
' in great variety, such as plaid, fig
ured Swiss .Muils, Nainsook Mulls, Laces, Jn
! serting, and all kinds of Embroideries. He has
' also a fine assortment of Stella, Silk, Thibet,
j Crape and other
j as well as Bonnets, Fiats, Ribbons, Flowers,
i Parasols, and a number of
i Heady-made lierege Mantillas.
8 or (R siUt uscii
he has Ready-made Winter Clothing of all
j kinds, braid and other Hats, Cloths, Cassimeres,
j Veslings, Collars, Stocks, Ac., and (something
j new) very handsome Marseilles Spirt Fronts
For Housekeeper*
I he has a splendid lot of Brussels, ingrain & other
j of beautiful figures, and at very low prices.—
Also a very large assortment of
embracing all the latest styles. Housekeepers
will do w ell to give him a call when purchasing
Carpets and Wall Papers. He has his usual
variety of fresh
Qiicctssnare, Cnllei y, Xv.
j Country Produce always taken in exchange
for Goods at the regular market prices.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore be
stowed upon the " Old Corner," the undersign
ed respectfully asks a continuance of the same,
j feeling confident it will prove mutually adrun
! tageous.
N. B. —Country Dealers can have Goods by
j wholesale at a very small advance above city
j wholesale prices. GEO. BLYMYER.
I Lewistown, Dec. 24,^t:56.
| t 1 DITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
_JLA. Auditor, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county n> distribute the men
ey paid into said Court by JACOI: HOUVER,
Administrator of DAY ID ROTIIROCK, de
ceased, will attend to the duties of said ap
pointment at the Register's Office in Lewis;
town, on Saturday, the 7th day of March
next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., where those inter
ested are requested to attend.
fel>s \\. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor.
r a THE subscriber lias a stock of DRV
JL GOODS and IIARDYY'ARE on handam
| ounting to about $2,500, which he will sell at
! a bargain, cither for cash •, r approved paper,
or exchange for a piece of land if it he
| suitably located, to any person who may de
i sira to engage in the Mercantile business.—
| They are principally staple goods, and such
as command a ready sale,
j no2o—tf _ CIIAS. RITZ.
ao, o o o
A C H. E; s
of the very best
In Macon. Shelby, Moultrie and
Clay counties, Illinois.
; riMIESF, LANDS are located about the centre
, JL of the State, near the Illinois Central, the
j (treat YYestern, and I'erre llaute and Alton
Railroads, are equal if not superior to any
. lauds iti this county, and lrom their location,
i soil and climate offer as favorable inducements
|to purchasers as can be had in the west. They
I WILL BE SOLD LOW. For further information
j enquire in person or by letter of
Lewistown, Mifflin county, I'a.
M. will remain in Lewistown until
| about the Kith of March, after which he will
be at Decatur, Illinois. dt2.">.3m
21 South Front Street, Philadelphia,
Commission He reliant*
ftlnnufiirttuTb rot.uco,
KAY E constantly on hand and for sale low,
ail kinds of AMERICAN' and SPANISH
| LEAF TOBACCOS, selected with special ref
j erenee to manufacturers 1 use.
All articles sold warranted to be as represen
j ted and every opportunity afforded for txami
! nation. Purchasers at a distance can send their
| orders, and rely upon being as faithfully served
j as if the goods were selected in person.
I Philadelphia, Oct 23, 185G—laplO
It HE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for
alt kinds of
For Public 6l Private Parks, Bal
conies, Cemetery Lots,
Steps, &c.
Also Verandahs, Iron Stairs, Doors, Settees,
Chairs, Statues, Fountains, and every descrip
tion of
having the largest assortment of Patterns, and
j the greatest facilities for manufacturing this
i kind of work.
Persons can depend on being suited, order*
I promptly attended to, ar.d boxed carefully, to
j cariy to auv part of the Union,
j Persons wishing to make selections, by a<i
i dressing the subscriber, stating what cla's- of
j work the) want, will have Porte Folios of De
sign sent them.
Ridge Avenue & Ilioad St., Philadelphia.
October 2, 1836.-timo
Wire, Silk & Hair-Cloth Sieves,
| Coarse, medium and tine in mesh; large, middle
size, and .small in diameter.
Of the best qualities, various size* of mesh,
i from Nos. 1 to 8U inclusive, and t'rem one to
j six feet in width.
They are. numbered so many space? to a lin
eal inch, and eul to suit.
The-subscriber also keeps constantly on hand
i For Coal, Sand, Ore, I.ime, Grain, Gravel, Clu
| ano, Sumac, Sugar, Sail, Bone, Coffee, Spice,
i Drugs, D)estuti's, ere. Together with an as
i sortnient of
All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by
; ma 29 f>4 N. Front St., Philadelphia.
Wholesale Druggists.
i> i i 3 i i) i? j -j ,
c.y 1,,
j nil*- a as sa 9
Oils, Glass, &c,
37(5 Market st. above Uth, S. side, Pliila.
BSL-ilruggists and country merchants are
requested to give them a call and examine
their stock and prices, before making their
purchases- ina22
iVeal, t'Sicagi V Shtrnhlc.
! Market street, Leivistown, next door to
Kennedy's store,
> Respectfully invites all *etg
®S| j who desire to improve their gS? <
.i upper torks with a neat
! fashionable lopping,
call at iiis store, where they
v/ill find a good assortment of Mats, manufac
tured under his immediate superintendence by
competent and faithful workmen, or should a fit
not be on hand, a hat of any description can be
got at short notice, all of which u;e warranted
to be equal, if not superior, to ar.y sold either
j in Lcvvistown or any other piaee in or out of
1 this State. There is no gammon about this, no
i idle boasting, as the people can learn for them
j selves by making the inquiry and trial.
For the Ornish he has constantly on hand, or
I will make to order, hats to their taste of any
j required sige or brim, at prices that cannot fail
| to be satisfactory.
I Country Merchants will find it to their ad
' vantage to give me a call, as a liberal deduction
| will be made on wholesale purchases, and es
! pecially so to punctual men.
| Thankful for ihe liberal patronage heretofore
j received, his study will be to please all who
| may favor him with their custom in future,
| and trusts that as the times are hard, eatables
| high, and other things in proportion, the mass
: will act as much as possible on the cash system
lor at least on the say ing that " short credits
make lopg friends." feb22
j 10 Teeth Cultivators, with part reversable
! cast steel teeth. F. G. FRAN'CISCUS,