: THE OA. Z E_T T I A Husinesß Sketch of a Business Man. I We copy the following sketch of the life of very extraordinary man, from an editorial Bn the New York Sun: wk "As an illustration of business tact and Sal en t, we may point to the career of Prufes- JSor UoLLOVif, tlie proprietor of the most opular medicines of the ago. Jhe rise and progress of this extraordinary man hare had o parallel during the present century. He lias visited nearly every Court in Europe, and •btuined permission for the sale of his prep gpatiors from most of the crowned heads of tile Old World. The queens of Spain and Portugal, the kings of Naples and Sardinia, Planted him audiences; and in St. Peters- Burg, which city he visited a short time be tbriT the commencement of the war, he was ♦rented with marked consideration by the late ur and the nobility. J|" Travelling in an elegant private carriage, attended by a courier. His equipage attract d attention in the towns and villages througli which he passed. The hotels where he lodg ed were besieged by persons of the first dis tinction, and the best society on the continent Baurted his acquaintance. IP The subject of these remarks is unques tionably an ambitious man, and his skill and ■aterpriso have placed him far in advance of fill his predecessors and cotemporarics in the ■ante profession. He stands alono; and the 4fcct that he can maintain his high position, jjjespite the interested assaults of envy and presumption, proves that his medicines have ■c intrinsic value, which the world under stands and appreciates. "The sums expended in advertising by Professor Ilulloway would be incredible if they were not authenticated by his books.— HiJ payments to the press range from $150,- 000 to $200,000 per annum. There is no printed language in which his advertisements do not appear. The ramifications of his bus- IMSS extend from a focal point—his vast es tablishment in tire IStrand, London—over the whole face of the earth. ?' This extraordinary man is now in this eouutry —in this city. The Tribune, in a just i tribute to his matchless enterprise, says, that having, like Alexander, subdued the Old World, he is now prepared to conquer the Afar. "Professor Holloway has not boen tempted tifthcr by a thirst for gain—for his wealth is i sufficient to satisfy the uwntcxigcaiit worship- j per of mammon —but by a philanthropic do- ; sire to extend the beuefit of his medicines ; among a people whose character he admires. 1 Ercryhodv is, of course, anxious to see the | greatest advertiser in tiie world. In a very short period the American reputation of 110 - j loway's I'ills aud Hollo way's Ointment will • rival their European fame." 4 A MURDER ( ASK IN DETROIT. I he Murderetl Mcui Attnnishe.s Kcerybody j Ajg his Appearance in Cuurt. —Outrages and violence are the order of the day everywhere j just now, and Detroit, as a matter of course, ; must have its share. The good people of that ) city were greatly excited last week in cuti.sc quen e of a murder most foul, which was al- ! lege i to have been committed near a place j called 15 rownstowu, and which the papers digr.i!i<-d by the title, in fiamingletters, "The j Brown stow n Murder Case." The facts in this singular case, as near as We can gather them, arc these: Some days j a pedlar named Samuel Kiter, aged ; Wifb'toen, entered the house of a man named j Bick ly, whose family consists of three ladies j and a I ittie son. The pedlar was missed by ! lib friends. He was traced to Bickly's house. He had never been seen to leave that house Afttrwards. The three ladies in Bickly's family, Mrs. ( Mary Bicklv, Miss Norah Bickly and Mrs. Mary Sheeman, were arrested on the charge of murder, and lodged in jail at Detroit. Old j Biukiy aud liis sou were not taken because i thfy were too unwell to be removed. The | examination of the parties commenced on Friday. The murdered man's brother tostifiel that j he had visited the prisoners' house and made ; a search. .Saw fresh blood on the floor and wall; found bones and a piece of cloth in a j barrel of ashes; he thought the cloth belonged I to his brother's vest; saw bivod on the barn and on the snow. A neighbor, named Mrs. Hannah Clark, j had talked with the accused relative to the j ■Bid: told them murders were always found out; on one particular night the witness smel- I led the burning of woollen very strongly, and j alto the burning of fresh meat; sho thought j til* neighbors were cooking meat for the bee. j The old lady told her, since the blocd had j bean found, that a man had stopped there 1 over night, and cnuie over to her house to get i tfcii.iug to give him change. A man named I'eabudy saw blood and ! ""sim-lt something burning." Captain Alvord saw blood; dug into it with -ft *knife, and found human hairs, some of j ithetn six or seven inches long, of a dark 'brown color; found another spot about forty •or fifty rods off, in the road; dug int.. that and found some more hairs; a dozen or fifteen in all. Went hack to the house, saw the j btaud before described, and some more on a j floar barrel; saw a piece of lied ticking about as large as the top of the table, (about 24 by 36 inches,) with several spots of blood upon j it two or three inches in diameter; it was tak- 1 en out of the bed. The Free Tress says that the counsel were about summing up the case ou Saturday, when a little Dutchman (the pedlar,) who had'-.ltood with his hands in his pockets a quiet spectator of the scene stepped forth and protested against any such liberties being taken with his affairs, declaring that he had ; neither been slaughtered nor burnt up, and | U to being dissolved into the small show of i sheep hones and horse hair which the table j before him afforded, he felt indignant at the 1 idea. The Free Press says: Of course we shall not attempt to describe j the delight of the spectators, the consterna tion of the learned counsel, or the amaze ment of the .fudge at the summary winding up the beautiful case which had been made i •ut; but we will confidently assert that the scene was rich. ~lattawana SCHOOL,! AE&AM D. HAWN, ? McVeytown, ; Principal. $ Mifflin co. f TSp> INSTITUTION will open for the session on the Gth of April, 1857. In struction will be given in all the branches usually taught in Academies. Good board ing, at reasonable rates, can he procured, and every effort will be made to render the school pleasant and profitable. MtfYeytown, Feb. 12, 1857.—tf Mills, -j always on hand. Almost 1; Gram Mills, (any Agricultural Imple fodder Cutters, r ments furnished to order. ' PreoEßtim Fans, &c. J F. G. FRANCISCUS. i j W. &IL KCKUN, McVeytown, Pa., keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AlfD SHOES, HATS A.\o CAPS, STRAW GOODS, HARDWARE, (tfJEENSWARE, CBDARWARE, Wall and Window Papers, STATIONERY, ! CARPETS, DRUGGETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, LINES, OIL, LEAD, PETTY, TAR, PITCH, ftlklff, Fish, Plaster, Guano, Cement, Stone Coal and Grind Stones. We are paying the highest market price for all kinds of GRAIN ; or where parties desiro J it we will ship their Grain by caual and pay j them nett proceeds, after deducting freight. McVeytown, February 5, 1857. MISS H. E. SEARS, PHYSICIAN, V 1 OUL1) annouuee her intention of spen- V T ding Friday and Saturday of each week, for the future, in Lewistown—this ar : raagemeut to continue until further notice be given. janls-Gt A RARE CHANCE TO COMMENCE BUSINESS! riMIE subscriber has a stock of DRY JL GOODS and HARDWARE on hand am ounting to about s2,soo,.which he will sell at a bargain, either for cash or approved paper, or exchange fjr a piece of land if it he suitably located, to any person who may de sire to engage in the Mercantile business.— They are principally staple goods, and such as command a ready sale. no2U—tf CI I AS. RITZ. Estate of A. I*. Jacob, Esq., deceased. NOTICE. j 'VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa ! IN mentary on the estate of A. DARKER , JACOB, Esq., late of the borough of Lewia j town, Fa., deceased, have been granted to the j subscriber, residing in said borough. Those persons knowing themselves to be indebted I to said estate are requested to make payment j to her, and all persons having claims or de j wands against the estate of said decedent are requested to make known the same to her, or her Attorney, David Candor, Esq., without delay. MARY ELIZABETH JACOB, janls-6w[u] Executrix. Estate of U ilson Hazlett, deceased. ! OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad I jL\ ministration on the estate of WILSON HAZLETT, late of Menuo township, Mifflin ; j county, deceased, have been granted to the ; undersigned, residing in said township. All i persons indebted to said estate are requested j to make payment without delay and those having claims to present them duly authenti oated for settlement. MARGARET IIAZLETT, jan 15-(k* Adm i n i.strut ri x. VI DITOII'S NOTICE.—The undersigned . Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county to distribute the mon- j ! ey paid into said Court by .JACOB HOOVER, Administrator of DAVID ROTH ROCK, de ! ceased, will attend to the duties of said ap ! pointment at the Register's Office hi Lewis tow n, on Saturday, the 71li day of March ' next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., where those inter ; ested are requested to attend. , febs W. P. ELLIOTT, Auditor. IT* LECTION NOTICE. —The stockholders J of the Lewistown and Kishacoquillas ! I Turnpike Company are hereby notified that ! ! an election will he held at the house of Wm. Brothers, in Recdsvilie, on the SECOND MONDAY (the oth day) OF MARCH, 1857, j to elect a President, Six Managers, and Treas urer, tu conduct the affairs of said company i for the ensuing year. j feb!2 CASPER PULL, Preset. The West Branch Insurance Co. OF LOt k HAVEN, PA., JNSURES Detached Buildings, Stores. Mer chandise, Farm Property, and other Build ings, and their contents, at moderate rates. DIRECTORS. Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Afirums, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. Wr.ite, Peter Dickinson, Thos. Kitchen. Hon. G C. HARVEY, Pres. T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres. Thos. kitchen, SEC'}". REFERENCES. Samuel H, Lloyd, Thos. Bowman, 1). D. j A. A. Winegardner, Wm, Vanderbelt, L. A. Mackey, Wm. Fearon, A. White, Dr. J. S. Crawford, James (ptiggle, A. Updcgraff, John W. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon. Simon Cameron, Hon. Wm. Bigler. £Lr*Agent for Mifflin county, G. W. STEW- ; ART, Esq. apl7 I ISM'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES, j AIK-TICIHT AM) INDESTRUCTIBLE, For protecting and preserving the Dead for or- i | dinary interment, for vaults, for transport | ation, or for any other desirable purpose. lor sale at the new Furniture rooms, under ■ i the Odd Fellows' Hall, by ANTHONY FELIX. GEO. IT. BLESS., Attorney at Law, OFFICE in West Marketstreet,oppositeEisen bise's Hotel, will attend toany businessinthe I courtsof Mifflin, Centre, or Huntingdon couu ties. Lewistown. Julv l, 1853. t lio ilio ismmns 9 SIJKGEON DENTIST. ! TjROFESSIONAL business promptly attend l ed to, and charges reasonable. OFFICE on North Main street, second door i below the town Hall, and nearly opposite the j Gazette office. je 21,1855 —tf. rpWO hundred cast steel part reversable Cul -1 tivator Teeth for sale by FRANCISCUS. CtORN SHELLERS—haniI and horse power, J for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. CIULTI V ATOMS ! CULTIVATORS!—S, 7 & ) 10 Teeth Cultivators, with part reversable cast steel teeth. F. G. FRANCISCUS. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OP MIFFLIN COUNTY, From January &, 1856, to January 21, 1857, inclusive. IIENRY /ERISE, Lsq., 1 reasurer ol Mifflin county, in account with said county. DII. To am't county tax ass'd for 'SO, $23,009 25 Do extra do 13,020 00 Do tax of 1853, reported out standing, as per last report, 117 48 Do 1854, do 380 10 Do 1855, do 4,953 29 Cash received from predecessor, 509 4G;{ Do for house and stable - sold from lot bought for new jail, 224 34 Cash from sundry persons, loaned for use of county, 3,810 00 Cash ree'd for bridge stock, sold by order of Commissioners, 750 00 I for dividends on bridge stock, 92 50 j Cash ree'd front fall assessment, 1855, 10 57 j Do from salo of stone, 5 00 I Balance due Treasurer, 1,713 95J ' HENRY ZEKUK, Esq., Treasurer of Mifflin county, in account with the Common rnonwealth of Pennsylvania from Jan. 8, 1850, to Jan. 21, 1857, inclusive. DR. To am't State tax ass'd for 1850, $14,258 40 ' Do do 1855, outstanding, 5,345 15 I Do do 1854, do 272 90 I Do 1855, ree'd on fall assessm'ts, 18 49 i Do interest charged and ree'd from collectors, 15 33 i I I | I I I I I I $19,910 27 I OR. MILITIA TAX. CK. To amount of said tax levied and j assessed in 1850, $599 00 J Do outstanding, 1855, 508 00 ; I l I $1,107 0O | DR. TAVERN LICENSES. CK. To amount licenses assessed in 1850, S7OO 00 j Aun't overpaid St. Treas. and applied as cridit to State tax above, 017 50 j $1,317 50 j DR. KETAJI.KRS LICENSES. CR. To amount said licenses assessed for 1850, $874 00 Cash overpaid State Treasurer on said licenses and applied to State tax, 52 95 s'.i2o 95 DR. PATENT MEDICINE LICENSES. CR. To amount of said licenses appraised f>r 1850, SSO 00 50 00 I >K. I'AMPIILKT LAWS. (JR. To amount received for said laws sold in 1850, $4 50 DR. DISTILLERY AND RREWERY LICENSES. CR. To amount said licenses granted for 1850, $l5O 00 ! Cash overpaid State Treasurer and applied to State tax, 47 50 197 50 DR. MILLERS LICENSES. CR. To amount of said licenses granted for 1850, sl7l 00 j Balance due Treasurer, 85 ! I 171 85 I Dlt.. JtEKK, EATING HOUSE AND RESTAURANT LICENSES. Ck. To ain't licenses granted for 1850, SBO 00 Cash overpaid State Treasurer and applied above to State tax, 57 00 137 00 DR. LICENSES TO MERCHANTS TO SELL LIQUORS. CR. To amount eaid licenses granted for 1850, S3O 00 | 30 001 JAMES MCDOWELL, Esq., Register and Recorder of Mifflin County, in account with the Commonwealth of I'ennsylvania from Jan. 10, 1850, to Jan. 22, 1857. DK. COLLATERAL INHERITANCE TAX. CR. I /IV. V •"* To amount of said tax received front estate of John Comfort, $250 00 Do est. Magdalcua Moist, 40 30 Do est. Joseph Martin, 00 00 350 30 | JACOB MUTTHERSBOUGII, Esq., Sheriff, in account with the County of Mifflin, DR. from Jan. 16, 1856, to Jan. 22, 1857, inclusive. CR. T amount, of verdict fees reo'd in Common Pleas, $32 00 l)o in Quarter Sessions, 30 00 Fines rec'd in Quarter Sessions, 41 00 Casli received for stave sold, 5 00 Balance due Sheriff, 457 88 571 88 CR. By amount of Commissioners' Orders , lifted, $27,810 004 By ain't court orders road damages, 298 00 do viewers, 57 00 Do Auditors and Clerk's pay, 43 00 Do justices'cer. fbx scalps, 227 874 Do dralt E. S. P., maintaining convicts, 7", 20 Do Mifflin eo. money redeemed, 100 Do paid for recording bond, 175 Do overch'd and or, in tax 1853, 117 48 ! Do exon. allowed col's 1854, 103 85 j Do commissions allowed do. 115 33 Do exonerations ami abatement for prompt payment al lowed collectors, 1855, 435 65 j Do Commissions, 003 53 Do tax 1855 outstanding, 190 54 Do 1850 do 7,042 07 Do do extra do 11,001 73 I Do abatement all'd col. 1850 j on prompt payment, 249 30 Do dis. on Lancaster money sold by treasurer, 93 00 I Do Treasurer's commissions, 055 10 I $49,202 01 CR. By cash paid State Treasurer, as per receipt Feb. 2, 1850, $731 50 Do March 4, 1850, 1,010 00 Do May 11, " 591 90 Do June 3, " 120 05 Do July 5, *' 4,000 00 Do July 8, " 3,921 50 Do Dec. 3, " 230 00 Do Jan. 10, 1857, 805 00 By am't overpaid on tavern licenses, applied as credit to State tax, 017 50 Do overp'd on brewery license, do. 47 50 Do do eating house do. 57 00 Do do retailers, do. 52 95 By exonoi ations and commissions al lowed collectors 1854, 159 85 Do do 1855, 868 13 By amount outstanding of 1855, 190 04 Do do 1850, 4,320 1G By Treasurer's commissions ret'd, 131 03 Balance due Commonwealth, 1,995 50 $19,910 27 jßy cash pd St. Treas. Feb. 2, 1850, S4O 00 Do do Mar. 4, " 30 00 Do do .Jan. 10, 1857, 135 00 | Ain't said tax outstand'g for 1855, 134 00 Do do ' 1850, 110 00 I Exonerations nll'd collectors, 1855, 240 00 Do do 1850, 200 00 t Commissions allowed in 1855, 15 08 Do do 1850, 14 23 j Aui't paid assessors, as per vouchers, 550 ! Am't paid Brig. insp. J. B. Fisher, organizing Irvin Guards, 11 00 j Treasurer's commissions, 23 33 ' Balance due Commonwealth, 190 80 81,107 00 By cash pd St. Treas. June 3, 185G, $617 50 Do do Xov. 8, " 605 00 j Treasurer's commission, 35 00 | . 81,317 50 Jiy cash pd St. Trcas. Fob. 2, 185G, S2B 50 Do do Nov. 8, " IG4 00 I>o do Dec. 3, " 020 00 Adv. mer. appraiser's list, 31 80 Aui't cer. Justice Swartz of licenses on which suit wasbrought and judge ment given against the Com. 41 00 Treasurer's commissions, 41 05 ?92G 95 j By ain't sundry licenses on which ap peals were taken and judgein't given | vs. the Commonwealth, S4O 00 | Treasurer's commission, 50 j Balance due Commonwealth, 9 50 50 00 ; By aiu't Treasurer's commissions, 22 j Balance duo Commonwealth, 4 28 j _ 4 50 By cash pd St. Trcas. June 3, 1850, $47 50 Do do Nov. 8, " 95 00 Ain't E. K. Locke's license, on which an ap. was taken and not yet deei'd, 50 00 Treasurer's commission, 5 00 197 50 By cash pd St. Trcas. Dec. 3, 1850, $l5O 00 By am'tsaid licenses on which suit was brought and jdgm't given vs. Com., as per cer. Justice Svvartz, 14 00 Treasurer's commissions, 7 85 171 85 j By cash paid State Treasurer June 3 and Nov. 8, 1850, $133 00 j Amount Treasurer's commission, 4 00 137 00 I By ain't Treasurcr's'commissions, 50 j Balance,duo Commonwealth, 2S 50 | 30 00 By ain't due at last settlement, §0 37 Do paid appraisers, 325 Do Register's fees, 250 Do do commissions, 17 51 Auditors and clerk, settling account, 450 Cash pd St. Treas. -July 0, 185G, 225 00 Do d.i Jan. 20, 1857, 72 25 Balance due Commonwealth, 14 9*2 i ; 350 30 Bv amount fees summoning grand and petit jurors, $94 00 Do in sundry Com. cases, 07 40 Cash paid and fees conveying prison ers to and from Ilarrisburg, 253 G1 Conveying prisoners to E. S. Pen. 151 02 Com. on fees and lines in Dr. Ses/ 3 75 For adv. Gen. and Pres. elections, 1 50 571 SS We, the undersigned, Auditors of Mifflin county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, "do certify that, in pursuance of an ' Act of Assembly relating to counties, townships,' &c., approved the 15th day of April, 1534, and the 4th section of an 'Act relative to the j appointment of Trustees of Orphans' Court,' : Ac., passed April 22J, 184G, we met at the ! Commissioners' Office, in the .Borough of Lewistown, on the 19th day of January, 1857; | and did audit, settle and adjust the several I accounts between Henry Zerbe, Esq., Treasu rer of, with said county and the Common wealth, and the account of Jacob Mutthers ; hough, Esq., Sheriff of, with said county - anu also the collateral inheritance tax ac f counts of James McDowell, Esq., Register and Recorder of said county, with the Com monwealth, as the same stand severally stated in the foregoing report. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our bunds at the office aforesaid this 30th day of January, A. D. 1857. JOHN BARGER, 1 . GEO. lIANAWALT, j Aud,u >rs. Lewistown, Feb. 5, 1857. —4t Commissioners' Orders Issued from January ls< to December 31s/, 185G, inclusive. 11. J. Walters, Clerk's salary and Attorney, for 1855, 250 00 John .Swartzell, fee paid for certified copy of Union and Mifflin co. line, 100 ! Jacob Mutthersbough, balance re ported due at settlem't by Auditors, 175 87 John Swartzell, Co. Surveyor, mak ing return unseated lands, 17 50 Directors of the Poor, 4,500 00 George Kunkle, hobbles for prisoners, 20 00 Wbi. Brothers et al., Commissioners to run Mifflin and Union Co. line, 252 00 William Shimp, plan and specifica tions for new jail, 85 00 Cyrus Stine, in full for services as Commissioner, 109 50 L. J. Liberty, crying sale fur house and stable on lot bo't for new jail, 500 James McDowell, Clerk of Orphans' Court fees, 4 06 D. W. Woods, Attorney's fees in Or phans' Court proceedings in pur chase of lot fur new jail, 10 00 Administrators of Francis Thomp son, dee'd, for lot for new jail, 1,500 00 Adam Hamaker et al., boarding ju rors in Commonwealth vs. Jones, 38 75 Ilenry Kemmcrling, for the rent of house for jailor, • 15 00 Mifilin County Agricultural Society, annual appropriation, 100 00 A. W. Moss, A!. D., medicine and attendance on prisoners, 24 50 James McDowell, Register's fees and stove for ofiiee, 31 3G William Wilson, Comniiss'er's seal, 2 50 Andrew Reed, Dist. Att'y fees, 15 50 Win. J. Jacobs, " " 92 22 G. W. Thomas, Merc. App'r's fees, 6 37 Petit Jurors' pay, 1,314 87 Grand Jurors'pay, 441 87 Election officers, 305 15 Ilenry Ferrer, Court Crirr, 85 00 Printing in 1855 and 1850, 419 02 Jas. Fleming, services as Commis'r, 95 00 Jacob Hoover, " " 180 00 Jacob Linthurst, " " 130 00 T. F. McCoy, Proth'y and Clerk, 144 07 Fuel for Court llouso and Jail, 142 25 Coroner and Jurors holding inquisi tions on dead bodies, 34 50 Postage to April Ist, 1850, 1 74 Justice's fees for swearing Election Officers, Commissioners, Assessors, Sheriff, and in Commonw'h cases, 101 30 D. Muttbersbough, Jailor, boarding and washing for prisoners, 300 25 Assessors and Assistant Assessors, 409 01 Stoves for Court House and Jail, 10 58 Stationery and candles for Court, 78 77 Bed clothing for prison, 19 13 Post mortem examinations on dead bodies, 20 00 Constables' returns to and attending Court, Election duties, and fees in Commonwealth cases, 322 40 Witness fees in Commonw'th cases, 334 87 Myers & Gutsimll, on contract for Jail, 12,200 00 Dockets for- public offices, 29 0b Repairs, duplicate, and miscellane ous, 30 50 Sundry persons for loans, 3,810 00 COMMISSIONERS' STATEMENT, Showing the amount of debts due to and ow ing by the county, and the amount of Coun ty Taxes outstanding January 21st, 1857. Debts due to County. Amount of Couuty Tax outstanding for 1855, 190 54 Do do do 1856, 7,042 07 Do do extra do 11,0G1 73 Balance due by L. Hoover's estate former Treasurer, 250 00 Do do Foster Milliken's estate, 171 00 Notes of sundry persons, 00 16 fax levied for 1857, * 13, IK) $31,776 10 Debts due by County. Balance certificates of loan issued by the county, unredeemed and in circulation, 109 00 Do do by Treasurer, 203 84 Balance due on contract for Jail to Myers & Gutsbail, 7800 00 Assessment of Directors of Poor, 4000 00 $12,172 84 M 2 R. 1). SMITH, Clerk. GAS! GAS! 18. SELHEIAIKR would respectfully in • form the citizens of Lewistown that he is preparing to put up Gas Fixtures of all kinds. in Churches, Stores, Dwelling, Public Build ings, Shops, Ac., in the best manner. Hav ing procured an experienced workman from the City, recommended to me to be one of the best workmen in the State, 1 can safely war rant all work and feel confident of pleasing all. Lewistown, May 22, 1850, GAS FIXTURES. fftlHE subscriber*has just received a splen sl did assortment of Gas Fixtures, among which are CHANDELIERS, • PES DINTS, BRACKETS, DROP LIMITS, FLEXIBLE TIRES, GLOBES & SHADES of all descriptions, and a general assortment of BURNERS, all which he will sell at Philadel phia prices (cut, fitted and put up free of charge.) Call and examine for yourself. Gas pipe put into houses, shops, stores, &c. at the shortest notice. aug2l G. W. STEWART. Drs. Moss & Stoueroad OFFER their professional services to the cit izens of Lewistown and surrounding coun ry. Office at the J3eehive Drug Store. jes PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 17, 1857, In the Diocese of Philadelphia, including the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and thu State of Delaware, there a?e 131 Koman Ca tholic churches, 7 chapels, 25 other stations, 130 clergymen on the mission, 7 clergymen otherwise employed, 7 institutions for "male and female education, 1 ecclesiastical semina ry, 24 clerical students,' 175,000 Catholic pop ulation. An omnibus driver was arrested on Satur day for tying the tongue of a horse to tho pole of tho vehicle, and thus tearing it out by tho bounding of the latter in crossing the gut ters. The excuse was that it would prevent the horse from indulging a habit of backing. His employer also very properly dismissed the driver. Last week Anna Master, Eliza Mun?cr, t aroline Werner and Caroline Miller, wore beiore an Alderman on the complaint cf-lien ry Yeakel and others, who charge thefif Avith obtaining money under false pretences. The allegation was, that one of the parties pro fessed to be related to a Superior Being, and to possess tbc power of sending any one that she felt inclined to the infernal regions! In order to obviate such n disagreeable infliction sho was willing to receive a small sum of money. They, strange enough, believing the story, gave her from 85 to 830 each. On so ber second thought they began to doubt the extraordinary power of the lady in question, and hence brought Euit to recover their mouey back. The Alderman gave a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs, and consigned the accused to Moyamcnsing Prison. The case excited much interest, especially as the pretended | Prophetess is young and quite attractive in her personal appearance, Sho has, moreover, a number of disciples who have every faith in her powers. All the parties concerned are Germans. fta?*Burking was a crime once in practice in .Scotland. It was a method of highway robbery invented by a man named Burk, from whom it took its name, and who was hanged for his practice of it. It was prosecuted by the operator suddenly clapping a plaster of pitch upon the mouth and nose of his victim, thus producing suffocation. Meanwhile, the Burker made off with the valuables of tho robbed. An attempt was made to revive this crime in New York city, as an improvement on the garrote; but the first offence of tho kind has met a signal defeat. John Francis and John Armstrong lately tried to Burk Mr. cieliiM Marks, but the plaster missed his moutli and fastened on his cheek. The alarm he gave brought the police, and the robbers wero taken. They were positively identified, and it is to be hoped will meet their deserts. ILLINOIS LANDS JfUii JSALL 20,000 A C R E3 S of the very best PRAIRIE LANDS In Macon. Shelby, Moultrie and Clay counties, Illinois. rPHESE LANDS are located about the centre 1 of the State, near the Illinois Central, the Great Western, and Terre Haute and Alton Railroads, are equal if not superior to any lands in this county, and from their location, soil and climate offer as favorable inducements to purchasers as can be had in the west. They WILJ. BE SOLD LOW. For further information : enquire in person or by letter of JOSEPH NIILLIKEN, Agent, Lewistown, Mililin county, Pa. M. will remain in Lewistown until about the 10th of March, after which he will be at Decatur, Illinois. de23.3m LEAF TOBACCO AND CIGARS. DENSLOW & CO., 21 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Commission Merchant* AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IK ALL KIN'DS OF fHamifactuirtr robacro, AND HAVE constantly on hand and far sale low, all kinds of AMERICAN and SPANISH LEAF TOBACCOS, selected with special ref erence to manufacturers' use. All articles sold warranted to be as represen ted and every opportunity afforded for exami nation. Purchasers at a distance can send their orders, and rely upon being as faithfully served as if the goods were selected in person. Philadelphia, Oct 23, 1856—taplO 11101 R.IILIM; WORKS. 1 X HE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for all kinds of XRCU R/.ILIITGr For Public & Private Parks, Bal conies, Cemetery Lots, Steps, &c. Also Verandahs, Iron Stairs, Doors, Settees, Chairs, Statues, Fountains, and every descrip tion of ORNAMENTAL AND USEFUL IRON WORK, having the largest assortment of Patterns, and the greatest facilities for manufacturing this kind of vt'ork. Persons can depend on being suited, orders promptly attended to, ami boxed carefully, to carry to any part of the Union. Persons wishing to make selections, by ad dressing the subscriber, stating what class of work they want, will have Porte Folios of De sign sent them. W. P. IIOOD, Ilidge Avenue A Broad St., Philadelphia. October 2, 185G.-6mo JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, MANUFACTURER OF Wire, Silk & Hair-Cloth Sieves, Coarse, medium and fine in mesh; large, middle size, and small in diameter. METALLIC CLOTHS OR WOVE* IFIRE, Of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered so many spaces to a lin eal inch, and cut to suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand For Coal, Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Gu ano, Sumac, Sugar, Salt, Bone, Coffee, Spice, Drugs, Dyestuffs, &c. Together with an as sortment of BRIGHT IAD A A VEILED IROA WIRE. All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, ma 29 54 N. Front St., Philadelphia.