Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 08, 1857, Image 2

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Thursday, January 8 : 1857.
Seiiws ef Stv WrfrtiwiSKisU.
The Coaotr Superintendent has a notice !£.
Teachers—Joke Kaufman offers a raicaaie
farm in the vaiiey forme —Kecaetj. Juafcir
st Co. invite a call—Water Co. divtcend and
election—List of Letter*—Appeals—A
bie property in Unios: county. <t< .
Jof-Tte Legislators of tb: State was or
ganized on Tuesday by the fcie:-?ion ; f Luv:i
Taggart &• Speaker, and Leo. V. Ilamers'j
Clerk. In the H >u*e, J. Lawrence Getz wis
elected Speaker. We giro as much of the
messaze in another part of to-day's tat/Ot hs
time wiii permit to pat in type: the remainder
wiii appear neat week. *
The papers from the SoatL.m States con
tinue to be filled with acc.-ants of reported
insurrectionary increments anmng the De
grees, nearly ail of wrtkb when sifted calmly
hare thus far proved to L 2 without much
foundation. TLe usual course pursued wher
ever sucn rumors gain credit is to seize a
number of negroes, an 1 either cang them
under the excitement of iaw or whip
them until a "confession'" is obtained,and this,
although wrung from them while under a tor
ture worthy of a Jesuit Inquisition, is set
down as the whole truth and nothing bat the
train. Of the character of these proceedings
oor readers ..tan forra some estimate Ly tne
following extract fr ra a ietter dated a: Pem
broke. Kentucky. Its writer after detailing
that be Lad risked Lafayette, where there
was a reported insurrection, lu: which h
found to be all false, then proceeds—
"Thursday rr-smiug I went to Lover. and
arrived there t*j o'clock. The people
had hang four negroes at ek-ver: .'clock that
morning, and two mere toes in turn to be
hung. I get to toe place A execut.-.n h. time
to see the :ast one gc .5. Of toe s.x that
were bung, tare- were preachers. Tnev
were ail proved to ringleaders. I itarr.e".
that the men a: u:e f.rge w-re at work vh. -
f/*e truth ut of m-;r negroes, sc I roie
out there that night, and wa- u: wit;, then.
jy. J flergr bad such feeling* in iar
life. I saw a list tnat fc&d r. J
whipped, ar.i was told what t.v.v all T.d
stated, and then I heard the balar ce exam :.-
ec—some taking five art six hundred iaar.es.
before they woe, i ttll thetaie; but risen thev
did te:'. it, it wa* the same *bat ail the others
had to,i. rae t-.-id uie wrioie # tor v without
taking a Let. Th>se th,.t were examines!
were c/. permitted to tee ti.ose that were 1
they were kept era resy separate, a- , a guard
oTer ea.n. One of the negroes at the forge
died from whipping that night, several L,.r
after the operation."
What may be said of Kentucky is • liva
ble to most r f the ©tLfr slave statee wh-.r
scene# like the above are being enacted da?iv
While there may been some engaged in a
scheme for obtaining their liberty. as there
always will be wherever .-Avery ei.tte, we
have BO doubt there is a great deal of exag
geration, arid a great d.-ai of uncalled Lr
cruelty in the esnduc: cf the southern popu
lace toward# the slates, in which mere icno
c.n; than guilty suffer.
A correspondent of the Bulletin thus die
cjun ,-s f the pro'pects on Broad T - :
I have ut returned from gt *:lt to this
great Semi-uiturnh -at U >al Region, and have
been both surprised ar. ; gratified at tie great
change in the aspect *f things there within
the past year: the Railroad Compav, be-idea
f.n.shing up tueir main track, putting in sid
ing? turn tables, ..z. i erecting water twi-,ns,
have aisa finished eight miles of branch r.ad
up Sheup's Kuo, marly five of which runs
through the c .1 fie.: .- re ca.. a.- openings
made along this brancdi suffici'.at i> ship a
million of t>ns annually.
At Ifjpeweh, the vein# of Iron Ore and
Oval are both being extensively opened LY
the Hopewell Coai and Ir.>n Com pan v, and
the improvements at th.# place within the
past vear ,re a-ton -h.r.g: <-xten-ive .Store:-*,
Ware!, -uses and Dwellings have been '■ reeved,
and a large Foundry and Machine Sv p is
nearly completed by Mr. Lock, of liarn- org.
On Six Mile Ban, s branch road of one m..e
ha* a made to the Riddiesburg coal bank,
the proprietors of which have erected dwel
lings, and are now putting up platforius ar.d
loading houses, with a view to commence the
shipment 0: eariv in January.
The iron ore lands along the Railroad ire
now being opened, and arrangements maxing
to sen-i it to the furnaces at lioliidaysburg"
Johnstown and everything indi
cating a large Lu-in™s for the Hunting ion
and Broad Top Railroad the ensuing eea-..:n;
and it was not alone the improvements on the
Railroad an i at the various coai openings
that astonished rae, f>r I found on the Moun
tain one of the best hotels in the interior of
Our State, which has !*:en erected during the
last year by the Broad Top Improvement
Company, and the accommodations of which
hotel, under the supervision of its worthy
host ar.d hostess, Mr. an d Mrs. Morrison, w ill
equal any - f the hotels in our State! With
each accommodations as this hotel turn is he.*.
tha pure 11; yUiitain air and tine spring water
of that region, together with the extensive
mining operation# that will be carried on 'he
coming y?ar. I predict that the Broad T'p
Mountain will be a great centre of attraction
during the coming ewer, end will have as
many visitors a® ar.y oib.cr region of our
Sute. ' G. P. M.
tasrTfce Ladies' Fair for the benefit >f the
Kpisecpal Church will clocc this evenj n *
fcC'i'he wtaiher Las been r ' f Ad en ough du
ring the past few days to sat:fy any ordlaarv
J. Sline, of this place, is one of tag
Vice Presidents of the State 'J'eachers Asso
ciation. A notice of the proceedings it
crowded out
tSxf Mr. Bucliacan has written a letter that
it would be agreeable to him to have Forney
U. S. Senator from this State. We suppose
it would be agreeable to Forney also.
SL.A "surprise" party somewhere —way
be not a thousand caiies from the diamond—
lately popped into a domici! and found the
husband drunk and the wife with a black eye.
THE HI:1X0AO — Bminess at zJut IjetrLetcara
Staiv-n- —The following statistic- of the bus
ices# doee at the Lewistcwn Station during
the year ]■£. will prove of general interest
to ear readers. They arr taken fr.'tn the re
pcru of I>. E. R:L>e#Mi. Esq.. the gentleman
ly agent a: this place, who superiEttuds in
person both freight and passenger drpart
meats. embracing an am.act of business
which > me shcrt railroad# would be proau
to do.
I *0 I 1.1 Pound# | 1M , !
... 1 .... m . 1 lotul inn t - Bluom# . BI'N. j u Ml „■ > •> j
Month >, • , it. 11 A 1 1 . Huuiiiohh. • ' lons. uit. gj _ '•
Uoooivod, {l'orwftidiMl. hruiglit. o3 sonl.
1 $lOlB 18 $9667 84 $1 fin $4678 00 sllsO 08 $5781 02 8240 12085 85 15 881 218 010,
•2 1050 08 It'll 53 50 5185 87 1020 40 0215 27 H.'tO?' 8:150! I HOi 10 l> 880
.1 1200 24 4020 02 2 00 5202 12 1721 77 702.180 4108] SOOS 80 78; 22 4 2hi j
I 2838 50 2050 23 12 80 5801 50 2207 05 7500 2 1 1007] 10100 202 51 184 100 A ♦
ft 2083 34! 2-100 04 0 00 4405 OS 2001) 05 050 ft 08 1 20281 18735! 311' 28, 7o 107 ♦
0 1441 12 1070 00 1 20 08 2532 10 1500 18 1128 53 1 485 11015 111 20 5| j 88 ♦
7 1227 781 1384 27 20 08 2583 03 1515 00 1 4008 03 1031 13805! 125J 53 8; 21 S| 18 |
8 1408 22 2753 28 12 DO 4204 II! 1750 051 002-1 30 2803 0030; 147 38. 81 12M| ;'3O J
0 1312 01 2070 00 8 24 3300 34 2370 58| 5772 02 ' 1120 #035 1 00; 10 .8, IRSj 137-1
II) 2050 5,8 3482 20 ft 24 0138 02 2180 02! 8021 01 4201 18S05 02 ! '-'I 007
U 1078 01) 2000 43 20 30 4008 42 1703 50 0311 02! 2050! " 1 17800 28 j II 231 |IOOO
12 1023 34; 4328 00 '3 40 0255 701 1740 08 8005 77 j 4000' 1 1, j' Bo2; 871
$lOlO2 28 J $85988 i,' no 22 1 $55541 67| $91485 55 >570077 99| 80950| 517| 147,808) i>'o' 372 *3f1|2200,5003
Vv *. .
- -
Flat Tiov —At an elec'ioo .itld n Monday
ix#t officers <f the i>evritc>*n ar.d Tusca
rora Bri ige b an? any. tL.. fail-jwing gentle
men were elected far the ensuing rear:
Pre-ident—Hon. A. S. M'iUcn.
3laaa.gt.ri— 'A rg. Russeil, John A. Sterrett.
J b:i W. Shaw. Abraham Blyuver, John
FI.- K .-e, D. W. Woods.
i reasurt-r —Francis McCoj.
F;ke. —A stable cn the let owned by James
Xicbuis, in Valley street, wa- discovered t&
be on fire on Monday aftern >jn. 2l#?h ult.,
and tjtaiiy coasumed. Ivae* about SIX' or
s ls insurance. From the best iafi-rma
t."r. wc- ;ar; t:2- f.r-.- vra- t x u,e
chl: irec whu Lu I: a fire int. jin piaying.cr
a, t a.c aiiegt far the purpose of roast.ag a
chicken. It is an .tier warning A tiie laa
ger of allowing children the possession and
use of matches, but "warning#" seem la have
bat little effect on parents, aud perhaps
wiii have u r.e until half our t-jwn is sjme
day .'.L-umed by *uch a ftat of madness.—
In the above case the neighlxring buildings
on V y -tr- .t wi re bar- iy preserved from
destruction Ly a iuii in the high winds which
prevailed boti. previously and subsequently
te this fire.
Express OfntE.--Mr.Tb jiua# having Lund
it incompatible with his health and other bus
iness, ha- resigned the Express agency, and
the oS.-a has been removed to Esq. Svrsrtzs
at the up*>er end of town, where for the p.res
ent f.'ks who expect ar;y:hing wiii liitc to
trot. *
fifayThe Fast Line was trik-.-n off the nad
on Monday {jt the winter season. Jhe Ex
press and Ma.l lines continue to leave tins
station at the times advertised in another col
XoT iur PtßLic —4V"e learn that the Gov
ernor has appointed Wm. P. Eiii it. Esq., a
Notary Public for this county. This is the
first time we believe that two functionaries f
toi- iescription have been in active service
Lewistom .X, Lec. £O, l"5o.
At a meeting -f the T'-ac-hers asi friends
of education, convened in the 1 .-wn Jiail,
Lewistosrn, Dh.26, ISs6—Col. JOHN HAM
ILTON" was appointed President, and >'. J.
THOMAS, Secretary.
The meeting wr# opene*i with nraver by
A. M. Woods. The object being stated by-
Mr. Thomas, on moiOn & committee of three
was appointed t j ptrcparc- a Constitution and
By-iawa. Cuinraittee—Messrs. Thomas,
linwn and Stereti.
On motion, a business committee of three
was made by the President to prepare busi
liuSi Ibr the afternoon session. Committee
—Messrs. Sline, Amich an i Mis# J^iins.
On motion, it was resolTud that the meet
ing discuss the subject "How should the Al
phabet L* taught?" and that the President
call upon such persons as he shall choose to
discuss this subject. It wis discussed bv
Messrs. McKev, Stroup. McC'ord, L. W.
H >.■ ds, L ttley, McDowell, and sever*] others.
Mr. Gwia was received as an advisory
i he business committee report the fullow
ing as the order of buivse#s for the afternoon
session, which was adopted:
Or/frr of Business—Afternoon Session.
Ist. Familiar lecture on Arithmetic—Mr.
Thomas, limited to 2-5 minutes.
2d. Familiar lecture on Reading—A. D.
Ilawc, 25 minutes.
3-d- Discussion ©1 *be quest, .-ins—Are the
Teachers of oar county sufficiently interested
in education a! D_ parent* genera;!v
show interest enocgb in the education of
their children? Should the r d ever be used
in school? The remain-ier of the afternoon
to be spent in discusric g the subject of School
uoverntDent in general, ani anvthing else
that taay present itself.
lit. Fnmn. -.r iectare on English Grammar.
—I. -J. Stine. limited t 25 minutes.
-i. General Discussion of the quest! a.
ilas toe (. juntj SapennitritMT as a fea
ture of car School Law me: the expectations
of Jrientr.' I. J. STIXE, t.naircnan.
Meeting adjourned to li o'cl k p M
F. J. THOMAS, Sec y.
irrtixwN SESSION.
II F- MPresident in chair—Praver by
■I. J. S;:ne. Cwaitu.ttee jt Cui-utun>o a:, t
Ly-Luws reported the fo,,'_<Win;r, which was
/* - izMhle—We the Teachers of Miffiio
couiuy, bei.cTing that by the uniting of our
selvce t getter ia the capacity o: a permanent
Associut ii can effect much good far ,-nr
seives a:..i t r the cause ;-f eiucatl a—Taert
f.re i&s-jiTfei. that we b.r.a our;-.vest nether
ir su th an organization bv ti•
ConstitntloS a;,h Bv-Lnw*.
Art. i. Ttiii Associat. a shc.il be- called
the '•Martin County Teachers Aasociatioii."
Art. h. ius wsctr of tais Assoeiatl.-r.
•hail consist of a President, tw_ Vice Presi
dents. a Secretary, Treasurer, ar.i Executive
Committee of three.
Art. v. Incse officers st-ao bold their offi
ces for one year, arid shah be elected the
year nre>;->u*, and #ba!i perforin the duties
usual.y assigned to each one respectively Lv
Parliamentary Kelts.
Art. 4. Tai* a-soc at: a shah L,IJ at least
of!*; meeting annually, continuing for tw ~ or
more days, aa _ scc-h ther in •*•* tings a- shall
be orc-reG by tn-c Pre:.lent an-i Executive
Art. .. Any learn -r, Director, r frieni of
educari >n may become a meintcr of this
Aafc>:lat .u by signing tie ComtliV-tLn ari
paying Li. cent* q*
* Ait o. The lixecot. ve Committee In addi
tion t-> its usoii _ui:cs, shai. prtnsre a regu
lar ~rler f exercises f.r the meetings, an :
have, if t.-.--lc!e. toe -a;ce published for toe
Use of men.her-, previa- to :la,. of meeting,
ay-la us.
Art. 1. In our order of business the Pre*i
>.. i.. begovcrt by Jeffers.n's Manual.
Art. 2. Twetity wtan sfiaM cOMtitutt n
quorum for the transaction of business.
Art. . Any article in this Constitution
en b© n.'.srsi or an.-nJed by a tSC thirds
rote . f members present.
Art. 4. A., members shall hold it their
duty t. attend upon all the meetings this
As-ociatii n.
tn aioti n. the names of those present, de
siring to bec-otne members >f tn. Aesocia
tioi.. were taken.
i he Association then proceeded to an elec
tion >f Officers fur the ensuing Tear, whict
■ reached nsCtflewa:—PunideiH—A. b>. Bason.
Vice Pro* dents—-Jos. Amicb at : Mis-Mary
M:Ct]. Secretary—l >bn A MeKe-. ire a
surer—Cua*. Kvie. Executive ' ousmittee—
L J. Srinc, T. M. (Jttlej, and M. Jiofaier.—
On r.icti'n. :t was res-ivei that tii® se*y
c-iccted off :e-rs take their seats for the re
cialuing pnrt of tini- I•>j . year.
The Miffila Cuantr Teachers Association
rnot —President, A. D. Hawn. in 'he cr.air.
1 h.e Sret in order *• a faoaiar .ecture on
Arithmetic by E. J. Thotnaa—time So' inin
| utes. On ci -tien, A. I), lluwr was excused
from lecturing on iLading, in-.- ueti-a
"Are the teachers >f ur county suffi.ieotly
interested in educational matter-'* was -cus
sed by Messr®. Th ma. bttiey, Wam- r. ht.r.e
llawn, and A. M. W<-jJs— -tttne 3'j minute-.
The "L>. par ats geneiaily s'. v w
interest et ugh in the lucat on f their
ei ddren." time Z ciii.ute:. w-i- F- ru.-.~-' i t
. Ilaui.i* McK.ec, Tfmesas, Stiae,
Warner and McCord. It *as iu ,ved that
the furth'-r discussion of qu wtiun- 1-e lu J
over until this evening, and that it be the
fir-r order of business of kuili b-C**< JUi Ad
journed to o'clock.
President in tbe chair—minute* read and
approved. L'iscue:.ribeing the first :n ord-r
the question "Should the rod T- r be used in
sch e-i." wits ds-cus-ed by Measre. Ti. ma-,
Warner, Stine, L'ttiey. Hamilt- ii, D. W.
We d-, ari i Am:ch. On motion the lectures
n iicadirg and Oramtnar were uri-ie the
rl r (•{ tbe evening. Leoture on Heading
biy A. i>. Hawn—time b" minutes: lecture on
Grammar by I. J. Stine—time •; 1 minutes.
On motion i: wa resolved taat we hvlu a
' Teachers' Institute this winter. So further
business Association adjourned.
JOHN' A. McKEE, Sec'y.
fejrAiry View Academy, in J jtiiata cour.-
tv. was de-tr ytd by fire ia-t week.
L-r -k like business—The Sheriff's sales of
Blair cvQn'tv.
Klecu. I—Wm. M. Kerr as President c-f the
Ilarri-burg Back.
Prevalent —Scarlet f ver in va . as places
in this State.
Punch says it requires at. early start,
n.w-a-days for a man :• get r und bis wife.
Jcnes of the Standard, like other
beauties, won't tell h's age.
Elected —Stephen il. Mallory c? Ficridato
tiie U. S. Senate.
jKaf- r 'hlorofurm i, said to be an antidote to
ftigr-■Himtingden. the Vt'ali street broker,
indicted for forgery, ha- been sentenced to
4 years and 10 months in Sicg Sing.
Dead —Col. Ileal: Frr.zer, Mrs. Susan Con
nw-r. (widow of the Commodore), and Father
Mathew the Iri-h tcmperancu apostio.
jfgf Th Perry Freeman says t'.mt Atixer
is not taking Joy-types but ambrotypes. Then
he hasn't taken the editors yet.
State Robbing. — It is said a project has
been started to induce the State to subscribe
Ji,000,000 to the San bury and Erie Railroad.
We had intended to i--ue the Govern
or's Message in ari extra this week, but on
consultation with our pockets lound that it
was our interest not to do eo.
Woman's Rights. —Some women it. Albany
countv, X. Y., recently marched into a tav
ern kejft by a man named Becker, and smash
ed ail the battles, jugs, tumblers, Ac.
is proposed to form a new telegraph
lice between this and Harrisburg by stationing
a line of young ladies at fifteen yards apart.
When a message is to be sent in a hurry it is
to be confided to the first one as a secret.
Wox\N > ll.os'rs.—l.uey Stone, the well
known lecturer on Woman's Rights, deliver
ed a course in the T. wn Hall last week, dur
ing which she disabused tlx many
who had looked upon her very name with
prejudice. She is evidently an accomplished
woman, wiih easy and refined manners, cre
ating a fav rable impression wherever she
made acquaintances, llerview- may be best
underst.-od by the following synopsis of one
of her lectures:
"The State of Matrimony, the lady said,
was zocrrei ly bogus laws and bogus kg.s
lat.eo. just as u.e state o( Kansas was. In
the f-rtner state women were classed in tbe
sitae catrc ry w.ti. mir.-. rs and idk-u. They
Lave n:t ti.e right to make a contract: taey
•■•a:.:..: c.utr Ith ir earnings: n. r have
they even tbr right to ciaira their o*R chil
dren. This was mere than tbe Border Iluf
fiars from bad attempted to put
cp-on tbe Free bt*i men in Kansas. Even
taking the most liberal view ©f it: ©Ten sup
c-.sing that cu-t re
bar. is ali the cares and anxietle# of the >:ate
cf Matrimony, and relieved tbe wife of care,
t ani resp-.asioility. its inSueoee woulo
only be to cru-i. and demean women. Tbe
latter do no; icsire a cage even if its bars are
g:i led.
" The bogus law? of the State of Matri
mony Cj n >; eves rec-gnize a wife's legal ex
isxence. It eonse-puentiy cataraiiy follows
that she has no other existence, and that she
beeorae= a mere nobody. A w.man ev-.-n
1 -es Ler name: she take* riie natne of her
lord uni master and becomes merged in*: his
property. Like a slave she take# the name
of tbe man she belongs to. The Pave i- Mr
Douglas ani he becomes Cuff-re Deugias; if
be is Mr. Brooks' he becomes Coffee Brc-OiS.
and gets cuffed ail the same.
"Woman, Mr*. Since contended, was a
subject not a peer: she must puy taxes, but
she ah not vate: she shall be tried, but net
by her pers: "She is not our equal.*' is the
cry f men everywhere. If tbe positi n f
"f. r.gi were to be changed. h* w men would
rail; if men hit : ■ ask their wives for m< ney
t-v et-end, cr for permission to visit their
friends, what a clam- r wool i be* rai-ei.
'i n- iettcer ti-.en pr •Dec':-, i t- r.-usider
the so: ject educari na.'y.' "he vs: t->i w-j
--n*r. ain itted to Audc ver, Yale, r Princeton,
whea she se- ?:* ;■ gain knowledge at th -*
great eats of learning. She did nt! want
the t-est women excluded fr m their do rs
when the meanest ap iogie- f r Dien w- re
pern. *ted t eater. Let aw man a; ply :-r
adcii-sion to these . liege* and .\-k iLr knowl
edge, ana she w old be referred to ber : .s
--bn<i. whr-m *he kt w- very well cannot tell
her. Mr*. St,&e thought this an urjust
system, which tend-i t deteriorate w na-.:
nr.-d z: only her but the race, as by it she
wae rendered 1 -- fitted to r—.r her children,
and instil into them high tb tights ani n.ble
"W ncert are r.*>t even a', we! c tuav
their own dieeas • ir, a* y h-ispitai ir. tbe land.
She is shut cot tao from all rr .Stable em
p'-jyioents. unies- ue ch-.- to brave ti*.®
prejudices of the w*rli and defy sneers and
"Like the negro, who can <rly I-eavrviur.
•ar keep a :>arb®r's sbc-p. woman can un'y
L-ii-.-w to- most mer.i-il j .rso'**. T ® 'ore
siie may preach: bo: it is .niy in s pu!pi*>s*
; church where no salaries are paid. The
Quakers aiiow w .men t pre* h. but they nay
no art.aries. In other churches her provir.ee
is t g-t up fairs ar.d va parties t pay f r
chandeliers an ; new cartei- wi.en tbe church
nee Is refitting. She i fit U r thi- ki: i *
ttsiness: but f-.-r nethiag that any pr lit re
sults from. The lecturer c-ntinue-J in thi
strain f-r - -ine time, tinting -ui what she
c iiict.re-i tn be t-.e wrong* done weman bv
s.clety. ur i urg'ng ! r sis'-.rs to j in with
L- r in demanding a rep-ni of the bogus la v*s
an i bogus c:;-ns which en-slave tiiem. rihe
•L int want her sex n> imitate tb* examp e
• f Mr. M:rawL-er. axi l wait patiently f- r
:r.<- gtu turn up.' L :w. aien deiu:tx.i
sir right; in gig:.; earnest and men will
award tbern.
"Mrs. Stone, in conclusion, said neither sex
n.r color give any exclusive right. Human
ity is the only ari*: ..racy. When w men
insist upon the rights of which they Lave
beer robbed thr„ they will find p-.ace cn
earth, for there i* gooi will um ng men.
"During the c urse of the lecture th® it ly
referred to matrimony a; a condition intu
wi'deb w*men w-re dr':v-*a by the inevitable
law* of I'r *.ideace. and t men a- creatures
whom w.m*ii must like, even though their
Laws are unjust to her."
H'Ahncai,'s Ointment and Pills.—Extraor
dinary Cure of a Bad Leg, e mmunicated to
Professor llolloway by E. Marchant, E j.,
of tie Gar tte Off :••. Edgart. wn. Mass.—Mr.
Daniel Xor' wn, of Edgartown. had a sore
• u his leg which d'-fi.ed all ordinary remedies,
which icst-.ad f improving Li:n he <-ii!v -
exute worse. At last he bad rec-ar*e t<*H 1-
luway'.- Ointir. Nt and Pills: a few npplica
tions of the Oiatm nt to hi* leg eff ted a
wond rt'ol change for the bett r : it 1 -t i*-
swolieri and angry appearance and in . \-;rv
•hurt time he was c tnpiete'y cur< E His kg
| is now quite * und. and be i- able t: r*-*:;tne
his w rk. although *'xtv v ar* of ag- i This
astonishing ungueo: will euro wound* an!
u'cer? even f twenty years -landing.
® happen tv kr. w that Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pect rai and Cathartic Pills are good
medicines, and ;hall proclaim it because we
do know it. A a C"nfident' v believe :ii*re i*
a T;I*I amount of relief from suffering f.r our
fellow men wrapped up. in these skilful rrep
aration*. an d we shall fre- iy use • r little in
fiuence to make them knuwn to those who
need them.—rtiTufajyiii Sunday Times.
ery Town or Vbilaze of tbe I'nioD, to -eil DR
Lady Agents are making more than a living
from its sale. \o wostr required until the
medicine i* sold : simply a good reference ac
companying application. The In vigors tor will
cure Sick Headache. Take one or two tea
*poonsful at each attack and it will scon disap
pear. For an overloaded stomach, or when
food rises or sours, take the Invigorator after
eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or od
pres-ive. For Heartburn, Palpitation, or Diffi
cult Breathing, take a teaspoonful once or twice
daily. For loss of Appetite, Languor or List
lessness, the medicine is invaluable. It will
restore the appetite and make the food digest
well. Nightmare—take a teaspoonful on reti
ring, and the demons of dream-land will all be
fairici. Alter eating a hearty dinner, take a
dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all op
pression or fullness. The Invjgorator is a Liv
er Remedy of unequalled virtue, acting direct
ly or. that organ, curing Dvspep s , a , Jaundice
Bilious Attacks. Dysentery. Piles, Worms, ar.d
atl Female Obstructions, for which it has no
equal. Any person after using a full bottie of
the Invigorator for any of the above named
complaints, without benefit, can call at the
Agents and get their money back, sold at
Une Dollar per bottle, by SA.VFORD & Co., Pro
prietor*, New York, and by CHARLES RITZ,
Illinois Linh.—Tift atoenti&nof fanners
and others about removing to the west, or
desirous of inakieg safe iarfftmenti, if re
quested to the adverttsexieDt cf Joseph Mji.i
ken, Esq., offering tor sale 2 Q/XfiJ acre* f
Prairie Lands in Centra! Illinois. Tce*e
lands are loeat.-d in a climate congenial to
our own, near the gr-.st lines of railway that
.raver?-? th- State, and for fertility and easy
cultivation are unsurpassed. Among these
who have already made purchases are Wa.
Mitchell of Lewistowu, Joseph Tire of Gran
ville. Jv hn M Bell of L'erry. Ac i others, who
examined them in person and will cheerfully
testify to their value. The lands will be sold
low. and offer the strongest inducements for
emigrants fr~m this and neighboring coun
ties to f .rrn neighborhood*, and thus ;c a
measure relieve the te-iiousne.-s arlso.g frctn
s. tiling among strangers it; a strange land.
Near Iront-.-n. Lawrence countv. Oh?,
WILLIAM T. BELL, formerly a citizen A
ti.is county.
In Washington, D. C., on the 32th u!:..
CIIKI ST IA N A lie A, daughter of James C.
and JeannetX Deiiett. formerly of this o un
tv, agei 2 rears. 11 months and 15 days.
In Council BluSs City. Lrwa, on the 28:h
of November, of typhoid fever, P. B. D.
GRAY, son-in-law of James Burns. Esq., of
ti .s p.ace, aged about o 1 years.
In Westminster, on the 2.'id December,
ISAAC SHRIVKR. Es-J., President cf the
liar.k of Westminster, age-i about >4 years.
In Bc'lefonte. on Friday, the I.* Deeeiri
ber. very suddenly, Mr-. MART JAM.
BLANCHAKD, wii of Liniunu B. mchar-L
E-q., of that place, and daughter .: 8-aui
MCormick, of Lock Haven.
Tor the Uttin-ws Giiettt.
In this place, on Rm 2Mb of !><*ceraber.
SUSAN, daughter of Abraham B.viuv-r,
age I about 22 jewr*.
Suc.t are life's eventful scenes! One day
we are called up-n to in arn the departure A
a smiling child, wn -s- gaiieles- prattle and
inr.ucen: gnu, -.!> La endeared t.. the
heart as a ;e*ei w.tiiuu: price: at ther. one
in the hey Jay of life, with orbs that ir>ok up
en nil things on the Creator's fo t.-tool as
great, glorious, and beautiful, ii amidenljft
d jv. n and gathered to that great granary, the
grav . as thttigh inexorable dea;L de'.ghted
to strike where the hi w w aid be n. -st ie-;n
iy feit; again, hi- shift is wended at- ne in
d'eiiu '-g years, ar.o thus at a fell st.-.p de
•tr.ying a .r.ppy and r-n? dul fair , y Lrc.e.
scattering i s metu -*-r- as . uu .ng. t-.-*
frequently, a eold art afcosj .:.. le wrni. —
But of all these, that which must vpe&ke to
the heart A to set ■■ie with ex- - rai.t -tints
an ian apparent gi <v health—.; . eer
fui Hta A song and merry laugh were but
l>i be heard t. be known—jias fr m gir.r. o
to a young and a. able lady, and as she
arrives st v-:,r- A mtoir v. vr.th the w rid
bright and joyous !sef re her md ail around
bar to make life dear, suddenly, ilk- a rose its
foil hi. .-as. fade aw ij an 1 die. her body em
s gt:- d to that *A:ai - - .g • at- nted
fur ah living ;a the • - : <>f tn-.-titer earth,
yrt 'eav.ag ac> : .r : - ns herev r we 5 - . re
cabing ber f rni and face. Sacs:. n.aJ*n,
has been thy ...Death rtart-i ri.ee for Us
own with an insi l .h-ease defying all sci
ence and skill, aid <i--pite tl.e prayers and
tears of friends, i ■- kind wi-., -s f ail he
knew thee, in a feu short is'r:hs terminated
thy mortal c-'.re.-r. But .t is nut vr us to
fathom the inscrma' .- w .v- .fa , .
Providence whose w.-g is at cf earth -r
cf things earthly. Lather let us
r..\- - - - V'.*: J.*' ::J.
She sleeps and we trust sleepa w J. Meaa
' first perhaps :n a hit f jprsot ggaef lor
her earlv dena*-:uro. but gradual v ; .titrv-us
ory i.i but rc-oa: her as an ang -i in f at
p:r t iand where all is brig t r.nd juT-"*t
where eternal yotita, with a crovrn oi gi-rv,
is a. lotted to those who have pasa<-d the fe-r
--tr- it the grave re the oeait it o 1 >j too
. ueej iy depravei—and where, if we but reir
up n our flea- nlv Father's promises, vv
tn iy again meet her v.r bkmfs 11 t-arf.
' " Wr, •• r : ' r rt. w
L-.- . Trti ij,t:v i-.wa -. ;; !c v : u "rid."
L-.w.stovrn. December 30, 18-50.
N 'ol ICE Tu TEACHEHS of the C .mraon
Schools of Mifßin Ceuntv.—l expect to
be at tiume o': the ~1. 4th at.-i -oth Satur-lavg
ot this month. All who have not been ex
am in* • car. a; .y on ny of tl.'*sc uav-. as 1
have determined to bold ne more private ex
aminatio- -. l'.r- ctors fr-:.rn the dliferent dis
tricts arc re jue.-ted to le present.
1 ;an--2t A. M. WOODS, Co. Sunt.
J IST ! Lctte-- reataii.ir-g at the Pest Office
I jj in Lewbtown Janoaryfi, 157.
All -V.:. .T v • X ;,;. ... ;
J".'l "I XT-- m'
J; •-*'' --t .M u:.- :i i.- >. Gp.
iU-t - r *n-iwig Mty-r-t-.;. C Jl.
i ■ - v ' Andrew ;
Rr,:o >u-:S;a Mkharl G-... M.
II i i su> - r ah Mtrrtrils W ll
ii -V - r v-V' .. M.U-: Esq.GtMgtS.
M-rrtfll Aarun
i }>-'• ; •-• Mr,. XatiMa ♦ Mkki. it.
J : • : '- u< hm rj Wm.
' my r.- i. eru: ■ M-... a i
ChrUt k Rlclc !km MnmmOmeltei
s - ■■ Mat; L;.za>
< -liS -• l. i.to, Meticer Em|. W;a.
1 ■ i- U Miiii'.-i Sainut;
S"f kU f'•'' ' ' s *u!l Mejwd
-v. .loa.t# Mtmaiui Sii.i-r-'
V. etier AprtUCi M< AJ ,ter lew 'c
I J j Met'ilium J.Cau
tMi.-yj-r.-r a v • . M. lr.utii t
UaMw Henry XCierJafcß
I*--- * Beola:;,.:) Xlt-fl n-
D*w.-c ; a Xurv. :i n.r*. vjin
; R-Vori.ue JTao< t't,:-l .i ha
t .to lliraia ItJc mm
t:ca,!ir nr.-. llu-rl-t Kti.c . i le ™
SSSSK Kwilu-I-Jid >1 -
I U.l'M'J - la.ys Johr. l>.
, Ritebwine uv:>- Naacy
' V f ; f - ~ Iters John
' H. Rt.oneß.bert f
H ; Mg -'-.tia A. Kev-ctas 1..
1 art- ra Slgltr Abrasi
it a ;* ' V iSuuibiSirah
lunbA JoL i < j . 3>.
II vu.iLUt
JjOLi ni7>. Nanrli.e Lourin C.
J: ; Stew ut .
? it? 8 Augclirie
J ' e s Dtr.r Al mine K
1 i ~ Sad.sJr!> Ht*ur>*
, j "• ltrriiuic Jc.co* Vu.*-ntin- A. S.
i Kiariy Jim.. > CV>!uniUus
Kfiittie fttni"! * Jg^dL
K>u Pr&ncU S. Wa.
Kvpaerß 1 Ww>is J < & eph
Knitii • Jwej-h Wy Utch I2eq. Jerfmloh
K.itsc Itiidbiph \% ficti JiUit#
Kr*rj SiftioTt Wo ki> Ti. guivr-
KiußiuiiaS' i*. Wiihelca H>q. 1). L
K.r'iiir .;r-. K. \N A", y S-'hu w
I - : - I J. H.
m:?. R. haxi 2 Wilt< J. I;
|"*r John Yate* KM. John A.
Y' n: *. *• \*uixy >UchAt 1
LfKil Kiatoti <29
, Persons calling for any of the aPove letters,
r will please say they are advertised. One cent
i additional postage will be charged for adverti
: S,D B- R. RITZ, P. .51.
. VOW is the time to read books, while th
, evenings are long and cold. Call and
get a catalogue of the Circulating Library.
<_r- y Lc-3.Ny > SEA'.L -fia J
r r piiE sabsenber for ml\ t\,at pW
J Lis farm WL-reor -Aatnuel Kauffmaim
reniet, *i tea be it Idsgo township, >;
coanfT, adjoining iacds of S. 45'. TayL r , o
Cyrus Alexander. Joseph Campbell, anf
er lands of the subscriber, wbere -n is <-r
gsfffl A BANK BARN, a lit? }j'
MMrjJjja Wagon Shed, and other
VJ I 11 " rf— all new. and ,
runnir.g at the door in leaiea pipes. ]
sell from
100 to 150 Acres.
to suit •nurehaserv. The land i?- • f the
quality and in a high state of -.uitiTj
within .ne mile of the great r ii le. •
frurr. Brown's Mills to two>
frrm the Tillage of Beileviiie anci tweltr.-
Lewistuwr.. in the lert.je \ aiej of K
qoii.as. I r further particulars eoqu;,-,|
lite subscriber, living -n r-art of ii. tarrJ
•ar."—4t* JOHN KAlililA
Hit AT LXTirOlhAl
(.i: :x< iczt h:t*m /
• received a tew aci &ioc
Boots and Shoes.
which they are selling at the LOW
PRICES, and wishing to do hu>tr.e ol
principles, uey oSer their Good* LOW. -
. Uiice every per--n who wishes to
Buy Goods at Great Bargai
. to call and ex amine their stock. Toeir mo:
" Small Profits and Quick Salt
Toey "!"* out a -ma:'. a-*ar.te j: city cost.
or CtMß'.ty Product L.ktri ir.
ciia'.je fur Gooos at i.i liat*. iJarketf
paid lor a:f kts.ds of Produce.
MiU' 1 Urrict of the Sttata Mill in the I
r.'.m. [Lewistowu, ja;. 185*
T i. > Ibti.M'.— Ti.e Sb'jck:. in
JLs Lewiat jww *iHert. * are Le
i.-tifei hot a -I* T JIIEU
i t.v . -tit ..rte csj ..v. S- ucx #.r the m?'. g
Li .-Li.is ->uj L*£-ei. _r-.-ure... :*y i-tle at
:._e 1 reA.e-.rer can cr-a.at.a.
V* M. KCssELL, Treasury
Lewistown, Jan. r. Ufie-3t
LE'. TluN.—Ti.e Seockh.'Mers is
lui if ■< l-i va 55 ater C. ■ '-vny arc Le-r
i -tified an elect: -n will be held at
of..r of : uu'irr>ijr.td in Lewi-t..wr
MONDAY. February 2, 1857. betwea
rs ut 2 and 4 u c;<-ck p. iu.. f- r S:x X-Jpf
w in. in eMnertim with one Manmß
: to be chckd by the T-. wn Council of
c-i.gh of L. w;stow:i. are to c. ndoct theaf
?f said c.uirai.y for ti.e ensuing Tear.
J. W. Bfl A 55" ( Sec re tar
. Lewistuwn, Jan. S, 18-50-4 it i> t
T N stamps or ntoney. and voc
? 1 zet a BUSINESS IiKECT<LY f r
" is-1 rn l y return mail, free of p <s?ag n .
tainir g n e>>iaplete list of ail the Merc hi
Dea.er*. Madmues, Arrists. l*iiV>ic:ar>?.'.
yer-. y'j-rgy n.eri. County aunl Borough
v r?. A."0.. furunng rh-* 1 -est reference f.r
---' • - . -irg in thi? c uiity that can 1*? jr
e-i. Every fe-r-'.n in the e urrv sfe -u'di
r cne. S'fid right away. Mv.re tban
1 ney will probably irte all sold within un
, Iwo week-, so that y--u must sen i enriv.
Address JOS, 11. 11. RuuK,
) lu?wi-town, l'i
_ 4 I'PEALS —! he Commissioner* hr*
-.X Ctve notice t Taxpay- r> and all inUf
t-j. that they w:!! meet at frcci" Ld .
i-town ou the i ii..w:nw days, for the r : •
of . appeals from assessments an.
uari' as I t the eii-uing vear;
i bwnby, try 25', 1857. —Fr tbf .
w 'riot computed ul Vl'liT.-r, 55'avne aiid Brs
townships, ariu Mcs eytown and Ni
5 Hamilton b>roughs.
i" irftiy, January 30,1857.—F0r the dor: i
s coaip 'sei cf Armagh, Brown, L cios
; Mei.no townships.
' N tuniay, Jan tuny 31, 1857.—F0r the t
it. : crnijHised ol L'erry. Granville ai.J 18*
tur town-hips and t!:tr borough of b*i!i *,
By erder of the Board.
K' '855 ELL D. SMITH, Clerk *
Uommissiuner's Off ce. '
- L wi-town, Jan. 1, 1857. / 1
Valuable Real Estate at
'2'"': '• 'U'h . ' ?\
" Srt S.. I . ■ - O -
I)Y ofder of the Orphans' Cc .:rt of I' t
9 county, I wi;l expose to sale, oe I !
premises, on
Thursday, 12th February
commencing at ten o'clock in the forea
the following Ileal Estate, via •
The ' MANSION FARM" ef the latesb
55 iison. Jr.. of Kelly township. Union c.:
tv. adjoining lands of David Ileiclv, Jv
Hummel. Mrs. McCJure, and Joseph Muf
and containing about
and (.. perches. The Farm is mostiv of -
f.r-t quality of soil, under good improves'
and handsomely located on the River r
about half a mile from Lewisburg. The
jk P r< - :T^ ments are a Fine Bank L
fjj*jp® nearly new, a two storv Fn-*
Dwelling House, a Corn Hoi
55 agon Shed, and other
outbuildings—a never failing Spring of 5
ter in the cellar kitchen, and a Well wit
i ump in the barnyard—and a thriving yoE
Apple Orchard. "4Vater can be had in e
of the fields.
I he I arm will be offered as & whole, or
viued thus: The buildings with 117 acre*'
one part, and the remaining, aav SI acres,
a whole, or in lots of of 9 acres
lota are ou the west end of the farci""and
ba made convenient of access.
terms len per cent, down: theremaiDp
, !n three equal annual pavments commencit
on the Ist of April next.
Administrator of Wm. 55'ilson, Jr., dee d
January 1, 1357.-4t
i XT AVE you read DRED ? It's iu the C
JLX oulaung Library. Get a catalogue.