Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 25, 1856, Image 3

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    f 2 E-E OjLZE TT E.
V U I'AI.MER, Ihe American Newspaper Agent istAe
juAi/ri:t - genl for this paper in the cities of Bos
ton, New York, anil Philadelphia, andds duly empowered
to take a<tettUenisttts and subscriptions at the rates re
quired by us. lit* recwipU will be regarded as payments.
His offices are—Boston, Scollay's Building; New York,
Tribune Buildings; Philadelphia, Brown's new Iron
Building, N. E. corner uf Fifth and Che.ln .streets.
fy \ little boy named Jarpes Dingman
wa kilieii by bis own sister Christina, in
Columbia county, N. Y., in a lit of anger.
She threw a pair of scissors at an older
lister but one of the points penetrated the
heart of the boy.
EFJohn G. Bush, a primer, formerly of
Virginia, died in New Orleans last week.
The deceased went with Lopez to Cuba,
was taken prisoner, sent to Cue la in Afri
ca, and finally went to Nicaragua, .where
he fought gallantly, and where he contract
ed the disease with which he died.
rFUn Sunday last, Robert Clinebell,
one of the prisoners confined 111 Green
brier, Va. jail, on charge of having as
•tied in burning a mill, attempted to knock
his brains out with a brickbat, hut failed
to accomplish his object. He was sense
less for several hours afterwards, but re
tTA child of Mr. J. 11. Suydam, of
Grauby, Ohio, fell into a well IB feet
.deep. There was 110 help at hand, and
after a moment's hesitation, Mrs. S. climb
ed down and caught the child, and then
climbed up the side till within a few feet
t-of the top. Another child, five years old,
lav down on the platform, and reaching
down, took the child by the arm, and the
.iitlle fellow was saved.
fcSTThe dwelling of W in. 11. Griffin,
half wav between Scrantou and Provi
dence, Northumberland county, the oldest
house in that section, and long known as
♦•The Whaling House," was burned down
last week. The act was that of an incen
diary, and was perpetrated after about a
dozen attempts, in spite of a strict watch
which was kept.
£y We learn from the Lawrence (Mass.)
Courier, thai a bloody a fit ay occurred HI
fawrence on Monday night. A sailor
_uatned Hickey, had a quarrel with some
bovs, and an Englishman named Haney
and an Irishman named Kenney tried to
queH the disturbance, when Hickey turned
upon them and stabbed them both with a
-aheath knife. Hauey's case is still doubt
lut,,.Uut..ji-t*.-tiiougiiiaKenney wilt recover.
Hickey was a r res led.
Pf The Evening Post Jus the following:
—-*Tlu- South is luiiiiig the appearance of
"Reply to Died," in a novel entitled
• Tit for Tat," by a lady of New Orle-ns.
Of us merits we know nothing, except
liorn the eulogies of the Southern press,
at which no one need be surprised,. The
maternal parent, it is said, wilt cluck more
over one chicken than her more fortunate
neighbor over a whole brood. The name
cf the fair author is not disclosed.
CF The N. O. Picayune says:"\Yc
; were yesterday credibly informed, by a
gentleman who resides near the spot, that
| in September Ls:, the well known pecan
tree, under which the remams of General
Pakep.ham were buried,a few miles below
this city, was broken oil, 'hirty feet above
the ground, by a gale of wind, and a can
non ball, fired from the British lines during
the buttle, was found imbedded just where
the trunk b;uke oil". Thus it was that the
brave Briion slept under one of his own
missiles as his monument!"
.Vet/.' York Justice. —At the Court of
Special Sessions, on Tuesday last, u re
• peclably dressed voting man was fined
ten dollars ior knocking a female down in
I the street, breaking one of her teeth and
otherwise injuring her. The defence was
the defendant's "respectability," and that
it was the first offence. The next case
wis that of a youno woman, accused by a
burly policeman ol assaulting him in the
discharge of his duty. It was proved that i
the officer attempted to arrest the prisoner,
r-s he suspectfd she was soliciting alms,
when the girl resisted him. but was quick
ly overpowered and taken to lock up.
• a this case the accused was sent to the
Penitentiary for three months.
And Friends of Education in
Mifiiin County
\MELUN'G will be held in the Town
. Hail, Lewistown, at It) o'clock, A. M.,
1 yf FRIDAY, December 2Gth, 1856, to organ
ize a permanent County Association and make
other arrangements to improve our Public
Schools. A full attendance is earnestly re
Tuscarora Female Seminary,
E. IIINDS, Principal.
VTOUXG Ladies wishing to attend during i
X the winter should apply on or before
January 2,1857. fitay Itis believed that such
changes and improvements have been made 1
by the present Principal, as will render the
institution, in every respect, a Seminary of
the fiist class.
Exnenses per Session of 2L weeks.
Board, Washing, and Tuition in Eng
.,liß.h " ?G0 00 i
Music, 15 QQ
; I rmucb, Spanish, German, Greek, and
■ Latin, each, 8 00
Brs. Moss & Stoneroad
JTAFFUR their professional services to the cit- j
' jew ' s,own a nd surrounding coun-
f r - ■ Office at the Beehive Drug Store. jes
The Balm of a Thousand Flowers
lAA/ 1 r , e . rnov , e P'mples from the face, beau- !
Tu *l S i e l lU ' P roduc<! a natural glow of
vnvrntv f positively remove all
Ik V V I rom f a '' e - by 'he use of one ;
.:. bottle only, i rtto .>0 cents pet bottle
For sale at the BEE HIVE DRUG STORE
r P S. ARTHUR writes for "the JW
IX • day Evening Post. THE WITHERED HEART I
•See propettu In another co!utno. ,*•* j
j AND COAL CO. have been left with me for
: sale. These bonds Lear seven per cent, in
terest and iinve coupons attached for each
j half year's interest, payable in Philadelphia,
and can be collected through an}' of the coun
try banks or storekeepers. The bonds are
j secured by a first mortgage on <lO miles of
i Railroad and above 2000 acres Coal Lands
with a number of collieries in active opera
| tian. The interest is punctually paid, and a
sinking fund will be commenced soon from
j the earnings of the road to provide for the
; payment of the bonds in full at maturity.—
! They are much more secure than Banks or
j Bank Stocks for those who have money to iu
vest. For further information apply to
j declß-3t I>. CANDOR.
FOR SA£j£i.
fJMIE undersigned, desiring to quit the
X business of tavern-keeping, offers for
j sale his LEASE of the house and premises
i now occupied by him, in Milroy, Mifiiin co..
the same having two years to run from April
1 Ist, 1857. Also, the HOUSEHOLD FURNI
TURE AND FIXTURES thereto belonging,
j The stand is one of the best in the country,
■ enjoying a liberal patronage. The passen
i gers by the mail line of stages running be-
I twecn Lewistown and Bellefoute, dine at this
J house. To a person wishing to engage in the
j busiuess an excellent opportunity is afforded
i in purchasing the lease and furniture.
declß-3t OEO. GUTHRIE.
r |MIE undersigned intending to remove to
I tho west, will offer at public sale, on the
premises, on
Saturday, January 3, 1857,
at 10 o'clock a. m., his Farm, situate in Der
ry tuwuship, Mifflin county, about five miles
from Lewistown on the road leading to Nor
thumberland, and two miles from Freedom
Forge, containing
172 ACRES,
j 125 of which are cleared, well watered, and
! in a high state of cultivation, adjoining lands
! of Thompson G. Bell, Mrs. Radcliffe, Yalen
j line Stoneroad, and Isaac Towtisend's heirs.
improvements consist of
StT&l JiT ji lwu Dwelling Houses, Rain,
' SI I <^ :l Mid and otln-r buildings,
i jgjgjyygpOrchnrd, good water, Ac. The
situation ot tliis farm in a pleasant valley,
' with an agreeable neigh!,, rhood, convenient
: to church, mill, smith slj ; p. Ssn. renders ii a
: desirable place for a liomesiead, as those fa
j miliar with it can testify.
i Terms will be made known on the day of
! sale. Persons desirous of examining the
J premises, are requested to call on the tnh
' scrib'-r, residing then? >n.
| December 18. 1856—ts
LECTION.—Tin' Stockholders of the
j Lewistown and Tuscarora Bridge Cm-
I pany are requested to meet at the T,,11 House,
i at the Bridge, in the borough of Lewistown,
| on the FIRST MONDAY {sth of January,
; 1857, to choose by ball-it a President. Six
Managers, and a Tr" '.surer, to conduct tl -
i business > f the t Join par v for one vee.r there
• after. WM. RUSSELL. Se.c'y.
Lewistown, Dec.-I, ISSG.-3t [il
Register's Notice.
Uff"HlF. following accounts have Le-n exami
i 1 ned and passed by me, and remain filed
I of record in this office for inspection of Heirs,
j L gatees, Creditors, and all others in any way
I interested, and will be pn-.sen ted to t!.-- next
! Orphans' Court of the county of Mifffin, to
be held at tlie Court House in Lewistown, on
FRIDAY, the 9th day of January, 1857.
tor allowance and continuation:
1. The account of John Iloyt, Jr., and
Thomas Hutchinson, administrators of the
estate of William Mann, Jr., late of Brown
j township, deceased.
1 2. The account of Daniel \ odor, admin
istrator of tiie estate of Magdalena Moist,
I late of Bratton township, deceased.
3. The account of Samuel Comfort, ad
ministrator of the estate of John Comfort,
j late ot the borough of Lewistown, deceased.
4. The account of John C Sigh-r and
; Thompson G. Bell, executors of the last will
j and testament of Rachel Gruber, late of the
i borough of Lewistown, deceased.
5. The account of Samuel Drake, ndininis
; trator of the estate of John Dysart. late of
Wayne township, deceased.
G. The account of Henry Kohh r, adminis-
Ltrator of the estate of Christian Wolffey, late
Rif Armagh township, deceased.
Register's Office, Lewistown, >
December 11, 185 G. }
Valuable Property at
I yr-'n. \' r
j fPIIE subscriber offeis for sale that Brick
t 1 House, situated in .Market Street, near the
: Diamond, in which he is now residing. It is
: one of the best built and most complete houses
in this vicinity. Hydrant and bath fixtures are
attached to it. It is 'JB feet G
inches front, besides an alley.—
j | {ft The yastern wail extends back
j JBagAyfisiUU feet The Front Business
is 44 feet deep, and is now
j considered one of the most desirable business
' stands in this place. There is also a complete
j cellar under the whole building. There is, be
sides, a One and a Half Story Frame Building,
filled in with bricks, on the same premises,
which is 27 by 17 feet, together with a Brick
Smoke House, and other necessary out buildings.
Also a New Stable, 30 by 25 feet, built of good
i materials, and with everything perfectly com
; plete.
A good Two Story Frame Building, sjtua
; ted in Valley Street, which is 25 by 30 feet, now
I the residence of A. Troxel, It has a hydrant
! on the premises.
.4 Two Story Frame Building, situated in
j Valley Street, one door west of C. Waldron's
i residence.
A Two Story Brick Buildiug adjoining the
] latter. Both are in good order, and are very
I desirable residences for small families.
A Tract of Land, situated upon the Old
i Belicfonte Turnpike leading to R. W. Shaw's
! Tannery. It is a little more than half a mile
! from the Court House in Lewistown. It con
( tains upwards of Five Acres, with a never-fail
i ing spring on it.
Persons who are desirous to see the above
| property, or any parts thereof, will please call
; upon the subscriber.
He also has a Tract of Land seven miles
west of lowa City, Johnson county, lowa, con
taining One Hundred and Twenty-Six Acres,
with good water and umber, and many olhti
desirable advantages, which he will dispose of
j very low. For further particulars enquire of,
jor address, MOSES MONTGOMERY,
1 auf4 Lewistown, Mifflin county. Pa.
x A splendid assortment of
1 (31 S3 <1 U 23 s,
r ■ and other suitable Jewelry FOR GIFTS, will
be found at
Establishment, East Market street, opposite
Russell's Banking House,
s ; ALSO,
A beautiful supply of
A i J !) ffil 6 ,
AND oTltF.lt
Various sizes and binding"
and a general assortment of
Theological, Miscellaneous, and
School Books,
Lewistown, Dec. 11, 185(5.
j Y\ r IjLLIAM HOWi rr. the celebrated
- j f f Engiiali author, writes for 'J'/te Saturday Kvcnivg
c : Post. TALLENGETTA, or Tint Home. See
I ProFpectu-. m am thvr column
ADAM'S mm ((US
' r,i rlie uiliee of GKO. V>. TIIO.MAS, in East
' Marker street, n-arlv opposite tbePodOSce. ,
r |HIE Mibsi.riber has a sioek of DRY j
' I GOODS and HARDWARE on hand am- '
: minting t.i ab>>ut which lie will sell at |
-1 a bargain, either for cash nr approved paper, j
or exchange for a piece of land if it be i
suitably located, to any person v\ ho may de- j
; sire to engage *.u the .Mercantile business.— j
They tire principally' staple goods, and such j
| as com ma mi a read v sale.
n 20—tf " Oil AS. HIT/.. !
\ \ virtn - uf -ufd'-v writs id \ euJitioni
I Evpona*. is-us*! nut of the <'uurt ol Com
tm n Pleas uf M' fin t'ounty, end tu um di
rected, wili la exposed in sale, by public ven
, due or e;trry, at the Court House, in the |
: jtigii u! Lewistown, on
Saturday, January 3, 1857,
at 1 o'clock, j.. in., the following described
property, \ i/.;
A ecrtuiu piece or parcel of land situate in
i the borough of Lewistown, bounded on the
. , west by lot of Davis Bates two hundred and
; three ieet more or less, on the north bv Ktiz
t nbeth stieet GS feet more r tejSR. on the east !
> by a 14 feet alley, tc., on the south bv lots
i o! John li. M cekor, composed, oi lots Xoa. 4,
24, 2j and 2G in the genera! plan of said bor
j -uigii extendnd. whereon are erected a I'ouu
i , dry, Foundry House. Machine tiiiop. Carpen- |
ter Shop, Pattern House, Wood Shed and I
i Coal IL;c , together with one St-4iin Engine,
five Turning Lathes, one Drill, and ail other
- fixtures and maehincrv thereto attached.— !
, j Altio, All that lot of ground situate in said -
borough, bounded on the east by Main street,
; ou the south by Water street, on the north
, | by lot now dr lately owned by Francis McCoy,
. 1 and on the west by lot now'or iatelv owned
i by M illiam Jennings, 'i 1, feet alley being
1 j between,) containing in breadth GG feet and .
i- ; S inches, and in length 210 feet, being parts
of lots numbered 22, 23, 2i and 25 in the '
- general plan of said borough, whereon are j
f erected two large two story Frntue Houses, !
weather-hoarded and painted white, with oth- j
-| er buildings and improvements. Also, one
e j other lot of groutad situate in the West Ward
i in the borough of Lewistown, bounded on the
north by lot of Robert Shipton, on the east
by a 10 feet alley, on the south by lot of Jus.
!!. Martin, west by public roau leading from
' Third street to arid past James McOurdy's,
j fronting 30 feet more or less on said road and
extending back 111 feet more or less. Seized,
taken in execution and to bo sold as the prop
j erty of Dai,id Zeiy/cr.
, i A tract of land situate in Bratton township, ,
, Mifiiin county, containing about 109 acres, :
. : be the same more or less, about 25 acres j
J ] cleared with a Log House and Log Barn and
- j other improvements thereon erected, bounded j
; as follows: On the east by lands of Ramner,
> | south by Black Log mountain, west by George
j Mitchell, north by George .Miller, north-east
' by Samuel Bratton. Seized, taken in exeeu
; tion and to be sold as the property of Chris- 1
linn Miller, Jr.
[ \ All those three tracts of land surveyed in
! the name of Jacob Barr, Thomas White aud i
I I Jacob Wert*, or Witzen or Witze, situate on
- the waters of Minehart's run and its tribnta
| ties, in the township of Granville, Mifflin
I county, containing in the whole twelve hund
■ red and thirteen acres and seven perches and
allowance, more or less, with a frame Saw
1 j Mill thereon erected. Seized, taken in exe
cution and to be sold as the property of )137-
j Ham 11. Irwin.
, . AIjSO " .
A lot of ground situate in Derry township, j
! Mifiiin county, fronting thirty feet, more or
■ , less, on the turnpike road leading from Lew
; istown to Millerstown, bounded on the south
i by a road, on the north and cast by lands of
; It. C. Jlale, and west by said turnpike road,
with a frame dwelling house and other im
' , provemonts thereon erected. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of
i Thomas W. Bailey.
Sheriff 's Office, Lewistown, Dec. 10, 185 G.
N It. t'lirctmsf-rs at the above sheriff's sales are here
| by notilu-d thai the amount of the sali.s will lie renuirprt
| to he paid, in alt cases, immediately on the property being ;
; knocked down, or it will be forthwith rt-sold to the high <
I est bidder. j. >j.
A UG USTINE DUG AN N E writes for j
| _Z~X_ The Saturday Rvcning Post. THE KAID OF
I BURGUNDY, a Tale of the Cantoon Hoe prow
j pectus in another place.
OFFERS his professional services to the citi
zens of Lewistown and surrounding coutt-
I try. Office in the diamond, adjoining Hoff
j man's Hardware Store.
J Dr. G. N. 11. boards at the Lewistown Hotel.
Lewistown, Aug. 3d, 1655—3 m*
INFORMS t lie citizens of Greenwood and
vicinity tlnvt lie will spend THURSDAY
j of each week from 10 to 3 o'clock, at the Ho
| tel of Mr. Sidfridge, lor consultation and the
j treatment of the diseased who wish his sen i
| ces. June l'J, 1650.
IHo £o
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE at his residence, south west side
_ of the Diamond. third door west of the
National Hotel, Lewistown. I'a. |oct2H.
320. 7f. SLDEBr.
Attorney at Law,
0' FFICE in West Marketstrect,opposite Eisen
bise's Hotel, will attend to any business inthe •
i courtsol Mi lit in, Centre, or Huntingdon couu- •
j ties. Lewistown. Juls 1, 1653.
is* So mto
hvieo\ ia-;\nHT.
FLOFESSION AL business promptly attend
ed to, and charges reasonable.
OFFICE on North Main street, second door
below the town Hall, and nearly opposite the i
Gazette office. je 21, 1655—tf. ,
6 1 * 5i > &
U~> E\ St "NTal-nfg TJ
For protecting and preserving the Dead for or
dinary interment, for vaults, for transport
ation, or for any other desirable purpose. '
| For sale al the new Furniture rooms, under j
I the Odd Fcllov-- Hall, by
- - |
J. Dorsheimers
j Tiie. subscriber has in connection
| £ MT" 1 ' 1 ! 1 Li- Hook, Stationery, I'apei .
I USMAI HSr and Vaiiety Store, a coiiiplete ;
j BIN"DLRV, where he i* prepared to hind Mag
azines, Pamphlets and Newspapers, and l<>
j repair hooks. Also, to rule paper to any pal
j tern. He i* also prepared to manufacture 1
! Copy Books, Music Books and every description
! of Blank Books, where-the trade can be sup- '
I plied wholesale ami retail.
*T.y"Persons having \] AG AZLNF.S, BOORS.
. Ac. wtiich they desire bound or re-bound in j
any style, can leave them at H. W. Junkie*
Jewclry and Book establishment. Lewistown. j
from which place they v.iii be taken and re- <
turned when bound. mis G—y i
ONE Hundred i'tunisand Havana and Principe
•Segat* oi the. follow ing brands:
Las Tres Marias, Rio Hondo.
, Los Dos Bandera*. Los Dos Cabanas,
| El Dorado, La Beila Habanero,
| i.a Sultana, Flor de /.ondre,
I.a Diana, Figaros,
La Nueva Empress, Operas,
I Victoria, L.i Lstrclla,
! /.a Union, Recreadores,
La Higuera, And various others.
Also, a prime lot of Weil stasoued "Sixes.' .
Dealers ami others can he .supplied on re as- (
onable terms attheDßl (J STORE of*
jel2 F.ast Market st., Lewistown. j
The West Branch Insurance Co.
OF I.O< K liAYEY. PA.,
T.YSURES Detached Buildings, Store*. Mer
j T chandise, Farm Property, and other Build- !
s ing*, and their contents, at moderate rates. j
i Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey,
John B. Hall, T. T. Abrains,
| Charles A. Mayer, D. i\ ■ Jackman,
j Charles Crist, W. Wnite,
I Peter Dickinson, Thos. Kitchen.
Hon. G C. HARVEY, Pres.
T. T. ABRAMS, Vice Pres.
Tks. Kiklu tt, Scc'y.
Samuel H, Lloyd, Thos. Bowman, D. D
A. A. Wiaegardner, Win, Vandeihclt.
L. A. Mackcv, Wm. Fearon.
A. White, Dr. 5. S. Crawford,
James Quiggle, A. Fpdegia'.F,
John W. Maynard, Jaine* Armstrong,
Hon. Simon Cameron, Hun. Win. Bigier.
TCy'Ageiit for MitHin county, G. W. STHW
ART, Esq. ap]7
! ' GAS! GAS!
JR. SELIIKIMKR would respectfully in
• form the citizen.* ot Lewistown that he
is preparing to put tip
Gas Fixtures of all kinds,
in Churches, Stores, Public Build
; ings, Shops, Ac., in the best manner. Ilnv
| ' n g procured an experienced workman from
j the City, recommended to ine to be one of the
best workmen in the State, I can safely war
; rant all work and feel confident of pleasing
all. Lewistown, May 22, IS5(>.
Good Goods and Low Friers!
j 'Jt|HE undersigned, trading under the name and
JT firm of McCOY & ELLIS, respectfully in
! form their friends and the public generally, that
; they have just returned from Philadelphia, and
j opened in the house formerly occupied by J. &
j J. Milliken, on Market street, and directly op
j posite Geo. Blymyer's store, a neat assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods and
j to which they have added a neat supply of gen
tlemen's, ladies' and children's
ii&ris smoniSa
suitable for the season. The market price IN
CASH will always be given lor COUNTRY
PRODUCE, and liberal advances made on Flour
and Grain on store.
Planter *att, I'isli ami Mocsc
always on hand. A quantity of SALT, suitable
for Cattle, now on hand. F. McCOY,
Lewistown, Nov. 13, 1656.
For Sale or Rent.
fJMIE subscriber effers for sale or rent all
j. thut Lot, Store Iloom, Warehouse, Dwcl
l'D K House ami extensive Sta
| jjyt bling, between the river and ea
! Bwi lea nal at the Lock at Lewistown,
now in the occupancy of
Mr. Charles Stanbargcr. These premises are 1
suitable for the transient trade of the canal •
I as well a.* the lower part of Lewistown and
vicinity. The owner residing at a distance
will contract on reasonable terms. Apply to
1 HENRY L.AWRO.N, Norristown, L'a., or
oclG Lewistown.
TT/E take thi* opportunity of informing the
\\ public that we have obtained direct from
the CUSTOM HOUSE all femds'ol*
which are a* pare a* Can-be obtained in thi*
country, expressly for medical pentoses.
: , i
1 | ) I.AC KS.M ITHS.— l*o t 101 linan V you
I _M J ahtxiM coiiiiinie to (;<. I'ur Iron, 6te.:i, ioc
/ fORDAGi!, Twines and Tar at
iVV flol l M W.s.
j OIJOH FINi DINGS.—SoIe [,cailier,
: kA vi.if.mi o, l.arls, :.n.l ail kii.ili of .■Sl.oe Fiiitiiugs, al ■
1 <l-11 j? .i.fiof : )iAN , !. j
Our slock 01 saiiiilrr, atnl 103c.luv.1re is large and al
I lovv pncc-s. IIO] KM.\\.
1 I H)RN Slll.l.Liliis.
, V_' The S'l" A It, .
111-KEAHIX', > 1 i |
/ j RCfCEUIES.—"
: \.Jf Boy l.'iei .e j.l liolTuiat 's
I'm Sii,'r - ut lfffuiai.'
!S'i> Molar.-a* st nurt'.oaii's
It-.\ Teas, tr., *t l/oitinaii's
I '■ <) to llofl'inan's fur to!.-*
\ K (I.s to lliiir.iiaii's for ''lnirr -
flo to Ttotf.uan's n.t Bai-.ke'.r
to Holt*nnn's for Itroon -
Go lo 11. ffinan's f..r ituskeis iterli
iSRI tiS, BUI <O, DRitiS,
Hedltlnr!), iiicdltlnrs, litditinei),
Bjii.is, I'aitn-. PaiT.is.
Glass, Gtnss, •
Oil, O.ts. DiU,
Trusses, Trio—.,
Dit. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered
in one oi our couunun puj litre vretd a
r.-medy thai curc-i
I'Acry itind of IHiuttir
fro - tilt- wot si :r..fa!a ilov. :. 1., r. '-niiiluoii i'lmplr i
j J K f:s Irie.l il ill over i 1(1' < isvs. ni.ii n*Ver r.'ile.t ei
l i t.I ui tw i) runes, (both thunilsr fiiiinor.l lie l:.a i
in.w in tlia t>.wssioii over 1v... licn.lrcil csiiiiir.aes
as virtue,all w lllitii twealy miles of lioaloc.
Two bottles are warranter.' to to e u t.uriu|! Sor
Moitlli. •
(>ne lo three nmtl.- - A ill i ore I lu- n oral si..a <• Pimplea
oil I lie Face .
Two to three i.ollies will cle-111 he s\ stem r.f Hiles.
Two hollies are w nrrai'leii to t are l!. w orl Canker
. i:i 111- Muulh alii! Sliiu a. h.
T'kree lo u\ e bellies nr.- warrantee to . urr Hie w..r#l
, rise of Er> i|>. Ins
One lo Iw.. li.ulles are wai; uce.l to rare all Ifumilr la
the ey.-s.
Two hollies are warraiite.i lo core Illuming uf the
, Ears anil Ulot.hes among the Hair.
Four to si \liolll. are w umtitleti la i:iire i:rru|>l .IIMJ
: rtiimti.fr 111.-ers.
One liollli- will cure Sea!)' Erujilion of the Skin.
Two lo three boiilesaie warraiit-u lo cure the worst
I i ise of I! ine Worm. .
'l'w o to ihiee hollies are warranted lo i ure llu- moal j
j desperate rase . f j! heiimatistii.
Three lo four holtl-s are warranle l (o ( ore the S: !t
Five lo eight ho'.tl s will cure the worst case of t*crof
[ -.13 j
; A benefit is alwiy." exoerii a'o.i iron, the lirst huttli. |
i and a |>erTi • I eiir -is U uri inte l wlu-uthc above q.iauli
iv is taken.
Reader, 1 (.eddied over a lie nsniut hollies of this in lae ,
vicinity of li.c-'oii. I know lb eit'e. iof it it. every rue. !
So sure us wan r will extinguish tire, susiire w ill this
- cure humor. 1 never Sold a holile ot 11 but thut sold an (
..:her ; ufu; .. iiiul it alwajs .-peaks for ilself. There
are two thins- about this l.erh that appears to rue sur- j
prisms; fu.-i that it grow-in our pastures, ill some phi t
: ees quit.- plentiful, and ;..-t its value lias never been t
know n until I discovered it •i: lslf>— Second, that il should .
; cure all kinds of humor.
In or.ii-r to irive some idea of tire sadden rise and great
populanlv ot the discovery, 1 will stale that in April,
Itis3, 1 |ieddle4 it arid sold ahoyt six bottles per .lay—in '
April, Idol, I sold over one thousand bottles per dav of it. i
Some of tlie wboji-sale Dinj-'gisis who itaye been in j
; business twenty aiuL|ii,i; years, say that notliing il! llie
auii ils of Latent junticiin s was ever like il. There is a
i universal prajse ol it from qll ijiianers.
In my own prai live I ajwm ke| 1 il strictly l'..r biimnrs
'nit sinre tts Inlroduftion aa general fatuity medicine, J
v'rent an.l wondeil'ul virtues have h. - . t..ui> in it that I
never suspected
s.-veriil . .s.'i uf ejiiiepiic tus- a disease whli h was
always eroisidertd ineurable, have tesn wired by a few j
buttles. I>, what a inert) if u will prove elfectual in all
.uses of that aw fill aiahuly—there nr.- few who have
-eeu more of it than I have.
i know of several rases of Dropsy, ail of them aged
people, cured liv it. For the various diseases of ihe l.iv
er. Sii k Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, F.-ver and Ague.
Fain in the Side, Diseases of thexipiiie, ami particularly
in diseases of Ho-Kidneys, &e., the discovery has doi e .
more good than any medicine ever know n.
\o change of diet ever tie essarv—eat the best you
get and plenty of it.
DIRECTIONS FOR 1!K. —Adults one table spoonful per
; day—Children ..ver lit years, dessert spoontui—Children
from 5 toN years, tea-spoonful. As no directions can be
applicable to .-.11 constitutions, take sufficient to operate
on the bowels twice a day.
Manufactured by
I><> \A LD EiE A A Efi> V,
A j Idd Warren Sf., Kuibury, ."ass.
L'BICE 411 ,00
Wholesale Agents. New York City, C. V. Clickner,Sl
Barclay street; C 11. King, I'Ji Broadway ; Kushton and j
Clark, '2~ j Broadway; A. D. & D Sands, HOFultonstreet.
T. W. DV'OTT i. SONS, Philadelphia, wholesale ,
Agents for l'a. For sale tiy F. J HOFbMAN and Mrs a
MARY MARKS, Lewistown, and by li F. KEPNFUi,
MMtMOWK. [ma2a-ly. J
writes for The Saturday F.vening Post. See
prospectus in anoiher plice.
T" IGHT-1101JSE 181. AN It, an original ,
J_J Novelet by the author of "ZILLAH," &;C., will be |
|)iibtishcd in 'i'he Saturday Evening Post. See prosper- i
tus in another place.
1,500 FEET \ 1, la', IRin.Pan-j
el, dry white Stutl", just received try
LA RIND STONES.—Two tuns Raid
win's celebrated Ohio (Grindstones, just received
and for sale by \V. &. O. MACKLI> McVeytown.
21 South Front Street, Philadelphia,
Com mission Merchant*
AMD * i.j *
Ivii 'oWi ?h-'g'iv£^kQjj
1 rAVE constantly on hand and for sale low,
I L a H kinds of AMERICAN and SPANISH
HEAP TOBACCOS, selected with special ref
erence to manufacturers' use.
All articles sold warranted to be as represen
ted and every opportunity afforded foreramt
l nation. Purchasers at a distance can send their
orders, and rely upon being as faithfully served
it (he goods were selected in person.
Philadelphia, Oct 23, 1850—laplO
till fitillV, WORKS.
'PIIE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for
all binds of
For Public & Private Parks, Bal
couies, Cemetery Dots,
Steps, &c.
j Also V eraudahs, Iron Stairs, Doors, Settee-.,
! Chairs, Statue-. fountains, and every descrip
tion of
; having ;he largest assortment of Patterns, and
; the greatest facilities for manufacturing this
i kind of work,
I Persons can depend on being suited, orders
promptly attended to, and boxed carefuliv, to
j carry to any pari of the Pnion.
i Persons wishing to make, selections, by ad
• dressing the subscriber, stating what cla'ss of
. work the) want, will have Porte Folios of l)e
--j sign sent them.
W. |\ HOOT),
Ridge Avenue A Broad St., Philadelphia.
October 2, 1856.-Omo
■ _ 1'
Wire. Silk & Hair-Cloth Sieves.
; Coarse, medium and fine in mesli; large,.middle
size, arid small u> diameter.
i Of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh,
from Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive, and from one to
1 six feet in width.
They are numbered so many spaces to a lin
! eai inch, and cut to suit.
j The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand
For Coal, Hand, Ore, I.inie, Grain, Gravel, Gu
' ano. Sumac, Sugar, Salt. Bone, Cofl'ee, Spice,
Drugs. Dyestufls, .Vc. Together with an ax
' sortment of
All of the above sold wholesale or retail, bv
.!. A. NEEDLES, '
ina'F.i 54 N. Front St., Philadelphia.
Wholesale Druggists,
I> R IT G- S ,
7 3 ? i s,
Ji <§!£)£-■
PA IN TS r *
Oils, Glass, &e,
:i7t; Market st. above Hilt. S. side, Phila.
ami country merchants are
requested to give them a call and examine
their stock and prices, before making their
purchases. ina'22
stew rißicT
r |*HF subscribers, trading as Mi-Williams &
i JL Sterrett, have leased the Lewistow n Mill
and are now prepared to buy all kinds of grain,
for which they v.iil pay the highest market
price in cash.
Grain will he taken in store ou the earn?
! terms as heretofore by John S'eriett A (Jo.
J armei's who wish to have grists giootid, or
grain chopped, will he accommodated on the
I shortest notice.
' TRcy will always have on hand for sale a full
supply of
Flour, Grain and Feed,
; which will be delivered to any part of tow n by
leavingoiders at the office in the Mill.
One of the;n will at all times be found at the
Mill to give their personal attention to the
business, and tßey hope to merit a continuance
' of the patronage bestowed on the old firm.
i Lew istown, January, 17, 1856.
j 7 IJ Id subscriber has just received a splen
ic did assortment of Gas Fixtures, among
which arc
of ali descriptions, and a general assortment of
BURNERS, all which be will sell at Philadel
phia prices (cut, fitted and put up free of
charge.) Call and examine for yourself.
Gas pipe put into houses, shops, stores, &e.
i at the shortest notice.
:.uv>l G. \Y. STEWART.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
I lows:
Westward, ... g QC A. M
Eastward, - - 5,12 >
Westward, 7,17 P. M.
Eastward, 11,07 P. M.
Westward, - - - 3.39 p.
Eastward, ... 599
Westward, 1.50 A.M.
Eastward, 6,15 P.M.
Westward, 3,50 A. M.
Eastward, 6,15 P. M.
Westward, 10,30 A.M.
Eastward, 6,15 P.M.
Westward, 7,05 A.M.
Eastward, 7,17 P. M.
Ticket Office will be open 20 roin
tiles before the arrival of each Passenger
oc!) D. PL ROBESON, Agent.
\ LICE CAIvV writes for The Satur
_AjL day Evening Post. THE STOKY OF A COt'.X
TRY (!KL, Sec prospectus kn another place.