Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, December 18, 1856, Image 4

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    gKiricttitural, Kt.
To Sit Our House in Order. —Winter
Wiii soon be upon us with its drifting
\vs, its driving rains, and terrible Irosts.
1' the roof is not tight call in the carpen
ter and fix it the first fair day. Already
i leaks have spotted the paper upon the
v ills, and the carpet upon the (loor. i his
is poor economy. Stop the leaks. Last
inter, possible, the potatoes were frost
bitten in the cellar, and bushels were
thrown away as useless. The pump pipes
. .fhaps were frozen and burst. Now
;e time by the forelock, and bank up all
mind the house before the ground is fro
-2 u. Better have the cellar windows
rkeneil with straw or seaweed than to
• ve frost doing such miscief. Now is
the time for this work.
Ridge Your Gardens. — The trust will
do a good work for your subsoil if vou
v .11 give it an opportunity. The ridges
iy be made with a heavy plow or with
e spade. Ground that is wanted for
rly crops should be manured before ridg
ing. Make the ridges at least two feet
h igh, and let them be as elose together as
i possible with that depth. The subsoil
will be pulverized by the frosts, and will
rt ceive some ammonia from the snow and
winter rains.
Stores for the Mind. —While you are
providing for physical comfort during the !
v inter, do not forget a good stock of read- j
i r. There are-points in your husbandry
.it vou have not vet settled. Seek light ;
o:i '.hese topics and make jourseli a well
r- id and intelligent man. Nothing pays :
better upon lite farm than science united
to practical rkiil. Take a good supply of j
agricultural and horticultural papers, that j
v u may know what progress husbandry |
is making in all parts of the land. The ;
riodtcal press is now pourittg forth such
■; mis of choice literature, and standard ■
v irks are so cheap, that every one can
•ply his household.— American Agri
' f you have none, listen t > advice, and if
s possible, introduce it. Either set a
- u or'a windmill, or one of the selfaoting
' lis; or lay a pipe from a spring on the
; or throw a dam across lite brook and
a pipe from that—some how or oilier
r : ■: 1 age to have flowing water and plenty
t, so as not to drive your stock to the
• ik, or have to pump, or turn a crank a
-day to draw water for them. One has
> .dea of the convenience till be lias tried
Sit down and make an estimate of the
ne it takes in four months to draw water
forty head of slock, or to lead or drive
at an eighth of a utile to water, and our
<rd for it, lite water will come in a pipe
here is any such thing. So says the
) • 3 Homestead, and so say we.
From the Genes*? Farmer.
Two of our fair correspondents send us
foiiowing recipe*, which we will guar
e art reliable anil good :
ponge Cuke. —Take 4 eggs—the white
vulks be lien separably; I cup of poi
zed sugar, 1 cup ot flour, ~ teaspoott
y cre.itn tartar, 4- of soda. Flavor to
oda Cuke. —3 ega*. 2 cups pulverized
. ir, 5 cup of flutter, 1 cup of sweet
i, i teaspooiiiul of sod?, 2 of cre;.m
ir. I lav or with lemon.
IJCMO.L Tits. Beat with the yolks of
- jgs 2 tabiespoonsfui of melted butter, 4
w tote sugar, the juice and grated run!
two lemons. Put into a rich paste and
a'-.e. Then heat the whiles to a froth,
ng two tabiespoonsfui of sugar.—
?ad it on the pies when done, and put
rn in the oven again lor about three
. nines. The above in (or two pies.
Fruit Jellies 11133- ' ,e preserved from
t: uldiuess by covering tite surface | of
inch deep with finely pulverized loaf
- gar. Thus protected they will keep 5
Fo Cure the Quinsy. —Make a poultice
common white Lima beans, and apply
to the throat hot.
To Clean Aid Gloves. — Wash them in
. mixture of equal quantities of ammonia
nd alcohol, i'hen rub them dry. The
'• e solution will also remove stains and
,'prase from >ilk and cloth.
v\ e are decidedly down on women mil
'■g cows at any time, busy or not busy.
- enny and Til lie.
Fruit Cake. —Take i cups of flour, 3
£ ugar, 3 eggs, lb of butter, 1 cup of
~ 1 teaspoontul of safaratus, 2 nut
s, 2 ibs raisins, 1 It, /nnte etirrants.
>r tf-is, baked in one cake, bake two and
j '! hours.
To *Muke I'otato Yeast —Take 2 qts.
of hops, boil until the strength is out,
water sufficient to scald one quart
novvi ot grated potatoes. Strain it upon
- pot does and while cooking stir it, ad
:'■ handful of salt and two cups of
- ; . W hen cooked sufficient it will
-. thick paste. (Jool it in a stone jar,
oid when cool enough add 3-our yeast for
Dr. iVilliam A. Alcoit, the author of
I Li'.e Jit, arid well known as a
cturew on the laws ol" health, lias in press
w irk 011 Hygiene, which will probably
hi -f it practical value. Front acltap
>i Js, we take the foiiowing advice,
1: t now quite seasonable :
" i'uose who would avoid colds must
..io themselves, especially their la
a throats, every time they go into
air. Ido not say that none of
number already diseased should
;<>w d to break the force of a stream
ir owe red in temperature to zero, or
. twenty degrees below it, either
'.fp rator or muffler. 1 arn writing
ibosi who as yet deem themselves
' .
After brisk walking, or other exercise
during which we have worn more than a
needful amount of clothing, we must be
ware of throwing off a part of it, and sit
ting down in a temperature which is very
]o* or in air which is damp, especially if
we have been in a free perspiration. Bet
ter to keep 011 our clothing, till we see
how matters are going with us. It would
be safer to add clothing in such circutn
... .
stances than to diminish it.
Those who would be perfect in this mat
ter should avoid sitting with wet feet after
exercise, or sleeping in damp clothing.—
While a person is exercising in the open
air, if not over-heated or over-fatigued, it
may be safe for him to have wet feet.—
indeed some go with their leet wet all the
forenoon without injury, il they keep in
motion ; but the philosopher Locke who
recommended that children should have
holes in their shoes, would hardly have
justified the practice of sitting with wet
Those who are accustomed to warm
clothing should not exchange it for that
which is extremely tit in, when they are
about to go abroad in the cold air. unless
the 3' arc to walk. Thousands ot young
people, especially females, might trace the
consumption, neuralgia, or fever, which
destroyed them, to some act of reckless
ness like that which is implied by thefore
"oin°' , r • ,
In general, we are quite too much afraid
of the sun and rain to enjoy that hardihood
which is indispensable in a climate as
much exposed to colds and consumptions
as that of the United States. The late
Gen. Dearborn, of .Massachusetts, would
have 110 such thing as an umbrella in ltis
family if he could help it. He thought it
safer on the whole, to be occasionally a
little wet, titan to exclude ourselves from
every drop of rain—nineteen times 111
twenty, with the almost entire certainty of
being sometime caught without one. and
of suffering severely as the consequence."
I .' THE
Cosmopolitan Art Association
--*** incut have tile pP-'-are :ini >'j:n i.is thallher.il
tection "f Works < f Alt !• signed f..r d.jltthiri i. . -none
the subscriber* whose name* re. rived previons toMi*
iSthof J uiuary. '57, is much I ire. i md more > nstlv ilia:,
on any previous year Among the leading i\osk* in
sculpture —executed in th>- finest marble—ts tin new and
beautiful statue of the
Th" Busts of the three great American state-men, < ,v,
Webst.-r and Galhoui ; A!so, the i xip.tuin; Ideal Isu
cpntvo A potto and Diana, in nirbte, life stz.e - together
W illi tile following Groups ir.it Statues ill Carrara mar
ble, of Ihe Struggle fur the //< r!; t'cuv.i end ■']'!'lt:
Piuckt; Olagd i.irr Chi.d of the Se.,; Innocent'; i u/nrc
Bird; utid /.ittle Truant; with numerous works in
Bronze, and \ coiiection of several hundred
by leading artiste. Tie- whole of which an- to I uistri
buted or allotted among the subscribers w hose names are
rectiwd previous to the
Twenty-eighth of January, '">7,
when the Distribution w ill take p! ire
Every subscriber < f three dolt .is i, et.titled t . i c ay
of the apitadid sise. t-iiyr itiag, " aaiarday Night," .r a
copy of any of llie following £3 Mazazin- - one v< >r ;
also, a copy of the Art Journal one ir. i: <a 1 ! t x. tin
the Annual Disiributiou of AA'.aks o: Art.
Thjs, f,.f every $3 pai l, a jierson not unl geis ah, au-
UMI l.np'r .ti i• ■ Mae.:Zii.e one i <-ar, toil . . re. . iv. i
•he Art J mrn it one year, ami a Ticket the Ann iil 1 is
trit.uiion,mukutgfomr dollar/ Kortk of raadi\tter be
si: t the ticket, by uin ha eatuabte paiuting or piece of
statuary n ay be re • ivtd i i ad.i.uom
Those v. > prefer .Magazines to the Ener .vioe 'Salur
d iy N lebr,' can have r ilio r < f the ndlowiriz or - u ir:-
Harpet"- Masazuie. Go,ley's I.ady's 1) .ok, I nt:-d Slates
M leazine,Knickerbocker Magazine. Grainm's Mag s/.m,-.
L.irkw .li i ..e..-.aj b,-rn I.ilerary Mefsenaer.
No person i-reslruu-d to , sir.it sh ire Tin se taking
live i .-mberships, remitting #ls, are emitted to six En
gravings, and to six tickets n the distribution,, r any liv.
Of the >!#■,' :-ire-s, ru.e year, ane <tx lo ket
IN i- is. i'i ii i ii!g tarn -. no no miH-isinj., win ;;i -,
register the teller at the i'ost or!i r, to prevent t0..; on
receipt of which, .t rertifi t,f tr.embership, tog' Un-r
w Hh th<- Engraving , r Mogazii . desired, w .11 be Ii rw ar
dedtw any pari • I the c .i 'r ~
f or further particulars, see the November Art Jottrnal,
sent free on apple . 'i n.
Form mbersbi, :ip. :y toft !. >A I.TEIte, Ili.norar'.
Secretary, I.ewistow m novdio
Attaeiancnt oj I ufcunizcd India Ifufdjcr
Spring Jo the Tubes of Grain J) rills.
'IMIE undersigned, having perl,, t, d :.u arrangetnenl t- r
th atuchment of a Gum Spring to the Tubes and
Drag iiirs of tJrain Drills, is happy to inform Farmers
and ait ottn rs interested in th- growing of Wh it ami
to r Cl.'litis, lb i to* is p.< gated to forriisfi GJt.\IN
DSILIA, with the ab v.- artfa le attard,the - honest
notice, ot Ins Foundry, in Mc Ve) t >.v u, Fa. S.- d.-is have
te-. oi an nlnmst indispensable article to the. Farmer,
an ! b will ttod that the attachment of the Gum Spring
will enhance its value at least ouc-baif. All Ihe il ieu
tion and trotibn. cans d by the breaking of wood- n ph -
is entirely done awi.y with by this arrangement, and a
man, or boy, can p -rt .rm yearly double the lab -r that to
could under the obi pi in, w itli much greater ease, both to
himself and hawse. Th re need he no fear of the Spring
breaking, f„r if there is au article Dial w til neither break,
rot, or wear out, the Gum .Spring is that article, and 1
hazard nothing in saying that my Grain Drill Is Hie siiu
pie>t in construction, uio-l economical in performance,
and there-lore the most durable ever offered to the agri
cultural public The feed is so arranged that it will sow
1, !■. 1;, 1 , and 2 bushels p-r acre. fVrsone desiring
one for the coining seeding art- n ijuesli-,1 to send in llieir
■rd> is as early as possible. Direct to McV,)ti,wn, Mif
flin county, Fa., or F G FRANCIM ! S. i.ewMmvn ;
EI. FAXON', Ifollidaysburg, Bl iir to., Fa ; BOYER &
BRO., Ilarrisburg, Pa., who ar autboriz. d b, act as
agents, andfion w horn any further iiiforination ma) be oh
aim d.
PRICE OF D1t11.1.8. w dli the attachment, $75. Far
mers who already hive drills, ran have them altered,and
the India Rubber Spring attached, for from $lO to gli
W - All branches of the FOUNDRY Bl SI.NESS still
carried on, fur which orders are respectfully solicited.
M( Veytown .turn- 111, Ih-Vi.
fFIIK undersigned liave just received a new
J[ and large supply of
at their old stand nearly opposite the Post Of
fice, consisting of
X>3Ft."Sr GOODS,
vi J- 'si A w> w>
all of wliich will be sold on fair terms.
The public will please.call and give us a
share of their patronage.
Also, SHINGLES always on hand.
nov6 J. HAMILTON it CO.
BIAi!) lll'ffa.
Filia ol' Hope to the Attiictcd
Siiircriiis !
Many of the Thousand Portals of Death may be
closed, and life mudt happier and more comfor
table to thousands iclin are now in danger.
Doubtless this world contains many a
balm to sooth its physical woes and
cure its Diseases, Among
those in prominent
rank stands
\ SA l i; in.l speedy euro for Consumption, not nnl. in
1L ti; mit'irr forms f Throat s d Lung Diseases,
sm li J Colds, CnugUs, tiuinsoyr, Difficulty of Hretihing,
Brumhois, .Ministers' Sure Throat, Weakness of the
i.l . si, Asthma. Inward Ulcer, Spitting of Biood, Intlueii
za, Croup, V\ hooping Cough, I'uin in tin Breast ami Side,
Hoarseness, Catarrh and Catarrhal Ati-1 tiuns, Inllim
■nation of the I.tings, Bleeding of the I.nogs, Uc. Hot
its superior excellence is seen and tested in the more ad
vanred affections of the lames For the troth of the
above statement and tin; effui ncy of the preparation as
an antidote, we refer the public to the following testiino
mals. Language is scarcely strong en-uigh to tell the
great power of this wonderful discover;.: The doubling
may try and he convinced. The proprietors poim to the
following bona fide certificates with confidence in their
i liuence on tin- community ; they are bin samples of the
many hundreds of testimonials in <>nr possession :
Allegheny, July 19, l-ji-
Mr. II M Bowman--Hear Sir: J feel it my duly tolel [
you know what your compound lit* done for my daugh- 1
ter. and wish you to publish it if you can in hope that i
soiue suffering one may b- induced i < il to tr-. your t u|.
liable medicine and he cured My daughter was mariitd
in 1553, and went to Cincinnati to live, .there her hus
band (.l imes Hoy I.) w.is engaged in business In six j
moi.ths ifter le-r husband died, and I si nt for her t r come t
liouie, .. liert in four months she was cm fin, .! ami caught j
i nii which soile don ti r lungs, llse.-iii- da* though we i
could get to.thing to help tier We tried six different '
physicians for over one year and tin n sent to New \ oik
to a celebrated physicitn there, ami she took medicine •
froin him foFeight nuinihs; tmt lie could not , ir,. |„ ,
tier cough was fixed and stuhboru and seemed a< though ;
il would tear her breast during the paroxysm of cough,
ami her breathing was at times very difficult. F.tiln g 1 > 1
art relief from physicians, we thought we would try Ay- i
er's Cherry Pectoral, and she took it regular for seven i
weeks, but it did Imr no permanent goo I We then tried
sellers' luipeiia! Cough >- rttp, but with .11 she sitll bt
came worse, and it seemed as though she wa> beyond ■
cure, when one day inc wife was in at or, • of our neigh
bor's houses (.Mr Mayness') and she saw them give your
Vegetable Compound to one of their children for a cough
a"d siie got three or four doses to brn e home and trv it.
After my diughter had taken it she breathed a little eas
ier, and we sent and got a bottle of it, and when it w
taken there was a marked change for the better. I then 1
got six hot ilea, the most of which she took as directed i
until finally cured—it is three months sime. and sin has :
not hac a s> mp:--m of the old complaint, and is getting as I
lusty as -li- • ver w \\V all unite in .air ; r.,y , ,-s to
God tii t you n. iy be prospered and that your Vcge . .
C.ni. pound may !.-• ihe means of restoring he -oh I i m mv.
a> it his to one w i,o is dear lo us ; v. i cheerfully re on- 1
mend it to the p..1 ~c as the best meb.t ii.,• ho |. 1,-i
eases that we ever got hold f Try it suffering one ;.i
sec 13. lievc n.e, tnv dear s-r, to ever rem;.;
Voi r . :rn -! tin it,;.
TIC is! u BANKS.
Phi adelph a, Aug 13, iS5*"-.
I.ast spring, while ill Pitts'.argil, I II d a bad r. Id and
rough which troubled me much, a: lafrc nd nf mine gar
ii • . a>.of ii-. wman's Veg. tab e <' oi.p aind for di-ea
- o the lni i.it and lungs, whu h I i • u-, d taking
i I found lelic-f a hie st uuineditti ly. I had la,.en man.
things tor cough and hoarseness but tievvr got any lung
t*• help me as it his done. I believe it to be the nest an .-
d. te f..r i ■ ilghs and hoarseness tiiat is out, ami rheetfulD
r. i i.iumi i.d lto ill • p.ih n . T. II s'f.I.NTON,
Pastor i f the Ist Prot. Melii Chuich, 1 hilxltlj li.a.
From Judge Viiithori'i, of tin- District Court at Cincin
nati :
( incinii iti, .May i, 1-ia.
T have used Bowman's Vegetable Compound for brnti
chilis and cough, and believe it to be lb-- Pest inedi. ,ne
out for those diseases, and th" only one 1 ever got in give
me any permanent relief. It i i ! l cure. I recoaum ml it
to the public as an honest and efficient medicine and will
perform what il is published lo do
I have used Bowman's Vegetable Compound in my
fa mi y for toughs, Colds, ami ministers' sore throat and
b-':ieve it to be the best thing ihtl I ever got for those
complaints, and theetlnliy n commend it to the public
Bev. Jacob gastox,
P.,sor of the ('nut ,n street M. E. Church,
June 10, IS 6. Cincinnati.
Hen n one from the old pioneer Methodist preacher of
Oht . !U v J It Fmiey :
I lelieve Bow m uds V -g, i tble Compound t- be I'mln st
r- . fr diseased throat and lung ,of the day. | have
t, st, d it, and found it v* t>e the best of all the popular
rea.edi > 1 ever tr.-,:. at.tl I li.iv • trie ! very many. 1 i.y
, ou.mend it to the public -try it am! • u will be convict
rd of it superiortlv. Kev. J. 11. FtNLEb
( tnciunuti, July 11-36
Hear what the celebrated Hr. Pecks.;-:
1 hive used B twruan's Vegetable ('ompound for roughs
ami hoarseness in speaking ; and believe it to be the ties;
preparation for throat and lung complaints 1 ever got; am!
I rei Oiniiier.d it t. li ■ publu -,•> alter ami singer as well
as those afflicted with lung dist ae,*. J i PECK
New York, May 12, I-.'
Hear w hat Dr Benson, of Cincinnati -ays—(extract
from aI, it- :, :
Ji ,w man's V, get tble Coin;' ui.d ct- I.i; -= a Virtue that
is nut p" -I '■ } ...j ol In. r !" oil r titeh niter in my
know l> It',- It does t.. I .no .- > , nth tile d.over,
giving il t.r.iv l. uipor .t rein f(I !;. n. •<: ~ f j ii, i t n ed
iclnesj, but it commences at the root of the disease and
perft>rui* u j>°rftct cwrr G. V, Bt'.k.sOk, M. I*.
().,r spue w it I not pi unit us to publish any certificates
in full, but we would refer to Ih- follow tig persons whose
tetters are to our possession, ceittfy tug t,, its worth:
Kev. Bishop Morns, Cincinnati,
Kev. Robert Wnli er,
Rev. Joti While, Econcmy.
Ht v. John Powell, Portsnouth,
John 1,. M'JuuKiu, Butter,
Henry S. Gril.oh, Esq . I'ilisburgb,
B. < Biker, W heeling,
Capt. E. Gordon, Pittsburgh,
John I\ M"Combs,
Mrs. Mary Morrow, New Brighton,
Mrs. M Evans,
Root. Greenlee, Beaver,
Isaac Motherland, Vanpufl,
Mrs. S A. Getty*, Freedom,
Silas Roberts, Meadville,
Henry iSimlii, New Castle,
Mrs. .Sarah Low re. Lawrence tomity,
Joseph P. Brown,
Miss Martha A Wilson, New Custie,
Ex Gov. W 1-'. Johnston,
T. C Cunningham, Allegheny City,
bile Whiteside*,
D. Mariala, Hridgewater,
Rev. Win Smith, Louisville,
Judge Keys, Cincinnati,
Cnpt. Geo. Kennedy, Wellsville,
James W ilkins, Allegheny,
J. P. O'Neil, Hteubenville,
Rev Henry Clinc, Venarigu county,
Dr. James Parsons, Louisville,
Rev. John W'atkins, Maysville,
Capt. Jacob I'oe, Georgetown,
James 1.. Dodds, Butler county,
ylx-Gov Win. Bigler,
Rev V See lion, Louisville,
CI I.MILLS It li"/. is our wholesale and retail agent lor |
l.ewisiown, who will supply retail merchants, A-.c , with
the arti, le :.i wholesale prices. Price $1 per bottle, or
six hollies for y" Call a' 'he agent's and get a copy of
Bowman's .Medical Journal, and remit' All orders for
the medicine direct to the proprieties,
HOW 31 AN & CO.,
New Castle, Lawrence co., Pa.
tk Agents wanted in every Village. Apply by lettri or
otherwise to the proprietors. ocl6
Foundry and Machine Shop.
riMIE public are. hereby notified that I have
F rented the Foundry and Machine Shop in
the borough of Lewistown, known as the "Ju
niata Iron Works," and the large and general
assortment of Patterns, late the property of
Zcigler and Wiliis, now of John Sterrett &
Co. and Win. Willis, and that 1 am prepared
to do all kinds of
Ca*liii£, Ttiriiins? Ai f1
on the shortest notice and in the best and most \
complete style. JOHN ZEiGLfiR.
Lewistown, April 17, 18SC—tf.
i 3 li7 yV7 (3 '9 3 Ell 7 x
A. J, WARNER, Principal.
Wrs. 8. E. It. HARDER, Principal of the Female Drpartment.
rnilE Fall and Winter Session of this Institution commenced Thursday, Oct Ifith and is now
[ open for the reception of students. It is the design of the present teachers to devote them
selves exclusively to the interests of the Academy; to establish a full and thorough course of
education, practical and ornamental, both in the male and female departments and to render
the lacilitics lor acquiring, useful knowledge desirable, not only for those in the immediate vi
cinity, hut also for those living abroad. Particular attention will be given, in the male depart
ment, to the practical application of Geology and Chemistry to Agriculture and genera! Arts.
I No pains will be spared to keep up a good and careful discipline, and to maintain a no-| no-|
| ral and Christian character in the school.
for the Languages and Higher Mathematics, per quarter of eleven weeks, paid at ihe
commencement of or during each quarter, - - - . <k nn
; For the Higher English Branches, - - _ ', - (
j For Common English Branches, - - 3
| Music, with llie use of Piano, - -
j Drawing or Painting, - n
! Contingent Expenses, ~
Lewistown, October 30, 1856 -3m
OHice, ucM door to fhc Post Oliift-, ,\o. 82 Dock Street, Philadelphia.
Ail Stuns of Money Keturncd on Demand.
; HtHE SI A'IF, SAVINGS FUND, No S3, Dork Street, n;xt door 10 Th ri Sir-e. ami adjoin;!.* the Post fiffir e ,
; L receive* Money 01 deposit daih , from {in tin- uioriiing until 3in the afternoon; o'so Monday evening* from 7to
: 9 o'clock Interest Is nil owed on dppo.sits at tlie t ate of FIVE J'EJ CENT, pr annum. Deposit.-, v. .11 be returu
' i-il tii hole or in part on d> ioand, without notice.
The popularity of this Office with all claseex of the rommariity, both in town and country, and its conaequeut
suro-.s ma) lie ascribed, in part, to the following-ulstai.tial re: ; ons:
1-t. It offers 1 converiieni, re-i )M*tble, and profitabii? Draositroy to Ex'.Ti:t'.i<=, A-; • -tr '.rs. ; me**. •
I leri or. 5, Agent*, and all public olficr rs—to Aitorneyc, T rust tee, Societies and .*•?•■< ndint , f.et'i.-r fc. orttorar. •: • r
i.ilierw !-. —to iiiarrie.l or .-inr'p ' rites—to Stndeii'.-. Mer.;i: litis, 'r! art bo-ti • n< u seii- ral!- —Mvi han
!i 1 ariners. Minors of eilhtr sr .\. nid all hol* .vt luiiu- mucii or little, to di-p,uu l . v. iiere :... .i, t. e ha,! at a: v
ii:oe oh Fiv* per ;"eot. ioterest atlded.
2.1 Depositor* re< etvi- Bi.oks, with an abstract i.f ti.e B> -> aws a ltd tr; tilat iot - it- tc |;i 1: i* en'- n<' • bir J, ir .=
its, wiiiili Book* serve a* Vouchers. Tii -p may <!. siet.Bt-. i 1 c are of s'H'kli' **, d at... -r absence, who -!i I! r- • e ; e
itieir liepu-'it*, without tin- inter vein ion <>f Bxeeutiir* or A-iinii -si rat or-. Any u: eora on peis o:i ma v il-- s.t :i.
I his, !ier, or tiu-ir name, or for any other |erroii or persons
' 3J. A Rep.rt is marie each ; ear to (he Leel.|,;inri i' unc'tis r.f Jh- t
4iII The Officer., aie sworn before they enter upon 101-ir unties, in addition 10 .-.vii.g ii.. .... c,
Mil. The Ss.'ite Savinijs Fund is a rea/Saviaps Fur.J—>■(/< iiit li.siiiar.ee ar <1 ■'l-..-i Con:;.. 1• . tn.r . r.o- .-t , "
' Depositors Kud the Philadelphia public, bava beta caieful to observe tbat the charter avoid* (mi ami
of iusuraac
ftli. lii order lo afford every reasonable facility to Deposit- rs aho reside at di-'urr, from lis. office, ;i.etr d>*-
! jMisitg are jieriiiitied to be w ilhdrawn by checks, after Ihe i„-H.iier custoaiary wolmlm icink*. r. i, . k (l-e.ks w 1!! L-e
; furnislit-d to depositors- uiiout charge.
The p. y io'ar patronase bestowed Upon this i-tti e !-y a pri.v, rbiadi < auti.-i . a id disi rtti.inatihg rrmmiaci!, . and.
tt here the cliir-.cli r of the institution is be*; known, is a gratiG tcp fact in vvlie i- It e i rust. , > des.te 10 c.:.i ft- 1 -
lain. G!v' H liAit T, I'lei^d-nt.
t.'itxs. G. Ivnv, Treasurer Pi;i -hi 1, March 29, IsJo
Truth is stranger than iittiun.
A Certain lure for all Rheumatic Pains.
| Duii'l Condemn but try it, it Cannot Fail.
ia. V. A
Concentrated Electric Paste.
■in(t Arabi-ju Pain llrir -•/-</•. lor Man •<u>l
li ,-. .
Copyright secured uecordirg to lav,'.
\T7HAT will it cure? We answer—Uut-i
\\ matte Pain', wiien everythii.g elsefwi'.- (
Cramp-, Chilblains. Burns, Scald*, t-prais.-,
Head Aehe, Tooth Aciic, Swellings, Bruises,
Sores, Hit.g Worm, 'l etter. Sin!' Joint-, Con
tracted Cords, Fresh Cuts. Clceruted Sort .-.and
- □!! Scrofulous Diseases where external renit
die- can bens'd,S >reThrc-at-. rs'.ifl Neck ,-Ac
What i! will Care for Hones end Cattle.—Swer*
nv, t'pav 111, Fistulas, Pol! Evil, Wiridgai!.-, I 1-
ceis, Cliolic, Spraitts, C'oilai and Saddic G....-
' Stone Biui-t.s, Stiff Joints, Verdigo, Splints and
! Running Sotes.
For sale at the Drug .Store of Chtries liitk',
Lewistown, Pa.
genuine but tiiose btillles having
the words " E. L . Allen's (Concentrated f.lectrn
Paste, or Arabian Pain Extractor. Lanc'r. Pa.,"
blown in the bottle. Look out fore mnterleits.
Don't forget to ask for Allen's. aplO-y
!)EHS()NS av Sunt -, wi i
; ■ i mu li pleased wiitk itn "Stitirb GmASu .-
| which, fin its many advantages, sariMssra uidst of U e
Cook stoves now tss-d Also, the New Wo*td Cook,
1 G II itb i.t ii. Fi it Top ' -
octU ' i\ G. FKANXISCUS.
i QUPERIOK nnke of 11-.i-.se IMankfs.
unde in l'k:la.!'-!|'hia of b->t mate i-.t->, weli fitiisl
j ed, am! will he sold at Blighty low pCices, <?'- 50t< 3 50
each. oct9 F. FRANCISCU.S.
T)IL!. STUFF for Barn-, Bridges, Lous- ot
J) best Susquehanna Lumber, furnished at
short dates at lowest cash rates, bv applxing to
ma 22 F. G. FRANC'ISUUS.
i |
HV the aid of a tnicroscojw. we see millions of little
opeinns* on the surf-ice of oir lio.li s. 'I hrougb
j thes,; this Ointment, wlu-it rubb i.niil; skin, is i-?irri-c
1 to ant organ or inwawd part. Diseases of the Kiiiney
j disorders of the Liver, ati'-i ii-nis tin- llc iit, lull 1111-
mation of the l.nngg, Aslhtrtas. Go'.-ph-- ai.d <" ■' ! . art by
1 it* means etrcctualiy cured. Kvm; hoti -.- -i- know*
: that salt passes freely through bo e or meat of in\ thi. I ■
ness. This healing Ointment far more re-, i.ly pei.eii aie
j through any bone or fleshy part of the living body,citrine
the moat dangerous inward complaints, tint cannot .<<.
| readied by other means.
Ervsiprlas. Sail Rheum &, Scorbutic Humors.
No remedy lias ever done so run-h f-r 1 fi-- cure of di
seases of the !?km, u hatever form they may assume, a.
this Ointment. No case of tsali Rheum, Scurvy, Sore
Heads, Scrofula or Erysipelas, can long withstand its in
tliteuce. The inventor has traveled over many parts of
tii • globe, visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing thl-
Ointnieiil, giving advice as to its application, and has
tint-- been the means of restoring countless number* to
Sort- Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds and Ulcers.
Some of the most scientific surgeons now rely solely
I on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when htvm;' lo
cope with the worst > uses of sores, wounds, ulcers, glan
dular swelling, and tumors. Professor Holloway lias,
by comrnan-1 of the Allied Government*, dispatched to
' the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Oint
-1 meat. Job. 11-ed under the direction of the Medical Staff,
; in the worst cases of wounds, it will cure any tilcer,
glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints,
even of 23) ears' standing.
These and other similar distressing complaints can be
effectually < tiled it the Ointment be well rubbed in over
the parts affer.tr d, and by otherwise f< llowin;; the printed
directions around each pot
Both (he Ointment and I'd Is should be us"d in
the following Cases:
Bunions Lumbago Sore 1.-gs Scalds
Burn* .Mercurial Et-Sor.- Breasts Swe I'd Glands
j Chapp'rl hands notions Sore Heads Stitf Joints
Chilblains P.lea Sore Throats Ulcer*
Fistulas Rheumatism Sores of alt VencreaUorea
Gout Rheum kinds Wounds of all
•Skin I)isear*S|irai!;s kinds
+ *Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Holloway,
60 Maiden 1 a tie, New York, ami 244 Strand, London, and
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicines
throughout the United States, ami the rivili7ed world, in
,'ots, at 25 cents, 02J -etits, and 4.1 eacit.
OThcrc is a cotisidurable saving by taking the larger
N. B. Directions fur the guidance of patients in every
, disorder are affixed to each Pot.
p o 10 the BEE HIVE DKI'G STo.TE 'o b.;y
' VJT your Hoofland s Gkkman Bn ri RS, I'• r
have'S HOLLAND Bittlms, Ayek".-. Uh; rr v Frc
I TORAf. andC'viCA. id '.'a : . Dr.G-1 :i * E;.n-
, 1' I) ' • 1 I.'- GALA AM. OIL.
OTOVE VVAREHOi Si L—2oo c :<>Ats.
, L '-a t.. . ;i .;• . : ' w : .-ii:
• K Sf v-, G I; ...I r 'v t ni .. : t , ir .. 1...
. 1 -k c - ' ' v.t '.fi f*.> 1, (* r >;?:• ! w ti* v
oct'f I'. (. FLIANCISGLS.
moist rs;:; r ?'? NR.*.
I i -T received, O -F>l* ;K;'• t< I (IR- r ixtur* -
J Chandeliers, 2 3, 4, 6 Bttfbefs beyond A ;
doubt cheaper than the CHEAPEST, ft >• -• -is.
ir\. H Salirtr
For the rapid Cure of
FM ('I 'LL' f*OJ D. I''Ter.DA HE AC-! the
—LI J K* it.-: 1 ii.-I R it 1 '.oral on gaiug T• ; < D ..ltd
w ra;. v, a rut, to SWEAT dur: :.g the tiigb '
FOR A COLD AND Co. -.'lf. TAK it TT.orn'ns, n*3on
AND T veni'lß. .... >r-!it-G IT direct:-:.- O-. the buttle, and
: the did. fully WLU suoti he TEAIDV* L N'OIIF W il! kwg s tf
f.-r f. T.-NT L!;;s irr.uiie V.! 1. liny f. i 1; can be O readily
cured FT rs -I- a'fii. T;-d wit! a SEARED cough, which
break* t!.*tn of their N st at R.igttt, will And by takir-G the
Chert y !R-ct.. ral that T'ti gt.ing T bed, they may!- sure f
S • ttiui. TS 1* broken ste*T>, SAD conseqnect refresh TOP rut,
(•real r.-IT f front (tl£ ring, tu TL .■, itttiruele care, is (tf
'•!,:ti : : ht-AS . - .S - -rt IBUS a; licit-. .' . HITS LI:-. AT::-
iha- rctitedy. FIT". .Is a-:r. . -hb- -RR-RIS a tht.se : TFCS,
mat:;.' H I TB . w. :.G to ;'.r g , :T., USE W H-n
T!, • NUCT-T.- IIV f.tr it I : R
: is invaluable, as by its ..man on the ibrt>.--! -.T: I i-.I g--,
I WIIUC '.AKRT. F! S.l. ab qua, NIT! S, it reninv ■* H irs.- , ;.--
T .u T few hoar*, and V underfuiij mvreesee the power and
-.in W'uiltt y ut ii. - v ice.
VS I HM.V is G- itur.-.T ; niuclt r. IIEYCI!, and UFFEN wbt-ily
j -trv.! B) Cimrry T'T-I tor;,! But there are sonic CTSEE <t>
|-1- IN T >toVll!Det:R. ly to NO MFDII TIIC. Cherry
' Pet loral v. til cure Ihpm if TLL-V ran BE RUN !
IIR-IM IH I'is. T R irritation r.f tf - th.--at and n: -F-r
poutott of the imp; TUTTY be RAT red by taking Cherry Hec
tor.l in small ami fictjueiit dt-F -J The uiicotitfortable
opi-rnssi 111 is rutin relit. vt I.
FOR CROL !*. Give an emetic of antimony, to be f> !-
.■ W ■ by LARGE AN,I fri-qtieitt d-'S. .. of the Cherr y Pet loral
ttitli it subdues TI. tost;---. If :;I ken in season, tl will
not fail to cure.
1 WIDLOPINGCT J Gil nay I . broken up ant! SOON cur-
I-d BY tiie use of ('!:■ rr- Peel, r'LT
THE INFI.I EN/A - IT'y removed by this remedy.
' \ a.-neioti* instanct . have HE-::I tint .ted win RE iv hole fam-
B: . wet- • prou-t It d from tny settottsconsequences, while
jltulß 1. G!I R. N T:'.- tie: '- It :rry Pectoral, were stiff ;.
. leg fr. in the d st'-.-S*
I • >IL CON -'L MP 1 It L.N ill its T-arliest stagi S, it should
| ii- I tK I, untier Ibe. MIVI.-E of .1 go .D phystrian il possible,
j an,! iu . vt ry T ase with a car. FU! r. R irtl to 1)10 pr'nited DI
! let lions on the buttle. If judiciously used, and the pa-
I ti, nt is carefully nursed tut at time, it will setdom fail to
' subdue the disease,
! For settled Consumption of the ! lings, the Cherry Per
t >ral should be given in d"se- tdup'ETL to what ti:e patient
require* and can bear. It always affords relief, and not
■infrequently cure* patients that were considered past
hope. There are many thousands scattered all over the
country, who feci am! publicly proclaim that they owe
their lives and present h.-altli lo the 1 hetry Peclon.l
Many years OL trial, instead of impairing the ;>T:bia
confidence in LL.is medi -.tie, has won for it an apprccutton
AT •! notoriety by far est AEIPIIS THE most sang tine cxpec
:.T ion of its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and
the unifistakeable benefit eottf-ired on thousands of suf
fer. rs, could ut igiuaie and IN .miain ttie reputation it en
joys While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have tailed and been discarded, this has gain
ed fiends by evety T rial, conferred benefits ou the afflicted
THEY CAN never torgel, arid produced cures too numerous
and too remarkable to be forgotten
While it is a fraud on the public to pretend lhat any one
medicine will infallibly 1 tire — still there is abundant proof
that the < livrry Pectoral does tiol only asagctieral thing,
but a'.iiiosi invariably cure the maladies for which i: is
employed. As time makes titese facts wider and better
known, litis medicine has gradually L come tile best reli
ance of the affile led, from the log-cabin of the American
Peasant, to tin. palace* of European Kings.
The ( heury PECTORAL is manufailured by a practical
Chemist, ami evert ounce of it under hi* own eye, with
invariable accuracy and care. It ts sealed am! protected
by law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on
.ts genuine w ithout adulteration.
Prepared and A-dd by JAMES C. AVER, Practical and
Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass
■ STORE, Lewistown, and by dealers and drug
gists throughout the country. [oc2-4m
SHOT GUNS. —Stnole ami double Shot
_ Guns, very low, at MACKLIN'S, McVeytown.
Another Supply of Lumber. fS
Sasli !?3ade to o r< j e| .
T UST received, a large sup D \v of v . 11*
J white pine ready-worked Flooring a ■£;
Arrangem by the under- 1
signed by which they are enabled to manufac- I
ture all kinds of Doors, Shutteis and I -
Blinds at reasonable prices. Bills sent to ihetn ■ *
either by maii or otherwise will meet with 1
prompt attention. K
not 13 VVM. B. HOFFMAN & CO. W
New Stock of Lumber. V
IN addition to our large stock of well-season
ed stuff, suitable for the most durable and w
period kun:- el work, we have just received
d large supply : ... the Susquehanna region,
among which will be found—
2, Ii- 1i- 1 , 1. u and half inch Panel, First
21 ar.d 3d common BOAIiDS and PLANK
Doors, Sa*b, Shutteis, Blinds, and Doc Fac
ings. ready worked. •
Plastering Lath and Fating, ,P :
All kinds ot BILL S'l I*s- K. 7x7. 6x6, 5x5. 4x5 *'
and a lot of 3xl SCANTLING < t i K
r:> us iergli.s. '
JOISTS of a!i sizes and lengths.
Wf are ai-o prepared to fill, at short notice
bills for any kind of lumber from tba wtti m
known steals mill of S. Ml liken
Builders. Farthers, and others d< g Lam- M**
ber of any kind will tind il to their aui'sntagc 1
to give us a call.
oc2 W.M. B. HOFFMAN & CO * #t
i O JiutliltTS (Hill Cat ' jj's
10,000 Op-: y- : '' 1 r: - f
5,0 0 teat I Yellow Pius Worked Flooring.
10,003 '• i W h,; •• Board- ' *
47.0 i.-'l " i - -- %
To h'oo •" 3.3', 1. L hv-l Su-pc b.iiii.j f-j;,, f
tering L ith,
20,0LD feel Roofing Lath,
12,0 1 •• Common Plank, j
10,000 •• 2 in. I'atiel, j
1,000 Lights S-jsh Any quantity of Du< i-, J
Shutter-, Blind-,A .. v. hit hwe v :ii sell fri.m q
Iti to 2D per cent, t nrapt:r than any other '5
ocalers m the ;:.lry. ,
lieu.! •.•>.. White Pine J,b-t, Studding, &c a |- ,
ways on hand. 1
1 respectfully in rite aii persons wanting anv <
kittd of Lumber to ca.l and examine our stock X ,
and prn c-. m |
All orders for Frame Stuff for Houses. Brid- ||b
- B v.'w ill be fnlvd with promptness
it'i'ZH ]•'. <r. i U vNL I^CtJs
|it J P.. LOUD returns his thank.- to tin
_VJ_ residents of Lewistuwn for the iibti.,l m
patronage extended to him, an i would aim ur.c- -Jm
that he v it' be hare early next Spring, foi tin- -M
purpo-e i I selling
Every possible attention will be given to the,
en'.rustn... him with their ordersfoi Instrument-
Old Pituos and .Helodeoii- *.wuy
senptun taken in part payment f>.i -mi; ens
J in.s :■ inking ot buy mg, by obtaining ot .Mr
Loud, u • -ave much in mewy and troubU.. as he
wilt put instruments up or mo 19
sainc. suing a!! ri-r - himself.
I le co st satisfactory references given to any
desirii c them.
Or! r- urecte !to Thomas Loud ft Son N
409 .Mji k-n r'.ieet. Philadelphia, for Piam -. Mt -
iodeous, or anything in the J&nsicMl fine, (by at.,
ting limit- in price,) will meet with prompt an I
careful uiteniion. Orders respectful! v -oiicr
ed. JOSEPH it. LOLL),
nog; \V are room, 403 Market st , Pnila
K-rxsyiv&ria Railroad,
R PR\ ; Ag leave Luwis row;; St vtioi. a.-> !l
1 iov. -
W • -: "■ •- 3, - - - 5,46 A M
whs. - - - 5,12 "
W; -tv. 7,->2 P. M
y.t*i 'J, 1U.47 P. ,M
' "d, - - - 3.39 P. M
!.;■ lu.ini, - - - J.J4
Wt'-tvs--id, 2,00 \. M.
Ea-twurd, 6,U0 P. M
Westward, 2.20 A. M. 9
.it 6,tjo I 51
Wes'w.-ra, 10,25 A. M
Eastward, 6,05 I'. M (
V'L v. aw*, 6,4.7 A. M
1---tv r . 7,]5 P. M
iEu i ick'H (:... e ill Ee open t?0 miu
• Ert ; ! mo arrival of each PasS€i.s' r
Of!) D. E. ROBESON, Agent
Valuable Property at
Tl'b inscriber offers tor sale that Brick
J 11 l- situated in Market Street, near ih "d
Diamotul. in which he is nuw residing. Ills
one of the n< -t built 3nd most complete house.-
1 : tlii- vi-.-inity. Hydrant arid bath fixtures arc
Jh?jj atto-hfd to it. It is 28 Ait 6
J 2 t" - ir besides ana.! v.—
I he ea-'erri wall extends back
1 i.K) Ret The Front Business
Room is 44 teet deep, is r.ovv
considered cnc in R-? most d,- iraD le business
stands in this place. There is also a complete
cellar under the whole building. There is, be
sides, a One and a liilf Story Frame Building,
fill* u in with bricks, on the same premises,
which is 27 by 17 feet, together with a Brick
Smoke House, and other necessary outbuildings.
Also a New Stable, 3D by 25 feel, bunt of good
materials, and with everything perfectly com
\ good Two Story Frame Building, situa
ted m Valley Street, which is 25 by 30 leet, nov>
the rc-idence of A. Trox !. !t has a hydrant
on the premises.
A Two Slory Frame Building, situated in
Valley Street, one door west of C. W'aldron's
I Two Story Brick Building adjoining the
latter. Both are in good order, and are very
desirable residences for small families.
A Tract of I.nnd, situated upon the Did
Bellefonte Turnpike leading '.n R. \V. Shaw's
Tannery. It is a little more than half a mile
from the Court House in Lewistown. It con
tains upwards of Five Acres, with a never-fail
ing spring on it
Persons who are desirous to see the above
property, or any parts thereof, will please call
upon the subscriber.
He also has a Tract of Land seven miles
west of lowa City, Johnson county, lowa, con
taining One Hundred and Twenty-Six Acres,
with good water and timber, and many other
desirable advantages, which he will dispose of
very low. For further particulars enquire of.
lull lawktoim, M il! county. Pa.
IiMSH and SALT, buy at
J dell ' HOFFMAN'S