Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 15, 1852, Image 3

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The present and ensuing month closes j
the year for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the ;
advance teiins, had better send on their
monev, as A DOLLAR will now* pay tor a
year—a fact worth remembering.
Another Hate Fabrication Against Gen.
Scott Dispelled.
To the Editors of the New-York Express.
la your paper of the 23d inst., I noticed
from some strictures of your own, that the
profligate and corrupt organ of Locofocoism j
in the Keystone State, the Penmylcaniati , re
iterates tile falsehood of which Us conductors
were the authors, that Gen. Scott was respon- :
siblc for the licensing of the gambling houses
in the city of Mexico, after it had been con- J
entered by the army under ljim. Nothing is
more destitute of truth than the assertion, j
The first civil and military Governor of the
city of Mexico was Major General Quitman, |
an ultra democrat, and his successor was ■
Brevet Brigadier General Rersifer F. Smith, i
likewise of the same school of politics, and j
opposed in this respect to Gen. Scott. Major •
General Quitman, as the first Anglo Saxon
Governor of Mexico, established all its mu
nicipal regulations after it was brought under
the subjection of the American flag, and he j
fixed the amount of licenses for drinking, !
gaming, and other public houses of a similar ;
character, without consultation with, or in- j
terference from, Major Gen. Scott. The ,
writer of this, under the direction of the
civil and military Governor, issued most of
those licenses with his own hand, and has i
now a record of the same. When, therefore,
the Pennsylcanian, or any other equally de
praved newspaper, attempts to hold Gen. j
Scott responsible for the licensing of drink- ;
ing and gaining houses in the city of Mexico,
for imiiO'i ii practices, they are guilty of
perpetrating as malicious an aspersion against
him, as the depravity of the human heart
can engend'-r. Gen. Smith, on succeeding
Major Gen. Quitman, increased the amount
of one class of licenses from the honest con- i
vietion that the bet interests of ogr own !
arrnv, required that both if possible, should
be suppressed. And in doing this, he but
exercised a discretion that was vested in him
bv virtue of the trust which had been con
fided to him, and with which the General-in-
Chief had no right to interfere, unless that
.discretion was abused "ither to the detriment ,
of the American army, <>r to the community
at large, that *>v,i.s affected by it.
lla<f the licenses lon made ten times as
high as thy were, it would have been a most
fortunate thing for many a locofoco officer of i
the army, and some of whom are sought to be
rewarded by their party v'.th the highest
civil honor known to our institutions. L
comes, therefore, with a v.-rv poor grace from
rue P nns'Avani to charge Jen'. Scott with
immoraiii \ bccato-e the civil and military
Governors of the city of Mexico, who were
indebted to liiru fi.r that honor, had attempted
to Bupprfs.< gambling bv assessing a tax ujmn
all who !. r.-t gai-tmg houses of any descrip
Both the administration r>f Major General
.Quumnti and Gen. Moult, as the two Ameri
can Governors of Mexico, were so satisfactory,
that t u n. hcutt had no r asf-u to interfere in !
thf' least with the municipal rules and rogu- i
I itiens adopted f.v either of them. Gambling j
aim it : the Mexicans regarded its ana- ,
lion <1 virtue, rendering the temptations t.
those of our own arinv who w<*re at alt ad
dicted M this pernicim..- vhv, almost irres;<- ,
tibie. Many squandered their entire pay, i
and all that could be burrowed by them, j
from friends, a th-<e gaming hous -s ; and
both Gen,, Quitguin jjid Gen. Gufith r- ised i
u 1 the power tli-y poascs.- *d to le#;on the S
vice, if they could not entirely Bupprew. it.
Had either or both of them, consulted Gen. j
Scott, there van be tgj duiiLt le. would have 1
applauded tb' H' uive that prompted them, i
arid extended to th irn any authority he could
legally clothe theiv with, whether by tax
ation or otherwise, to suppress gambling in
the city of Mexico altogether It v,.is with
this design alone, that the license system,
both ns r'gnrds drinking and gambling hous- .
i was established by G-m Quitman, and
arried out by Gen. .Smith is h - sucf rcsor a,
Governor <>f the eiiy of Mexico; and so far
from its being ground for ceir-uring - ith r of
th- at. or General Sentt. wfio v..is Geperal-in
l.'hief of the Army, it should b cagS". f>i
approbation on the part of ev TV moral and
upright man in the community;
The history of th- • orGj doe- not furnish
:i instance where a en a. pa _* r i invading an
enemy s country was ev*r coti lueied upon as
humane, magnanimous, aul rigidly moral
principles, as was the campaign o( S 'ott. in
marching over and conquering >! ,'xicq. The
statesman, the phihrnihropist. the Christian,
the generous and feelhyg conqueror, can be i
traced in every line and .upon ev. iy page of
the history of that memorable and on- j
equalled brilliant campaign ; and great and i
overshadowing as v.as th" fame of General j
Scott previous the command of the
imerii an army in Mexico, the crowning swt
of his glory and world-wide renown is the :
line of conduct h • pursued upon every battle- !
field, and after every victory, and in his tri
umphant march from Vera Cruz to the an
eientcityof the Aztecs Th o Prnusylranian,
therefore, in assailing him is, like the viper
biting a file.
A few years ago a sto\o was unknown in 1
Turkey. Now they gre f ,u;id in a majority
of the cafes in Constantinople, and iu the
.dwelling houses of the rich. They are most- ;
Iv either American stoves, or made after (
American models, many of them being man
ufactured by pupils of the seminary at Bir
heck. They are now finding their way far
into the interior. A short time since, a letter j
was p>ut into the hands of a missionary, for
him to forward, which was addressed to "R.
at the coffee shop which has a stove, Sivas."
*> ——
Madame Pulzsky, since her return to Eu
rope, has completed an account of the resi
dence and travels of Kossuth and his com
panions in the United States.
Late of Derry township, deceased.
~VTOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
_L x Administration on the estate of DA\ ID
BROUGHT, late of Derry township, Mifflin j
county, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, residing in said county. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested j
to make payment, and those having claims,
to present them to Christian Hoover, Esq., ot '
the Borough of Lewistown.
Derry township. ; ,
October 1, 1602-6t. Lewistown. | i
Flour and General Produce
Dealers iu I'laster, Salt, Fish, Coffee, Sugar,
and Groceries generally.
! Ho 28 South Howard street, Baltimore.
signments—quick sales at best market pri
' ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments. ;
James Swan, Esq., Pres't Merchant's Bank,
Dr. J. H. McCulloch, do. B'kof Baltimore,
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. & Far. B'k, w
H. Stuart & Son, merchants, E.
T. W. &G. Hopkins, do. !. j
Heiser & White, do. i o
; Slingluff & Ensey, do. 3
Reynolds &• Smith, do.
Slingluff, Devries & Co. do.
1 Albert & Bro., do. I
tj. M. Rrent. Esq., Cashier, )
J. H. Sherrard, Esq., do. £ Winchester.
Merchants generally, )
Petor Radebaugh, Bedford, and merebants and j
: framers generally.
Baltimore, Dec. 24, 1651 —ly?
Carr, Giese & Co.,
.\p>. 23 i 25 Spear's Wharf. Baltimore.
TTTILL recejye and sell FLOUR, GRAIN, j
! \\ and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE
—including LUMBER.
Liberal Cash advances made on Consign
ments ; prompt returns as soon as sales are ef
i fected. aug27-4m.
Clic.*i| t'liin.i, Ac.
No 219, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
OFFER to the citizens of Lewistown, and its
vicinity, the choice of their beautiful and
immense stock, in any quantity and in ail quali
ties, of
Didiicr, Tea acti Toilet Sets, Plates, Dishes
Pilfliers, if., of French or English
China, or Ironstone Ware;
Ss also Q 1.133 ARE, CUT and MOULDED, in great
variety, at the very lowest r#tes.
Hotels, Boarding and Private Houses, sup
plied with the best articles, at very cheap prices.
May 21—ly.
Kir and I heap Depot.
CHAM. *. SH il V
A*.'. 225 A*. Second street, abort Vine, K. side,
run. IDE! pint,
HVA f r *!', snd always on hand, a splendid a.soit-
J.eni of I 1..11.V an-l OIt.V.iMKeVT I. (HI T
f.v t.MK LC'OKI.VO OI..ISSES, wiiulit. for Aiai.teU,
P., -re. Ac M itioi{.niy J'V.inmiJ for riliins rooms,
not . h.itil.'er A t,, < in.atuei'lal an.t i.Pi t r iilien for
I' 'l.j:i Old Fumes r., fvl, rqnal t iiri*. Krenrli and
>; rnutn I imking GUas i'iaten put in I'ranM. — 3m
WILL r\ri;ic,
Kcdiietion in s*ricc*.
• 'IINLTIV MERCHANTS and others will nnd every
;I- V.ri.l OF paSIOKM UT n.iJ.f. F.iPi 11, [
HI.IV! S arid FfHK aic'HKFI-VS at REDUCE* juice*,
11. INAl.ufa.. tii'RD lo order, Ly
N'o. s'j .Nort'i I turd ilr. cljlv. i doorsah-.ve Arrti sireel,
sef3—3ai.j PHI. A DEL!'III A.
Central Academy,
t T Airv View, Tuscaroia Valley, Jcciaia
county, Pennsylvania, IMV|D WILSON,
A. ST., IViucipal and Proprietor.—Tlic subscri
ber (for many years, and until recently, Princi
pal of the Tuscarora Academy,) will commence
the Winter Session of this institution on the
first Monday of November next. The buildings
aie new, large, and commodious, creeled ex
pressly tor the purpose ;:ind constructed accord
ing to the most approved models of school ar
chitecture. The location is healthful, conveni
ent. and beautiful; easy of access from all parts,
being situated on Jiigh and commanding ground
in the roun rv, atui within one half a mile el the
Perry viile station of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
The surrounding comrpun.ity is virtuous, moral,
and intelligent in a high degree. The whole
expense bf P-.tardinx, Tuition, IVasUinx, and fur
nished roo.n ruri s f. cm $42 lo J43 per St.sioit of
tirer.ly-two week*. The principal has been con
stantly engaged in teaching for upwards of fif
teen years; andean furnish the best testimoni
es, both of his scholarship and aptness to teach
•tr.d ai-o ol the. Jhorcugiauss, success and cecuracy
of iiis mode oJ t rod ruction. Me will give his I
exclusive and undivided attention to hi. pupils,
a:al will iiieo be assisted by other competent in- i
vtructois ; and he Llicrefore. lnpe to enjoy the
continued confidence of the public, and to merit,
slid receive, a liberal share of patronage.
For full particulars see circulars, or address
(post paid) DAVID WILSON,
Airy View, Tuttcarora Valley,
ocS St Juniata counjty. Pa.
rstliE niidersisned continucp tt manufacture
J. celebrated Quilted and French calf' Boots,
together with all articles connected with his j
Lewistown, August S, 1951-tf
as^l^ona^,^e Tailor,
jyf East Market st., Lewistown,
'M 1 ,CW r! a^ov,: Blymyer's
will promptly attend to ma
.* i 1 IFi king up every description of
/ J H j Gentlemen's clothing, in the
iiitfMl " I neatest and most fashionable
-w*: wn manncr
A splendid assortment of Fashionable Cloths,
Cassimeres and Vestings, selected in the city
with special reference to being made up for
customer work, can be furnisfied at as low prices
as similar articles could be procured ill the
stores. junell
MW. JUNK IN, at Schlosser's old stand, in
, Market street, respectfully informs the
es and Gentlemen that he has just received
an unusually fine stock of Gold and Silver
Fancy Articles, superior Gold Pens, with Gold
and Silver Holdera, together with an excellent
supply of Clocks and Time Pieces, ail of which
will be disposed of at less prices for cash than
this community has been accustomed to buy.
Clocks, Time Pieces, Watches and Jewelry
of every description repaired with great care j
and warranted.
Persons visiting Lewistown are requested to
call at the subscriber's establishment, and ex
amine the various articles of Jewelry and Fancy
Ware on exhibition in his cases, as* he is satis
fied that in these respects the most fastidious
can be accommodated. Remember, the stand
is next door lo Dr. Vanvalzah's dwelling, no>-ih
side of Market street. ap23
THE Mercantile Business, under the firm
of LANDES & BAREFOOT in Milroy, .
Mifflin county, Pa., is this, 28th day of Sep
tember, 1852, dissolved by mutual consent.
The busiuess will be continued by George 1
Landes, in whose whose hands the Books and ,
Accounts of the above firm are left. All ]
I persons knowing themselves indebted to the ]
above firm, will please take the hint desired (
in this notice, and settle their accounts.
Milroy, October 8, 1852-3t* j
TT7"ANTED. —An Apprentice to the Mer-
V V cantile Business, a boy of fifteen or
| sixteen years old, of good repute for honesty,
j morality, and sorpe practice in arithmetic. ! |
The subscriber will give liberal wages—term '
' two or three years.
Milroy, October 8, 1852-3U*
rntiE new House of Worship, belonging to the t
X. M- E. Church in this place, will bededicat- i
ed to the service of Almighty God by Bishop ]
j E. S. Janes, assisted by Rev. H. Slicer, of '
Frederick city, Md., and Rev. Thomas Bowman,
of Williamsport, on SUNDAY, the 21th of Oc
| tober, instant. Other eminent Ministers are
j invited and expected to be in attendance. The
j citizens generally are very respectfully invited
to be present, especially such as will have a few ■
dollars to give toward freeing said House of
I Worship from debt. Other papers please copy. j
J. S. McMI'RUAy, Pastor.
Bellefonte, Oct. 8, 1852.
rpHE undersigned has returned from Boston
X ar, d Philadclpliia with the largest and best
stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever offered in
| this place. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots of
I all kinds; Ladies', Misses and Children's Roots,
Shoes and Gaiters of different kinds, with a 1
; good assortment of homemade work always on
1 hand. All kinds of work made to order on the
I shortest notice, and fer reasonable prices for
: cash.
His stock of CLOTHING has been well se
lected and of the best quality, which he offers
to his customers at reduced prices.
Lewistown, Oct. 8, 1852.
Stoves ! Stoves !!
.3 oia:\ is. selbieuick,
\I7GULD respectfully inform his friends,
YY an d tfi® public generally, that he has just
' received the largest, best and cheapest assort
ment of STOVES ever brought to Mit Sin county,
and that he is determined not beat in sel
| ling by any of hi" competitors.Forcheapness and
durability his stock is unprecedented, and will
be sold cheaper than they can be bought in this
place, Philadelphia, or elsewhere, llis assort- '
j ment, in part, consists of Globe, Etna, Girard, j
.htor, Independent, Capital, Troy, Sun, and Flat i
Top Jir Tight Cook Stores. Parlor Stoves—Din- j
mond and Washington Coal Burners, Revere and
' Ben Franklin Hit- Tight Stoves, Portable Grates, I
Bar.d-hox Stoves, together with a large assort
! ment of church, store, shop and bar-room
; Stoves, which will be sold 20 per cent, cheaper
than they can be bought elsewhere.
: He also keeps on hand the largest supply of
Tin Ware in this part of the country, which he
will wholesale at eastern prices. Also on hand
a large supply of Stove-pipe and Z inc.
j Please call, and examine my stock, and
be assured that you cau save money by purcha
sing from mc. (octß.
T. W ELClltt'B
Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's ONLY
original portrait, in the Atheneum, Boston.
''PUIS opcii) picture, engraved under ti-.e atiperinten-
J dence (it THOMAS SI LI.Y, Esq , the eminent and
highly gifu-ii artiet. i.-, the only correct likcnecy of Waeh
iitgtnn ever published. It has been characterised as the :
greatest work of art ever produced in this country. As
to its lidelity, we refer to the letters of the adopted eon
CI'STIS, who says, "It is a faithful representation of
the celebrated original," and to CHIEF JUSTICE TA
M.Y of the Huprenie Court of the United State., who i
.ays, " As a work of art its excellence and beauty must j
! strike every one w ho sees it : and it ts no less happy in
its likeness to tlie Father of his country. It was my
good fortune to have seen him in the days of my boy- ;
hood, and his w hole apjiearacre is yet strongly impressed j
on my memory. the portrait you have issued appears
to me to be an react hkenesc, representing perfectly the
expression as well as the form and features of the face " I
And says SENATOR C\SS, it is a life-like represedta- j
< lis* of ihe great original. PRESIDENT I'II.I.MORE (
1 says, "lite wank appears to me to have been admirably .
i executed and eminently worthy of the patronage of the '
public." Says MARCIIANT the eminent portrait pain- | '
tcr, and kb; pupil of Stuart, " your print to inv mind is j
j more remarkable thrn any other 1 have seen, for presen-
ting the a ehole individuality of the original portrait, to- (
gether wi>h the noble and dignified repose of air ami man- | .
uer, which all who ever saw him considered a marked j '
characters tic of the illustrious man U cnnimemnratcs." j
for '.he greet merits of this picture ice would refer every !
: lorrr of Washington to the portrait itself, to be seen at ! J
the office of this paper, and to the letters of the following ■
IJirtiet*, Statesmen, Jurists and Scholars accompanying it. j
ARTISTS. —Marchnntaud Elliott of New York; Nea
i gle, Rothermel, and Lambdin, of Philadelphia ; Chester
Harding, of Boston ; Charles Frascr, of Charleston, 8, C ; ! 1
and the adopted son of Washington, Hon. Geo. W, P. i
Gu.tig, himself an artist. STATESMEN — His Excellency •
Millard Fillmore, Major Gen Winfield Scott, Hon. Geo. j
M. Dallas, Hon William R. King, Hon. Daniel Webster, | .
Hon hinn Boyd, Hon. Lewis Cass, Hon. Win. A. Graham, ;
Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. It. C. Winthrop, J,L. 1),
JURISTS.—Hon. Roger li. Taney, Hon. Jolin Duer, Hon. t
John McLean, Hon. Rufus Choate. SCHOLARS.— Chaw F
Folsom, Esq , the well known Librarian of ttie Boston ;
Atheneum, who says : " I would rather own it than any j '
painted copy I have ever seen E. P. Whipple, Richard • ,
Hildretli, Hon. Edw. Everett, LI.. D.,Jared Sparks, Li..D.,
Williani 11. Prescott.Ll, D., Washington Irving,Ralph W. \ 1
Emerson, Esq ~ Prof. T. C. Uphani, J. T Headley, Fill !
Green Halleck, 11. \V. Longfellow, Wm. Gillmor* Sintnis;
and FROM EUROPE, Lord Talfourd, T. B. Marouley, i J
Sir Archibald Alison, Lord Mayor, of London, Sec.., &c.
THE PRESS, throughout the entire Union, have, with ,
; one voice, proclaimed the merits of this superb cn- j
To enable all to possess this vaitrahle treasure, it is I
sold at the low price of $5 per ropy.
Published by GEORGE W. CIIILDS, n
N. W. corner of Filth and Arch streets, Philadelphia.
Hole Agent for tire States of Eastern Pennsylvania and J
Delaware. ; j
This Portrait can only be obtained frora Mr BYER
LY , or from his duly authorized agents.
Arrangements have been made with the Post Office ®
Department, by which copies of the Portrait can be sent 1
to any point, per man, in jwrfect nreer.
o> Persons by remitting FIVE DOLLARS to D. D. BY'ER
LY, Philade phia, will Jtia.ve a copy of the Portrait sent 1
to them free of Postage.
tt> Magnificent Gilt Frames, got up expressly for these f
Portraits, furnished at the low of $5 each. ;
Engraved by T. B. WELCH, Esq., after the origi- I
not portrait, painted by T. SULLY, Esq. ~\
This Portrait will be a match for the Washington, and
is in every respdet as well got up. I'
Price s.'>,oo per copy. Address as above-
Valuable Town Properly
WILL bo offered at Public Sale, at the
T T Court House, on
TUESDAY, November, 2, 1852,
that well known property formerly occupied
by the Bank of Lewistown, and now by Wil
liam Bussell, Esq., bunker, situate on the
corner of Market and Brown streets, in the
Borough of Lewistown, the lot being thirty- !
one feet front on Market, and two hundred
feet deep on Brown street to a sixteen feet al-
JfarfL lev.The improvements area largo
j ! [ A BRICK HOUSE, thirty-one feet
rrMIS *1 ! 0,1 Market street, with extensive
Brick Back Buildings, Brick
Stable anil Carriage House, Smoke House,
Spc., enclosed by brink walls, with hydrant in
yard, and valuable fruit trees and grape vines
on said lot. This property offers inducements
to purchasers, being one of the most desira
ble business situations in the borough.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., of
said day. An indisputable title, clear of all
incumbrances, will lie given. Terms jnade '
known on day of sale by the subscribers,
Trustees of the Bank of Lewistown.
September 24, 1852-td. Trustees. '
Guardian's Sale.
IN pursuance of an alias order issued by i
the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will ,
be exposed to sale, by public vendue or out- :
cry. on the premises, on
SATURDAY, October 16, 1852,
at 2 o clock, P. M., the following Real Estate,
to wit: All the interest of McCleilaud P. and ;
George M. Wakefield, minor children of
George *v> akefield, deceased, being the one un
divided half, in a certain messuage, tenement
and tract .of land, situate on the Pennsylvania
Canal, about midway between Lewistown .and
Me\ eytown, partly in Granville and partly
in Oliver township, Mifflin county, adjoining
lands ol heirs of Philip Pelfer, Isaac Auks
George Strode and Juniata river, containing
59 Acres and 4 Perches,
more or less, with the usual allowance, with a
JSSgf! • HOUSE. .Store HOUSE, M F.R-
Plaster Mill, Saw Mill, an-Ddiier
improvements thereon erected. About ten
acres of this property is covered with timber,
the remainder in a good state of cultivation,
well watered. There is also a young hearing
Orchard of choice fruit,
Terms of Sale. —One-third of the purchase
money to he paid on confirmation of sale;
the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, &<:.
Guardian of McClelland P. and Geo. M.
BOA-. The remaining half of said property ;
will be offered at public sale at the same time
and place by A. Wakefield.
September 3, 1852-td. (n)
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order issued by the
Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will be
exposed to public sale on the premises, on
Friday October 29, 1852.,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, the foil- 'ring
real estate, to wit •.
All the undivided interest of JAMES
McDtIWELL, late of Armaeii township, in
said county, deceased, being about one-sixth
part, it- and to a tract of laud situate in Ar
magh township, containing
300 ACRES,
more or less, adjoining lands of Joseph Kyle,
John Taylor and others. This property is
well improved, in a high state of cultivation, I
and one of the most do-irabie in the county.
Persons desirous of purchasing, arc re
quested to call and examine the same, or if de
sired any information respecting it can bo ob
tained fp in the administrator, residing in
Conditions of Sale. —One half the purchase
money* to be paid on confirmation of the sale, i
and the residue in one year thereafter with
interest, to be se .aired by bond and mortgage
of the purchaser.
Administrator of James McDowell, dee'd.
September 10, 1852-td. n
Registers Notice.
'SMIE following accounts have been exam
g ined and passed by me, and remain filed
on record in this office for inspection of Heirs,
Legatees, Creditors, and all ethers in any
way interested, and will be presented to the
next Orphans'C.onrt of the county of -Mitfiin,
to be held at the Court House in Lewistown, .
on THURSDAY, the 4th day of November,
1852, for allowance and confirmation :
1. The account of William M. Ingram, j
administrator of James Ingrain, late ol
Decatur township, deceased.
2. The final account of Robert MeManigil,
administrator of T. J. Mitchell, deceased.
3. The account of Enoeh Moyer, adminis- i
trator of Ann Peffer, lato of Granville town- ;
ship, deceased.
4. The account of Jacob Byler, adminis- !
trator of Christian Byler, late of Brown ;
township, deceased.
5. The account of John Peachev, adminis
trator of David Young, lato of Union town- j
ship, deceased.
(>. The second Guardianship account of
Thomas J. Wilson,guardian of Joseph Wilson
Fleming, minor child of Joseph Fleming,
late of Menno township, deceased.
7. The second guardianship account of j
Thomas J. Wilson, guardian of Williani John
Fleming, late of Menno township, deceased.
8. The account of R. C. JTale, administra
tor of George Mulhollan, deceased.
9. The account of C. Hoover, Esq., ad
ministrator of John Kline, deceased.
10. The account of Wm. J. Jacobs, Esq., I
administrator of Samuel J. George, late of
McVeytown, deceased.
11. The account of Peter, James, and John
Barefoot, Executors of William Barefoot,
12. The account of Samuel Barr, Esq., Ad
ministrator of the estate of Margaret Bell, of
Decatur township, deceased.
Register's Office, Lewistown, Oct., 1, 1852. ,
Office of Discount and Deposit,
WHiMM ]&V33I11
Loiigeneckcr, CJriihb & Co., i
WILL continue TO COLLPiCT and DIS- .
ITS, &c., at the office heretofore occupied by
the above firm ap9
Fresh Fall and Winter Goods.
TT7E have just opened our usual supply of j
bave now to offer to those who arc disposed to i
patronize us, the most desirable stock we have |
had for a long time. We have an excellent as- |
sortment of French and English
Black and Fancy CASSIMFIRES, Heavy Satti- j
nets, Jeans, Cloakings, &c., &c.
Our stock of LADIES' GOODS is also larger
than usual, consisting in part of Elegant Black j
and Colored
SILKS, French Cashmeres and Jlodlo de '
Lalnes, French and English Meriuoes,
Handsome Tcrkerri and other Fall Shawls, !
Broche and Bay State Long Shawls, Muffs, Sack
Flannels, Needle Worked Collars and Ilatidker- 1
chiefs, Black and Colored Bonnets, Black and '
Colored Gaiters, Kid and Morocco Slippers, ;
&c., which we respectfully invite the Ladies to j
call and examine for themselves. We think ;
we have the largest assortment in the place of I
Brussels, Imperial, VeuUjan, and Listing CAR
PETS, and our stock of
ItOO'S S \M)
of every description is unusually Our
goods have all been well laid in, and we are j
determined to sell them low any other house— ;
I trv us.
| October 1,1552.
"Poetry is the .Spice of Life. 53
We do not write to show our skill,
i Nor yet because we have the will ;
But, to let you know for selling cheap,
SIGI.ER \ STU.HIT cannot be beat.
We've just received a large supply.
, Of all things that cau please Ihe eye;
A stock of Goods of every kind,
■ At our store you now w ill find.
We've Cloths and Cassimcres, black and brown. ;
The best and cheapest in ihe town;
We've Calicoes of every grade,
And Linens, too. the be->l thatS made.
We've Satins, Silks, ami Beaverteet.s,
Tweeds, Sattinets, Kentucky Jeans,
Cashmeres, Delaines of every hue,
And Thibet Cloths, black, green and blue.
Our French Merinocs are so fine,
'Tis hard lo put them into rhyme ;
But then our Bonnets for the fall,
We know will please the Ladies ail.
Our Shawls, too, Ladies, are complete,
In our town they can't be beat;
And if sou call before they're sold.
You'll say the half has not been told.
We've Flannels, too, both red and whit *,
And Cloaking that is worth a sight ;
We have Men's Hose, and Ladies' to >
Arid Gloves of alt kinds not a few.
We've Clothing, Vesting?. Boots and Shoes,
W hicit we sell so low " it beats the Jews
For ail of which our friends will find,
We take produce of every kind.
As we're connected with the Mill,
We'll take your grain with a good will;
Ten thousand bushels ten times told,
We'll take, and for it give ycti gold.
We'll take your Corn, likewise your Rye,
' And pay you for it just as high
As you can get in our town,
1 Jlr.d give you goods or money down.
j In short, 'tis vain for us to sing
Our stock consists of everything;
j No matter what any one buys,
We have it e'en to Groceries.
Our invitation is to ail,
We hope, you'll not forget to rail ;
I For selling cheap, now be assured,
No firm can bjiat
Lewistown, October 1, 1852.
. UJMHS well known stand, recently under the i
[ supervision of Irvin & Mitchell, has been :
leased, and will hereafter be conducted by the !
; undersigned. It is plcaant!y located in 1
the public square, the rooms comfort v. biejvjjr
and pleasant, and every attention will be j
! given to ensure the approval of the traveling i
public. He has ample stabling for all purposes, !
| and invites a continuance of the liberal patron- j
! ago heretofore extended to lite house, and will
I endeayer to merit it.
Lewistown. October I, 1552-tf
Dr. David C. Reynolds,
Late a Graduate of the '• University of
\ Tw Pennsylvania," has located himself for the j
<L* practice of his profession at MCVETTOWK, j
and from his professional experience in the Hos
pitals of Baltimore and Philadelphia, and his j
practice in Lewistowtt. hopes to commend him
self to their confidence and that of the surround
ing community.
Mis office is the one lately occupied by W. J. j
McCov, Esq., where he may always be found >
except when absent on professional duties. He j
is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen :
Dr. T. A. Worrail, Dr. J. B. Ard,
" T. Vanvalzah, " J. Gulbertson, i
Dr. E. W. Hale.
McVeytown, July 23, 1852—tf.
'I'HE subscribers have taken the Lewistown ,
Mills and formed a co-partnership under i
the firm of JOHN STERRETT & CO., for j
carrying on a general 3IILLI\€ BISISESB,
yvish to buy a large quantity of all kinds of i
GRAIN, for which yve will pay the highest pri- i
res the market will afford, according to the j
quality of the grain.
Any person wishing to store their wheat can j
do so, and a receipt will be given to be kept in (
store until the Ist of August, and after that un- j
til the Ist of December. In case of w heat left j •
iti store, the subscribers reserve the privilege of j
purchasing said wheat when the owners wish to ■
sell, at from 13 to 1$ cents off' of Philadelphia
prices, and if we do pot buy at this rate, then !
we charge one cent per bushel for storage.—
No interest will be allowed on money not lifted '
for grain sold, as we are prepared to pay CASH
at all times.
FLOUR and all kintls of FEED kept and for (
sale, for cash.
May 2, 1851.—tf. ; .
Pennsylvania Railroad.
PASSENGER TRAINS leave Lewistown J
daily as follows :
Eastward at 2 o'clock A. M.
Westward at 8 o'clock 22 minutes A.M. j j
Eastward at 11 o'clock 40 minutes A. M. i
Westward at 5 o'clock 12 minutes P. M. i ?
Daily, (except Sundays.)
Eastward at 2 o'clock and 35 minutes A.M. I
Westward at 2 o'clock and 35 minutes A. M. j 4
Eastward at 1 o'clock and 50 minutes P. M. \ ]
Westward at 12 o'clock 30 minutes P M.
FARE to Pittsburgh, *46.45—t0 Dillersville, 1
$2.95 —to Flarrisburg, $1.75 —emigrant train to !
Pittsburg, $4. F
july 16] ' CHARLES S. McCOY, Arent r
CAMPHF.NE —pure and fresh and warianted
good—for sale low at A A. BANKS' j
Tobacco, Rook, Sta
lioiiary and Variety Store.
THE subscriber has just received from Phila
delphia a general and full assortment of
S 'IOB.ICCO .LVD CIGJIRS of all varieties,
| which he invites the lovers of the weed to call
; and try, as he flatters himself that he can sell a
j better article and cheaper than can he had in any
I other establishment. If you doubt it, call and
J see for yourself, at his old stand in East Market
I street, nearly opposite the bank, where he also
I has manufactured Spanish, half Spanish, and
i American Cigars, ot the very best material and
j workmanship, which he Will sell to dealers,
! together with tobacco of all kinds, on the most
| reasonable terms.
lie has also received writing, letter and note
| paper, Quilis, Gutta Percba and Steel pens, Pen
■ Holders, Motto, Transparent and plain Wafers,
' Sealing Wax, Slates and Pencils, Lead Pencils,
• black, blue, red, indelible, and other Inks,
| Inkstands, with a general assortment of Blank
■ and School Books, together with a choice selcc
j lion of Juvenile and Miscellaneous works.
Also a very good article of Pen Knives, pocket
Books, Bankers cases, Port Folios, Port Mon
naies, together with many other articles too nu
merous to mention, which he will sell at th
loir est cath price.
Lewistown, Oct, 8,1852.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Levari Fur:as and
\i nditioni Etponcs, issued out of the Court of
! Common Pleas, of Mifilin county, and to me direct
i ed, will be exposed at public sale, at the Court
j House, in the borough of Lewistown, on
SATURDAY, October 30, 1852.
j at 1 o'clock, p. r.i.. ihe following described real
, estate, to wit .
A lot of ground, situate in the borough of Lewis
i town, viitfim comity. Pa., bouuded on the north by
■ Broad or Juniata street,, be.ng bit feet fronton sa.il
j street more or less, and extending back to an alley,
j adjoining lots of N. Comfort on the cast and Brown
l on the west. Also a lot of ground situate on Main
street, in said borough, fronting 200 feet more or
i Its* on Main street extending 1 <lO feet more or lest
: on Elizabeth street, with a Foundry a two story
! Brick dwelling house. Lied*, stabling and other in
i provemeiits thereon elected. Also, one other lot of
• ground, situate in the borough of Lewistown, on the
I corner of Brow n and Third sired*, fronting 30 !wi
| more or less on Itrov. n, and 120 lcet more or less
on Third streets, known as lot iNo. 1 '.'o. in the plan
1 of sa,d borough, una a two story Brick dwelling
hoi sc, stable and other improvement* thereon. Air <
j ail ti.e right btlc and inu red o! Arthur B L->r.g, u
2 acres ot' ground, njofe ot iess, situate ttr the tro
-1 rough of Lewistown, adjoining lite kisiiutocuhas
i cre-k, K'shacotjuillas rlri-i-t. land nl A Hoot ai.u
others. v> h ihc Isabella furnace stack, blowing an
i paratus, washing machine coal house a.nl uii.or u,.-
pro>- o.tiiis liieiooii, together w:'h a lease of water
j ngtit from Sieneit A Putter io D in- an .v Long, da
unt June lb, lSlfiau i rerorth- i in Bock Z Page l il
: Also. the lollowing tract* of Mountain iand. situated
, in Granville township, iJillltti county, one tract cos
tainiug 400 acres 129 perches, surveyed in the name
j of Win. I'otts, one tract containing 400 acres and
} 129 pe'clies, surveyed tit the name of Joseph Potts.
' one tract containing 4<\> acres 12'J perches, survey -
j ed in the name of David Potts, otic tract containing
| 100 acres 1-9 perches, surveyed in the unpap of Ste
! phen Potts, one tract containing 100 acres 129 per
} dies more or less, surveyed in the name ot Sauiuei
i Pott, one tract containing 100 acres 122 perchee.
• surveyed in the name of David Hotter. Also, a trarr.
I of land in Granville township, containing 12 acres
I more or less, adjoining lands of L. T. W atleon, now
j S. S. Woods, known as the Wattsou ore back. Also.
| a leave of Peter Townsend to Duncan & Long for
ore lease dated 29 July, 1846. recorded in Book Z,
j page 593. Also, right of ore from L. T. Wsttson.
! as per agreement 2'.'ii June, JB-16. And also, a right
| of ore on land of Joseph M'Gark, >n Granville town
i ship, Mifflin county. Seized, taken in execution,
| and to be sold as the property of Arthur B. Long.
A lot of ground in the borough of few iptov. n, ad
I joining Kishacoqmiias creek KLhacoquillaa street,
land of xtnoa Iloot, James Burns and others, con
; laintng two acres and two perches, more or iesn
; with the furnace stuck of Isabella furnace. Blowing
i apparatus, washing machine, coal house and other
; improvements thereon erected. Seized, taken in
! execution, aed to b- paid as the property Arthur 11
! Long.
Two out lots of Land situate in "Ju" borough of
j Lew iatow n, containing nine acres, be the same more
j or less, all in a good state of cultivation. ar.C bound
ed on the north and east by the public road leading
from Lewistown to Ferguson's Valley, past Janie*
i M'Curdye and on the weal by land of Michael Buoy,
and souih by alley and other lands. Seized, taken
' in execution, and to bo sold as the j roperty of I'a
| vid \V, liuiingfi.
A lot of ground situate in the borough of Lewis*
: town, fronting 30 feet more or less on Hale rtreet
and extending back to an alley, bounded on the tvert
by lot of Jniiii Scott, and on the east by lot formerly
: owned by Samuel Hopper and no-.v by Hale, with a
frame dwelling bouse and otheriinproveineuts tfcere
• on. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sole r*
! the property of John Downs.
Up.cn ail the right title and interest of Ellis Grif
, full in a lot of ground situate in (be be rough of Lew
stown, fronting on the i'cnn'a. canal and acjoiu.ng
1 iot and ground of Eliza Be.arly on the south eat:
and north east, a.ul the Kishacoquilias creek on the
: north, witii asuibii frame dwelling house arm other
; improvements thereon erected. Seized, taker, in
1 cxecutioi . a:.d to be sold as the jrapcity o; Eli:*
A Jot o f ground situate in the borough of New to a
HannJton. MitUui county, bounded on the east by a
street and by lands of r3muei C. Corbit, Vandyke
and others, containing t-ne and one-fourth acrsw
more or less beired, taken in execution and to be
sold as the properly of Joseph (A Sec hie r.
A iot of ground, situate in West Third street, tu
the borough of Lewistown, fronting 38 feet on saitl
Third street more or less and extending hack 80 feet
more ot less, bounded on the north east by lot of
Samuel Molson, and on the south west by Samuel
Malson, with three small frame dwelling houses and
other improvements thereon creeled. Also, ono
other lot or piece of ground situate in said Third
street, fronting 15 feet on said street, more or less,
and extending back 80 lcet, more or less, with a
small frame building unfinished, thereon, and ad
joining lot of Samuel MoLon, on the north east.&c
Also, one other lot of ground, situate on the afore
said Third street, front.ng 30 feet, more or less, on
said street, and extending back 90 feet, more or less,
adjoining lot of Jacob Mourer, on the south we*:,
and lot of David Roach, on the north east, with a
small frame dwelling house thereon erected. Seized,
taken in ezecution, and to be sold aa the property of
David Cbrtswell.
A tract of I.ind, situated, lying and being in the
township of Granville, Miffiin county, the property
ofO. P. Duncan. with notice to terre tenant, bound
ed as follow s : Bcginiltg st a white oak at the pub
lie road leading through Ferguson Valley, thence by
same north 64J degrees, east perches, to a post
corner of M ichael Ruble's, thence south 241 degrees
east 35 7-10 perches, to a post, thc-ncc north 594 de
grees, east perches, to a post on Henry Aurand's
line, thence by same south 794 degrees, east 94 per
chcs, to a pine, thence by satne, and lands of J. &
T. \V. Moore, south 874 degrees, east 124 perches
to pine, now a post, thence by lands of the heirs of
John Shaw, dee'd , south 714 degrees, west 1484
parches, to a post, thence by lands of Joseph Ma
girk, north 22j degrees, wesj 57 pcrche. to a black
oak, thence by satne, south 51 J degrees, west 76 710
perches to s'ones. thcncc by land of John Keover,
north 30 34 degrees, west 937-10 to a white oak, tho
place of begining. containing one hundred and sixty
nine acres and fifty-flve perches and allowance, be
ing a part of the same land which the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania by letter-. Patient dated the
23d day of Dec., 1820, granted to the said Henry
Snyder, enrolled in the Patent Book, H, Vol. 18.
page 22, whose executors by deed bearing equal
date herewith sold and oonveyed to O. Perry Dun
can, the present mortgagor with all, and singulartbo
buildings and improvements, &c.. &c.. rights, prive
leges, &c. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo
sold as the property of O. P. Duncan.
N. B.—Purchasers at theabove Sheriff's Salesare
hereby notified that the amount of tLe sales wilt be
required to be paid, in all cases, immediately on th*
property being knocked down, or it will be forthwth
resold to the highest bidder. W S.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Lewistown, )
Oct 7. 1852. J