Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, October 01, 1852, Image 3

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The present and ensuing month closes
the year for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance terms, had better send on their
money, as A DOLLAR will now pay for a
year—a fact worth remembering.
Foreign News.
HALIFAX, Sept. 28.—The Koyal Mail Steam
er Canada arrived here this morning at 2 o'-
clock, with dates from Liverpool to the 18th
inst., being one week later than previous advi
ces. She sailed at a quarter after 11 o'-
clock, on the morning of the 18th, with 130
England. —The great event of the week
has been the death of the Duke of Wellington,
which occurred on Tuesday, the 14th, from
an apoplectic fit. His funeral is to he a na
tional affair, and of course one worthy the con
queror at Waterloo. The Marquis of Douro,
who inherits the title of Duke of Wellington,
has arrived in London, from Ostend. Lord
Malion is the literary executor of the late
Prince Albert, the Duke of Cambridge, and
Lords Fitzi-ov and Somerset, have already
been named as the successor of the Iron Duke
in the command of the armv.
The ship-of-the-line Windsor Castle, of 140
guns, has been launched at Plymouth, in the
presence of thirty thousand spectators,
A Spanish war steamer, for the defence of
Cuba, has also been launched on the Thames,
The projected telegraph to America, by the
way of Iceland, has received a further impe
tus. the Messrs. Harrison having obtained
from the Danish government the exclusive
right to Labrador,
The scarcity of sifter coin iu England,
owing to its exportation to Australia, continues.
A new Pafiu e is to be built at Balmoral lbr
Queen Victoria, which will cost JC 100,000.
France. —Louis Napoleon has commenced
his journey through i ranee.
A petition to th senate, is ohxmlating
among the poorer classes in Paris, asking Jor
the re-establishment of the empire.
In reply to an address in favor of the im
perial regime, the President made the follow
ing significant reply: " M lien the general iri
terest is at stake. 1 will try to anticipate pub
lic opinion, but I will follow it in the case of
an interest which may appear personal."
The French papers contain little else than
accounts of his receptions, which, at least,
have ail the appearance of being enthusiastic.
Along the whole route lie was received with
cries of "Vive 1 Empereur !" with which, it is
-tated, he appeared much pleased. \\ hen last
heard from, he was at Neve.s.
The Corn market is unchanged in price,
with a moderate business doing. Sales oi
Western Canal, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
< >hio brands, at 2ls. 3d. White Corn, 29s fid.;
vcllow Corn, 295.: mixed, 29->. \Y liite Y\ heat,
6- l(hl o lis (><!; red 6s 3d a a 6s Sd, per bush
el of 70 lbs.
M lane'toly and Fata! Areidrtd. — It is our
r.ainful duty, this week, to record one of the
most melancholy accidents that has ever oc
curred in tlii.s community—an accident that
has robbed our town of one of the most dis
tinguished, cherished, and useful citizens; so
ciety of one of its brightest ornaments ; and
a happy family of a kiml and indulgent
parent, thi Monday morning last, between
8 and 9 o'clock, whilst the workmen employ
ed at the Ilollidaysburg Foundry were en
gaged in hoisting a casting weighing some
26'HJ pounds, the chain attached to the crane
with which they were nft-.i;;g it ggvo way,
and terrible to relate, the proprietor of the
establishment, lion. GEO. LI. MOFARLANE,
who was superintending the job, was struck
bv. and caught beneath, the descending mass,
lie was released from his frightful situation
as soon as possible and conveyed to his
regijepec and a physician called in. Every
thing that stßl and kindness could suggest
was done to prolong his valuable life. But
alas! it was of no avail. Death had marked
him fur his victim, and at quarter before ten
o'clock he expired. He retained his senses
up to the hist moment, and a few minutes
before living .-ailed his family around him
told them his hour had come, that he was
not afraid to die. blessed them and bade them
good bye, and calmly yielded up his spirit to
that God who gave it.— Jlollidayslntrg Stun
Attempted Suietdc. —On Sunday, the 10th
instant, a Mrs. Myers, residing in Jefferson
• 'otiiitv, Indiana, while her husband and sons
were laboring at a distance, sent her youngest
children out of the house, and taking an axe.
seated herself upon the tiuor and commenced
chopping her own head. In this fearful
upcriiiiuii .-he was discovered by the children.
Their cries alarmed some of the neighbors,
v, ho rushed to the spot, and found the un
fortunate woman weltering in her hlood, th*-
scalp ami outer table of the >kull literally
chopped to pieces. She had inflicted more
than tii'tv ghastly wounds upon her head,
rendering it a perfect mass of mutilated flesh,
IK. ncs, aud scalp, detached fragments of
which were scattered upon the floor ; and
vet strange as it inav seem, none of the
Mows had penetrated to the brain. Insanity
is assigned a the cause of this tragical event,
although no decided symptoms of alteration
were manifested by her previously. The un
fortunate victim now lies in a critical situ
ation. suffering intensely from her horrid
wounds, and evidently beyond the chance of
* fff-r
A FAST Mw.—Dr. Hayn, the notorious
••windier and bigamist, ran off from New Or
leans on the 19 th of February last, arrived at
Cincinnati on the 10th March, married Mrs.
Howe on the 18th, left lmr on the 19th, and
after visiting St. Louis, Nashville, and other
places, arrived at l'aducah on the 3d of
April, courted and engaged himself on the
J t!i and nth, was married on the 11th, left
Ju re on the 14th, was arrested at Claresville
on the 15th. was brought back on the 10th,
was put on trial on the found guilty on
the 28th, sentenced on the Ist May, started
to the penitentiary on the 2d, reached there
on the 4th, and was put to spinning hemp on
the nth. Thus in 25 days he nutrrioq two
wives, traveled some 1,500 utiles, told 4,1)00 ,
lies, and in 20 days more was arrested, tried,
and lodged in the State prison. He if a
"fast man." He is, certain.— l'aducah Paper. \
Poisonous Chloroform. —Dr. C. T. Jackson,
of Boston, states that a fatal poison exists in
Chloroform, in the form of wnat is supposed
to be the ter chloride of amyl, or amyl com
pound, found in the pure fusal oil (front
whiskey) and that this is the cause of the
deaths "which have occurred from the use of |
this agent.
During August, the Chester county, Pa.,
Mining Company made 2,228 pigs of lead. ;
A whole Family Sicept Away. —We are
called upon to notice a most melancholy in
stance of mortality, in which the family of
Mr. Daniel R. Rail, excepting an infant, a
few months old, have been swept away. A
few days since the death of Mrs. Rail was
noticed. Mr. R. was subsequently attacked
with the same disease, gnd after a brief sick
ness, died early on Monday morning, and at
the same time his eldest son expired, two |
other boys having previously died. Within
a few days, Mr. Rail, and his wife, and their
three sons, Walter, aged 13, Irving, aged 7, j
and John aged 4 years, have died. The two
younger children were attacked on Friday j
night, the father and eldest son on Sunday
morning about 9 o'clock. All died between i
7 o'clock on Sunday evening and five o'clock !
on Monday morning. The wife died on
Thursday last. The deceased were buried on
Monday afternoon.— Each. Deni. Tuesday.
Curious Kcclesiastical Trial,
The Pittsburg Journal has the following
statement respecting a very singular trial be
fore the elders of a Presbyterian Church in
Beaver county, which has just been conclu
ded :
Two farmers, members of the same church,
surrendered portions of their lands for the
construction of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad. Mr. A. gave the right of way for
nothing, and also grounds for a station
which was needed on his farm. B. received
five thousand dollars damages, and other con
siderations. A. went into the business of
selling town lots around the station, and is
gradually making money. B. having receiv
ed his damages " in a pile," after some time
got tired of his bargain and entered suit
igainst the Railroad Company for having de
frauded him, and succeeded in working him
self into a most hearty hatred of rails, lo
comotives and everything connected there
with ; and when he saw that A. was pleased
with the Railroad and was likely to make
money out of the improvement, included him
in his displeasure.
The suit against the Railroad has pot pro
gressed very rapidly, and in tlje meantime, I
Mr. B. thought there was a chance of punish
ing Mr. A. and bringing the Railroad into
disgrace, at a single stroke; so he accused
Us neighbor and fellow-member, before the
church, of grossly immoral conduct. A
trial was granted, and before the assembled
elders, Mr. 1?. solemnly accused Mr. A. of
owning stock in a railroad that practiced and
encouraged immorality : the Ohio and Penn
sylvania Railroad having, us he alleged,
broken the Sabbath by running cars, and
making repairs; and having injured the
cause of temp.•ranee by carrying barrels of
whiskey as freight!
it was admitted that the cars had run on
Sunday whop the Saturday night train un- !
avoidably fell behind time; that barrels of
whiskey might have hecq shipped on the
freight train, and lastly, tfiat Sir. A. was a
stockholder :—then we need scarcely add : the
elders most solemnly acquitted Mr. A. of the
charge against him.
But Mr. B. will not permit the purity of
the church to be sullied in this manner. He
intends to appeal to th Synod which will
assemble in this city next month, and after
that will, no doubt, carry the ease to the
tribunal of all—the General Assembly.
The R.-v. Marmaduke IVaree died at hi.-
residence in Berwick. Columbia county, on
the IJt]i ult,, aged about 70 years.
The Potato Hot is prevailing to an alarm
ing extent in Baltimore county, Md. Not
more that half a crop in expected.
Cornelius Cornish, employed in the Foun
dry o| Messrs. t arter it Co.. Tuinaqua, was
instantly killed last week by a large casting
falling upon him.
* i
Among the patents granted the week end
ing September i th, was one to S. \\. Albert,
ot \\ a 1 pole, ot A. IJ , for improvement in
apparatus for feeding chickens.
It i suitou that tfio Hon. \\ m. 11. Seward
intends to leave for Europe the latter part of
this month, where he will remain for a few
weeks, returning home about the time of the
Presidential election.
A'\m al t.j I fog-.- —The first arrival of hogs
at Pittsburg for this season I 120 head) came
up on tli.- height train last Saturday, from
Delaware county, Indiana, and £euia, Ohio,
by Way of Cleveland.
The lust frown of Hungary. — The foreign
papers received by the Niagara, contain a
statement that the Kmperor of Austria has
offered an immense reward for the crown of
Hungary, lost during the revolution.
Destructive Fire, —-A great fire occurred at ■
Ravenna, Ohio, last week, destroying twelve
stores and several dwellings. The loss bv
the destruction of the buildings is estimated
at §OO.OOO.
J hreo Pastors served, the church at Fast
Hampton. J;. 1., more than one hundred and
fifty years, and the church at Thomj >son.
Conn., had but three pastor- in one hundred
and nineteen years.
Another infant drummer has started up in
W'omelsdorf, Berks county, who is described
as a musical wonder, performing difficult i
military airs with great precision and skill.
He is the son of Capt. Clouse, and is only
three years of age.
The iron importations, at New York, dur- 1
ing the last week, were as follows :
128,234 bars of iron.
82,183 bars railroad iron,
34,442 hoop iron.
6,420 bundles sheet iron,
Ole Bull's Norway Settlement.—T\\c land
purchased by Ole Bull in Pennsylvania, to
form a settlement for his countrvmen, lies in
Potter county, and embraces 120,000 acres. ;
He made the purchase from John F. Cowan,
Esq., of W illiumsport, Pa., and already some i
twenty hardy sons of Norway have proceeded I
to their new home in that county.
Graral hid ye I. O, <). /'.—The (Irand
Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- i
lows, now in session at Baltimore, have elect
ed the following officers : Grand Sire. Wil
inot G. De Saussure, of South Carolina;
Deputy Grand Sire, Horace A. Manchester,
of Rhode Island ; Grand Secretary, James 1,.
Ridgely of Maryland; Grand Treasurer,
Joshua Vansant, of Maryland.
Mrs. Catharine Mileham, a widow, lately i
of Cincinnati, and the mother of five child
ren, was taken to the Insane Asylum last
week, in consequence of becoming deranged,
through the spirit rapping delusions.—
It appears that another female had pretended
to have communication with the other world,
and thus put Mrs. M., in correspondence with
her deceased husband, in heaven. Sho be
came intensely interested in the rappings, and
held, as she was led to suppose, frequent in
terviews with her husband, until finally she
became deranged,
Cholera in Chambersburg. —The Chambers- I
burg papers publish the following list of per- j
sons who have died of cholera in that place i
Agne3 Cain (colored,) Mr. Keefer, Caesar
Munty (colored,) two of Mr. Barn's children, i
Mrs. Gerwick, Barnes' child, Helfrick,
Miss Harriet Timmins, Geo. Fisher, Mrs.
Schmidt, Mrs. Sager, Wm. Stormont's child, j
John Sager, John Helfrick and child, Fanny
Kimmel (colored,) Lightner, Elizabeth
Sager, Jacob Storm's child, Caesar Muntv's
j child (colored,) John Helfrick, Jr., G. \V.
Nitterliouse's child, George Ackerman, Rup
| ley G, Croft, Hertman, John Aughen
><>. j
A correspondent of the London Times
gives the fallowing account of a recent prize
fight in England between two women! -'About i
a month ago I was at breakfast with my fam
i ily at Kensal Green, when I perceived anuni- j
j ber of persons passing through the field ad
i joining my house. 1 endeavored to ascertain
the cause. With much difficulty I did so.
The stream of men ami women had come to
; Paddiugton to a prize-fight between two—mo,
: not men—women ! One of my family, being
incredulous, contrived to look across the
j fields, and there saw the combatants stripped
to the waist, and fighting. Men took them
there, men backed them, men were the bottle
holders and time keepers. They fought for
about half axi hour, some say .Is, some say for
a sovereign, and some say they will do it
again. 1 saw the winner led back in triumph
by men."
Flour and General Produce
Dealers in Piaster. Salt, Pish, foffee, Sugar,
nil t Groceries generally.
28 Sooth Howard street, Baltimore,
! T I BER A L ADVANCEMENTS made on con-
J J signments—quick sales at best market pri
ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Swan, Esq., Pres't Merchant's Bank,")
Dr. J. H. McCulloch. do. B'k of Baltimore.
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. A Far. B'k, 3
J|. Stuart & Son, merchants,
T. W. & (4. Hopkins, do. j
Jleiser & White, do. { 5
Slinglujf & Ensey, do. 3
Reynolds & Siniih, 110,
Slinghiif, Devries A Co. do.
Albert & Bfo., do. J
(I. M. Brent. Esq., Cashier, )
J. 11. Sherrard, Esq., do. Winchester.
Merchants generally, \
fetor Kadebaugh, Bedford, and merchants and
' framers generally,
j Baltimore, Dec. 24, 1851—ly ?
Carr, Giese & Co.,
Yos. 23 & 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore.
\\ TILL receive and sell FLOUR, GRAIN,
\ V and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE
—including LUMBER.
Liberal Cash advances made 011 Consign
ments ; prompt returns as soon as sales are ef
fected. aug27-siq.
Chc;i|> Chiiin, <*luss, Ac.
AM 219, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
(vFFF.R to tlie citizens of Lewistown, and its
J vicinity, the choice of their*beautiful anil
immense stock, i:i any quantity and in all quaii
| ties, of
Dinner. Tea aiu) Tuilct Sets, Mates, Dishes
ritrhcrs, if., of French or English
China. or Ironstone AVII re;
As also GIASWARE, CUT and Movj.pEu, in great
variety, at the very lowest rates.
Hotels, Boarding and Private Rouses, sup
plied with the best articles, at very cheap prices.
May 21—ly.
Philadelphia Dry Goods.
'HOW SE.\ 1) SIIARPI.KSS A. 51)\8,32 South 8,-rnnil
-i- street. Ii ive received a full assortment of AUTUMN
, ao.l \A I.\ IXK GOODS of iheir importation or careful
selection, additions to which .bey are daily receiving.
All the new and <1- suable styles of Gqi>4t.
Merinos and various woollen goods for Cloaks.
Mmisgeitiics, Alpacas and Fancy Urei-t Goods.
Silk; of eyerydescription, Velvets and Batius.
of VVoo'leii, Silk, Brot he and Cashmere.
( Blankets, Quilts, Linens and Furnishing Goods.
Sheetings, Diapers, Shirting and Table Linens.
American Cottons ami Woollens. Prints and Flannels.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting* of the best styles.
Slio- Lasting*, Worsted Damasks and Rattinefs,
Hosiery, Cravats, Handkerchiefs and Gloves.
fronds far Friends in complete variety.
Philad-ipltia, September 24, 1552-3 m.
few and Cheap LOOIUYG-GLASS brpct.
An. 225 A*. Second street, above l ine, side,
TJ.\B for sale, and always on hand, a splendid assort- j
'Litem of PI.AI.Y an.l ORjYAME.YT /, GILT i
Fl< IMF. I.OOE I KG GLASSES, suitable fqr Mantels, i
Piers, Ac. Mahogany Framed Glasses for sitting rooms, j
and chambers. Also, Ornamental and Gill Frames for I
Portraits Old Frames re-gilt, equal to new. French and j
G rtn tn Looking Glass Plates put in Frame. [seplO—3m
Reduction in Prices.
POUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will rind every
variety of patterns of IVALL PAPF.R, IEIJYDOW
BLINDS and FIRE SCREEN'S at reduced prices, j
Patterns manufactured to order, bv
1 No. North'l hird street, two doors above Arch street,
scp3—3tii.J PIII.ADEI.PHIA
Toys, Fancy Goods,
Y©, I Commerce street, Philadelphia.
OFFERS the greatest Bargains of the season in TOVS, !
FANCY GOODB, PERFUMERY, Druggists', Con- j
fectioners' and Tobacconists' ARTICLES, all imported j
by him direct fronj the cheapest manufacturers of En- ]
rope, comprising the best and cheapest assortment in the
City or elsewhere.
Percussion Caps, Slates, Pencils, Marbles, Dolls,
China, Leaden and Uooden TUVS,
Fancy Boxes, China and Glass Vases, and Bottles, Pipes, 1
| Begar Cases, Druggists' Articles, Alabaster Goods, am! a
; great variety of new styles FANCY GOODS, constantly '
arriving by every Packet.
Dealers will rind it to their advantage to purchase from
< this house, combining as it dues, the most extensive and :
varied assortment, with the veiy lowest prices.
stp!7-3t* Importer, No. 1 Commerce street, l'hil'a.
7" •
Tobacco, Snuff, & Segar
rpilE subscribers respectfully inform Counlry Merchants ;
that we have now on hand a general assortment of
the best
Cavendish 5n., Lump Ba., Lump 65., Plug, &c., at the
Manufacturers lowest prices. Also a fine assortment of ,
Foreign and Domestic Segars, Snuff, Smoking Tobacco,
Piper, Pipe Heads, which we will sell at the lowest
prices. 8. WOODWARD it Co.
uug-jV 3m "J 23 North Third street, Philadelphia
Guardian's Sale.
IN pursuance of an alias order issued by
the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county, will
be exposed to sale, by public vendue or out
cry, on the premises, on
SATURDAY, October 16, 1852,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following Real Estate,
Dv wit: All the interest of McClelland P. and
George M. M akefield, minor children of
George \\ akefield, deceased, being the one un
divided half, in a certain messuage, tenement
and tract of land, situate on the Pennsylvania
f anal, about midway between Lewistown and
eytown, partly in Granville and partly
in Oliver township, Mifflin county, adjoining
lands of heirs of Philip Peffer, Isaac Aults,
George Strode and Juniata river, containing
59 Acres and 4 Perches,
more or less, with the usual allowance, with a
jeSaassfejagMPlaster Mill, Saw Mill, ami other
improvements thereon erected, nt ten
acres of this property is covered with timber,
the. remainder in a good state of cultivation,
well watered, There is also a young hearing
Orchard of choice fruit, &*.
Tor/us r-J Sale. —One-third of the pnrclia.se
money to he paid on confirmation of sale ;
the residue ir\ two equal annual payments
thereafter, with interest, Ac.
Guardian of McClelland P. and Geo. M.
the remaining half of said property
will he offered at public sale at tfie same time
and place by A. Wakefield.
September 3, 185'2-td. (&)
Orphans' Court Sale
]X pursuance of an order issued by the
_ Orphans Court of Mifflin county, will be
exposed to public sale on the premises, on
Friday October 20. 1852,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, the following
real estate, to wit:
All the undivided interest of JAMES
Mt'DOW ELL, late of Armagh township, in
said county, deceased, being about one-sixth
part, in and to a tract of land situate in Ar
magh township, containing
300 AC RES,
more or leso, adjoining lands of Joseph Kyle.
John Taylor and others. This property is
well improved, in a high state of cultivation,
and one ot the most desirable in the countv.
Persons desirous of purchasing, are re
quested to call and examine the same, t ,r if de
sired any information respecting it can h-; ob
tained trout the administrator, residing in
nuhtiun* <>J Sh.ilc. —One half the purchase
money to le paid on confirmation ot the sale,
and the residue in one year thereafter with
interest, to he secured by bond and mortgage
of the purchaser.
Administrator of James McDowell, dee'd.
September 10. 1852-td. n
Valuable Towii Property
\\"""ILL be offered at Public Sale, at the
▼ ? Court- House, on
TUESDAY, November. 2, 1852,
that well known property formerly occupied
by the Bank of Lewistown, and now by Wil
liam Bussell, Esq., banker, situate on the
corner of Market and Broun streets, in the
Borough of Lewistown, the lot being thirty
one feet front on .Market, ajul two hundred
feet deep on Brown street to a sixteen feet al
ley.The improvements are a large
$&Tj J J jl BRICK HOUSE, thirty-one feet
"it -Market street, with extensive
Stable and Carriage House, Smoke House,
Ac., enclosed by brick walls, with hydrant in
yard, and valuable fruit trees and grapevines
on said lot. This property offers inducements
I to purchasers, being one of the most desira
ble business situations in the borough,
Sale to commence at I o'clock, I'. M., of
said day. An indisputable title, clear of all
incumbrances, will be given. Terms made
known on day of sale bv the subscribers, !
Trustees of the Bank of Lewistown.
September 24, 1552-td. Trustees.
Valuable Dwelling &. Store Stand
for talo two lots of ground
i'SEMisituate on the corner of t*!
Diamond, in Reeds-
Mifflin county, with
a large DWELLLV-G and STORE ST*WD,
Stabling for 8 horses, Kitchen, Wood House, j
Sutoke House, and other out buildings thereon
erected. There is also a well of water on the
premises, Apple, Peach and Plum Trees in full
hearing—in fact everything calculated to render
it a pleasant home.
The store' stand is undoubtedly one of the
best in the country, being situate on the great
avenue (the Centre and Kishacoquillas Turn- j
pike,) on which hundreds of thousands of bush
els of grain are annually taken to market; the
new turnpike from Milheim, in Centre county, i
intersects the Centre and Kishacoquillas road
between the store and tavern, and this, now
nearly finished, will largely increase the busi
ness—so that few places offer rorc inducements
to an enterprising business man than this.
The location in other respects is highly favor
able—being six miles from Lewistown, but a
short distance from Brown's well known Mills, I
convenient to Schools and Churches, and an un
surpassed valley beyond, whose thrifty popula- j
tjon daily pass the door. It was last occupied j
by Wm. J. Glass, deceased.
A further description is not deemed nc- i
cessary, as persona desirous of purchasing will j
of course call and examine for themselves, j
For further information apply to Wm. Brothers, 1
Esq., or Win. McKinney, Esq., Reedsville, or
to the subscriber in Armagh township.
R3" To a suitable purchaser, terms will be
made easy.
June 4, 1852-tf.
Fall Millinery Goods.
Importers and Dealers in French .WlLl-
.Ye. 45. South Second street,
HAVING completed the improvement* to their Store,
are now opening a larife and beautiful aortineiit of
Parla Fancy FEATHERS,
French and American FI.OWEBB,
Fancy Bonnet and Cap RIBBON'S,
Fancy Bonnet STUFFS,
Corded and Plain VELVETS,
Groa. d'Afriquea, LACES, ice., Stc.
To which they invite the attention of Merchants and
Millittera vinitinj the cit [aeptJ7—2m.
PURSUANT to an Act of the General Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en
titled " an Act relating to the Elections of this Com
monwealth," approved the 2d day of July. A. 1).
1839. I, WILLIAM SfllMP, Sheriff of the countv
of Mifflin. Pennsylvania, do hereby make known
and give notice to the electors of the county afore
said, that a general election will be held "in said
county of Mifflin, on the second TUESDAY. (12th)
of October, 1852, at which time Slate and County
officers are IO be elected, to wit:
One person as Canal Commissioner of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
One persons as Judge of the Supieuie Court of
the Commonweaith of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the counties of Lycom
ing, Sullivan, Clinton, Potter. Centre and Muffin, in
the 33d Congress of the United States.
One person to fill the office of member of the
House of Representatives, to represent the county
of Mifflin in the House of Representatives of Penn
One person to fill the office ol Cotiitly Commis
One person to till the office of ("omit v Auditor.
Onp person to fill the office of Director of the
Pour for the term ol three years.
1 also hereby make known and give notice, that
the place of holding the aforesaid election in the
several districts of tfie said county will be held re
spectively at the places hereinafter designated, to j
W U =
The electors of the borough of Newton Hamilton
are to meet at the new school house iu said borough.
The electors of Wayne township to meet at the
new schqol house in ifie borough of Newton Hatn
The fitters of Oliver township, in the county ofMif
flifl, shall hereafter hold their general and spring
elections at the Public House of N. B Bratton, in
{he borough of M'Veytpwn.
Tfie vpters ot till that part of Oliver township,
south qf 'he Juniata river, commencing at the line
dividing Oliver and Wayne townships on the west,
and B'runk's run at the line dividing Oliver qiql
; Granville townships, nil the east, will hereafter hold
their general spring ejections :u the blick school
house on the farm of William Marshhargef, in said
The electors of the borough qf M'Veytown to
meet at the Ufliofi school koyse ip said borough.
The electors 0,l Granville township, residing on
. the North s;dp (' thp Jupjata river, are to meet at.
the Court House in t!(c. hqrqugh of Lewistown.
Those residing on the South side of said river are
to meet and hold their election at the public house
; formerly occupied by James Allison and now occu
pied by W. Steel in said township.
The electors ot .Meniio township, arc to meet at
the public house of Junes Hemphill, lately occu
pied by Daniel Whit.iker. and now occupied by
; James Hemphill jr . in Allenville, in said township."
The electors of Union town-tup are to meet at
tiie house formerly occupied by Jat o! Sagni-r tn
said tow nship.
The electors of Brown township uj:e to meet at
the house formerly occupyd by Adam Ctcer, and
now occupied by Jacob Lot/, at Brown's Mills, in
said township.
The electors of Armagh township, residing East
ol the line commencing at the middle of the road
; at the stone meeting house, in Brown township;
i thence along said roul to the etui of the lane known
i as Jonathan Abraham's lane, near the residence of
I hoinas l.ongvell. jr ; thence running in a straight
: hue to the west end of Crpssutan's knob to the
j Union cocqty line, are to inpet at the office of fc.
j K. Locke, in sniff township. Those residing West
of and not included in said limits will meet as herc
; tofore at the public hou=e now occupied by Joseph
Browcr, in said township.
The electors of i'ecatur township are to meet
at the house of Abraham .Vluttersbaugh, formerly
occupied by David Muttersbaugh, in said township.
And by an Act of Assembly, the borough of
Lewistown was divided into two Wards, and each
Ward to comr-0.-e an election district. The electors
of the East Ward will inept at the Court House, aud
vote at the window of the Commissioners* office.
The electors of tlie West Ward will meet at the
; same {date, ami vote at the window of the Sheriffs
office, iu said Court House, and in said Borough.
Change in the Manner qf Voting.
An tut of the Legislature having changed ihe
mode ol voting in Miffliu cou|tly, ail officers here
after to be elected may be voted for on a single slip
i of paper aud deposited in one ballot box, a fact
which should he particularly noted by all entitled to
the right of suffrage, and hy the officers of the elec
i The 2d section of said act declares "that any
fraud committed by any person voting in the manner
: above prescribed, shall be punished by the existing
laws of tlie Commonwealth."
| Manner of Voting for Judges.
! Tne 4th Ejection of the Law of 1851, providing
; for the election of Judges, is as follows;
'•That the election tor Judges shall be held and
conducted iu the several election districts in the
: same manner in all respects as elections for repre
sentatives are or shall be held and conducted, and
by the same judges, inspectors, and other officers;
| and the provisions of the act of the genpral assein-
I bly, entitled "An Act relating to the elections of
tins Commonwealth,' approved the second day of
' July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine.
{ and its several supplements, and all ol'-er like laws
as far as the same shall be m loree and applicable,
shall lityjeemcd and taken to apply to the elections
shall vote forjudges of tjie Supreme Court on a
separate piece of paper, and for all other Judges re
quired to be learned in the law on another separate
piece of paper."
SfjTlt will thus be seen ihat the electors of Miff
lin county may vote for Congressman, Cartel-Com
missioner. and all the County Officers on a separate
piece of paper ; for ti;c Judge of the Supreme Court
on another separate piece c,f piper making distinct
tickets altogether, or the voter may cast Lis ballot
for each office separately, if he prefers it.
I also make known and give Notice, as in and bv
the 13tli section of the Election Lew, I am directed,
that every person except Justices of the i'eacp, who
shall hold any office or appointment of profit or
trust, under the Government of the United States,
or of this State, or of any city or incorporated dis
trict, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise,
aud subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall he
employed under the Legislative. Judiciary of- Execu
tive Department of llip State or of the United States,
or any city or iucorpojated district; And a lap that
every member of Congress and of the State Legis
lature, and of the select and common council of any
city or incorporated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time, the office or
appointment of Judge. Inspector or Clerk of any
election in this compiopwealth. and that no inspec
tor, Judge or other officer of such election shall be
eligible to any office there to be voted lor.
Also, That in the 4th section of the Act of Assem
bly, entitled "An Act lelating to Executions and for
other purposes," passed and approved 16th April.
1840, it is enacted that the "13th section shah not
be construed to prevent any militia or borough officer
from serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk at any
Gencralor Special Election of this Commonwealth."
1 also hereby give nonce tliat, pursuant to the pro
visions contained in the 76th section of the act afore j
said, the Judges of the aforesaid district shall respec
tively take charge of tlie certificate or return of the ;
election of their respective districts, and produce j
them at a meeting of one Judge from each district, j
at the Court House, in the borough of Lewis-town, j
on the third day after the election, being for the j
present year on FRIDAY. the 15th of October next, j
then and there to do and perforin the duties required
bylaw. If sickness or unavoidable accident prevent,
or if unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then
the certificate or return aforesaid, shall be taken
charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the
election of said district, who shall do and perform
the duties of said Judge unable to attend.
Also, That in the 61st section of said act it is :
enacted that, *' when two or more cpunties shall i
compose a district for the choice of a member or I
members of the Senate of this Commonwealth, or of j
the House of Representatives of the United Slates, i
or of this Commonwealth, the Judges of the election
in each county having met as aforesaid, the clerks
shall make out a fair statement of all the votes which ;
shall have been given at such election, within the i
county, for every person voted for as such member
or members, which will be signed by said Judges
and attested by the Clerks: and one of the Judges
shall take charge of such certificate and shall produce
the same at a meeting of one Judge from each county,
at such place in such district as i* or maybe appoin
ted by law for the purpose, which meeting shall be !
held on the seventh day arter the election," being !
for present vear en Tuesday, the 19th day of j
j October next, the Congressional Judges of the 15th
! Congressional district, composed of the counties of
Lycoming, Sullivan, Clinton, Potter, Centreaud Mil'
Am, will meet at the Court House in Lock Haven,
j Clinton county, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October
next, and there perform such duties as required t:
them by law.
Also, That in the 77th section of said act it is enacted,
that " when the qualified voters of more than one ward,
township or district, meet at the same place to hold the..!
election, it shall be the dntv of the respective Judges of
said e.ection districts, In addition to the certificates re
quired In the 76th section of this act, to make otot a fair
statement.and certificated'sllthe votes which shall have
been then and ihere given for each candidate, distinguish
ing the otfice or stniion he shall have been voted for; snd
one of said Judges shall take charge of said certliieave,
aud also of the several certificates made out for each
election district, as before directed, and produt e the same
it a meeting of all the return Judges in the county, iu the
manner pr?scribed in the 7eth section of this act ••
Also, Thai in the tilst section of said act, ii is enacted,
that " ever) general and special election shall be opened
between the hours of elghl and len in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjournment umi
seven n'doek in the evening w hen the polls shall be
closed "
Also, That in the Ist section of the Act of Assembly,
entitled "an act to reduce ihe expenses and pioride for
1 ihe election of the Hoard oi Canal Commissioner V pass
ed April Slh, ISI3 it is enacted " that at ihe next annuel
election, tlie qualified voter* of the several eounlietof
this Commonwealth situ!! vote for one person as Canal
Commissioner, who shall jieiforiu all the duiies now eu
joined by law, upon the Canal Commissioners ; the dec
! lion of Canal Commissioner shall be conducted by the
officers authorized by low to conduct tlie general elections
! in tlie several election districts ; a return of the votes
given for said office shall be made to the Secretary of the
: Commonwealth in the manner now provided "for the
transmission of returns of thp elettion of representatives;
the Secretary of the Commonwealth, on the receipt of all
the returns, shall notify the person, who shall enter upon
I his duties on the second Tuesday in January succeeding
their election.
Given under my hand, at my office, in I.ew-istov;3, the
16th day of September, 1552.
Siiesirf's OFKICF, >
l.ewislown, Sept. 10.1652. *
Tremendous Outpouring of Slvles and
treat Destruction of Mlgh Prite*.
1 MROY ED &■ BROTHER, at the old Xusbautu
J stand, have just received from the city one
ot those large and choice assortments of NF.W
GOODS for which tlie house occupied by them
long since established a name and fame over the
. six counties; and determined, as thev are, to
keep up ih reputation, they made unusual ef
forts while in the city to secure all the new
styles of goods calculated to adorn the fair
forms of Heaven's last best gift to man, as well
, as all that may have a tendency to make the
I young, middle aged, or old man, look ten times
better than either ever did before. As, however,
others prefer to dress in plain but strong eloth
ing, they have also provided a bountiful supply
of coarser material than Silks or Satins—all
winch they will sell, WHOLESALE or UK
t AIL, at prfc-fs that defy Tom, Dick, or Harry,
Jew or Gentile, Mahometan or Mormon, Bhutfc
j Hist, or follower of Confucius, to beat. Our
stock comprises.as fine an assortment of
as was ever seen in this or any other countrv
town, embracing e\ery description and stvle of
all that is
Xrw, Neat and Fasltiou&tile,
at prices varying from a few cents to dollars
per yard. In other kinds of goods we can show
in quality and price, whatever others can pro,
duce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot
be found elsewhere—especially in
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts,
and we wili venture to add, in FALL and WIN*.
TER GOODS generally. Of Bonnets, Carpct
j ing, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, and numberless
other small matters, the inquiry need but be
made to satisfy any one that they have aji beg a
i selected with care, purchased at a, low price,
and as a uecessary consequence *rg offered for
tale cheap. Our
Groceries, Fis'-, Sail,
are also very low, and offer strong inducements
to persons in town and country to call and pug
I _ F° r P asl favors we are truly grateful.
Remember, the Old N'tssbaum stand is the place
September 94, 1859.
Pennsylvania Railroad,
PASSENGER TRAINS leave La "vis town,
daily as follows:
Eastward at 2 o'clock A. M.
Westward at 8 o'clock 22 minutes A. M.
Eastward at 11 o'clock 40 minutes A. M
Westward at 5 o'clock 12 minutes F. M.
Daily, (except Sundays.)
Eastward at 2o'clock and 35 minutes A. M.
Westward and 35 minutes A. M
Eastward at 12 o'clock and 3D minutes A. M.
Westward at t o'clock 50 minutes P. M.
FARE to Pittsburgh, $6.45 —to Diiiersville,
, $2.95 —to Harrisburg, $1.75 —emigrant train to
i Pittsburg, $4.
julylß] CHARLES S. McCOY, Agent
Stoves \ Stoves! I
THE public are respectfully invited to
call and see our assortment of Room ami
Parlor Stoves, embracing all the new
patterns and styles of tnis season, which wilt
be sold for CASH at wonderful low rates.
Lcwixtown, Sept. 16, 1852—tf.
Liquors and Western Produce.
VX assortment of excellent LIQUORS,
comprising WIXES, BRANDY, WHIS
KEY, &c., is offered for sale very low, or if a
quantity is taken, a liberal deduction will be
made on Philadelphia prices. This is an oppor-.
tunity that may not offer again for some time,
and dealers in the article are therefore requested
to give me a call.
A general assortment of WESTERN PRODUCE,
as well as GROCERIES, &c., all cheap for cash J
at the Catial Store.
Lewistown, August 27, 1852.
Late of Union township.
N OTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa
mentary upon the estate of WILLIAM
WILLS, late of Union township, Miftin county,
deceased, have been granted to the subscriber,
residing in said county. All persons indebted
to the said estate, ape hereby required to make
immediate payment, and all those having claims
against the same, are requested to present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement.
sept3—6t.*J S. B. WILLS.
Office of Discount and Deposit,
I.ongenecker, Grubb &, Co.,
WILL continue TO COLLECT and DIS
ITS, iio M at the office heretofore occupied by
the above firm. ap|"