Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 10, 1852, Image 4

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Rotation in Crops.
There is living in Northamptoneouaty, Pa.,
on the bank of the river Lehigh, a very aged
man. who- > -access- in falling upon a system
of rotation by which he could obtain the
greatest possible yield of wheat in a given
term of years, has caused it to be greatly
adopted in fertile regions. It is called Siiuiui
er's system, after the discoverer, Jacob Sheim
er, whom I had the curiosity to visit at his
must substantial homestead some years ago,
and from whom I obtained the following ac
When a young man, with a large family ot
children growing up around him. and depen
dent 011 liiin fur support, he plainly perceived
that und r the rude practice then existing, he
would not be able to maintain them, lie
often thought over the difficulties while fol
lowing the plough, and at length determined
upon "his plan, which followed up without
faltering, has conducted him in the decline of
life to ease and affluence. J
When 1 saw him, he had resigned the active :
duties of his farm, to as >n, who was f dlow- 1
ing in his footsteps; after having himself j
practised his system of rotation for thirty-five j
rears, with a"constant improvement in the
quality of his land, which indeed had the un
mistakable stamp of fertility upon it.
The farm contained one hundred acres,
which was divided as nearly as possible, into
eight year's rotation.
Commencing with a fallow field, he the
Ist vear, manured and limed, ploughed
three times —in May, -Tune and August: har
rowed and seeded one ' u-hel and three peck
er acre of wheat, which was ploughed under. '
2J. Clover seed sown on wheat in the !
- uring, six quarts to the acre, which was pas
tured after harvest.
31. Plastered clover in the spring, on*
bushel p r a. re: eat in June, and ploughed
under second crop, and seeded grain with
4th. Wheat same as number 2.
oth. Pastured early in the season, ploughed
und'T second crop in August, and sowed
oth. Wheat again, and rye sow<-d on tlif ;
Till. Sowed td verseeu in the spring on rye.
tali. Ploughed uud-r clover soil and planted
C'-rn, and next -easr.n"reeummeiiced.
it will be observed that there were every
y ar thre fields in wheat—one with rye. two
with clover, and one with fallow. The pro
duce had one season reached as high a
-1 100 bushels of wheat, 600 do. of corn, and
-00 do. of rye.— Longstreth'n A'lclrevs.
*** T** *7F TiT "TVWK?
rf .
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE in West Marketslreet,opposite Eisen
bise's Hotel, will attend toany business in the I
• ourtsof Mifflin, Centre, or Huntingdon coun
ties. Lewistown, Jan. 23, 1852.
X-ay-jt The undersigned has removed
iTy from the Tavern Stand known as
lilack Bear, lately occupied
r >y hitn. to the Western Hotel,
' formerly keptby Fred'k Schwartz,
*ni lately by Thomas Mayes, where he invites ,
his old friends and olhcis to give hiui a call.
Every attention will be given to secure the
comfort of his guests. Charges moderate.
Lewi-town, July 2, 1852.
mm a wad turn
m The subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and the public that he has
handsomely fitted up the house on
the corner of Valley and Dorcas
st., opposite M'DowelPs old stand,
where he is now prepared to accommodate
ERS. in a style equal to any in Lewistown.
New and extensive stabling has been erected,
and a careful and attentive ostler secured.
His bar is supplied with a variety of choice
liquors, and his table will bear evidence for it
self that neither pains nor expense vi ill be spared
to meet a share of public patronage.
Lewistown, June 18, 1852.
National House & Stage Office.
fJMIE undersigned having leased this popular
[ and well known public house, has made ar-
for the accommodation of all
jilijilhis friends who may feel disposed to en
courage the enterprise. Every attention
will be given to secure the comfort of his
guests. There is an extensive stabling attached
to the establishment, and none but careful and
attentive hostlers will be kept. He hopes the
advantage he offers will secure him a share of
the traveling custom commensurate with the
extent of his provision for the public accom
LAND STAGES leave this House, the former
daiiv, and the latter three times a week.
Lewistown, May 14, 1852—tf.
HVV. JL NKIN, at Schlosser's old stand, in
, Market street, respectfully informs the
ladies and Gentlemen that he i.as just received
an unusually fine stock of Gold arid Silver
Fancy Articles, superior Gold Pens, with Gold
and Silver Holders, together with an excellent
supply of Clocks arid Time Pieces, all of which
will be disposed of at less prices fur cash than
this community has been accustomed to buy.
Clocks, 'l ime Pieces, Watches and Jewelry
of every description repaired with great care
and warranted.
Persons visiting Lewistown are requested to
call at the subscriber's establishment, and ex
amine the various articles of Jewelry and Fancy-
Ware on exhibition in his cases, as he is satis
fied that in these respects the most fastidious
can be accommodated. Remember, the stand
is next door to Dr. Vanvalzah's dwelling, north
side of .Market street. ap23
Operation* on the Teeth.
SAMUEL BELFORD, Dentist, offers his ser
vices to the citizens of Lewistown, and the
adjoining counties, in UEXTAL SURGERY.
Having taken lessons in this branch of business
Iroui the late Dr J. N. Sumner, and recently
irom Dr. J. H. Bressler, in Bellefonte, he is
satisfied that he will be able to give genera!
sa Lsfaction. Carious teeth Plug
with Gold, and Incorruptible
■^-LQlXjL?Mineral teeth Inserted, from a single
tooth to a full set, on Guld and Silver Plate, also
on Pivot, in the most durable manner.
All work undertaken by him he will guaran
tee to be satisfactory, and if it is not, the money
will be refunded.
He may be found at his residence in West
Market street, opposite the Red Lion Hotel, at
all times. aug29-tf
/ •! w A for a firstrate set of Brass Mountings
111 usually sold at *5.01).
oa BnxcTY.Tr and J. X. Tin; 25 bundles
'<ll Iron Wire ; 10U lbs. Block Tin. at
e)l/ may2l F. G. FRANCISCUS'.
/ tEDAR WARE we are giving away—at the
1 ; smallest kind of profit.
BR ASS Plated Dashes, Bands. Handles, Ilead
Linine— everything in the Coaehware line. ;
raa2l 3 F. - FRANCISCUS.
I "A KEGS KR* t |3.00 per keg.
■ All Warranted equal to any in the market,
l/l/ or returnable at mv expense.
PeTIEFONTE CEMENT.—2O bbls. of this
well-known Cement for Springs, Cisterns,
Foundations, Pipes, &c. For sale hy
"A Boxes Jersey Glass; 20 boxes Pittsburgh
Hi do.; 500 lbs. Putty; 100 gallons Linseed
' Jv Oil. For sale by
• 0 P er 1161 or ou^'e Iron Bcrich Planes
\/ / —ail other kinds of Planes at equally i
Viwl It/ low rates. Rules, Squares. &c.
may2l. F. G. FRANCISCUS.
- —— .
A | .q" per bushel for Shoe Pegs.—Shoe
SI Thread of all kinds. Tacks, Nails,
Oil eJU Morocco, Kipp, Upper, Binding and
Linin - Skin? ; Shoe tools, &c.. always low for
A1 CENTS for Brass Plated Stirrups: 15jJ
-N I cents for Brass Plated HitVs; 37-i cents per
dozen for Brass Ornaments —25 percent. '
cheaper than last summer.
26 dozen Wood and Iron Flames, at different
prices. F. G. FRANSCISCUS.
IRON. —Hammered and Rolled Bar Iron of
all kinds supplied to any amount; always
on hand a large and varied stock. The trade
supplied at Philadelphia puces, thereby saving
$6.01) per ton freight.
iir, v2l I*. G. FRANCISCUS.
f tORDAGE—Rope from IjtoJinch. Twine,
all sizes.
6 dozen of the best Whitewash Brushes in
the market.
Augers and Auger Eitts, Files, Rasps, &c.
m;• v2l F. ti. FRANCISCUS. j
DOZEN Waldron and Darlington Grass
i t Scythes at 62.V and 75 cents*. 3 dozen Grain
v Scythes at v't % and SI.OO.
8 dozen Scythe Sneatlis at 37 j cents.
12 dozen Hay Rakes—at various prices,
j Country blister Steel, 6j- cents.
SINGLE aud Double-harrel'd Guns: 8 dz.
Rifle barrels, assorted sizes and prices :
j Single and Double-barrel'd Pistols; Revolvers,
I four and six barrels ; Pocket Cutlery, a beauti
' ful assortment; Table and Tea Cutlery ; Shovel
j and Tongs, Ac.
- •
DOZEN Flay Forks, (ea-t steel i at 25. 31..
I / and 37£ cents, according to finish—generally
AAJ sold at 5'J and 621 cents.
I 6 doz'-n four prong Forks at 50 and 62i—usu
ally sold at 75 and 87£.
1 dozen Manure Drags.
ma\2l. I'. G. I'R ANf. ISCUS.
J") ARN Builders call and examine Blake's Pa
) tent Fire Proof Paint, of all colors, which
; costs less than half as much as White Lead—is
I far more durable, and renders the building fire
; and weather proof by two or three applications
j of the paint, mixed up with oil costing but 45
cents per gallon, which in a short time forms a
coating of slate on whatever part the paint has
been applied. 50 barrels expected in a few
I days. Specimens seen at my store, with recom
mendations and experiments. Warranted to
give satisfaction or no charge.
ma2l K. G. FRANCISCUS. j
Don't be Alarmed—Cash!
I WOULD respectfully cali the attention of
purchasers of Hardware to my stock, bought
j very low, in great varieties, and w ill he sold on
ly for cash, from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper than
! can be bought elsewhere.
Shoe Findings.
Paints, Oils,
Glass, Putty,
Paints and Drugs.
usually sold in the trade. Wholesale and retail
by may2l F. G. FRANCISCUS.
At the Cheap Drug & Variety
mHE undersigned has just returned from
Philadelphia with a largo and fresh addition
to his assortment of Drugs and other goods,
among which may be enumerated—
Fresh Drugs.
Colegate's Pearl Starch.
Pine Apple, Strawberry and Lemon Syrups.
Prunes, Figs and Raisms.
Soda. Butter, Water and Sugar Crackers.
Chocolate and Essence of Coffee.
A great variety of Candies.
Tobacco, Segars and SnufL
Spermaceti and Tallow Candles.
I Paint, Hair, Clothes, Hat, & Tooth Brushes.
Pure Cider Vinegar.
Port Monnaies and Pocket Books.
Stationary—including everything in that line.
To which may be added a very general as
sortment of things useful for families. Having
purchased exclusively for Cash, he can afford to
sell very low, and invites the inspection of his
' goods.
IX3= Physicians prescriptions carefully com
' | pounded.
Call at the Cheap Drug and Variety Store,
Eest Market street Lewistown.
lj June 4. A. A. BANKS.
Dr. David C. Reynolds,
-q2 Late a Graduate of the '• University of
| yw Pennsylvania," has located himself for the
As practice of his profession at MCVEYTOWV,
arid from his professional experience in the Hos
pitals of Baltimore and Philadelphia, and his
s practice in Lewistown, hopes to commend him-
Y self to their confidence and that of the surround
s ing community.
I office is the one lately occupied by W. J.
- | MCCOY, Esq., where he may always be found
e ; e * ce pt when absent on professional duties. He
, is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen :
i : Dr. T. A. Worrall, Dr. J. B. Ard,
" F. Aanvalzah, J. Culbertson,
Dr. E. W. Hale.
. McVeytown, July 23, 1852—if.
VMSHING TACKLE.—A fine assortment of
1 F Fishing Lines. Flies, Hooks, Reels, <&c. &c.
1 Just received and for sale at
June 4. A. A. BANKS.
'PJIE subscribers have taken the Lewistown
I Mills and formed a co-partnership under j
the firm of JOHN STERUETT & CO., for
carrying on a general 3IILLIXG BIiSISESS,
wish to buy a large quantity of all kinds of j
GRAIN, for which we will pay the highestpri- j 1
ces the market will afford, according to the I
quality of the grain.
Any pei son wishing to store their wheat can 1
do so", and a receipt will be given to be kept in 1
store until the Ist of August, and after that un- j
til the Ist of December. In case of wheat left
in store, the subscribers reserve the privilege of .
purchasing said wheat when the owners wish to i
sell, at from !3 to 15 cents off of Philadelphia
prices, and if we do not buy at this rate, then i
we charge one cent per bushel for storage.—
No interest will be allowed on money not lifted
for grain sold, as WO are prepared to pay CASH
at all times.
FLOUR and all kinds <f FEED kept and for
sale, for cash.
May 2, 1851.—1f.
Fashionable Hoot ami Shoe
fftst Market street, Lexcisloxcn, next door to the
Red Lion Hotel.
WHERE he continues to manu-
UM x fai lure GE.\TLEME.Y S DRESS
— "t&Stfc*. LOOTS in the most fashionabe and
approved style—warranted not to be surpassed
by any made here or elsewhere; also, L.IDIES'
and MISSES' 1
_=_ i
made to order, at the shortest notice, in a most
elegant and workmanlike manner.
N. B.—Full satisfaction given in every in- >
stance, or the work may be returned. [july23
Market street, I a wist own, next door to
Kennedy's store,
K Continues to manufacture, on an ex
tensive scale, every description of
11 IIS
suitable to the several seasons,
which for durability, neatness, finish, and gene
ral workmanship, will bear a favorable compar
ison with any manufactured. Of this fact, a
well as the low prices at which they are sold,
any one can satisfy himself by calling and mak
ing a trial.
Country .f?e re hunts
will find it decidedly to their advantage to pay
him a visit, his ami gemeiits being now such as i
to enable hi in to furnish any number that may
be desired on the shortest notice.
The care arid attention ever given to the man
ufacture of the style of hats used by his numer
ous Ornish customers, will be continued, and be
f.-els warranted in giving the assurance that they
will not ue disappointed.
fdr" Don't forget the place, and whenever
you are in want of a good article, just step in i
and make yourself at home. aul3
.1 . 51 1 S> ISiI L L
Respectfully announces to his old patrons and
the public generally, that lie is in the
I receipt of the latest styles of Gentle
/ men's Hats, and is manufacturing
tin-... out of the best material, at pri- 1
ces that can't be beat, lie has con
stantly on hand a large and varied as
sortment of Men's. Boys and Youth's
sl:i(*> and Cap*,
to suit every tate and please every fancy, com
prising Russia, Beaver. Moleskin, Fur and Silk,
of every variety, wholesale and retail, which in
sixie, material and finish, cannot be surpassed
by any in the market, and which he is able to
put at prices lower than ever.
Ladies are invited to call and examine the '
stock of Children's Hats and Caps, which he
llatters himself must eiicit admiration.
Gentlemen, after securing their hats, can be
accommodated afterwards with a handsome (
CANE, of which he has a choice and well select
ed assortment, that will be sold low, having been
bought expressly for accommodation.
Call at the old stand, a few doors east of the
Diamond, on Market street. augl3
Fashionable Tailor.
"iPf East Market St., Lewi-town,
f a few doors above Blvmver's ,
wl P'-I store, ' "
will promptly attend to ma
- I l< 1 king up every description of
' I H s Gentlemen's clothing, in the
neal esf and most fashionable
A splendid assortment of Fashionable Cloths,
Cassimeres and Vestings, selected in the city
with special reference to being made up for
customer work, can be furnished at lower prices
than similar articles could be procured in the
stores. junell
The Latest Fashions.
JO.VtK I\Gl>,
Mllas opened a shop in East
Market street, Lewistown, i
adjoining Montgomery's boot
and shoe manufactory, and
opposite J. A. yterrat'sstore,
where he is prepared to make
up Coats, Vests and Pants in
the best manner, in the most
fashionable style, and at rea
sonable prices.
Repairing and Cutting at
tended to with promptness
and fidelity.
ftf=A stock of CLOTHS and VESTINGS
on hand, of the best quality, which will be sold
at a very small advance on cost.
Lewistown, May 28, 1852-tf.
f\_ WARE-ROOM i 3 the place for all that
want cheap furniture. Persons going to house- j
keeping, would do well by giving me a call be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as 1 have now on
hand a large assortment of all kinds of FUR
NITURE, too numerous to mention. Among
his stock will be found that highly recommen
Spring Bottom JJetKUad,
of which I have sold within Uie last two years
two hundred pair. Numerous certificates can
• be had from those'that have them in use, as the j
: following will show :
"This is to certify that we have purchased
the above mentioned bedstead from A. Felix,
and have got him to alter our old Bedsteads, and
arc much pleased with them, and consider them
a great improvement, and vastly superior for
convenience and cleanliness to the cord Bed
stead, and would recommend them to the
public. J. THOMAS,
March 12, 1852. JER.MAN JACOB."
Philadelphia Advertisements.
bags Peruvian Guano,
1400 bags Palagonian Guano, in
store, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers.
The above Guano is a very superior article.
The Peruvian is received direct from the agents
of the Peruvian Government, which is a posi
tive guarantee of its being a pure article.
Flour and Grain Factors,
No. 43 North Wharves, Philadelphia.
J, B. A. & S, ALLEN,
\o*. 7&. 8 South Wharves. Philadelphia.
tons to arrive early in August.
CHILI GUANO —SOO tons just received, direct,
per Ship Lucas.
PATAGONIA GUANO—9OO tons first quality.
To Country Store Keepers and Weavers !
rpHE subscriber respectfully calls the atten-
T tion of Store Keepers and Weavers to his
fine assortment of Cotton and Linen
Y.IR.Y, Candtewick , Sfc, ; Indigo Blue Yarn,
Coverlet Yarn, Cotton Tidy and Stocking Yarn;
Cotton I„ap*
of all sizes and qualities.Woollen Stocking Yarn,
Carpet Filling Ac., &c.
All of which 1 will sell as low as any other
store in the city. R. T. WHITE,
No. 148, North 3D street,
july3o —2M.] Philadelphia.
Carpetings and Oil Cloths,
isi Ila V & sss:o i eiFSt,
Importers and Manufacturers of CARPF.T-
I.NGS, and dealers in Floor OiL
CLOTHS. Canton and Cocoa
Corner of Twelfth and Market sts., Philadelphia,
Invite attention to their extensive assortment of su
perior new stiles of English Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, i
a;.d ri. ii Ingram and Wn.ii.in Carpeting*, of their own
importation. Also to their iarge slock of well seasoned
Floor Oil Cloths, in all widths, froin one to eight jar s.
Low Priced Ingrain Carpels,
Of our own manufacture, embraces the hest variety of
w -II m id.- goods ever put in tlm market—all of which
w ill l>e oll'efed on tile most favorald • ler.ns. £iug2T-3m.
indoiv fehacic Manufactory
G. L. MILLER & C 0. 3
South U'tst corner of Second and Arch sts., Philadelphia.
T* ilf! rROPKIB I tilts, having increased their facilities
* during the past season, now feel aide to supply all
who hate or may he disposed lo patronize them Their
stork compris s every variety of patterns of FLOW Ell,
I.ANHSC.VPE, floruit.', Ac, unsurpassed in quality,
and which m ill be sold at our usual low prices.
TASSEES, CORDS, lih iSSr.S, .'jr., m great variety.
Shades made to order, at siiori notice, fur Stores.
Chun lies, Loege Rooms, Ace
Depot, 8. W. corner of Second and Arch sireets, Phila
delphia. aug2T-3rn.
S ;n i!i(i> litioli af This!
[ AND PI \<TE;t at Is.is per bushel. Best PER U
IJ VIAN hI'ANO 2, ci.- per pound. Best PATAGO
NIA GUANO at low rat-s. POUDRETTE at K'cts. per
bushel, or $2 per barrel.
Save Your Money.
The Guano offered itiove J? but Utile above iht- cost of
rot Siiu i i i:
we orf.-r you at the manufacturers pri c, and of quality
I.and EMa*tci\
Ir> this we beat the u.irbl We have facilities f<r grind* '
lug one thou sand hnh- Is daily, and our price dene? com
petition. Come F irtut ru ul! ui
-Vcic Sltjui PLisft-rr JWiifi
At Junction of Old \ rk 4, Crown fc Callow hill Bt4 }
Adam W illiat.A Kapi> ?
Lmhracir z? all thr or It rtttg contrived in the tin(>t qt'll
pen. in addition to vl.tch, the durab lita of tke JUetuls
are combined and folly aed.ciatcd and dtceloptd.
1 ss32.
r Pi!K following highly respectable Testimonials and
-*• Kecnuiiiiendatious are submitted to the Fuhlic :
Having tried Adam U'itliam Rapp'g Potent Scientific
.Vtche Gold Pi r., lite undersigned take great pleasure in
rerouimeiidiiig It to tile Puidic as the greatest improve
ment in Meialic Pens thai has met our attention,
Mis Excti! •: c., Wm. Bigh-r, Gov. Slate of Pennsylvai.i.i,
Mis Excellency, E. I.ouis Lowe, Gov. State of Maryland.
Prof. J. 8. Ilart, principal of Central High School, i'hila.
Right Rev. Bishop A. P..tier, Philadelphia.
Rev. Charles Wadsworlh, do.
Rev. W B Edwards, Washiegton City.
Rev C. K. Nelson, Annapolis, Md.
Rev. John Street, Phila. Rev. D. W. Bartine, Phita. !
Rev. DeWitt, il.trrisburg. Rev. G 11. Coit,Harrishurg
Rev. Chug. A Hay, do- Rev John F. Mesick, do
W. Rawle, Esq , Philad'a. Judge Booth, Delaware.
Hon. Jos R. Chandler, do. Richard Vaux, Esq., do.
Clark Hare, Esq., do. William Neal, do.
Isaiah Ilacker, do. Geo. W. Waltston, do.
Aldernun G. W. Ash, do. Wm. S. Price, do.
James M. Cassady, Esq , Cauiden, New Jersey.
Thns. W. Mulferd, Esq., do. do.
A. Browning, Esq , do. do.
W. N. Jeffries, Esq , do. do.
I) Green, Esq., Washington.M. 11. Miller, Washington
K Howard, M D., do. J. Rad< hff, do.
Richard Smith, Esq . do. Win. P. Elliott, do.
Editors National Intelligencer, Washington City.
Editors Maryland State Capitol Gazette.
Editors Washington Republic.
Editors Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The subscriber having purchased the property known
as the Moyamensing Banking Mouse, south east corner
of 2nd and Chestnut streets, for his future business es
tablishment, intends keeping a large and complete assort
ment of every variety of texture and size of ADAM WM.
HAPP'S lately Patented Scientific Niche Gold Pens,
Gold and Silver Pens and Pen Holders,of every variety,
wholesale and retail. In addition thereto, 1 have on
hand Rapp's last edition of Scientific Penmanship and
Penmaking iri various bindings.
General Sale Jig tut for Adam Wm Rapp's Patented Sci•
enlijiic Niche Geld Pens, south eastcornir of Second and
Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. JulylG-iy.
South-test corner Second and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia,
WHERE may be found a large and splendid assortment
" of the best modern Improved Eight-Day and Thirty-
Hour Brass and Alarm Clocks and Time Pieces, suitable
tor Churches, Halls, Hotels, Steamboats, Railroad Cars,
Parlors, Offices, Bed Rooms, Kitchens, Jtc., which will
be sold HI lots to suit purchasers, from one to one thou
sand, at the lowest cash prices.
N. B. Clocks of all kinds repaired and warranted.
Clock Trimmings of every description constantly for sale.
mm, mrnT
r JIHL muJorsionetl continues to muuufucture
A celebrated Quilted and French calf Boots,
together with ail articles connected with his
Lewistown, August 8,1851-tf
HENRY ZERBC, having taken the
- stand lately occupied by Clark &. Zerbe.in Brown
street, between Market nd Third, !.ewistown, invites
his friends and the public to give him a call when in need
or other vehicle of comfort and pleasure, before pur.
chasing elsewhere. A number of FINISHED CAR
RIAGES will constantly be kept on hand, manufactured
of the best material and in the most approved style,
which will he sold very low for cash.
OOrders for new work, a- well as repairing, properly
attended to
Lewistown, February 20,1652—1y
Harrisburg Book Bindery.
; (successors to W. o. Hickock. Ilickock Sc Cautine, and
Hickock Ac Barrett.)
Book Binders, Stationers, and Blank 8001,
Manufacturers, Harrisburg. Pa.
THE subscribers respectfully inform iheir friends and
the public, that they are now carrying on the above
business at the OI.U STAND occupied by 111. kock Sc
Barrett. They flitter themselves that by careful atten
tion to bu-tness they wi.l merit and receive a continu
ance of the patronage so liberaily enjoyed by the old
Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and
Binding of every description of BLANK BOOKS, f>r
banks,county offices, merchants and private individuals,
and every variety of full and half bound BLISS BOOKS.
PAPERS, tci ~ bound in any paliern. and in any #1; le re
In addition to the above, tbey have, and will, at all
limes keep a (r> neral Assortment of Sta'ijii'iry, con
sisti"? of
Letter Paper, Knives, 8l tte? & Pencils,
Cap " Uu'lls, L-ad Pencils,
Drawing " Ink Stands, le-tler Stan p,
Transfer '• Motto Wafers, India Rubber,
Copying " Black Ink, Wafers,
Blotting " Sealing Wax, Red Tape,
Steel Pens, Blue Ink, Blank Cards,
Carmine Ink, Copying Ink, Folders,
Arnold's Writing Fluid, Era-era, Ac
K- PAPER RI LED TO PATTERN', and all work
warranted ,u I done very < h h -lv.
r> 11. J WALTERS, Lewistown, i.- auiinri.-i d l<- act
as our Agent, and will receive and forward work inten '
c-d for us. * may"—ly.
Boats Ready for the Canal!
MERCHANTB, Farmkrs. Mll.l.ers, avd
oti.er; are informed that the subscriber, at
ins and convenient Warehouse on the
canal, ha? e-!.tb!i-lied a regular line of Boat
for tiic purpose of carrying Grain, Flour, and
Goods of ail kinds, between Lewistown, Phila
delphia. and Baltimore; and will have a boat
leaving Philadelphia every Tue-.lay and Friday,
also one leaving Lewistown every Tuesday and
Friday, until the close of the season.
He will receive arid forward ail kinds of
freight on reasonable terms.
Entered according n, Act of Congress, in tile year lbil,
by hi S HOI GHTON, M. D. in the Clerk's Grit of
the Di-trn l Court for llie Eastern District of P i.
<;u r At CT K i: for
D' 1 J. rRJuUH f Ufa S
■ r =5
or, <>GA*li'ic .luice.
Prepared from RENNET, or the f :i r: 5 i BTOVACII OI
THE OX, afier directions of BARON I IEB G. tin
great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOt'GitTON,
M. D Philadelphia, Pa.
This is a truly wond i ful remedy n r IXDIt.F.AT'OX,
CON'STIPA IT ON, and DEI!!!.! VV, Curing <fer N
lute's otvn method, by Nature's own Ag c. the Gas
tric Juice.
15 Half a tesspnonful of Ptn-stx. infused in at, r. m j|i
digest or dissolve. Fit Pounds cf Hca. t Br-f i, a'.Out
tico hours, out of the slmii-uh.
I'LI'PI N is the ch.of el uieni, or Great Dig'sting
Principle of the Gas'ric Juice—the Solrcni of the Food.
the Purifying, Presenting, and Stimulating Agent of the
Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from ih- Diges
tive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an ARTIFICIAL
DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the natural Gastric
Juice in its Chemical powers, an.l furnishing a COMI-LSTE.
and PEKFECT SI BSTITITE for it. By the aid of this pre
paration, the pains and evils of I.VDIGESTI O-V and
DYSPEPSIA are removed, just as they would be by a
healthy stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics,
posed to be on the verge of ihe grave. The Scientific
Evidence upon liicli ii is based, is in the highest degree
Scientific Evidence!
BARON I.IEIIIG in h s celebrated work on Animal
Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, ana
logous lo the Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared
front the mucous membrane of the stomach of the Calf,
in which various articles of food, us meal and eggs, will
be softened, changed, and digested, just in the same man
ner as they would be in the hi;man stomach '*
Gall on the Agent, and get a De&criptive Circular,
gratis, giving a large amount of Scientific Evidence
similar to theabove, together with reports of REMARK
BLE CURES, from all parts of the United States.
A* a D)*|>cp*i:i C'urer,
Dr. HOUGHTON'S I* LI'S IN his produced the most
marvellous effects, in curing cases of Debility, Ema
ciation, .Ycrvous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption.
It is impossible to give the details of the cases in ihe
limits of this advertisement; but authenticated certifi
cates have been given of more than TWO HUNDRED
REMARKABLE CURES, in Philadelphia, New York
and Boston, alone. These were nearly all desperate
cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful,
but permanent.
It is a great NERVOUS ANTIDOTE, and particularly
useful for tendency to Billious disorder, Liver Complaint,
Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury,
and other Drugs upon Ihe Digestive Organs, after a long
sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free
use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles Health wiih
Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, is sold by nearly all
the dealers ii. fine Drugsand Popular Medicines,through
i out the United States. It is prepared in Powder and in
| Fluid form—and in prescription vials for the use ol
PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the use of physicians,
may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents, de
scribing the whole process of preparation, and giving the
authorities upon which the claims of this new remedv
are based. As it is NOT A SECRET REMEDY, no ob
jection can be raised against its use by physicians in re
spectable standing and regular practice. Price, ONE
DOLLAR per bottle.
CrOBSERVE THlS!—Every bottle of the genuine
PEI'MN bears the written signature of J S. HOUGH
TON, M. D , sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy,
right and Trade Mark secured
k>Buld by all Druggisla and dealers in Medicines.
AGE NTS#.— Dr. E. W. HALE, Luvvistnwn;
jJ. M. EvbtUß & liito., Harrisburg. [fe'JU
Tiisearora Academy.
rpSMS flourishing institution is located in Tuscarora
! Valley, Juniata county, Pa., eight miles 6. W. of Mif
| fl mown, and six mile* from the Perryvdle station. on
, Ihe Pennsylvania Katlroad. It haa been in successful
i operation for more than fourteen years, and is believed
n 1 to be equal to any Academy in the rttate, in affording
■ ! facilities to young men for acquiring a thorough Aca
, demical education, either for busineM- or for college
j There were preaer.t, during the last session, (previous
to the Sre,) more than one hundred students. Since
\ then, the buildings have been entirely remodeled and
greatly enlarged, so as to afford private rooms to all the
students; an advantage not ordinarily found even in
. the best Institutions ir. the country Being in the coun
try, the students are removed from those temptations to
(j ; idleness, dissipation, and vice, which are the bane of
> similar institutions in towns.
y For Boarding, (per week,) 11 is
' Washing, private room, and incidentals, (per
quarter,} 4 f-j
' Tuition in I.atin. Greek and Mathematics (per
quarter,) C 00
" " Natural Philosophy, Chemistry,
Rhetoric, Political Economy, Book
Keepii g. Botany. History, At &c. 4 50
" " Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geo
' graphy, Reading, Writing, Ac. (per
quarter.) 3 00
Sketching from Nature and Painting—Vocal Music
J arid Stenography, (when desired) —Hebrew, (to young
j men preparing for the ministry,) gratis,
i j Thus It will be seen that -522 25 will defray the whole
■ 1 average expense of a student, at the Institution, per
qti irter.— Light, Books ai:J Stationary are f-und by the
Students; and may he obtained at the sh.tin the neigh
borhood. There are no extra charges whatever.
' The Principals will devote themselves with unremit
ting assiduity to the culture of the minds, morals, and
! manners of their pupils ; and hope, therefore, to com
| uiet.d the Institution to the continued liberal patronage of
the public.
The Vacations occur in April and October; hut Stu
dents will he admitted at any time during the session
■ j when there are vacancies.
a>i .r full information, address all communion* (;*>-:
paid.) to •* Jtcndemia P. () ■
Her. WM. S. GARTH WAIT, I p rinci „ aJs
Rev. GEO. W. THOMPSON, > r - inc 'pais.
Valley, Juniata counlv, Jane I*?,
N 11.— Students from a iwl.Tiu:e car* always rind a
o-ady tuiiVcvance from IVrryvill#*, pto Ike Academy ;
Out if the Principals are informed *f the day of urricj.t
ct that point, a carriage irtll be in icciikng.
1 iidemiiily.
r P IE FRAN<£I.IS FIRE Isst discs COMPART <-f Pbtladel
pIiia—OFFICE 10:t Chesntn street, near Fifth street,
Charles X. Banckrr, Geo h. Milliards,
Thomas Hart, Mordeeai D Lewi.-,
Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. liorie,
Samuel Grant, DiviJ.S Brown,
Jacob R Smith, Morris Patterson.
Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limitd.,-n
eve, y description of property in TOWN & (VH'XIiiV,
ii rates as low as are consistent with security.
I ue Company have reserved n Urg. Contingetit Fn:
wim h. with their Capital and I reaiiu, -saleiy in vest, ii,
it' rd? ample protection to < h-- nssured.
Tile ;iss- t of tile Company,' n January 1.-t, :s
publish-d igr- eablv to an Ait of AssemMy,wtre - 14-
iows, viz:
Mortgage*, 4'.01T.43S II
IT-tl E.-late, 1/1,724 *:t
Temporary Loans, Iti.od! j
Stock,, 51,523 25
C ish, sic , ."is sfil :::
gl :t2b.4<J2 :i
.Since ihi ir incorporation, a pern.>; of eight; PI oit.,
'.-ley bare p.iid upward*. of (Ji>t JLVfte* finr Ihiajr.d
7.V ii'tmd liitli'jrr tossesby lire, thereby itd'onio g ■;.< v -
lem e of I lie adv villages f Insurance, as vv e!ta> itn- at-i!-
ity and disposition to meet with promptt ?s allli .bi'i;. -.
CRAKLBS N Bv M KE It. I'residenl.
CItARt.ES G. UvM KuR, Secretary
AGENT for MiiMiu county, K. C. 11A! I-',
Escj. Lpw istuwa. [npTJ lv
Urc.'il Scientific Diktoiciics.
3mi Aii I) A li if 2
Complctefy Cured in Three Days,
By Dr. J. W. Cooper'a- Vegetable Compout.tl
I'cVtr an i Jgae Pills.
THESE PILLS are compost d enlireh of Vegetah'e
-A. Substances, and in ninly niio-cases out of every hun
dred, will perform a perfect and Complete curt in three
lays. No instance ho ever been known, vv here more
man six days have been inquired In perf--rm a toinelele
cure, even in the very worst cases, and on the strongest
' .institution* We would earnestly say to all who are
iffficled It|j !••< distressing discus-', to get one bo, :, ti d
try them, a id in all c ise*. Ivvo botes ire w lrrantt'd t
ire, if taken according to the directions, or lire money
; returned.
Those ptiis not only perform a p fr-t cure in three
days, but remove the tile a id cr-ale a i, aßlll lstiu: of
the liver, and consequently fortify the system -gainst a
tulure attack.
31 y Tcfftablc AiUi-Pysj ip.-ia Piltrrs.
Tins Med .cine is a certain cure f..r D\si>-|in in it*
very worst forms Thousands of cases h :v, ! ei .
pletelv cured hv it within th • last year, which h.ve
be-ii ct!)!': Iy despaired of hy tin; regul it fan ily pin..
. i;i■ - We d.n •! revolt men litto i ore everv living—w -
recoiuieeriJ it to c ure D\*pep.-i i. ami she .j senses origi
nating from it, and that it wilt.aire in almost everv case,
ind u is recommended for nothing ei-e. In man. m
siam even I lie worst of . .se have been con.pl lely
ire.i in t o and three months, but ii dep. mis son exvh ,t
upon the const notion of the paiient. We would *m to
ill who are afflicted with Dyspepsia, give this iiicdicing
n lan trial, and 11 II tails to do good, j our money vv ill i>c
My Vegetable Worm fowlers.
This is the most wonderful Worm Destroyer \>r
known, and at the same time, so plea tan t to take, that
:l iti'.si cv. r> i hild w ill he fond of it. and many instances
have been known of children crying for mote after once
taking it.
This medicine is in ihe form of a powder, the only
medicine ever used in that form, and it operates on a
principle entirely different from any other medicine evrr
administered by any other physician. It is the only
medicine which has no Worm-seed Oil or Turpentine
combined with it, which is believed by all other physi
cians, to be the only two things which will destroy
worms, and these two things combined, together with
castor oil, are the active principles of all other worm
| medicines, which every person who has ever tasted or
smeiled, knows to be the most nauseous of all nauseous
medicines, and on account of which, there is generally
, something added to destroy this nauseous taste, and In
order to do this, it must he something stronger than the
medicine itself, and therefore, it must necessarily destroy
some of its medicinal properties. These powders are
simple and so harmless, that a child may eat a whole boj
t at once, and it will not be hurt, w htle at the same time,
. the principle upon which it acts being different from any
thing else ever used, it will destroy all kinds of Worms
B with a certainty never equaled. It will not only destroy
. the seat worms, or Ascarides, and long, round worms, or
j Teres, but is the most effectual medicine for the destrtic-
tion of tne Tape Worm ever known. Ten doses have
e brought as many as FIVE Tape Worms from one person
If your children have any symptoms of worms, try
these powders, and in nine cases out of ten, you will nev
y er use any other. These are also warranted.
These medicines are all separate, and one for each dis
ease, and each for only one disease. They are not re
g commended, as many other medicines are, to eure some
e fifteen or twenty diseases, ami all of different natures,
[, but they are each to cure but one disease, and tfat they
will do in ninety -nine cases out of every hundred,ami
H where they have a fair trial and fail in all cases, the
money will be returned.
' i Celebrated Vegetable Jlnti-Dysfepsia Pitts,
■> j A certain cure for Indigestion, Debility, Sickness or
Burning in the Stomach, Pain in the Side aqd Stomach,
e Costiveneris. Sensation, of Weight in the Stomach after
y Eating, Difficulty of Breathing, Restlessness, Want of
Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart, and all other Diseases
; * which arise from INDIGESTION*
- Certificates can be seen at the Agents.
for sale ktj f. J IIOFF.JjIX, Ltuiststcn ; end C
® IF. BreAmam, ATFtytevn. Sep. 15-Iy
Fish, Salt, and Plaster,
| X>R sale by
; June 27.-tC At the Lewistown Mills.