Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, August 13, 1852, Image 3

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Foreign News.
The U. S. mail steamship Pacific, arrived
at New-York on Sunday, brings Liverpool
dates to the 28th ultimo. We find the
following items of interest in the papers
brought by her:
ENGLAND. —The elections are now over,
with the exception of five vacancies still to
be tilled, namely, Orkney and Wick in Scot
land, and Tyrone and Donegal in Ireland.
It is, even with the returns before us, a dif
ficult matter to foretell what majority—for
majority they will have —the Derby ministry
are able to command in the House. The
classified lists, published by the leading pa
pers, differ so widely that they be regarded
only a mere approximation to truth ; and the
terms Ministerial and Opposition in tfio pre
sent contest embiace so many shades of po
litical opinion that we cannot indicate with
an approach to certainty the numerical force,
on any division that would involve the fate of
the Government. The Globe sets down the
number at—Liberals '229, Derhy-D'lsraelites
289, doubtful 30. The Morning Chronicle,
Ministerials 290, Whigs and more advanced
Liberals 310, Liberal-Conservatives, or P(.el
ites, between 50 and 00.
MINISTERIAL CHANGES. —It is again rumored
that changes are about to be made in the
Foreign office. Lord Malmesbury will, it is
said, succeed Lord Canilev at Paris, the latter
going to Constantinople, *and the portfolio of
Foreign Affairs will then be confided to Lord
Canning, better known iu- Sir Stratford Can
MISCELLANEOUS. —On the 24th the subma
rine cable between Donaghadee, Ireland, and
Portpafrick, Scotland, was laid down success
fully, but was not put in connection with
wires on land.
deplorable scenes have taken place at the elect
ion in county Clare, South of Ireland, the
military were called out and several lives sacri
ficed. On Thursday, polling for Sir J. F. Fitz
gerald, CorneliusO'linen, and Col.Yanderleur,
at Six Mile bridge, about seven miles from
Limerick, when a riot arose between the vo
ters on the respective sides. No clear state
ment of the affray can be had, but the most
probable version of the story is, that the
country people threw stones at a party of
Lord Conyngham's tenants who were pro
ceeding to the polls under an escort of mil
itary, and thai some of their missiles striking
the soldiers, they fired a volley among the
crowd, and killed five men on the spot, lie
sides wounding five or six others —three mor
Twelve shots were fired by tjie F.oldiofs gnd
ail took effect. It is asserted that no orders
were given to tire. A jury had been empan
i tolled : but, at latest accounts had not re
turned a verdict.
Most of the' Irish provincial papers that
have come to hand teem with accounts of
election outrages. At Builinna, the police
had to charge the crowd with the bayonet.
At Roscommon and elsewhere, the same
disturbances took place. The outrages
an- much regretted by the moderate men ol'
all parties.
FRANCE.—I. mis Xupoh on returned to Paris
op priday evening, the 2bd ult., from Stras
bourg. He drove in an open carriage, be
tween two lines of troops, about the U xile
vards, the Rue Royale, and the Chumps
Klysee, to the Barriere de I'Etoilo. llis re
ception is described as having been extremely
(ordial on the part of the Parisians. Ex
tensive preparations are already making for
!ii journey to the South. The Min i ipal
Council of Montauban have voted 20,u00
francs; Rosfjnna, 1U,U00; Bordeaux, 50,000;
and Panda a like sum to give him a welcome.
For some time past, the President has been
arranging his household on quite un imperial
footing. Gen. Roquet is to lie Grand Marsh
al of the palace: Col. De Beville, Palace
Prefect : Count fined.iochi, Grand Master of
the Ceremonies; Col. Fieurvi Grand pquer-
I V. See,
It trapspj;-, r that new titles of nobility
continue to ire conferred, without any public
announcement of tlmm. The I'utrii has ta
ken to styling the President " His Highness
Moja&eignour the prince President-,' but all
the opposition journals omit this handle to
hie name. Nevertheless, these straws are
taken as an indication that the wind again
sets in an imperial direction. An addition
al subject of gossip is h-und in tin- u' proa h
ir.g fete on the 15th of August, the birthday
nf the Emperor, which occasion as many
reminiscences of the Empire as can will le*
revived. One of the. most impressive parts
of the ceremonial was to have been the inau
guration of Napoleon's tomb in the invalids,
but the works cannot be completed i;i season.
M. Arnrand Renin, editor and proprietor
of the " Debate," was sent fur, the other day.
by the Minister of Police, and reprimanded
for having announced the changes about to
take place in the Ministry The Minister did
not deny the accuracy of the statement, but
declared that Government would not permit
the Press fo announce any changes in the
Cabinet till the official decree had appeared.
The approaching marriage of the President
is regarded in Paris as a fact beyond doubt.
The Truly, however, is now said not to bi the
Princess'de Yasa, but another Baden princess,
grand daughter of Eugene Beauharnais and
of Don Pedro,
Another body of Emigrants sent to Cali
fornia with the proceeds of the Ingot lottery,
have just left Paris for Havre, and are to
embark immediately on board the ship Ma
The decree of the 22d January continues
to he rigorously enforced. Placards are post
ed, announcing for sale the forests belonging
to the Due d'Aumalc, in the departments of
the Ardennes, Mouse, and Aisne.
Accounts from the departments describe
the ravages occasioned by the late storms.
In the Aisne particularly, a hurricane had
caused great destruction ol property.
ITALV.—The Turin Gazette contradicts, as
absurd, the rumor that the island ol Sardinia
is to be sold to England.
The Milan Gazette quotes a letter from
Rome, which states that public attention re
gards as suspicious the numerous fortifica
tions which the French are constructing
around the castle of St. Angelo, as also the
circumstances that Gen. Levuilliart, under the
pretext of instructing the pontifical artillery
men, has withdrawn them from Civita A ;<■-
cbia and the other defences on the coast, all
of which he has occupied with French ar
tillery. On the other hand, it is asserted
that a communication has been made to the
Austrian Government that the French gar
rison will quit Rome within a year.
Grape blight has again appeared in many
parts of Upper Italy and Tuscany. La Sicily,
we learn from the Catania Journal, it has to
tally ceased its ra^g^os.
PRUSSlA.—Considerable sensation has been
excited in Berlin by the confiscation, for three
successive days, of the New Prussian (or
Rreutz) Journal and it? subsequent declara-
tion that it would cease to appear till the j
courts of law shall have decided upon the le
gality of its seizure. The Journal had made
itself" obnoxious to the French, Austrian and
Russian envoys, and had gained many ene
mies by its plain speaking. The crown
j lawyers have since sanctioned the confisca
| tioji. :
I The National Zeitung, of Berlin, has an
j article on the treaty just concluded between !
Switzerland and the United States, in which '
I it remarks that the impolitic London proto- ;
col regarding Neufchatel, has hastened the I
period for the commencement of American ,
interference in the affairs of Europe.
We lcaru from Berlin that Mr. Barnard,
! the American Minister in Berlin, has succee- j
ded in procuring the release of several Prus
sians who had naturalized as citizens of the ;
the United States ; but on their return for a 1
j short time to their native country, wore ar- !
rested on a charge of evading the military ■
! conscription. j
Cholera is severe at Ostrowe. On the 19th >.
j ultimo, a fire took place at Kalisch, which j
destroyed GO houses. Cholera had previous- j
ly committed great ravages in the town.
Several Poles were lately arrested in the
I Duchy of Poscn, on the charge of conspiracy j
against the Emperor Nicholas.
I The King of Prussia and Emperor of j
Austria are to have an interview in the end j
of September.
Items of News.
'BARN BURNT. —The barn of Abraham Lan- j
dis, iu Ephrata township, was entirely con- j
; sullied by fire, on Saturday morning last, ;
with the whole crop of grain, &c. It is sup- j
| posed to have been set on fire. The building '
was insured in the Lancaster County Mutual
. Insurance Company. — Lancusttr litjmbllean, j
Some four hundred Latter Day Saints were |
assembled on the 12th of July, in Sunderland j
Hall, Newport, England, for a festival. Sud
denly the ceiling of the one half of the hall
fell upon tliem with a terrible crash, causing j
a frightful panic, Wonderful to relate no j
one was injured, and the Saints at once at- j
j tributed their escape to a miracle.
Tuesday morning last, as two fishermen were j
engaged in their vocation of sturgeon-fishing, j
near Ten Mile Pqint, between Tacony and j
Bristol, they found, on drawing their net. I
that they had captured a shark of the shovel
nose species, full eight feet long, and weigh- !
ing about 500 lbs. The monster was t6wed j
to Bristol, where it was sold ly the fishermen :
for the small sum of one dollar Such visi- !
tors are extremely rare in the Delaware.
are carried by Railroad from Cincinnati to j
New York or Boston in five din s, and for the
-urn of 8!3 e;u h. The omnibus proprietors
of A '-w York are supplied front Cincinnati.
The demand for good horses, says the Cin
cinnati Gazette, continues considerably ahead j
!of the supply. The Mexican war emptied 1
the pasture fields and staldCb of Ohio, Nidi
ana, Kentucky and Illinois, and caused a .
rise in stock, of fifty jfer cent.
The Cholera at C'lmmberaburg. —The Chain
liersburg papers of last week state that up to
that time there had been twelve or fourteen
deaths in that place, of,cholera, or some other
disease equally fatal, for the physicians have i
not agreed to call it the real cholera, although
it hurries off its victims as speedily . Among 1
those who have died, are George Heck, Mrs.
Ely, Geo. Hildebrandt, Mrs. Ncsbit, Mrs.
Amelia Smith, and Jas. Harden.
The New York Crystal Palace Fair is post
poned till the spring of 1853, This project
drags very heavily. In all probability the
palace will be like the one in the tale of i
Aladdin-—a palace in the air without any
foundation. The mechanics' fairs are worth
all the second-hand crystal palace exhibitions,
which must fall ijifinitelv short of the original j
Jlgaenftry. —Our cold nights and crude ve
• getables arc liable to produce this complaint. !
Its attack can readily.be perceived in its in- :
cipieitt stage bv a sensation of burning at the !
! pit of tjie itomach, produced by morbid a id ;
duhitss and heavy pains in the abdomen, the
result of iufiainmationof the intestines. Car- j
' Initiate >.f ammonia. o supercarbonate of soda. !
followed by a gentle cathartic, we are told,
will reipliiy avert the attack, and save three j
weeks of physicians'visits. —A'. V. Rxprrjs.
men attempted to rob the house of David
Pf'outz, in Pfoutz's Valley, a few miles east
of Miilerstown, a few weeks ago. A young j
man. living with Mr. Rfoutz at the time, shot
one cf the robbers in the side. The parti
then left, taking with tlieui the one who was
shot, but in the morning the latter was dis
covered not far from the house of Mr. P.,
where it seems be had lain all night, He
wu3 taken to the lionse, apd there died, on
Monday. He said his name was Samuel F.
Stilt, and also gave the names of his com
Robbery.- -On the 2nth of July, u
most extensive robbery was committed at
Washington, D. C., by a party iff men known
as "Representatives,' who appropriated to!
themselves the whole of the books received bv i
the members of the last four Congresses,
One member of Congress said—" ft was a
fact well known to the country, that members
of Congress sold the which they re
ceived at a less sum than their original cost,
and if a committee should be appointed to in
vestigate this subject, he would stand ready
to prove it." This practice of voting them
selves books, to be paid for out of the public
treasury, is a most scandalous affair: If tljo-j
members want books, why dyn't they pay for
them out of their own pockets t
tt til IK 1 I 11..
Flour General Produce
Dealers in Plaster, Salt, Fish, Coffee, Sugar,
and Grorcrits generally.
Vo 25 South Howard street, Baltimore.
J i signments—quick sales at best market pri- i
ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Swan, Esq., Fres't Merchant's Bank,"
Dr. J. 11. McOulloch, do. B'k of Baltimore,
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. &. Far. B'k, w
H. Stuart &, Sou, merchants,
T. W. & G. Hopkins, do. £
Ileiser & White, do.
Slingluff & Ensey, do. 5
Reynolds & Smith, do
Slingluff, Devries & Co. do.
Albert &■ Bro., do.
11. M. Brent. Esq., Cashier, j
J. 11. Sherrard, Esq., do. • Winchester.
Merchants generally, )
I'etor Uadebaugh, Bedford, and merchants and
j framers generally.
Baltimore, Dec. 24, 1651 —ly?
Cheap C hina, Glass, Ac.
A o. 219, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
OFFER to the citizens of Lewistown. and its '
vicinity, the choice of their beautiful and !
immense stock, in any quantity and in all quali
ties, of
Dinner, Tea aad Toilet Sets, Plates, Dishes !
Pitehers, &c., of Frearh or English
I'hina, or Ironstone Ware:
As also GLASWARE, CUT and MOULDED, in great
variety, at the very lowest rates.
Hotel?, Boarding and Private Houses, sup
plied with the beat articles, at very cheap prices.
May 21— ly.
Qfßce of Discount and Deposit;
mmm smsjil
Gnihh A: Co.,
TT7ILL continue TO COI.T.F.CT and HIS- '
ITS, &c., at the office heretofore occupied by j
the above firm. ap3
.500 PAGES 12M0. '
Handsomely and durably bound ; Illus
trated with engravings.
Many years Editor of the Cincinnati Daily j
The subscriber will shortly rceciv-. from ;
the Press, an edition of the above valuable j
work, and will furnish those who wish to be- I
come Agents to circulate the same, on the I
most favorable terms. For further particu
lars and all pecessary infi'Tpiatioii. applicants
will please address their letters to the sub
scriber, if. MANSFIELD, Publisher.
julySQ] 134 York fStfeet, Vow Haven, ft.
N'OTjOE. —The rpatr,bors of the Lutheran
and German Reformed Churches, as
well as other persons, are respectfully invited |
to attend the laying; of the Corner Stone of•
the Lutheran and Gernptn Reformed Church !
at Yeagertown, Mitflin county, ou t]ic l ltli j
and loth days of August, 1852 Jiivine scr- |
vice will commence at b> o'clock, A. M.. on |
the 14th. Sermons in the German and !
English language will be delivered <ui Both of I
said days. By oyder of the Committee,
Derrv Town sip p,. July 23, 1 852.
f|X]lK undersigned Treasurer of Mifflin
J. county, heivi>y gives notice that the HHT- i
cautile and other licences are now ready, and t
those entitled to them are hereby notified to |
present themselves without delay, and lift them I
from the office, or 1 shall be compelled to en
force their collection.
Lewistown, -July 22, 1852—3t.
HAVE removed their Shoe Store
from belov Eisenbise's tothedia- j
'#*;• opposite the Lewistown
Hotel. Having renewed their stock, they are
now prepared to make to order all kinds of :
HOOTS AND SHOES in the best manner and
of the best materials. They have also a choice
assortment of city and eastern work to which
they invite the attention pf ipe pjip.ens of Lew
istown and vicinity, as U:ey gre, determined to j
sell the very lowest prices for cash. sp23
For Ihr Cure of
rpHIS invaluable remedy for all diseases of tlie THROW
f and I.i sfj, has attained a celebrity front its rcnuitka- •
Me (tin s, never equalled by any oilier medicine before, j
Otfier preparations have shown llieia--t .es palliatives, j
arol eometiniesx'ffertcd notable cures, hut none has ever t
so fully won the confidence of every community where
it l< known. Afier years or trial in every climate, die
resoits have indisputably simu.ii ii to possess a mastery
over lids daiicefDUS class of diseases, wpu tl could r.ot
fail to attract the attention of physicians, patients, and
the public at large.
See the statement-, not of obscure individuals and from j
far distant places, hut of men who are known and re
spected throughout tile country,
Thb widely celebrated Surgeon, Dr. Valentine Molt,of |
£ew Vork city, says :
" It gives niv pleasure to certify the value and efficacy j
<jf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, wliich I consider peculiarly |
adapted to cure diseases of the throat and lungs.
Dr Perkins, the venerable President of the Vermont |
Medical College, one of ihe eminently learned physicians i
of this country, writes, the Cherry Pectoral is extensive- i
ly used HI this section, where it has sjlown unmistakable i
evidence of its happy effects upon puimonary diseases. j
The Rcy. Jno Coebrane ; a distinguished Clergyman
of the English Church, .writes to the proprietor fro;n
Montreal, that "he has been cured of a severe asthmatic
affection, by Cherry Pectoral.'' His letter at full length, j
may be found in our circular, to be had of the agent, and
is worth the attention of asthmatic patients
This letter hi Ifom the well known JYruggisl at HilhJ
dale, Michigan, one of the largest dealers in the Slate ;
and this case is from his own observation-
HILLSDALE, MICH , Dec. 10, 1549.
DEAR Pin:—lmmediately on the receipt of yourCHER
RV PncTOBAi., I carried a bottle to an acquaintance of
mine who was thought to he near Ins end with quick
consumption. He was unable to rise from his bed, and i
was extremely feeble. His friends believed he must j
soon die, unless relief could be obtained for him, and I j
induced them to give your excellent medicine a trial 1
immediately left town for three weeks, and you may :
judge of my surprise on tny return, to meet him in the j
street on my way home from the cars, and find he had j
entirely recovered. Four weeks from Ihe day he com
menced taking your medicine, he was at work at his
arduous trade of a blacksmith.
There are other cases within my knowldedge, where
the CHERRY PECTORAL has been singularly successful,
but none so marked as this. Verv truly yours
Hear Ihe Palienl.
I)r, J. C. Ai ers, I.owell, — DEAR SIR :—Feeling under 1
obligations to you for the restoration of my lieuilh, 1 send I
you a report of my case, which you are at liberty to
publish for the benefit of others. Last autumn I took a
bad cold, accompanied by a severe cough, and made use
of many medicines without obtaining relief. 1 was
obliged tc give up business, frequently raised blood, and
could get no sleep at nigin. A friend gave me a bottle of
your CHERRY PECTORAL, the use of which 1 immediately
commenced according to directions. I have just pur
chased the fifth bottle, and am nearly recovered I now
sleep well, my cough has ceased, and all by the use of
your valuable medicine. E- S- STONE, A M ,
Principal Mt Hope Seminary.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYEIt,
Practical Chemist, I.owell, Mass.
Sold in Lewistown by A. J. BANKS, Agent, and ;
by Dr. E. W. HALE; in ATifflintown by Jacobs Sf
Belford, and by Druggists generally throughout the
Slate. ' ~ " iuhl9-3mo. I
Lewistown Academy, ]
THE second term of this Institution under the
present Principal, will commence on Mon- r
day the 6th ot September. During the greater
part of the term just expired, there were in at- .
tendance upwards of a hundred pupils in the
two departments. This flattering commence- ) ,
ment has induced the subscriber to engage the j .
services of an Assistant Teacher, who has been ! t
engaged in that capacity in one of the colleges '
of the west. Teaching will be the only prtfes- j !
sion of the Principal and Assistant, which of I
itselt is a sufficient guarantee that their chief 1
study w ill he the mental and moral improve- s
merit of their pupils.
For tuition in mathematics, and the
Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and
Italian languages, per term of 22
weeks, $12,00 j
Natural Philosophy, Book Keeping,
Chemistry, Drawing, Rhetoric, His
tory, &.c., 9,00 ,
Arithmetic, English Grammar, Rending,
Writing and Geography, explained bv I <
globes, * " 6,00 <
Weekly exercises in Declamation and English j
Composition will be required of all the pupils, 1
and special attention will be given to the pri
mary department. Pupils entering at any time
after the commencement and before the middle j
of the term will be charged for the whole '
term ; those entering after the middle, will be ;
charged for half the term.
'I iie Female Department will be under the '
care of .Misses R. F. & J. Ross.
For tuition in Reading, Writing, Geogra
phy, Arithmetic and English Grammar,
per term of 22 weeks, " $6,00
Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany,
History, S c., " ' 8,00
Algebra arid Geometry, 10,00
French, including the above branches, 12,00
Music, per quarter, 10,00 j
■ Use ol pianO for practicing, per quarter 2,00
In the female department, pupils will be char- ;
ged for the wljole term.
R. C. ROSS, A. M .
augfi Principal.
Late of Brown township.
\TOTICK is hereby given that letters of Ad
-1 j_\ '"'"titration op the estate of JOHN YO- ,
j DKII, late of Brown township, Mifflin county, 1
I have been granted to the subscriber,
j residing in Union township, said county. Ail
i persons indebted io said estate are notified to
j make payment without delay, B{jd those having
i claims ate requested to present them, duly au
j thenticated, for settlement.
| augO Gt J JOHN FEACHEY, Adm'r.
Estate of James McDowell,
Late of Armagh .Tjiiilui to., dct'd.
• "V*"OTICK is Irerabv given that Letters of
a. v Administration on the estate of JAMES
I McD( >YYE LL, late of tag township and county
i aforesaid, have Boon •rraiuod to the stißseri
! her, residing in the Borough of Jjcwistown.
I All persons indeßteu to said estate are re
| quested to call and make payment without
• delay, and those having claims to present
tlieni. duly authenticated, for settlement.
V" 1 , ■
' ---y ■ _ 5 ''
Great f'onsoHdatrd Equestrian, Dramatlt,
tHympir and Histrionic Estabiishuieut,
| Organized itid perfected fur Ihe ensuing season, under :
the title of the
With a *til>!•> troupe of performers, male ami female,
.ni l cletl frm t!e cream of the European ami American
Amphitl.e urcs ; an unrivalied stuJ of
runiohming EIOKSLS,
-njierior in blood, bea itv a nt training to tliose ot any
' other eUbtislitneiil extant; a whole family ot
biaiinativc Trick Ponies,
whose sportive gambols, various dances, and extraordi- j
nary performances, exhibit almost superhuman sagacity,
and a full complement of
wilt exhibit ai 2 ami 7 1 p, at
HUNTINGDON, Thursday, August !2th,
OHEK \ vVO< D, Friday, August I3lh,
LEWISTOWN, .Saturday, August lltll,
BOALSEK ro, Monday, August lfiih.
fir.LL ; : . VTC, Tuesday, August 17th.
proiiuuing otin each representation a succession of
Equestrian, Acrobatic, Dramatic, and Pantomimic,
. "chef d'ojjvr. s," interlarded wttii diverting Comedet
tas, and
Grand National Special leu,
with an entire change of programme at each perfor
mance, and in which the. whole strength of the various
departments will be brought into requisition.
who compose this novel and gigantic Troupe are of
world-wide celebrity, prominent amongst whom the fol
lowing stand pre-eminent :
Madame Rrovtr, the Equestrienne Prima Vonna and
latterly first Lady rider at Franconi'e Paris.
T. d/evillc, tlie young phenomenon and greatest trick
and mercurial rider in America.
W. 11. Stout., the great classic Horseman—backer of ;
many steeds, and first teacher of " 1m haute eenit."
IV. .Syinar, the aiitinous of the Cirque, dashing eqes- .
trian, and living model of the .Spollo Belcidere.
IV Rochford , ihe unequalled Gymnast, exquisite rider,
and double somerset Champion.
n. Sergeant, the greatest living Protean and Shakes
perean equestrian.
G Dunbar, founder of the Viennian school of motley
Htrr Let. the modern Satnpsoa, ani prototype of
Homer's Alhlaetie.
J Fisher, the extraordinary contortionist, and ex
quisite performer on the corde volante.
Jl. Levi, the great pastoral rider aud patilotniniist.
Masters HENRI and AUGUSTE, the youth delineators
of the high school of art.
&c., fcc.
Two Slar Clowns.
Messrs. JENNINGS and H ROM E R,-aach fa
mous for originality, wit and humor.
unhesitatingly pronounced the first and most accomplish
ed in America, led by the greatest bugler of the age,
13. K. GAUL.
And a general outfit of appointments, decorations and
paraphernalia, which either as regards taste, skill, or |
IgVish expense, can I
Defy the World.
Equestrian Director,'and " Maitre du
Cheval," * XV. H. STOUT. (
Master of the Arena, G. DUKOAR.
Manager, C.P.MAY. |
Iduiiesion 25 cent*, only—-n batf price.
Mechanics, Manufacturers and
f PHE eighth volume of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN"
A- commences on the IfiJii of September His princi- j
pally devr.ieu to the diffusion of useful practical knutvl- ; J
edge, and Is eminently cniculatad to advsncq the great ,
interests of industry— Sdccr.criccl, Manufacturing, end i 0
Jtgricniiural —:he genius and master spirit of the na- j 1
lion. 1
It Is uii'ivshrd as a .1 aimal of the Arts and Sciences, j c
and maintains a high character at home and abroad
The publishers pledge themselves th'.t the future vol
uaies shall ai least equal, if not surpass their predeces
sors. Among the suiij- t-s chiefly brought forward and
discussed in its columns, are, Ciyil Engineering, ArLhi- !
lecture, Railroads, Bridges, Agricultural implements, j
Manufactures of Metals, Fibrous and Textilesiibstancss, j
Machinery for the purpose, Chemical processes, Distil- !
ling, Coloring, Zee. Steam and Gas Engines, Boilers and j
Furnaces, Mathematical, Philosophical and Optical In- I
striiments, Cars, Carriages, Water-wheels, Wind and ;
Grinding Mills' power*, Planing Machines. Tools for ; \
Lumber, Brick Machines, Forming, Fire Arms, Electricity, ! ]
Telegraphs, Surgical Instruments, tte. , besides Claim. I j
of ai! the patents. Reviews. Notices of New inventions, j
American and Fori ign. Ihe work is in fiirtn o>r binding, :
contains several hundred Engravings, over four hun
dred pages of printed mutter, and a copious Index.— .
Neatly all Ihe valuable patents which issue weekly from
the l-ATAs r oKi ICE are illustrated with Engravings in f
its columns, thus making ihe paper a period Mechanical i '
Encyclopedia lor future as well 8* present reference. |
Valuable premiums are offered for :ho Largest List of j
Subscribers to tins Volume. It is published weekly; !
by NIUNiN A Ct)., at ibe-ir TATK.NT AOCKCV orFP B, i J
128 Fulton Street, New-York.
1 copy, one year, £2 CO | 1 copy, six months. #I,OO
A copies, six months, #I,OO j 10 copies, 12 mo. #IC.CO
10 copies," •' 8,00 j 15 copies, 12 mo. 22,00 j
20 copies for Uvelve month', #2-,00
5> Southern ami Wcsti ru Money and Post Office , t
Stamps taken for .- tbscriptions. Letters should b" poit- '
paid. [Aug.6— 2t | '
3S(ot a:a<l Shou 1
It est .Market street. Lcwistoicn. arxl door to the ,
Red Lion Hotil.
WIIRRK Be continues to mnm:- I
SOOTS in tlie most fasliionabe and i
apjirovvd style—warranted not to be surpassed
In any made here or elsewhere; also, LADIES' I
made to order, at the shortest notice, in a most
elegant and workmanlike manner.
N. B.—Full satisfaction given in every in- |
1 stance, or the work may be returned. [july23 j
Cheap flioot. A: Cloth-!
Vy %M\ HAVING returned from the j
< ye city with a" large stock of the
above mentioned articles, he is
prepared to sell low, for cash—
Mens'' Calf Boots, from §1.75 to §6.00
" Coarse " " 1.25 to 6.00
" Gaiters and fancy shoes-of different j
Ladies" Shoes, from 50 to 1.50
" Gaiters, best quality. 150 to 200
Misses' and Childrens' (iaiters, of different j
kinds. He is also prepared to ni3ke to order all :
kinds of BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS that
may be wanted.
His stock of CLOTHING has been well se
lected. It was bought for rash and will he sold
at very small profits. Call and examine for i
\ourselrCS, aid vou will be convinced of the :
fact. [aj)23j BILLY JOHNSON.
211j)p a
r IA!!ld undersigned continues to manufacture j
Jl celebiated Quilted and French calf Boots, j
tog-eiher with all articles connected with his !
bu-iness. MOSf-lS MONTGOiIKKY.
I,ew:slown, August 8, 1851-tf
HW. JUNKIN, at SctiLisser's oIJ stand, in :
, Market street, respectfully informs the
Ladies and Gentlemen that he t.as just received ,
an unusually fine stock ot Gold and Silver
Fancy Articles, superior Gold Pens, with Gold
and Silver Holders, toge'digr with an excellent ,
supply of Clocks an;J Time Pieces, all of which j
will be disposed of at less prices /or cash than !
this community has been accustomed to buy.
Clocks, Time Pieces, Watches and Jewelry i
of every description repaired with great care ;
and warranted.
Persons visiting Lewistown are requested to
call at the subscrioer's establishment, and ex- !
amine the various articles of Jewelry and Fancy !
Ware on exhibition in his cases, as he is satis- •
fied that in these respects the most fastidious !
can he accommodated. Remember, the stand | 1
is next door ;o Dr. Vauvalzait's dwelling, north J
side of Market street. ap23
Fashionable Tailor,
East Market St., Lewistown, j
a f ew doors above Blymyer's ;
AV- / 'MS store '
V..J fA will promptly attend to ma- j
I I O king tip every description of
| j j iH 1 Gentlemen's clothing, in the
neatest ant * most fashionable
A splendid assortment of Fashionable Cloths,
Cassitneres and Vestings, selected in the city
with special reference to being made up for :
customer work, can be furnished at lower prices j
than similar articles could be procured in the
stores. junell
The Latest Fashions,
fHag opened a shop in East
Market street, Lewistown, ; ;
adjoining Montgomery's boot
and shoe manufactory, and ]
opposite J. A. Sterret's store, | j
ivhere he is prepared to make
up Coats, Vests and Pants in
the best manner, in the most
fashionable style, and at rea
sonable prices.
Repairing and Cutting at
tended to with promptness
and fidelity.
A stock of CLOTHS and VESTINGS
on'hand, of the best quality, which will be sold
a very small advance on cost.
Lewistown, May 28, 1852-tf.
No Quinine—No Arsenic,
Dr. L. It. SBusiter's
A YV \lt H A N'T Kl> CIJ It E for this prevalent ami
-X. distressing disease, agri eable to take, and gtiaran- |
teed to perform the cure effectually, within a few days ,
from commencing its use. Dr. Hunter's Feverand Axue
Powder, being composed entirely >/ Vegetable ingredieate, ,
can be taken by any patient Willi perfect confidence in <
its simplicity, safety, and effective properties, it is put I
up in secure packets, arid forwarded by Man, Jree of j
postage, to any part of ilie Union, on receipt of #1 sent to
H. EVEUETT, Chennst,
PUil.idtlpLia, Pa., stating full address, &c. mliiy.3in ;
The undersigned has removed
iTi ji from the Tavern Stand known as
j a {£ tl,e Black Bear, lately occupied
' formerly keptby Fred'k Schwartz,
and lately by Thomas Mayes, where he invites
his old friends and others to give him a call.
Every attention will be given to secure the
comlort ol h:s guests. Charges moderate.
Lewistown, July 2, 1852.
The subscriber respectfully informs
frEn&W ,lis f-rieds arid tie public that he has
j 11 handsomely fitted, up t'ce on
the corner of Valley and Dorcas
sts., opposite M'Dov. ell's olu stand,
where he is now prepared to accommodate
EES. in a style cq.ua! to any in Lewistown.
N?w and extensive stabling has been erected,
and a careful and attentive ostler secured.
His bar is supplied with a variety of choice
liquors, and his table will bear evidence for it
self that neither paini nor expense will be spared
to meet a share of public patronage.
Lcwistown, June 18, 1852,
Rational House & Stage Office,
riMIE undersigned having leased this popular
J and well known public house, lias made ar
*■■■* rarurements for the accommodation of all
friends who may feel disposed to en
tourage tit? enterprise. Every attention
w;ll be given to gecut s the Comfort of his
guests. There :s an extensive stabling attached
to th? establishment. and none but careful and
attentive hostlers will he kept, lie hopes the
advantage be oilers will secure him asha.ieof
the traveling custom commensurate with the
extent of his provision for the public accom
LAND STAGES leave this House, the former
daily, and the latter three times a week.
C. C. II KM Pi) ILL.
1 cwistown. May 14, 1352—tf.
rpHE undersigned will offer for saie bis well
I known and desirable business stand, situated
on Valley street, I.ewistown, known as the
The advantages this stand has in location, the
facilities it affords for a convenient and ready
market for its teayes, together with its very ex
tensive patronage, renders it one of the most
desirable in die country.
The WARES manufactured at this establish -
merit are far superior to any other in the six
counties, and have a reputation that will ever se
cure the patronage of tiie public, from the face
of the material being inexhaustible, and con
nected with the concern by a lease of a number
of years.
The business of Potting has been carried on
successfully at this stand by myself and father
for over 30 years, which is of itself sufficient ad
vertisement to prove its advantages busi
ness stand. The PERSONAL PROPERTY in
| connection with the concern, will also be sold,
i if purchasers desire it.
For further information, apply to the under
! sizned on the premises, or by mail toLewistown
i P. O.
|CJr* The business will be conducted as here
| tofore until furthe,r notice. All orders prompt
ly attended to, and wholesale merchants allowed
the usual discount upon the delivery of their or
Possessrou given on or after Ist January next,
to suit purchasers.
Lewi£tawu, May 28, 1852-tf.
Valuable Dwelling & Store Stand
At "
for sale two lets of ground jMßfcSjm
ip&ssituate on the corner of iggjifc
Diamond, in Reeds
ville, Milllin county, with
a large 11WELLLYG and STORE S T.I.YD,
Stabling for 8 horses. Kitchen, Wood House,
Smoke House, and other out buildings theieon
erected. Ther? is also a well of water on the
premises, Apple, Peach and Plum Trees in full
bearing—in fact everything calculated to rendei
it a pleasant home.
The store stand is undoubtedly one of the
best in the country, being situate en the great
avenue (the Centre and Kishacoqnillas Turn
pike,) on which hundreds of thousands of bush
els of grain are annually taken to market; the
new turnpike from Miiheim, in Centre county,
intersects the Centre and Kisnacoquillas road
between the store an-l tavern, and this, now
nearly finished, \yill largely increase the busj
iiess—so that few places offer more inducements
to an enterprising business man than this.
The location i:j other respects is highly favor
able—being s:x miles from Lewistown, but a
short distance from Brown's well known Mills,
convenient to Schools and Churches, and an un
surpassed valley beyond, whose thrifty popula
tion daily pass th.e door. It was last occupied
by Wm. J. Qlass, deceased.
Bqy* -A further description is not deemed ne
cessary, as persons desirous of purchasing will
of course call and examine for themselves.
For further information apply to Wm. Brothers,
Esq., or Wm. McKinney, Esq., Reedsville, or
to the subscriber in Arpiagh township.
To a suitable purchaser, terms will be
made easy.
June 4, 1652-tf.
Boats Ready for the Canal!
others are informed that the subscriber, at
his large and convenient Warehouse on the
canal, has established a regular line of Boats
for the purpose of carrying Grain, Flour, and
Goods of all kinds, between Lcwistown, Phila
delphia, and Baltimore; and will have a boat
leaving Philadelphia every Tuesday and Friday,
also one leaving Lewistown every Tuesday and
Friday, until the close of the season.
Jdr* U will receive and forward all kinds ot
freight on reasonable terms.
Pennsylvania Railroad*
PASSENGER TRAINS leave Ltwitloffk
daily as follows :
Eastward at 2 o'clock A.M.
Westward at 8 o'clock 22 minutes A. M.
Eastward at 11 o'clock 40 minutes A. M.
Westward at 5 o'clock 12 minutes P. M.
Eastward at 4 o'clock and 40 minutes A. AI.
Westward at 4 o'clock 45 minutes P. M.
FARE to Philadelphia, $4.50 —to Harrisburg,
$1.75 —to Pittsburgh, $6.45.
julyloj CHARLES S. McCOY, Agent
ri vIJE Stockholders of the Lewistown and
I Tusearora Bridge Company are hereby
notified that a dividend of FIVE PER CENT
on the ' 'apitol Stock c f said company has
been declared, for the lust six months, which
will be paid by me, at my office in Lewistown,
at any time called for.
FRANCIS MoCOY, Treasurer.
Lcwistown, July 22, 1852—3t,