Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 21, 1852, Image 2

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Friday Evening, May 21, 1852.
Ndices of Sew Adirrli.spjncnts.
Jon. MORRISON, at \\ iso's !! .stand, lias !
fitted op an icecream saloon for the accom- |
li. h'ieii of ladies and genili lieu, and also in- J
Mt'-i atteutiou to his stock of <;>>nf.etiouaries. ;
F. J. IIoFr*AK has just received an extftii- J
five stock of Hardware, Groceries. Ac.. •
which in will dispose of very low for easily
CHRI-TI.VX SMIJH, tii" well known propria- .
tor of the Lewistown Brewery, has disposed i
of that <■ Liblishmeut to -Jacob Fisher, who j
will continue io nviufaeture ale. beer, Ac. j
TYKDADE & MITCHELL, Philadelphia, invite ■
the attiention of the citizens of Lewi-town and
vicinit v to thou* stona oi t inna and Glassware. I
The List of Letters also appears to-day. .
A\ e are indebted to an old friend at j
Washington 1 :■ an Liter, -tin : h-uei. wliich. 1
together with "Mifflin's" correspondence, we
are reluctantly comjxdied to postpone until i
our next.
Sating at the Spiggot and Wasting at the
Hung Hole,
The democratic papers are felicitating j
the taxpayers on Gov. lligl. r's suggestion j
to pav oil the six per cent, bonus by a i
loan of live per cent., and talk as it the |
suggestion had already saved the State j
$50,000 per annum. 1 los suggt stion is j
not a new one, and even if it was, it would
he quite as well not to count chickens he
fore tiity are hatched. In the meantime,
as our editorial brethren of the democratic
school are so good at figures, we should
like some of them to solve the following !
problem, viz : It Gov. lligler saves $50,.
000 a year in one item and borrows S'SSO,-
000 for another, what will the State debt
be at the end of ills term ?
Interview of the Holt. John >l. ftotis with
General Scott,
The Han. John M. llotts, a delegate from
Virginia to the \\ iiig National Convention,
has written a letter to the Richmond Whig,
dated Washington, May .'hi, in which be
thus speaks of an interview he had that
morning with Gen. Scott it l , relation to his
publicly " defining his position" on the
compromise :
" 1 had a very long, free and fill! interchange !
of views with him, and 1 found his po-ilion to j
ti precisely this in reference to his writing :
he is differently advised by friends N'orth and :
South (whose counsels are entitled to con-ider
atinn) to write, and not to write; a large ma
jority, including many from the South, urging '
liirn to remain silent. This condition of things
embarrasses him r.ot a little, as his individual •
preference would be to publish his views at
large, while he does not fee! himself at liberty, j
in lus present position, to take the bit between
his teeth, in disregard of the advice of much
the larger portion of ius friends Irora both sec
tions of the country, if be writes, he obliges
a small, and perhaps offends a iarge number of '
those whose counsels lie ought to listen to; j
while if he remains passive, he gives no partic
ular cause of offence to either.
Gen. Scott occupies no doubtful or equivocal
position on the compromise, nor does he desire
to do so ; and if he did, 1 would not support
him, even if nominated, lib views are freely ; .
expressed to every man who approaches him,
no matter to what party or section he may be
long. He i> accessible to every respectable man t
in the country, who chooses to approach him, I ;
and he has never hesitated to say that he is in
favor of the compromise measures in all their
part', and opposed to any disturbance, agitation !
or alteration of the fugitive slave law : and be ;
enjoins confidence and secresy on no man to
whom he makes this communication.
Under the circumstances mentioned, he has j
come to the conclusion (and 1 incline to think : 1
wisely) that the true course for him to pursue is |
to publish nothing, unless lie be the nominee ; j
w hen, if the convention shall adopt a cour-c that !
will make hi?, acceptance necessary, or other- 1
wise afford hini the opportunity, he will speak '
out freely and fully, and this would place him,
in n J _" opinion, in a more elevated position than
if he were to permit himself now to be bullied
into writii.g to receive the nomination."
The: U' L here brought out by southern j
rnon that Gen. Scott is an open advocate 1
of the compromise measures, will proba- I
bly throw the Pennsylvania locofiicos into !
fits, as their only hope of success is based i
on the supposition that thev can induce the | ,
people of this State U; believe that Gen. ! 1
Scott is a mum candidate. That game '
fc> : s
will be as effectually knocked on the head
as were thousands o! Mexican greasers at
C'erro Gordo, Chepnltepec, Ate. i ;i
! a
***** "
TJie Affair at ( oiuiubia.
Commissioners have been appointed hv ,
the Stall? of Maryland to take testimony 1 ,
in relation to the colored man killed by
Uidgley at Columbia a few weeks ago. j
'l'he evidence given before the coroner's in
> - 1
quest has created a general belief that the 1 N
affair was an uncalled for and unprovoked ' 1
murder ; hut for the sake of Ridgely we
could ahu.j>t hope that the Maryland com t
jnissioners can produce some justification i
lor the act. Gov. Ifiglcr, who did not j
hesitate to impute neglect to Gov. John- |
ston in the Gorsuch affair, has thus far
neither by word nor deed done aught to- I
•wards " vindicating the law," and the up- '
roarious canal patriots, who in the last
election campaign turned up the whites of l
their eyes in hypocritical horror because
Gov. Johnston did not descend to die da- '
ties of a constable, and even went .so far j
ns to charge blood on his hands, have now j
not a word to say in condemnation of the ,
" sage of Clearfield"—no crocodile tears ,
for the destitute widow and orphan chil
dren—and apparently no regret that such
a deed w ..s done. Truly, there is a won- |
derful difference between a candidate and i
the elected officer. ;
Our neighbor of the Democrat is
j an ardent friend of the fugitive slave law,
and equally warm for Gen. Cass. 1 lie
fugitive law he evidently considers as the
leading question of the day, and yet on ils
passage in the Senate, Gen. Cass did not
rote for it ! Now. if the measure is so
important, and Gen. C. such a very proper
; person to support it, can our neighbor give
a good reason why his name is not found
among those who passed it ?
The Uncertainties ol" JLavv.
The "glorious uncertainty" connected
with legal proceedings is well illustrated
in the annexed paragraph, which we find
among the records of Court Doings JII
Lancaster county :
" VVm. Muirheud vs. Wm. Kirkpatfick. Sum
; mons in debt on promissory note. Tliis case
was tried in the District Court of this county, in
December, 131'2, at which time a verdict was
i rendered for the defendant. It was then taken
to the Supreme Court, and the judgement re
versed and a venire de now ordered. It was tried
again in 1344, and verdict rendered for defen
dant. This judgement was reversed in May,
1346, by the Supreme Court. In ]C4 S it was
again tried, and verdict rendered for defendant;
| a motion was made and a new trial granted, ft
was again tried in 1350, when a verdict was
rendered for the plaintiff for $276 2- 1 . ft was
| again carried to the Supreme Court, and the
judgement reversed, and a venire de novo award
ed—and now it conies here and is tried the fifth
! time. The Jury returned a verdict for the de
_ , <<t9
HON-. C. MYERS. —This gentleman was
elected Speaker of the Senate at the close of
•h" last session of the Legislature. The lien
or, says the Blair County Whig, couht not
have hoen bestowed on one more deserving,
although there were other Senators equally
meritorious. His faithful and constant ad
herence to the tenets of the W big party, his
gentlemanly and courteous deportment to his
fellows, and his sterling worth as a man, all
render him worthy of the high position.-
Long will we remember, and with the highest,
appreciatioii, the many hours of delightful
enjoyment we have passed with him.
Jtems of News.
.\ Native American State Convention will
he held at Harrishuig on the 3d of •lime.
A SCHOOL of shad was captured in the
Susquehanna, near llarrisburg. last week.
J. A. Siiindel and (1. F. Spayd have b.-en
appointed to clerkships at Ihu ri-hurg.
The citizens of Huntingdon still talk of
building the Broad T p Railroad.
Mr>. -John <limey Adams died in Wash
ington city on Saturday last, at a very ad
vanced age.
I lie.Jury in tin ease of the C'onuin 'iivvenlth
vs. The Bank of Pennsylvania, rendered a
verdict in favor of the State for S.;b.<j'J7 -}q.
Abraham Burke lost hi.- right arm bv
being thrown upon a circular >uw. in llarris
burg, on Monday of last week.
S ',.-n hundred thousand dollars worth of
Hun. rarian bonds have been sold. All a
dead loss.
The Huntingdon Journal will hereafter 1>"
on lr.i ted by j. S. Stewart, Ksq., ami .Mr. J.
A. Hail, of the same borough.
At least three-fourths of the delegates from
New york to the National Convention are
Scott men.
Mr. Andrews, member of Congress from
the Lincoln District. Me., died at Paris, Me .
a few weeks since, lie was .'l3 years of age.
1 here are now twelve daily newspapers ■
published in Cincinnati—eight in English
and four in l ierman.
Considerable complaint is made re
specting the roads in Perry township, wliich,
in some places, are represented as almost ini
pa-'sahle for wagons.
1 lie Locofoco National Convention to nomi
nate a ! resident, will assemble at Baltimore
on Tuesday, the Ist of June. Nine rich
>■ • iriav In* looked tr.
A new cask maniif'a- tiiring machine is jj,
operation in England. A laborer, bv it>
means, is able to turn out 3500 staves a'd iv.
infallibly correct in form and curve.
1 here is a negro, named Mood, :n prison
in ! my, on a charge oi grand larceny, wh >
lias two white women after hiiu, each claim
ing to he ins wife.
lilt: \\ t.\Tiii:ti.—A corisideralile quantity
of flail fell in the valleys north of tliis place
on Wednesday evening, i estenia v was uri- i
pl'-nsuiitly cool, and this morning there is a
severe frost.
FKOST BITTEX.—A .Miss Frost, in Massa
chusetts, lias recovered s.ar. of a gallant, for 1
a breach of promise. He courted her a year
and lias to pay at the rai<- of a dollar per
day for it.
1 be Siiprem • Court of Louisiana, jj, tlie
-1 i><in\\ jj] iiiis ivmWtHj :i
meat ill lavor of the cities of Baltiin re and
V-w Orleans, thus rejecting the claim s.-t up
by the States of Maryland and Louisiana.
Squeezing the wrist is said to be a <-..rutin
remedy for hiccough. This mode of euro
will be quite popular among the ladies, wfio
will Hot believe tile elll'e et}ii-;u ious Ulii, -- it
l>e Bqueez"d by a gentleman.
l ie- Legislature of Conuceticut, on the first
ballot, chose Hon. Isaac louccv, iorofiwo t
S. Senaf.r from that State. T'he vote stood •
for Toticey, 124; Baldwin, whig, M ; <,j|.
h'tte, I . S.. ti ; Ingham, Jocoi'oeo, ; beards
lev loco toco, I.
Gen. Geo. \Y. Bowman savs. * Governor
Bigler must have been io the niesnierie suae
v. i. o he signed tlie Congressional Ajijwrtioii
ni' nt Bill, <<;• lie would never have suffered
such an outrage to be perpetrated upon tin
gmat Democratic party.'
fhe Maryland House of delegates has
pa-scd the bill prohifiiting the circulation of
■ audi notes of ah '-s dcnomiualion than I
IUUI ,t is now the law. Jtprohibits the. i -eu
i it on of foreign small notes after the first of
October next, and those of Maryland after ■
the Ist ol March next.
\!. v A I'i.o vr.—A g-ntleinnn just from '
o .in? iniorins us that, during the late
flood in Ohio, a cfadle with a liv ing" inf. m t in ;
ii, wa - pi.-ked upon tlie river soiacvvhcre be- i
low Mi i eling. No one knew anything of i
it parentage or where it hailed froin.—Z ines- ,
\ ill'. Courier.
The Maryland Legislature has finally pas
sed the hill conferring power on the Mayor
j and City Council of Baltimore to subscribe
| for stock in the Susquehanna Railroad,
j which is proposed to extend from Il&msburg
| to Sunbury and Williamsport, Pa.
The ' Nationalist,'' of Washington, notes
as extraordinary things —Ist. the appearance,
1 in numbers, of a large buff-colored butterfly.
. ! with stiver specs on its wings, which usually
did not come out before the latter part of
•Julv, and beginning of August. 2d. The
[ 11uiie extraordinary nuniberof humming-birds
j to lie seen fluttering about the blossoms ot
j the red blossomed horse-chestnut trees just
j uuvv in bloom.
The Legislature of Maryland has just pas
sed a law, which goes into effect immediately,
j making it the duty of the general inspector of
flour in the city of Baltimore to cause all
' barrels of flour of a superior quality to that
which is denominated and branded Miperfine,
aud not of the quality of family, to branded
extra. The standard ol this grade is to be
' proeur d in the same manner as the standard
of farnilv flour is now obtained.
The Museantine (low i) Journal tells of a
couple of I'oinantic looking finales, who
w -re, with their husbands, destined Ibr Ore
gon. They were dressed in the Bloomer
style, or ruber in tin- far West- Bloomer
stvie. The dre>s consists of a pair of pan;*
made of cassincr. and loosi.' s:n r. > >ai. 'all
luittoned down before," with a standing collar,
, a pair of boots, gloves and a Kossuth hat,
witii a lox's taii stuck in ic.
MINNESOTA. —The Sr. Anthony Falls Ex
prcss, urges those out of employment in j
the s"aboard States to go to .Minnesota. It
s.iys that emigrants can reach there from 1
\"\v ) >rk for S2O: and that work at high .
pries--. awaits tliem immediately on their ar- :
rival. F .rty iieres of fertile html can be !
j purchasad for >3O. ;ntd it can be made t< '
vieid an nbundnne" flu* a family of sis or ;
• •iglit persons. The land, the editor says. j
will w.irtli from >3 to S2O dollars per acre
in a year or two.
dition to the new planet discovered by M.
(i.tsparis at Naples, the la>t adviees from
Europe bring inf irinatioii of anotlmrdiscover- !
ed by -Mr. Luther, at the Observatory of
Biik, n ar Iht-si-Morf. making tic seven- j
tc ntli planet now known to exist between j
Mars and Jupiter, all of which were an- i
known fifty-two years ago. The new planet ;
has a right ascens'mii of about twelve hours, i
and a north declination of about eight de- |
; groes.
A t'oiiyenti • of M v-huiiic*. we learn from
the Scl tuilic \im riean. will no- tat Koclies
t"r 011 the gotli instant, to take measures for !
tile establishment of a People's ('ollege, t-1 lie
' entirely free from pectioftu influences. The j
oljeet ef the College is a complete and I
thorough education l">r the sons an 1 daugh-!
; tors of working men. It is d 'signed to make ;
the (,'oilege, iu part, s-11 -upporting;, and to \
teaeh sciem e and art. Engineering and ma- I
chine-making will be taught, as far a* it is
practii able : hut it is inicniled that practical
mcclianii s. in combination with science, shall
be thoroughly drilled into the students.
SEN \TOUI U. TERMS KXPIKEH. —The terms of j
tli" fillwving I Vnn-vh.ania Senators, being;
; eight locof.icos and three whigs, have expired
and their places must be till • 1 by the elect- j
ieii of new ones at the next general election; i
I'i.Mot RATS —Chari -s J'railey. Nhuvlkill
county; Thomas S. Fernon, Philadelphia I
county; llenry Fulton, York : John \V.
i Guernsey, 'I ioga. i'otter. Mrlv uii. Elk. Clear
field ami -leffor? n ; .). ) . -iiiii's. .M■ n gimierv ■
Henry A. Muhlenberg. Berks; V, F. Park
er, Centre. Lycoming. Sullivan and Clinton ; :
Conrad Shinier. Northampton and Lehigh.
M 'tics H illiaui Ilaslett. Butl'-r, lf'aver !
ami Lawrence; Benjamin Malone, Bucks;
•J'dill 11. Walker. Krie and Crawford.
From CaliTorma.
By the arrival of the steamer Sierra Neva
da. Capt. i. J>. Wilson, from Aspinwail, Sth
ins!., and Kingston, lllh iiist., we are in pos- j
s -.-ion of dates from San Francisco to LBth
April, brought down by the Northerner, at
I'an una, May ~ th. and Isthmus dat"s to tic
Gth insL
By a copy of the Panama Star, of the 'ifli
instant, we have the information that the
.New ' iranadi.an Government, in \i wv of a
trea'v with the S;at • of Ecuador. made in
have felt t!i"iiis..lvi - obligated to a-'sisf. I
that State against the niaeliinatioiis of Flore* 1
ami all others aiding and abetting him in hi*
enterprise, and the President has accordingly
proclaimed tor a loan, either voluntary or j
ion "d. of two millions of dollars, ami called '
for a ! i 2IHMM) men to serve with arms,
to assist the *i.*i< r republic. This is consid
ered to amount to a de, -larat ion of war against
both Peru ami Chili, which State < are aroused
ol fitting out vessels for the as-istattce of
At a muno-ipal election, held in Sacramento
on the dtli ult., the whig ticket swept the 1
-V recent arrival at San Francisco brought !
several gi lit fallen with slates one with J2. :
another ti. another 7, another and so on. ;
'M eoiir- •. tlmy expect to Imld tliein in the '
fr e Stat" by a strong band, a* the organic
law makes the homlnmn free the moment their ,
leet press the soil of California.
A .Mr. W . A. Singleton, a native of Mis
souri, about 22 years of age, suddenly disap- !
jieared on the >fh n 11., and, as his clothes ! .
were found on the bank of the river, it is sup- i
posed lie commit ted suicide.
A man named Co] ton. was shot at Sacra-,
indite, by a bar-keeper named French, the j ;
shot taking efloct in ( 'niton's jaw. thus inflict- i
iug a dangerous wound. Coltoii is from New ! 1
\ rk. French acted in self-defence. : |
A man named John Jones, ati Irishman hv
birth, oi the Mission ot San Miguel, was re- j (
cently drow ned in tlm -lough on th • San Joa-i j
qutn. I!" was about -">■"> vears of age. He i
had a small In rd of cattle with him.
A -team saw-mill, a hotel ](>(► tt front and '
two stone* high, mid live stores on Main
street, ar • among tin? buildings now in pro- I
cess of erection in Phieerville. , ,
A miner, mine d William Leek an nr. was ,
dr owned iu the Motpe,-limine rivr. :ii HovevV
ir - v,, u mile.- above M ooueluiuiie llill, ult
the Stl, of March.
I ic- body ol John Craig, of Oneida, county, ,
New fork, ha* hern found in the South Fork j
of the American river, 20 miles from Placer- ! j
ville. , (
Bow s are of frequent occurrence in Pla- ; ,
e?ervij!e. The l.ldomdo .Nws proposes the;
■ crt < tiou ot a rala.hoo.se.
" Piety Hill" is within the limits of llouj
tovvn. ' - ]
lb:\TU or A PHII. VHKLPHIAV. —ln the Puna- ,
ma i'.t'bo, tii the 2,1 in*t., is the following r,-~ i
tinrLed death ;
April 22, at. Panama. Mr. Reese Torbert, >
of Philadelphia, aged 27 ; madness, inani- :
lion, and destitution, from lot- - of money ; '
dying when brought in. j ,
HYDROPHOBIA.—A lad ten years of age,
j and a man named Philip Ogsbury, of Guild
i erland, New fork, died on the Sth instant,
j from hydrophobia, having been bitten about
j six weeks ago by a pet dog which had been
, raised by the family, and was not supposed
lat the time to be rabid. Another son, and a
: young man named Francis Ogsbury, his
| cousin, were also bitten.
At Rover's Ford, Chester county. Pa., on
] the night of the 27th ult., while a German
1 was engaged in a paper-mill, some unseen
, foe came behind him an 1 pitched him into the
; hopper, usetl for cutting up the rags, while
: the mill was in full operation. The cries of
j the German soon* brought him assistance,
j when he was found within a few inches of
: the revolving knives! In a few moments
j more he would have suffered a horrible death,
j The perpetrator of the cowardly act was un
| known to the intended victim.
A horrible affair occurred la*t Friday, at
I the L. S. Arsenal, at Lavvronceville, near
i Pittsburg, in the shooting of a boy named
\\ alter Richardson, fourteen years of age, h\
| his step-mother. Tile account of the affair
; 1-. that the boy. having become uncommon it
; disobedient, the father advised the step-mother
to pretend to shoot him, for the purpose efj
1 intimidation, l iiknovvn to the step-moth, r. \
a gun in the house had been loaded on the !
evening previous. This gun .-lie unf-,rtu- i
1 nat ly picked up, lbr the purpose of d- ter- j
ring tl!" hoy from the commission of some !
act of disobedience, and, aiming at him. shot |
i him in the thigh and abdomen, ranting in- •
I stunt death. A Cornier's inijue*t was held
on the body, ami the step-mother was arresti ,1
I and committed for trial at the next term of
| the court.
We call the attcntiun of our readers (n a j
Pamphlet entitled the " i\L)JA\ riIVSK'W
may he hud gretiv at the Hardware and Drug i
Store of F. J. Hoffman, Lewistown. This Pam- '
j plilet is well worthy of a careful and attentive !
perusal of every individual. It contains a few i
■ valuable remarks upon If.: use of .Hercui-y and
: its iiy'tt/'toiis f//tc/.t upon the llwnan System, to
gether with a lull description <jf tiie cause, ef
fects, and Indian modes of cures for Consunip- j
; ti< >ii, Uvspepsia and Worms. Also, a never
failing remedy for the Fever and Ague in three
day's time.
The above, remedies were discovered by Dr.
J. W. Cooper, the far Aimed and renow ned indi
; an Physician, (late of Philadelphia) and have j
I performed si me of the most wonderful and al
; most miraculous cures ever on record. See i
j Pamphlet.
The Diploma of the Mass. Institute awarded '
to XVEN's CHERRY PEC-, ORAL by Prof. Webster, i
when Chairman of their Committee on Chemi
eals is now on exhibition at the American Col- :
! lege in this citv.
It is set with the medalion awards of the !
three great Institutes of Art in this count! ; :
and also the Cold Medal of the Medical Insti- i
1 ,u '-° at Naples. Surely this discovery has re- i
reived the lienor of the great, as well as the
i gratitude of the humble it cures.— Phil. Sal. I
; Courier.
HooKLAxn's GERMAN BITTERS. —As a specific j
for ail the general ' ills that flesh is heir to,' we
have no hesitancy in recommending the above 1
article as a panacea. Hooflarid was a graduate 1
at Gouingcn in 17-3, and officiated as a proles- |
' sor at the University of Jena from ]7'J3to l-'JI. ;
Since then thi- medicine has obtained a repute
; unequalled by any other composition extant. 1
Wr have tried it, and have reaped rich benefits !
'from its great virtues. Liver complaint, Jaun- I
dice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Kervous Debility,
Disease of the Kidneys, and aii diseases arising
: from a disordered Liver or Stomach, can be ef
! fectually cured by them.—The genuine are pre- •
pared only hy Dr. C. !M. Jackson, at the Ger
■ man Medicine Store, 120 Arch street, Phila.
No other person in the United States has the
recipe for tins unequalled preparation.
to Dyspe-ptics. — Dr. J. S. 11l )IJG !J i'OtVtS '
BFil'SlN The Tnu' Digestive Fluid, or (ins-
I trie Juice, prepared trout the RKN.NET, or the J
FOURTH STOMACH OR-THE Ox, alter directions
of i>Al''L\ LI Iff Bi t>, the greatest I'liysio
logtcai ("ii'MDist, tiy IS. I iOUGMTt>N, M. D.,
Pliilaflelpliin. This i- truly a wonderful reir.e
dv tor liniigestjnn. Dyspepsia, .faun,-'ice. Liver
Complaint, CoiisoinpauH and Debility, curing i '
alter \at lire's OU-n /ne'imrl hv Suture's OK a j '
Ageut, the (ii/stric Juice. Pauiphlets, con- ; (
tattling Scientific evidences of it- vaine, fur- i j
ni-lied hv agents gratis. See uotice atnung ! ,
the medical adverti-eim tits.
I u 1 F.nvitonv that wants good Coffees, i
Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Vinegar, &&., can
always litul them very low, lor ca-ii, at I\ |
.1. I lot'FMAN J>.
I.i „ I I'.itvN, MIV 21, E"2 ; i
The ]ii ieo< paid bv <i •ah-rs this morning .
for Grain and Countrv Produce, are as fol- j ,
lows ; i s
Flour, p* barrel. S's 071
Wle-at. white, p' bushel, b'">
rod d >. .SO r
live, Inidiel, i
Oats, do.
Corn, do. oil
( loverseed. f 1 bushel, -5 i > ! t
Butter, good, j 1 flu lu '
Bacon, do. i ,
Lirgs. p* dozen. > s i
Potatoes, Y bushel 1 <><
Prime Reel is retailed at the butehers' stalls
at 7> (" IB cents f* flu: Veal, o (it 7 cts.; and j
Mutton t (" > s cents. ;
(Jnions and Radishes from the city arc sold y
at 6] cents jivr bunch —tomatoes 2> cents i
per dozen.
r, 'he Lewistown Mills are paying SO cts. per
bushel for White Wheat, arid Tacts, for Red. i
Rve aa cents. Corn, ;>0 cents; per bushel. Prices 1
of Flour—>2,2f> |>cr IUO lbs. for extra, and ji,oo j '
for superfine.
JUJ" L. K. LOCKE & Co. at Locke's Mills, are | a
paying (iff cents for Rye, and 45 cents for Corn, i ®
Putt VIU'LVHIA, J ay 20, 15.12.
Fi.oi k ,\nt MEAK. —Flour is lower; stan- ! 11
dard brands arc soiling at S i I a 4 { per 1,1)1. j 1
for export, and Si 2"> to the home trade. I
Ertrsi J'lccr is held at s4| a $5. Rye Flour |
is h id at s;;J. and Corn Meal at S.3J a S.'TJ.
GRAlN —Wheat is inactive ; sales of South- j
i-ru red at a '.Hie: and of Penua. white at ! '
Si 02. Rve is wanted at 7•"'. Corn is in !
fair demand; sal'-s of yellow, afloat, at 04 r
cts. Oat, are dull: sales • f Southern at -12 j 3
cent 9.—Ledger. j *
j a
BALTIMORE, .M ay Iff—4 P. M. j
FI.OEK. —We note sales to-day ol '..(lit bbls. ; s
Howard Street Flour at " ! and SUO bbls. '
choice brands at — GBAIX. —There is a J
little I "tt -r feeding in ; ganl to \> heat, and
prices have an upward frinlcnoy. Sales i
good to prime re is were made at ff. a HS cts., ; -
and ou lot Zimmerman red at I'M cents. | f
l\e quote white at ll'ii cents. No Peuitsyl- 11
vania in market. — Amtricux. I
—A terrible accident occurred last Friday,
in Upper Saiford township, Nlontgoinerv
county, resulting in the death of three chil
dren of a Mr. Sea grist, and the serious in
jury of a fourth, not expected to recover. It
seems Ly the account in the Norristown
' Wateh:i;an' that Mr. Seagrist had purchased
from a neighboring powder-mill about four
pounds of powder. During the absence of
himself and wife, the children by some
means g.e jiossession of it. and while play
ing with it near the stove, the powder igni
ted, killing three of the children—aged ff, ti
. j and 4 years respectively an infant in the
| cradle wa- also burnt so severely that it is
i not expevtd to live. 11.-re is another sad
| warning that parents should profit bv.
I lie New \ ork ( anal Loan, contracted for
! the purpose of enlarging the Frit? Canal, lias
h'-'it declared unconstitutional bv the Court
;" f Aoncals of that State. This is a very im
, poiaatit decision, a- it puts an effectual -top
: (' 1 }'• u! ' ! k which is now proceeding, and
i which will therefore remain unfinished until
iff oi';"!' method is devis-'d for raising
i mid- ibr carrying it on. The Suprenm
I ' previously d'?cided in the saui"
w :Ul ' ; tile cas -coming up liefbr?-the Court
■4 Appeal-, whieh is a higher tribunal, the
i 'iye.-ion was sustained. A verv general ex
citi i i.-iit appears to prevail in New-York in
con.se.pE ;iee ol this event.
I IIE CERCELIO. — It is comfortable to hear
: of iinv plan for destroying the curetilio. and
it ivoul i he a real blessing to find a complete
reno-dy fi.r its depredatioHs. A eorreso.ind
ent of tin' Boston Journal says, take cotton
".ilting. put three circles ij to 12 inches apart
j around your plum trees. He caught ()<• in
i lit" fir.-t circle iu 24 hours ; in the second
, circle but few had been caught; in the third
circle scarcely one had got so high. He
i i'UHid this a sure preventive, and got lots of
; fine plums last year, for the first time for
; many years. He further recommends keep
ing th- ground free from wind-falls, a- they
contain the maggot which goes into the
ground to mature it-self.
TOLL .MORRISON, at Wise's old stand, re
,j spectfully informs the Ladies arid Gentlemen
; ol Lev? istown, that he has fitted up an lee Cream
Saloon for their accommodation, where it can
be had every evening (Sundays excepted) fla
vored in every desirable ivav. Also, MLN LR AL
DIES. and FRUIT of all kinds.
Thankful for the patronage thus far extended,
he solic its a call from all lovers of''good things," j
!o oblige whom no pains will be spared to ren
der th.-ir visit agreeable.
Ciie.'ip Cliiiin, A;c.
TYSDALE A JllTtlniui.,
<V" ffly, Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
OFFER to the citizens of Lewistown, and its
vicinity, the choice of their beautiful and
immense stock, in any quantity and in all quali
ties, of
llinncr, Tea ami Toilet Sets. Plates, Divlirs,
Pitchers, ic., of French or English
China, or Ironstone Ware;
As also GKASWARK, CUT and MOULDED, in great
variety, at the very lowest rates.
Hotels, Boarding and Private Houses, sup- '
plied with the best articles, at very cheap prices. 1
May 21—ly.
NOTICE. —The having sold the
Brewery establishment conducted] bv him j
since 1843, to Jacob Fisher, hereby tenders his !
thaaks for past custom and encouragement, and
invites for his successor the same liberal patron- ;
age heretofore extended to him, as he is a gentle
men of experience and practical knowledge in ;
the business. All persons knowing themselves j
indebted to me will do well by calling and set- !
tii rig the same, and those having claims against !
me, bv presenting them at once for settlement.
Lewistown, May 21. 1832—3t.
"VffEW ARRANGEMENT.—The undersigned
\ respectfully informs the public generally, !
that he has bought the Brewery, so long in I
charge of Christian Smith, and will hereafter
devote every attention and labor for the accom- ;
modation of customers and guests. All orders
for ARE, LAGER and STRONG BEER will receive
prompt attention, and an article furnist.ed that
shall not be excelled for purity or flavor. They
can be furnished in large or small quantities, or j
by retail, on the most reasonable terms.
lie has also for sale a lot of German and j
French Klnes, and Cherry Brandy, which he will
warrant the pure juice of the grape, bottled i
and ready tor use, which he can sell verv low. !
Also a lot of fine GFJIM.LV PRU.VES, at
wholesale or retail, warranted not to be wormy; i
and well dried. BREWER'S YEAST for ba
king can be had at all times. Persons desiring
any of the above articles will unquestionably
find it to their advantage to give him a call, j
where they can examine and taste for them
Lewistowe, May 21, 1832—3t.
rPOBACCO and Segars of every quality and
J[ any amount, for sale wholesale and retail, by
may2l K. J. HOFFMAN. "
/ JON J EC7 ION ARY.—Our stock comprises
U Candies of all kinds. Oranges, Lemons, Rai- j
sins, Dates, Prunes, Ground Nuts, Almonds, j
wholesale and retail,
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN. ■
Cedar Ware.
A A TE keep the largest stoc k, perhaps, in town. '
Y\ The Ladies can find Tubs, Churn* and
Buckets ; the Gentlemen Half-Bushel and Peck ,
Measures, scaled and not scaled,
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
Fire Proof* Paint.
Prevention is Better than Cure.
\V7E are daily expecting an invoice of
\\ " Blake's Patent Fire Proof Paint," an
article superior to any paint now in use. Its I
superiority consists in its durability, cheapness,
ami iu rendering the building to which it may
be applied, fire Proof. Let those who would j
have an article possessing the above qualifica
tions, call on
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
saddlery :ui<l Teachware,
A ATE pay particular attention to this branch >
YY °f our business. We are almost daily j
receiving additions to our already large stock, i
and as we have no need to purchase on credit, i
we can and will sell Saddlery and Coachware !
at the lowest possible figure.
Coa'climakers and Saddlers, if you would !
study economy, come see our stock.
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
Burning Fluid and Pine Oil,
4 JAVA us ON HAND.—As we manufhe
i\ lure BurninoVluid extensively, we can
furnish dealers with it lower than they can get
it from the city.
mav2l F. J. HOFFMAN, j
ilrieil Peaclns.
VFINE stock of splendid Iliad Peaches,
at .£2 AO ner buchel. Also, Par'd Peach
es—for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN.
Window, Printing, Wrapping,
▼ w Letter and Cap Paper—wholesale and
retail. F. J. HOFFMAN.
CIORDAGE. —Always on hand, a tine as
/ sortment of Ropes, from I in. to H inch.
Also, Twines, 'l ie Yarn, Cotton Laps, Bags,
&c. F. J. HOFFMAN.
( II AIIf 8 .
ITIV FRY K1NI), comprising Dog. Log.Fifth,
J Trace, Halter, Butt, Tongue, Spread,
Cow and Breast Chains, Ac.
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
Lamps, Pine 1 >il lamps. Oil and
Lard Lamps, Class and Britannia, which
for variety of color, shape, style and size, are
unequalled—low, very low, for cash.
may2l F. J, HOFFMAN.
Groceries—Great Reduction!
UJ E have just received a large assortment
of superior Groceries, which we are de
termined to soil FOR CASH lower than the same
quality of goods can be regularlv purchased
mau2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
OIL clothsT
Table end Carriage O'l Cloths—a
tine assortment always on hand.
Always on hand, an extensive assortment,
j and at prices the most penurious will not grum
; We. F. J. HUFFMAN.
OL f R stock, which is large and selected with
reference to the wants of the community,
i comprises ail kinds of Blacking, Scrubbing,
Horse. Sweeping, Dusting. Hair, Clothes, Ta
ble, In r ant, Wall, Paint, and Varnish Brushes,
I at reduced prices for cash.
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
Leather and Shoe Findings.
OUR stock comprises a large assortment of
Red and Oak Sole lA'atlier. Kips, Patent
Leather, Men's and Women's Morocco, Cochi
neal and Pink Linings, Upper and Giain Lea
ther, Shoe Tools, Thread of all kinds, Pegs,
Bristles, &.c. &c., for sale low for cash.
may2l F. J. HOFFMAN.
Drugs and Medicines.
VFTER tendering our sincere thanks to our
numerous customers for their liberal pa
, tronage for a number of years past, we would
state that, having a number of accounts due
that v. e are anxious to have closed up, we have
resolved to oi'FCS A NEW SET OF BOOKS, and en
deavor to close up all our accounts as soon as
possible up to Ist February. After this we
purpose bringing our business nearer to cash.
We shall continue to accommodate our friends
as heretofore,excepting that all accounts made
after this period, we desire to have settled up
! at live end of 60 da vs.
may2l ' F. J. HOFFMAN.
IN this branch of our business
defy competition. As we
no occasion to buy on credit, our BESSKSS
goods are %vell purchased, and therefore we
can furnish our nnmqfous customers with what
, ever they may want at a price and of a quali
ty that must give entire satisfaction. Enume
ration here would be tolly, as additions to the
j stock are constantly being made. Sketching
is all that we will pretend at, and the imagina
! tion of the reader, or a personal examination,
i must fill up the picture.
may2l ' F. J. HOFFMAN.
LMAININt. in the Post <Miice at Lewis
* town, Pa., May 18th, 1852.
A darns John Q Kaler Christian
Alison Robert Keever .Mary Ann
Barnes Mrs. Jane I.awver Jacob
Brown Martha A Lynch Margaret J.
Brooks -John Lewis Lewis B.
Brown Martha Leaks William
Burlue Hannah Lehr Levi
Barlet Jacob Long David
Beaver Mary Miller William
Baker William C. Miller Samuel L.
Bell-John D.jr. Marks Samuel
Coon R. D.—2 Mardine -Jacob
''roft l>. S. Miller Catharine
Cormngham Miss M. Macaniek -John
artor hllen Mowry William
Coggsliall Y\\ F. Mercer Simon—4
Campbell Catharine--2May William K. 2
Carter John Mifler Sarah Ann
Clark -L C. AlcKinney Mary
Crane-I. M. McClure "William
Dorman ( yrus McGowen James
DoumoreOwen C. Nicholas Miss Ann
Donaghv Dr. J. Nicols Ana
Dorman Isabella Oh re George
Doyle 1 homas J. Punier S. C.
Daily Robert Prettyleaf William
Dun lap Caleb Perks Alexander
Dickson Daniel Rothrock Isaac
Dickson James M. Reed George
Dougherty H. 11. Randolph William
Elliott- James Raffo Antonio
l.shelinan Isaac Reed John
Forsythe Robert—2 Ruble llenrv S.
Freeland J. C. Kobison John
Fink Miss Martha -J. Rev James
1 inkabino Jacob Rideu Margaret
Foster Daniel Stull George
Fultz Jesse Stearns O. P.
Gillespy Andrew Sweeten John 11.
Good Daniel Swigart George
Gray Joseph Stroop Samuel
G robot' < "atharinc Strait Daniel D.
Oriinm Augustus Sagar \\ illiain
Ginder William Shell George
llartnian t. J. Stewart R. i Son
Hunt Philip Swisher Henry 2
Hisev Christian Saunders 31.
Howel David Spiglemire John
llanna K. B. Thompson Charles
Hertora John Taylor Mathew 11.
Hammond Jacob Thompson R.
Hoover J. Teats John
Hough Mary E. Turney Capt. James
Henry Esther J. Yansant lleury
llall Susan Wilson Nancy
Jucl Joseph jr. Welch Matilda
Knox G. W. Walker John
Knight L. AY hi to James
Kbits D. 11. 3\ ilson Mary Ann
Krisher Henry Wallis Ahner
Knox John Young John
Persons enquiring fur letters in the above
list will please say they are advertised.
Lewistowu, May 20, 1832- it.