Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, May 07, 1852, Image 3

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    "ft rjT /** A * r , jrs
<4* ii UAi < wl 1"U >k> tiwai •
The present and ensuing month closes
the year for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance terms, had better send on their
money, as A DOLI.AU will now pay for a
year—-a fact worth remembering.
W big State Central Committee.
The following gentlemen compose the State
Central Committee of the Whig party for the
enduing year:
Newcomb B. Thompson, William Reynolds,
Joseph B. Myers, William Abbott,
Charles C. Dunn, William M. Bull,
C. Thompson Jones, John S. Littell,
John M. Kennedy, Jonathan Bullock,
William S. Price, John U. Giller,
Lloyd Jones, J. Smith Futhey,
John S. Richards, John S. Brown.
John W. Killingcr, Barlrarn A Shaffer,
David Miller, Henry D. Maxwell,
A. W. Leiseuring, Wm. M. McClelland,
John If. LauCh, Andrew G. Curtin,
John Petui Jones, Jonathan J. Slocum,
Wiiliam C. Bogart, John B. Steele,
' Charles W. Kelso, K. Sankey,
C. O. Loomis, Benjamin Kelly,
Joseph Henderson, Josiah E. Barclay,
Wilson A. Taylor, John McDowell "jr.,
Cyrus P. Markle, John S. Strutters,
Wm. T. Sanders.
Bv order of the State Convention,
WILLIAM JESSUf, President.
l.etter from California*
The following extract of a letter from Rev. I
Charles Maclav, a missionary of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in California, wili bo read
with interest by his numerous friends in this .
county : — Clitiinbersburg Valley Spirit.
SANTA CLARA, Marc!) 4. 1352.
JOHN M. PU.MROV, Esq.— Dear l'riend: — A full \
year has elapsed since 1 left my native home I
amongiliemouutainsof Pennsylvania. Strange, I
but true, here 1 am in the land of golden dreams. :
Many have been the changes since leaving my i
childhoods home in your county. My mind is !
predisposed to hold converse witli the past, and
tiring up obi associations with a desire to live i
them over again. But enuugh as to this, and
forthwith proceed to give you some incidents of
California life, climate, &c.
You no doubt have long since heard of mv lo- '
cation in tlu> valley, beautiful beyond descrip- j
lion. Santa Clara valley is not to be excelled in |
the world for beauty and natural advantages. 1 i
have visited the far famed Wyoming of your j
own State, and the great valiev of Virginia, j
with many other valnes of fame. They were j
beautiful, it is true, and their associations were j
of great interest to me, but this beautiful spot }
of creation, a kind of second Italy, is like a |
lonely flower garden never culled. Our plains j
stretch away in the distance for miles upon !
miies, say one hundred or mort in length, and
from ten to thirty in breadth. Wild flowers of
every hue meet the eye in almost every direc
tion, and Ibis too, as you Atlantic folk-- say, in
the midst of winter. Here we have no winter,
but a perpetual summer. 'The soil is of a very |
superior nature, and wheat, bai ley, oats and ve- '
getables of every description will grow and j
yield astoni-hingly. To write the whole truth, !
v. hat 1 have seen and know, would not be cred- |
ited, and so 1 shall say but little. Thousands of '
acres are now in small grain and bid fair for a I
heavy crop. Our donate is the most pleasant j
in the world, and said to be very healthy. You i
know I was haif dead with dyspepsia for several i
years before coming here—vvelf, I have never I
enjoyed better health than 1 do now. The |
Lord's name be praised for it. Jam frequently ,
asked if 1 would advise my friends to come to :
California. Those who enjoy gocl health in ■
the Atlantic country, and are in easy circum- j
stances, 1 would advise to stay where they are, j
but those in feeble health 1 would advise by all '
means to come, and the sooner the better. 1
would advise tiiose just commencing the world, ;
instead of going lothe west, to come here. It
is a rare instance for a person to make a fortune
in a fevv months, and none should come with any
such calculations. It is a grand mistake for
persons corning to this country to leave their
families behind. If they come here, let them
bring their wives and children, with the under
standing that they w ill make this their perma
nent home, and if they are industrious and eco
nomical, there is no doubt but in ten years or
less time they will be rich enough. Thousands,
it is true, come here and fail in everything; but
these very persons, it must be borne in mind,
faiied in everything before they caine to Califor
nia. California will not make sober men out of
drunkards, but in a thousand instances the re
verse. It w ill not make saving, managing men
out of spendthrifts ; hut give her a fair chance,
with good honest men. and they will do much
better than in your country.
Mrs. Maclay and myself, with our little son,
enjoy ourselves very much. I could not think of
returning to the States to live. We are in the
midst of a glorious revival of religion in this
place. A number have been converted within
the past few days. Our first college building in
this place, and the first in the State, is under
roof, and looks well. 1 have my church nearly
finished. It is a neat building—forty by fifty
feet. Truly yours,
The Paintings belonging to the estates of the
late f'hiiip Hone, of New York, were sold on
Wednesday, and realized the sum of tj7,4Ui) 49.
Some of the principal pictures sold for the fol
lowing prices;— Anne Page, Slender and Shal
low—by Le-lie, #810; Dull Lecture—by New
ton, #700; Falls of Kauterskill—by Cole, #290;
Still Lake—by Cole, 8100; Lake and Moun
tain—by Cole, $135; Greek Girl—by Newton,
#175; Rustic 'Tailor—by Leslie, Si2s; Land
scape—by Ruysdall, si2o ; Water Gap—by-
Doughty,* $l4O ; Sunrise and sunset, (pair)—by
Jcinville, $300; Subsiding of the V> aters—by
Cole, S2OO.
The Stockholders of the Central Railroad
Company, by a vote of 134,680 shares to 754,
Lave declared in fa\or cf a loan to carry on the
Premature Rurial,
The Albany Register, in the course of
an article on this subject, relates the fol
lowing instance, of which the Editor was
perfoctlv cognizant;
Some years ago, we were perfectly cog
nizant to an occurrence of this kind,
which was of llic oost heart-rending
character. The wife ot a gentleman was
taken suddenly ill in church, and was car
lied to her home in a state of syncope.
a few hours she partially recovered,
but iuintediait ly relapsed, and never again
showed any siens of consciousness. She
lay in this condition nearly two days, baf
llirig the skill of the physicians, and then,
as it was thought, and as there was almost
every reason to believe, died. No signs
of breathing could be detected, the liinl*
became rigid and cold, and the eyes re
mained open, with the fixed and glossy
stare of death ; but there teas no change
iii the color of the shin. This was the
only reason in the world for supposing
that dissolution had not taken place. The
poor bereaved husband, almost frantic at
the loss of his young and beautiful wife
whom he almost idolized, clung with des
i peration to the hope limned in Iter face,
j and long resisted the unanimous decision
of the physicians, that she was certainly
dead. They told him what is doubtless
true, that it sometimes, though very rarely,
happens, that there is no discoloration for
days nor even weeks after dissolution has
taken place. But still lie resisted, and it
was not until three days had passed, with
out the faintest signal of change or sign of
life, that he finally gave up and suffered
the burial to take place. She was en
tombed in a vault. Months passed. A
cemetery iiaving been laid out, the husband
purchased and beautified a lot, erected an
i elegant monument in it, and when all was
; ready, superintended the removal of the
I body of his wife from the vault to its final
j resting-place. When the vault wasopeued
he remembered the circumstances of her
• death, above detailed, and a desire seized
hiin to once more behold die corpse. Bv
i his direction the coffin-lid was removed,
j The spectacle which presented iiself was
' inconceivably horrible, for it showed that
: she had been buried alive. She had
I turned quite over upon her side; she had
clutched her nails into the coffin until her
lingers had bled, portions of her grave
cloths were torn, and in Iter horrible
struggles she had contrived to carrv her
hand to her head, and had plucked irons
it a mass of hair, with portions of the cap
that covered it ! The poor man never re
covered from the., shook of that awful
spectacle, lie was borne away senseless,
and for the rest of his weary life was an
utterly broken and miserable being.
Flour aiiti CaCEirrui EVodticc
Dealers in Fluster, Salt, Fish, ft free. Sugar,
and lirorerits generally.
\o 2s Scutti Howard street, Baltimore,
signments—quick sales at best market pri
ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Swan, Esq., Fres't Merchant's Bank,
Dr. H. McCulioch, do. B'kol" Baltimore.
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. A Ear. B'k,
H. Stuart Son. merchants, IT
T. W. dc G. Hopkins, do. i ~
Heiser & White, do.
SlinglutT & Ensey, do.
Reynolds & Smith, do.
SlinglufF, Devries Co. do.
Albert Bro., do.
11. M. Brent. Esq., Cashier, J
J. H. Sherrard, Esq., do. Winchester.
Merchants generally, S
Petor Radebaugh, Bedford, and merchants and
framers generally.
Bailimore, Dec. 21, 1851—ly?
T. P. Richardson. James Mil liken
Samuel Mtlliken, Jr.
Richardson & Miilikens.
Produce and Gtiura! Com
iititsMou ilcn'haiiD,
SO South Wharves and Jul S. Witter Street,
Messrs. Grant & Stone, Philadelphia
" Scull &- Thompson, do.
G. Philler, Esq., Cashier, do.
C. S. Boker, Esq , President, do.
lion. James Ir\ in, Centre countv.
| Saul McCormick, Esq., Clinton county,
j R. C. Gallagher, Esq. Juniata county.'
Resaler & Brother, Mill Creek.
Cunningham d. Crisswell, Waterstreet.
Philadelphia, February 20, 1-52.
Fresh Arrival.
r Section Boat WM. C. I'ORTER.
_L CAPTAIN PRICE, has just arrived laden as
| follows, trom Pittsburgh:
lo't Barrels Old Monougiheln Whiskey.
10000 lbs. Sugar 1-uied "Mams, canvassed
and plain.
j 18 000 lbs. Shou'dera and
15 Tiercee Cincinnati Dried Beef.
50 Boxes Pittsburgh Mould Candles.
100 Boxes Ohio Western Reserve Cream
50 Boxes Pittsburgh Window Giase.
25 Dozen Corn Brooms.
15 Kegs Pittsburgh Leaf Lard at Ift
cents per | outid.
1000 lbs. No. 1 Lent Lard incrocksofmv
i own rendering, for family use.
| ft is now generally acknowledged 'hat
Kennedy s is the store to purchase Fi-ii, Bacon
and Whiskey cheap for cash, thoee wanting
! 3ll V of the above articles, will find it to their
intere.-t to cali and see my stock, and no store
i in this Borough can undersell me.
Always on EGIKUI,
And all Kinds of COAL.
Lewistown, Aug. 8,1851. —tf
William Ball,
OAR3ER and HAIR-DRESSER, hss fitted
up a room in MAIN STREET, under
and hair-dressing will b<> promptly attended
j to, at all reasonable hours, by experienced
handg - ap 10.
Fishj Salt, and Plaster,
■nOR sale bv
1 June 27.-lf At the Lewistown Mitts.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
PASSENGER TRAINS leave Lewistown
daily, on and after Thursday, Ist April,
| as follows:
Eastward at 2 o'clock 20 minutes P. M.
j Westward at 5 o'clock 12 minutes P. M.
Eastward at 2 o'clock 00 minutes A. M.
Westward at a o'clock 22 minutes A. M.
Eastward at 5 o'clock 15 minutes A. M.
Westward at 0 o'clock 5 minutes P. JVJ.
i I .cwistown Depot, April 2,1852.
11 ©2O. W. SHiBSSj
Attorney at Law,
, tFFICE in West Market street, opposite F.isen
, j U bise's Hotel, will attend to any business in the
! courts oi JV'lilflin, Centre, or Huntingdon coun
i lies - Lewistown, Jan. 23, 1852.
;! Office of Discount and Deposit,
mmm uaaiiL
i Co.,
TT7TLL continue TO COLLECT and DIS
11S, &e., at the office heretofore occupied bv
the above firm. " ;
r.vt oniAtK no.hk ISBISTRY :
Looking Glass & Picture Frames.
| AMES CRLICIILE), thankful for past
cF favors, b'-gs leave to inform his friends
and the public that lie stii! continues the
E YAISEC ILtkiiig Ksittijae**
in a 1 its branches, at his old stand in \ ALLEY
r.ent of LOOKING CLASSES constantly
kept on hand, which are belter made than they
can be had elsewhere, which he oilers very I
j low to the trade.
Cfo/*A!: kinds o: repairing done, such ns put- '
■mg in new g'ass in o.'d frames, re-varnishiri"', j
&c. Lewistown, April 2, lss2—tim." j
Lewistown Pottery.
' ff --IE. undersigned respectfully inform their j
-ft- customers and the citizens generally of i
! M inlin, Huntingdon. Blair and Juniata-coun- !
ties, that they still continue to manufacture ali
kinds of EAR THENWARE of a very
superior quality, and at prices suitable to !
tlie times.
Merchants may rely upon getting an article
'iiat. earn; t faij to p'c-nse their customers, and i
such us w;!i ali ird them a Iriudsome profit. i
{ (tY All orders promptly attended to Ad
dress J. A. MATHEWS <Sc BRO. '
inur2G-3m Lewistown, Pa. :
Liquors and Western Produce.
\N assortment of excellent LIQUORS, '
(l comprising WLXES, BRANDY, WHIS- 1
: KEY. Ac., is offered for safe very low. or if a
quantity is taken. a liberal deduction will be
made on Philadelphia prices. This is an op
pnrtunity that may not oiler aga'n for some
time, and dealers in the article ire therefore !
requested to give me a call.
A nene al assortment of WESTERN PRODCCK.
as we i AS GRGCKRIKM, AC-., all cheap fur cash,
al tiit* Canal ."lute.
V. M RK'vV ALT, Agent.
Lewi-town, April 1 , 1852.
The Latest Fashions.
r PHE undersigned, late of the firm of Bins-
I_ bin ic DIXIES, has opened a
in the room latelyoccupied by J. W. Parker. Es<|,
i as : u . flice, m EAST M vuKETstrett, Lewistown,
win re the business wi l be car. ied on in all its !
various branches Every effort will be made
to give, satisfaction to ail who may give him
a share of bunnies.-', and promptness and func
tus ity will be enforced to accommodate bis
trierids. REPAIRING ami GU I 'TING done
to order at reasonable prices.
CO" A - lock ui CEO J'iJS and VIVSTINGS
on hand, of ti,e b st quality, which will L
i sold ui a very smtt!! Advance oil cost.
Lewistown, Ap r il 10, 1-352—tf.
Stoves and Tin Y/are.
Vit hulcsik' iifistl
rs'-liE undersigned Legs leave to inform the
jt people of MilHm and adjoining counties,
tint he stiii continues to carry oil the TIN
NING and STOVE business, at his old es
tablishment on .Market ptreet, four dmirs East
of the 1 >iamond, and itas the largest assortment
. of ['IN-WARE and STONES ever ex
hibited in this part of the country, an 1 is
—N" prepared to sell them at EAS TERN
TRICES. Smve-of al! sorts and sizes. Cook
ing . >UI' 1 i . tii j-..U1-Ti. *, ..I. J ClllliC.i f.iOVA'S.
Parlor, Shop and Bat Room Stoves of different
i sterns.
ountry Merchants are particularly invited
to exanfine liia stiT.k of Tin-N\re before
going to tie.' city, as fie is confident they can
save money by purchasing fiom him.
Spouting put up in the country at shortest
notice. Jobbing promptly attended to. All work
will be warranted tint is made at the shop.
Every person in want of Sieves. Pipe, or Tin-
Ware wnl find it to tlmir advantage to call.
April 9 —3 m JOHN B. MEI.HEIMER. j
p gMIE subsi riters have taken the Lew otovvn
-i. Mills and formed a c'partnership under
i lie firm of J(JH N STERRETT &. (IU. (CJ ja o
rving on a general IVIIIiLING BUfil
iIBSS, wish tu buy a large quantity of ail
kinds of GRAIN, for which we will pay the
HIGHEST PRICKS the market will allfird, accord
ing to the quality of the gr iu.
Anv person wishing to store their wheat can
do so, and ?i receipt will he given to be kept in
store untii the Ist of August, and after that
until the Ist ot December. In case of wheat
left in store, the subscribers reserve the privi
lege of purchasing said wheat when the own
ers wish to sell, at from 13 to 15 cents off of
Philadelphia prices, and if we do not buy at
this rate, then we charge one cent per bushel
for storage. No interest will bo allowed on
money not lifted for grain sold, as we arc pre
i pared to pay CASH at ail times.
FLOUR and all kinds of FEED kept and
for sale for cash.
Lewistown, May 2, 1851. —tf
Boats Ready for the Canal I
IfJ. others are informed that the subscriber,
at his large and convenient Warehouse on the
' canal, has established a regular line of Boats
' for the purpose of carrying Grain, Flour, and
Goods of all kinds, between Lewistown, Phila
delphia, and Baltimore; and will have a boat
I leaving Philadelphia every Tuesday and Fri
day, aiso one leaving Lewistown every Tues
day and Friday, until the c.ese of the season.
0C?"ile vviii receive and forward ali kinds
cf freight on reasonable terms.
i Lewistown, March 5, 1652 —tf
I3ITCM & OAKUM, for -ale bv
nA\ £ removed their Shoe Store from be
low Eisenbise's to the diamond, opposite
the Lewisto<.vn Hotel, [laving renewed their
I Ss&l stoc!i ttrP f,ovv prepared to make
fWJ 10 orde [ all kinds of BOOTS AMD
1 *** SHOES in the best manner and of the
■ best materials. I hey have also a choice assort
j rnont of city and eastern work to which they
I invite the attention of the citizens of Lewis
town and vicinity, as they are deter mined to
sell at the very lowest prices for cash.
Lewis-town, April 23,185?,
1 lii'iip ISoof, Mine ,V Cloth
ts?S Slore.
||AVL\G returned from the city with a
targe stock of the above mentioned ar
ucles, lie is prepared to sell low for cash:
Mens Calf Boots, from §1 75 to is-ft Oft
" t'onrse " 125 to <5 po
" Gaiters and fancy shoes of different
Ladies' Shoes, from 5(1 to I sft
" Gaiters, best quality, 150 to 2 tIU
.Misses and Childrens'Gaiters, of different
kinds. He is aLo prepared to make to order
til kinds cf BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS
that may be wanted.
His stock of CI/) i'HING has been well
selected, it was bought for cash and will be
sold .at very small profits. Call and examine
for yourselves, and you will be convinced of
the fact.
s>htotf f\'vws lbs* the People,
rjAHE undersigned, having resumed business
1 at his old stand two doors (rail of Watlson
At Jacob's store, East Market street. Lowis
town, has just opened an ENTIRE NEW
STOCK, comprising one ot the best and
ciiea pest assortments of
ever ottered in this market, which he is pre
pared to sell 2-) per cent, linear for CASH,
than has ever before been sold in this commu
nity. As an example of this, call and examine
an article of Ladies' Gaiters, which has always
been heretofore sold here for $2,23, and whicli
he can now sell at $1,7-3. Uther articles in
proportion. He has
Men's fine boots from $2.-30 to $3,50
'• coarse " " 1,50 to 2.5(1
Boy s Boots " I,sft to 2,75
Ladies' Gaiters " 7-5 to 175
Ladies' Shoes '• (;•_>' i Q 1 sft
Misses' " • sft l 0 871
Children's" " o~> t u f,o
Boys' " " 75 to 1,12A
I hese articles lie fee's safe in recommending
as wortli the money, being well made from
good materials.
OCT* Boots and Shoes made to order by ex
perienced workmen—none others being em
Repairing done at reasonable prices.
CO" He invites an inspection of his work,
his stock and hii prices, and he doubts not he
will le able to render entire sitistaction.
Lewistown, April 23, 1 -52.
>"SVHE subscribers having just received one
A of tiie largest and handsomest stocks of
Spring and Summer Goods
ever brought to this place, would mvite their
old friends, and the public generally, tu call
and give them an examination, as we are de
termined to sell goods of all kinds AS CHKAP
AS THE CHEAPEST, and we think (though we
are not so good at bragging es some of our
neighbors) that in point of style there is uo
lhing in tins place quite equal to them—at
least the ladies say so. We have all kinds oi
Ladies wear, such as
Poplins, Baregis. Tissues, Barege de Laines,
Lawns, Prints, While Crape, Shawls, Gloves,
Hose, & c.,&c. And tor the gentlemen Cloths,
Cassuneres, Sattinets, Linens, Cottonades, .Mus
lins, Summer Hats, Coats, Vests, Pants, Boots,
Shoes, &c., &c.
Hiu'dwai't' A:
Ccflee, Tea. Sugar, IfloSasscti, At,
Mackcial, Shad, Salmon, and CARPET
ING that can't be beat tor style,quality and
price. Come and see, for we are determined
10 sell at prices which will astonish some peo
Lewistown, April 23, 1>52.
Wattson, Jacob. & Co.
SIT AYE iu.-t opened at their old stand a very
t E m large and desirable assortment of
winch thev would respectfully invite Durcha
sers to call atid examine. Their stock em
of everv description, handsome Black and Col
ored SILKS, M. de Laines, Barege de Laiues,
("hall its, Lawns, Prints, Linen Cambric Hand
kerchiefs, Collars, Sleeves, Bonnets, Shoes, Jtc.
Also, BU per hue
vi ■*. ciD ijidl iP D. 2>
Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Linens, Cot
Hoofs and Shors, Summer Hats,
all ot' which they will seil as low as any other
establishment. Their stock was never fuller
or more complete, and they will endeavor to
give satisfaction to those friends who patronize
Lewistown, Aoril 16, 1832 —tf.
HVV. JUNK IN,at Schlosser'soid stand in
• Market street, respectfully informs the
Ladies and Gentlemen that he lias just received
1 an unusually fine stock 'of Gold and Silver
! Fancy Articles, superior Gold Pens, with Gold
I and Silver Holders, together with an excellent
supply of Clocks and Time Pieces,all of which
will he disposed of at less prices FOR CASH than
; this community has been accustomed to buy.
Clocks, Time Pieces, Watches and Jewelry
of every description repaired with great care
and warranted.
Persons visiting Lewistown are requested tu
call at the subscriber's establishment, and ex
amine the vanous articles ot Jeweiry and
1 Fancy Ware on exhibition in his cases, as he is
I satisfied that in these respects the most fastidi
i ous can be accommodated. Remember, the
stand is next door to Dr. Vauvalzah'a dwelling,
north side of Market street.
1 lewistown, April 23, 1852,
New Arrangement.
4 FTER tendering our sincere thanks to our
e T.V numerous customers tor their liberal p
r tronage for a number of years past, we would
? state that, having a number of accounts due
> that wo are anxious to have closed up, we have
3 resclvpd to OPES A NEW SET OF BOOKS, and en
- deavor to close up all our accounts as soon as
/ possible up to Ist February. After this we
- purpose bringing our bu;-iness nearer in casi.
i We shall continue to accommodate our friends
as heretofore, excepting that all account), made
after this period, we desire to have settled up
- at the end of 60 davs.
j Mi ' F. J. HOFFMAN.
j A FINE stock of splendid Dried Peaches,
x\ at $2 sft per bushel. Also, Par'd Peach
j es—for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN.
Groceries—Great Reduction!
| \\TE have just received a large assortment
* T of superior Groceries, which we are de
j termined to sell F R CASH lower than the same
| quality of goods can be rcgularlv purchased
j elsewhere.
6 0 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Burning Fluid and Fine Oil,
4 LW A YDS ON lIAND.—As we manufac
; ture Burning Fiuul extensively, we can
I furnish dealers with it lower than they can get
. i it from the city.
fee F. J. HOFFMAN.
! g ZOIIDAGE.—AIways 011 hand, a fine as
! VD sortment of Ropes, from £ in- t° l i inch,
j Also, Twines, lie "j urn, Cotton Laos, Bags,
| &c. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Drugs and Medicines.
r ]MIIS branch of our business continues to
JL receive due attention. Our Drugs and
Medicines have been selected with the greatest
care, an 1 purchasers may rely upon gelling
Medicines cf goou quality.
(TCr* W hoieeale purchasers are invited to give
• us a call, as we can sell them Drugs and Mod
i j mines at a small advance on city prices,
j Copal Varnish, goad, at $175 to 200 per
j gallon. Pure White Lead, $2 00 per keg.
Glass, *1 VI 10, $1 62£ per half box. Putty,
| 0\ cts per !b.
left F. J. HOFFMAN.
IN this branch of our business
defy competition. As we have
no occasion to buy 011 credit, our ISKSESSSI
I goods are well purchased, and therefore we
1 can furnish our numerous customers with what
ever they may want at a price and of a qnali
|ty that must give entire satisfaction. Enume
ration here would be tolly, as additions to the
' I .-tuck are constantly being made. Sketching
: is all that we will pretend at, and the imagina
tion of the reader, or n personal examination,
j must fill up the picture.
Saddlery am! Coachwai-e,
Always on hand, an extensive assortment,
and at prices the most penurious will not orutti
| "le- F. J. HOFFMAN.
Leather and tSkoe Findings.
OUR stock comprises a large assortment of
Red and Oak Sole Leather, Kips, Patent
, ; Leather, Men's and Women's Morocco, Cochi
neal and Pink Linings, Upper and Giain Lea
ther, Shoe Toole, Thread of all kinds, Pegs,
Bristles, &.c. &.C., for sale low for cash,
r f. ft __ F- HOFFMAN.
( i REATLY reduced in price—s3 Oft a 3.2
r per keg. F. J. HOFFMAN.
Lamps. Pine t>il Lamps, Oil and
Lard Lamps, Glass and Britannia, which
i for variety of color, shape, style and size, are
• unequalled—low, very low, for cash.
ft 6 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Flour and Feed Store.
C CONSTANTLY 7 011 hand, Wheat Flour,
J Corn Meal, Corn in the tar, Oafs, &c.
'! reft F. J. HOFFMAN.
. 1 LOOR, Table mid Carriage o*l Cloths—3
j JZ fine assortment a! ways on hand.
feft F. J. HOFFMAN.
V M A e IV S .
KIND, comprising Dog, Log, Fifth
Trace, Halter, Butt., Tongue, Spread,
Cow and Breast Chains, &.c.
ft 6 F. J. HOFFMAN.
. ; ¥¥7 ALL, Window, Printing, Wraoping,
. 1 if Letter and Cap Paper—wholesale and
retail. F. J. HOFFMAN.
OUR stock, which is large and selected with
reference to the wants of the community,
comprises ail kinds of Blacking, Scrubbing,
Horse. Sweeping, Dusting, Hair, Clothes, Ta
ble, In'ant, Wall, Paint, and Varnish Brushes,
at reduced prices for cash.
ft 6 F. J. HOFFMAN.
r Blacksmiths and Others, Lcoli to Your .In*
r i terests 1
a Great Reduction in the Price of Iron
6 WJ are now selling Irvin if Cu.'s
T f brated iron as follows:
| For Assorted Bar Iron, SR <-'*>
" Iloree Shoe, 3£ "
" Nail Rod,
I ! \\ : e will also sell n good quality of English
Tvre and other English Irons at the extreme
|ly low price of cts. per lb. These are our
n 1 strictly cash prices.
e We have also on Land Plough Irons, Small
d Rounds and Squares, from up to Jj inch.
1 American Steel ot superior quality at 5 cts,
per ib. Other steels low.
| ivft F. J. HOFFMAN.
d j
B3 the use of litis Machine one persor
can <lo as much scwins, anil make better w<.-rl
tlmn five or six can do by hand.
[j Tailors, Saddlers, &c,, look to your interest. Ma
chm.'-, shop and County Riabts for sale. Aj ply to JOHX
J ; LOCKE, Lewistown, until February 10th, utter that at
Lcwisburg, t'nion county, Penusylvaom.
C ; i?. One of these Mauhinea may t>e seen in eper
1, atior. at C. SI. Stu i.l'S Tailor-sltop in ill sid • •*.
j Lewistown, January 16,1SS2—tf
Ice! Ice!! Ice!!!
I'!E snlj.sc her would inform the citi/.ens
ot Lewistown and the county of Mitii n,
d i and adjoining counties, that tie is prepared to
e supply thorn with any quantity of pure JUiNi
c AT A HE, on reasonable terms and oa short
notice. Ho will start his wagon to supply
s Lewistown on or about the first of May ,or aitu
R earner day— trie weather permit tiny.
s j Lewistown, April 10, 1*52 tf.
j I Tuscarora Academy.
rjIHIS flourishing institution is situated in
J- Tuscarcra Valley, Juniata county, Pa,
eight miles 90u>h west of Mifflmtown. and six
i miles from the Perry ville station on the Penn*
' sylvania Railroad. The snmruor session will
commence on the Ist of May. The subscribers
j having taken charge of it, hope to merit and
receive a liberal share of patronage. The
; main building, recently destroyed by fire, will
be finished and ready for occupancy in a few
■ : weeks.
Academic, Juniata countv, Pa.,
April 9, 1852. * \ m *
Simmer Session ot this Institution
\ JL will open on Monday the third day of May
next. It is now in a highly prosperous condi
tion, under the care of Miss IS. J. BLACK, prin
cipal—Miss M. Low NIE, assistant. Other
teachers will be secured if required. The
trustees wul visit the school at least monthly.
Elementary Branches, with Composi
tion. S? 00
; The above, with Natural Philosophy,
History, Botany, Rhetoric,Phisiology,
* 8 50
Algebra, Geometry, Astronomy, E!e
mentsot Criticism, Logic, Chemistry,
Mentai and Moral Philosophy, 9 50
Drawing, Printing and Sketching, $8 00
French and Ornamental Needle Work,
each, 5 00
' Music on Piano, per quarter, 600
Use of Instrument and Vocal, each, 2 00
| Ancient Languages, 5 00
Board, is 1,25 per week—pupils furnishing
light. Apply to Mrs. Cunningham, Messrs.
Garber, Cummins, and Easton, or at the Sem
inary. mh 19*
j \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
TV appointed Auditor by the Hon. the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin
" | county, to make distribution of the fund in the
hands of WILLIAM SIIIMP, Esq., Trustee ap
pointed to make sale of the Real Estate of
JOIIN COMFORT, late of the Borough of
Lewistown, deceased, gives notice that lie will
' meet at his office, in Lewjstwn, on the 29th
day of May, 185*2. to make said distribution,
when and where all persons interested tie
, notified to attend.
Lewistown, April 3(1,1802—4t.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
il. appointed Auditor by the Hon. °the
f Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin
l county, in the matter of the sale of the Real
Estate of GEORGE WAGGONER, deceased,
- by WILLIAM SKIMP, Esq., Trustee, gives
notice that he will meet at his cffice, in the
Borough of Lewistown. on the Ist day of June,
j lr-52, to distiibute the fund in the bands ot
said Trustee, when and where all persons
are notified to attend.
Lewistown, April 80, ISs2—4t.
VUDI TOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
appointed Auditor by the Hon. the
1 Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of
i Mifflin county, to distribute the fund in the
- hands of YOST IVI.NO and ADAM IIOSEA, assig
j nees of JOSEPH SOMMERS, gives notice
i that he will meet to make distribution at his
* office in Lewistown, on TUESDAY, the 24th
day of May next, when and where all persons
s interested arc requested to attend.
Lewistown, April *23, 1852—4t.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undercigned
appointed Auditor by the Hon the
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of
J Mifflin county, to distribute the fund in the
hands of SHERIFF SIIIMP, arising from the sale
Icf the Lutheran Church Lot, in Lewistown,
* , gives notice that he will meet to make said
distribution at his office in Lewistown, on
i THURSDAY, the 27th day of May next,
, when and where ail persons interested are re
quested to attend.
- I Lewistown, April 23, 1852 —4t.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
, XJL having been appointed an Auditor by the
I Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin countv. to
distribute the fund in the hands of WILLIAM
J R MCCAY, Esq., Trustee of WILLIAM
REYVALT, to and among those entitled to re
ceive the snrr.e, hereby gives notice that he
I ! has appointed SATURDAY, May 15th, next,
' at the Commissioner's Office in Lewistown, to
attend to that duty, where all interested may
attend if they think proper, or be thereafter
debarred from coming in on said fund.
11. J. WALTERS, Auditor,
i Lewistown, April 16. 1852—4t.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—'The undersigned
XX appointed Auditor by the Hon. the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
to report on exceptions filed to the Adminis
tration account of ANDREW WISE &. JNO.
SHADE, Administrators of GEO. SHADE,
deceased, gives notice that he will meet at
his office, in Lewistown, on the 15th of May
next, when and where all persons interested
are notified to attend.
; J. DICKSON, Auditor.
[' Lewistown, April 16,1652—4t.
r A EDITOR'S NO I'lCE.— The undersigned
XL appointed Auditor bv the Hon. the
I! Judges <>t the Orphans' Court of Mifflin countv,
to decide on exceptions filed to the account ot
. ! SAMUEL MORRISON, Administrator of JAMES
b. MORRISON, deceased, gives notice thathe
| will meet at his office, in Lewistown, on the
- ■ IJlh day ot May next, for that purpose, when
, and where all persons interested are notified io
; attend. ' J. DICKSON, Auditor.
Lewistown, April, 16, 1652—4t.
\ UDITUR'S NOTICE. —The undersigned
XL appointed Auditor, by the Hon. the
! Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
II to decide on exceptions filed to the account of
' Administrators of DANIEL REEL, deceased,
\ gives notice that he will meet at his cffice, in
it Lewistown, on the 21st dty of May next, for
that purpose, when and where all persons
r interested are requested to attend.
J. DICKSON, Auditor,
Lewistown, April 16, 1852—At,