THE G AXETIE. : LEWISTOWJb !'A- Friday Eveiling, April SO, 1852 Notices of Xrw Sdu'rliseineiils. The Apprentices Literary Society will hold a stated meeting on to morrow even °Vn election for managers of the Odd Fellows Hall Company will be held on Monday next. L. LADOMI .-:, of Philadelphia, invites at tention to his stock ul Watches, Jewelry, l, arc economical, arid ap point economical men (ami a great many of them at that) to office. W c shall riot dispute the assertion, but wc should like to know what kind of economy governed them in giving the contract for the repair castings to Ex-Governor Lortcr. In short, we should like to know what they gain by it. Wc think we have a slight ink- Ji.,gof the manner in which things are working. A week or two ago a boat load of " chairs" for the repairs on the Portage Road, arrived at the weigh-10. k from 1 l:iri i- urg. I hie of the olli cers invited the Cap' ~•!, and weigh, which he po . j. (,•.<: a' '•< same time pulling from hi- ,:e* t pass for his load toil free ' l : • . been an established custom : -v.<, ' i-hed repair castings, to deliver ; ; ./ cliitrge at the depot. It appears, hor. <*< ,- • .< is discrimination has been made of the vci'-ran Kx-Govcruor, and he is allowed to carry i.i re pair materials toll free; nay more, if the truth was known, in ali probability the Kiekapoo talk of his rc-g..vanized excellency induced the economical Commissioners to pay the freight on them. If not. we trow lie will make it off them, in addition lo foil price for his castings. Old Davy is an ah! financier—his political ser vices, ton, are worth something, and he knows it. A day of reckoning might be set apart for the board, but the march of each individual member out of office Will take him so far into obscurity that lie -w ill never be heard of again." 44 Old Davy," who is so handsomely noticed in the Standard, it may not be amiss to say, is a senatorial dcleirate to the democratic convention to norniitatc a lo cofoco candidate for President I Professor Lovatt will gave a second en tertainment this evening at the Town Hall, on his novel invention, the Rock llar ruonicon, consisting of 10 blocks of solid stone, taken from the quarry in it- pritni ture state, and laid on a frame, by which excellent music is obtained. The per formance is intersperse i with comic •o:-g . Shakesperiafi reading-, Ac., ail v. loch arc avell calculated to while away a;i evening. The third and last exhibition will be given on Saturday evening. Hon. THOMAS BEU. will probably be appointed Judge of the Supreme Court. in place of Judge Coulter, deceased. , tetter ** riters. A number of scribblers httve reeendy been writing to Gen. Scott for his opinions ! on ail sorts of subjects. He has repeat edly declined answering their interrogato ries, referring his inquisitors to the record and teachings of his life. Some months ago he wrote a letter of this purport. 1 j)