Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 23, 1852, Image 3

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    rrj TJ -S A fv 7p f~. TS
The present and ensuing month closes
lite year for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance tenns, had Letter send on their
money, AS A DOI.T.AR will now pay for a
year—a fact worth remembering.
Foreign News,
NEW YORK, April 18. —The steamship Are
tic, with four days later intelligence from
Tin rope, arrived at about 7 o'clock this morn
ing, making the passage in 10 days and 19
hours, having left Liverpool on the 7th inst.,
at noon.
The House of Commons on the sth, voted
£460,000 for carrying.m flic Caffrc war.
The Cotton market continues dull. The
sales for the three days previous to the sail
ing of the Arctic, were 12,000 bales; and tl"'
imports fur tiie same time were about 49,000.
Middling New Orleans and Mobile arc quo
ted at 4) (■' 41, and d>. -Upland 4]. Of
"Wheat and Flour the arrivals continue large,
and the demand moderate, at previous quo
Yellow Indian Corn was in fair request at
steady prices, while holders of white had sub
mitted to a decline of sixpence to one shilling
per quarter. Clover Seed was dull. Lard
was quiet at 48s. Trade in Manchester con
tinued verv languid, and prices of botii goods
and yarns were depressed.
All remained quiet in France. Tiie En
glish troop steamship Birkenhead was lost in ;
St. Simon's Bay. and 446 troops are missing, j
IRELAND. —There is a comparative lull i
in electioneering movements, Colonel ''hat- j
tertori has formally addressed the electors of j
the city of Cork, soliciting a renewal of their '
confidence, as the unchanged advocate of j
Protection in its widest sense. The Limerick
Chronicle states that industrious and enter- j
prising Scotch farmers are extending their 1
influence in the south and west of Ireland.
The Gal way Mercury, speaking of the
wholesale emigration of the peasantry from 1
that country, remarks that tiie parties who j
left within the first two years are now send- !
ing home in small sums "an amount of mo
ney beyond all former example."
The selection of Dr. Cullen as the succes- j
sor of Dr. Murray, by the priests of Dublin, :
and the certainty that their choice will be
but too readily ratified by the Vatican, has
given great offence to the moderate Roman
Catholic Laity.
A vast influx of English visitors to Ireland
is anticipated this summer, consequently on
greatly increased facilities of traffic lacing af- j
forded" by arrangements which have been ,
completed by the Great Southern and West- j
ern, and tiie Chester and Holyhead coinpa- j
FRANCE.—I 'ARTS, Sunday.—The ccrenio- |
nv of giving the barretlc to M. Donnet, the
Archbishop of Bordeaux, recently nominated j
Cardinal, took place at i 0 o'clock this morn
ing, in the chapel of the luileries. At 11 a
grand breakfast in honor of the new Cardi- 1
nal, was given by the President. It was at
tended bv several of the highest dignitaries
of the Church, and the grand functionaries ;
of State.
At 12 o'clock a review took place in the j
Court of the Tuilerics for the purpose of a
third distribution of the new medals. The
troops reviewed consisted of the 3d,4th, 30th,
and 42 i lb giments uf Infantry of the line, :
the 4th Regiment of chmmirs .. chcval, the 7th j
.Regiment of Dragoons, and tiie 4th battery
of artillery.
It is stated that General Tasclier de la I'a
gorie, formerly aid-de-camp to Prince Eugene '
Beauharnais and who has been residing at '
.Munich, is shortly to be expected at Paris, in '
order to assume the functions of Senator, to
which he is to be named.
The Commander-in-chief of the garrison of
Paris has published an order of the day, re- I
Tuning the soldiers of the Jewish faith from j
all military service during eight days, on the :
occasion of the solemnity of Easter, in order
that they may attend to their religious duties. !
The mixed commission in the Avdeehe has I
sentenced 12 political prisoners to transpor- !
tation to Guyana ; 7 to be tried by court mar- i
tial: 113 to be transported for life to Algeria :
43 for a limited number of years ; nine to bo j
expelled from the French territory for life;
12 f.r limited period; 28 to be tried by the
police courts : 23 to be confined to a particu
lar town ; and 43 to be placed under the sur
veillance of the Minister of General Police.
M. Guentin Buuchart, Councillor of State,
accompanied by Eniilc B rnior, private See- ;
retarv of the Minister of Justice, arrived at j
Evens on the 28th of March. After having
had a communication with the authorities of ■
the town, he proceeded to the prison, where
lie examined the committals of the prisoners
to the number of 130, whose cases lie was
empowered by the President of the Republic
to examine—9o ol whom were immediately '
I'utis, Monday, April f>.—The Monitcur
announces that at 9 o'clock on Sunday night,
tlie members of the Court of Cassation and
the Court de Comptes, the First President
and the Proeurours Generaux of the Court
of Appeals, took the oath prescribed In the
Constitution, in the presence of the President
of the Republic.
TURKEY. —According to a telegraphic
despatch of the 20th March, received at \ i
tuna, from Constantinople, the Sultan wrote
under the Egyptian note, demanding a mod
ification in the Tanzinias—" This request 1
neither can, ought, nor will grant."
PARIS. April Ith.-—The Assemble Nationale
repeats it.- conviction that the Empire i- at
baud. A decree appears ordering all minor
functionaries down to "bailiffs, to take the
oath of fidelity to the Prince President.
The Seirle -ays the deficiency in flic Bud
pr for 1853, cannot be less, than 101,000,000b
The prisoners sent to Algeria are to be
settled in parties of 500 each, so tli tt good
conduct may be rewarded.
lar storm of wind swept over Duueklecs Grove,
18 miles from Chicago, on the 12th inst. Its
movement was rotary, the track very narrow,
and unaccompanied by thunder, lightning or
lain. The house and barn of Mr. Ebenezer
Duncklee, and also ti.e barn of one of his neigh
bors, were in the track of the storm, and were
left shapeless heaps of ruins. In Mr. Dunck-
Jce's house eighteen persons were assembled.
The house was lifted several feet (rotn its foun
dation, and was crushed in its (all. Mr. Dunck
lee was killed instantly. A son-in-law had his
foot broken,and was otherwise seriously injured
The remainder escaped with only slight confu
sions. The < ntire furniture in the house, was
crushed Twenty sheep belonging to Mr. Dunek
lt-e were also destroyed.
A CLEAT Ei LIKE IN W is ONMM. —The Miner
al 1' .ii.t 'I limine says that Robert Dyer, while
boring for an Artesian well, a few miles east of
that village, sunk the hole with the borer
am. it 59 feet, and in so doing has cut through
over "...irteeii feet of soinl lead.
Items of News.
Paris, the newlj elected Mayor of Portland,
lias pledged himself, it is said, to maintain the
Maine Liquor Law.
A whole family, named Shrill, of ten or
twelve persons, were killed by the explosion of
the steamer Glencoe at St. Louis.
REPUDIATION. —The Cincinnati City Council
have refused to pay the bill of Kossuth's ex
j per.ses while he was at the Burnet House in that
i city.
It is stated that in the town of West Newbury,
Mass., there were raised and put up, last year,
of marketable apples, fourteen thousand anJ
nine barrels, worth about §28,000.
The Clarion Register contains about six
oolumns of Sheriff's Salts to take place at the
Court House in that borough on the Ist of May
i next.
Bayard Taylor,, in one of his letters to ihe
Tribune, says the Turkish name of America is
Venice Dnonea. [This sounds very much like
j Yankce-Doodledom, but is said to be, in reality,
the Turkish for "New World."]
James Craven, aged 60, the author of several
works on heraldry, died recently iu a filthy lodg
ing in Whitechapel, England, where he" lived
i with an aged lunatic. He had money sufficient
to maintain himself in comfort.
STOLE V HOUSE. —Some "adroit thieves"
carried oil a house "bodily" from Sport Hill,
Calaveras county, one day last week. The di
mensions ot the house were twenty by forty
leet. Ibis is the loftiest case of " shop-lifting"
we ever heard of.— .llta California.
A Whale, about fifty feet in length, was seen
close to the wharf at Fall River, by Captain
Child, of the Canonicus, 011 Monday. He was
heading, when iast seen, up Taunton River. It
is supposed that he has followed the shad and
The Reefs at Key West abound in sponges,
and about >50.000 worth is collected and ship
ped yearly, paying from forty to fifty dollars per
month to each hand engaged. These sponges
are cleansed, dried, packed, pressed, and ship
ped to New York, and then sold to the French,
mostly, to make felt fur hats.
A letter from Heidleberg (Grand Duchy of
Baden) announces tne death in that town of an
old soldier named Fein, at the advanced age of
115 years. He took his part in all the cam
paigns of the seven years' war, and in 1789, un
der Marshal Jaudoti, was present at the assault
of Belgrade. The Grand Duke has for many
years allowed a pension to this veteran.
A locomotive on the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, when near Harper's Ferry, exploded
its boiler 011 Sunday morning, instantly killing
Thomas McMakin. a superintendent on the
j road, and fatally injuring the engineer. The
fireman, and several others connected with the
train, were also severely scalded, The cause
of this explosion is not known.
The barque Wm. Watson, arrived at San
Fiancisco from Hong lvong, China, brought the
intelligence of a most disastrous conflagration
there on the 2Gth December, which destroyed
nearly the whole city. Hundreds of lives, it is
said, were lost; and every newspaper office was
destroyed. The public market was destroyed,
and much suffering was the result. The total
loss was put at §4,000,000.
out in the Deputy Clerk's Room of the L. S.
Supreme Court at Washington, on Tuesday of
last week, which destroyed a desk and Ihe min
utes of the last term of Court, it was fortu
nately discovered soon enough to extinguish it '
without much damage. The fire has been as
certained to have arisen from the ignition of a
box of matches left carelessly in the desk.
FRUIT. —The southern Ohio and Indiana pa- '
pers report the most of the fruit—cherries, j
peaches, apples and pears, which had escaped 1
the extreme cold of the past winter—to be !
destroyed by the late frosts. The Brookviile ;
' la.) Advertiser says the loss is incalculable,
and the present impression is that §500,001), or
fifteen years of constant horticultural applica
tion, will not bring back our orchards to what
they were last summer.
The palace of Rhcinardsbrunn, the favorite
residence of the Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha,
brother ol his Royal Highness Prince Albert,
was burned to the ground on the night of the !
nth. The edifice was situated in one of the
most charming -jots of the Thuringian forest,
and occupied the site of an ancient monastery
It was not long since built, at great cost, in the I
old German style, and contained treasures of
art ami antiquity of untold value. The disaster |
was purely accidental.
A young lady of Albany, recently received
from a relative in California, in a letter, a
gold watch and two gold chains. The package
did not weigh an ounce and a half. The watch
is a perfect gem. It is a Geneva lever, full
jewled, is not much larger than a dime, and
weeps admirable lime. One ol the chains was
of gold and agate, very beautiful, and the other
was of the finest California gold, and about
eighteen inches in length. Such a letter is
worth the postage, at least.
Lola Montez lately paid a visit to the. public
| schools of Boston, and it is said made a short ad
dress to the scholars. Lola has also had a quiet
interview with several of the editors ol the
Boston papers, to whom, it is said, she expres
sed a decided [.reference to Mr. Buchanan, for
the Presidency, and a fervent regret that she
| w 'll not be qualified to record a vote in his fa
vor. \\ ith such an endorsement, Mr. Buchan
an will unquestionably run ahead of all com- I
New \ or.i; r"r. SCOTT. —The Whig members
of the New ork Legislature held a meeting at
Albany on Tuesday morning, and passeu the
following resolution by a unanimous volt :
Resolved, That the Whig Members of the
Legislature of this State do present, to the
Whig National Convention, the name of Gen.
V\ INFIELD SCOTT, as their first choice for the
1 residency, subject to the decision of sueli
; Convention.
NEW COUNTERFEIT.— -Counterfeit T S 0
the Partners' and Mechanics' Bank, Easton.
Pennsylvania, are in circulation. A lurtro 5
in the efntre of the bill, with men harrowing
and sowing seed on ihe right, and a man
ploughing on the left of it—a figure 5 and
two Y's on the right end, and the word five on
the left.
pointing his agents to sell his Hungarian Bonds,
mid 111 Pitlsbuigh he has selected a ladv. The
business it would seem is reduced to one of
method, as Mrs. Jane R. Eliot announces b. r
acceptance of the agency and place of busi
L appoint Mrs. Jane R. Eliot, of Pittsburgh
my agent lor the distribution of the Hungarian
Loan Bonds, lor Pittsburgh and vicinity, under
the following conditions :
Ist. 1 expect every week a letter from my
agent, informing me about proceeding of the
, distribution, and the probabie amount of bonds
required for the place.
2d. The sums collected, as soon as they reach
the amount of §IOO, are to be sent, for my ac
count, to W. Srncnd, Citizen's Bank, Cincinnati.
3d. for the trouble and loss of time of those
who are personally engaged in the distribution
of the Bonds, the agent is authorized to allow
the collector eight per cent, for bonds sold in
Ihe city, and twelve per cent, for those sold in
the country.
Ith. Ihe agent has to iurnish the Association
of Friends of Hungary with the bonds required
by lhem for sale,
j Mobile, April 3d, lao 2. L. KOSSUTII.
Reported for the Gazette.
The following causes were tried at an
; adjourned Court of Common Pleas, held
I during the week ending 27th uit.
Samttel 11. Waiters vs. \V. J. McCoy—lssue
| formed to try the right to money paid defendant
, ' as Justice ot the Peace on two judgments on
i his docket—plaintiff' elaqmng by assignment
i fiom plaintiff in said judgments, and defence
that said Justice had paid money to agent of
| saiti plaintiff' and by his directions. Verdict
#2O for plaintiff. Plaintiff moves the Court for
a new trial.
Abner Thompson vs. Robert McManigil—
No. 125, August term. 1847. This action was
brought against defendant, as Sheriff, for levy
ing upon and selling 112 sheep, as property of
: I). C. .Miller, on execution issued at suit of
! Watt—claimed by plaintiff". After having
j called a Jury and proceeded awhile with the
trial, compromised by the parties— Watt, who
| defended the action, agreeing to pay plaintiff'
| #250 and costs.
Francis Sample. James Sample and others
vs. John Stroup—No. 42, January term, 1840.
Ejectment for a farm in Kishacoquillas Val
j ley, now owned by heirs of Henry Steeley,
deceased. (Stroup being tenant, on whom writ
| was served.) Verdict for defendants.
Robert Mtlliken vs. Jonas Voder, tenant, and
I Win. Henry, landlord—No, 177, January term,
1848. Ejectment for a small tract cr strip of
land neir Reedsville. Parties to thissuit have
adjoining farms, but as they thought the parti
tion fence was not exactly on the line, they
| would have it fixed by a Jury. After proceed
j ing with examination of witnesses and papers
bofore the Jury a day or two—cause settled am
icably. Plaintiff to pay docket costs, and de
fendant to pay plaintiff #2O.
Samuel A. Mitchell, Indorsee of J. &, J.
j Milliken and_ H. N. Burroughs vs. Samuel
tloilidsy—'i his was an action of debt o:i
promissory note, etc. Jury called, and after
proceeding with trial, parties consent to a ver
dict for pinintilf for #6l0 —one half to be p;.i 1
in par funds, the residue in rotes of the Bunk
jot Lewistown, with slay of execution tor one
I year.
Nathaniel Kennedy tor use of John Kenne
dy vs. John i. McCoy, George Davis and Joseph
Mtlliken, No. 46, Aprii term, 1848—Action ot
debt on promissory note. March 25th, cause
reached, and a Jury culled. After proceedin"
| with examination of witnesses awhile, suit
j compromised by parties—defendant to pay
#750, with interest, and costs of suit.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at sug
gestion of E. P. Irvin vs. I). M. Centner and
sureties, No 160, August term, 1850—Action,
i debt on official bond for not executing according
to law on certain Test. Fi Fa., issued from the
Common Pie; s of Philadelphia City and coun
! ty, at suit of lrvin vs. Francis Whittaker—debt
! #2lOll. The property levied upon by the
| ShuriffSkv virtue of above writ, was claimed
by John F. Cottrell. Plaintiff m the execution
I refused to indemnify the Sheriff to.-el!, and ir
| stated upon the Sheriff'protecting himself by
proceeding in the D slticf Court of the city ami
' county, under the "Interpleader Act of Assem
bly,"' extending to Philadelphia City and coun
ty and the county of Lehigh. The difficulty
, in this cau-e arose out of the proceedings in
tie District '. cuit. \ erdict for'hedefendant,
i Writ of error filed.
WEIGHTY ST CUR. —ON the 7th instant, the
Messrs. Thatcher, of Winchester, Va., -laugh
i tercd a very line beef, weighing one thousand
' seven hundred and sixty-five pounds gross, or
j one thousand and four p tn.ds neat,, it was
! raised by John Bromley, on the Opequ n.
The Farmers of Scioto Valley, Ohio, and n!
the country immediately a> j .cent, have formed
an asso nation for the importation of improved
biooded eat tie. Neariy ten thousand dollar.- have
! iven already contributed by the members of
the A-sociation, winch U is contemplated to
increase by further contributions to fifteen
| thousand dollars.
Far It is rumored that a number of
! voting ladies luive secured attentive beaux
since their appearance in public with
dresses procured from the new stock late
il\ brought tip by FIROYKD BROTHER.
! If this is so, it will be a strong induce
ment for others to pay them a visit forth
In I)\ sjH'pt ics —Dr. J. S. HOUGH f< ).\'S
PEPSIN, 'fiic True Din' slice Fluid,or (las
trir Juice, prepared from the RENNET, or the
FOUR i N STOMVCH OK run Ox, after directions j
of B \RfC\ LIEBIG, tiie greatest Physio- !
logical (Tiemist, hyJ.S. HOUGHTON, M. 1).,
Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful reme
; dy tor Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, I aver
Complaint, Consumption arid Debility, curing
after Suture's own. method by Suture's <>wi
Agent, the Hastric Juice. Pamphlets, con
taining .Scientific evidences of its value, fur
nished by agents gratis. See notice among i
the medical advertisements.
-EVERY HODY that wants good Coffees,
Sugars, Teas, Molasses, \ inegar, &c„ can
always find them very low, lor cash, at F.
LEWI-. TOWN, April 22, 1852.
l } dm in/ Venters
Flour - - - >2 27 j
Wheat, white - 80
Do red - - - 75
11 vt; - - - 55
<fats . ... 21
Corn .... 50
Cloverseed - - - 4 00
Flaxseed - - - 1 00
Timothyseed - - -2 00
Butter, good l->
EirgS ... 1 !
Lard .... 7
Tallow ... 8
Potatoes - - 1 Oo
a 'he Lewistown Mills ate paying 80 cts. per
bushel for White Wheat, and 75 cts. for Red.
Rye 55 cents. Corn, 50 cents per bushel. Prices
! of Flour—#2,2s per 100 lbs. for extra, and §2,00
| for superfine.
IC?" E. E. LOCKE CO. at Locke's Mills, are
paying 60 cents for Rye, and 45 cent# for Corn.
PHILADELPHIA, April 22,1852.
FLOUR AND MEAL. —The market lor Flour is
firmer ; standard brands are stili offered at #4
! per bbl. Sales of good stiaiglit brands lor city
j use at #4 UtJ a #1 12|. Extra Flour is held
at #4 50 a #5. Rye Flour—Small sales at
#2 25. Corn Meal—very little doing—last
sale of Prandvwine at #2 25, and Pcnna. at
| #2 0(>.(. — GRAIN —Wheat —Sales of prime
I red at 90 cents, and prune white at 95 cts.
Rye—Sales at 72 cents. Corn —Is getting
scarce; sales of yellow, afloat, at 64 cents
Oals —.-vre source; last sales ot P< una. at -12
■i 42 cents, and of Jersey at \\\ cents. —
I Ledger.
iCr* Hundreds of our citizens complain of
iiebilitv and languor ot the sjctem, derange
i ruent of the liver and -tomach, want of appe
tite, &c : they are frequently the result of too
close application, and a thousand other causes i
we cannot here name : but we would say to ail
i afflicted, do as we have done—get a bottle or
i pared by Dr. Jackson, and, our word for it, you ■
i will be cured. We recommend this medicine,
knowing from experience that it is much su
• perior to the generality- of patent medicines. '
We would say to our readers, purchase none
unless prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Phila
On the evening of Thursday, 15th inst., by
the Rev. Samuel Lawrence, at the residence of
Dr. Samuel Maclay, Perrysville, Mifflin count*,
ARDSON, all of the above place.
On Tuesday, 13th inst.. by Rev. David Wil
HI TCHINSO.V, both of Newton Hamilton.
_On the IStn inst., by the same, HAMILTON 1
l of Oliver township.
On the 20th inst.. by Rev. James H. Brown, I
at Thomas Mayes' Hotel, EM B. LLOYD and
Miss ELIZA B. LODGERS, all of this county.
On Sabbath evening last, very suddenly,
Mrs. MARY ANN, wife of Robert McNeal, Esq.,
aged about 50years.
On the 12th instant, at her residence in Hale i
street, Mrs JANE I J .. consort of Win. McKee.
in the (>8L!I year of lmr age. She was trail in
body, but happy in soul, and gave full testimony
of her admittance to the kingdom of" glory.
Phus she sweetly slept in the arms of her Re
| On the 10 tfi inst., after a lingering illness,
Mr. JOHN GU.-S, aged 28 year and 3 weeks. ■
At a joint meeting of Lewistown and K ish- :
aeoquilla# Lodges, 1. O. of O. F., held at their
hall on Monday, the 10th inst.. P. G. SIDES
in the ('hair, Bros. G. \\ . Soult. V. (}., anil j
•!. M eirieh, of 97, and W. 11. Snyder of 184,
were appoinied to prepare and have resolu- !
tions publish d and sent to family and friends •
of Bro. JOHN GT'ss, lately deceased, expressive
of sorrow and sympathy, who subsequently
reported the following, which were adopted:
11 hcreus, It lias pleased an over-ruling j
Providence to remove from our midst our !
beloved brother, JOHN* Gr.--, of Mifflin town
Lodge, who was cut down in the prime and
vigor of manhood, and has left us to mourn i
his early death. Ami whereas, a proper
respect for the memory of the ih-eeased de
mands suitable action on our part, for their
melancholy and afflictive visitation ; therefore ;
Resolved, That in the death of brother Gi -s ;
we have been bereft oi a worthy member of
our Order, a kind and generous friend who
was ever ready to relieve the distressed or the :
eares of the afflicted, llis wife has been de
prived of a kind and affectionate husband; ;
ins Lodge of a faithful and true brother, and |
society of one oi its in useful ami bencvo- i
lent members.
R'sn/rcd. That we sympathise in the depth ;
of our hearts with the relatives of the dee'd..
ami the brethren of Mifflintown Lodge, in
i tlmir sorr >w ami affliction, occasioned by the
dco'ii of on" who was dear to them.
Resolved, 1 hat we cherish with pleasure
and eons.dation a remembrance of the manv
virfm- "four deceased friend and brother.
It ■ .red. Flint these resolutions be pub-I
-1 in the I.'wistown papers, and that
! • ipieg be #<:nt to the family of the deceased, I
th brethren f Mifflintown Lodge.
OF Lewistown and vicinity arc respectfully '
informed that lhc
is now open in rooms above Mr. Allen's Book
stoic, where
Gayford &l Manington
arc prepared, with the latest and best stvlc of
stock, to execute orders in a manner not to be
surpassed for style, execution or moderate i
' price.
Likeness for SI.OO, and Case :
Old Pictures taken, 50 rents.
No picture need be paid for utiles# approved
Please call and examine specimens, Ac. j
Lewistown, April 9, 1852 —3'
5 2 7/ E TVTI E'
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE in West Market street,opposite Eiscn- '<
bise's Hotel, will attend to any business in the
courts of Mifflin, Centre, or Huntingdon conn- !
ties. Lewistown, Jan. 23, 1852.
Office oi' Discount and Deposit.
T/iJiiJAiil jjjliJoiSJiJi,
<i a ii!)h & Co.,
\\JILI, continue TO COLLECT and DlS
ITS, A:c.., at the office heretofore occupied by I
the above firm. ap9
Watts on, Jacob, & Co,
J | AVE just opened af theirold standa very
573_ large and desirable assortment of
Spring Siiribht Lood*,
which they would respect fully invito Diirciia
scis to ca.L arid txumiiio. 'Their stock cm-
of every description, handsome Black and Col- '
ored SILKS, M. de Lame#, Barege de Lames,
Chaliits, Lawns, Prints, Linen Cambric Hand
kerchief"#, Collurs, Slewe#, Bonne'.#, Shoe#, &C.
Also, superfine
Black and Fancy Cussimercs, Linens, Cot
tonades, ;
Boots and Shoes, Summer Hats, &c.,
all of which they will sell as low as any other
establishment. Their stock was never fuller
or more complete, and they will endeavor LO
give satisfaction to those friends who patronize
Lewistown, April 16, 1852— tf.
Ice! lee!! Ice!!!
CPHE subscriber would inform the citizens j
j X of Lewistown and the county of Mifflin,
and adjoining counties, that lie is prepared to
supply timm with any quantity OF*PJIE JUNI
ATA ICE, on reasonable terms and on short
notice. ' He will start his wagon to supply j
Lewietown on or about the first of May, or at AN
earlier uay — the weather permitting.
I Lewistown, April lti, I^s2 — tl.
T. P. Richardson. Jrrr.es Milliken.
Samuel Milliken, Jr.
Richardson & Millikens,
Proiluce aiati CJeiier.il ( om
mission .Wrrchfjuts
SO Sou!ii Wharves au.i 161 S. Water Street,
Messrs. Grant & Stone, Philadelphia
" Scull &■ Thompson, do.
G. Philler, Esq., Cashier, do.
C. S. Bokcr, Esq , President, do.
Hon. James Irvin, Centre county.
Saul McCormick, Esq., Clinton county.
It. C. Gallagher, Esq. Juniata county.
Kessler & Brother, Mill Creek.
Cunningham & Crisswell, Waterstreet.
Philadelphia, February 20, 1852.
WALTER & 1()~
Flour am! General Produce
Dialers in Tlas'cr. Salt, Fish, Coffee, Sugar,
ami Groceries generally.
So 28 South Howard streft, Baltimore.
| lEKKAL ADVANCEMENTS made on con- ,
J j signments—quick sales at best market pri
ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Swan, Esq., Pres't Merchant's Bank, j
Dr. J. 11. McCulioch, do. B'k ot Baltimore,
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. & Far. B'k, _ I
H. Stuart & Son, merchants,
T. W. & G. Hopkins, do. [
Heiser & White, do.
; Slingluff & Ensey, do. g
Reynolds & Smith, do.
| Slingluff, Devries&Co. do.
; Albert & Bro., do.
11. M. Brent, Esq., Cashier, J
J. H. Sherrard, Esq., do. Winchester.
Merchants generally, N
Petor Radebaugh, Bedford, and merchants and
framers generally.
Baltimore, Dec. 24, 1851—1y .'
Looking Glass & Picture Frames.
JAMES CRU'I'("HLEV, thankful for past
favors, begs leave to inform his trieuiis
and the pnbiic that he stili continues the
| in ail its branches, at his old stand in VALLEY
STREET, Lewistown, Fa. A genera! assort
ment. ot LOOKING GLASSES constantly
kept on hand, which are better made than they
can be hud elsewhere, which he offers very
low to the trade.
077"A!! kinds of repairing done, such as put
ting in new glass in old frames, re-varnishing,
&c. Lewistown, April 2, 1852—6 m.
Lewistown Pottery.
undersigned respectfully inform their
M- customers and the citizens generally of
Mifflin, Huntingdon, Blair and Juniata coun
i ties, that they still continue to manufacture all
of EARTHENWARE of" a very
C superior quality, and at prices suitable to
the times.
Merchants may rely upon goftinir an article j
that cannot fail to p'case their customers, and
| such as will afford them a handsome profit.
077* All orders promptly attended to. Ad- !
dress J. A. MATHEWS vt BRO.,
rnar26-3tn Lewistown, Fa.
Liquors and Western Produce.
V N assortment of excellent LIQUORS, i
V comprising \V!.\E 8, BRANDY, VV'HUS- ;
KEY, .Vic., is offered for sale very low, or if a j
I quantity is taken, a liberal deduction will be !
made on Philadelphia prices. Th is is an op
portunity that may not offer again for some
time, and dealers in the article are therefore j
requested to give me a call.
A general assortment of WESTERN PRODUCT, I
as Avei! as GROCERIES, AZC., ail cheap for cash, i
at the Canal Store.
WM. RE WALT, Agent.
Lewistown, Aprii 16, 1852.
The National Restaurant,
IN the basement of the National Hotel, is now j
open, and refreshments of all kinds will be '
served up as called for. on the European plan,
by J. THOMAS &. CO. j
Lewistown, Sept. 26, 1851.—tf
Fish, Salt, and Plaster,
PGR <a!e by
June 27.—tf At the Lewistown Mills.
Ahfsis* on !;inl,
And all Kinds of COAL.
Lewistown, Aug. 8, 1851. tl
No. i llovk street Wlurf, Philadelphia.
HAS constantly on hand, and to arrive,
an assortment of the be-t quality (with Proof
Certificate*) English and American
Itracc, Close Link and Coil Chains,
Suitable for Rmlteay*, f'tr.-els, .Mines, F„unarics, and
JMilt>; Longing, Ftnce, Trace and J fraught t hams.
a> Orders for Chains executed promptly, and at the
lowest cash rales.
Vessels furnished with Chains and .hichors on favor
. able terms. Chains cut lo nny length..
Philadelphia, April lt>, I'-.rZ—3:n.
r Fouic Jffixturc!
Fever and Ague!!!
1 ia3i ja i aid a.
Guarded by the Written Signature ol the
(jTy- Is for sale by aii the Druggists in Lew
istown, Pennsylvania. ap9—3m.
William Ball,
AIIBER and HAIR-DRESSER, has fitted
J.) up a room in MAIN STREET, under
and Hair-dressing will he promptly attended
to, at ail reasonable houis, by experienced
i hands. ap.i6.
PJJ OVER'S INK —Black. Blue, Red and
Carmiue, the best in the marwet, cheap at
dIU BANKS' Variety afoie.
Tuscarora Academy,
fi >uri^li:n rr institution is situated in
- Tnsearcra Vailey, Juniata county. Pa.,
eight miles south wos; () f MitTlititown. ami six
tni'os trnm the Perry*il!e station on tile Pern
s\:\sn-a Railroad Th*- umrner scs*-en will
commence on the Ist of Mr v. The subscribers
having taken charge <f jt ( hope to merit ar.d
rec ( i\e a libera! shar** of The
main bui uing, recentiy destnveu by tiro, w.ii
: '-e finished and ready for occupancy in a few
Rrv. \VM. H. COOPER,
Academic, Juniata county, Pa., ) .
April 9, 1852. " s
fgtllK Simmer Session of-this Institution
.S. will open on Monday the third day of May
next. It is now in a highly prosperous condi
tion. under the care of MissS. J. BLACK prin
cipal—Miss M. LOWRIK, assistant. Other
teachers will be secured if required. The
trustees will visit tpc school at least monthly.
Elementary Branches, with Coniposi
tion, s7 00
i The above, with Natural Philosophy,
History, Botany, Rhetoric, Phisioloew.
' 8 50
Algebra, Geometry, Astronomy, Ele
mentsof Criticism, Logic, Chemistry,
Mental and Moral Philosophy, " 9 ~)0
Drawing, Printing and Sketching, §8 00
French and Ornamental Needle Work,
pach, _ 5 00
j Music on Piano, per quarter, 6 (K)
Use of Instrument and Vocal, each, 2 00
Ancient Languages, 5 (Ml
; Board, .$1,25 per week—pupils furnishing
j light. Apply to Mrs Cunningham, Messrs.
Garber, Cummins, and Easton, or at the Sem
inary- inh 19*
Stoves and Tin Ware.
Wholesale and Retail.
fflllF. undersigned begs leave to inform the
JL people ol Mifflin and adjoining counties,
that he still continues to carry on the TIN
NING and STOVE business, at bis old es
tablishment on Market street, four doors East
: of the Diamond, and has the largest assortment
of 1 IN-WARE and STOVES ever ex-
in this part of the cnuritrv. and is
v — to sell them at EASTERN
; PRICES. Stoves of all sorts and sizes. Cook
| ing Stoves of alt patterns, and Church Stoves,
Parlor, Shop and Bar Room Stoves of different
j patterns.
Country Merchants are particularly invited
to examine his stock of Tin-Ware before
i going to the city, as he is confident they can
save money by purchasing from him.
| Spouting put up in the country at shortest
notice. Jobbing promptly attended to. All work
will be warranted that is made at the shop.
Every person in want of Stoves. Pipe, or Tin-
Wr.ro will find it to their advantage to call.
The Latest Fashions.
fJMIE undersigned, late of the firm of Bins
! L BIN & DINUES, has opened a
; in the room latelyoccupied by J. W. Parker, Esq ,
as an office, in EAST M IRKETstreet, LewLtown,
where the business will be canied on in all its
various branches. Every effort will be matie
; to give satisfaction to all who may give him
a share of business, and promptness and punc
tuality will be enforced to accommodate his
friends. REPAIRING and CL J TING dene
j to order at reasonable prices.
00~ A stock of CLOTHS and NESTINGS
' on hand, of the best quality, which will be
j sold at a very small advance on cost.
Lewistown, April 10, 1852 tf.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
j '■•wv
PASSENGER TRAINS leave Lewistown
daily, on and after Thursday, Ist April,
as follows:
Eastward at 2o'clock 29 minutes P. M.
Westward at so'clock 12 minutes P. M.
Eastward at 3 o'clock 00 minutes A. M.
Westward at 8 o'clock 22 minutes A. M.
Eastward at 5 o'c.ock 15 minutes A. M.
Westward at 6 o'clock 5 minutes P. M.
Lewistown Depot, April 2,1852.
A L 1)1 TOR S NO LICE.—The undersigned
j XIL. having been appointed an Auditor by the
j Court of Common Pleas of Mifflin county, to
distribute tiic fund in the hands of WILLIAM
R MCCAY, Esq., Trustee of WILLIAM
; REWALT, to dml among those entitled torc
j ceive the same, hereby gives notice that be
; lias appiinted SVTUKDAY, May 15th, next,
at the Commissioner's Office in Lewistown, to
: attend to that duty, where ail interested may
| attend if they think proper, or bo thereafter
debarred from coining in on said fund.
H. J. WALTERS, Auditor.
Lewistown, April 10. 1052—4t.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
I\. appointed Auditor by the Hon. the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
to report on exceptions tiled to the Adminis
; rration account ot ANDREW WISE & JNO.
SHADE, Administrators of GEO. SHADE,
deceased, gives notice that he will meet at
, his office, in Lewistown, on the 15th of May
ncx!, when ami where all persons interested
are notified to attend.
J. DICKSON, Auditor.
Lewistown, April 16,1852 —4t.
V EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
il appointed Auditor by the Hon. the
JuJges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
to decide on exceptions filed to the account of
I). MORRISON, deceased, gives notice that he
will meet at his office, in Lewistown, on the
19th day ot May next, for that purpose, when
and wheie all persons interested are notified to
attend. J. DICKSON, Auditor.
Lewistown, April, 16, 1852 —4i.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE—'The undersigned
JLX. appointed Auditor, by the Hon. the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mifflin county,
to decide ori exceptions filed to the account of
Administrators ot DANIEL REEL, deceased,
gives notice tint he vn I meet at his office, in
Lewitown, on the 2ist day ot Mav next, for
ihat purpose, when ar.d where all persona
.nteresled are requested to attend.
J. DICKSON, Auditor,
I-C A ...