THE GAZETTE. LEWISTOWN, Y\. Friday Fvening, April 23, 1832. iWicrs of New A!irrlismriil.v. JOHN KINNIHV has received a tine lot ©f Western Produce. SICI.KK & STIIART, who are noted for their taste in selecting goods, have just received their spring supple. 11. W . Ji NKI.N has opened a large and beautiful assortment of Watches, Jewelry, and fanrv articles. JOHN* CLARK ■ \ (•;> \ icnA oil Uanl;-, Governor Bigler has had quite a dine ; • of it for some- weeks in keeping hisde:no : cratie flock straight, and though he lec- ! tures tin-in about every other day with a j veto, they will go on with special legis- j ; lation. A bill relative to the Court House j lin Montgomery county did not meet his : views, and he accordingly sent it back. Then a bill authorizing the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to bold ninety acres of ground at Powelion, the eastern termi- j mis of the Columbia Railroad, the Cover- j nor thought smacked too much of mon- j ! opolv, and he vetoed that! Next an act ( relative to a tax on the capital stock ol j ; hanks did not meet his views, and it was i kicked back ! Finally on Monday, the ; ; batch of bank bills, noticed above, were vetoed in a lump, the Governor having probably become tired of writing out a siring of objections to each. We have I I read this message with care, and although some of the \ iows expressed are doubtless 1 sound, the Governor we think will fail to satisfy bis party friends, who were the principal getters up of the above projects that lie is right, lie admits that at the proper time a bank might be useful at some of the points named, but then flies j oIF into a dissertation on the evils of an I '• inflated currency," which we take it means that he has strong doubts whether his democratic fellow citizens who are ap plying for bank charters, are competent to manage such institutions for the benefit of j the public, lie next puts it on the record that the Hunk of England. " now con tains the enormous sum of near ninety millions of gold and silver," whilst in France and Holland he says there is an evident excess ! We are somewhat at a loss to know how these facts of plenty of money in Fngland, France and Holland are any evidences of prosperity here, bin Governor Bigler has so said it, and all good democrats must so believe. Ilethen goes on to say— " In the I'niteil States we have a full supply, I which is now being rapid I \ augmented by iieu receipts. 1 ' Well, that's good news, decidedly, though we fear the diflieultv is to find out where the " full su ppl y" has hid itself. In this quarter all acknowledge that money i< extremely scarce; in neighboring coun ts | ties the same tiling is said, and from j one end ol the State to the other the crv is -hollar—so that if there is a lull supply in the I nited States, as the Governor as serts, Pennsylvania is very far from hiving a lair share of it. \\ e noticed a few weeks ago that a German loeofoeo paper, published at Varonshurg, Centre county, was indulging in a wholesale denunciation of ladies and clergymen who advocated the recent tem perance movement, and gave it as our opinion that its editor published matter in German that no respectable man in Centre county would like to father in English. This of course touched a tender spot, and we accordingly find that our friend ovc r j there is down upon us in mongrel English, together with a sprinkling of sourcrout ; Dutch, winding up by assserting that it is none of the business of the Chief Burgess ol Lewistown if Ludwig Kurtz, redactcur of the Berichtcr and Anzciger, chooses to call preachers hypocrites and ladies Jaco bins, bull Irogs, &c ! Well, we beg leave to dill'er on this point, especially so far as ! the ladies are concerned, (as the preachers can defend themselves) and think we have j quite as much right to notice such misera ble apologies for editorials in the Berichtcr as he has to make covert attacks on those i whom its conductor well knows are not able, even if they saw bis paper, to peruse ' tiie choice epithets bestowed on them, and what is more we intend to make it our : business. That paper may advocate Bu chanan and rum much as it pleases, hut when its publisher sloops to ungenerous | attacks upon ladies, impugning their mo lives and actions, he must not expect to ! escape "Scott free," as we shall at least do our part towards making it known that a man can be found in this part of the State, and hut one, who employs such i " arguments." Wc will only add that a paper containing our former notice was mailed to the Berichtcr—if, as he says, it was not received, it was no fault of ours. : V Three locomotives were more or ' less injured on the railroad on Saturday las', fortunately without lite ioss of life, • hut one man having been hurt. Two ■ wood trains ran into each other near New r ton Hamilton in the afternoon, and the , night train from the west ran into some - emigrant ears that had become detached ! 1 1'iir. a fV jght train. The conductor of tii- latter was aslcpp at the time, but was i woke up in a hurry ! The engines were -> alt so ! ir repaired as to be able to proceed die machine shops below. This makes s eight d. -hied locomotives on the road—but better Miiash the engines than the pas t sengeis ! I 3'1,000. —The Juniata got on a " high j ; horse" in the early part of slie week, ami ! judging from the number of rails A..*., 1 that floated by Monday to Tuesday ! afternoon, must have done considerable in- ; iurv to farms above. • ' At this place it rose gradually until it i got across Elizabeth street, at Mrs. Nut ter's dwelling, and wanted but a few inches of gettintr across the turnpike in Main j : street, below the stone bridge. Of course all the yards and gardens back of Eliza • beth street from llearley's Hotel to Smith's : brewery, were several feet under water, 1 while on ilie other-side ol Elizabeth : street it also made its way in sufficient j quantity to cause a good deal of trouble. ! Between the furnace and .Main street, a small building had two or three feet of water on the lloor, and an adjoining one was also completely surrounded. Al : though 110 particular loss was sustained in Lite space referred to, so far as we can learn, vet as twenty or thirty families had to remove everything liable to injury or loss from their cellars and lower stories, as well as from yards, gardens and stables, 1* . 6 to places ol security, and w ill have to j spend a week to put things to rights, every ! one suffered more or h ss. ! The quantity of grain and goods in the j several store-houses 011 or near tin- ('anal : Basin, was large, and entailed considerable .expense on each in removing them.— Messrs. Yv attson & Jacob had a lar. Maxwell, 1 IA. W. Leisenring, Wm. Ml McCiei'and, John il. Lauch, Andrew G. Curtin, i John l'enn Jones, Jouatlian J. Slocurn, 1 l William C. Bogart, John It. Steele, ' Charle- VV. Kelso, 11. Sankey, ; C. O. Loom is, Benjamin Kelly, j Joseph Henderson, Josiah M. Barclay, \\ tG< 111 A. Taylor, John McDowell. Jr., | Cyrus I*. Markle, John S. Strutters, Win. T. Sanders. Illy order of the State Convention, WILLIAM JF.SSIT, President. R?'A meeting ot the committee will be i held at Covcrly's Hotel, Jlarrislnirg, on Tuesday afternoon, 4th May. A DCKI. PREVENTED IN MARYLAND. —Not- I withstanding the new constitution of Maryland ' declares that any citizen thereof, lighting a duel, ; or sending a challenge, shall " ever thereafter be incapable of holding any office of trust or j profit under the State," we see by the Sauvv Hill Shield, that Edward I ong and Joint W. Cri.sfie: 1, both ex-members of the State Lcgis : laturo, and residents ot comity, ! Md , have been held to bail at Princess Anne to keep the peace, in the sum of #lh,o () each, I by Judge Spf nee, on the ground that h chai -1 ienge bad passed between them to light a duel. ' It is said the affair grew out of a previous per sonai rencontre. ' | GUN COTTON. —Experiments continue to be • made m the fortifications of Mont/, to render , ! gun cotton serviceable for war purposes as j well as lor blasting operations. An Austrian 1 ; aTtdlery officer, Baron Link, is said to have I" ; arrived at tho most important results, inas- I much as tiic range to be procured with it, pre -5 pared alter his system, ia much greater than with powder, wmi a greubir certainty of the j shot, and loss dang r of explosion during | manipulation. j ! A Lawyer stole a note in Centre Stafford, I N. H., and was fined 1 p23 JOHN KENNEDY. Meeting of the Medical Society \N adjourned meeting of the MEDICAI SOCIETY, will be held on TUESDAY " ; the 28th of April, at 2 o'clock. Jit/ order of the Preside!,t. I Lewistown, Apiil 23, 1352. READ AND ACT! rifHE c ub-:crjt>ors having nisi received one 1 A of the largest and handsomest siocks of' Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this piace, would invite t!;°ir • old friends, and the public generally, to call , ar.ii give them an examination, as we'are de termined to sell goods of all kinds AS CHEAP ■ AS TUP cHEAPKST„and we think (though we • are not so good at bragging as some of our neighbors) that in point of style there is nu- I thing in this place quite equal to them—at j least the ladies say so. We have all kinds of Ladies wear, such as BO IN VETS, RIBBONS, SPEVCEKS. SI.KIFIS, COLLARS, SILKS, SATINS, OANADINES, ■ Poplins-, Bareges. Tissues, Barege de Lawns, Prints, White Crape, Mhawls, Cloves' Hose, &c., &c. And for the gentlemen Cloths, ; Cassimeres.Saitinets. Linens, Cottonades. Mus iins, Summer fiats, Coats, Vests, Pants, Boots, , Shoes, Arc., Arc. Harchiarc A. Queens w.ii'c, foflcc. Tea. Sugar, Molasses, Ac. Mackeral, Shad, Salmon, and CARPET ING that can't be beat tor style,quality and price. Come and see, for we arc determined to sell at prices which will astonish some peo ple. SIGLER &. STUART. Levvistown, April 23, 1852. CLUCKS, & RAIL A\l> JKUELKV. BNV . J UNKIN,at Sclilosser'sold stand irr • Market street, respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen that lie has just received an unusually fine stock of Gold and Silver WATCHES, JEWELRY, Fancy Articles, superior Gold Pens, with Gold and Silver Holders, together with an excellent supply of Clocks and Time Pieces,all of which will be disposed of at less prices FOR CASH than tbi- community has been accustomed to buy. Clocks, Time Pieces, Watches and Jewelry of every description repaired with great care and warranted. Persons visiting Lewistown are requested to call at the subscriber's establishment, and ex- I amine the various articles of Je.velry and Fancy Ware on exhibition in his cases, as he is setisiied that in these respects thp most fastidi i ous can be accommodated. Remember, the stand is next door to Dr. % anvalzah's dwelling, north side of Market street. Lewistown, April 23, 1852, JOHN CLARK & CO. HAVE removed their Shoe Store from be low Eisenbise's to the diamond, opposite the Lewistown Hotel. Having renewed their SK| stock, they are now prepared to make f*4 to o-dcr ali kinds of BOOTS AND in the best manner and of the best materials. They have also a choice assort ment of city and eastern work to which they invite the attention of the citizens of Lewis town and vicinity, as they are determined to i sell at the very lowest prices for cash, Lewistown. April 23,1852. ANTIDOTE FOR WET FEET. .\rivs lor the People. rpilE undersigned, at his old stand two doors JL east of Watfson fc Jacob's store, East Market street, Lewi-town. has just opened the cheapest and best assortment of ever offered in this market, which he"is pre j pared to sell 25 per cent, lower fur CASH, than has ever before been sold in this commu nity. As an example of this, call and examine an article of ladies' Gaiters, which has always been heretofore sold here for $2.25, and which he can now sell at $1,75. Other articles in proportion. He has Men's fine boots from $2.50 to $3,50 " coarse " " *1,50 to 2,50 Boy's Boots " 1,50 to 2,75 Ladies' Gaiters " 75 to 1,75 Ladies* Shoes • (>2A to 1,50 Misses' _ " 50 t 0 874 Children's' 1 " 25 ( 0 50 Boys' 75 to 1.12^ I heso articleslie feels safe in recominendiitg as worth the money, being well made from good materials, *- j Boots and Shoes made to order bv ex perienced workmen—none others being em ployed. 65 (tCT* Repairing done a reasonable prices. CO"" He invites an inspection of iiis work, his stock and his prices, and he doubts not lie xvlll Le able to render entire satisfaction DANIEL DONOT. Lewistown, April 23, 1852. BILLY JOHNSON'S* Cheap Hoof, *lioc V Cloth iii£ Store. TTAMNG returned from the city with a large stock of the above mentioned ar • tides, he is prepared to sell low for cash: Mens Calf Boots, from $1 75 to *0 (10 Coarse " " 1 25 to 6 00 " Gaiters and fancy shoes of different ; j kinds. 1 Ladies' .Shoes, from 50 to 1 50 1 " Gaiters, best quality, 150 to 200 .Misses' and Childrens'Gaiters, of different c kinds. He is also prepared to make to order ' all kinds of 800 TS, SHOES and GAITERS " j that may he wanted. | i His SIOCK of CLOTHING has been well selected. It was bought for cash and will be I sold at very small profits. Call and examine j for \ ourselves, and you will be convinced of ' the fact. ap23 HILLY JOHNSON* . A UMTOR'S NOTICE.—The trade reigned XV appointed Auditor by the Hon/ the i lodges of the Court of Common Fleas of ; Mifflin county, to distribute the fund iu the hands ot YOST KINO and AlMvi HOSEA, assig nees of .1 < LSLFI I SO.MMERS, gives notice that he will meet to make distribution at his 1 office in lewistown, on TUESDAY, the 24th day ot May next, when and where all persons interested are requested to attend. . JAMES DICKSON, Auditor. Lewistown, April 23, 1852—4r. }' 4 LDI TOR'S NOTICE.— Ihe undersigned TV appointed Auditor by the Hon. the it Judges of the Court of Common Fleas of n Mifflin county, to distribute the fund in the g hands of SHERIFF SJIIMP, arising from the sale ir of the Lutheran Church Lot, in Lewistown, e gives notice that he will meet to make said distribution at his office in Lewistown, on I THURSDAY', the 27th day of May next, when and where all persons interested are re- r ■ quested Lo attend. 1. JAMES DICKSON, Auditor. Lewistown, April 23, 1852—4t. PITCH & OAKUM, for sale by e 0 F. J. HOFFMAN.