Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, April 16, 1852, Image 2

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i.EwisTotf'N, r,v.
Friday Evening, April 16, IBf>2.
IVoJicrv of Xfff Alrrlisfmi)it.v
JAMES FOMONO. Philadelphia, lias a general
assortment of chains, &c , constantly on hand.
VVM. Itr-iviLT lias a stock of excellent liquors,
Ac., which lie will sell a bargain.
WATTSON, JACOB & Co. have received their
supply of new spring goods, embracing more
than the usual variety.
J. DINOES has opened a tailoring establish
ment in Market street, next door to Montgom
ery's boot ami shoe store.
WM. 15A I 1., a first rate hand at shaving and
Lair dressing, has located himself next dooi to
Thomas* restaurant.
Joiiv CCBEISOM has on hand a large stock of
'■ice which he will dispose of on rensonahie terms.
FUA.WIS Mct'T.i RE, Esq., guardian of the mi
nor Vhild ien of Henry I' Taylor, will oiler
-at public sale some valuable real estate on the
Kth May.
Our "readers who arc in want of lonoking
gla-,s or picture frames, are referred to the ad
vertisement ol JAMES (airn IILF.T.
The receipts ami expenditures of the Borough
of l.ewistown ami several auditors' notices also
appear to-day.
Destructive Fire.
Our town was visitc-il 011 Friday night
last by another destructive tire, which
broke out about 1 I o'clock in West Mar
ket street, somewhere in ihe rear of Schell's
kitchen—at what point it is almost impos
sible to ascertain, as no two persons can he
found to agree as to the precise spot.
There was sufficient wind at the time to
spread the flames with great rapidity, and
in a few minutes fSchell's buildings, Ilenry
Kulp's dwelling and front building, a small !
building occupied as a barbershop, owned
by M. Buoy, all eastward of Snail's;
and McClintic's cabinet warerootn and
lumber, and Daniel Firhthorn's brick
dwelling on the west, were mostly a livid
sheet of tlaine, and with the exception of
the latter, in a few hours reduced to ashes.
The wind fortunately lulled in the height
of flic tire, and thus enabled the occupants
of buildings across the street to prevent
their roofs from catching. Buov's brick
building occupied by Dr. N. Belford, was
burning at the roof repeatedly, as was also
the frame building in the rear, and nothing
but the most untiring exertions prevented
these from being destroyed and the flames
from spreading to the Democrat office,
telegraph office and post office. On the
other side there was also great intrepidity j
manifested in efforts to preserve Ficlltorn's
buildings, as had the flames once obtained
the mastery there, A. Ulvmyer's shop, and
probably his fine dwelling, would have
shared the same fate of those destroyed.
The hose was on the ground early, but
•we regret to say that the water was again
•Stopped off, and when let on had so little
head as to prevent the use of the pipe.
J lie hose was accordingly used to conduct
water into the engine, and almost useless as
that concern is. the strong hands and wil
ling hearts of the hoys who manned it,
ilk! most efficient service—moving from
one point to another as exigency required,
and for two hours exposing themselves to
a heat and smoke that drove others i hun
dred feet away. Lines were repeatedly
formed to obtain a supply of water with
buckets, and although ladies and even little
'boys willingly fell into the ranks, hundreds !
who might have given good aid. preferred
to stand idle spectators of the scene.
Wide from the inconvenience aitendiiiff
such disasters, the actual loss is not very
heavy, being in great part covered bv in
surance in the Cumberland \ alley Com
pany, and may he stated as follows :
Barber shop, owned by Major Buoy,
insured for $250. Criffiih, a colored man 1
who occupied the budding, lost nearly all
his stock.
llcnry Kulp, Esq., had both buildings
burnt, and a portion of his furniture, Ac
j\o insurance, hut v\ ill !• made up in part
by voluntary contributions from our citi
Sehell's house was unoccupied, and with
n bottling machine .and all the out buildings,
was totally consumed. Insurance *11)00.
Me' 'initio's warerooiu was insured for
SSOO, lumber lor s2fiis, furniture for $"'0(1,
and a general insurance of S2OO. The
furniture was mostly got out, some of
it however in a damaged state. Mr. McC.
is fully insured, hut will still he a loser to
some extent by a difficulty in procuring
reasoned lumber and a want of suitable
rooms for the sale of Ins furniture.
Mr. I iohiliorn has att insurance on his
property and furniture, hut suffers consid
erable loss by petty depredations, Are.
Dr. Belford had some furniture injured
oy removal and water. Several others,
ivho considered themselves in danger, re- i
moved various articles, probably List some,
and are put to much trouble in restoring
It is generally believed that lite fire was
•the work of an incendiary, though there j
J J no evidence to show that such was the
ease. The buildings were all close! v con
nected, all of eom'-ustihle material, and of
course liable to destruction whenever a
spark, either intentionally or accidentally
applied, obtained any ht.njvv iy.
! The Cumberland Valley Insurance Com
pany lias been particularly unfortunate in
j losses by lire here within a few years, the
! amount now exceeding (including the Lu
i theran Church insurance, which thev re
i fuse to pay) #IO,OOO.
j r?T We are indebted to Messrs. Cooper,
Broil head, James C. Jones, Seward,.
! Smith, and others of the li. S. Senate,
and to a number of members ®f the House
< of Representatives, for sundry speeches.
A new rifle company, called the Bu
-1 ehanan Corps, lias been lately formed at
Lancaster. Each member is to have a
lancet presented to liitn by the sage of
Wheatland, wherewith to let out demo
cratic blood.
Lie* On the 20th January, Oov. lligler
vetoed a supplement to the act incorporat
i ing the Hanover Branch Railroad, because
no limitation as to lite amount of the bonds
or obligations had been fixed in the hill ;
I and on the Ist of April, Co v. lfigler
signed a hill for another company con
taining the very clause he had vetoed in
January !
cos of this State, having in lite first place
I aided in getting up a temperance excite
ment, when the election came on turned
round and voted for their candidates with
out a why or wherefore as to liquor, and
| with the help of wiiigs who opposed all
; of their own creed who had committed
themselves in favor of the Maine Law,
succeeded in electing a locofoco Coventor
and locofoco legislature. Our neighbor of
the Democrat, we see, considers this result
as " encouraging to the democracy,"'' and
in one aspect as" esjuciaUy gratifying
While the hill authorizing a loan of
8850,000 to complete the North Branch
('anal was before the House, savs the
Independent Whig, Mr. dossier of Phila
delphia moved an amendment that the
work he commenced by the first of June
and that no part of the money should be
used J'ur any other purpose than that '
staled in the bill! This provision was
unacceptable to the friends of the hill, and
it was lost. Yeas 25—navs 51. 'l'itis,
we believe, is- the first time the Legislature
have, by any action, either positive or
negative, winked at a dishonest disburse
incut oi the public funds. The House.it
is needless to sav, has a loco toco majority
of sixteen ; the precise vote by which the
proposed amendment was lost.
Corruption on lite I'ublic Works.
The Easton Argus—a ferocious Locofoco
paper —acknowledges in a recent number the
corruption which is known to exist on the pub
lie works. It says :
" Any change af all must be for the better, 1
because the present system is as corrupt as it
can possibly be made. We do not wish to charge j
corruption to any particular otficer, but that
there is a vu-1 amount ut iSalphinisui and favor
ite is in shown, is beyond dispute. " Figures,* 1
it is said, " won't lie," hut the figures in the
published reports, do lie, when they represent
the public works a, being in a prosperous con
dition. 'A', see it here on the Delaware
Division, and we say it without fear of treadin"
on anybody's toes or corns, that Pie Stale on this
tfirision, is ROBBED —mo-t shamefully HORDED
and ru'XDKKEK, and some of the men in au
thority know it. Due ol these days we will
take occasion to refer to the figures. In the
meantime let hope that the whole Canal
Hoard will he abolished, and some honest mode
of managing our public works, substituted in
its place."
foeo authority—has an article of a similar tenor,
coupled with the new j. - ."il loan to com
plete the North Branch Car.ai. We quote a
few choice passages :
" The Public Works, are in the hands of a
set of brigands who steal, and rob the pcoplo, to
the amount of millions per annum."
" Israel Painter, within a few months after
his retirement from ofliee, w ith Win. IS. Foster
and others, olfcr to pay into the public treasury
a yearly sum, ranging from our hundred and
ItJhj to three hundred thousand dollars more than the
(' u:niiivuu'i ulth frtr ret ru ed during their continu
ance in office. Do those gentlemen suppose •
that the people are so blind as not to sec by j
I this, that the state is annually swindled, and
that they know where, how, and by whom it is
done, but when in office, made no efiort to
prevent it."
" A debt, for whatever purpose contracted, is
a curse to the people, and with the experience
<d history, and our own, we arc justified in
saying that the man in power who can prevent j
it and does not, is unfaithful to his trust, re
creant to his duty, and wilfully inflicts an in
jury upon his constituents which he can never
remove. 1 his is precisely our position at
present. Why not adhere 'to the prudent and j
■ satisfactory act of ist't, in regard to the North j
Branch Canal. arid it there was no surplus in
ihe Treasury to carry out the intentions of the j
Legislature, would it not have been the. pride of
Col. IligleCs Mmiiiistralirn to have made a sur
plus, by economy, and sti ict accountability, and 1
thu- have saved his administration from the
loiil hint of having added, to our State Debt, i
more than u million of dollars."
Thompson's Reporter recommends the refu
sal of all notes corresponding to the following .
description, no matter of what denomination it
may lie, or what bank it may purport to be is
sued by :
s's. Centre vignette three females, agricultu
ral implements, sheaf of grain, ship on stocks,
Ate., with a round die containing the figure 5 on ;
each side of the vignette—on the upper right !
corner the letter V with the portrait of Lafay- j
.tte in the centre, and FIVE on the lower corn- !
cr; on the left end, upper comer, the word j
FIVE, and the letter V on the lower corner, j
with Franklin between ; anchor, Sec., between
the signatures; engraving weil done. These ,
notes originally belonged to the old Citizens' ]
Bank of Maine, but they have been altered to a j
great many banks, and will continue to be al
tered to others, and we therefore wish our sub
; .fibers to remember their description. They
are. well engraved, and generally neatly altered, ,
and are therefore the more dangerous to those
not acquainted with them. '
i Dtsim rnvf. Fire.- Twelve houses were
j burned down at Hannibal, Mo., on the 29th ult.
I The fire broke out in the stable of Messrs.
! Shout &. Davis, who had twenty-five horses
I burnt up. Samuel Moss lost $2,000 worth of
| bacon.
The Monongahela river last week rose 35 feet
j at Monongahela city, the highest flood ever
I known there, and did a great deal of damage.
! Houses, barns, saw mills, grain and hay stacks,
> boats and lumber, have been floated beyond
the reach of their owners, and a number of
' bridges carried away or injured.
i A Great Newspaper.—The New York Daily
Tribune, of last Saturday, published a supple
! mental sheet of 24 columns in addition to its
usual double sheet—making 72 closely printed
columns in all—3B of which were filled with
advertisements. The publishers say they expect
yet to bo obliged to print a supplement every
Gov. Kossuth and suit arrived at Washington
city on Tuesday, from the South, and took up
: their quarters al thc National Hotel. Kossuth
I expresses no disappointment that his reception
j at the South should have been less hearty and
j cordial than at the North and YVest, and he ap
j pears to bear his herculean labors without be
coming care-worn or jaded. He will remain
' here but a day or two, as it is his purpose to
' visit Boston and f'rovidenoe early in the coining
! week.
The 44 Maixe Law" iv New Brcxswic k.—
' A liquor bill, of even mote stringency thai, the
j Maine law, has passed both the House of As
sembly and the Legislative Council of New
: Brunswick, and is now only waiting the sanction
) of the Governor, which it is understood will be
! given to it. The law is not to go into effect un
| ul June, 1953, in order to allow those who have
: capital invested 111 (lie traffic to get rid of their
I stock without pecuniary loss.
Convei tktt Ei.kctios'. —-An election for
Governor and Legislature took place in Con
necticut la-t Monday, and resulted in the- choice
of Thomas 11. Seymour, the Loco loco candi
date for Governor, by about GOD majority. The
opposition have also elected 14 Senators and
the Wings 7. In the House, the opposition
have 35 majority. This gives them 42 votes on
joint ballot, and secures an opposition l". S.
j Senator to till the present vacancy. '1 iie Maine
Law entered largely into the canvass, and thc
result is held to be a defeat of that measure.
Taking the Democrats themselves for au
thority, not one of their candidates can be
elected. One says Air. Buchanan cannot get
the vote of his own State, and stands no chance
in the world for New York. Another, that
Gen. Cass cannot get a vote in thc South.
Another, that if Mr. Douglass can get Illinois,
it is as much as he can do. Another, that Gen.
lloiMou cannot get an electoral vote this side
of the Sabine. it would not become us to
question those who know more than we do.
Besides, ue are very willing to believe them all.
The IVnnß\lvanian, the great gun of
loeolocoisni in this IStaie, is at present en- :
gaged in proving that 44 ruin and deniocra- i
cy" are inseparable.
Another Scientific Wonder ! Important
to I)\spt-ptic.s. — Dr. J. S. HUUGH I'ON'S
FKI'SLN The True Digestive I'luid. or flan
trie Juice, prepared from the Rennet, or the
Fourth Stomach oe the tlx, after directions
of B\R<L\ LlElliti, the greatest Physio
logical Chemist, by J. S. HOUGH TON, M. 1).,
Philadelphia. This is truly a woiulerlni renie- j
<Jv tor Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Consumption and Debility, curing j
titter a!itrt\s own method by !Knture , s own
Agent, the t aslric Juice. Pamphlets, con
taining .Scientific evidences or its value, fur
nished by agents gratis. See notice among
the medical advertisements.
: If E\ Ettvnonv that wants good Coffees,
Sugars. Teas. Molasses. \ inegar, e., can
always find them very low, lor cash, at F.
J. Hot t m w's.
Lew i• town, April 1(> ls.jg.
''idg Ity //en!trs
Flour - - - 37}
Wheal, while - - 81) ;
Do rod - 7.",
Rye .... f,.-,
Oaf* .... 07
(Torn - .70
Cloverseed - - - 1 0(1
Flaxseed - - \ do
Timolhyoeed - - - 2 (K)
Butter, good ... jr,
Eggs - - - I
Lard .... 7
Tallow H
Potatoes . . - 871
'•'he Lcwistown Mills mc paying 80 els. per
bushel for M Lite \\ heat, and 7.7 cl>. for Red.
Rye .>. rents. (Aro, 50 rents per hushrt. Prices
ot Flour—s2,2s pur KM) lbs. for extra, and $2,00
for siii>erliiiu.
fCT* E. E. Locke Si. Co. at Locke's Mills, are
paying 60 cunts for Rye, and 50 crnts for Corn.
PHti.AHKi.eniA, April 1 L 185*2.
Fi.ouu and Mead. —The market for Flour
is dull ; limited silt s lor export are making at
■"s4 per bbl. stales oi common to good brands
tor city use at s,l a $4,12}. F.xfra flour is j
held at tsl..~)t) a SjF>. Rye Flour— ls held at
#•3, At I. Corn Meal —No sales making—Brati
dyvvine is held nt $3,2.4 a .$24,31, and Pennn. j
at $3,12} —Gkvin—Wheat—Suies of prime ,
red at sht cents, and prime white at 5)5 cents.
Rye —ls firm at 72 cents. Corn —Market
bare; sales of yellow, afloat, at <l3 cents.
Oats—Are steady; sales al 39 a 12 cents. —
On the 9lh instant, by the Rev. J 11 Brown,
STAIIL, all ot tlii- place,.
.. _ ;
On the lltli instant, at Philadelphia, after a ;
long and tedious illness, in the full assurance
of a glorious immortality, ANNA BERTHA
WOLFKKIL, m ife of Jame Bingham, in t!i3Bth j
year of her age.
Died, suddenly, at 8 o'clock on Tuesday ;
morning, Gth inst, after thc short i2ln<
about 34 hours. MARGARET ANN, wimof j
Peter F. Kcssler, of Mill Creek, Huntingdon
county, Pa., aged 27 years, 2 months and 6 days, t
Oh, death! what an unfeeling monster! what an
inexorable enemy ! what a King of Terrors art
thou, to seize as thy victim a wife so lovely, a
friend so true and faithful, and a lamb of the !
told of Jesus Christ so young, as was Mrs. h'ess-
Irr ! But death, we will not blame thee, for
ihots art the child nj sip. And even by this event |
wc would he admonished to be ready to meet
thee any moment, seeing all seasons and places '
are thine in this world ; and wc would thank
44 God, who giveth us this victory, through our j
Lord Jesus Christ."
sister, thou hast left us,
Here, thy loss we deeply fee',
But 'tis God that hath bereft u-,
lie can ali our sorrows heal.
Yet again we hope to meet thee
When tfte day of life is tied ;
Then in heaven with joy to greet thee
Where no farewell teat is stud."
LV W. 1
Thc Mysterious Rapfikgs.—The cause of
the mysterious breaking of windows in a house
in Vine street, in the Northern Liberties, has
been discovered, and the evil removed. Instead
of the windows breaking, as was presumed to
be the case, by some unknown hand, it has been
found that a little bound girl in the family,
aged about twelve years, created the excitement
in the house, and occasioned the destruction.
The manner in which she operated was certain
ly very adroit; and not until she confessed to
the act was it known how the damage was done,
notwithstanding Lieut. Nutt and several of his
officers, and some of the friends of the family,
were watching the house, inside and out. The
little girl stated, after being closely interrogated,
that she had thrown stones, potatoes, onions,
and clothes-hooks through tlie windows, from
within ami without. The reason she broke the
1 windows she alleged she did not know. On one
occasion, during the week, the family hccused
the iittle girl of doing the mischief, but she
strongly denied the accusation, and wept bitter
ly. From her statements it was then thought
' the missiles came from another quarter, and she
went to the kitchen, where another servant girl
1 was at work, with another person in the same
I room. Here she contained crying; and at a
moment when too others were not watching
her, she threw a stone and broke a window in
the kitchen. This added more to the mystery,
i and of course the inmates of the house were
i much frightened. The whole number of panes
|of glass broken was sixty-eight. On Saturday
the little giil was taken to the Almshouse, from
whence she came three years ago, to be bound
to the family referred to.— Philadelphia Ledger.
The old Prison property at Lancaster, was
! sold on Monday evening, for $3,400. .Messrs.
C. llagcr and I'. G. Ebennan arc the purchasers.
.1 \ Ji I-:i>?EO.\l.
No. *2 Ikick stiert Whirl", Pliiinih Iptia,
f ¥-Y constantly on hand, and to arrive,
M .S. ;it .i--ort:m Nt (if i!u- h, t quality (with Proof
I I Vrtilic-'U's) English ami American
Urate 4 , < Io?e Link and Coll Chains,
. Suitable for Ihili IT at, , I f.-fh, .Mi7l o , Full mines, ami
.Mills; J.iifru tag, h'rure, 'i'ritci lutii Ijruught Chinas.
e>Orders fir <'lmn.- ex.-tuleii |>roni|>tly, and al the
. low e.-t e.i.-h rales
Vessels furnished with Churns arid Anchor* on favor -
aide terms, ('ham* cut In u >. u length.
Pliiladelphta, April i 6, Isj'Z— 2m.
William Ball,
1> AitßEft and 11 Ai 11-DRESSER. has fitted
y up a romn in .MAIN STREET, under
Thomas* National Hoisk, whore Shaving
and J lair-dressing will be promptly attended
to, at all reasonable hours, by experienced j
hands. ap.l6. j
Ice! Ice!! Ice!! I
r |MIE subscriber would inihrn) the citizens
X ot' Lewistown awl the county of Mitllui, ;
( and adjoining counties, that lie is prepared to |
supply them with any quantity of pure JUNI j
ATA ICE, on reasonable terms and on short J
t o'ice. He will start his wagon to supply j
l.ewistown on or about the first of May, or at an
earlier day—the weather permitting.
Lev, istown. April 1 f, 1352—tf.
Wattson, Jacobj & Co.
3 | A\ E just opened al thetrold stand a very
1 i. large and desirable assortment of
am) Mtitmtit r L'ooiU,
winch they wi ttld respectfully invite Dttrcha
*crs tu cail and exumine. Their stock em
braces j
of every de.-cripii n, handsome Black and Col- ;
ured SILKS, M. do Luines, Barege >!e Laities,
Challirs, Lawns, I'riiits, Linen Cambric Hand
kerchief-, Collars, Sleeves, Bonnets, Shoes, <&c.
Also, superfine
LJLi' 1 1 cSJ'Wt yv 3
Black and Fancy Cass/meres, Linens, Cot- j
Roots and Shoes. Summer Hats, &r.,
all of which they will sell u> low as any oilier
establishment. Their stock was never fuller
or more complete, and they wiil endeavor lo
give satisfaction to those friends who patronize j
t tein.
Lcwistown, April 10, I*o2— tf.
Guardian's Sale.
I \ pursuance of an order issued ojit of the |
I Orphans' Court of Mitllin county, will be j
exposed at public sale, at the house of Matthew
Forsythe, in Derry township, Ali til in county, ou I
SATURDAY, May 8, 1852,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described I
real estate, viz :
AH the interest of Mary L. Taylor and Eliza- j
beth I). Taylor, minor children of Henry P.
Taylor and Elizabeth his wile, now deceased, ;
formerly Elizabeth Forsythe—being the tindi- j
vided one-fourth part each to the one-eighth— j
of the following described real estate, subject j
to llie right of dower remaining in their grand- j
mother, Mary Forsythe, widow of Robert For- !
sytlie, deceased, viz:
1 A tract of land in Derry township, Mifflin |
county, surveyed in the name ot Thomas White, j
adjoining lands of Abraham Rothrock, Fredar- j
ick Schwartz, and others, containing 123
Acres, more or less, about 30 acres of which ;
are cleared, with a one and a half story log i
house and other improvements thereon.
2. A tract of land in Derry township afore- '
said, adjoining the above tract, containing SB
Ac •*< and allowance, more or less, about (j j
acres of which are cleared, surveyed in the name '
of Thomas White.
3. A tract of land in Derry township, adjoin- 1
ing lands of Henry Struck, John C. Sigler and
others, surveyed in the name of Henry Gross, I
containing Mi Acres a lid 118 I'crclics
and allowance, more or less, about 8 acres of -
which are cleared, with a one and a half story j
log house and other improvements thereon.
4. Also, a tract of land in Derry township j
aforesaid, in the name of John Alexander, John i
( Joy and others, containing 7v> Acres, 581 i
IN'i s lms and allowance, about 1 acre thereof
cleared, with a one and a half story log house j
and other improvements thereon.
5. A tract of land in Derry township, surveyed j
in the name of Samuel Ed mis ton, containing j
NO Acres, 5 7 I'viclics and allowance,
adjoining the John Alexander survey, Jacob
Edge survey and others, with about 7 acres ;
cleared thereon.
6. A tract of land in Derry township, adjoin- |
ing survey of Mary Busier, William Harrison
and others, containing 192 Acres, lIT
Pcrclit'B and allowance, more or less, and \
surveyed in the name of Thomas Buster.
Terms ok Sack. —One half of the purchase
money to he paid on the confirmation of the
sale, and the residue, in one year thereafter,
with interest, &c.
Guardian of Alary L. Taylor and Elizabeth
D. Taylor, minor children of Henry P. Tay- i
lor and Elizabeth, his wife, now deceased, i
formerly Elizabeth Forsythe.
Persons desirous of examining the above pro- I
perty, will please call on Matthew Forsythe. j
Deny township, April 16, 1850 ts. I
f Receipts and Expenditures of the
Borough of Lew is town,
j fPHE following statement, preparod by direr
, X l ' on Burgess and Town Council, is
published for the information of the taxpayers
GEO. FRY SINGER, Treasurer.
[ Lew istown, April IG, 1832.
From Dr. Worrall, cash, orders and
receipts, sl7 29}
R. H. McClintick, Co. appropriation
of line to Town Clock, ISO 00
Geo. W. Stewart. Esq., on certificate
of Auditors to Geo. Wiley, held by
llorough, 100 00
Geo. W. Wiley, balance in full re
ported due as overseer of the Poor, 17 73
! A Hatnaker, collector (per Wiley)
duplicate of 1849-'sl), GB2 02
| Geo. W. Wiley, collector, duplicate,
'SO-51. 7GI 57
Isaac Stall, note with interest, for Poor
House property, 12 50
Simon Gro, note with interest, for
Poor House property, 11 06
Jacob Bobb, note with interest, for
Poor House property, 5 17
Geo. W. Thomas, Esq., stall rent A.
Somtners, 8 68
: Wm. Lilley, stall rent 1853. 3 25
Hoot A: Major, stall rent to April, 1852, 20 00
| Wm. Butler, 14 41 from 'SO to'sl, 22 50
I 44 44 44 "to April 1,1852, 22 50
] Mathews & Montgomery, stall rent
to April, 1852, 13 00
! Andrew Summers, on account of stall
rent, 30 00
J. 3.,. Mcllvalne, Chief Burgess, rent of
Town Hall, • 40 15
J. L. AlcJivaine, Menagerie license, 15 00
4 * 44 Circus license, 20 00
$1962 42jj
Dividend on Water Stock, 226 80
$2199 22}
The following orders issued in favor of the
persons named, pertain to excuses incurred
previous -to the current year:
Samuel Xighteinger, hauling, 3 75
I Juniata Hose Company, oil, 2 00
{ Christian Hoover, Esq., costs Borough
vs. Stat I, ' 1 GS
! Henry kulp, E-q., balance, ]<J 82
H.J. Walters, printing "48 and '49, 4 00
D. C. Reynolds, cui tying chaiti survey
i poor house farm, 100
j George Frysinger, printing 1850, $s f>o
I Walters & MeCay, printing 1850, 9 00
j John it. Weekes, survey poor house
farm, 5 00
; George Wiley, 5 00
j Charles G ask ins, carting 1850, J 75
j Francis McClure, to make a full share
j water stock, 10 00
i James Nichols, in full for 1850, 20 50
j Geo. W. Thomas, balance as Treasu
rer, 12 67
George Aliller, order of 1843, principal
and interest, 9 74
| Wm. Crissman, order of 1844, principal
and interest, 13 90
j Dr. Ard, Borough Certificate to Ster
rett & I'otter, 1847, principal and in
terest, 63 50
j Samuel Alolson, work in 1848, 3 00
| Adam Kline, carrying chain, 1 00
j H. Stoner, order 1846, 2 62}
! Daniel Rlioads, order 1844. 712 i
i James Turner, late Sheriff, costs Bor
ough vs. Wilson's administrators and
! J, Reynolds, 2<? 25
John R. McDowell, Esq., costs, 10 59
j Z. Rittenhouse, Eq., costs, 3 50
j Jacob Wonder, bill 1850, ~ 267 j
• Cancelled orders. Ac. received frotn
Dr. Worrall, wz.
Conrad Ulrich, 3 00
j David Bloom, 3 55
j Amos Hoot, 3 87b
| Roceipt J. L. AlcJivaine for recording. 475
8253 91.
Borough Auditors.
1 Joseph R. Smith, auditing Treasurer
school funds and Overseers of tire
Poor account, 8 00
! Francis Thompson, 44 44 9 00
1 David McClure, a 44 44 6 (fO
! Frederick Schwartz, 44 44 11 00
: Thus. Maves, room and stationery, 3 00
$37 00 ,
Burgess and Town Council.
.1. L. Mcllvainc, Esq., Chief Burgess, 15 00
Wm. C. \ iocs, Council, 15 1)0
W. T. Burns, 44 15 0(J
' David Wasson, 44 15 00
David Bloom, 44 ]5 00
William Shimp, 44 15 00
j ("has. S. McCoy, 44 15 00
$lO5 00
Town Clock.
J. D. Custer, for clock, Ac., $285 S3
William Sh-imp, for work, 11 32 j
Wm. F. iVloyer, hauling, 1 50 ;
$298 G5 |
Repairs of Streets, &c.
R. D. Smith, stone and repairing sis. sll4 05 '
William Cowden, work, 49 50 j
Laac Farmer, hauling, Ac. 12 82
Samuel Nightsinger, hauling, Ac. 14 57
Jacob Wonder, 44 43 02 j
James Nichols, 44 31 33}
Daniel Tice, 44 10 34J,
Jas. J. Dolby, 44 2 62
Charles Gaskins, 44 11 65
David Howell, work, 37 50
Conrad Ulrich, Jr., work, 19 25
Conrad Ulrich, Sen., 44 1 9 50
James McCurdy, repairing road, 12 00
David Bloom, bill rendered, 2 50
Charles Stralford, flagstones, 23 50
R. 11 McCoy, plank for bridge, 13 50
Bryson Wilson, work, 2 00
John Brown, 44 2 00
David Wasson, bill rendered, 18 73
Abraham Blyiuyer, making gutter, 4 75
Thomas Low, breaking stone, 13 12
Tames Stevens, laying stone walk, 5 HO
David Bloom, plank, 5 25
J. L. Mclimine, street regulator, 5 00
David Bloom, 44 44 5 00
David Wasson, Supervisor, 62 50
$541 U1
Erick Pond Lot.
Saml. P. Lilley, on account of lot, $l5O 00
14 Borough lax on brick
pond lot, 1 75
Daniel Zciglcr, hauling clay and til
ling brick pond, 300 22
Peter Lynch, work, 2 00
Isaac Farmer, hauling clay, 6 63
James Benner, work, ' 3 00 j
David Howell, 44 16 00
John Speese, 44 9 7 5
C. A H. Duller, 44 1 4 50
Calvin Duffer, 44 20 00
John R. Weckes, draft of pond 2 00
David Bloom, making drain, 14 00 ®
J. L. Alcllvaine, Esq., recording deed, ]75
$541 60
Chnrles S. McCoy, making statement, sls 00
J. B. Selheimer, stovo and pipe
(duplicate,) 9 37}
H. J. Walters, making out duplicate, 2 G2t
J. B. Selheimer, stove pipe for Wash
ington Fire Company, 3 37}
G. YY. Thouias, 4 31
0 H. Stoner, Esq , administering- on?!:®, pit
Geo. Wiley, interest paid Mrs. Grujer
on certificate, * j
Z. Orner, wheelbarrow, 1
s j Wm. Huopes, for a shovel,
• | David Bloom, grading instruments,
boxes, &c. 4 (jo
! Deviiinej A. Felzer, smithwork, [> j?
j Frederick Schwartz, boards lor drain, (j 57
I t " v *' oil for hose co. 7.7
: X. Mahaney, Esq., costs, ] 49
1 : Wm. I'almer, burying dead hog, 3 (iq
i 11. H. McClintic, for making gutter, 5 (hi
Charles Stralford, Jr., removing dead
dog, r,(j
T. F. McCoy, Esq., state tax, &c., on
suits, 2 77
N. Mahaney, Esq., comparing arid
signing duplicate, 05
Wattson & Jacob, padlock and nails, 1 iy
Geo. W. Stewart, balance due him as
overseer of the poor, 30
James McDowell, recording article of
agreement with Water Company, 100
j Edward Howies, sand, &c. f 1 3.)
1 G. Frysinger, publish'^borough state
ment, printing bills for high consta
ble and lire co., blank book, at.d pub
lishing agreement with Water Co. 1G 7.7
! Walters &. McCay, publishing borough
statement ai:d agreement with water
company ] | 00
$132 32
| Orders issued previous to April 1, '3l, $253 04\
| I'ay of Borough Auditors, 37 On"
Burgess ami Town Council, 103 00
. Cost of Town Clock, 208 G5
Repairs of streets, 341 01
Brick pond lot, 541 00
; Miscellaneous, J32 32
1 Per centage, 4- g
• : ft 1937 23 i
j Balance in hands of treasurer, April 3, 3 17"
! L • $130*2 42'
i In addition, there was paid to the Wa
ter Company, on account of agree
. ' tnent, " oog gf,
Making the total payments $2133 22.^
The amount due on the duplicate issued to A.
Hamaker, as per last statement, was $832 72
Amount paid, u
Balance due, <137 7(1
The duplicate issued to Geo. Wiley last year
amounted to slOl7 27
] Amount paid, 57
Balance due, 4055 gg
Deducting exonerations per centage, <fcc., the
above duplicates will vield into the
treasury about ' S2OO 00
j Due by H. Stoner. Esq., rent, 2.7 U0
i>. J. Sills, stall rent, 23 00
A. Sommers, do. ]Y QD
J. L. Mcllvaioe, J4 jq
.Vote S. Hughes Faxons & Co. 12 30
j Xote John J. Mattern and Simon Gro, 77s
Making the available means cf the Borough
nTi , • , , S3OO 00
l/educt orders issued and not yet pre
i seated for payment, about " 150 00
Actual available means, $l5O 00
The Borough Property consists of Town Hall
and lot, Hose House and lot. Gravel Bank 1-9
| Shares Water Stock, 1,400 feet Hose, 2 Hose
Carriages, 1 Engine, and Bonds to the amount of
; SISOO, the first of which for $30(4, due on the Ist
j A/ay, is to be transferred to the Water Company
The Latest Fashions.
r |UIE undersigned, late of the firm of Bias.
J_ nix & DINGES, has opened a
in the room lately occupied by J. W. Parker, Esq.,
as an office, in EAST M ARRET street,
where the business will be car.-ied on in all its
I various branches. Every effort will be made
to give satisfaction to all who may give him
a share of business, and promptness and punc
tuaiity will be enforced to acconntnodjue iws
friends. REPAIRING and CXJ'I TING done
to order at reasonable prices.
CO" A stock of CLOTHS ami VESTJNGS
on hand, of the quality, which will be
sold at a very small advance on cost.
Lewistown, April 16, 1652 tC
Liquors and Western Produce.
V N assortment of excellent LIQUORS,
j comprising WINES, BRANDY, WHIS
KEY, &.c., is ofi'ered for sale very low, or if a
' quantity is taken, a liberal deduction will be
made on Philadelphia prices. This is an op
portunity t!i%t may not otier again for some
time, and dealers iu the article are therefore
requested to give me a call.
A general assortment of WEST ERN PKODCCK,
as well as GROCERIES, all cheap for cash,
j at the Canal Store.
| Lewis-town, April 16, 1852.
i A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—Tie undersigned
XX. having been appointed an Auditor by the
! Court of Common Fleas of Mifflin county, to
distribute the fund in the hands of WILLIAM
R. MCCAV, Esq., Trustee of WILLIAM
REW AL P, to and among those entitled to re
ceive the same, hereby gives notice that ke
has appointed SVTURDAV, May 15th, next,
at the Commissioner's Office in Lewistown, to
attend to that duty, where all interested may
attend it they think proper, or be thereafter
j debarred from coming iu on said fund.
11. J. WALTERS, Auditor.
Lewistown, April 16, 1652—1t.
y UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned
iV appointed Auditor by the Hon." the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of M ifliiti countv,
to report on exceptions filed to the Adminis
tration account of ANDREW WISE & JNO.
SUA UB, Administrators of GEO. SHADE,
deceased, gives notice that lie will meet at
his office, in Lewistown, on the 15th of May
next, when and where ail persons interested
are notified to attend.
J. DICKSON, Auditor.
Lc.vistown, April 1(5, 1852 —It.
j y UDITOR'S NOTICE.—'The undersigned
appointed Auditor by the Hon. the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of Mitllui county,
to decide on exceptions filed to the account of
SAM EEL MORRISON, Administrator of JAMES
D. MORRISON, deceased, gives notice that lie
vviil meet at his office, in Lewistown, on the
19th day of May next, for that puqxjse, when
and where all persons interested are notified to
attend. J. DICKSON, Auditor.
Lewistown, April, 16, 1852—1t.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE. —The undersigned
lA. appointed Auditor, by the Hot), the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of M illlin coupty,
to decide on exceptions filed to the account of
Administrators of DANIEL KEEL, deceased,
gives notice that lie will meet at his office, in
Lewistown, on the 21st day of May next, for
that purpose, when and whe e all persons
interested are requested to attend.
J. DICKSON, Auditor.
Lewistown, April 16, 1852 It.