Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 26, 1852, Image 3

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The present and ensuing month closes
the year for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance teims, had better send on their
money, as A DOLLAR will now pay for a
year—a fact worth remembering.
Foreign News.
The steamship Pacific, with Liverpool dates
to March 13th, urrived at New York on Sun
day afternoon. Breadstuff's were depressed.
Wheat had declined 2J, and flour OJ to Is.
Provisions continued in good demand. The
political news is not important. The re elec
tions oi the new ministers were proceeding.
France was quiet. The difficulties with Switz
erland have been arranged for the present 1
Tiie legislative Council and Senate were con- i
voked tor the 29 th inst. .More favorable ac- .
counts from the Cape of Good Hope have been ,
received. A desperate mutiny occurred 011 the
packet ship Queen of the West, at. Liverpool,
on the 6th. The police went on hoard and
quelled it, and the ship sailed on the 9;h with
u new Captain and crew.
A London letter ot the otii March, say £ — j
There is nothing new from any part of the j
continent, except the announcement from the i
Prussian Government that, in consequence of
the scarcifv of fool in Germany, all the ports
of the Zoifverein have been thrown open for
the admission of grain, fl-.ufr and vegetables,
duty tree, until the 31st of August next.
'The meeting at Manchester tor the revival
of the Anti-Corn-Law League, was a crowded
one. George Wilson, the former chairman,
presided, and a large number of the: most zeal
ous and distinguished members of the League
were present.
A memorial, addressed to the Queen, remou
f?irating against the re-impositiou of protective
duties on corn,"~"was presented to the meeting
and adopted.
Papers were tSien handed round, and in
about twenty-five minu'es the chairman an
nounced th iL £26,500 had been subscribed, be
hci.ig at the rate of more tlisn £IOOO per
minute. (Cheers.) This, he said, surpassed
everything that could have been supposed possi
ble, considering the want of previous prepare*
t on. Nothing would tend so rapidly to settle
me question as a large subscription list to be
gsn'witii. A committee would sit daily during .
the week to receive subscriptions.
The Voss GazeJte states, under the head of
Vienna, Feb. 23. that the Austrian Cabinet had
declared its entire approbation of the conduct
of M. Ilu'isemann, the Austrian Charge d'Af
fairs in the United States.
Advices from St. Petersburg inform us that
the position of the French Minister there was
daily growing more difficult. It bad lately
been remarked that tie had had very frequent
conferences with Count Nesseirode, and nnme :
uiateiy after one of these he despatched a
member oi the inissson witiia verbal statement
of some business of strange import to the Pres
ident. fSince that period M. de (Jastlebajac is .
said to have avoided all diplomatic intercourse,
and hardly to have quitted his hotel, appearing
to wait for despatches from his government
with great anxiety.
The Emancipation, of Brussels, states that
the Duke de Leuchtenberg, son-in-law of the
Emperor ot Russia, lias, within tfie last few
days, oi vested 500,600 francs m the Belgium
' The Journal of St. Petersburg, of the 20th,
contains accounts of new and brilliant success
es obtained on the 6;h and 7th January, in the
Caucasus, by the Russians, under Gen. Prince
llariuiilinski, over the mountaineers, command
ed by Chamvl. The operations took place in
the great Techetchnia, which-was completely
devrstated. Alter two days' fighting, and
much skilful mamcuvreing, Charnyl was com
pletely defeated.
Letters from Cracow, recently received in
Paris, mention that numerous magazines are in
course ot formation on the neighboring frontier
of Russian Poland.
It is reported that M. Rothschild is the prin
cipal proprietor of the London Times.
Costumes for i-'renrh Senators and Coun
cil tors of State.
Louis Napoleon, the Republican President,
has deciued upon the costume of the Senators
and Councillors of Ptate, which is truly French
in its fanciful character. The grave and
reverncd Senators are to wear a coat of biuc
velvet, with standing collars and cuffs em
broidered, fitting close to the wuist, and orna
mented won embroidery on the pocket flips.
The embroidery is to be in gold, representing
palm trees interlaced with oaks; the palm
trees in cowietitle mule, with the buck of the
palm leaves in spangles, the oak leaves being
worked >iv pugsc, with the lines of leaves in
spangles; the whole of the coat to be edged
r,,ur>d with embroidery, three inches wide at
least. Council of State— Light blue coat with
nine gilt buttons in front; waist-coat of white
y/Oj-i/e, cut straight, wi'h five gilt buttons;
irousers of white kerseymere, with gold bands
down the sides. The vice president, the
president of sections, and the councillors of
state are to wear gold embroidery composed or
oak leaves and olive leaves interlaced, on the
collar, cuffs, the front of the coat and coat
tails, the whole coat being edged with go'd
embroidery. The vice-president has gold em
broidery a Hove the pockets, and an edging of
wide embroidery round the dreEs in every part.
The masters ot request are to have the same
!e.-ci iption of-gold embroidery on the collar,
cuffs and pockets, with narrow embroidery
round the coat. The auditors have embroidery
on the collars and cuffs, but none round the
. ~at. The hat is of black beaver, with gold or
naments p'aced on the velvet, white plumes
for the* vice president and presidents of sec
tions, and black plumes for the councillors of
nsie, the masters of requests and auditors.
The sword is to be a straight one, with gilt
hilt, in undress, Ihe councillors ot Mate and
ilie masters of requests, are to wear coats em
broided on the collar and cuffs, but without
rhe gold edging, white waistcoat, and black
trousers, 'i here is enough of gold here, surely,
to dazzle the eyes of the people, and to com
pensate, perhaps, for any hole deficiency of
the article in their own pockets. -
HEAVY FAILURE.— The business community
have been taken by surprise, in the suspension
of Meserß. Moore Hooven, of Norristown,
who have been largely engaged in the iron >
fiueitmss for some years. It is hoped that their
creditors will make some arrangements, that
will enable them to prosecute business again.
The Pol into wn Ledger say* that they very
honorably called in their workmen, and paid !
them off* before quitting work. Their lia- j
biiitiea are about 100,000 and their works and
real esinte are estatirnatcd to be worth #125,-
000. — Iltuding (iuzptte.
Major George Getz, whig, has been re-elect
ed Mayor of Reading by a majority of 55
votes over Daniel R. Clymer, locofoce. - j
Loss OF THE CLAY MEDAL— The splendid
gold medal, which was recently presented to
the Hon. Henry <7l ay by a number of citizen;,
of New York, in testimony of their admiration
tor his great public services, is said to have
been lost in that city on Saturday evening,
i Pith inst. It appears it was entrusted by Mr.
i ('lay to Miss Lynch, in Washington, to be lie
j livered to Mr. Ullman in New York, and that
! she left the former city on Friday, in company
j with the family of Chailes Bitier, Esq, who
' induced her to place it in hiscarpet bag, which
he held in his hand until he arrived in New
I York on Saturday afternoon. It was then
placed on tho driver's 9eat of the hack which
conveyed them to the dwelling of Miss Lynch,
but on their arrival in Ninth street, the bag
with its valuable contents wasmissing. Search
was immediately instituted, and a rewai^ol
: #SOO offered for its recovery—but. so far, with
out success. It was of solid gold, enclosed in
a massive silver case, and Cost #2 500.
THE PLAGUE. —It is stated that much ap
prehension is felt in New Orleans of the ap
ptu.tch of a new disease called the plague, and
is now said to he prevailing m some of the
West Imliu Islands. A disease by the same
name lias made its appearance in some parts of
the Vest. It is said to be like the cholera,
but more fatal. Whether it is the same dis
| ease as that which goes by tho name of plague
in the East is not stated.
The Boston Medical Journal aihniestot.be
subject as follows 1
'it is very certain, from the accounts re
| ceived, both here and hi England, that tfie true !
plague has been introduced into Madeira, and I
the wrrk of death has been really appalling.
The question his frequently been agitated, j
• will that dreadful disease ever reach tins con
tinent?' There is reason to believe it will ; i
the wonder is why it iias not already
Our commercial iutercourr-e is extensive with [
various parts of Africa and the Asiatic shore j
of the Mediterranean, where this great scourge j
is never dead or dying, but simply reposing
from one period to another, like a fatigued j
giant, to gather strength for a renewal ot
slaughter. Should it come, it mav be honed
there will be found more science, and a
stronger barrier of medical skill, to meet and
disarm it of its terrors, than ha* been exhibited
in tropical climates, or in the liithy,scourge
inviting regions of .Moslem Turkey. Plague,
appertains to (lie Arabs in this age; and whore .
the same condition of things exist as character- I
izes their modes of life, their social condition,
and the absence of all common-sense efforts to
avert or arrest it, will have an abiding tbollioid '
land warrants assignable, having passed both
Houses of Congress, the Intelligencer says, there
is no reason to doubt, it will at once receive flu
signature of the President, and thus beet.me a j
law. it will benefit many of the recipients of
this bounty of the Government, who, possessing
wairants lor land, are themselves unable fo lo
cate them.
This act authorizes all warrants issued, or
hereafter to be issued, under any law of the
United States, ami all valid locations, tn b
assignable by deed or instrument of writing,
made and executed after the taking effect o;
toe act according to forms and regulations pre
scribed by the commissioners of the General
lund Office. Any person entitled to pre-emp
tion right to any land, shall be entitled to use
any such warrant in payment of the san e, at
#1.25 per acre. Warrants may be locme lin
one body u|x>n any lands m the United States,
subject to private entry at tie* time of such !o
cation, at the minimum price. When said
warrants shall be located on lands which aie
subject to entry, nt a greater minimum than
$1,25 per acre, the locator of said warrants
sliail pay to the United States, in cash, the dif
ference between the value of such warrants at
#1,25 per acre and the tract of land located on.
REGISTRATION LAW. —The bill uroviding
ibr the Registration of Marriages, Biftiis and
Deaths, passed at the last session of the L'*gis
aiure, lias become a law without the signature
of Gov. John.-ton; agreeably to the provision
of the Constitution which requires bills passed
at a previous session to bo returned within
three days after tin? mc 'nig of the next
Legialatuie. We think that its observance
will occasion no little 1 rouble to the parties n
{crested, viz:—clergymen, and ail who per
form ihe marriage ceremony, physicians, coro
ners, sextons, ic.
This corrqiany has connected their road with
that ot the Pennsylvania railroad, which givi s
it an outlet Tor its valuable coal down the Har
risburg end Mountjuy road to Philadelphia,
across the Cumberland Valiev road to Chamber -
burg, and down tiie Baltimore and Susquehanna
road to Ohe city of Baltimore. Tin- cars of
the Baltimore and Susquehanna railroad com
pany are now at tho mines fir the purpose oi
conveying !his~coal to a southern market.
General Scott and the I-oeofocos.
The Indianapolis .State Journal relates
the following amusing incident, which oc
curred at the :e.-ent Indiana Locofoco
State Convention.
Mr. ( ase, at one time connected with
the Cincinnati Inquirer, introduced :i reso
lution in favor of universal war, and of
whipping all Fit rope into republicans,
whether they want republics or not. Mr.
Case said tiiat 4 place Gen. Scott at the
head ol ten thousand American soldiers,
and he would march to the gates of St.
Petersburg.' This remark called down
thunders of applause, in which the Whigs
present joined.* At this, Mr. Hughes sug
gested that they intended to 4 send General
Scott to the head waters of the Salt River,
and could not spare him to go and whip
Russia.' 4 No matter for that.' said the
indomitable Case, 4 Scott could go to Salt
River and afterwards whip Russia, and
the balance of Europe thrown in.' This
did not sit very well with the Democracy.
We heard one of them swear that he did
not come there to hear a Whig speech.
Five Dollars Reward
WILL he paid to the finder of a Gold
Watch and Chain, lost between Lewis
town and Owen Owens,'on the main road lead
: ing to McVevtown, marked as billows: The
second hand is broken off, and the name of W.
P. Milliken is written in the inside of the out
side casing. The above reward will be paid
I by leaving it at the store of
Lewistown, March 19, 1852-3t.
("< ILCHRIST'S celebrated American 75/-
Jf tors. A email lot of those splendid Ra
: z irs-just received. 'I hey require no honing or
sharpening—each Razor warranted. For sale
j oci24 F. G. FRANCISCUS.
3 i T, P. Richardson. James MilKksn.
) j Samuel Milliken, Jr.
II Richardson & Millikens,
' Produce and <xen€i'.iE totu-
Eiis*io!t merchants,
I 80 South Wharves auJ 101 S. Water Street,
i Messrs. Grant & Stone, Philadelphia.
" Scull &. Thompson, do.
G. Philler, Esq., Cashier, do.
j C. S. Boker, Esq , President, do.
j Hon. James Irvin, Centre county,
j Saul MrCormick, Esq., Clinton county.
R. C. Gallagher, Esq. Juniata county,
lvessler & Brother, Mill Creek.
Cunningham & Orisswell, Waterstreet.
Philadelphia, FeOruarv 20, 1052.
l lour and CiesieraS Produce
Dealers in Plaster, Salt, Fish, Coffee, Sugar,
ail i Groceries generally.
Yo -28 South Howard street, Baltimore.
j J i signments—quick sales at best market pri
j ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
! James Swan, Esq., I res "I Merchant's Bank,")
i Dr. J. 11. M- Cullocn, do. B'k of Baltimore,
!T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. <& Far. B'k, _
| 11. Stuart & Son, merchants,
1 T. W. tfc G. Hopkins, do. ' —■
; Heiser & White, do. f 5
j Slingluff & Enscy, do. £
; Reyuolds & Smith, * do.
Slingluff, Devries & Co. do.
i Albert Ot Bro., do. J
ill. M. Brent. Esq., Cashier, i
1 J. 11 Sherrard, Esq., do. Winchester.
• Merchants generally,
Pclor Radebaiigh, Bedf >rJ, and merchants and
Cramers generally.
Baltimore, Dec. 24, 1851—ly.?
rfpHF. Si miner Se-'ion of tins Institution
JL v.ili tq-on on Mi nJ iv tin* laird. a, ot Muv
next. it is now tn a iiiyhly prosperous condi-
I tioti, under the core of MissS. Black prin
: oipal— Miss .M. ! owmr, a.-sisfant. Other
! teachers a. ill be s oun d tf required. The
irustees wiii visit the school at least modify.
TERMS er.st session < j, 22 \\ ri.xs :
Elemeu'ury Brunches, with Compo.-i
--! tion, tjiT OH
The above, with Natural Philosophy,
History. Botany, Rhetoric, Phii-ioiogy,
S. c., s 50
j Algt-bro, Geometry, Astronomy, Kte
mentsof t'riticispi. Logic, Chemistry,
Mentui and Mora! Philosophy, 0 50
SIXTH a bramhkk:
Drawing, Printing and Sketching, 580 00
French and Ornamental N-edle Work,
each, 1 .o 00
"Music on Piano, per quarter. 0 00
Use of" Instrument and Vocal, each, 2 00
1 Ancient I.engiMges, 5 00
Board, si 25 week—pupils furnishing
light. Apply 'o Mrs Guui.injriia'n, Messrs.
(iarber, Cunimins, and lijston, or at the .SPlU
iuary. mil 10*
J'JASSIJ.XGEIIS wishing to lake the trains
a either east or west trom this (mint, would
find it greatly to their advantage to stop t thi-
N-cyv ;i:t<3 ESotci,
Ojijio. it r /.cu-trtnirv* immf-di't ~!v ft fh ? Ru UrunJ,
where every attention vvili he given to make
them comfortable. Good SStablinj for horses at
very moderate prices. Per.-ns wishing' to
leave their bosses in my chatgfe until called
tor. vviM only be cliarged 10 c< nts per day per
sirig.e horse. Meals at tins Ho'.ei oiy 25
Stages leave this HntM every morning at 0
oVook—afier the arrival of the eastern cars—
lor Ueiietbnte, to connect with tie Lor!: ll:'.veil
stage at ncilefoti'e.
i ,ewi.-town, March 10, H52.
rg'TAKE NOTICE that I have this day pur
i. cli-iS ,! all the interest of Din id Swi'zer
THE GivUI'ND on Win. P. Eiiio't's place, in
Granville township.
h"\vi't !\vn, March 19,1K32--U.
4 LL those indebted to the undersigned,
i % will call ; i IKI viy lID* >aint on or llip
12th tl.iv of March) an bf intiiiidi rottj. t nv for .
-tiMply of w wiiit the *;;n. g. It will tn* necessary
t>r huu to hsi'i: alt tuinitf;. U• ran, and ;.s h** fplls at
stiiail profits. ?r* rannot piv l.oig < rcriits'-so lie ho;t >
t hit-Will b' sniiii i' i.t for a! inticbtril lo l.int to come in, tic
lht£ amonitl 1 or riicill, arid rnakr pa\ nc;nt,J4?d by n
♦lom pii.ihlf him it> archaßc fr c.at-h, :n.i then lie vx ill l*
aid*; to St*ll nint U ilw tp f—lioi.co y;j will he. prolitid
bv if. sir u' 1 •- !lv aiU:inliiig lo lliis nolicc.yon
wiii iiiudi oblige
lill.lA JOHNSON.
} I.cwitcfowTt, Ft hrtiary tIT, liV'k
Alwavtt 011 fiaistl,
SILT, ill!, Mill,
And all Kinds of COAL.
Lewistmvn. Aug. 8, 1851.—tf
Agricultural tSociety.
rnHE members of the. .Mifllin-County AgrL
f cultural Society are hereby notified that tiie
Annual Meeting will be held at the Town Hall,
I in the Borough of Lewistown, on WEDNES
DAY'", April at which time an election for
I officers to serve for the ensuing year will be
held. By order of
The Executive. Committee.
N. B. Person# in arrears for membership are
not entitled to the privileges of the association.
Lewistown, .March 5, 1852—td.
HARDWARE, of all kinds, at unusually
low prices, for cash, at
0c(24 F. G. FRANCtSCUS'S.
TONS of Valentine & Thomas' best
OU I HON, for sale by
024 F. G. Fit A NCI SCUS,
Agent for Valentine &• Thomas,
fl K LBS. Anvils and Vices. Sen w
M. Plates, assorted, £ to li inch,
Blacksmith's Bellows, from B0 to 42 inches.
For sale, low for cash, by
r ■ TOBACCO, Snuff and Segars at
I JL april 11 A. A. BANKS'.
No Quinine—No Arsenic.
Hi'. B. Hunter's
A YY AKII ANTED CI/RE for tlibpf,:vatent anJ
| -V Jisiresving iligcase, agreeable to take, and guarati
! teed to jH-rform ihe cure efleciually, within a f>-w dajr.
; from commencing its u*e. l)r ffunter'a Fever ai d Ague
| Powder, bring composed tnlin iy of ftgHMr ingrtdimtt,
j can be taken by any patient with pet feci confident e in
! its simplicity, safety, and effective properties. It is put
; up in secure packets, and forwarded by .Vail, free of
postage, to any part of the I'nion, on receipt of J1 sent to
It. EVERETT, Chemist,
: Philadelphia, Pa , slating full address, dec. mhl9.3rn
Carpets and Oil Cloths.
EU!ridge's Cheap f lit PET STORE.
i j)F.RS(i\S wishing to buy Carpets or Oil Cloths. !
I T wholesale or retail, will do well to remember thai tiie I
I subscriber, being in a small street, is under a low rent j
1 ami light store expenses, which enables him to sell at ;
I the very lowest rates, so that customers cannot fail to be ;
suited in price, and can save money by selecting from his !
>tock of
BeaaHfitl Isu€rl!. a
and every variety ot '
Ingrain & trnitian S
and Oil. Ci.OTHri from 2 to 21 feet wide, for Konnis, '
II .i s, &.c , with a great variety of Ingrtiu Carpets, from
to .0 c> tits, and Ih try and S: i;r i;np: ts from iO to CO
' :,!> per yard. Also, MATTINI./r, Hugs, TableC,Vers,
i'.ag t.'aipi Is, ice. 6.C.
\o- 11, Strawberry Birevl, <#i*- ilir Fitnear
in!) 19 —3:ii Secoml Mr*-,-!, IMiilaJei^iiia.
Lewistown Academy.
r PIIE Male and Female Departments of this
1 INSTI furtONT, under the management of th-;
subscriber, will open or. MONDAY , April sth.
1 he subscriber Hatters himscit from an cxperi
. mice of ten yrars in tcr.c.hing, and the irtfutina- i
; lion he has acquired during the past year in tome j
il the Normal Schools of Europe, that he will
ut* a'nle t c-.j .biish a iiin!: ;■ hu<>l, wort'tv the
patronage- ul ihe public. In addition t<> lb
present teachers in the U-male l>epprttnent, an
; . \perieueeJ leicher v. iii assist th. principal in
| the Male Department.
for tuition in 'Reading, Writing, Arith
metic, Geography and English Gram
mar, per quarter, of eleven weeks, j,3 09
Natural Philosophy, Ghemistry, Book
keeping, History, Algebra, Rhetoric
and Geometry, per quarter, §4 50
for tuition iu tiic. Latin, Greek, French,
Spanish and Italian languages. l)t awing,
and the higher branches of Mathematics, 6 09
Weekly exercises in Declamation and English
Uunsposilion, will be required of ail the pupils,
and special attention will be given lo the prima
ry department.
R. C. ROSS, A. M„
Lewistown, March 12, 1852. Principal.
fii&SS§L 'Hie Proprietors 01 I'.ie LEW-
N NUBSiili Y would respect
fully inform their ft iends and the
public, in general, that they have now
on liand a choice collertion of FRUIT
TREES, consisting cf Apple, Pear, Cherry,
Plum, Aprieutt, Beat It, Nectarine and other
Irees. all of whielt tfiey are determined to scil
at very reduced prices. AM post-paid orders
from a distance, inclosing the cash or containing
satisfactory references, will be promptly attend
ed to. Address
tnho.—4t Lewistown, Pa.
Bi-y Goods and Groceries,
at Rot brock's .Mitt.
tdHE undersigned having purchased tiic stock
A ot goods of Jnh ; I! floopes, at Ilotlirock's
Mill, in Derry towtisliip, Ylilllin county, re
pectfolly informs Ihe public that lie will coti
tiiiuc to keep on hand a fine assortment of Dry-
Goods, Groceries, S.C.. at low prices, to which
lite attention of farmers arid others is invited.
Derry 'o vnship, March 12. 1852.—31."
The National Restaurant,
IN the basement of the. National Hotel, is now
open, and refreshments of all kinds will be
served up as calk-d for. on the European plan,
by - J. THOMAS & CO.
Lewistown, Sept. 20, 1851.—tf
FrauKlin Fire InMiraur? C'jitipnny of i'iilia
QTATEMEXT ot the ASSETS of ihe
t. f"i. airly, r.n I- 1 1 :•->, in ran
; rn*ity with tin? jmivtfimis II" ;Le bill lion of li e Art
•f y, of April I - rtj.
E-ing first Mnrtraces, well sei-eied. fr<-e of grotind
r-nl, in the city uinl loniity of Hiilntit-lcbia, exri>|H
. .il a in Moiile onery, ft ic/.b, .""i inij Ik ill ail Alletiheey
outitl s, I'etnis)lvnei ,
Re:: I Estate.
Pnrcbiscd it Shcrifl's eales, umlet uiort-"j
gage claims, v •/. ;
Mi bt hoiisi-s and lot, 70 b\ J.'.O feci, oi: •
il..- sonihwesi corner of 4'iiestn.it un l '
s-'i l.a i Ik ill sixili sirens.
A boost- and lot, U7 In 71 feet, on Norili j
side t:f.S|irui-.i-street, west of Klevcnth
\ house and toi, 2' 7 in ltki feot,on v. O.i
side Penn Sguare, south side High st.
l'w.l heo./ s and lots, eai h 10 by K) feel, on
soaih si ip of Spruce k'retit, near St tiily I , 5
kill Seventh. 1 ~
l ive bouses and lots, each IT oh\ ik) feel, j ~
\os 131 13,1 13.'/, JTs?, and IJt Dilv. vn '
street. j "
1 liree hmiscs and lot, 1? by , : feet, 0:1 | "J
east aide of.SvhU) tkill Sixth street,south r,> *l
of i'me. ( 3 51,377 78
A lot of jroiind, I T Ity feet, on the north ,'2
east comer of ."i iniyik di Front and i K
Sprtitc streets,
i A house and lot, IS h-, 106 feet, on south i --'
side of i dbcrt street, west of Sihylk-it i ~
Seventh. i t.
Hot. ! ami lot, 50 bj Si feel, on the south
east corner of < diotnut and Beach xta, '
Five h'lusea and iot, 42 by S5 feet,on the i
north ah..; of Goorgt street, west oi .Asli- 1
! ton j
Seven houses and lot, -.0 by 117 feet,on |
the cast side of Beach street, south of '
f Tlie.tnut.
A iiouse an i lot, IS b;. 60 feet, No 96 Fit.-.- j
water street, east of Ninth. j
Temporary Foaiis oti collateral securities,
amply secured. 125,605 73
SIO,OOO Almshouse Uoan, bperct (int on) "?
200 Shares Bank of Kentucky.
17 " Northern Bank of Kentucky, j
100 " Union ttank of Tennessee. j
13 " Insurance Cump. of the State •
of Pennsylvania. ! '£
i 200 " Southwark Railroad Conip'ny. \ f'ost
37 " Commercial &H. ilroad Bsi k' f.2,32.) 30
of %'icksburg.
300 " Pennsylvania Railroad Conip.
! 91 " Franklin Fire Insurance Co. >
! 6 " Mercantile Library Company,
j 6 " Union Canal Company.
10 " Schuylkill Railroad Company
Notes and Bills Receivable, 6,65" ft
Unsettled Policies, 1,265 25
Merchandise, 163 81
Cash on hand, $31,388 60
" in hands of Ajents, 16,092 79
$ 1,2s 1,300 91
Ity order of the Board,
C11.vß1.K3 N. BANCKER, President.
Attest —CHAHUKS C BANCKEB, Secretary.
Philadelphia, Feb. 20. 1852.
fd" Agent for Mifflin county. Gen. R. C.
HALE, Lewistown.
IN pursuance of an order cf the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county , will be sold at the
• Court House, in the borough of Lewistown, on
Saturday, .liarch 27, ! 852,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described
Real Estate, the property of the heirs of John
Comfort, deceased, viz :
A LOT OF GROUND situate in Market
street, in said borough of Lewistown, being Go
■JNgyfik feet in front, bv 209 feet deep, ad
joining a iot of Lewis Owens on the
'iiS!l^ East an( * Uenry Kemmerling on the
West, with a TWO STORY DWEL
LING HOUSE and other imt >rove
i tnents thereon.
I LRMS or SALE. —One-hall the purchase
money to be paid on the confirmation ol the
sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with
j interest, to be secured by mortgage on the
! premises.
WM. SHIMP, 'J 'rustee.
Lewistown March 5, 1852—td.
Estate of John Hoffman, dee'cl.
Lite of ftranvilie township, MifHin ci/unty.
jVjOTICE is here'ov given that Letters
!i. v TestameiitMry on :ii. -I:.x n JOHN HOFFMAN,
• late of Granville toy. imbip. Mil-isn onj.ty. deceased,
i have bimu ptanted by the Repv. i r r.f Wi: ~f . .id coun
i ly to ti.e subscribers, r <Ui|.j; i , Fayette ton nsbi-', Jtmi
ats painly. All persons i. ; ; ... I estate are here
iby riolifl •<! to call and make ;>:•> uieiit v ;'i <h y. -uid
th'/so having daiits to present them, d.il v■ aiiMnmnc■-
for selti.-ii; 0.l
r,'briif!r> 20, ISVj pi.t Kxvrnt. r-.
Estate of Rachel Joh::ston 3
'•Ate "f Granville township, Mali a . on. ly. ibtcpa-ed.
•V OTICE is kurehy given Letters
a- a Testamentary en lii- est--" ) i-i I' \< I'M. JOHN
STON. I ate of GrHi.villc lmvnhip. Moor. coun!-. <i
; ceased, have been granted In tiie subscribers, residing in
i said township All persons ii.-h t-:-d n lii eai i e.-:.,te
are rerjud to inak pay oi : at !th •' having rlain•
to prese lit llietit,f,rsettlement as ipax • ,t. ■! d. • •.x';t•::-
josr.wi luioDus,
February- 20, l-.j2.ft. I>ecn! irs.
To the Heirs and Legal Itepresrnltilives vf .Irlinii
Hell, deceased.
\'l' a Special Court of Common Pleas
- ot MilHiu county, lu id at I,ewiatown, m attd for
' -aid comity, by the lion. Jano-s 11. (.ibnl'! and hi= iisso
ciules, on ihe 10th day of February, A.!. 1-./2, ii,c .-aid
court grunted and made ihe following rule >u Ihe btirs
and legal reprcsematives of said Atihut B 11, deceased,
Arthur Bell ! Jn The Court c/f Common Plias
vs i of Vifitin county, No. 191, ,f An-
Peter Snoo':, term, is 15.
Henry Mi k and
Ner Middleswarth Bu.nmons in Fjeclmei.t
And now,to wit, February 10th, I-2.0n motion of Mr.
Candor, rule on the heir- and Ifgal representatives of
VRTHUK HFI.I. TO appear and lienane parties plaintifl
to this suit by the lir-t iiav of next term. Personal no
tice of tins rale to be served or .1 ime- Bell, of lluiitin;-
don comity. And iik to ihe other p triie- iu interest being
out of Ihe county, publication in one newspaper pub
iished in the count) fornix u.u -nibe -uffictent nolice
By the Court.
Leo istowr., February 24. ISjC Ot.
Luther and His Adherents.
4{|HK Pinprletora of Sauain's Magazine
' 4 having purchu-ed ihe large tibd handsome sloe!
(>t:iif*, rar*.*fu!ly ensjnved in and inu'/z- from Ihe
< i.'h bratcti defrigu by (Joorgt (.'atirrinoh*, reprcaoofin^
'S he S ir#! Eielorisjcr*.
Presenting their Famous Protest at the
Diet of Spires, in 1529,
now offer it in connection with their Magazine on lerni
iinpr. c-dently low.
Tilts magnificent rnmnosiiion eontains nearly otic
hundred figures and includes autiieiitic portraits of the
most prominent men connected tvitli lliat important
event. The work (exclusive of tnargui) measures 21
inihes by 15, and the print has never been retailed at a
price less than $3 per ropy. Kach inipressnin is ac
comptined by an instructive pictorial k-y of reference,
deaeribiug ihe scene, ihe eharai lc-rs. the history which
led to th • event, and the principles contended for.
In connexion wit 1. Sarlain's Magazine hrth works will
lie furnished on the following liberal terms, which are
invariably in advance :
Onccopy of the Magazine, -and r.n" • f the Print. $3
Two Copies of the Magazine, ami two of the Prints.
Five copies of Uie Magazine, u' d live of the Print,
. togelher w th one copy of b.,Ui nor7 - to the "' iter tiY i f
the l Inh. Sl2.
The price . f r-'artiiin's Magaz ie rg <fi•• f r
annum, both works joint!) may by a- nil. v i fo.
he had for what was ht-reiofue the price i f oich
; rrtpimftiri s are n-.akt.ig to pnb'ieli in the Mag ixute ..
series of illustrated arm 11 on Vei l o. S! nitons, com
meneirc with a Pictorial Life of G.-nera! .lack- m.
Agents t.anted in every town and village in the
United States, t • gt-i up < .e.i - t:: on the above liitoal
Send on y our Subscriptions, and sernrc worth of
reading and .■vg-aving- f-r v : \ i lr
j March, 12, 1552- St Philadelphia.
Boats Ready for the Canal!
*4 1 I/RCIIANT'S, FARJIHRS. MtunßS end
1Y 1 ethers are itFonned tiiat tiio subscriber,
at his large and convenient Warehouse on the
canal, iias established a regular in:o of Uoais
i tor the purpose of carrying Grain, Fltiur, and
Goods of all kinds, between Lewistown, Phila
delphia, and Baltimore; and will have a hoat
! leaving Philadelphia every Tut sdoy and Fri
day, aiso one leaving Lewistown every Tues
day and Friday, until the c'osc of the season.
wili receive and forward ail kinds
cf freight on reasonable terms.
Lewistown, March 5, I?-Y2—tf
I\ BOOM is the place for all that want chcip
furniture. Persons going to housekeeping.
. would do well by giving rue a call before pur
chasing elsewhere, as 1 have now on hand a
large assortment of all kinds of FURNITUBF..
too numerous to mention. Among his stock
will be tound that highly recommended
Mpi'ing Bottom Bedsteads,
of which I have sold within the lest two years
two hundred pair. Numerous certificates can
be had from those that have them in uss, as
the following will show :
"This is !o certify that we have purchased
the above mentioned Bedstead from A. Felix,
and have got him to alter our old Bedsteads,
and arc much pleased with ihein, and consider
them a great improvement, and vastly superior
for convenience and cleanliness to the cord
Bedstead, and would recommend them to the
public. J. THOMAS,
Lewistown, March 12, 1852.
Fish, Salt, and Plaster,
T sale by
i June 27,-tf At the Lewistown Mills.
r)Y virtue of sundry writs of Levari l\-.eiu' an 1
) f'endifioni Exponas, is-utd out of ton Court
o! Common Pleas, of Mdllin county, and 'o me
directed, wiil be exposed nt public .e. a' the-
Court House, m the borough of i.e. wistow::, o:
SatHrdav, Af>rt3 15. ?
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following desci.ued real
est3te, to wit:
A Jot oi ground, situate in the borough of
McVeytown, Mil'Jin county, Pu., v, i;h a pin-lei -
ed Dwelling House, stone kitchen, ai.d other
i improvements thereon erected. : ud lot is
bounded by Main street on the south-east, and
i John street on the south-west, an alley on the
north-west, and on the r.orlh-cj-t by .inotlier lot
of 15. F. Mr Vey, der'J—said k.< Lei- g iiity feet
in front on said Main street. Also, one otner
lot of ground, situate in the borough aforesaid,
with a one. story frame Dwelling iloi.se, shop,
and other iinpi oveoients thereon ended—said
I t is fiitv feet, more or less, in width, fronting on
s: id Main street and adjoining the above de
scribed lots on the south-west, and by a lot of
-Nathaniel Wilson on the north-east, and the
; alley aforesaid on the north-west Seized, taken
in execution, and to be s.dd as the property of
L'n urn".a F. A'cl y, with i.-.'icc to the heirs
and tcrre tenants.
A ..it o! ground, i• tl t>. .ougli of Lcvvistovn,
iroi.li::,; CO !. -t on Grand s'.rct t or road leading
to .lan)'. -. M< { i-dy s. ai .; cxt-mling back same
e-'idtli PiO feet, to -. ;t alley—bounded on the
• so'.i'h by tot ol V a It.-on & Jacob, and on the
: north by Fourth street. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to l.i.- soi las the pr * eitv of Eliza
A tract or parcel of iaiid. situate in Granville
township, containing ui::-iy-t!:ree acres.be the
same more or ies*—all clearer. end iiiidcr or in
a toler .bin stale of cultivation—with a log Dwel
; ling House, Barn, and other improvements there
on eivc-U •. — Liurdei:; n lit- south l.y the Juniata
river, on the cast by Pcnepacktr, on the west
<y Mm. hart and Francis Thompson. Also,
; nine acres oi woodland, hounded by K. Thoinp
, son, ij. Owens, ami otitis. Seized, taken in
I execution, and to at' sold as th? property of
Owen Oirtrm.
■\ tract of land, situate in the township of
v'v y*it, CUT. mining one iiuudred and twenty
acres, be the same more or less, with u Dwelling
i! use, -iuhie, an-i other improvements thereon,
ah ut fifty acres of which arc cleared—bounded
by lands of Peter liarslibergcr, Joseph Kinsel,
and tlie Juniata river. Seized, taken in exe
cution. and to be sold as the property of John
Ail that certain lot of ground, with a large
tun story Brick House thereon erected, situate,
laying and being within the limits of the borough
of .McVeytown, bounded on the cast by Water
street, on tlie south by lloliiday street, on the
west by the Pennsylvania canal, and on the north
by lot No. 120, being CO feet in front on Water
slreet, and running back on lloliiday street I*o
icel to the Pennsylvania canal, being known in
the general plan of said borough of McVeytown,
as extended, as lot No. lift, being the same lot of
ground which the said John O. Reynolds and
wife, by deed, dated March 27th, 184G, have sold
and conveyed to the said John R. Phillips.—
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as
the property of John 11. Phillips, wtth notice to
tone tenants.
The following described parcel cr lot of
"round, situate, lying and being in the borough
of Lewistown, the propeilyof John Hamilton,
Henry Oubbs, John Ort, Frederick Schwartz,
and James L. Melivoiue, Trustees of the Evan
gelical Lutheran Congregation of (he borough of
Lewi-it own and vicinity—bounded by Main street
on the east, Third street on the south, and lot.
No. 100, in plan of Lewistown, on the west, and
other lands on the north, and numbered in the
: general plan of said borough as lot Xo. 15:2,
fronting on Third street sixty feet, and on Main
street two hundred feet, less eight feet, on the.
alley on the north, together with all and singu
lar the buildings and improvements, streets, lanes,
alleys, passages, ways, &c., whatsoever thereto
belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the
reversion and remainder thereof, being the same
lot of ground which David it. Reynolds, by deed,
dated May Fth, ISSO, sold and conveyed "to said
John Hamilton, Henry Dubbs, John Ort, Fred
erick Schwartz, and James L. Mclivaine, Trus
tees oi the. Evangelical Lulheian Congregation
: of Lewistown and vicinity. Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the property of John
Hamilton, Ileum Uubbs, John Ort, Frederick
> 1 •••■;; IT. ntt ' Ji:ir $ !.. Jlcllitiine, Trusters ij the
Luther,:u Congregation if Letcistovn mid ririui.'i/.
A tract of land, situate in Granville township,
containing seventy-five acics, be the same nioiv
or less, nearly all cleared and under good fence,
with a log House and frame iiarn thereon,
hounded b\ the Juniata titer, lands of John
H'dfnian, Joshua Morrison, Aid, and others.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as
the properly of Jl.-nrv Hrffman.
W II.!.I \\i SHIMP, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Lewistown, }
March I'd, 1852. )
M H. I'uri hasers at the above f!i< rill 's sale* are her
! y le-titi- •) tii.it the amount of tin; salt* \t ii! he requiiej
to lie paid, in ail c;.ses. innre.li-.Wty on the proper! v h' ine
,no; koil iiinve, or it will he hrthw uh retold to the hist--
IsttlYlSTOW:*', IM.
rjp'JE undersigned hovirtg leafed the large
JL and co-rutuidious Hotel, known as the
"NATIONAL HOUSE,"former! - /
kept by James Turner, arid recently
IE 11. McCoy. and situated in
the Public i-quare, for a term of
years, respectfully int'onos the public that ho
hto fitted it up and furnished it anew, pons tj
ensure the comfort of the travelling public.
His TABLE will be provided with the
choicest productions cf the market, and caic
ful, obliging, and attentive wagers v. ijj be
em plov td.
His BAR will n' o be stocked with nrne
but ihe choicest of liquors.
jhe ;S : BLI sG attached to the Inmse is
oxtf" c ivo and safe.
If' Patters himself that ho will be bVip to
render er.tite saiielaetion to ail v. ho may eve
hint a cali. - J. THOiIA-•
Lew ialovvn, August 20, 1851.—-tf
Pennsylvania Railroad.
| : "|r E. -,.-og?^
¥>AbiSENGER TRAINS leave Lewistowt
l daily, on and after Monday, loth March,
ae follows .
mail tbats.
Eastward at 1 o'clock 47 minutes P. M.
V, efctw cTti at 5 o'c!c lr 15 minutes P. M
Eastward at ] o'clock 51 minutes A, M.
Westward at 7 o'clock 44 minuted A. M.
Kastwnrd at 5 o'clock 10 minutes A. M.
Westward at 1 o'clock 55 minutes P. M.
Lewistown Depot, March 12,1802.
PiITUII & OAKUM, lor sale by eo
At OOU\ j-lAlt tj celebrated meialic Genfie-
Vb# inert s and Ladies' Gum Shoes, ingr-thof
with a general assortment of Misses' and Chi,
drett's Gum Buuis and Shots for sale by
jktnlO Moses MoNTtiojiEßy,