Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, March 12, 1852, Image 3

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    •.* /'-J Ti R ?p ?1
Tll 2 Q 5 " ik- -jj 1 t& *
Foreign News.
Hy tile Steauier America.
The news is of an important character, so far
as England is concerned. Otherwise, however,
ti is not of much consequence.
The Russell ministry have been defeated on
the Local Militia Bill, and has sent in their
Lord' Palmerston had moved that the word
'local' should be taken out ot the bill, and that
the force should be perambulatory—not con
fined to England, Ireland and Scotland niereiv,
but to be sent to any part of the kingdom it
might be required.
On this proposal the ministers joined issue,
and were defeated by a vote of 9G to 125, upon
which Lord John Russell intimated that, having
lost the confidence of the House, he could no
longer consent to hold office.
The event was quite unexpected, seeing that
on the previous evening the Ministers had a
large majority on Lord Hume's motion of a
■want of confidence, arising out of the Claren
don and Birch aifair, the vote on that occasion
being 147 for and 122 against the bill.
The steamship Arctic, with Liverpool dates
to the 25th ult., arrived at New York, on Mon
day morning.
ENGLAND. —The Earl of Derby, formerly Lord
Stanley, has been appointed l'riine Minister.
Lord Lansdown, in the House of Peers and
Lord Russell, in the House of Commons, have
both declared that they would resist the attempt
to re-impose a duty on corn.
Generally speaking, the new ministry had
been well received. Reports prevailed, how
ever, that the opposition would refuse to vote
the usual supplies, until Lord Derby announced
the principles upon which the administration
would act.
Philip Griffith, late Secretary of the British
Legation at Athens, has been appointed Secre
tary to the British Legation at Washington.
FRANCE. —The only incident attracting notice
in tiiis country was the arrest of M. Baroche,
one of the trustees of the Orleans property, on a
charge of circulating seditious publications.
The alleged protest of the Autocrat of Russia,
addressed to Napoleon, is supposed to be with
out foundation.
Active negotiations were said to be going on
to induce the Duchess of Orleans to consent that
the Count de Paris shall waive his right to the
throne of France in favor of the Due de
The demand of France for the destruction of
the Waterloo Monuments, had created an in
tense excitement in Belgium. Much energy
was manifested in levying recruits for the year,
and in exercising the military force.
Diplomatic relations between Belgium and
Russia w ere about to take place.
Corn on the spot, as well as in cargoes afloat,
sold freely at 6d advance. At .Mark Lane the
advance has reached Is. There is a limited de
mand for Wheat, but holders are firm, at pre
vious prices.
FLOUR MARKET —The demand has been good,
prices stilfer, and quotations unchanged.
The Intelligencer this morning publishes an
official despatch from New Orleans, stating the
receipt of information from Brazos, by the
steamship Fanny, that Caravajal had been de
feated in his recent attack upon Camargo. He
had with him 522 men, of whom only £4 were
Mexicans, the balance being mostly Texans.
The revolutionists after their defeat, had fled
to the American side of the Rio Grande.
The Intelligencer officially contradicts there
cent rumors of difficulties between France and
the United States. Jt says the most friendly
feelings have existed and still exist between the
Two countries, and the recognition of the gov
ernment by the United States was perfectly
The jury in the case of Willis against Forrest,
fur assault and battery, gave a verdict of j>2,-
500 against the latter.
The office of the clerk of Kent county, (Kv.)
court, was entered on Sunday night, and ai! the
papers, records, and §70,000 in bonds and notes,
were put in the stove and burned up. It was
done, it is supposed, by some of the litigants,
and §2,000 reward has been offered for their
man and several slaves were sold at Goldsbor
ough, N. C., a few days ago, at prices ranging
from §7ll to §827. The Guldsborottgii Patri
ot says : — 44 They were tbe children of a free
negro by the name of Adam Wynne, who had
purchased their mother, his wife, previous to
theirbirth. Tiiey were consequently hissiaves,
ami he having become involved, they were sold
to pay ins deots.
Uourant says, tiiat a singular and melancholy
instance of this strange disease is furnished in
the family history of Mr. George Barrett, of
Shinlev, m that State, who committed suicide
hv hanging, on Saturday, the 31st uit. The
mother of tlve deceased terminated her exist
ence in the same manner ; a beloved sister,
also, about ten years since, came to a similar
unhappy end; and on Saturday morning last,a
vottnger brother was touud (load in ins bed,
with his throat cut in a shocking manner —all
four committing the rash act without any appa
rent cause.
lo Dyspeptics. — Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S
PEPSIN. The True Digestive Fluid, or Gus
inc Juice, prepared from the RENNET, or the
FOURTH STOMACH OF THE Ox, after directions
of BARON LIEBIG, the greatest Physio
logical Chemist, by J. S. HOUGH TON, M. 1).,
Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderiul reme
dy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver
Complaint, Consumption and Debility, curing
utter Nature's own method by ,\ at urea own
Agent, the Gastric Juice. Pamphlets, con
taining Scientific evidences of its value, fur
nished by agents gratis. See notice among
the medical advertisements.
LEWISTOWN, March 12, 1852.
by /)enler*
Flour - •>•'! 371
Wheat, white - 80
Do red - 75
Rye .... 55
Oats 27
Corn 47
Cloverseed - - -4 50
Flaxseed - - - 1 00
Timotbyseed - - - 200
Butter, good -
Eggs -
Lard - - " 7
Potatoes - - - '•>
r, 'he Lewistown Mills aie paying BO ctv per
bushel for White Wheat, and 75 cts. lor Bed.
Rye 55 cents. Corn, 50 cents per bushel. Prices
<>l F10ur—5.2,25 pei lull lbs. lor extra, and 5.2,0b
for superfine.
IL'J 4 * E. E. LOCKE &•, Co. at Locke's Mills, are
paying C'J cents for ityc, and 5(1 cents for Corn.
PUILADELI'HIA, March 11, 1852.
FLOUR AND MEAL. —There is a moderate in-
OUirv SuT Flour, with Male* 4 J r-0 ' or fcX . ;
ucrt at £4,25 per fib!; and sales for city use at
§4 31>i4.37*. Extra Flour is held at §4j-Ts£.
Kve Flour is scarce, and sells at §13,50. Corn
Meal Sales of Pennsylvania at a price not
i made public, and 800 bbls. of Brandywine at
, GRAlN —Wheat is coming in more freely;
j sales of prime red at 90c, and prime white at
i §I,OO. live is held at 72c. Corn—Sales of
6000 bush. Southern yellow, afloat, at 60c.
Oats are scarce. Sales of Southern at 37A.
1 Ledger.
I 3
BALTIMORE. March 10, P. M., 1852
FLOUR. —We note sales to-day of 300 bbls.
iimverd Street Flour at and 600 bbls.
at Some holders refuse to sell for
less than §4,25.
. ; GRAIN. —Sales of good to prime Maryland
| md v heats at S7a9U cts.; white at 93a98 cts.;
and of very prime white at 98a 103 cts. Sales
of Corn to-day at 53a54 cents for white, and
55a56 cents for yellow. A sale of Penna. yel
low at 50 cents —We quote Oatsat 31a34 cents.
Cloverseed is very Uuil, and prices have a
downward tendency. Small sales only are
making at §.>,.J0U§5.02J, with an occasional
| lot ot very prime at §5,75. — Baltimore Ameri
On the 2d instant, by the Rev. James S.
Woods, D. D., GEORGE W. DI NMIRE, of :
Menno township, and Miss CATHARINE
BEAR, of McVeytown.
On the 4th instant, hy the Rev, James S.
Woods, 1). D., REUBEN DUFF of Stone
Valley, Huntingdon county, and Miss ELLEN
McCAIITNKY', of the same place.
On the 4th instant, b\ the Rev. S. P. Lillev,
PRICE, all of Derry township.
On the 7th instant, hv the same, REUBEN
all of Derry township.
In Granville township, on the Gth instant,
DAVID STRAIT, aged 71 years.
On the 19th January, in Cincinnati. Ohio, of
pulmonary consumption, Dr. SAMUEL MAC
. LAY, formerly of Kishacoquiilas valley. He
was in the prime of life, about 3G years of age,
and highly esteemed by all who knew him. p.
T. P. Richardson. James Mil liken.
ISamuel Miltiken, Jr.
Richardson & Millikens,
Produce and Genrr.it ioni
niisttioii Merchant*,
Si) South Wharves aiui 161 S. Water Street,
Messrs. Grant & Stone, Philadelphia.
11 Scull & Thompson, do.
G. Philler, Esq., Cashier, do.
C. S. Boker, Esq , President, do.
Hon. James lrvin, Centre county.
Saul McCorinick, Esq., Clinton countv.
R. C. Gallagher, Esq. Juniata county.
Kessler & Brother, Mill Creek.
Cunningham JcCrisswell, Waterstreet.
Philadelphia, Februarv 20, 1852.
WAITER & 10,
Flour and General Produce
Dealers in Plaster. Salt, Fish, Coffee, Sugar,
aiul (irorerits generally.
Yo 2S South Howard street. Baltimore.
signmerits—quick sales at best market pri
ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Swan, Esq., l'res't Merchant's Bank, j
Dr. J. H. McCulioch, do. B'k of Baltimore.
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com. & Far. B'k, _
H. Stuart & Son. merchants,
T. W. & G. Hopkins, do.
Heiscr & White, do. j' =
Slinglufl' & Ensey, do. ! 5
Reynolds & Smith, do.
Slingluffi, Devries & Co. do.
Albert & Bro., do.
11. M. Brent, Esq., Cashier, i
J. 11. Sherrard, Esq., do. ' Winchester.
Merchants generally, S
Petor Radehaugh, ilcdford. and merchants and
framers generally.
Baltimore, 24, 1851— ly '
Cream and Milk.
4 J 111 - undersigned has made arrangements to
i J receive every evening fresh cream and milk
Irom a large farm in llie country, which can he
had in quantities to suit families, at Wise's old
corner, opposite the National House.
Lewistown, March 5, 1852—31
Xlic Female Department
umnm i auajlwl
rrvilE Summer Session of this Instilu
lion will open on the LAST MONDAY • F l-'EB I
Rt'ARV. Til* jesr will he divided into livo Hessiolio
of '22 weeks each No pupil ill be taken for less than
one term.
Elementary Ttrsnrhes. per session, on
\attirat Phi osophy and History. S i p
Algebra and (L-omclry, with all the higher Eng
lish Branches, jo pp
Freneh, including all other branches mentioned, 12 no
! Mtlsif, per quarter, 10 On
An extra charge of $2 will be made for the use of a pi
ano for praeli e.
Lewistown, Fb. 13, 15.52.
Boats Ready for the Canal!
ivX others Rre informed that the subscriber,
at his largo and convenient Warehouse on the
canal, has established a regular line of Boats
tor the purpose of carrying Grain, Flour, and
Goods ot all kinds, between Lewistown, Phila
delphia, and Baltimore; and will have a boat
leaving Philadelphia every Tuesday and Fri
day, also one leaving Lewistown everv Tues
day and Friday, until the close of the"season.
C"7~HO will receive and forward all kinds
cf freight ou reasonable terms.
I.' . istown, March 5, 1852 — tf
The Proprietors of the LEW
IST()IVN NURSERY would respect- :
fully inform their friends ami the
,public in general, that they have now
on hand a choice collection of FRUIT i
TREES, consisting of Apple, Pear, Cherry, I
Plum, Apricott, Peach, Nectarine and other
trees, ail ot which they arc determined to sell
at very reduced prices. All post-paid orders
from a distance, inclosing the cash or containing
satisfactory references, will be promptly attend
ed to. Address
x, \V, & J. MOORE,
i uilia, —4t Lewistown, Pa. i
Articles of Agreement
A f" ADE and entered into this ninth day of Teo
_i?J_ ruary, A. D. 1952, between the "Lewistown
Water Company" of the Borough of Lewis
i town, county of Midiin, and State of Pennsylva
nia, of the one part, and the " Burgess and Town
Council ' ot the Borough of Lewistown, county
and State aforesaid, of the other part, WITNESS
ETH that the " Lewistown Water Company"
aforesaid, for the consideration hereinafter men
tioned, doth covenant and agree to and with the
said Burgess and Town Council, that they, the
said Lewistown Water Company, will furnish
unto the said Burgess and Town Council, eleven
new fire plugs, ready to put up, and as good as
those already erected in said borough. Jllso, !
to sell and convey to the said Burgess and Town
: Council all the fire plugs now erected m the
! aforesaid borough, .'llso . to refund to the indi
viduals the moneys subscribed and paid for the
■ erection of three fire plugs, (without interest,) j
to wit: one at or near the residence of John R.
Weekes, two in Valley street, (one near the
marble yard at Sunderland's, and one near i
Montgomery's corner.)
And further, they grant and agree unto the '
! said Burgess and Town Council, the use of water :
at all the said fire plugs that are now or may 1
: hereafter be erected in said borough, for the pur
pose of extinguishing fire, and for the washing
j ol hose, hose house, engines or hose carriage, j
and for trying engines, free of all charges or
i rents forever: and to charge no rent on fire
plugs lor any previous use of water. The said i
Lewistown Water Company further covenants
j and agrees that the said Burgess and Town
i Council may hereafter put up and erect any
| number of additional fire plugs that they, the !
\ said Burgess and Town Council, may from time 1
to lime think necessary for the better extinguish- I
, ing ol fires, under the supervision of the said
j H ater Company. The Water Company afore
said lui ther agrees to extend the pipes tor con- j
veying the water on Third street, from their i
1 western termination to the main pipe on the I
j turnpike, as soon as the said Burgess and Town
I Council shall build a culvert over the run at the
i west end ol i bird street, upon which the said ;
i Water Company can with safety lay their pipes
J below frost, ihe said Water Company further
covenants and agrec3 to use all due diligence
; from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to
i keep a sufficient supply of water in tl.eir basin
I or basins for the purposes herin mentioned.
In consideration whereof, the said Burgess and
1 Town Council hereby covenant, promise and
agree to pay to the Lewistown Water Company
aforesaid, upon the execution of this article, the I
I sum of two hundred and twenty-six dollars and
eighty cents; and on the first day ot May next,
! the further sum of three hundred dollars ; and
j oil the first day of August next the further sum
ol ninety-seven dollars and seventy cents; tnak- j
j ing in all the sum of six hundred and twenlv
i four dollars and fifty cents—and to put up. at
the expense of said Burgess and Town Council,
1 us many fire piugsas may in their judgment from
time to time become necessary for the extin
guishing of tires in said borough, under the su
j pervisioti ot said Water Company, and to use
| such pipes as the Water Company, for the inu-
I tual benefit of the parties, shall approve of.
| And tiie Burgess and Town Council further
j agree to keep in repair the fire plugs that art
now erected, as well as those that may hercaf- j
ler be erected, and to discontinue the suit now
pending in the Common Pleas of Mitliin countv,
i brought by the Burgess and Town Council against •
; -aid Water! oinpany. Each of the abovenamcd
parties to pay the one-hall the expense of re
cording this article in the Recorder's office of
: Mililin county, in testimony whereof, the par
ties hereto have subscribed the names of their
! proper officers respectively, and have hereto af
| fixed their respective corporate seals, the uay
i and year first above written.
r. L. W. Co.
Chief Burgess.
Witness present,
Personally came before the subscriber, a Jus- '
lice of the Peace in and for said county, Francis
Met inn-, President ot the-aid Water Company,
and James L. Mclivainc, Chief Burgess of the
Borough of Lew istown, in said county, and sev
j erally acknow ledge the above and foregoing in
i strunienl to be their several act and deed,in their
respective official capacities, and desired that
the same might be recorded as such according
to law. W iincss my hand and seal at Lewis- I
town the da\ and vcar aforesaid.
Entered in the office for recording
;!.. s.] deeds, itc. in and for said county, Feb.
full, A. 1). ]952. And recorded in Deed
Book D. D. Vol. 2d, page 15, Ac. Witness my
. hand and seal of said office at Lewistow n, Feb
ruary the 1-Jlli, A 1). 1952.
March 5, 1852 2t. (r>)
K- r, rn r n "*">
\lifi those indebted to the undersigned,
- will r.ill anil p:iy the same on or before tlu
I'iili iiay ct" March, as he intends guin* to tlie city for a
supply of goods to ll it the spring. It will be necessary
; for hint to have ail tlu* money he can, and us he sells at
i small profits, he cannot give lr.i£ credits—so he hopes
j th;> will he siitftcinnt tor all indebted t<> him to come in, be
lh ; amount I irge or small, and make payment,aml by so
doinn enahlf him to purchase for c;ts)i,timl then he u ill be
. able to sell so much • hep*r—bent e you will be profited
, by it, as well as himself By aftemliii*; t this notice, you !
will lunch oblige
Lewistown, February 27, 1852.
Register's Notice.
r |MIE following accounts have been ex
amined and passed by me, am! remain filed on rn
cord in this office fur inspection of Heirs, Legatees, C'redi- j
tors, and all others in am way interesled t and will be pre
sfMitfd to the next Orphans* Court of the county of Mif
flin, to be held at the Court House in la?tvi*to\vn, on
TIIURSD W, the day of April, lbJ'2, fur allow
t.ice and ronfirmation :
I. The account of John Pun ell and Elijah Morrison,
executors of Robert Fields, deceased.
"2. The account of James Ha vis, administrator ol
Joint Martin, deceased.
| •! The account ol Samuel Barr, Guardian of Willi tm •
i and Mary M. Bell,minor children of Arthur Bell, dx*d.
I. The account of David Jenkins, Guardian of Joseph
C. McDowell, minor son of James McDowell, deceased.
James Mcdowell, Reg.
• Register's Oflicc, Lew istown, March 5, I*o2.
Agricultural .Society.
mHE members of the Milflin County Agri
f cullnr.il Society arc hereby notified that the
I Annual Meeting will he held at the Town Hall,
! in the Borough of Lewistown, on WEDNES- ,
DAY, April 7th, at which time an election for
officers to serve for the ensuing year will be
j held. By order of
The Executive Committee.
N. B. Persons in arrears for membership arc .
not entitled to the privileges of the association.
Lewistown, March 5, 1852 —td.
Always on liaiul,
And all Kinds of COAL.
Lewistown, Aug. 9, 1951. — tf
The National Restaurant,
IN the basement of the National Hotel, is now
open, and refreshments of all kinds will be
served up as called for. on the European plan,
by J. THOMAS & CO.
' Lewistown, Sept. 2(i, 1851.—11 i
©SO. 7 7. SLPER,
Attorney at Law,
0. F ICE in West Market street, opposite the 1
post office, w ill attend to any business in the <
1 courts of Mifflin, Centre, or Huntingdon coun- j
j ties - Lewistown, Jan. 23, 1852.
Attorney at Law, Lewistown, MlfiHn co. Pa.
I I* ERS his professional services to the
I * citizens of I.ewistown and vicinity. Gtlice on ■
j sontli east side of the Diamond.
Certificate from Dr. Joseph If. Aril.
It a fiords ine no small degree of pleasure to state, that I
Dr. J. R IIERRINO, after several years of study, gradu- j
j ateil at the University of Pennsylvania and is well quali- !
| tied to practice Medicine, with honor to himself and ad- j
i vantage to those who may lie pleased to employ him.
JOSEPH B. Aiib, M. D. |
Lewi-town, December 10. 1851-if.
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown. He nun he con
sulted at all times at the Bee Hive Drug store. 1
Lewistown, August 30,1850-tf
OFFERS his professional services to the •
citizens of Newton Hamilton and vicin- j
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of I.ewistown and vicinity. Of
fice with Dr. HOOVER, one door East of" F.
Schwartz's store. may 9, 1851-tf |
c ss j: sst i a \ ss nova: R .
JtiMicr of'the S'pace.
f"! AN be found at his office, in the room re-
J contly occupied by I). W. liuiiug, Esq.
where he will attend to all business entrusted
to him with the greatest care and despatch.
JMinDMJij.3 'lilJiDib
East Market street, LevLtowii,
S.N returning thanks to his friends and
- ili# public gener ally for the liberal support heretofore
extended to him, would respectfully inform them that he '•
lias just received a splendid assortment of Fashionable
selected in the city with special reference to being made j
up for customer work, u hich he is enabled to furnish ar
lower prices than similar articles could be procured in ;
the stores. Gentlemen desirous of having a superior !
article of clothing, are requested to call and examine his i
stock. With long experience and the aid of first rate ;
| workmen, he flitters himself that he can furnish his |
| customers and friends with superior garments, at rea- ;
sonahle prices. I.ewistown, Nov. 2s, J>sl.
Market street, one door West of IV/n. P. Mil
like ids Store,
Lcnidotvii, Pa.
A large and well selected assortment of
Cloths, Casfimeres, Veatings, &c., constantly
on hand, which they will sell or make up to
order, on reasonable terms and at tiie shortest 1
notice. [October 19, 1951.—1y.
Tailoring Establishment.
■ AMES a. I.II.LEY has commenced the
*P Tailoring Business, in Market street, next ■
dour to Judge, llilz's, where he invites his
friends and the public to give him a call, lie
is in regular leceipt of the
Latest Fashions,
and having had considerable experience in the
business, lie feels confident lie can give satis
faction, in potni of workmanship, &c., to all j
who may favor him with their custom.
Lewistown, May 19, 1651.
Hoot and Shoe Manufacturers. 1 doors
icext of EisenbisTs Hotel.
made of ihr be-t materials and in the '
best manner cheap for cash.
Lewistown, Sept. 12, 1851.
~ mi 9 rfi mm,l
r undersigned continues to manufacture
A celebrated Quilted and French calf Boots, j
together with all articles connected with his
Lewistown, August 9, 1851-tf
E> Ba 1\ T I' 2 S T,
Dr. L. is a regular graduate of the Balti
i more Oollege of Dental Surgery, and devoted ;
his entire attention to the business for seven j
years, vhich warrants him in oiler tug entire j
satisfaction to all who may favor him with j
! their patronage.
Lewistown, Oct. 24,1651 —tf.
iA aniY's
si! in Mi j! ti HIM:.
\ the use ol this Machine one person
J can do as much spwinsr, mid make better work j
than five or six can do by hand.
Tailors. Saddlers, &.C., look to your interest. Ma j
chines, Shop and County Rights for sale Apply to JOHN i
LOCK 17, I.ewistown, until February lOili, after that at j
I.cwishurft, llnion county, Pennsylvania.
! P. S One of these Machines may he seen in oper- ;
atioi. at C. M Sun, L'S Tailor-shop in tins place.
I.ewistown, January 16, lsji-tf
HENRY ZERBE, having taken the
. sland lately occupied by Clark &. Zerhe, in Drown
street, between Market and Third, I.ewistown, invites
, his friends and the public to give him a call when in need
of a
or other vehicle of comfort and pleasure, before pur
chasing elsewhere. A niiinber of FINISHED CAR
RIAGES will constantly be kept on hand, manufactured
of the best material and in the most approved style,
which will he sold very low for cash.
O Orders for new work, as well as repairing, properly
attended to
I Lewistown, February 20,1652—ly j
Estate of John Hoffman, dee'd.
Late of Granville township, Mifflin county.
; jVOTICE is hereby given that Letters
La Testamentary on the estate of JOHN HOFFMAN,
| late of Granville township, Mifflin county, deceased, j
have been granted by the Register of Wills of said coun- j
ty to the subscribers, residing in Fayette township, Juni
ata county. All persons indebted to said estate are here- j
by notified to call and make payment without delay, and
those having claims to present them, duly authenticated,
for settlement.
February 20, i 652 r.t.* Executors.
Estate of Rachel Johnston,
Late of Granville township, Mifflin county, deceased. j
IV OTICE is hereby given that Letters ! '
L v Testamentary on the estate of RACHEL JOHN- >
BTON, 1 .te of Granville township, Mifflin county, de- !
ceased, have been granted to the subscribers,residing in '
said township. All persons indebted to the said estate ! 1
are requested to make payment, and those having claims
to present them, fur settlement and payment, duly authen
ticated. ! '
February 20,1852-6t. Executors. 1
Estate of R. Hervey Alexander,
Late of Derry township, Mifflin county, deceased.
"TV" OTICE is hereby given that Letters j !
-1- v of Administration o:t the e.-tate of R HERVEY 1
ALEXANDER, late of Derry township, Mitflin county,
deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing
in the Borough ot* Lewistown, in said county. Alt per
sons indebted to said estate are hereby not Hied to call and '
make payment without delay, and those having claims to
present ihein, duly authenticated, !*<r settlement t
February C, 15.72.6t. [n] Administrator. j i
Estate of John Kenegy, dee'd, '
l-ate of Menno Township, Mtfflin county. j i
"jV"OTICE is hereby given that Letters 1 '
LN of Administration on the estate of JOHN KE.NH
GV deceased, lite of Menno township, Mifflin county,
have been granted toihe subscriber, residing in said town
ship All persons indebted to said estate are hereby no |
lifted to tall and make payment without delay, and those '
having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for i
February 6, 18.72 6t * Administrator.
Estate of Samuel J, George,
I.ate of McVeytown, Mifflin county, deceased.
"|V" O'PICE is hereby given that letters of
it Administration on the Estate of SAMUEL. J.
GEORGE, late of the Borough of McVeytown, Mifflin j
county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, i
residing in tiie Borough of Lewistown, in said oounty. — j
All persons indebted to said Estate, are hereby notified j
to rail an.l make payment without delay, and those j
having claims to present them duly authenticated for '
Lewistown. February C, ISs2—(it Administrator.
A UDITOK'S NO TICE.—The undersigned,
C\. appointed AuJitor, by the Hon. the Judges of the |
Special Court of Mifflin county, in the matter of the re- j
port of WM. M. HA 1.1., Esq., Auditor, on exceptions filed I
to the Assignee Arroiint of JAMES BROWN, Assignee of
Nc.NITT, and upon said account, gives notice that he |
1 will meet at his office, in Lewistown, on the 17th day j
of March next, for the purpose of hearing the parties .
interested, when and where they are notified to attend.
I.ewistown, February 20, 1652—41 Auditor.
To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of .irthur I
Bell, deceased.
4 T a Special Court of Common Pleas 1
-CM- of Mifflin county, held at Lewistown, in and for i
said county, by the Hon. James H. Graham and his asso- !
ciates, on the 10th day of February, A. I>. 1532, the said
court granted and made the following rule on the heirs 1
and legal representatives of said Arthur Bell, deceased, !
namely :
Arthur Bell 7 In the Court of Common Pleas ;
vs j of Mifflin county, No. 191, of Au- '
Peter Nnook, gust term, 1N45.
Henry Mick and
Ner Middleswarth. Summons in Ejectment.
And now,to wit, February lOtlt, 1-52. on motion of Mr j
Candor, rule on the heirs and legal representatives of |
ARTHUR BEI.L to appear and become parties plaintiff i
to tins suit by the first day of next term. Personal no- !
lice of this rule to be served on Jarucs Bell, of Hunting- j
don county. And as to the other parties in interest being I
nut of the county, publication in one newspaper pub- |
lished in the county fur six weeks to be sufficient notice J
By the Court. j ]
Lewistown, February 20, 1^52-61.
Franklin Fire Insurance Company of l'lilia- 1
STATEMENT of the ASSETS of the j
Company, on January Ist 1852, published in con
formity u ith the provisions of tlie Gtli Section of the Art j
of A-seinhly, of April Mil. 1642.
Being first Mortgages, weit secured, free of ground I
rent, in the city and county of Philadelphia, except j
£26 9.70 in Montgomery, Bucks, Schuylkill and Allegheny ; (
counties, Pennsylvania, .$957,513 64 j
Rfal Ertate.
Purchased at Sheriff's sales, under inert-")
gage claims, viz ; | "
Eight houses and lot, 70 by 150 feet, on )
the southwest corner of Chestnut and '
Si HU) Ikill Sixth streets.
A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet, on North j
side of Spruce street, west of Eleventh. ;
A house and lot, 21-7 by 100 feet, on west i
side Perm Square, south side High st. !
Two houses and lots, eai h 16 by 60 feet, on
south side of Spruce street, near Schnyl- j g I
kill Seventh. i
Five houses and lots, each 17-ftby Oil feet, jf;
Nos. 131, 133, 135; 137, and !39Di!wyn ' *■
street. | 3
Three houses and lot, 49 by .74 feet, on j "3
east side of Schuylkill Sixth street,south ~H Cost i (
of Pine ' > 64,37. .8 1
A lot of ground, 17 by 57 feet,on the north 72
east corner of Schuylkill Front and 1 a
is ; ,
Spruce streets.
A house and lot, IS by 106 feet, on south p
side of Filbert street, west of Schylktll 5 i i
Seventh. te 1 j
Hotel and lot, 50 by SI feet, on the south
east corner of Chestnut and Beach ts.
Five houses and lot, 42 by 66 feet, on the
north side of George street, west of Ash
Seven houses and lot, 20 by 117 feet, on j (
the east side of Beach street, south of I
Chestnut. 1
A house and lot, ]S by SO feet, No 96 Fitz- I
watet stteet, cast of Ninth. J
Temporary Loans on collateiak securities. .
amply secured. 125,605 73 I
SIO,OOO Almshouse Loan, 5 perct (int. on) 1
200 Shares Bank of Kentucky
17 " Northern Bank of Kentucky, j
100 " Union Bank of Tennessee. j &
13 " Insurance Contp. of the State j S
of Pennsylvania. ;
200 " Routhxvark Railroad Contp'ny. : * Cost J
37 " Commercial A. Railroad Bank ' ~ 62,325 50 !
of Vicksbttrg. j jjj .
300 " Pennsylvania Railroad Comp. )7;
91 " Frankiitt Fire Insurance Co. j \
6 '• Mercantile Library Company.
6 " Union Canal Company. I i
10 " Schuylkill Railroad Company, j , t
Notes and Bills Receivable, 6,657 81
Unsettled Policies, 1,265 25 I
Merchandize, 163 gy 1
Cash on hand, $30,388 60 i
" itt hands of Agents, 16,092 79 t
1 J
$1,281,390 91 -
By order of the Board,
Attest —Cli ent.t:S G RASCKKK. Secretary
Philadelphia, Feb. 20. 1852. i
Agent for Mifiliu county, Gen. It. C. -
HALE, Lewistown. '
■wwa—yj^.■ kitmwwi;i ■ ii_ Mbt— —w nwra
Guardian's Sale.
IN pursuance of an order issued by the
* Orph im's <Y>url of MilfLu cou.Mv, wH bt bipoj&cd lo
sa!e,bypubli outcry, on i.V pn-j'.js* *, on
Fondas . March 13. 18.12,
31 two o clock p Be, ihr following \ ri-iaide RFiAL
ESTATE, to wit :
All the interest of McClelland I' and Goorge M Wake
field, initior children of George Wakefield deceased,
~ain" the one undivided i, .if, in a certain m-wuipe, tene
ment and tract of land, situate on the I' nnsvivauia
Canal, about midway between I.ewt-.otvu and Mc Vrv
town, partly in Granville and partly u, Oliver township,
Mifflin county, adjoining lands f ifeirs of Philip pelfer.
Isaac Aults, George .Strode and Juuiala river, containing
$$ & 4k WW
more or less, wit It the usual allowance, will, a large
JW-ty s '"" e ftt'K/.UA'O HOVSK; STOKK
oߣj£sjt g iry jp norsy, MfTchtiitt and
MUsain'i am,
Pi.lSi hM JfJ/./ 9 S.iIV MIL!., ami other in.piov*-
iticntt? thereon erected. About ten acresof this pro per? >
is covered with timber, ttie remainder in a good state of
cultivation, well watered. There isaiso a toung bearing
Orchard of choice friiit # dec,
1 EKMs OF SALE -One-third of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale; Hi- residue in twoequ*i
annual payments thereafter, with interest &c
Guardian of McClelland P. At'Geo. M. Wakefield
O I tie retiiainiug halt of said property will be offered
at public sale at the same time and place hy A. Wake-
February 27, 1852—td.*
r PIIE subscriber, Trustee, to fell the R.-al Es
-1 tate of GEORGE WAGGONER, late of Decatur
township, deceased, hereby gives notice that lie u ill offer
at public sale, on the premises, on
Tuesday, March 2<><h, 1832,
the following described property, viz :
A tract ol land, situate in Decatur (ownshin,contain
itig I\V Kl.\ K ACISKS, more or lesa, bounded
on tbe north by land of Jacob Hook, on ihe east and south
by lands 'if George Shilling, and on the uesl by lands of
Philip Wagoner. Also, one other tract of latid, in said
Jjggjk township, containing Till IM'Y-SEV
■ ACUES, more or less, on which is
tli!i®# firecte,i a DWELLING HOL'SE and other
improvements, hounded bj lands of Geoige
' Kimmeriing on the north.
TKKMS OF Bai.E. One-haif of the purchase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale, and the other half in one
>ear with interest. The widow's dower to remain in the
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, of said day, when at
tendance will be given by
Feb. 2,. IBS&—UL Trustee.
Executors' Sale.
OMIE undersigned Executors will offer at
JL public sale, on ihe premises, on
Thursday, ITlarcli 18, 18.12,
at 1 o'clock P. M., the following Real Estate, late the
property of DANIEL IIOWE, deceased, to wit:
The one half of a sixty feel LOT OF
jgSj"ilPP ar GROUND, situate in Water Street, in
tftSKHj j £ jay the Borough of Lewistown, adjoining
lot of John Comfort's heirs and others,
SSslß3i®having thereon erected a TWO STORY
DWELLING, with convenient BACK BUILDING Arc.
Immediate possession will be given.
TEEMS OF Sai.e.—One half of the purihase money to
be paid on confirmation of sale-the remainder in one
year, with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage.
Lewistown, February C, 1852— ts Executors.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Mifflin county, w ill be sold at the
Court House, in the borough of Lewistown, on
Saturday, March 27, 18.12,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described
Real Estate, tbe property of the heirs of John
Comfort, deceased, viz :
A LOT OF GROUND situate in Market
street, in said borough of Lewistown, being 60
Tim I i J], feet in front, by 200 feet deep, ad
joining a lot of Lewis Owens on the
''''HjifaEast and Henry Kemmerling on the*
Ay-l&Sy West, with a TWO STORY DWEL
LING HOUSE and other improve
ments thereon.
TERMS OF SALE. —One-half the purehase
money to be paid on the confirmation of the
sale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with
interest, to be secured -by mortgage on the
WM. SHIMP, Trustee.
Lewistown March 5, 1852—td.
TflllE Lots known as the LIMESTONFT
QCARRY LOTS, together with the Quarry on the
Lewi-town and Ki.hacoquitlas Turnpike.
V . The BRICK HOUSE and LOT,situate
* I [Wt on Third street, the estate of Andrew
.JSplLt J SB? Ki-jser, Esq , deceased. Apply to E.
BANKS orlt Stonfr, Esqrs , Executors.
.■frsrit The HOL'SE and LOT on Brown street, above
the Presbyterian Church—tile property of Rev.
D. L. Hughes. Apply to
Lewistown, Fen. 13, 1R52.
rriHE undersigued having leased the large
X. and commodious Hotel, known as the
jL-pjJL "NATIONAL HOUSE," formerly
kept by James Turner, and recently
IjlJjjjjjSpby R. H. McCoy, and situated in
jsgmSSi Public Square, for a term of
years, respectfully informs the public thai he
has filled it up and furnished it anew, so as to
ensure the comfort of the travelling public.
His TABLE will, be provided with the
choicest productions of the market, and care
ful, obliging, and attentive waiters will be
His BAR will also be stocked with none
but the choicest of liquors.
The STABLING attached to the house ie
extensive and safe.
He flatters himself that he will be able to
render entire satisfaction to all who may give
him a call. J. THOMAS.
Lewistown, August 20, 1851.—tf
I'HL subscriber has the satisfaction of an-
J- "ouncing to tbe citizens of this place and vicinity
that he has just opened, at tils stand lately occupied by
P- ScaujssEit, on Market street, nearly eppostte the
Back, a well selected stock of
i'locks, Watches & Jewelry,
which he will dispose of at the lowest possible prices,
the slock is new, embracing the latest styles, and afford
ing an excellent variety, which must lie examined to be
appreciated, both m regard to quality and price.
)>Clocks, Watches and Jewelry wilt be HEP All?*
El> iu the very best manner with despatch, and wai
ranted for one year He hopes by selling low, punctual
ly fulfilling !us engagement*, and strict attention to busi
ness, to secure a proportion of public patronage.
Lewistown, January 2, ISs2—if
Fish, Salt, and Plaster.
pOR sale bv
June 27,-tf At tbe Lewistown y