~ EXPENDXTUKES Of Mifflin county, from Jan'y Bth, 1351, to Jan'y Bth, 1853, xndumvc. *" ~ u_n m,■ i>a, Timiuiii inuecouutwith Aaoo. of MISLo. CR.' nD T?/TIT 11. JICt'EINTIo, XiSQ., irtSUUfol |;A„S Q-iO! ftr.s 7n u iL'nt Tax asssessed for 1951. $21600 14 To whole amount lax tgtandin2 for >6o> 2342 w amount received for old journals sold > on fail assessment, ' Dividends Bridge Stock, 63 60 of abatement on paym t quota "Sta'e Tax .. - Cash in hands last settlem't, 1945 171 Comtn'rj orders at settlement. 3D. 44 I 826.411 | 1)H DAVIS MCK. POXTNER, .Sheriff, to.account with the co yot AliAim, la. (1a 1 'Ai ' To amount fines and fees receded m Court Quarter Sessions, *l4° ~ 5 To amount fees " " .. m , Common Plea 9, - $164 25J BOBERT'H. MCCLTXTIO.'E U > Treasurer of Mifflin county, IU account with the (h>M- T>R monwealth ot Pennsylvania. t-iv TAX ON REAL AN'D PERSONAL ESTAIK- To imount said tax levied for 1 51 - ®l^l o l outstanding tor ISDO. 3,,49 3. received for fail assessments, 59 .< . for pedlar's licenses I granted by court, 69 Oo ! fines for Sabbath breaking, 2 00 j $36,838 08 | RETAILERS' LICENSES. To aggregate amount said licenses assess ed for the year 1851, as per statement of Mercantile Appraiser, filed with Co j Treasurer, *' s9 J' 8759 25 | TAVERN' LICENSES. To aggregate amount said licenses granted _ for the year 1851. *2BB 09 To 3mount uncollected for iSoO, as per last report of Auditots, .4 WJ j §362 00 | PAMPHLET LAWS. To aggregate amount receued tor sale o! siid laws for the year 1351, S2 00 82 00 j A TENT MEDICINES, OYSTER CELLAR AND DIA TILLER S LICENSES. To aggregate amount said licences assess d for" 1851, * 172 50 8172 50 | BILLIARD ROOM AND TFN PIN ALLEY LICENCES o amount said licences astes****! for 1351, 9™ 09 1 §7O 00 j .MILL LICENSES To aggregate amount said licences assessed for 1851, 8160 00 8160 00 MU.ITIA TAX. To aggregate amount said tax levied and assessed for 1851, s6ll 5(3 To aggregate am't outstanding for 1850, 719 00 *1,360 50 | James L. M'llvainl, Register and Recorder of Mifflin county, in account with the £)}t. ('ommonwealth of Pennsylvania. ' H. To amount Collateral Inheritance tax rec'd by him up to Dec 1, 1851. $216 85 8216 85 We, the undersigned, Auditor* ot Mifflin county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsjlvania, do certify that in pursuance of an -'Act of Assembly relating to counties, townships." &c., passed the 15th of April. 1834. and of the 4th section of an "Act relative to the appointment of Trustees of Orphans' Court ." &c.. passed April 22. 1846. we met at the Commissioners' Office in the borough of Lewistown. on tho sth day of January. 1852, and did audit, setle and adjust the several accounts between Robert H. M'Clintic. Esq.. Treasurer of said County and the Satet Treasury—and between said Treasurer and the county ol M.flhn ; also the account of Davis McKean Contner. Esq., Sheriff of said county—and also the Collateral Inheri tance Tax accounts of James L. M'llvaine, Esq., Register and Recorder, with the Commonwealth, as the same are stated in the foregoing Reports. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto sot our hands at the office aforesaid, this Id h day of January, A 14. 1852. THOMAS IIAZLET, ) CYRUS IX) RMAN, Auditors. ROBERT A. McKEE, ) STATEMENT, showing the amount of debts due to and owing by the County of Mifflin—Also, the amount of State and County Tax outstanding Jan. 8, 1852. iThe Statement in detail of amount due by several Collectors will be given next week.) Amount tax outstanding of 1951, 8 ' „ ,i 1850, - ,J —' Balance due l>y L Hoover, former Treasurer, being money received by hnu arid not ac counted for in settlement, for which suit is pending. Sou 00 Balance due on settlement fr'm 1 osier Millitien's Estate, 'A uo Amount of tax assessed for 1852, . Notes of sundry persons, 60 16 524,824 24 STATEMENT. OF DEBTS OW I.NG BY THE COUNTY. VIZ "Whole amount of Certificates ol" Loan issued by the County, £.10.000 00 Amount lifted and burnt, 9.830 0u Balance in circulation, L sllO 00 Whole amount of Certificates oi Loan* issued by the l insurer tear.ng in terest of 6 per cent, ■- Amount lifted and cancelled, i.O.ii 32 Balance outstanding, 9'* Balance of Purchase of Poor House property, 12,000 00 Whole amount of indebtedness, _ $12,373 84 AMOUNT OF ORDERS issued by the County Commissioners front the Ist January to the Slat December, 1851, inclusive: _ Petit -Jurors' pay, SI ,481 12J Grand " " 387 63J; Assessors " 305 21 Constables' " advertising and at tending election J, 70 07 | Constables' pay return and attend ing Courts, 117 42 : Constables' costs in Commonwealth cases, 71 40 Justices' costs Comw'th cases, 04 10J Witnesses' " " " 174 32 T. F. McCoy, Prot'y and elk's' fees, 13d 13] Sundry persons, for Books and Sta tionery for county offices, 99 24 to Court Hfouee and Jail, 97 83] Wolf scalp?, "4 00 Clothing for Prisoners, 5 Directors of the Poor, 2, *27 50 Fuel for Court House and Jail, 131 15* Henry Ferer, court crier and clean ing court house, 94 22* A. C. Harry, boarding prisoners and turnkeys, 191 83 i G. Dunmire, cervices as Commis'r, 85 00 Walters & IVlcCay and G. Frysinger advertising and printing for cc., 141 62* Election officers pay, 235 2C By amount Commissioners orders lilted. §9.4~ b:.j ■ .. .< Road orders '* 168 00 j •i <• Fox scalp certificates ' 155 00 . .. " Boor House Bonds, 4000 00 • • •• Interest paid on same, 165 00 |• •* Co. money lifted and buret, 10 00 , •• •• Interest paid on same, " " dAft E.S.P. uiaint'ug convicts. 113 48 " paid orders court road damages 4-13 I•• •' •* " Auditors pay, 39 00 I'• " Mercantile Appraiser's fees, 11 62t " Lewistown bank money paid •' *< Commissioners, 125 00 • " Percentage allowed collectors, 366 19 " " Exonerations •• '' 267 92 •' •• Error in duplicates, 21 40 " Tax outstanding for ISx.O. 29 -3 - 1851, 81173 79 •< •> l'aid successor. It. Zeigler, 6® " Treasurer's percentage, 530 29 §20,411 60} By fees as She'tTin sundry Com'rh cases, $23 .. <• summoning 326 jurors, 81 50 a •• •' Advertising Gen'l Election, 75 " commission levying fines on $l4O 25, 4 20 ; " balance due county, 53 91 , j 8164 25 j By ain't paid State Treas'r as per receipt,sl2oo3 57 j •• commission allowed collectors, 641 83 I •' exonerations " 4.58 67 j'■ " error in duplicates. 240 I'• •• tax outstanding for 1850, 18 00 j c•• 1851 3582 69 j " •* Treasurer's percentage, lot) 92 816,838 OS t By am't paid State Treas'r as per receipts. $609 09 I"* " licences sundry persons not in bus iness after Ist May, 21 j•• " sundry licenses left with Justices of the Peace for collection, 53 2;> ] ""J P. Schlosser's license, left cou'ly before collection, I "' paid tor advertising list. 30 00 j " " Treasurer's commission retained, 35 41 ! | 8759 25 I' By cash paid .State Treas'r as per receipts, $282 15 • " J.Alexander, Dist. Attorney. commission on collections, 710 |•• '• to Clerk of Courts, 300 1' amount ireasurei's percentage retained, 18 48 Balance due Commonwealth. 50 97 j 8362 09 By amount Treasurer's percentage. 8 10 •• •• due Commonwealth, 1 '.O 82 (10 I . I By am't paid Si n* Trtw'r as per receipt*, 8127 96 |•• " sundry licences on which suit has been brought and judgment obt'd, 37 50 i'' " Treasurer's percentage. iOS 8172 50 By ain't T. L. Shull's license for ten pin al ley, upon which proof was made not in use since Ist May, S4O OU By amount T. E. Shull's license for billiard loom, on which suit has been brought and judgment obtained, dJ 00 870 00 | By cash paid State Treas'r as per receipts, slll 97 I Treasr's percentage retained. _ 3 03, j•' am't J Gillarn's license, left co since ass t, 7 00 j $l6O 00 By cash paid State Trea'r as ppr receipt. *238 79 "* arn't exonerations allowed collectors of 1850. 435 00 •' •' commission, " " 22 86 " paid assessors, '9 31 " " outstanding of 1851, 641 50 " " Treasr's percentage retained, 14 06 $1,360 50 I By cash p'd Auditors and Clerks for settling I accounts, $ 600 1 " amount Register's commission. 10 84i " due Commonwealth, 200 00J 8216 85 J. L. M'llvaine, indexing books, &c„ 23 00 ; Coroner and Justices, holding inqui sitions on dead bodies, 92 05] William Butler, postage, 5 7< Jos. Alexander, Hist. Atty's fees, 5G .50 Paints and oils for painting c. h., 121 60 Hobbling prisoners and repr'g irons, 12 02* C. C. jSpotswood, telegraphing for witnesses, &c., per order liist At'y, 1 46 Binding pamphlet laws, 1 50 R. II McClintic, case for surveyor's office. * 25 00 David Coplin, tax overpaid collector Wavnc, 1849, 5 56 D M. Contner, balance due him at i last settlement, 149 624 11. J. Walters, balance of salary as clerk for 1850, 100 00 11. J. Walters, 1 quarter's salary, 50 00 P. C. Ilale, Att'y for co. '49-50* 40 00 Wattson & Jacob, carpet for c't room, 2 50 Jas. Burns, interest on Poor House farm to April 1, 1851, 240 00 Mrs. Cartes Burns, by direction of Poor House Commissioners, 25 00 P.. C. Hale, preparing deed, bond, on purchase poor house farm, 10 CO Georgje Lano, tax overpaid collector NY ay 11 IZ. llittenhouse, fees late clerk Ses., 74 05 Jno. Cubbison—ice for Court, at Aug. term, 75 11. J. W alters—cash paid for water and cleaning office, 1 1-1 J. Wingate, et. al. laying out road from Benedict's Mill to some point in Union county, 25 40 i Jno. Kerr. et. at. laying out road from MifHin to Huntingdon eo., 34 60 ! T. W. Bailey—painting Court H., 100 00 \V. S. Custer, bal. in full as Com. 6.8 00 i Jno. R. Weekes. running line be tween P. H. farm & Buchanan, 3 00 A. Blymyer, Stoves, Ac., lor Jail, 8 00 W. A. SlcManigal—money over paid on purchase of unseated i land, at last Treasurer's sale, 963 Mifflin co. Agricultural Society, per Act of Assembly, 100 00 , Win. Shimp, Sherifi'—conveying Win. Hall, to Eastern Peniteu'y, 67 73 11. J. Walters, cash paid to sundry persons for cutting wood for oflice, carrying in coul, and for Dup licates, 10 621 ; Given under our hands at the Commission- j er's office, in Lewistown, the 10th day of . January, 1-85'2. G. DUN MIRE,) T. ST ROUP, \ Commissioners. .J, DORM AN, ) Attest 11. J. WALTERS, Clerk. LEWISTOWN MILLS. rjIHE subscribers have taken the Lewistown j JL Mil is and formed a copartnership under the firm of JOHN STERRETT& CO. /orcar , rving on a general MILLING BUSI NESS, wish to buy a large quantity of all kinds of GRAIN, for which we will pay the j HIGHEST PRICES the market will afford, accord ing to the quality of the grain. Any person wishing to store their wheat can do so, and a receipt will be given to be kept in store until the Ist of August, and after that until the Ist of December. In case of wheat left in store, llie subscribers reserve the privi- j lege of purchasing said wheat when the own ers wish to sell, at from 13 to 15 cents oil' of Philadelphia prices, and if we do not buy al J this rate, then we charge one cent per bushel j for storage. No interest will be allowed on i money not lilted for grain sold, as we are pre pared to.pay CASH at all times. FLOUR ami all kinds of FEED keptaud . for sale tor cash. \V. THOMPSON, AND. McFARLVNK, HUGH CON LEV, S. S. WOODS. Lewistown, May 2, 1851. —tf HAT k CAP MANUFACTORY. W\ (i. ZOLIJNGKII, Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken nedy 4* Porter's Store. Respectfully invites the attention / of the citizens of Mifflin and the ad- JpSte|JL joining counties to Ins ex ptock of V\ INTER STYLE HATS &. CAPS. which he offers at prices that cannot fad tc I suit purchasers. i COUNTRY RICRCHANT3 will find it decidedly to their advantage to give him a call, for his arrangements are now such, as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. The cure and attention he has ever given to the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will be j continued, and he feels warranted in giving tiie assurance that they will not be disap pointed. Grateful for the encouragement be has thus far received, he will continue to deserve it. by continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, October 31, 1851. IB AT & V A I EMM®*: IT. J. 3.TXDXSXLL, At Ins Old Stand in Market street, IT A 8 just received from the city the S WINTER FASHIONNS, and a large stock of material, which he is manufacturing into most superb HATS, which cunnot fail to please. He has now' 011 hand a large and iveli-ns- , sorted stock of Men's, Boys', and Infants' era oeA. * of every quality and price. He has also re ceived n supply of LUXES' JIFFFS, BOAS: TIPPETS, AMD CAPES, of the latest styles, which he will dispose of at ! very cheap rates. His Ornish friends will also find htm pre- i pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled RROAD-RltlMS will receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed upon them. Don't torget the old stand, where vou may depend upon not being disappointed. Thankful for the liberal share of" custom be- : stowed on him heretofore, he solicits his old j friends and 999 new ones—being all he can at present accommodate —to call and adorn i themselves with a new hat or cap. Lewistown. Oct. 24, 1851. PERFUMERY— Bay Run. Cologne, Ver bena, Sweet Briar, Palcheoly, Jenny Lind. Jasm,ne, Rose, at ( dJ9 'BANKS'Variety store. j Philadelphia Advertisements, | Hunting or Itanium's MUSEUM. Wilder'* Patent Safe again tiie Victor! PHH.Ansr.PUiA, Jan. Ist, 1352. The Salamander Safe which 1 purchased a few years j ' since, and which was in use by Messrs. C. (J. Henderson &. Co. at the destruction of their store in the building j i known as " HA RN UM'S MUSEUM," 011 the 30th ult., lias : this morning been got at,and lite interior wood-work,with some Stereotype plates which were in the safe diirin!! the fire (the books having been removed), are found to be UNHARMED. 1 have this day purchased from Mr John Karrel another " Patent Salamander," and would ! confidently recommend these well known safes 10 all ' who wish security against accidental fires. GEORGE S. A PPLETOX. We fully concur in the above, and would also add that the large WAI.I FIRE PROOF, near which the above I ' Safe stood, has also since been opened, and although the outside appearance is good, and the walls of the same still standing, ihe whole interior is charred to a cinder. o. r; HENDERSON x. CO., Late Seventh and Chestnut streets, j W- The genuine '' 11 Hill.\~fr' S (Wilder'a Patent) j H.dJ..d.il.i.VUKh A FES, which received the Prize .Veiial • at the great WORLD'S FAIB, and are universally ac- I know I edged to be the most perfect security against fire now known, can he obtained of the only authorized Agent j in this State, * JOHN PARREL, 31 Walnut street, Philadelphia. j ts>3-ifes of all other kinds, having been taken in part | pay for •' Ha a KINO'S," will be sold at very low prices. j Philadelphia. Jan. 20, 1322 .'int. F A LSJ AN D \\ a \TE li CLOTHING. I NEW AND COMPLETE assortment of the latest | ! and most fashionable style of JlcitN ;tit Parents who desire HOUS' CLOTHING are .-arnestliy > invited to examine the stock, as the greatest rare has been taken to provide the most durable patterns and de ! I sirabie styles, at the most economical rates. * t* Small Note* taken at par for goods. September 2f>, MM.—*aprlJ v Indemnity. THE FRANLIN FIRE INSLRANCK COMPANY of Philadel j IJ- phiu— OFFICE IC3J ('tiesnut street, near Fifth street , DIRECTORS. Charles X. Bancker, Geo. R. Richards, Thomas Hart, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Borle, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on j ; everv description of property in TOWN & COUNTRY, j ■ at rates a* low as are consistent ith security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, ! which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested, ' atfords ample protection to the assured. T he assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1319, as ; i published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol i lows, viz: Mortgages, $1,047,433 II I Real Estate, tit,72l S3 Temporary Loans, 00,001 35 Stocks, ' 31,523 25 Cash, Sec., 33,301 37 $1,323,492 71 Since Iheir incorporation, a period of eighteen years, j they have paid upwards of Unc Million Four Hundred j ; Thousand Hollars, losses by fire, thereby affording an evi- j deuce of the advantages of Insurance, as welt as the abil- j lly and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. ; CHARLES \ BANCKER, President. i Citvni.Es DANCKER, Secretary AGENT for Mifflin county, R. C. HAI E, Esq., Lewistown. [a pi 2-1 v —- -y~ a-*,- BOOT, SHOE, & BOOK STORE, t)ur banner to the breeze we tling. And of cheap BOOTS ASO SHOPS we sing ; Of work well done and fiu.- O, why refuse To aid u>e in my rhyme ! Well, then, here goes. I'll rite in pro-e, If you w ill give we tiuie. , mi IE story, all told, is simply this: we have just re- L ceived from the r ity ltie. largest and best assort tuent tit ; ECO2O AITD SSC33 | pver brought In tbi - . pl*. Do not, a few- doors Fast of li atfsou Jacob's store. 05-French Calf Boots that can't be beat in these digging; also, an assortment of the celebrated Quilted Boots, lot dies' Italian Cloth Gaiters, etc., etc., kept constantly on hand and made to order. B O OKS. I Great Bargains by those who want ROOK 3 can now be had at our establishment. Lewistow n, October 3, 13.,1. lATIOHL HOUSE, LEWISTOWN, PA. THE undersigned having leased the large ; and commodious llotel, known as the ; "NATIONAL HOUSE," formerly k epl James Turner, and recently •JSJOglby R. H. McCoy, and situated in j r"ini*^ ' 1 ■" Public Square, for a term of years, respectfully informs the public that he has fitted it tin and furnished it anew, so as to • ensure the comfort of the travelling public. His TABLE will be provided with the I choicest productions of the market, and care ful, obliging, and attentive waiters will be ; employed. His BAR will also he stocked with none but the choicest of liquors. .; The STABLING attached to the house is extensive and safe. He flatters himself that he will be able to render pnlire satisfaction to all who may give ; liim a call. J. THOMAS. I Lewistown, August 29, 1851. —tf Great Scientific Discoveries. BIT DR. or. w. COOPER. 13'ina &a!D rati Completely Cured in Three Days, By Dr. J. \V. Cooper's Vegetable Compound Fever attJ Ague Pills. j rrtJIESE PILLS are composed entirely of WgeiaMe i L Substances, and in ninty-nine cases out of every hun j dred, will perform a perfect and Complete cure in three days. No instance has ever been known, where more than six days have been required to perform a complete cure, even in the very worst rases, and on ihe strongest constitutions. We would earnestly say to all who are afflicted vvitli this distressing disease, to get one box and ' try them, and in all cases, two boxes are warranted to eure, if taken according to the directions, or the money returned. These pills not only perform a perfect cure in three days, but remove the bile and creat* u healthy lclion of 1 the liver, and consequently fortify the system against a I future attack. A I. NO, My Vegetable Anti-Dyspcpxia Bitlers. | This Medicine is a certain cure for Dyspepsia in its | very worst forms. Thousands of cases have been com j pletely cured by il within the last year, which have ! been entirely despaired of by the regular family physi cians. We do not recommend it to cure everything—we ; recommend it to cure Dyspepsia, and ihe diseases orisi noting from it, and that it will cure in almost every case, i and it is recommended for nothing else. In many m j stances, even the worst of cases have been completely ' cured in two and three months, but it depends somewhat | npon the constitution of the patient. We would say to | all who are afflicted with Dyspepsia, give this medicine i a fair trial, and if it fails to do good, your money will be I returned. A LSO, My Vegetable Worm Powders. | This is the most wonderful Worm Destroyer ever ; known, and at the same lime, so pleasant to take, that ' almost every child will be fond of it, and many instances i have been known of children crying for more after once ■ taking it. 'I his medicine is in the form of a powder, the only i medicine ever used in that form, and it operates on a i principle entirely different from any other medicine ever administered hy any other physician. It is the only ! medicine which has no Worm-seed Oil or Turpentine j combined with it, which is believed by all other physi ; ciai.s, to be Ihe only two things which will destroy j worms, and these two things combined, together with I castor oil, are the active principles of alt other worm ' medicines, which every jierson who has ever tasted or smelled, knows to be the most nauseous of all nauseous ' medicines, ami on account of which, there isgenerallv j something added to destroy this nauseous taste, and in order to do litis, it must be something stronger than the medicine ilseif, and therefore, it must necessarily destroy pottle of its medicinal properties. These powders are simple and so harmless, that a child may eat a whole box at once, and it will not be hurt, while at the same time, the print iplc upon which it acts being different from any thing else ever used, it will destroy all kinds of Worms j with a certainty never equaled. It will not only destroy the scat worms, or Ascarides, and long, round worms, or , Teres, but is the most effectual medicine for the destrnc ; lion of the Tape Worm ever known. Ten doses have brought as many as FIVE Tape Worms from one person. If your children have any symptoms of worms, try these powders, and in nine cases out of ten, you will ncv ! or use any other. These are also warranted. These medicines are all separate, and one for each dis : ease, and each for only one disease. They are not re j commended, as many other medicines are, to cure some j fifteen or twenty diseases, and all of different natures, i i 1 but they are each to cure but one disease, and that they will do in ninety-nine rases out of every hundred, and where they have a fair trial and fail in all cases, the I j money will be returned DR. J. H. COOPER'S Celfbralrd Vegetable Anti-Dyspepsia Pills, A certain cure for Indigestion, Debility, Sickness or Rurning in the Stomach, Pain in the 3ide and Stomach, Costivenees, Sensation, of Weight in the Stomach after Eating, Difficulty of Breathing, Restlessness, Want of ; Appetite, Palpitation of the Heart, and all other Diseases , which arise from INDIGESTION. O Certificates can i>e seen at the Agents For sale hy /'■ ./. JIOFFM.I.V, l.ewistewn ; and f?. IF Rrehmaa, .V f'eytnen. Sep. 19-1 y For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Tflus remedy is offered to tire community with Ihe con • lidence we feel in an article which seldom fails to re alize the happiest effects that C3tt be desired. So wide j Is the ti.-ld of its usefulness anil so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country a- ' hounds irt persons, publicly known, who have been re stored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. When once tried, its superiority over j : -very other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape 1 obsert c lion, and w here its virtues are known, tiie public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the dis ttessing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary or gans, which are incident to our climate. And not only in the formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Ac , and CHILDREN it is the pleasante.st and safest medicine that can be obtained. No family should be without it, and those who have used it, never will. Read the opinion of the following gentlemen, who will | be recognized in the various sections of country where ; they are located —each and all as merchants of the first I class and of the highest character—as the oldest and most extensive Wholesale Dealers in Medicine, with an expe rience unlimited on the subject of which they speak. If there is any value in the judgment of experience, see THIS CERTIFICATE We ihe undersigned, Wholesale Drttgeists, having been long acquainted with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,here by certify our belief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for Pulmonary Complaints ever offered to the American people. And we would, from our knowledge : of its composition, and extensive usefulness, cordially 1 commend it to the afflicted as worthy of their best confi dence, and with the firm conviction tint it will do for their relief all that medicine run do iienshaw, Edtnands &. Co., Boston, Mass. Reese A Couison, Baltimore, Md I add it Ingraham, 8.-tngor, Maine. Hariland, Harrall & Co., Charleston, S C. Jacob .3. Farrand, Detroit, Michigan. T. 11. McAllister, Louisville. Kentucky. Francis & Waltou, St. Louis, Missouii. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Alabama. Theodore A. P--ck. Burlington. Vermont. Haviland, Risley tc Co , Augusta, Georgia Laac t>. James, Trenton, New Jersey .1. M. Townsend, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Clack tc Co., Chicago, Illinois. F,. E. Gay, Burlington, lowa. M A. Santos tc Son, Norfolk, Virginia Edward Bringhursi, Wilmington, Delaware. John Gilbert A. Co., Philadelphia, Pa Z. L tc VV. H. Oilman, Washington, D C. J. Wright & Co., New Orleans, La. Watson, Wall Sc Co., Fort Wayne, Indiana. C. C. Richmond Sc Co., San Francisco, Cat, I en is & Antes, Tallahassee, Florida. B R. Strong, Knoxville, Tennessee. Chilton tc Duer, Little Rock, Arkansas Stiller, Slade tc Co , Lexington, Miss. N. D. I.abadte, Galveston, Texas Clias. Dyer, Jr., Providence, R I Jos. M.Turner, Savannah, Ga. Wade, Eckstein & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. With such assurahcr, and from such men, no stronger i proof can be adduced, except that found in its effects upon trial. | Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass Sold in Lewistown by .1., B.LYKS, .igent, and by Dr. E. W. HOLE ; in Mifflintou'ii by Jacobs Sf Btlford, and by Druggists generally throughout the : State. deel9-3tno p LAST E11.—50 tons soft plas- I*• ter, for sale by [0023] JOHN KENNEDY GREAT EXCITE MEAT ABOUT I Iteiijamiii llinkle>' Patent F.laslic Spring Hotiuni ? v „ ! MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY A. II.IJY, At the LtuUtown Cheap Ctibmet Ware Ruoiih, \\T HERE the article can be seen at anv ; * T time among his large s'ock of other 1 FURNITURE ot all descriptions. The fol | lowing testimonials from those who purchased and have now in use, or had the bottom put into their old bedsteads, v\ ill speak for themselves: CERTIFICATES : This is to certily that 1 purchased twenty ( pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley's patent 1 elastic spring bottom in, am well pleased with them, consider them a good article, and would buy no others. 1 would recommend them to all persons,as they are easily screwed together, and ca:i bekeplcleanerthunany hitherto made. JAMES ALLISON. I concur with the above and consider it a good article lor tavern keetiers and others. THOMAS MAYES. We certify that we got A. Fcliv to put li. Hinkley's patent bottom into our old bedstead.-, and that they answer the purpose exceedingly 1 well. We consider it a bedstead that can be kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up firmer than any others, and recommend theui to the public. I)AVI> BLOOM, JOHN CLARK, JKKHAX JACOB, D. SLNUERLA.NO. Lewistown, April 26,1350 —tf mmi iwpma. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or JServous Debility, Dis- , ease of the Kidneys, ANO ALL * DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED LI YER OR STOMACH, SUCH AS CONSTIPATION, INWARD PILES, FILLNESS OR BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, NAUSEA, HEART BURN, DISGUST FOR FOOD, FULLNESS OR WEIGHT IN THE STOMACH, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, SINE ; INO OR FLUTTERING AT THE PIT OF THE STOMACH, SWIMMING OF THE HEAD, HURRIED AND DIFFI CULT BREATHING, FLUT TERING AT THE HEART, - Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness ot the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs. &.C., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression of can be effectually cured DR. HOOF LAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN IIITTERS, PREPARED BY I>R. C. 31. J.ICJiSOS, A! Ihc German Medicine Store, 120 Arch St., PHILADELPHIA. * Their power over the above diseases is not cieelted—if 1 equalled —by any other preparation in the United Stares as I the cure, attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had fail d. These Bitters are worthy the attention, of Invalids. , Possessing greut virtues in the rectification of diseases of : the I.iver and lesser glands, exercising the most search tng powers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. JOStAII C. YOUNG, Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa., in a letter to Dr. Jackson, of May 5,1851, said: j "For a lone time I was afflicted with general debility '■ and intestinal weakness, cos fineness, for which 1 used many different remedies, without change. At last 1 acj cidentally stumbled upon Hoofland's German Bitters, ; prepared by you. I took a few bottles according to di rections, and was completely cured. 1 have not been so : healthy for ten years as I have been since I took your ! bitters, which was about one year ago. Some of my neighbors are now using them, and deriving great ben : efit." ANOTHER LETTLP., From Dr. J. C. GILES, .Yew ton Hamilton , Pa., said: . *• I have used a half dozen of your German Hitters mj - self, for Liver Complaint and diseases of a nervous char acter, resulting from the abuse of mercury. Iwaspoi | goned and affected with spasms from the use of this lat ter article, and jour German Hitters wss the first article from which 1 obtained relief, although I have not jet quite recovered. All ulio have used this lueiliciuo of j yours speak well of it." DYSPEPTICS AND SKEPTICS, READ. In three-fourths of the cases of diseased Liver, Stom ach and Nerves, the effect of Dr. Hootland's Celebrated German Bitters, (prepared only by Dr. Jackson, at the Medicine Store, Pit Arch street.) is as positive as in the case of A. A. Kaufman, Esq. Head, what he says ! LANCASTER, April 20, ISSO. lirsperted Sir: t have been for a series of years afflict ed with Dyspepsia, Inactivity of the I.iver, and Nervous Debility. My mental powers have been so reduced a to render me quite unfit for the transaction ofany kind of hu-inc-s. After consulting many eminent physicians, and using their prescriptions, and after using the most popular remedies of the day, supposed to be applicable, to my case, I always failed to have permanent relief. A friend, with much persuasion, induced mc to try a bottle of your celebrated Bitters. I have used one bottle, and this day (.oimnenced the second. I can with cheerful ness state that it has happily improved me. Mj appe tite and spirits have astonishingly improved, and 1 beg u to feel as though I had grown (suddenly) ten year* younger, and really, I am almost prepared to say that I now consider myself calculated for any business, while, ten days ago, 1 would have as soon undertaken to square a circle as to have attempted it. m . Yours respectfully, A. A KAUFMAN To Dr. C. M Jackson, 1--J0 Arch street, Philadelphia. The Editor of "Scott's Weekly Paper," one of (he largest literary and family newspapers published in Phil adelphia, says: "Dr. Hootland's German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty, as an article of mm U efficacy in cases of female week ness As such is th case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sn kness Persons of debili tated constitutions will find these hitters advantageous to their health, as wc know from experience Ihc salutary effert they have upon weak systems." That this medicine will cure I.iver Complaint and Dys pepsia, no one can doubt al'ler using it as directed. It acta specifically upon the stouiarh and liver ; it is prefer able to calomel in ell bilious diseases— the effect is imme diate. They can be administered to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. Beware of Counterfeits! This medicate has attained that high character w hirh is necessary for all medicines to attain to induce cour terfetters to put forth a spurious article, at the rtskof the lives of those who are innocently deceived. Look well to the Marks of the Genuine. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they art spurious. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the GER MAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadelphia, and by Mrs. MARY MARKS and Dr. E. IV. HALE, Lewistown. [may 23, 1951.—1y. G1 OODYEAR'S celebrated metalic Gentle r men's and Ladies' Gum Shoes, together with a general assortment of Misses' and Chil dren's Gum Boots and Shoes for sale by janlU Moses MUXTOOUEIIY,