Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 30, 1852, Image 3

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Renew your Subscriptions
The present and ensuing month closes
the year lor a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance teims, had better send on their
money, as A DOLLAR will now pay for a
vear —a fact worth remembering.
Foreign News.
The steamer America, front Liverpool
via of Halifax, arrived at Boston on Mon
day last.
LXG LAX I).— 1 lie political affairs are with
out striking importance, though the feeling
against the ministry is becoming stronger
every day, and public opinion lias arrived at
the coui lusion that a dissolution of Parlia
ment must inevitably take place before its
meeting. The Times of the St It. however,
states that matters are not in a very perplex
ing condition, and seemes to entertain the
opinion that the ministry may possibly suc
ceed in weathering the storm.
On the other hand, the Chronicle and other
of the Liberal papers, state that the Peelites
are uniting their strength with the friends of
Lord Palmerston, and thinks, by their com
bined efforts, the Premier will be compelled
to give way.
The London journals publish later advices
from the Cape of Good Hope, stating that an
engagement had taken place between the Na
ti\e and English troops in the Kaffir country,
in which the English were again defeated with
the loss of several officers and three or four
hundred men.
Extensive operations were making on the
part of the troops to retrieve their disasters,
but they had not resulted, so far, in any sat
isfactory manner to the English. On the
contrary, in several severe skirmishes which
had followed, the Natives had been again vic
FRANCE.—Throughout France, evorv
thing_continues quiet.
The promulgation of the new constitution
has been deferred for ten days.
The President still continues to meet with
a deeided appreciation from nearly till classes
of the people.
A report was generally circulated that a
serious misunderstanding had occurred be
tween the English Ambassador, Lord Nor
manby, and Louis Napoleon, which had re
sulted in the former declaring his intention
to take a formal leave of the French Govern
This report caused a decline at the Bourse,
but affairs soon rallied, and at the du*e the
market was firm.
Active preparations for sending off flic po
litical offenders against Louis Napoleon, were
still going on, and it was said that over two
thousand persons were waiting the comple
tion of the arrangements in progress for their
embarkation to the penal colonies.
GERMANY.—The affairs of Germany are
without much alteration.
The project of Louis Napoleon to annex a
portion of Germany, was looked upon with
great distrust, and it was thought that should
he attempt to put it in execution, a general
war would follow.
In some portions of the country there are
many of discontent,
HUNGARY.—Throughout Hungary, things
wear an unquiet aspect, and a number of po
litical arrests have been made.
The following late and important news
was received by telegraph at Liverpool,
previous to the departure of the steamer.
ENGLAND. —The London Times, speak
ing of the reports relative to changes in the
Ministry, says :—We merely state the
fact as we believe it to be, that the attempts
to effect a partial improvement in the Min
istry, by the substitution of three or four
new members for others of the present
Cabinet who would retire, has not led to
any result. It seems, therefore, the deter
mination of Lord John Russell to meet
Parliament without any material alteration
in the Ministry.
The Morning Herald supposes that the
Marquis of Normanbv left Paris to be
present at the Privy Consul to be held at
Windsor on the 10th.
TO ENGLAND. —The Daily News copies a
statement from a Hamburg paper, announc- !
tng that the Ottomon Porte lias addressed
a note to the English (Government, protest
ing against the return of Kossuth to Eng
land, his liberation having been granted j
under the express condition that lie should
take up his residence in the United Stales. i
The re-establishment of friendly rela- j
tions between the Porte and Austria, renders
a necessary that these conditions be ful- ;
The present rates of gold at London j
leave but a small protit on importations :
from the United States.
PARIS, Friday, Jan. 9.—A conspiracy !
has just been discovered, the object of
which was to let loose the convicts at the
Hulks, at Kochefort.
Si.xtv persons have been arrested at Mont
pelier on charges connected with the late
It is announced that the promulgation of
the Constitution of France will take place
between the Islh and 20th inst. The
reason for the delay is to allow time tor
the publication of the more urgent of the
organic laws.
The prisoners lately confined at Ham,
consisting of Cen. Changarnier, Lamori
ciere, and their companions, have been set
at liberty on the frontier, with the injunc
tion not to return to France.
A grand review of the home garrison of
Paris was to come oil at the Chainps-de-
Mars on the 22d.
commercial intelligence is re
garded as rather unfavorable to Bread-stuffs.
A SAD I.KSSON. — The True American mentions
the appearance in Trenton of a man who has just
been released from the State Prison, after serv
ing a term of twenty years. During this time
the march of improvement has been so rapid,
that almost every vestige of all that was famil
iar to him then has been swept away. Cities
ami towns have grown up. Railroads and tele
graphs have been established ; the ocean is nav
igated by steam ; in short almost everything
which to us appears old and void of novelty,
must appear strange and wonderful to him. lie
filtered his cell of H by 10 a young man, and
cullies out with the marks of age,and the stamp
ol i£iimitj v upon him
Appoiiitnients by the t!overnor>
Secretary of Commonwealth — FRANCIS \V.
MIXJHES, of Schuylkill county.
Deputy Secretary. — E. 8. GOODRICH, of
Attorney General. —JAMES CAMPBELL, of
From tlie Harrislmr? American.
There is a good deal of disatisfaction ex
pressed amongst the outsiders with regard to
the appointment of the Deputy Secretary.
I hey allege that in this, almost the very tirst
act of his administration after the delivery of
his inaugural address, the Governor violates
one of the leading principles laid down in that
document. Me there makes loud professions
in favor of the compromise, yet in this act
appoints a rank Abolitionist as one of bis privy
counceilors! We do not wish to be under
stood as complaining of this matter ourself:
we give it only as an evidence of the temper
in which it is received by the Democracy
themselves. .Mr. Goodrich, we think, will
make a better officer than either of the other
candidates for the station; and besides, he is
entitled to favor, because not only of his own
efficient efforts in behalf of Gov. Bigler during
the lata campaign, but ot those of his friend
David \\ ilmol and his fellow Abolitionists in
his district.
1 he appointment of the Secretary appears
to give very general satisfaction. We do not
doubt hut he will prove an able officer.
To a certain clnjue of the Democracy, the
appointment for Attorney General is exceed
ingly unpalatable, but they must grin and bear
it, as best they can. It is not a more nauseous
dose than they have recently had to swallow
in tiie triumph of Mr. Buchanan in the elect
ions for delegates to the State Convention.
From the Ilurrisburg Telegraph.
When new men are called upon to admin
ister the government, the people look with
anxiety for first acts, as likely to indicate the
policy which will be pursued during their con
tinuance in power, Words are hut wind,
which all can me alike, like the common ele
ments of air and water. The Governor, m
his inaugural, gave a pledge of servility to the
South, which we knew at the time was only
to deceive the ignorant. Hence we looked
fur the first acts he should perform after he be
came seated in the Executive Chair; and we
were glad to say, that, they give assurance to
the friends of freedom, that the Governor re
gards with respect, the liberal sentiment of
the age. This tirst act, to which we refer,
was the appointment of Mr. Goodrich as Depu
ty Secretary of the Commonwealth. Air.
Goodrich is not only a free soiier, and the head
of a free soil paper in Bradford county, b it is
regarded as a man of high moral principle.
The dereliction of party men, and obliquity
from the paths pointed out in the Constitution
and Laws, find from him no favor. The cor
ruptions of the Canai Board last spring in ap
pointing Judge Ives, and General Bundle, to
important stations on the ptiiiiic wirkso! the
State, though their seats were still warm as
members of the Legislature, in defiance of the
Constitution and Laws, were pointed out in an
able manner in the Daily American, through
the agency of Mr. Goodrich, lie assisted Mr.
McFlierson, the editor of that paper, in the
able article, which appeared there, and would
have been an essential service to the cause of
the people, if corruption had not taken to >
strong a hold upon their minds. But he show
ed his desire to do justice to them, and we re
joice that his honesty on that occasion, has re
ceived an endorsement at tlie hands of the
Governor. Such men are wanted in these
tunes, and we are proud of our goof old Com
monwealth, when she sustains them through
her Chief Magistrate. Li this appointment,
the Governor has not only shown a desire to
reward an honest man, but he hasgiven totlie
Canal Commissioners an indication of iiis dis
approbation ot their acts. Whether the acts
of the Canal Commissioners, in the matter re
ferred to, was really unconstitutional, we do not
know; but we have every reason to believe
that such was the opinion of Mr. Goodrich, as
expressed through lus organ, for the occasion,
the "Daily American," and for his honest at
tempt. to stern the tide of corruption 111 his
own party, he deserves the reward he lias re
ceived. We honor Governor Biglt-r for thir
evidence of regard for meritorious worth.
Nor will a large part of the people of the
State, be less pleased with his appointment,
because of the free soil sentiments of Mr
Goodrich. That 6uch men should he cut
off' from the patronage of the democrat he .
party, is most unjust; and while the Govcr
nor throws out the stuff about the "Compro
mises ot tiie Constitution," lie can neutralize
its effects in this State by his real acts The
half-emasculated men who talk about pre
serving tiie constitution, will be pleased with
the Governor's talk, while the double-fisted,
who have been taught something about free
dom and liberty, will be taken by Tins npjvoint
inenL This is the way the world goes, so far
as politicians are concerned. They rope them
in from all quarters Governor Bigler. so far,
lias sfiown great skill in business. He is emi
nently a practical man.
Jacob Ziegler, of Puller, has been ap
pointed Chief Clerk in the State Depart
ment; 11. L- DiclTenfcich, Clerk of the
School Department; (*. 11. Laird, (i. J,.
\ lict, and J. L. Shunk, Clerks.
FROZEN TO DEATH. —Mr. Ceorcc Hein
del, a citizen of \Y indsor township, was
frozen to death on Monday evening of last
week, on his return home from town, from ;
which he was hauling lime. He was
found about a mile and a half below Dal
lastown, and not much more than a mile
from his own residence, having unhitched
his horses, two of which made their way
home—the third, being blind, he had prob
ably attempted to rule or lead. When
found about midnight, search having been
made soon alter t.ie horses returned with
out him, there was no life leu in his bod v.
As lie was a man of sober and steady
habits, he must have fallen a victim to the
intense coldness of that night. He leaves
a surviving widow and children.— Vuik
JOHNSTON MCKKE, who was convicted
in the Quarter Sessions of Cambria county
some years ago, of passing counterfeit
money, and sent to the Penitentiary has
been pardoned. He had about ten nion'hs
to serve.
Lucretia E. Newton, daughter of Honorable
Edward A. Newton, of Pittsfield, Mass., has
presented to the Episcopal Church in that town
a splendid organ, worth $2,000.
A number of citizens of Chester county have
united in an tfinrt to restore the monument at
Paoli, whicil, from time and neglect, has become
almost a ruin. In this movement they expect
to receive some aid lrom Philadelphia^
<—'-JLCE^HAD. S3 C £>£P V
FROZEN TO DEATH. —A woman nrvl two
children were found frozen to death in a snow
bank, at St. Louis,on the night of the 14th inst.
At Cincinnati, on the night of the 17th mat.,
a woman and a boy were frozen to death. On
the foilowing day two men were found nearly
frozen. One of them was so badly frost-bitten
that portions of his arms, legs, and face had
commenced peeling off.
According to the notes of the weather made
at the National Observatory at Washington, it
appears that between the 15th of December
and the 19th of the present month, both inclu
sive, there were eight fa! Is of snow, the aggre
gate depth of which was thirty-one and a
third inches. This is more than fell in the
three preceding winters together, and more
than in any winter within the last ten years.
A serious accident occurred in this city on
Saturday last. It appears that two sleighs
came HI collision in East King street,by winch
a young lady, named Catharine Laucomer, was
horribly mutilated. The shafts of one of the
sleighs penetrated her skull, dislodging one of
her eves, and otherwise seriously injuring her.
She died on Wednesday last, in consequence
of the injuries received.— Lancaster Republi
THE ATLANTIC.— Among the passengers in the
S. S. Lewis were a " Mr. Dixon and lady," ac
cording to the list. Upon the arrival of the
said steamship, yesterday, officers Butinan and
Tarleton, accompanied by an English police of
ficer, went on board arid" waited on " Mr. Dix
on," as being one Mr. Edward Reynolds, a de
faulting clerk, from a house m Leeds, aud a de
serter from his wife, whose place had been
usurped during the passage by the female who
passed for his " lady." The amount of his al
leged embezzlement from his employers was
variously reported to be from $1000"to 1000/.
lie was taken to the city marshal's office, and
subsequently committed, to await further action
in hi 3 case to-day.— Boston I'ost 6th.
FINE SPORT.— The people of Fort Des Moines
and the surrounding country are making an or
ganized demonstration against the wolves by
which they have been for a long time annoyed.
1 hotnas J. Brooke has been appointed Grand
Marshal, and has issued General Orders No. 1
dividing the entire population into four divisions,
and appointing marshals to the command of
each. On the morning of the 2tlth each division
is to form, as specified by the order, the whole
to constitute a hollow square, with dogs in the
rank of file closers, and at the command bv >ig
nal the whole army is to advance towards the
centre. Fire-arms are forbidden on the field,
and the dogs arc relied upon as the principal ex
ecutioners. The scene wi I no doubt be grand
and terrible.— Dubuque (l.nra) Herald, Dec 20.
A MONSTER. —A drunkard in Dearbome
county, lu., near Harrison, a short time ago,
drove ins wife from home in a cold night,as re
purled to us by the Brookviile Gemot - rat. She
look with her a young child and started to a
neighbor's. After being out awhile, he started
i little girl of six years after the mother. The
child was thinly clad, anJ started on her er
rand. Reaching a small stream, she could not
g< - t over it, and turned towards home. The
Democrat says she had almost reached home in
safety; hut in attempting to climb the fence
around the home, a rail slipped from its place,
throwing her to the earth and falling across
her neck. In this position she was found by
her frtiier the next morning, dead, and cold as
the snow dr:tis around her. Without lilting
the rail or removing the corpse into his house,
the brute started for an otliccr to hold an in
quest over the body !
laboring cltoul three years tu pass ntuier a
mountain of rock, working day and night, the
hands, from each end met together on Friday
last. Those on the west end beirer nearer to
those on the ra.-t end than was expected, (only
eight feet between them.) a blast was applied,
which, when exploding, produced fearful and
fatal consequences. From the number at work,
which was eleven, one man was killed, and
eight seriously, some mortally wounded. Two
only escaped unhurt, and they were considera
bly stunned. They did not know that they
were so near together until the explosion.
How fearfully suggestive the truth, that" in
the bloom of life we are in death," and " as the
flower of the field life passeth away." Rich
ard Carter is the name of the man who was
kill d.— Vniontown (I'u ) I)r mocrut, 1 ~i:h ittsl.
Mr. Cor wine, U. S. Consul at Panama, states
that hundreds of otir countrymen have arrived
at Panama, with tickets purchased for the Pa
cific Mail Steamship l.ine in New York, from
Berfurd & Co., and, being unable to procure a
passage thence to San Francisco with these
tickets, the greater part of them having ex
pended their all in the investment, have been
c anpelled'to remain on the Isthmus in the most
abject poverty and distress, and not a few of
them have contracted disease and died. Mr.
Flint, the agent of the Pacific Mail Steamship
Company's line, has written to Mr. Corwine,
stating that tickets purchased from Berford &
Co., are not recognized by the Mail Steamship
Company. Zachrisson, Nelson & Co. state
that Mr. E. Mills, agent of the Brother Jona
than, has no authority to sell tickets for the
'• Union." Persons going to California will
govern themselves accordingly.
DI7ID 2 IT T .
|V|()TK'E to the Stockholders of the
•i. v I.ewistown and Tuacarora Bridge Company.—A
Dividend of Five per cent.
on the Capital Stock of said Company, for the last six
mouths, has been declared, and will he paid by me at my
oth; e to I.ewistown, nt any time called fir.
FRANCIS MeCOY, Treasurer.
I.ewistown, January 2.3, 1852 3t
Flour ami General Produce
Dealers in Mailer, Sail, Fish, Coffee, Sugar,
anil Groceries generally.
\o 2S South Howard street, Baltimore.
J i signnients—quick sales at best market pri
ces—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Swan, Esq., Prcs't Merchant's Bank,'
l>r. J. 11. McCulloch, do. B'k of Baltimore,
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Com.& Far. B'k, ...
11. Stuart & Son, merchants, g.
T W. & G. Hopkins, do.
HciseriXr White, do.
SlinglufT &, Ense.y, do. 3
Reynolds tfe Smith, do.
' Slingluff, Dcrrics & Co. do.
Albert & Bro., do. J
11. M. ISrent. Esq., Cashier, i
J. 11. Sherrard, Esq., do. [ Winchester.
Merchants generally, S
Petor Iladcbaugh, Bedford, and merchants and
farmers generally.
. Ualluutre. a* l 3si_i y 9
Real Estate at Private Sale,
rpIlF, undersigned offers at private sale
.M. a flAliL i' AltM situate in Brattun town
ship, MitHin county, containing
more or leas—about 70 acres of which are cleared and
under cultivation, and the remainder good Rail and
illftjw-fi Ihiilding Timber. The improvements
jf" Vi Jt consist of ■. snl.stantial
JS®4!B HOUSE ami
with sundry outbuildings, ai d the be-t bearing Orchard
of fruit Trees in the township. This property is in a
good neighborhood, convenient to Hull's Mill, and
within one quarter of a mite of a smith shop, school
house, and about the same distance from the railroad
and canal Altogether this is a desirable place, and will
he sold A BAR CAIN.
> Terms easy, anil possession given anv time from
litis date to Ist April.
January 9, 1*52 —lt+
virtue of an order of sale, issued by
9 the Orphan's Court of Mifflin county, will be ex
posed at public outcry, on the premises, in Armagh town
ship, Mirtiin county, on
Wednesday, February 25th, 1852,
at one o clock. P. M., that certain Tract of Land, situate
in the township aforesaid, kite the property of JAMES
A. SA MPI.E, deceased, adjoining lands of Jlueh Sample,
W • Sterrett, John A likens and others, containing
A T>£V
W V Jfttdii xi l
more or less, about so acres of which are under coltiva-
JW-eV lion. There is a new SAW M 11.1,, with a
fj gooil water power, on the premises. Also,
1 '> " FSBFTP A ION HOI'SE and Stable, and a Spring of
iiiHKnever failing water.
TEH MS oe SALE. —One third of the pur
chase money in liatid, the halatice in two equal annual
payments, with interest from confirmation of sale, se
cured bv bond and mortgage.
11. M. IvINSLOE,
Administrator of the estate of Jas A. Sample, ilec'd.
January 23, 17.12 —ts
of Valuable REAL ESTATE.
I>\ virtue of an order of the Orphans'
-9 Court of Miitliu county, llp undersigned Trustee,
appointed !> said Court to sell the Ileal Estate of I)AN
IEE SE A f lilt I> r, 1 7i I** <if W ay it i' township, said county,
deceased, will expose to sale at public outcry, on the
premises, on
Tiipsd.iy, Tcbriiarv 8?, I £.7*2,
the two following tra< is of Valuable Real Estate, viz :
No. 1.
Situate in Wayne township, Mifflin county, adjoining
Leslie's land on the eu-t and south, Samuel Wharton 011
the south and west, and the Juniata river on the north,
iiiium 'mm ABBS
ami allowance, about ninety acres of which are cleared
As al "' :l S"" J state of cultivation, having
th-reonerected TIVO I,(Hi 1 10l r Slis,
! • i|ijM&| Iwo stories high, a Stone and Frame H ANK
ijj'HLLßff UAKN, feet liy -15. and other improve
" Nine or tell acres of tins tract is
good meadow land. Also.
of good grafted fruii, a good Spring of Water and Draw
W ell near to ihe door.
Adjoining the above described tract, containing
<K7 Avrv* 1117 BVICIHS,
and allowance, go >.l Limestone l.aini, about 250r 3a acres
of which are cleared and in a good star of cultivation,
adjoining Leslie's land on the northwest, D Jenkins on
the east, ami lands of E. M'Vev on the south.
> The above drsi rileul tracts will be sold together or
separately, to suit purchasers. Persons wishing !o view
Ibe premises i an i ail on the subscriber, who lives near
w here tlie Railroad llridge crosses the Juniata river, be
low New ton II million, on the south side.
I I:NMS "I S \ I.E.— One-third of the pur< liase monev to
he paid on i n urination of sale, the balance in three equal
annual payments, with interest, to be secured bv bond
and mortgage on Ibe property.
JAS. WHARTON, Trustee.
Wayne township, January 9, !*s2.—ts
V virtue of an order of the Orphans'
■ ) Court of Mililiu county, the- undersigned Adminis
trators of Ilie estate of UIHISTIAN ZOOIt.
(Long.) late oi Union township, Mifflin county,deceased, j
appointed bv itie said court to set! the following Real ;
Est ale, late of said deceased, will expose the same at [
public vendue or outcry, on the premises of purpart or '■
tract No. 4, on
:r ten o'clock in Ihe forenoon, I lit; Utreo folDi wing I'u r- '
p irCs or Tfatls of Land, viz :
Purpart No. 1,
In the partition of said estate, being the undivided two- !
thirds of a tract of land situate in Armagh township, in |
said county, adjoining lands of George Marks's heirs, j
Alexander Cameron's heirs. David Hooly, the Widow j
Thompson and others, containing
131.7 Acros 70 Perches,
and allowance, about too acres of which are cleared and :
ill a good state of cultivation, having there i
on an A 1*1*1.17 Oltt'll V> D, t good j
]Siii|flk T - W(> STOUV T>WELLING HOUSE, a
Fit AM E IIAUN, ami oilier improvements, ,
a 11d a good Spring of \\ aterconducted witlt
pipes near to the house.
SMirpurf No. 5
In said partition, being a certain piece of WOOD
LAND, situate in Menno township, in said county, ad
joining lands of Thomas Wills, James Wills' heirs, and I
the summit of tirst bench of Jack's Mountain, containing \
<LQ Acres and allowance.
Purpart No. 7
In said partition, being WOODLAND, adjoining lands
of Thomas Wills, Davni Zook, Mrs. McClelland and Geo.
Wilson, containing
3 0 Acres and allowance.
c> The Widow of said defeased has made and execu
> ted a full release of all Iter dower and interest in eaclt of
' the aforesaid three purparts or tracts and filed the same
.-if record in the Register and Recorder's Office in Lewis
! town, on the i Ith day of January, A. 1). 1852.
c> Further information will be given of the two tracts
of Woodland, No. 5 and No. 7, on application to JOEL
i ZOOK, of Union township; and of the tract No. i, in
! Armagh township, (where the sale of tbe whole will
| take place,) on application to SIMON KENEGY, who
I resides on it.
TERMS OF SALE-One-third of the purchase money on
each purpart respectively to be paid on tile confirmation
i -if ibo sale at the next court thereafter, and the balance
j in two equal annual pnymenls thereafter, with interest,
; to be secured by bonds and mortgages on the premises
j respectively.
January 10, 1652—ts* Administrators as aforesaid
The National Restaurant,
i I N ttie basement of ttie National Hotel, is now
J_ open, and refreshments of all kinds will be
served up as called for, on the European pian,
i by J. THOMAS & CO.
I.ewistown, Sept. 36, 1851.—tf
,_I _ _ _
Fish, Salt, and Plaster,
riOR sale l.y
j June 27.-tf At the Lewistowu Mills.
HARDWARE, of all kinds, at unusually
low prices, tor cash, at
| OBROWN'S filPBKt of Gtwras, at a.a.
i Jl9 BANKS' \anety store.
I the use of this Machine one person
' -9.-9 can do as much sewing, and make better work
' than five or six ran do by hand.
Tailor®. Saddler®, Szr , look to voiir inforpc?. Ws
i chinea. Shop and County Rights for sale. Apply to JOH N
, LOCKE, Lewistown, until February 10th, afier that at
l.e wishing, In ion county, Pennsylvania.
l'S One of these Machines may be seen in oper
ation at C M. Sue Li 's Tailor-shop in ties place
Lewistown, January IC. I*s2—tf
iciocis, & wim
rPHB subscriber has the satisfaction nf an
-1 _l_ nounrtng to the citizens of this place and vicinity,
I Dial he has just opened, at the stand lately occupied by
J. P. SciiLosHEH, on Market street, nearly rpposite the
Hank, a well selected stock of
Clocks, AVatrlics A: .Jewelry,
I which he will dispose of at the lowest possible prices,
j I'he stock is new, embracing the latest styles, and afTord
! tug an excellent variety, which must be examined to be
! appreciated, both in regard to quality and price,
j Watches and Jewelry will be REPAIR
ED ut ibe very best manner with despatch, and wai
i ranted for one year, lie hopes hy selling low, punctual,
j Iv fulfilling his engagements, and strut attention to busi
ness, to secure a proportion of public patronage
11. IV. JUN KIN.
I.ewistown, January 2, I*s2—tf
L Fartios' and others interested and con
_ cerned in the causes atid issues for trial at a Special
Court of Common Pleas, in the County of Mifflin, are
hereby notified that a list thereof has been furnished the
President Judge of the 'Jth Judicial district—and the Hon.
S. 11. Graham, President Judge ofthe aforesaid district,
in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly authorising the
holding of such Court, has appointed and will hold a
Special Court of Common Picas, on the SECOND MON
-1 I>A V (being tlie 9th) of FEBRUARY, 1*52, at 3 o'clock,
, P M., of that day, at the Court House, in the borough of
| Lewistown to continue one week, for the trial of said
causes aud issues. And at the same time and place wili
hold a Special Court, and hear and dispose of all motions,
j rules, exceptions, and other matters that tan or may be
; heard ami disposed of before any Special Court, autho
rized by law to be held tor said County
T. F. McCOV, I'rothonotary.
j Lewistown, December 19,1951.
List of Causes
For Trial at Special Court, Feb'} ft, 1852.
U LI.IAII M'\ F.\ vs. Willis Ac Stackpoie and Willis Ac
Co., Xo. 21, April term, 1*33.
i Jonatltaii Leslie vs. John B Irvine, No. 127, August term,
; Same vs. same, No 12*, August term, l*3fi.
1 be H ink of Lewistown vs. James llruu it's administra
tors, No. 123, April term, l*ifi.
Artbur Hell vs. Peter Snook et ul., No 191. August term,
; .*,;■.
j N'atbauiel Kennedy for John Kennedy vs. George Davis
1 et al., No si, November term. I*ls.
j James \\ aream vs. Z. Heocii ac Jonathan McCoy, Ac.
dec., No. IH7, January term, I*l*.
j Ellis Griffith and Win. li. Reynolds vs. same, No. IGS.
January term, I*l*.
St- rreil Ac Potter vs. Rawle 4c Hall, No. 115, April term,
James C. Noma vs. Henj. Clay, Samuel If. Crawford el
al., No. 23, August term, lsli.
John Potter 4c Co. lor Abbot Green vs. Samuel H ipper,
j No. fit, August Grin, I*4*.
| James Davis vs. Joint N'orris' executors, Uawl 4c Hail
for Robert Cox, No. 13, November term, I*l*
, Tlie Hank of Lewistown vs. J 4c .1 Potter, No. 72, No-
J veuiber term, I>>4*.
I James Dickson, administrator of James Criswell vs.
1 George Drought, No. 73, November term, 1-ale.
Hopper c Zcigler vs. John Sterrett, James Potter, &.
John Potter, No. i<)7, November term, I*l*.
' Same vs. same, No. 103. November term, Lbi*.
. file Hank of Lewistown vs John Sterrett & James Pot
ter, sr. No 127, November term, 18t>
Robert Heflc for John Beek vs. O. P. Duncan, et al , No.
j 111, January term, I*l9.
Lazarus Steely vs. Win. Custer, No. 112, Januarv term,
| 1 *l9.
Sterietl Pntti r an.! AI"X. .1 Lane vs. Rawl i. Hal and
Elizabeth Hull, No. 1-1, August term, IS 19
Same vs. Raw 1 Ac Hall and S. W. Taylor, No. 182, An- |
gust term, 1849.
Abbott Green vs Daniel Zcigler, No. 185, August term, i
Jau:cs Potter, Jr. A. Co. for same vs. James Potter, No.
3, November term, 1819.
John Sterrett for A. W. W. Sterrett vs. .1 & J. Potter, i
No. 11, November term, 1819.
James Potter, Jr. Ac Co. for A. VV. \V. Sterrett vs. James i
Potter Ac Son, No. ], November term, 1819.
Sterrett Ac Potter for same vs. John Potter, No. 19, No j
vetnber term, iS-19.
John Potter Ac Co. for James Burns vs. Daniel Zcigler. ;
No. 36, January term, l s 3o.
Francis M'Coy vs. John Potter Ac Charles Colfelt, No. 71, I
January term, 1850.
James Bonis vs. A. \V. \V Sterrett, John Sterrett and i
Henry Stem, No 138, April term, 1850.
George Guthrie vs A. B. Norn- and Henry l.'oigsdorf j
No. 73, November term, ISSO.
T. F. M'COY, Proth'y. i
I.ewistown, Dec. 19, 1851.
Register's Notice.
A LL persons having Deeds or
other Instruments of Writing in the Register and i
Recorder's Ollice, as well as in Orphans' Court business, !
are re<iuested to call ami get them without delay, as my j
term of office expires on the first December. Many fees I
small in amount individually, are due in all these offices,
and of course 1 cannot afford to spend much time in j
lli or collection, yet as they form, in the aggregate, a sum j
of considerable importance tome, I trust a further notice j
will not be necessary. Executors and administrators oi |
estates, as well as some four or five hundred owners of j
Deeds, which have been recorded but not lifted, are par
ticularly invited to give me a call.
I.ewistown, November 28,1851.
Estate of Jolin Chester, dee'd,
is hereby given, that
Letters Testamentary on the estate of JOHN j
CHESTER, late of Armagh township, Mifflin county, i
deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resid
ing in said township. At! persons indebted to said estate
are hereby uotiiied to call and make payment without
| delay, and those having claims to present them, duly '
! authenticated, for settlement.
SUSAN CHEST; ER, Executrix.
i 1
January 9, 1852—fit
j A EDITOR'S NOTICE. —The tuuler
a 3L signed, Auditor ap; noted by (lie Orphans' Court
j of Miitlin county, to distribute the assets in the hands of
JosEi-u A LEY AS RUN, administrator ol JACOB HART
j /. 171.1.. tale of Union township, in said county, deceased,
j appoints tSATURDAY, the 7th day oi February next, at
: ins off . c, where parties interested may attend if they
see proper.
Lewistowu, January 16, !Bo2—td Auditor.
4 EDITOR'S NO TICE.—The under
i l\. signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of
! Mifflin county, to distribute the assets in the hands of
! ( vara STI.NE, Trustee of SAMUEL SUNDERLAND,
deceased, appoints SATURDAY, February 21st, 1852,
at his office, \v here parties interested may attend if they
I see proper.
j Lewistowu, Jan. 23, 18 .2 4t.
4 U r)I iOR S NOTICE.—The antler
' signed Auditor appointed by the Court of Common
[ Ideas, ot Mtlihii county, to distribute the assets m the
i hands oi ;• it tut it- v m MI-, arising from the sale of the real
estate of Is" A AC HA UN ES, appoints MON DAY, February
23d, 1-52, at ti:s ollice, where ;>artxs littervs!.'-! may ~i
! tend if Ulty fee proper.
l. 'tvjjtotvn, Jan 23, l-jd-It
=*■.! • Iff rwi#
-iAj W • ff i wJj alj aJj J? a .
Attorney at Tnw,
j f D f ICE m \\ e<t Market street, opposite the
U l" ,sl "tin e, will utlend to any business in the
eotntsol Mitiliu, Centre, or Huntingdon coun
; *' es - Lewistown, Jan. 33, 1852.
.F. U. PAKKI i:,"
*Hrn?y s! Lnw, Let: Istown. Mifflin eo. Pa.
: LRS liis professional services to the
| citizens of Leivistown and vicinity. Office on
; south east side of the Diamond.
Certificate from Dr. Joseph li. Ard.
It a thirds me no small degree of pleasure to state, that
Dr. ,t. U. HURUIXO, after several years of study, gradu
ated it the rniversily of IViinsi Ivania and is w ell qua!
fted lu prarttce .Medicine, with honor to hnaself and ad
j vantage to those who may be pleased to employ him.
JOSEPH It. AK li, M. D
j Lewistown, December 111. ISAI-tf.
OF! F.RS his professional service? to the
citizens of Lewistown. He can he con
sulted at all times at the Hue Hive Drug store.
| Lewistown, August 30, 1850-tf
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Newton Hamilton and vicin
; "y-
OFFERS ids professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. Of
i fice with Dr. HOOVER, one door East of F.
| Schwartz's store. may 9, 1851-tf
cn I: ISTI A \ is wo vs: R ,
Justice of (he Peace,
AN be found at his office, in the room re-
J cently occupied by ]). W. Huling, Esq.
where he will attend to all business entrusted
to iiitu with the greatest care and despatch.
I JiMMiOiJ 'MJiOli,
East Market street, Lewistown,
I N returning thanks to his friends and
- the public generally for the liberal support heretofore
j extended to him, would respectfully inform them that he
i has just received a splendid assortment of Fashionable
' f .rn, -ore r ---I. g
I selected in the city with special reference to being made
i up for customer woik, which he is enabled to furnish at
lower prices than similar articles could be procured in
i the stores. Gentlemen desirous of having a superior
| article of clothing, are requested to call and examine his
stock. With long experience and the aid of first rate
workmen, he flatters himself that he can furnish his
customers and friends with superior garments, at rea
! sonable prices. Lewistown, Nov. 2*, 1601.
Market street, one door West of \\'m. P. Mil
liken's Store,
REN i*town, Pa.
| A large and well selected assortment of
; Cloths, Cassirneres, Vestings, &c., constantly
| on hand, which they will sell or make up tu
order, on reasonable terms and at the shortest
notice. -a [October 10, 1651.-ly.
Tailoring Establishment.
JAMES A. 1.1 I.LEV has commenced the
Tailoring Business, in Marketstreet, next
door to Judge Ritz's, where he invites his
friends and the public to give him a call. He
is in r2gulur teceipt of the
Rates! Fashions,
and having had considerable experience in the
business, lie feels confident he can give satis
faction, in point of workmanship, &c., to all
who may favor him with their custom.
Lewistown, May 10,1851.
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, 4 doors
west of Eisenhise's Hotel.
724 made of the best materials and in the
t&-,~best manner cheap for cash.
Lewistown, Sept. 12, 1851.
rwiHE undersigned continues to manufacture
A celebrated Quilted and French calf Boots,
together with all articles connected with iiis
Lewistown, August 8, 1651-tf
Cheap IJOOL, Shoe, A Cloth
ing Store.
HAVING returned from the city with a
large stock of the above mentioned arii
cles, he is prepared to sell at the lowest cash
Men's boots, from $1 25 to AO 00
Indies' shoes, from 50 to 1 50
Misses'shoes, from 25 to 1 (Ml
Indies' gaiters, from 1 00 to 2 00
according to quality. He is also prepared to
make to order ail kinds of Boots and Shoes, on
1 the shortest notice and reasonable terms. Re
i pairing done by Mr. Rook in the same place.
Persons wantin ? CLOTHING will find
i it to their advantage to give him a call, as he
, purchases his goods for cash, and is enabled to
sell cheaper than those purchasing on credit,
j Call and examine for yourselves, and he will
convince you that lie sells his goods CHEAP.
Lewistown, October 10, 1851.
Always oia liau<l,
And all Kinds of COAL.
Lewistown, Aug. 8,1851. — tt
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Iggfg&gjjg •pggfggfjgi (jS-vl
TRAINS leave Lewistown
a. daily as follows:
Eastward at 12 o'clock 4 minutes P. M.
Westward at 4 o'clock 20 minutes P. M.
Eastward at 1 o'clock 10 minutes A. M.
\N esUvf ru at' 2 o'clock 10 minutes A. M.
Eastward at 2 o'ciock 86 mmutes I'. M.
Westward at 12 o'clock 4 minutes P. M.
I pwistown Depot, Dec. 1-51. .