Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 16, 1852, Image 3

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Renew your Subscription*
The present ami ensuing month closes
the vear for a large number of subscribers.
Those who wish to take advantage of the
advance terms, had better send on their
inunev, as A DOLLAR will now pay for a
N ~ ir —a fact worth remembering.
JJulf a million in Gold —New \ork, Jan.
11. —The steamer Daniel VVebster, from .San
Juan, whence she sailed, on the evening of
the 1-t inst., and Havana the afternoon of
the Oth inst., arrived this forenoon.
She brings dates from San Francisco to
th<> loth ot December, 255 passengers, and
v, 100.000, principally in the hands of passen-
The L nited States steamer Saranae. ( <>m
in.idore Darker, arrived at San Juan on the
Ist inst., and her visit was supposed to have
reference to the recent outrage upon the
steamship Prometheus, by tin* British brig
of war F,xitress. The event created great
excitement at San Juan.
The British Admiral has ordered the brig
of war F.xpress, from San Juqn to Kingston,
in order to investigate the commander's eon
duct in reference to the Prometheus.
The steamer Tennessee, with the mails
from New York to the 11th ot November,
arrived at San Francisco on the 11th Decem
ber, and the mail steamer from that city was,
in consequence, detained until the 10th, to
give merchants time to answer their letters.
It was not known what amount of gold would
be dispatched by the mail steamer.
The latest intelligence from San Diego
indicates most decidedly that the Indian dis
turbances are at an end. and Gov. AleDougnl
had disbanded the volunteer companies which
bad been formed.
The weather at San Francisco continued
The accounts from the interior speak of
frequent heavy rains, which have proved a
gnat benefit to vegetation, and have raised
the rivers from five to ten feet. There ha
not. however, sufficient rain fallen to afford
the gold seekers in the dry diggings all the
facilities they require for successful work.
The papers contain contradictory state
ments relative to the gold discoveries in the
Bear \ allev ; some asserting that the claim
has the appearance of being worked out,
whilst others affirm that the first accounts
have been fully realized, and that it is a reli
able fact that the original discoverers have
sunk their hole to the depth of twelve leet,
and have taken out StOo.OdO.
A high state of excitement continues to
exist, and the mining population of the dis
trict has increased within a few weeks more
than one hundred per cent. Claims are still
s .ught for with great eagerness, but there is
no positive evidence ot the actual existence
ot' gold except at that point where the com
pany first commenced operations.
There had been a moderate business doing
at San Francisco during the la.>t fortnight,
without any improvement in prices, the stocks
continuing largely iu excess of the demand.
Seamen's wages were firm, and engage
ments were difficult at late rates. Laborers
obtain from $5 to $0 per day, and carpenters
and masons from *7 to >'Ph Other mechan
ical brandies are prosperous.
The general interests of the State are pro
gressing favorably, and all matters continue
gradually to assume a more settled and sat
isfactory aspect.
The miners generally are doing well.
Clean gold dust sl7 25 per ounce. Sight
bills on New York, 4 per cent.
Most of the damming companies and others
working in the beds of the rivers, had sus
pended operations. The Oregon Bar Com
pany, consisting of 25 men, on the north
Fork of the American river, have taken nut
Sds.Oil(i the past season, and they anticipate
that their dam will withstand the floods of
the approaching winter.
The New York dam mi ig company on the
same stream, have taken out $.">0,000 since
the last of -Inly. The company consists of
seven men, who intend to resume work at
llic same place as early as practicable next
seas n.
T it out of eleven quartz-mining companies
<ai .lamieson s creek have suspended opera
tions till spring. The quartz increases in
richness as the miners sink into it. The
Mar\.sville Kxpress states that the claims
Jiav-' risen, within four weeks, from SI2OO to
S:;0t iu.
The telegraph line of stages run from Sac
ramento to Nevada, a distance of eighty
mil's, in less than eleven hours.
Seven hundred and ninety-four loaded
wa 'oiis. averaging over AOOO pounds each,
and drawn bv over 2000 horses, mules and
oxen, passed east by Plum Valley House,
N.-vada, in one week.
An extensive deposit of magnetic oxide of
iron ore had been discovered, 30 miles from
Marvsville, on the Dlaeorville road.
A lettf r from Hon. Daniel Webster is pub
l; bed in the San Francisco Courier, which
denies the truth of Senator Gwin's statement,
that the Administration is in favor <>f selling
the mineral lands of * alilbrnia.
Mr. Webster states that the (internment
will take no steps in the matter, without con
mlting the wishes of the people of California.
Tie Democratic State Central Committee,
have issued a call for a Convention at the
Seat of Government of the State, on the 2dd
of February, to elect delegates to the National
D moeratic Convention at Baltimore, in June
next, to nominate candidates for President
and Vice President of the I'niterl States.
K. B. Lundy has been convicted of murder
by the county court of Nevada, for having
Filled his antagonist in a duel, Efforts are
1 ing made to obtain an Executive pardon.
The survey of the Pacific and Atlantic
Kabroad, from San 1 raneisco to San Jose,
had bei ii completed, and Dr. Cobb was
• hortly t" have for New York, to raise funds
for the enterprise. The project of building
the road meets with good encouragement
among those more immediately interested.
Beavers are said to be very numerous on
Drv river, a branch of the San Joaquin.
The Sari Jose V isiter says the new State
Hone is nearly completed, and considers ii
settled that the seat of government will not
Ii" removed again.
Serious apprehensions are entertained at
Sen Francisco for the safety ol the steamer
Mt Kim, which left Panama on the _tih ol
November, with a liill load of passengers.
Tin- Board ol' Commissioners had previously
pronounced the .MeKim utiscawurthy.
Snow had fallen to the depth of six feet in
the country above Downieville.
A detachment of seventy D. S. troops had
proceeded from Beuieia and Monterey to San
Diego, previous to the receipt of the intelli
gence of the dispersion of the Indians, and
iho arrest of the principal leaders, among
whom is Antonio and liill Marshall, a white
■ man, who is supposed to be the chief insiiga
j tor of the late troubles.
statement is made by a number of minors
and other citizens at "Watson's Gulch, in
Shasta county, and addressed to Dr. Wozen
eroft, L . S. Indian Commissioner, which says
i that the Indian war arose from the wanton
! murders perpetrated upon some Indians by
j a party of men whose mules had been stolen.
| These men held a meeting and passsed roso
) lutions to kill all male grown Indians. That
I they adhered to their resolutions and put
tlicm in force on the first Indian they met
; with.
Affairs generally are in a prosperous state
, among our neighbors in the north, 'i he
. j mines are yielding satisfactorily, and the In-
I dians not more troublesome than might lie
j expected. The city at Shasta Butte is grow
-1 I iii"' apace, and already rivals Marysville in
| population and importance. The neighbor
hood of the Trinity and Klamath has recently
| been visited by a heavy fall of snow, but the
; weather has not proved of any unusual so
, verity.
Bonus (loin DUST TRIAL.—A gentleman,
says the San Francisco Courier, communi
cate the following statement relative to the
i trial and proceeding at Marysville. before a
| justice, of a party charged with passing bo
! gus gold dust:
'• On the stli inst., J. il. Tabor, of the firm
of J. I!. Tabor A Co., was arrested for passing
' bogus gold dust,' and was bound over to
appear before Justice Kuomigor, in the sum
!of SSOO. On Tuesday the ease came up. and
the Justice could not find the complainant or
Tabor's bond. All the papers had been ab
' stracted from the Court, and a material wit
i noss, (who had been seen with the partner of
j Tabor) could not be found. The same bogus
j bad been passed two or three times and taken
back. It- was offered here to the house of
Page, Bacon & Co., and at last was put oil
on a gentleman who exchanged it at the
; house of Page, Bacon A Co.. Sacramento.
The Justice discharged Taber, and the mat
| ter will be brought into a court where papers
, cannot he abstracted."
8K.V01.1 TIOV I\ CHILI.—By the arrival of
| the barque Isabel, fifty-five days from Talca
i huana, we have dates from Chili to October
i 10th.
It will be recollected that at the late elec
tion for President. Montt was declared elected.
When the electoral college assembled, many
of the members were absent, an 1 it was
claimed by the friends of Gen. Cruz that the
! election had been carried against him at the
point of the bayonet, and by the great -t
frauds and corruptions.
The friends of Cruz organized and address
ed a note to hint, to take the head of the rev
olutionary army, to which he consent-d.—
Arrangements were made for n genera! out
break on the 22<1 September, but a Govern
ment steamer coining into Talcahuuua about
the 18th of that month, the Cvuz party b k
j possession of her, getting 12iH ounces of g> M
with her. After being properly armed, she
I was about to proceed to Coquiinbo to get gov-
I eminent money there.
At this time, however, the steamer I ire
Fly came into harbor, and was fired at from
; tin' fort when she came to. It was soon dis
l covered that she was in the pnsses.-ion of the
Cruz party of Coquiinbo. The Fire Fly be
longed to an English gentleman, at Coquiin
bo, from whom she had been forcibly taken.
The two steamers were then despatched
! to Coquiinbo for money, at which port the
Chilian steamer, which was named Aurauco,
arrived first. Cnfortunately for her, she met
! an English, vcssel-of-war, and was compelled
t" pay about s2(>,<><H> indemnity for the taking
of the Fire Fly. She then returned to Ta!-
cahuana. where she found the port blockaded
bv a Chilian brig-of-war, which she van past
| in the night, and got safely into harbor.—
■ Preparations were on foot to take the brig
ol'-war by the Cruz party, when Mr. Palmer
| left.
The Cruz party were in possession of Tal
caiiuana, Coquimbo, Concept ion and a iiuin
• i for of other inland and seaport towns. All
the important government officers in these
places were ousted, and Cruz men put in
their places. Many of the officers were put
•j in prison, but let out again on parole.
The Montt party were in possession of
Valparaiso, and both parties were making
| active preparations for the fight. Mr. Palmer
says that it was the general impression at
| Taleahuana, when he left, that the Cruz
: party would be successful.
The U. S. sliip-of-war Sr. Marys, left for
I Valparaiso on the 24th Sept. < apt. M tgru
•b-r had seen the Governor at Coneep.-ion.
: who had promised that all .American vessels
should leave the harbor unmolested.
Kossuth's Visit lo Henry ( lay*
A most interfiling interview between
Governor Kossuth and Henry Clay took
] place at \\ ashington, on the Utli instant, at
1 hall past two o'clock, at the apartments of
the latter. Kossuth was introduced bv
Senator Cass. Mr. Clay received him
standing, and then, being seated on account
of his feeble condition, addressed the c< 1-
e bra ted Magyar in a speech of half an
hour in length, frankly expressing his o
pinions. lie deprecated the policy of in
tervention as the greatest calamity which
could befal this country, and said that, as
the possessors of the only existing repub
lic, the example of man's capacity for elf
; i government, it was the duty of the Ameri
! can people to encourage human progress
' and prosperity on this continent, which
might he destroyed by foreign wars, in
volving in their fall all hopes of free insti
tutions. These were, he said, the senti
• ments of a dying man who had struggled
'c r l
tor freedom.
Kossuth replied. He did not combat
Mr. Clay's positions, but confined himself
to the prospects ot Hungary and the situ
ation ol France, believing that events in
' the latter country would terminate iu ci\ il
war, and, perhaps, in a general revolution.
At parting, Mr. Clay rose and bade Kos
suth farewell for ever, wishing him a God
speed for Hungarian Independence as the
reward of the noble efforts of her people,
i Kossuth responded with emotion, saying
that he would pray God daily lor Mr.
< Ta\'s restoration to health and usefulness.
Both were deeply moved, and the scene
was touching and solemn.
Mr. ('lay was very favorably impressed
: with Kossuth, as regarded mind and man
ner. Only four spectators were present.
Mr. Clay will yet speak, or write, his
opinion on this important subject.
The managers of the Beading Railroad Com
pany, on Wednesday, made a dividend of 3.' per
cent on botii the preferred and common stock,
payable on and alter the 17th instant.
I fie \\ estrh ester \ tlkige Record gi'.ei
the particulars of what it describes as a
frightful ease of kidnapping. It is stated
that some time on Tuesday last, a person
lroiii Maryland, accompanied by an assist
ant, visited the premises of Joseph C.
Miller, and took from his house a young
colored girl named Rachel Parker, who is
said to be a free girl. They drove up to
the door, and as the srirl came out thoy
seized her, forced her into the vehicle and
drove off. Mr. Miller and a number of
the neighhois followed, and the next day
found the girl in the city ot Baltimore,
when a charge of kidnapping was pre
ferred against the individual who carried
her oil, and he was bound over lor a hear
ing. Miller and his friends started in the
cars on their return ; but at Perryville,
Mr. M. was missing, ami he was subse
quently found in the woods, hanging to a
tree dead, i lie Baltimore papers speak
ol .Mr. M. as having committed suicide,
while ine Record intimates that he was
murdered. That paper also sa vs:—"This
daring and high-handed outrage, in the
midst of a peaceful community—entering
the domicil of a citizen of Pennsylvania,
without legal process, armed with pistols
and bowie knives, and stealing from his
premises a iree person—demands immedi
ate and full punishment. If this state of
a flairs is to continue, the freemen of our
I omnionwealth are to he made slaves at
the will of the negro-stealer.
\\ est ISollinghuin township is the ex
treme southwestern part of Chester coun
-1 tv, and is bounded by Maryland on the
south, ii is distant some thirty miles
I from \V( - t ('hester.
Mr. Miller was a very respectable citi
t zen, highly esteenu d in his neighborhood,
1 a lartner by occupation, and leaves behind
him a wile and five or six - children to
mourn their loss, lie recently filled the
1 post ol assessor and collector, and otln r
public positions in his own township.
| It is said that .Mons. Grcgoirc, a modern
Hercules and a boxer, ean strike a perpendicu
lar blow equal to MOO pounds weight, and
" horizon taller" of 600 pounds.
l loitr aiHi (sciicial Produce
Dtaltrs in Master. Suit, Fisii, I'tflVe, Sugar,
an! brorcrits genirallv.
\<> 2s South Hot)aid street, Baltimore.
J i -ignments—quick sale- at best market pri
cis—and prompt returns. Solicit consignments.
James Pivan, Esq.. Pres't Merchant's Hank, "]
Dr. J. H. McCullocli, do. B'k of Baltimore.
T. Meredith, Esq., do. Coin. & Ear. B'k, _
11. Stuart A: Son, merchants, £T
T. W. & G. Hopkins, do. \ £■
Heiser & White, do. | r
Slingluff & Ensey, do.
Iteynolds w Smith, do.
SlinglufT, Devries & Co. do.
Albert & Bro., do.
11. M. Brent. K-q., Cashier, i
J. IE Sherrard, Esq., do. ' Winchester.
Merchants generally, S
Betor Radebaugh, Bedford, and merchants and
farmers generally.
Baltimore, Dec. 24, Idol—ly?
rjMIE President and Directors of the
A Invi-'trtw II Water Cmp. r in\ have ll:< day (*?ls
.!;timar\) declared a Dividend of TIIIU.K PKK t'K.NT
on the capital Flock of said company, pivaMe on ami
tin* second d-iy of February next, at the Hanking
House of Messrs'. I-oi:if#*neck , r, Orubb&Co.
VV. iv I SSHl,fTreasurer.
J.DW istown, January !>.V2. —3t
Real Estate at Private Sale.
riMIM tmdrrsigncil offers at private sale
5 a v U \l,l. I'.V 101 sit it it" iii II; at ii town
ship, Mifflin count \ , containing
1> I AVS2 ? s ,
iiiom nr !f.4s—about 70 acres of which arc de ircd and
mi ter cultivation, and the remainder good Kail and
J'*- Itailding Timber. Tlie improvnneiit-
Jp*v2T i" • S ' 1:i "C " 'h.-tiutial
j\lia: srr*K •,<]
wuh sundry outbuildings, and the best bearing Orchard
of 1 ■ ;iit Trees in the township. This properly is in n
good eeigble rhnod, convenient to f. Hull's Mi!!, and
within one quarter of a mile of a smith shop, - chord j
house, and iho.il the saine di-txnee from tin- railroad
:ml ' .an •! Alingethei tins i- a desirable place, and will
be sold A IIARG AIM
r> Trims easy, and possession given any time from
this date to Ist April.
January 9, 1>52 —lt*
of Valuable REAL ESTATE.
1> V virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Jf Oonrtof Miffiin county, the undersigned I'rustee,
appointed by said Court to sell the Ilea! Estate of DAN '
I EI. SEACHU IST, late of Wayne township, said county,
deceased, will expose to sal.: at public outcry, on the
premises, on
Tuesday, February 17, { S.ltJ
the two following tracts of Valuable Real Estate, viz:
IfO- 1.
fit iii te in Wayne township, Mifilin county, adjoining
Leslie's land on the east and south, .Samuel Wharton 011
the south and west, and the Juniata river on the north,
and allowance, ahout ninety acres of which are cleared
j* 1 and in a good stale of cultivation, having
rwk erected I (VO l,Ot.ii()l >I.S,
i I * j * U'BflL iwo stories high, a Stone ami Frame RANK ;
R.\Ki\, Ml fret by 45. and other improvc
iiiinf.H. Nine, or leu acred of Hi id Iract la
from! meadow land. Also,
of good grafted fruit, a good Spring of Water and Draw
Well near to the door.
No. '>.
Adjoining the above desrri.i. d tract, containing
.l A ere* ttt,7 Fere lies,
and allowance, good Limestone Land, about 25 or 30 acres j
of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, •
adjoining 1.c.-ii's laud on llie northwest, I) Jenkins on
the east, and lands of E M'Vey on the south.
. r The .above described tracts w ill be sold together or ,
separately, to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to view {
the premises can . ill on the subscriber, who lives near j
where the Railroad Rridge crosses the Juniata river, Inf
low Newton II ain il ton, on the south side.
Teb.v;s ok Bai.b.—One-third of the purchase money to ;
be p i.d on ■■ omii matlon of sale, lie: balance ill three equal |
annual payments, with interest, to be secured by bund
and mortgage on the property.
JAS. VV 11ARTON, Trustee.
Wayne township, January 9, 1552 —ts
Shawls, Muffs, Bonnets, &c,
w E J: ive just opened our second sup- j
included in which will he found splendid
Bi'oche lAiaig Mliawl*,
Itay SSafe §o.
A Handsome Assorttr.rnl of MUFFS and
H I A 1 Eli li O VAE 'i \S.
Ricti watered, figured and plain Sit ICS. Merinoes,
Cashmeres, Mous de Laines, &c.
Wc !i2vi also opened some superior
Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, tee. Our stock of
goods is now very complete, and we invite our friends to
call and examine for themselves.
Lewistown, Dec. 5, I^sl.
r PIIE subscriber has tlie satisfaction of an-
I nounring to the citizens of this place and vicinity,
that he has just opened, at the stand lately occupied by
.1 I'. SCIILO.-SER, on Market street, nearly opposite the
Hanlc, a well selected stock of
( locks, Watches A: Jewelry.
which he will dispose of at the lowest possible prices.
The stock is new, embracing the latest st>les, and afford
ing an excellent variety, which must be examined to he
apprei i itcd, both in regard to quality and price.
6>Olo< its, \V att lies and Jewelry will he It LI PA 1 II-
I'll) iu the very best manner with <l< spntcli, and wai
ranted tor one year. He hopes by selling low, punctual
ly fulfilling his engagements, and strict attention to busi
ness, to secure a proportion of public patronage.
11. Vv. JUNKIN.
I.ewistown, January 2,1552—tf
rpilE Parties anJ others interested and con
-1 cernctl in the causes and issues for trial at a -Special
i'curt of Common Puns, in the County of MilHin, are
hereby notUk d th it a list thereof has been furnished the
President Judge of tfat 9th Judicial district—and the Hon
* "■ f-raiiam, President Judge ofthe aforesaid district,
in pursuance < f the Acts of Assembly authorising the
I oiling of su li Court. Iris appointed and will hold a
Special Court f <'• iiuiem I'h as. on the SECOND MON
DAV (being the 9lh) of FKHlll AR V, 1552, at 3 o'clock,
if M., ot ihat day, at the Court House, in the borough of
Lewistown to continue one week, for the trial of said
causes and issues. And at the same lime and place wlli
In ml a special Court, and hear and dispose of all motions,
rules, exceptions, and other matters that can or may lie
heard ami disposed of before any Special Court, autho
rized by law to be held tor said County
T. I\ McCOV, Prothonotary.
Lewistown, December 10,1951.
List Gf Causes
Tor Trial as Sprrial Court. Fcb'y 9, 1552.
"Tg T.I JA If M'VFV vs Willis stackpole and Willis A:
I'D., No. 31, April term, IM3.
Jonalliau Lesli, vs John I! Irvine. N0.127, August term,
I -life
Same vs same. No. 12, August term, IS3G.
The !! ink of l.eu istown vs. .1 noes Brown's adminiltra
tors. No. 123, April term, IMb.
Arthui Ileil vs. I'eler Snook el a!., No KM, August term.
I M.i.
\ ithaniel Kennedy for John Kennedy vs. George Davis
el al.. No M, November term, IMS.
James Waream vs. /. Ilentli & Jonathan McCoy, A.o.
See., No. Kit, January term, IMS.
Lilts Griffith ami VV m. IJ. Reynolds vs same, No lb--,
January term, 1515
sterrett Sc Potter vs. Rawle &. Hall, No. 115, April term,
15 IS.
James C N rtis vs. H -nj Clay, Samuel 11. Crawford et
al., No 23, August term, IMN
•li hn Potter &. t o for Abbot Green vs. Samuel Ilopper,
No til. August t< rai, 1~ 1-
Janes Davis vs. John Norris' executors, Rawl &. Hall
for Robert Cox, No 13, November term, IMS.
Th Hank of Is-u istown vs. J AJ. Potter, No 52, No
v mb. r term, IMS.
James Dickson, administrator of James Criswell vs
George Brought, No 73, November term, ] - Vs.
Hopper & Zeialer vs. John Sterna, James Potter, &.
John I'..iter, 107, November term. IM-.
Same vs. -nine, No. 10.1. November term, isi"-.
The Dink of Lewi-toivn vs. J,.hn Sterrett i. James Pot
ter, sr. No 127, Novetnber term, I s IS.
Robert lleck for John Iteck vs. O. I'. Uuiican, r.t al , No.
111, January term. J i'.l.
I.ay.arus Steely vs. Wni. Custer, No. 112, January term,
stericlt i Potter and Alex J. Line vs. ltawl J, Ha! and
Elizabeth llall, No 1 -1, August term, Is 19
Same vs. ltawl ft llall and S. \V. Taylor, No. 1.—2, Au
gust t-Tin, It? 11*.
Atdmtt Green vs Daniel Zrigler, No. 1., August term,
1 s-111,
Jau.es Potter, Jr t Co. for same vs. James Potter, Nu.
3, November term, 1-19
John st, Tret: for \ \\ . W. St, rrett vs. J. A J. Potter,
No 11, November term. I s ill
.latin s Potter. Jr. & Co. for W VV. Sn-itrii vs James
Potter A Son, No. 1, November term. 1-9
st. rr. lt Ac Potter for -ante vs. John Putter, No. 12, No
vell. ber term, .'•l9.
John Potter A f, for James lluriis vs. Daniel/eigler,
No. January term. I --0.
Fran, is .M'(.'<>> vs John Potter ac Clitries t'olfelt. N0.71,
January term, 15.*,0.
James HUIIIS vs. A. \V. W Sterrett, John Slerrctt and
Henry Stem, No 13b, April term, ls.Mi.
<; orge Guthrie vs. A 11. Norris ami Henry l.ongsdorf,
No. 73, November term, IfvHl.
T. 1". M't'OV, Pruth'y.
Lewistown, Dec 19, 1651. .
Register's Notice.
41.D persons having Deeds or
A other Instruments of Writing in the Register and
Recorder's ("Mice, as w ell as in Orphans' Court business,
ire requested to call at d get tliern without delay, as my
term of office expires on the first December. Many fees
small in amount individually, are due in ail these offices,
itid of course I cannot afford to spend much time in
their collection, yet as tli y form, in tile aggregate, a sum
of considerable importance to me, I trust a further notice
will not be necessary. Executors and administrators of
estates, os well as some four or five hundred owners of
Deeds, which have been recorded but not lifted, are par
uculaily invited to give me a call.
Levvistowh, November 2s, Is.", 1 ,.
Ahvavs oil hU(3,
And all Kinds of COAL.
Lewistown, Aug. 8, 1851. — tf
Sugars, Teas, and Coffees.
CiIIEAP Brown hnd White Sugars.
/ 0 hogsheads Porto Rico Sugar, at only
G£ cents per lb.
5 barrels crushed Loaf Sugar.
15 barrels Brown N. Orleans Sugar, at
5J cents, by the barrel.
B cnests Young Hyson, Gunpowder and '•
Imperial Teas.
45 bags Green Rio Coffee,a prime article
The above G*ocerios will be cold at a small i
advance, wholesale or retail, by
novdl'sl J OILS'" KENNEDY.
Estate of John Chester, dee'd.
7.4777 Of" ARMAGH TOM A'SJ/IP.
is hereby given, that
Lcltirs Testamentary on the estate of JOHN j
fIIFSTF.It, late of Armagh township, Mifflin county, I
deceased, have h. en granled to ihe undersigned, resul- j
iiig in said township. All persons indebted i05....l estate i
arc hereby notified to call and make payment witliiiuui
ilclav, and those having claims to present Ilium, duly '
authenticated, fur settlement.
SUSAN CHESTER, Executrix. [
January 9, 1952—0t
£> i; * T EST,
WILL return to LP wist own about the Itttii
of November next, for the purpose of attending
to professional business, and will remain about
one month at Irwin's LEWI STOW N HOTEL.
Dr. L. is a regular graduate of the Balti
more College of Dental Surgery, and devoted
his entire attention to the business for seven
years, which warrants him in offering entire
satisfaction to at! who may favor hun with
their patronage.
Lewistovvn, Oct. 24, ISol—tf.
Operations on Use Teeth.
OFFERS his services to the citizens ot
Lewistown. and the adjoining counties, in
TTW ' 'aken lessons in this branch
~-I-QL u f business from the late Dr.
J. N. Sumner, and recently from Dr. J. 11.
Bressier, of Bellefonte, lie is satisfied that he
will be abie to give general satisfaction. Ca
rious teeth Plugged truth Hold, and Incor
ruptible Mineral Teeth Inserted, from a single
tooth to a full set, on Cold and Silver Plate,
also on Pivot, in the most durable manner.
Ail work undertaken by hirn he wiii guar
antee to b : satisfactory, and if it is not, the
money will be refunded.
He may be found at his residence in West
Market street, opposite the Red Lton Hotel, at
all times.
Lewistown, Aug. 29, 1351.—tf
fgliiL subscribers have taken the J .e wist own
X Mids and formed a copartnership under
the firm of JOHN STERRKTT & CO. for car
rying on :i general MILEING BUSI
NESS) wish to buy a large quantity of all
kinds of GRAIN, for which we will pay the
HIGHEST PRICKS the market will afi'urd, accord
ing to the quality of the groin.
Any person wishing to store their wheat can
do so, and a receipt will be given to be kept in
store until the Ist of August, and after that
until the Ist of December. In case of wheat
left in store, the subscribers reserve the privi
lege of purchasing said wheat when the own
ers wish to sell, at from 13 to 15 cents off of
Philadelphia prices, and if we do not buy at
this rate, then we charge one cent per bushel
for storage. No interest will be allowed on
money nut lifted for grain sold, as we arc pre
pared to pay CASH at all times.
FLOOR and all hinds of FEED kept and
for sale ftr cash.
Lewistown, May 2, 1831.—tf
PTXIIK undersigned offers to the public, af-
A fording FIRST RATE BARGAINS, ins entire
stock of
I>t'Y (nOOtllk, ISool* AT SilOO,
at COST. Having taken the Xational House
and Singe Office , I find that 1 have too many
irons in the lire to keep them all going,and
therefore give the people this opportunity to
buy cheap. J. THOMAS.
Lewistown, October 31, 1851.
DVMaliii - aAiir
To Country Merchants, Taurn Reefers, &c.
4 LARGE stock of superior liquors, con
-2%.. sisting of
Mines, Brandies, Ciiu, &c,
are now offered for sale WIIOI.ESALB and RE
TAII, at COS T, at the Grocery Store on the
Canal, opposite the Collector's Office. Deal
ers and Tavern Keepers will find bargains.
Lewistown, July 18, 1831. —tf
2Js*ui, .ind Variety Store
| £ AVING just returned from Philadelphia
S. A with a new and varied stock of GOODS,
the undersigned invites the pubkc to give him
a cail. In addition to his stock of pure and
fresh DRUGS, lie iias on hand Spices of all
kinds, fine Dairy and Table Salt, pure White
Lead ; Copal, Coach, Japan and Shoe Varnish
es; a variety of Ants ; Putter, Soda. Sugar and
Hater Crackers; Old and Young Hyson, Im
perial and Black TEAS : a areat variety of
Hair tnii Tooth llrttshcs, RICE and SOUP
BEANS, &c &e., innumerable, at
A. A. BANKS' Variety Store.
Lewistown, Dec. 12, 1831-tf.
PETROLEUM, or Rock Oil, at A. A.
DL9 BANKS' Variety store.
rl! >B.\< 'i't). Hiie:'.' and Segare at
JL april 11 A. A. BANKS'.
||OVER'S INK—Black, Blue, Red and
Ciirniine, the best m the marKCt, cneap at
dll) BANKS' Variety stoic.
iIRUI i". —Oranges, I .croons, Raisins, Figs,
I'ruoes, the first of ttie season, at
fill) A. A. BANKS'.
PINE OIL and Burning Fluid, just received
and for sale -at
dl 9 BANKS' Variety store.
ttIDER VINEGAR—A new supply —first-
' rate —just received at
decl2 BANKS' Variety Store.
OR THE TEETH—-Tooth pastes and
Powders, iu great variety, at
dl!) BANKS' Variety store.
Fish, Salt, and Plaster.
1 JOR sale by
June 27.—tf At the Lewistown Mills.
H'ARDWARE, of all kinds, at unusually
. low prices, for cash, at
re'--' 1 F. G. FRANCISCUS'S.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
T'U*rp'*;.D!i9 5 - og -
PASBENGER 'J'R.MNt> iea\c Lewistown
daily as follows: .
Eastward at I'd o'clock I minutes P. M.
Westward at 4 o'clock 26 minutes P. M.
Eastward at ] o'clock 10 minutes A. M.
VV estward atd o clock 10 minutes A. M.
Eastward at 2 o'clock B6 nnuutes P. JVI.
Westward at l'J o'clock 4 minutes P. M.
Lewistown Depot, Dec. 5, 1801.
- v: s
A I t or n c 3 ' 8 • < w 1
OFFICE in Market ?Uee:,opp rite the P.-t
Oiiicr. will attend to any business in the
Courts of MitHiii, Centre or Huntingdon coun
ties. [Lewlsiuwn, sept. l'Ji 1 **3o-13 *
Attorney at Law. Lew Mown. MSfflin co. Pa
'KS his professional sor. ices to the
j Vr citizens of I.ewistoun atiU vicinity. Office en
; south east fide of the Diamond.
Certificate from l)r. Joseph B. Art/.
i It affords mo no small degree of pleasure to state, that
i Dr. J. I: MURIUM:, after several years of study, (tradu
' atej at the I'niversity of Penns> It inia ami is well qual:
i fied to practice Medicine, wit It honor to Inuinetf and 3d
vantage to those who mav be please d to employ liiin.
JOSEPH 1?. ARU, M 1.
t I.pvvistown, December 10. 1 -■> l it".
nil. E. W. HALL
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown. He can be con
| suited at aii times at the Bee Hive Driiy store.
Lewistown, August 130,1850-tf
, T ~ DR. JAS. s7 WILSON,
, rf'AFFERS his professional services to the
i citizens of Newton llamiitcn and vicin
■! "y-
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of l.ewistown and vicinity. Or-
I fieo with Dr. HOOVER, one door East of F.
I Schwartz's ttore. may 9. 1851-tf
I ii IS SaT SI \ IS OO '% 8': 11 ,
.Tiiwlsce off lac Peace,
C"i AN be found at his office, in the room rc-
J cently occupied by 1). W. Holing. Esq.
where lie will attend to all business entrusted
to liiin with the greatest care and despatch.
East Market street, Lewistotvn,
r\ returning thanks to his friends and
?lie public generally for the liberal support heretofore
extended t In in, woulti repperifiilly inform them that he
11.18 just received a splendid assortment of Fashionable
JZi' '- r J r* i~_ ~c ij
selected in the c ty with special reference to hi ing made
up for customer work, which he is enabled to famish at
lower jri* es than similar articles cotiid be procured in
the stores. Gentlemen desirous of baring a superior
article of clothing, arc ropiested to call and examine his
•dock. With long experience and the aid of lirst rate
workmen, he flitters himself that he can furnish his
customers and friends with superior garments, at rea
sonable prices. I.ewistown, Nov. 'AS, ISSI.
Market street, one door West of Win. P. Mil
liken' 1 s Store,
liCniktown, Fa.
A large and well selected assortment of
Cloths, ysritnere, Vestings, &c., constantly
on hand, which they will sell or tnake up to
order, on reasonable terms and at the shortest
notice. [October 10, l-.~j1.-ly.
Tailoring Establishment.
JAMES A. I.ILLEY has commenced the
Tailoring Business, in Marketst reef, next
door to Judge li itz's, where he invites his
friends and the public to give him a call. He
is in regular leceipt of the
Latest Fashions,
and having had considerable experience in the
business, he feels confident he can give satis
faction, in point of workmanship, &c., to ail
who may favor him with their custom.
L°wistovvn, May 10, l s sl.
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, 4 door*
iccsf of JJisenbisc's Hotel.
f M? ma(3c of the I)est materials and in the
' WW best manner cheap for cash.
Lewistown, Sept. 12. 1851.
IBDDU3, m 331
Ant'. ' tic.
undersigned continues to manufacture
. celebrated (Quilted and French calf Boots,
together with ail articles connected with his
Lewistown, Augusts, 1851-lf
I Cheap 8001, Shoe, At Cloth
iit?; Store.
HAVING returned from the city with a
large stock of the above mentioned arti
j cles, he is prepared to sell at the lowest cash
; price.
Men's boots, from §1 25 to §0 09
Indict)' shoes, from 50 to 1 50
M isses' shoes, from 25 to 1 00
i Indies' gaiters, from 100 to 200
j according to quality, lie is also prepared to
| make to order all kinds of Boots and Shoes, on
J tiie shortest notiae and reasonable terms. Re
i pairing done by Mr. Rook in the same place.
Persons wanting CIiOTHIIVG will find
I it to their advantage to give him a call, as lie
i purchases his goods for cash, and is tnabled to
sell cheaper than those purchasing on credit.
Call and examine for yourselves, and he will
convince you that he sells his goods cheap,
i Lewistown, October 19, 1851.
\ alley street, Lewistown, near Ht isler's Can
dle l'actorij.
Manufactures every description of
Picture nut! 3 ooMng 4* fats
IJtf} V - A, Trfl res"
SUGH as Gilt, Mahogany, Rosewood, &c.
and can furnish Frames anil Glass of any
required size.
liEdlLlil.\(i, VARMS/fISG, A.\D
POLISJIISti of old Frames, and Rf pairing
I Work generally, done at short notice and on
reasonable terms.
CO"Tlie public arc invited to call and ex
amine his stock.
Lewistown, August 1, 1651.
The National Restaurant,
IN the basement of the National Hotel, is now
open, and refreshments of all kinds will bo
served up as called for. on the European plan
by .1 THOMAS 6c CO
Lewistown, Sept. 26, 1651.—tf