SPECIAL NOTICE. I PrtHE undersigned would invite the special J_ attention ot their friends and the public to the fact that they have just added to their stock a iarge and general assortment of Ail lii.nis ol'Woods in their line, sucli as Cloths, C.assimers, Sat inets, Jeans, Tweeds, Summer Cloths, Satin and fancy Vesiings. Silks, Bareges, Poplins, Barege de Laines, Alpacas, Ginghams, Lus tres, Prints, Shawls, Cravats, si llt and linen - Hdkfs., Ribbons, liose, Gloves, Lace, Gimp, Fringe, &.c., COATS. PASTS, VESTS. Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Queens ware, Groceries, Pish, Salt, &c., which, al thcugh we do not promise to sell at less than cost, we will sell as low, if not a little lower, than any other store in the county. \\ e buy cur goods entirely for cash, and by so doing cave from five to ten percent, on six month buyers. We have also associated ourselves with John Steruett fc Co., Liicistoicn Mills, for lour years, and are prepared to open accounts with sii Farmers seliing 'hem their grain, and we think it would be to the interest of all to tie so, as they pledge themselves [see their ad vertisement] to pay at all times in cash within from 13 to io cents of Philadelphia prices, which is from two to three cents per bushel more than other grain merchants pay. They lake all kinds of grain. (o""Aii kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. SIGI.ER & STUART. Lewistown, July IS, 1851. if I! OAT'S* PATENT CORN SHiIJUL T!IF, undersigned having purchased the right of manufacturing and seliing the above approved Corn Sheller, acknowledged on ail hands to be superior to anything of the kind hitherto introduced, for the counties of Mifflin, Huntingdon, Bedford, Frankim, Adams, Som erset, Fulton, Green, and Washington, respect fully invites the attention of farmers and others to this easy uiethoJ of perfoiming an otherwise laborious work. The Corn Sheller is driven by horse-power, and can he attached to any or dinary threshing machine, and will easi.y shell one hundred buLiels ot clean corn in an hour. Among a number who have them in use in Mifflin county, the following gentlemen are referred to: Maj. W. Wilson, Jarues Brown, Col. W. Reed, Moses K. Thompson, Wm. M'Martigil, Titos. McNitt, Thomas Brown. Q^f*Orders for machines for any of the above counties will be prompt ly attended to, by ad dressing the subscriber at Milroy P. ()., Mif flin county, Pa. wm. h. watson. County or Township Rights will be disposed of on reasonable terms on application as above August 29, 1851.—3 m Administrator's Notice. "]VJ OTICE is hereby given that Letters of J. x Administration, upon the estate of MAR TIN DIXON, lute of Oiiver township, Mifflin county, deceased, have been granted to the sub scriber. residing in the township and county aforesaid. All persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby required to make immediate payment, and all those having claims are re quested to present the same, duly authenticat ed, for payment. ELI AS VV. DIXON, Sept. 19, 1651.—61* Administrator. rfflEA.—Young Hyson and Black Teas, of a L superior quality, for sale cheap, at the Bee Hive Drug Store, by Sept. 12. ' E. \Y. HALE. GII 111 SllOf*. V LOT of Hartshorn's Gentlemen's Leather . soled Gum Shoes, a superior article for sale by Mosrs Montgomery. KEEN'S Celebrated Vermifuge—certain T cure tor Worms—fur sale at the Bee Hive Drug store by E. VV. Hale. PERFUMERY. —Jules Ilauel's I'reniium Hair Oils ami Perfumery at april !! A. A. HANKS'. Fever sunt Ague Powder*. HDHOMFSON'S Fever and Ague Powders .1 urc a certain cure tor that disease, as many in Lewistown can testify. They need no putting. Prize 50 cents per box. For sale hv JOHN KENNEDY. May 9. 1851. PetroSi'usu or Itock Oil. 11A DOZEN bottles Rock Oil, raised by " steam 700 feet from the bowels of the earth. It is highly recommended by physi cians for the cure of a great many obstinate ciseaetv. such a.i coughs and inflammation of the iuugs, pains >n the limbs and back, burns, bruises, &c. For sale hv JOHN KENNEDY. I.e wist own, MF y 9, 1851. ! Troul ! I JUST received, 3 barrels .Mackunaw l.uke Trout. 25 boxes Ohio Union dairy cream Cheese, 5 dn Cincinnati ndamonttnc Candles, 25 do New York yellow Soap, at f!| eta. 5 t.erces Evans & Surft's sugar cured Ham, at 12£ cts. per lb 550 gallons tine Lard Oil, equal to sperm. Call :,t Kennedy's if you want to buy 20 per eont. below any 6tore in Lewistown. 1 iTV— 'Vf *IMLE Title Water Boat ATLANTIC, five _L years old and in good repair—carried 2010 busli.-ls ot wheat :n July to the eity—will Ite Mid cheap. The subscriber pu' repairs on her So the amount of $l2O in June last. JOHN KENNEDY. Lewuaiovva, Acg ~y, 1861. (iRAND EXHIBITION! ! AT TIIK Old Stand of Nusbaum Bro's, UF NEW, SI PERU, AND CHEAP GOODS, j Admittance—Free. VS evetybody seems to be engaged this year in blowing his own trumpet, as to what he or they can do in the Dry Goods and Grocery line, we have had half a mind to try our hands at the business; hut several C A II I. D ADS, comprising the latest styles of rich and costly goods, having just arrived, we,therefore, beg leave to announce to our customers in Mifjjm, Union, Centre, Huntingdon, and Juniata coun ties, that we have just returned from the cifv with about as complete and elegant an ment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS as was ever seen in this or any other country town, embracing every description and style of all that is New, Neat, and Fashionable, at prices varying from a few cents to dollars per yard. In other kinds of goods, we can show in quality and price whatever others can produce, and a considerable sprinkling that cannot be found elsewhere, especially in Clollis, C'ussimeres, fialincG, &.<*., and will venture to add in Fall and Winter Goods generally. Of Bonnets, Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves, & Ribbons we have an extensive stock, which, as a ne cessary consequence are offered for sale cheap. Since opening our establishment here, we have fuily demonstrated that, as a general thing, we sell as low as the very lowest, if not a littie lower. We do not profess to soli one or two nor three articles at a very low price, but we do profess to sell everything, in either (lie Dry Goods or Grocery liue, so cheap that we are confident our friends everywhere would he the gainers by giving us a cull and making their purchases. I oßemember at the Old Stand of Xns hamn, Brothers. B. FI ROVED & BRO. Lewistown, Sept. *2O, 1851. Indemnity. tPiIE Fra.nki.in Fire Insurance Company of Philadel pIiia— OFFICK 163j Ohesnut street, near Fifth street DIRECTORS. Charles X. Bancker, t.Vo. R. Richards, Thomas Hart, Mnrdecai I). Last is, Tobias Wagner, Adolphe F.. Boric, Samuel (Irani, David S. Brown, Jacob tt. Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on rvry description of property in TOWN & COUNTRY, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with lheir Capital and Pieiniuius safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured. The aescta of the Company, on January Ist, 1849, as published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fol ' tows, viz: Mortgages, $1,057,438 II Real F.state, 04,724 S3 Temporary l-oans, 96,001 85 Stocks, 51,523 25 Cash, Stc , 38,804 37 *1.328,492 71 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of One -Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, losses hj fire, thereby affording an evi dence of the advantages of Insurance,as well as the abil ity and disposition to meet with promptness ail liabilities. CHARLC3 N. BANCKKR, President, i Chabi.bs G. Rancher, Secretary AGENT fur Mifflin county, R. C. HA! E, Esq., Lewistown. [npl2-ly The l T iitel States Ufc Insurance Company. CHARTER PERPETUAL—CASH SYSTEM. < apltal $250,000. Office southeast corner Third ami Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. TMII.S company, in one department, issues policies upon the Mutual Principle, with the security of a capital stock. This attractive combination offers to policy hold ers double the ordinary security, without disturbing their rights to a full participation in the distribution of profits each and every year. The profits made by this depart ment are divided annually among the insured in propor tion to tile amount of premiums paid by them, and will remain at their credit, an accumulating fund, payable at death, together with the sum insured, or the present value of profits so divided will be purchased in cash on demand. The system of payment is cash in advance, and can be made with reference to the convenience of parties opening policies with this company. AUo, the Vcpuait System, or ntw plan of life insur ance. All payments made to the company in this de partment are eutiiely optional as regards theii amount, and the time at v. hich they may be made. A party tnny pay in as much or as little (not le-e- than sj) and as often or as seldom as he may find convenient, and there is no obligation on him to continue hit payments, further' the whole sums paid in are always nt the command of the person insured during his .ifo. time, and may be at any time withdrawn by him in whole or in part; so that, on the plan of this company, there is cteated at one and the same time, an insurance payable at death, n fund available In sickness, and a provision for old age— see company's pamphlets. liir.F.i TORS. H R Crawfor.t, P B. C.xldar.t, A. \V. Thunianu, l.awrencc Johnson, 11 \V Tinglvy, ne dollat notes of other States taken itere, and 1 won't sue yen as my neighbor done. No suing if you look it a barrel of whiskey. Come and taste my liquor before you buy. Fishing rods and lines; trout flies,and a fine assortment Limerick hook, and a few straight hook left. Aly terms are CASH. J. T. may 23, 1851. CKN'IS por pound for oak-inn LEA • / THER; 15$ cents per lit l<>r red-oak tan leather ; all kinds ot Upper, Kip, Boot, Monroe, Ve., at lower piice* than have ever been sold, at the store ol F. G. FRANC I SOUS. D. SUNDERLAND & SON, MARBLE MASONS, WOULD respectfully inlorm their friends and the public, that they still continue to carry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in all its various branches, at their old stand, Corner of THIRD and VALLEY streets, LE WIS TO WN, where they have constantly on hand Marble Mantels, Tombs, Monuments, Grave Stones, &e. They are prepared to execute all kinds of Plain Ac Ornamental Work with neatness and on the most, reasonable terms Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them.thpy solicits continuance of the same. ()rders from any part of the country through mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch July 5. 50-tf S 1 URGICAL INSTRUMENTS can be sup plied to order at the Bee HivS Drug store dec 6 of E. VV. HALE. DR. JAYNE'S Celebrated Medicines just received and for sale at the Bee Hive ; Drug store by E. W. HALE. \rINEGAR. —Pure Cider Vinegar, for sale at the Bee Hive Drug Store, by Sept. 12. K. W. HALE. SHOULDER BRACES, Crain's celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter, &c„ for sale 1 at the Bee Hive Drug store of E. W. HALE: Blli\l\G FLUID. ! A SUPPLY just received and for sale, at j\ the Bee Hive Drug store, by March 28, 1851. E. W. HA I.E. i CHOUGHS AND COLDS.—WISTAR'S BAL- S SAM or WILD CHERRY for sale by E. W. HALE, septGtf at the Bee Hive Drug 3tore. DEVVEE'S Anti-Dyspeptic Pills—the popu lar remedy tor Dyspepsia, used and re commended by the medical faculty—at the Bee Hive Drug store of E. W. HALE. 171 OR PAINTERS.—A general assortment - of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, &.C., &.c. Call and examine for yourselves at the Bee Hive Drug store. decl3tf ROVVAND'S Tonic Mixture —an effiient and active agent in the cure of fever and ague—just received and for sale at the Bee Hive Drug store, by E. W. HALE. j " PERFUMERY. —ROLSSEL'S celebrated Pa choula, Jenny Lind, Violet, Rose Gera nium, Cologne, Bay Rum, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste, &c., &c., tor sale at tlie decl3tf Bee Hive Drug store, FORWARD DROPS—an excellent rem edy for Diarrhuia, Dysenfety, and all af ; factions of the bowels—for sale by E. W. HALE, septGtf at the Bee Hive Drug store. A YER'S Cherry Pectoral—an excellent Jm. remedy for affections of the lungs and thruat—Or sale at the Bee Hive Drug store"by decG E. W. HALE. IX7 ATT SON'S PILLS —-an excellent rem- VT edy for chronic affections of the liver— for sale at the Bee Hive Drugstore by I , decG E. W. HALE. ISollißi£ Clollis. A general assortment of Dufour &. Co.'s 1 /V "ANCHOR STAMP (best quality) ot Bolting Cloths always on hand.* They are bought directly fiom the importer, for cash, and ' I wiii be sold wholesale and retail at Philadelphia prices, by E. W. HALE. ' Lewistown, Feb. 28, 1851. Loiiricik's Fuitiilv Medicines. L() UDEN'S FXPECTORANT 11 Alterative " Compound Carminative Balsam " " Tonic Vermifuge i j " Sanative Pills 44 Female Elixir " Pile Liniment r 44 Oriental Hair Tonic 44 Hair Dye All the above articles for sale by E. W. HALE, declStf at the Bee Hive Drug store. (rcat Scientific Discoveries. BY DR. J. W- COOPER. iim Aiij) Arm Completely Cured in Three Days, By Dr. J. VV. Cooper's Vegetable Compound Fever ami Ague Pills. rpiIFSE PILLS are composed entirely of Vegetable A buhstaiicea, and in ui>ity-nine case* outof every hun dred, will perform a perfect and Complete care in three days. No instance has ever been known, where more than sit: days have been ley uired to perform a complete cure, even in the very worst vases, and on the strongest constitutions. We would earnestly say to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease, to get one box and try thein, and in all cases, two boxes are warranted to cure, if taken according to the directions, or the money returned. These pill* not only perform a prrfec.t curt in three days, but remove the tile and create a healthy action of the liver, and consequently fortify the symem against a future attack. A l>t, My Vegetable ADli-Dyspcpsia Bitters. This Medicine is a certain cure for Dvspepsia in its very worst forms Thousands of cases have been com pletely cured t>v it within the last year, which have been entirely despaired of bv the regular family physi cians. We do not recommend it to cure everything-—we recommend it to cure Dyspepsia, and the diseases origi nating front it, and that it will cure in almost every case, and it is recommended for nothing else. In many in stances, even the worst of cases have been completely cured in two and three months, but it depends somewhat npon the constitution of the patient. We would sav to all who are afflicted with Dyspepsia, give this medicine a fair trial, and if a fails to do g .od, yuur money will be returned. ALSO, My Vegetable Worm Powders. This t the most wonderful Worm Destroyer ever known, and at the same time, so pleasant to take, that almost every child will be fond of it, and many instances have been known of- children crying for more after once taking it. Tins medicine is tn the form of a powder, the only medicine ever used in that form, ami it operates on a principle entirely different from any other medicine ever administered by any other physician. I: is the only medicine which has no Worm-seed Oil or Turpentine combined with it, which is believed by all other physi cians, to be the only two things which will destroy worms, and these two things combined, together with castor oil, are the active principles of all other worm medicines, which every person who has ever tasted or smelted, knows to be the most nauseous of all nauseous medicines, and on account of which, there is generally something added to destroy this nauseous taste, and in order to do this, it must be something stronger than the medicine itself, and therefore, it must necessarily destroy some of its medicinal properties. These powders are simple and so harmless, that a child may eat a whole box at once, and it will not be hurt, while at the same time, the principle upon which it acts being different from any thing else ever used, it will destroy all kinds of Worms with a certainty never equaled. It will not only destroy the seat worms, or Ascarnles, and long, round worms,or Teres, but is tbe most effectual medicine for the destruc tion of the Tape Worm ever known. Ten doses have brought as many as FIVE Tape Worms from one person. If your children have any symptoms of worms, try these powders, and in nine cases out of ten, you will nev er use any other. These are also warranted. These medicines are all separate, and one for each dis ease, and each for only one disease. They are not re commended, as many other tnediciucs are, to cure some fifteen or twenty diseases, and all of different natures, but they are each to cure but one disease, and that they will do itt ninety-nine cases outof every hundred, and where they have a fair trial and fail in all cases, the money will be returned. Dli. J. W. COOPER'S Celebrated Vegetable Anti-Dyspepsia Pills, A certain cure for Indigestion, Debility, Sickness or Doming in the Stomach, Pain in ihe Side and St inach, Coativeness, Sensation, of Weight in the Stomach after Eating, Difficulty of Hreathing, Restlessness, Want of Appetite, Palpitation of ihe Heart, and all other Diseases which arise from INDIGESTION. #> Certificates can he seen at tic Agents. For safe by F. ./. IIOFFM.I.Y, I.eiristoo-n ; anj (7. Jr. Brtkman, M' femttun Sep 19-ly Philadelphia Advertisements. Hover'* liili manufactory, REMOVED TO NO. ill it ACE STREET, Between Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crown St., PHILADELPHIA, WHERE thn Prop ietor is enabled, by Increased fa ' cilities, to supply the crowing demand for HO VER'S INK, which its wide-pread reputation has cre ated. This Ink is now so well established in the good opin ion and confidence of the American Public, that it is scarcely necessary to say anything in its lavor, and the manufacturer takes this opportunity to say that the con fidenee thus secured shall not he abused. In addition to the various kindsof Writing Ink, he also manufactures ADAMANTINE CEMENT, for mending Glass and China; as well as a superior IIAIR DYE—-a trial only is necessary to insure its future use ; and a SEALING WAX, well adapted for Druggists and But tiers, at a very low price, in large or small quantities. ORDERS addressed to — JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, -Vo. 144 Race street, betioeen 4th 4" SIA, opposite Cron st. Sept. 18. 1551.—3 m Philadelphia. F A L 5a A A l H I ATF £5 CEOTHISG. A NEW AND COMPLETE assortment of the latest * . and most fashionable style of Men'* and Hot's CTotliinyf, manufectnred in the best manner, may be had at the Lowest Cash Prices at GEO. CULIH'S C lotliiiiu* Fslablilinient, South-cast corner of Market and Second sts., PHILADELPHIA, embracing a choice assortment of Dress and Frock Coats, Cloaks, Sack Cuats, Bangnji Coats, Business Coats, &e., together with liis usual extensive variety of English, French, and American Cloths and Winter Fabrics, suit ed to the wants of men and boys, both for dress and business garments. Particular care has been taken to procure a complete assortment of goods adapted to the new style Winter Coats, PANT A LOONS, VESTS, AC., to which he would invite special attention, and particu larly to his new assortment of Furnishing Good*, cdhsisting of Shirts, St.rcks, Handkerchiefs, tc ; all of which are offered at the lowest possible cash prices, and as cheap as any other Clothing Store in the Union. O Parents who desire Boys' Clothing are earnestlly iuvited to examine tire stock, as the greatest care has been taken to provide the most durable patterns and de sirable styles, at the most economical rates. *♦* Small Notes taken at par for goods. September "26, 1651. —aprily The undersigned have entered into Co-partnership under the Firm of Rimby &, Lawrence, TO CARRY OS THE PAPER & RAG BUSINESS, At Ao. 5 Minor street, Philadelphia. TyUEKE they intend keeping a lartre asoortmcnt of * ' Papers, Arc., consisting in part as follows : Writing Papers; wove and laid, American and English Bath posts and Note papers; wove and laid, gilt and plain. Polio posts, flat caps. Printing papers, all sizes. Hardware papers, from 19 by 21 to 40 by 48. Colored and white tissue papers, American and English. Collingsworth's patent manilla papers. Colored and white shoe papers, common and extra sizes. Buff envelope papers. . Colored printing and cover papers. Manilla papers, all sizes. Glazed royal, all colors. l>ruggist, blue medium, and filtering papers. Tea, secret and colored papers for confectioners. Rag, manilla, and straw wrapping papers. Rennet, binders', box, cap, and trunk boards. White and buff envelopes; legal, letter, note, and card sizes. Agents for Bliss, Potter & Co.'s PRINTERS' CARDS, in packs and sheets, white and colored —odd sizes cut to order. Also, their gilt, figured, and plain glazed papers. JOSEPH RIMBY", late of SS N. Third street. N. S. LAWRENCE, late of No. 3 Minor street. \. B. 300 tons of Rags wanted in exchange for cash. Philadelphia, July 4, 1851.—6 m G1 RAPES. —Malaga or White Grapes, very T fine, at A. A. BANKS'. RICE and SOUP BEANS just received by apll. A. A. BANKS. SPICES of all kinds, fresh and pure, at april II A. A. BANKS'. T> RUSHES.—A great variety of ilait end JT> Teeth Brushes at A. A. BANKS'. ! J3SINE Oil, just receive,! amj for sslc at ap 11. BANKS' Variety store. C"K)D LIVER OIL.—A very superior qual- J ity of this article at A. A. BANKS'. I.IEYL'S EMBROCATION for horses,fc: sale at the Bee J live Drug store. seGtl F^ARUIT. —Oranges, Letnons, Rainsins, Figs, Prunes, the first of the season, at apll A. A. BANKS'. ?VpJTS. —Just.received, Cocoa nuts, Almonds, it Filberts, Cream and English Walnuts, at j apll A. A. BANKS'. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! !—Blank Books, Cash Books, Pocket Books, Port Moanaiee, j School Books, Slates, &c., at april II A. A. BANKS'. Half* Segars. VFINE lot of very choice Half Spanish SUGARS, equal to most that are sold for | six's—lbr sale nt the Diamond Drug store by april 11 A. A. BANKS. JUST received and for sale at BANKS' Drug Store, Dr. S P TOIVNSEND'S SARSA PARILLA; DAVIS' PAIN KILLER —a destroyer of J all pain; Dr. DU.NLAP'S AROMATIC CONFECTION for Piles; ASIATIC BAISAM, for Diarrhoea, ite.. 1 EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL, by april 11. A. A. BANKS. Agent. REMOVAL —The Diamond Drug Store has been removed to the office of E. Banks, Esq., in West Main street, opposite the i shoe store of Moses Montgomery, where a ; large supply of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Dye stuffs, Perfumeries, Fruit, nuts, &c., &c.. have i just been received. A. A. BANKS. LewistowH, april 11, 1851. Stationery I Stationery ! BLUE and White LETTER PAPER Gilt edged " j Assorted colors " " Plain and Fancy note " " Blue and White Foolscap " Envelopes, Wafers, Quills and Steel Pens, at april 11 A. A. BANKS'. t-Ofleo. Toffee. IT is generally acknowledged, by both saints and sinners, that Kennedy's is the cheapest and best Coffee in Mi 13in county, and that nei | ther Jew nor Gentile eon sell poods as low as j Sept 12 JOHN KENNEDY. OILS. —Sperm, Lard and Linseed Gils on hand and for sale at the Bee Uive Drug | store of K, W. HALE. GREAT EXCITEMENT /L 23 OUT Benjamin i'alciii Elastic J*pi'in; r Bottom rgyrgß: d MANUFACTURED AND SOLD UV A. FELIX, At the Lewiitovn Cheap Cabinet Ware Booms, WHERE the article can be seen at any time among his large stock of other FURNITURE ot all descriptions. The fol lowing testimonials from those who purchased and have now in use,or had the bottom put into their oid bedsteads, will speak for themselves: CERTIFICATES : This is to certify that I purchased twenty pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley'e patent elastic spring bottom in, am well pleased with them, consider them a good article, and wqgld buy no others. I would recommend them to all persons, as they arc easily screwed together, and can be kept cleaner than any hitherto mads. JAMES ALLISON. 1 concur with the above and consider it a good article for tavern keepers and others. THOMAS MAYES. We certify that v/e got A. Felix to put B. Hinkley's patent bottom into ourold bedstead*, and that they answer the purpose exceedingly well. We consider it tr bedstead that can be kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up firmer than any others, end recommend them to the public. DAVD BLOOM, JOHN CLARK, JERMAN JACOB, D. SUNDERLAND. Lewistown, April 'JG, 1650—tf mm Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dis ease of the Kidneys, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED 1,1- YER OR STOMACH, SUCH AS CONSTIPATION, INWARD PILES, FULLNESS OR BLOOD TO THF HEAD, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, NAUSEA, HEART BURN, DISGUST FOR FOOD, FULLNESS OR WEIGHT IN THE STOMACH, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, SINK ING OR FLUTTERING AT THE PIT OF THE STOMACH, SWIMMING OF THE HEAD, HURRIED AND DIFFI CULT BREATHING,FLUT TERING AT THE HEART, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and cull pain in the head, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &.C., sudden Hushes of beat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginingsot evil, and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cvred SR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, At the German Medicine Store, 130 Arch St., PHILADELPHIA. Their potter over the above diseases is not excelled—i f equalled—by any other preparation in the United Statesas the cures attest, in many caste after skilful physicians had failrd. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most search ing powers in weakness andaffections of the digestive or gans, they era withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. JOSIAH C. YOUNG, Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa., in a letter to Dr. Jackson, of May 5,1851, said ; ; "For a long time I was afflicted with general debility . and intestinal weakness, costiveness , VFI;V.