agncnuuval. From rliu North American Farmer. Trench Plotigltlug. \s ploughing is one of (it not tin' mo*t) important operations in agriculture, every mode of it should be recommended and tried which promises an improvement, either in saving of lalmr, or in making more abundant crops. In some parts o Jen svlvania, where farming is in a 1 0 - - of progressive improvement, then; s . ode of ploughing .-ailed trench plough- Z. nliicli w V-fttl anil easy performed. 1,1 described by the (• tiladt-lpli a \ inches wide m the hack of the sole, so as to pare of the sod about 3 inches deep. '1 hen astrotig plough capable of turning a deptli ol 10 inches of mould. This ploughsua,ild and will require a large team •> * ' j,\en to draw it. A trench must be hr*t lie^tt"ititended fttrrotv. and turn t. mto the trench Then again, the trench plough , follows over a body of earth so as to bury -II woods which, by being placed too deep j for their usual rapid growth, rot aw-ay and become manure. The tnould-hoaro of the trench plough should have a tin plate ol ,ron to extend the surface ot the mould hoard, and accommodate itsclt by flexibili ty to its curvatures. By this auxiliary the loose earth is thrown into the trench, and ! the plough will not he liable to choke. | But all ploughs require clevasses with J notches, and curvated regulators, to direct j their depth and course. This kind ol .doubling should always be performed in ! the autumn, and the field lie all the winter following to extract whatever it can from the air. and receive the benefits of the | frosts and thaws. When ploughed in the spring, it should be done with a shallow j small plough. A fallow crop only should succeed the tirst year's trenching. Indian corn, perhaps, is the best; as it admits and requires frequent stirring and exposure of I ihe soil. Judge Peters was a great advo cate for this kind of ploughing. He says '• it is onlv on worn or infested fields that I recommend this mode of ploughing. The j l.urving of the old exhausted soil was my j motive for trench ploughing progressively, j and I have not now (after an experience of i vears) a trenched field which is not the j better for it." It is certain it will not do ' well upon all kinds of soils, but I have j found (says Judge Peters) it has very materially benefitted my ground, which is, most all,"a light loam. And lam also cer tain. (he adds,) that trench ploughing is best lor all worn out lands here. I will make no exception. Whereas in ploughing ever so deep in any other way, the edges of the sod are always exposed and liable to vegetate anew. In trench ploughing, as I before remarked,) vegetables and ; weeds are covered too deep for vegetation, i they cannot force their way through so j much earth, they must rot away and turn , into manure. torn Übs The American Farmer says," we believe ! there is one third as much nutriment in a : bushel of the cobs as there is in a bushel of grain ; and we know that cows or oxen. I fed upon three pecks of the crushed and steamed cobs, in addition to their usual quantity of hay and fodder, will keep fat." j sett English and American Wagon Boxes *J 25 sett English Tire Iron, 1 \ to 1 in. broad Articles ot this kind always on hand by Jy2Cif F, G. FRANCISCUS. WATERVILLE Manufacturing Co.'6 su perior I 'EN and POCKET CUTLER* —man- facta red bv the VVatcrville Manufacturing Company, \Valerbury, Conn. An invoice of 'fie above splendid American Cutlery just re ceived. I'remiums were given for these goods at the New York and Philadelphia Institutes — rivaling in quality and finish Westenholm and Peers' best cutlery. Each knife warranted. For sale wholesale and retail by Jy*2oif* F. G. FRANCISCUS. Aew Shoe Timlin;; Store. | r\ mt ptur Bali's celebrated Lasts, assorted 1U I I*2 sett Boot Trees 10 Clamps 6 sett Schive's Patterns 8 pair Crimping Boards For sale at lowest prices for cash ly F. G. FRANCISCUS, July 20-tf Dealer in Shoe Findings, rWIHE choicest and best LIQUORS —if you JL don't believe it come and taste them—sell rnyßl ing at J. THOMAS' t) tons W LI ii CHILL'S WHITE LEAD, in 50 and KtO pound kegs, just received and for jylO sale by WM. RF.WALT. Tobacco. Snuff and Segars OF every description at the Diamond Drug and Variety Store of aps A. A. BANKS. Ct 1 •I*' Per keg tor host Duncannon Nails, SI V.) by F. J. HUFFMAN. < June 21, 1850-tf G1 RE EN'S ('ill l> ratal Vermifuge. —This I" Vermifuge, so jo->t!y celebrated, is too well known to publish anything in its praise. For sale at A. A. BANKS' ap!2 Diamond Drug Store. IT WILL CURE. —When you haveacough or breast complaint, get a bottle of Dr. S. 1\ Green s Sarsaparilla, 'Tor and Cherry Pectoral. It has cured persons in Lcwiatown and vicinity, which can be testified to. It does not nauseate the stomach, and is pleasant to take. Price only 50 cts. per bottle. For sale at A. A. BANKS' apl'2 Diamond Drug Store. 30 Uniforms. IVhW and made in the most substantial nnn- T" ner, according to die requireme nts fit the law regulating tGo Uniformed Militia of tins State. Patriotic young men, desirous of keep ing up this important arm ot our defence, will Ujis a rare opportunity for procuring clieaf ijiioo.. |.' U f iurther information apply to , . .. WM. RE WAIT. ],e\\ > 'Own. Juiv It#, • Philadelphia Advertisements. E. HICKS JONES, Wooden, lt Hare. Broom, Brush, Comb, Looking Glass and I'ariety Store, ,\V 18 Xorth Second Street, Philadelphia, under J. Sidney Jones' Carpet Warehouse, OWING to tin- liberal share of patronage I have re ceived this spring from my friends and customers, lias induced me to renewed exertions for the preparation of my fall stock, nil of which lias boon manufactured of ilie host materials and from the host manufacturers of | the Eastern States and Europe. 1 again respectfully solicit the attention of merchauts to the examination of my stock, which will be sold at the lowest market prices for rash or city acceptance, i Cedar H are. — MO nest Cedar and 100 nest painted Tubs, i It ID barrel and 2(10 stair Churns, 100 dozen Cedar and 000 dozen painted I'ails, 200 dozen Wash Boards, 100 dozen nest Sugar and Flour Boxes; Spigots, Spoons and Ladles. li'illotr li'iire. —000 nest Market and 200 nest Clothes it iskets, 100 Willow Conches, Chairs and Cradles; a large assortment of French and Domestic Baskets. Brooms and Brushes. —10,00(1 Wire Brooms, 10,000 Sha ker Brooms, 200 dozen each Wall, Paint,Scrubbing, Shoe and Jlorsi- Brushes; Tooth, Shaving, Cloth and Hair Brushes of every si)le. Combs -■MOO dozen Fancy Combs,of various patterns, ; side, neck, pocket, dressing and fine-tooth Combs of \ art ; oils styles. Looking Glasses of Pine, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany ; and (Jilt Frame—alt sizes ami patterns; German, French and English Looking Glass Plates of alt sizes front 7 by 0 up to 72 by ISO— (packing insured to all partsofthe Union) j —together with a large assortment of Variety Goods too | numerous to mention. Philadelphia, September 0, ISso—tndi2. TO FARMERS AND MEN OF BUSINESS. Oils, Caudles and T.ikins steam on tile Delaware. For passage, apply to PAMI F.I. M.EASANTS, No. 37 Walnut street, Philadelphia, t> Parties will find these superior first class HIIIPS I most desirable conveyances fur bringing out their friend*, i the accommodations in second cabin amlgfcsvrage being of the most airy and rapacious description. O Alee Drafts for sale, payable in aH part % of England, Ireland and .Scotland, from one pound upward*. February 2, IMO 1y Tlie C-rcat China More OF PHILADELPHIA. fIMIANKFUL to the citizen* of I.c w istown and its vi- A cinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large ami *(>:< ndl assortment . of China, Glass and ({neensware. Dinner sets, tea | set*, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China or ritoiie Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for ! less than they can be bad elsewhere— in fact at less than i wholesale price*. American and English BR/7T.hYM Mh'.TJIL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very ' cheap. t>We would invite any person visiting the city to call and ait tis—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China j ind the cheapest the world produces Very respectfully, TYNDAI.E & MITCIIEEE, A". 210 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. j September 22, Ifl'J—ly. OLIVER EVAAS, •Va. CI South Second street, I'hiladelphui, Manufacturer of Salamander, fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests, ictth Powder Proof l.ueks, \ NLI WARRANTED squat to any other make for se ■f* curity again-t Fire or Burglars, having withstood the test of both, without injury or long to the owners Also— In store and for sate, letter Copying Prem nanil Books ; Heal Presses for Corporations, Banks, Ac.; Drug 2it*' Presses with Cylinders and Pans; Hoisting Mu liines for Stores, Factories, Ace.; Portable Shower Baths of a new and superior construction, intended for either fold or Warm water; Refrigerator* for cooling and pre serving M< a!s, Butter, Milk, Ac., in the warmest weather, suitable to stand in any part of the house or cellar ; Wa ter Filters, warranted to purify rnuiltly or bad water, whether affected hy Rains, Marl, Limestone, or any other i*u*e. [Plula. March 2, ISSO- 1y I A V E It ! V A P E It! An. 21 Bank street, Between Market and Chesnut, and 2 d and 3 d streets, r JUL 1 n F. i. p m JJ. r PIIE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of conn # try buyers to their assortment ofpapers, embracing the different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers white ind assorted colors, also Bonnet and Bo* Boards, Arc. Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, ihey solicit orders from printers for any given sine, which wilt he furnished at short notire, and nt fair prices Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags. DUCKKT'I' KNIGHT, No. 21 Bank street. Philadelphia. Oi tober 6, 1%19 Jy. TO MOROCCO SKlNS,'Fainpico, Madras, O Cupe, &c. 4 dozen Lining Skins 4 do Binding do 12 sides Upper Leather 1 dozen French Calf Skins 1 do Strait Morocco 4 do Kid Skins 3 do Red, B!lk& Green Morocco Skins 1 do Bronzed do do 2 do Fancy Colored do do With ao assortment of Kit, Files, Rasps, Begs, 'Fools of all kinds, Shoe Thread, &., at Jy26tf P. G. FRANCISCUS'. forward Drop*, (.4# formerly prepared hy (ireen - • -g > r-- -- 8 ; FII;;1MI \ French BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, •JIUMiIIAH liDtfJlJHfl* BOOTS & SHOES, AND u\ c IT> c r"> -> QE2i31'2539 can all be bought at fir3t cost. MERCHANTS wishing to replenish will find they can do better by buying from this stock than by going to Philadelphia. OCT" Apply soon, as the store will be kept open but a short time. A. SIGLER & CO. Lewistown, may 3, 16 r >o. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE undersigned has just returned from the east with a large addition to his \\ N "Sm €lock,Wntelics A. Jewelry, I^^, whirh he will dispose of on the principle of "small profits and quick sales." Of the assortment he has on hands he will briefly enumerate a few of the leading ar ticles, such as Thirty Hour Brass Clocks, Eight Day Clocks; *lccordeons and Musical Boxes ; Ladies'if Gentlemen's Breast Pins if Finger Rings ; Ear Rings, Bracelets, Slides, Gold Medallions ; Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Gold Guard &f Fob Chains; Silcer Table, Tea and Sail Spoons ; Rodger's Pen Knives. He also keeps an assortment of Riiiors and Strops, Hair Brushes, Purses, Port Mo nuies, Money Belts, Envelopes, .Vote Paper, Motto Wafers, Combs, Inkstands, with a variety of other knick knacks too nu merous to mention. REPAIRING of CLOCKS and WATCHES cttended to promptly or.d correctly, as usual. Old Gold and Silver will be bought, and the highest price paid for it. Call at the DIAMOND WATCH and JEWELRY STORE, two doors east of Turner's Hotel, where you are sure to get bar gains. JOHN P. SCHLOSSER. Lewistown, June 7, 1850—3 m Water Crackers. I>nTSBIJRGrI WATER CRACKERS, fresh— a fine lot just received and !i>r 1 suleat A. A. BANKS' je2l Diamond Drugstore. Resolution rrlatire to an Amendment of the Constitution RESOLVED by the Senateand HovStof Representatives lt f the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General .Assembly met. That the Constitution of this Common wealth be amended ill the second section of the fifth ar- , i tide, so that It shall read as follows : The Judges of the j ! Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas, i | and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall be elected by the qualified dec- j ! tors of the Commonwealth, in the manner following, to , ■ wit: The Judges of the Supreme (Xiurt, by the qualified t I electors of the Commonwealth at large; the President ! | Judges of tile several Courts of Common Pleas, and of | such other Courts of Record as ore or shall be established • by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the ; i law, by the qualified electors of the respective districts J I over which they are to preside or act as Judges; and the ! Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified electors of the counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen years, if they shall so long behave j themselves well, (subject to the allotment hereinafter | provided for, subsequent to the first election ;) the Presi- j dent Judges of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and j of such other Courts of Record as are or shall be estab- | halted by law, and all other Judges required to be learned j j in the law, shall hold their offices for the term of ten years, j ; if they shall so long behave themselves well; the Asso- j I elate Judges of the Courts of Common Plena shall hold j their offices for the term of five years, if they shall so long i behave themselves well; all of whom shall be comtnis- j | sinned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cause, ! 1 which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, the j Governor shall remove any of them on the address of , two-thirds of each branch of the Legislature. The first : election shall take place at tie general election of this j ; Commonwealth next after the adoption of this amend- j merit, and the commissions of all the Judges who may be { | then in office shall expire on the first Monday of Decern- ] ; ber following, when the terms of the new Judges shall j commence. The persons who shall then be elected ' Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows : One of them for three years, one for six years, ' one for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fif teen years, the term of each to be decided by lot by the • ' said Judges, as soon after theelection as convenient, and the result certified by them to the Governor, that the coin- ! | missions may be issued in accordance thereto. TiieJudge whose commission will first expire shall be Chief Justice . during his t rm, and thereafter each Judge whose com mission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, 1 and if two or more (O nriiisslons shall expire on the same i • day. the Judges holding them shall decide by let which shall be the Chief Justice Any vacancies, happening by death, resignation, or otherwise, In aay of tint said Courts, ' shall be tilled by appointment by the Ctovernoa, to con- : tinue till the first Monday of December succeeding the next general election. The Judges of the Supreme Court and la* Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, w birh shall not be diminished during their continuance in office ; but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold ] any other office of profit under this Commonwealth, or , under the government of the i nitod States, or any other j Stale of this l.'tiion. The Judges of the Supreme Court, I during their continuance in office, shall reside within this i Commonwealth; and the other Judges, during their con- i linuance in office, shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively elected. j. 8. M CiIMOKT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. V IJEBT, Speaker of the Senate. BEN ATE CRAM UKR, ) H CUHISRIHO, January 'in, ( I, Samuel \\'. Peareun, Chief Clerk of the Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the foregoing reso lution, (No. 10 on the Senate file of the present session.) entitled ''Resolution relative to an amendment of the toiislitulii>n, H —it being the same resolution which was agreeU to be a majority of the members elected to each Mouse of the last Legislature—after having been duly considered and discussed, was this day agreed to by a ma jority of the members elected to and serving In the Senate of Pennsylvania,at its present session, as will appear by their votes given on the final passage of Uiu resolution, as follows, viz: Those voting in favor of the passage of the resolution wire. 11 Juries Brooke, J Porter Hrawley, William A Crabb, Jonathan J. Cunningham, Thomas S. Feruon, Thomas 11 Forsyth, Charles Frailey, Robert M Frick, Henry Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William liaslett, Isaac lingua, Timothy Ives, Joshua V. Jones. Joseph Kotiig machf-r, George V Law rence. Maxwell M'Bjulin, Benja min Matone, Benjamin Matthias, Henry A. Muhlenberg, William F. Packer, William It Sadler, David fiankey, I'eleg It Savery, Conrad Shinier, Robert C. Sterrctt, Daniel Sline, Farris II Streeter, John 11. Walker, and Valentine Best, Speaker —Vest 28. Those voting against the passage of the resolution were, George Darsie, Augustus Drum, auil Alexander King— Nays 3. Extra' i from the Journal. BAML. W PEARSON, Clerk. IN THE HOI SE OF REPRESENTATIVES, > HSMSI-BI RO, March 11, l>. Lewis, Tobias Wagnes, Adolphe E. Borie, Samuel Grant, Uavid S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Piuterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in TOWN ic COL'NTRV, ai catenas low as axe consistent with security. The Company have reserved a targe Contingent Fund, which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January Ist, lblJ, as published agrceabiy to an Act of Assembly, were as fol lows, viz I Mortgages, $'.,247,428 4', Real Estate, 91,724 tsfr Temporary Loans, 96,001 $5 Stocks, 61,523 26 Cash, tec , a3,504 37 *J,325,492 7i Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of One Million Tour Hundred Thousand Hollars, losses by fire, thereby affording an evi dence o. the advantages of Insurance, as well as the abil ity ami disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES X. BANCKER, President. CHARLES G. RASCKER, Secretary A(*ENT for Mifflin county, R. C, HAI.E, Esq., Lewistowri. [apl2-iy HARRIS, TURNER 4- HALE'S Compound *yrup of Spigelia or Vegetable Vermifuge, The most effectual, the safest, jdcasantest and most convenient Worm Medicine ever offered to the public. THE SPIGELIA, says a work of highest authority, stands at the head of the list of .inthelmintics or Worm Medicines. It is adapted to a wider range of cases, ami To a greater variety of constitutions and states of the constitution, than any other. Hut prepared as it com monly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom be given to children in sufficient doses. In Harris, Turner & Hale's Compound Syrup, it is so concentrated that the dose is very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera lion, and so palatable as to be taken, not only with ease, but with positive pleasure. The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of preparing it, are the result of a scries of experiments continued for years. Before offering it for sale, it was subjected to the test of experience in the hands of emi nent ph) sicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, who have recommended it in the highest terms, and still empU>y it m their practice. In addition to this evidence of its rner ils, we offer the follow selected from a number of un solicited testimonials. Ist. A distinguished physician of Virginia, of muck experience, writes of it thus : "I should have written before this, but felt disposed first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. I have used more than half the quantity received,and the experiment has been most successful, f really believe that it posses its eidvc.ntngn over an.y oihtr Vtrmifugt I knot ever used. Independent of the smallness of the dose, and the plea santness of the syrup (great advantages in dosing chil dren) the advantage of administering it under a variety of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is scarcely a condition of the system in vyhich it may not be adniiHta.K,re j. Yours, ate." 2d A respectable physician of Lebanon couuty, in ibis state, writes " 11 lave been in the habitof prescribing your Compound Syrup of Spigelia for some time past, and have found it an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children. — Please forward per bearer 2 doz. bottles. —Yours, 3d.—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we had previously sold the syrup, writes : "Since my return home, I find that your Syrup of Shi gella lus ceitie into general uie in this neighborhood. We have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis faction that it is now called for evey day. You will please put us up 5 or 6 dozen in a small package, and send to the care of \Y. Anderson & Co., Richmond, as soon as possi ble, and forward the bill per mail.—Yours, dtc." 4th. —A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he Had been ap plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver mifuge for Itis son. Not having the article asked for, be advised a trial of Harris, Turner & Hale's Compound Syrup of Sptgelia and gave him a part of a bottle which was all that remained in the store. A day or two after this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his surprise and delight at the effect of the Hyrup, declaring it had expelled 200 worms and entirely relieved his son. The merchant added an expression of his great regret that he had not had on hands n bottle of ihc Syrup at the tiuie when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be lieved it would have saved her life. slli—A gentleman of Hudson, N. V , having sent a hot tie of Harris, Turner A llale's Compound Syrup of Spi gelta, to a young friend v\ ho had tried in vain a great num ber of worm medicines, writes,thut his friend was imme diately relieved ; the words of the patient were : " It look every worm out my body." MANUFACTURED ONLY HV HARRIS, TURNER & HALE, Wholesale Druggists, No. 201 Market street, Philadelphia, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS JN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win dow-glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac., Ac ,and exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Hale's Sugar-Coated Pills, Huxlmm's Liniment for the Piles,the Banhridge Hair Tonic, Eberle s Eye Water, Mrs. Madi aon's Unrivalled Indellible Ink, De wees' Celebrated Nerve and Ikine Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs. Shars wood's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud dings, Ice Creams, Ac., Ac. For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in Centre, Mitflin and Juniuta counties, [aus if I iiv RUDISILL has added a fine assortment of SUMMER HATS and CAPS to his stock —embracing fine PANAMAS, and all the. inter mediate qualities down to STRAW and CHIP. Call and see them. 117 IB BMIBiLMiPj, Jaundice, Dypcpi a , Chro nic or Nervou* llcbiiiu Disease of (tie Kidneys ' AND ALL * ' diseases AKIS INO FROM A DISOR DERED I.IVKR OR STO MA' 11, BUCTI am CONSTIPA TION, INWARD PII.ES, K.:LI,M>.N OR BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY'OP THE BTOMACII, NAUSEA, HEART-BURS, DIS- XomTCH T' F V' , ' VESH ' ok WK,GI,r ™ IN, LR ER STATIONS, SINKING OR 1 IATTKRINO ATTRE PITOF THE STOMACH SWIMISO OF THE HEAD, HURRIED AND DIFFICULT BREATHING, ILI TTF.RINO AT THE III. ART, CnOKING OR SUFFOC A T I N G SENSATIONS WHEN In. a lying posture, Dimness of Vison D„ ] or webs before the Sight, i,. u ,. r , , '.. pain I n the llrud, DeJicieneij of tbrJila lion, Yilloicmssof sL' Pain in the Side, Hack, Chest, Limbs, L ' Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning lathi rlesh, Constant Imaginings of Fed. and great depression of Spirits, can be effectual ly cured by DR. HOOFLAND'S celebrated GERMAN HITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. c. m. JACKSON, At the German Medicine Store, ]?t) Arch vt, PHILADELPHIA. | Their pairer over the above diseases is not excelled-\f equalled—by any other preparation in the United States as j the tarns attest, in many cases after ski/fatphysuum had i faihid. These Bitter* are worthy the attention of invalid? Possessing great virtues in the rectification of disease-of the Liver and lesser glands, exercismg the most search jig. powers in weakness and alft-aborts of the digestive or gans, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant READ AND BE CONVINCED. OH AS. ROBINSON, Esq., KasJou, MIL , in a letter to Dr lacksou, January 9, ISJO, said— -11 My wife and myself have received more benefit from i your medicine titan ary other we have e"er taken for the ; O ytpepiea ana/I a oer disease." "THE TENTH LEGION," published at Woodstock,V., j January 10,1A30, said— " A GREAT MEDICINE." " We have uniformly refrained from recommending to ' the public any of the various Patent Medicines of th.j day, unless thoroughly oonviscetbofthei. value. Amot.l those we consider worthy of notice is the German Bitter invented by Dr. Ifoojland, and, prepared by Dr. Jacksonj I in Philadelphia. One icstanae InpaHicular, in which the superior virtue* of this medicine has been tested, has fa; lan under cur observation. During the last summer, i son of MB. ABRAHAM CKABILL, of this county, was my I seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint, and after trying in vain various remedies, he purchased a bottle of th," Bitters, and after using it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady, that he procured another bottle, and | is restored entirely"' READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS FROM "THE WBLDOS HERALD," published at Weldon, N. C., January 24,1850, which said— " PA TENT MEDICINES " It is very seldom that we make any allusion to Patent: Medicines,eitherapprovtng-orotherwise. Unfortunately for the country, and for honest and conscientious inven tors and venders of these medicines, the land is becoming flooded with quack'preparations, that are made alone for profit and are fit not even for the dogs. In this state of things it is hard to tell '.debar*-, and whit-hare not worth having. If a person gets an indifferent medicine the first time he purchases, he is very apt to condemn the whole of them ami buy no more, and inv. ntors must only blame those of their number, (who ignorantly combine plain medicines together for the purpose of making money.) for j the ill success which attends the efforts of the deserving " '• We helieve Dr. C. M. Jackson's 'Hoofland's German Bitters' to be a most excellent medicine, and one that | should be highly popular in these days of Temperance ; I for they are altogether Vegetable in their composition, j without one drop of. Alcoholic Spirits in them. This rued : icine is innocent, but strengthening in its effects, and rich ly deserving of an unbounded popularity, which, when it becomes known, it will, no doubt, fully enjoy." JIDCK M. M.NOAH said, in his " WEEKLY MESSSH ' CEB," January 5,1850. | "i?r. Hooitand's Gtrman Bitters. —Here is a prepara tion which the leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times—the late I Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, professor to the Uni versity of Jena, private physician to the king of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, I and therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor ami endorsor may bo confidently relied on. He specially recommended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility. Vertigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, anil all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction cf its excellency,and sev eral of live editors speak of its cherts from tkeix owa indi viihial exjierb-uce. Under these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in railing the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jackson's) prepara Don, hut in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EYIDEXCE. The •• Pim.eDEi.rHtA SATURDAY GAMTTB," the best family newspaper published in the United States. T!o editor says of Dr. HooJlantTs German Hitters: "It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Pat cnt Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and, therefore, when we recommendttr. Hoof land's German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly under stood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period andjthen forgotten after it has done its guilty race of mischief, but of a med icine long established, universally prized, and wbicbkxt met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like Ike foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more ot it used in the practice of the rogular Physi cians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when pre sented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stom ach znd liver;"it is preferable to calomel in ail bilious diseases — the effect is immediate. They can be administered to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high charac ter which is necessary for all medicines to at tain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spu rious article at the risk of the lives of those who are innocently deceived Look well to the marks of the genuine. They have the written signature of C. M JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they tire spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the CKR VAN MEDICINE STORE, NO. 120 ARCH STREET, one door below Sixth,(late 0t278 Race Street.) Philadelphia,and by ALFRED MARKS, Lew istcwn. " [march 22, 1850-ly- J UST received and for sale at the Diamond Drugstore, Dr. S. P.TOVVNSKNP'SSAKSA PARILLA ; DAVIS* PAIN KILLER — A destroyer OT all pain ; Dr. DIM \p's AHO-MATU COMC " ' for Piles; ASIA 11< BAISAM, for Diurrlmvt, & EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL, by July 2ti-tf A, A B.WK.S, Ajcn?