Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, September 13, 1850, Image 2

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rilfDir rirVlYfi, September 13. 1S"0.
T /: R M s :
O\E DOM. t K PI'IJ AWr^l,
i\ AHvwci:.
For six months, 7"> cents.
V L \ll NF.VV subscriptions must be paid in
advance. If the paper is continued, Soul not
p.ii.l within the first month. will be charg
.,(; if not in three months, §1.50; if not
paid in "Hx. months, and il mot paid in
nine months, j'2.00.
For Canal tonnnbdsnfr,
JO sill Y of Burks County.
For liniltor General.
m:\RV ff. s.VVUFR. of I'nlen County.
For Surveyor General.
Josiil'tl KKVOtRseS, of Washington Co.
Dr. JOIIY IfIILI.OIH, of Huntingdon ro.
AYUREtr HTIRHAD, of Armagh township.
JOIIY BALSBACH, of Yewton Hamilton.
WILLUX LITTLE, of Levrhtown.
tlll.Mll (IIHIIVS. of Armagh tonnMilp,
Al trSTI S JI. IvGHiH. of Dttatnr lovoohlp.
JOIIY YV. SHAYF, of Lewi-town.
ffrjicn, t'li a nl .Urvah.
JAMES tl. BROWV, of Armagh. 3 year*.
i c . .iw, ferry. Graaei/U, Ohrer. Brai'vn, II Jj4. ,
.Y/i rlv* lla.nilton ait 1 MtViylvit i,
AICrSTIYE WAKEFIELD, of Oliver. fyear#.
Bi r ov?h of Ifrrff^otrn^
Noficfs of Advertisements.
M. i-r * *iits Sirss & Soxs. Phi'. iVtplna, in iit• ar
'.Mil ti to i.inr H'tek of Millinery
J I'tLsrj k Co., Fh.iAJe.'ptiia, offer f- >r sale a genera I
. -i.irtittTi-t of I'Uli, Dicai;, Cheese, l-.r<l, &■-.
It; ai-i; hi.- retimed wilb f - fall fa-h: r. of Ittt*
• ,t ; r-at variety of Cp
Hers.,:.- it a 'iislai cc. or tit hon.e, who have W i N
i' s s to aitiini to, v, il> lisid at: i.-l-vortf). lot.fco,
\\ lILDiR, F -
i v The dysentery has been prevailing
fatally in the neighborhood of Mann's Axe
Factory, and we regret to learn that its es
teemed proprietor, \V?i. Mann, Esq., has
lost two children and a sister within the
last eight or ten days. Our town contin
ues comparatively healthy, hut few new :
cases of fever having occurred, while many
• d those who had been prostrated, are rap- !
idly mending. The number of deaths
thus far has been less than usual. Under
the proper head will be noticed the decease
■ I NATHANIEL TEAR, Esq., late Treasurer
* 1 this county, and a much respected citi
zen, who had been lingering for a long
t me with a pulmonary complaint.
<llool..—The Common Schools will
• >prn on M onday next. The directors have
found it necessary to increase thenumberof
schools,and have also detenninrd to limit the
number of scholars to 10 for each teacher.
Thirteen schools will probably be opened
< n Monday, and one or two additional
ihereafter. The male teachers thus far
mployed, are Messrs. Lyttle, M'Cord,
Burr, and Esq. Kulp ; the female, Miss
K nrna Proseus, Mrs. M'Dowell, Misses
tlT'addcn, Sherrard, Shaw, Jane Kerr,
Donohoe, and Mrs. Carothers. The col
ored school will be under the charge of
W ni. Murrill. Mrs. Carothers will teach
a primary school at her dwelling in Third
u-eet: Miss Jane Kerr a similar school
J i Mater s'r■ <•! ; a third will be opened
cro's the creek, and a fourth established
s soon as a siiitabl" room can he procured
ni a proper part of th* town. Esq. Kulp
v. ill probably take charge of a primary*
school for boys in West Market street.
The attention of taxpayers is again
called to the Treasurer's notice in anoiijer
I'olumn. Ihe duplicate remains in his
hands until Saturday evening next, after
which date it will be placed in lite hands
o! a constable for collection with five per
rent. added. as authorized and directed by
law. .
We are pleased to say that the for
eign small notes with which our county
had been deluged, have almost entire!v
disnpj'H a red. Our merchants and others
• f(ftvf them, but pay none out.
Pj wsyi.vania Hafiroad. —'J'lir Penn
sylvania Kailroad t'nmpany eontemplate
running their own cars from the do pot at
the corner of Eighth and Market streets,
Philadelphia, to the intersection of their
road with the Portage Railroad at IF>11i-
daysburg, from and after Motulav next,
the Kith instant.
Xkxmbi.k.—Joseph Ifiggins, Esq., of
flluir county, has announced tliat he i< not
a candidate tor the Siati Senate, some
iellow having lined hi- name without his
xno\vlc! r ; ... consent.
f *' ' t'lon. Uesny Mlu member(A
ColtOi< s-- 1 em the i .tin de-urn i in this
Stale, died at \ ork on " f -1.-:. c.eni.ig
is;, aycif <u 3o \ ears.
The <;a7eit* ol' {Saturday has another o.il
ituui of -vmpathy for >lr. Cibbouey, etc. Keep
cool neighbor. A wounded bird tlu'ters—a
burnt child drea-li (he fire, and Mr. Gibboney'a
friends will hardly commit political suicide, by
taking all their opponents say for gospel, and
support the candidate of a party that has wil
lingly maligned and villified them. True Dem.
Mr. Ciibboney's friends, we infer from
this, are wounded birds, burnt children,
and will not commit political suicide by
taking all we say for gospel, and act ac
cordingly. We do not wish them to do
so : but if it is not " gospel," why don't
vou prove it to be otherwise. We have
said that, by the usages of the loeofoco
party, Mr. (libboney was entitled to a re
nomination, and that he was thrown aside
by trickery and deception. Have you
denied it—and if so. have you shown that
it was not so We have said that num
bers supported Alexander delegates under
a belief that they were working for Mr.
Rittenhouse and Mr. (Jibbonev at the same
lime, and yet those very delegates aided,
abetted and assisted in defeating both the
gentlemen named. Have you denied it—
and if so, have you proved it to be other
wise ! We have said that Thomas Strou p
was not the choice of a majority of the
locofoeos, but that prominent men in the
party who had been led to expect some
favor as a reward for long and faithful ser
vices, were set aside to make room for
one almost unknown. Have you denied
u ' We have said that John Ross was
nominated by the leaders with some spe
cial object in view—either pecuniary or
political—and that Mr. Gibbonoy was
•• wounded" and " burnt" because he was
not suited to, or would not, carry out the
objects had in view. Have you denied it !
These arc a few questions, among many,
to which we think something more than a
general denial must be given to satisfv the
wounded birds and burnt children . If.
however, they dread the lire of Ross,
Dull i Co., they will of course take the
Democrat's advice not to •* commit politi
cal suicide," but meekly slip on the collar
of submission, and show themselves the
obsequious slaves oi the few in this county
who manufacture principles for the de
mocracy, ami set up men to be voted for
as they would ten pins.
The Foreign Grain Market.
The Washington Republic commends
to the careful perusal of those fanners of
the Union who are anxiously looking for
the realization of .Mr. Secretary Walker's
promises of a European market that was
to 44 go on increasing" from tlx: time when
the 44 potato rot" enabled us to export to
the amount of some twenty or thirty mil
lions of dollars' worth of grain, the fol
lowing paragraph which we take from the
London Examiner of the Kith ultimo :
The Emperor of Russia has ordered the for
mation of five or six lines of road connecting
the south of Russia with Odessa, in order thai
the immense quantity of corn produced in this
fertile and airnot virgin soil may be more read
ily transported for export. 41 It is expected,''
says a Russia correspondent, 44 that in a/-ir year':
the markets of Europe will be so overftooded with
Russian corn that all competition will bt impossible.' I ''
Russia, it is well known, can produce
enough to supply all that will be needed m
Great Britain at lower rates than it can be
raised in the I nited States,"and if the pro
ject spoken of above is once accomplished,
that empire can deliver wheat in England
at from 50 cents to per bushel—and
should prices rule here at the latter figure,
export it to the Enitcd States. In such
case, we ask any intelligent farmer, who
desires a fair remuneration for his labor,
whether a protective tariff would not hot
ter suit his views than the free trade doc
trines now advocated by the locofoco par
ty ? One dollar per bushel for w heal is
low enough—in fact, for much less than
that the American farmer cannot raise it—
yet ANDREW J'ARKKR, the locofoco candi
date for Congress, would tell you, should
such a state of things arise as is referred
to above, that it will not do to put a tariff
on u heat, because his policy is to bin)
iv he re. ire eon bin/ cheapest, no matter how
tin- article is produced, whether by slave,
serf, or pauper labor. On the other hand,
JOHN M'Crn.o< N would say, put on such
a duty us will protect the farmer against
ruinous competition, and enable him to pav
fair rates to tit*- men who labor for him.
That is the issue—and between them let
the voters decide.
Jknw Lind On Saturday last, the
tickets tor Jenny J.ind's concert were put
up at auction, and a hatter named Ck.mn,
proved himself to he the biggp.st fool in
the crowd by paying $225 for the first
"The bidding then proceeded. The second
choice of seats brought £25 ; the third sls. At
the latter price, the box-seats over the, stage
were disposed of singly to the \cw York Hotel.
The Irving House was the purchaser of a large
number of seats, at prices vary iiigfromsßlosl. r >.
Several single chairs near the stage were sold
at each, and do. to $6.
1 tic front row of chairs was then sold. The
Ys'.or House took 20 for $140; Irving House
ook 24 for $lO2.
The <-ale continued to a late hour, and the
"'west price obtained was $4,12; The price of
.i .fleet at !l.e door wilt lie
Where are the fool-Ht/rrn ? There is
work for thetti to do
The Texas boundary bill, after having
hern apparently twice rejected in the House
of Representatives, was again reconsidered
on Friday last and passed, with the addi
tion providing for territorial government in
New Mexico. During the passage of the
I bill the most intense interest was excited,
; and its adoption has produced much rejoic
ing among its friends in Washington.
Two more of the important Rills from
the Senate were taken up and passed during
the session of Saturday—the Bill admitting
California as a State, and the 11111 providing
a Territorial Government for Utah. On
I the signing of the former Bill by the Presi
dent, the State of California enters into the
(-onfederacy of States, and her Senators
and Representatives, who have been wait
ing patiently at Washington for some time
past, will be admitted to their seats and
take their proper part in the Councils of
the Nation. The importance of the pro
ceedings of the House on Friday and Sat
urday is beyond calculation, and may well
produce shouts of gladness from every
lover of his country from the granite hills
of \ ermont to the golden shores of Cali
fornia. The country is now safe ; and, at
peace with herself and at peace with the
world, she will rapidly advance to greatness.
Referring to the action of the House on
Friday, the National Intelligencer says :
Our readers will, one and all, we are sure,
learn with the sumo heartfelt gratification that
we announce it, the fact of the passage by the
House of Representatives, yesterday, of the
Senate bills to settle the Texas boundary and to
establish a Territorial Government tor New
Mexico—the two having been consolidated in
one bill by the House.
The passage of these important measures w ill
satisfy all reasonable men of every section, and
give peace and quiet to the country. The bills
were passed by a small majority it is true ; but
the scant majority was no test of the true sense
of the House. For it was remarked by a saga
cious member after the vote was announced,
that he had no doubt the result gave joy to at
least four-fifths of the members of the House.
Uur hearts are too full of a sense of joy on
this event for any comment upon it to-day.
When Decatur was hearing down on the Ma
cedonian, and ready to open his batteries on her,
an officer came up and said, 44 Sir. the men wish
to cheer."' 44 bet them take the ship and then
cheer," said he. Vow then friends all' Three
times three cheers for the Union of the States,
and those who have, in the Councils of the
Nation, gallantly stood by it!
The Senate subsequently concurred in
the House amendments to the Texas bill,
and all the important measures so long
agitated in Congress ami cut, arc now laws
of the land, having been signed by the
President, Ou Tuesday, Messrs. (Twin
and Fremont were admitted as F. S. Sen
ators from California.
On the 11 th, both members were ad
mitted into tin House by a vote of 109 to
59. Both Houses agreed on Monday to
adjourn finally on the 30lh instant.
The German Reformed Messenger
publishes the names of some eight or ten
delinquents w ho have- swindled that estab
lishment out of about £IOO. We don't
know but it serves the Messenger riyht, as
any newspaper establishment that gives
five or six years credit on subscription tie
serves to lose it.
Kr r.tr. the Huntingdon Journal.
Or. John Jl'fullorh.
The Whig Congressional Conference, which
assembled at Lew is town on the 3d inst., as will
be seen by the proceedings, honored Huntingdon
county, by nominating her favorite, Dr. Jouv
M'CCI.I.OI ii, for Congress. This nomination,
wc feel assured, will meet a hearty response in
this county, and throughout the district. Dr.
M'Culloch is a man who wins the esteem of all
who make his personal acquaintance. He re
ceived, in early life, a good education, which has
been improved by years of experience and ap
plication. In his manners he is plain and unas
suming; in his intercourse with society, he is
kind and affable to all. He grasps the poor
mans hand with as much cheerfulness and cor
diality as he does that of the wealthiest man in
society. And this is his general character
The re is nothing artificial or afflicted about him.
He is, in short, the very embodiment of a Re
publican, and the true friend of all classes in
society. In politics. Dr. M'Culloch has ever
been an unwavering, efficient and actire Whig,
cntcrtaiuing views in accordance with tlie oft
officially proclaimed doctrines of the Whig par j
of I'cnnsylvania. He is the firm friend of a
i'ROTELTI\ E TAItIFK, such as will afford
ample and uniform protection to the labor of
this country againt that of Europe. In convers
ing with us the other day, on this subject. Dr.
M C. remarked, that during a long praetice,
which afforded him fine opportunities for obser
vation, he uniformly found that the laboring
cla-i• gat along much more comfortably under
high Tariffs than when the rates of duties were
so low as not to afford protection to the. indus
trial interests of this country. On the Slavery
question lie is equally sound. The course of
our present Representative, Mr. Calvin, in op
posing the extension of this blighting institution
into territory now free, he heartily approves,
and if elected, will adopt it as his course. Such,
fellow Whigs, is a brief but truthful representa
tion of our candidate for Congress. Discon
nected as he is with all cliques and factions, arid
having nothing in view but the good of the peo
ple at large, we can confidently rely on his get
ting every Whig vote in tho district, and we
d< übt not the votes of many honest Democrats.
LV.WISTOWN, Sept. 3, 1850.
DR. JUIIM M'Cul F.OCII pear Sir : The un
dersigned, appointed a Committee by the Whig
Congressional Conference, held in Lewistown
this day, take great pleasure in informing you
that you have been nominated as the Whig can
didate for Congress, at the ensuing election.—
Having long known you as a devoted and active
member of the Whig party of Huntingdon
county, which we have the honor, 011 this occa
sion, to represent, we feel confident of the cheer
ful acceptance of the nomination hereby ten
dered. Respectfully yours,
PETERSBURG, Sept. 6th, 1850.
i OENTLEMEN : Vour letter informing rne of my
nomination as the Whig candidate for Congress
in this district has been received. In reply, I
would say that the nomination is accepted with
feelings of gratitude. I assure you, gentlemen,
that if elected, my aim and policy will he to
carry nut Whig principles, as advocated by the
Whig party of Pennsylvania.
Accept, gentlemen, for yourselves, and the
Conference which you represent, my kindest re
gards. Yours respectfully,
1 Messrs. J. N. Swoopr, W. Moore, J. Clarke.
To the Editor of the Gazette :
It's so long since I put pen to paper, '
Mr. Printer, that my hand is almost out, ,
and though busy in ploughing up old
mother earth, 1 must take a few hours
leisure to give you an inkling of what's
transpiring up here. Dad was considera- j
bly condustrifieated at the ticket his loro
lbco friends hatched out in the Town Hall
on the first Monday in August, and I was :
afraid for a while that he would turn whig
light oft". In fact him and oar neighbor
Ploughman, who is also a good " diinicrat,"
made no bones about the matter even when
1 was present, and the way they pronounced '
their leaders to he a set of darned rascals
and cheats was nobody's business ; and old ;
Ploughman one day gave it as his deliber
ate opinion that John Ross would charter
another Lewistown Bank if he'd get ihe
chance to go to the Legislature, and fasten
monopolies enough on t: to ! n?? a whole
generation. Tie was •• :r; <l. m d. too,
about the Corumi--i irn r. 11 r\ s s h ,
we've been a set of puek-hors ** ; for
fellows these tori or til. en e .-. u ii
they've got to thinking thorns Ives the
whole party. If a Prothonotarv is put in
who is of the right stamp, i. e. minds their
business more than he does the people's,
oh ! says they, he must be re-elected—he's
just got the hang of it now, and will do
better next term. Presently, however, the
tune changes, and one term is enough for
anybody. That's the way, too, says he,
with the Assemblyman—one year they
make us run round and praise up one term
—then two terms—then one term, just as
if we had no opinion of our own and
couldn't remember from one year's end to
Hut 1 set out, Mr. Printer, with the in
tention of telling you about dad's " expe
rience." On his return from a visit to
town a few weeks since, he seemed to feel
more than usually consequential, and after
jingling his pockets for a while, pulled out
quite a number of half and quarter
eagles, and his pocket book also exhibited
more notes than were wont to be in it.
4 Why, dad," says I, 4 did you sell your
wheat already, tluu you've raised so much
cash V
' No, I didn't,' says he.
4 I hope you didn't sell your horses ?'
4 No, 1 didn't,' savs he.
4 Didn't sell your wagon V
' No, I didn't,' saws he.
4 Well, what the deuce did you sell to
get it ?'
4 To tell you the truth, Sam,' says he,
4 1 promised to say nothing about it—but
if you'd like to have some of the same
stufl, I jist know where I can yet it for you.'
4 I wouldn't care much,' says I, 4 to take
a hundred and pay off my old debts on the
house, providin', however, there's no extra
interest on it.'
4 Not a bit of it,' says the old man. 4 I
get it without interest for six months.'
• Then I'm in for it, sartain—let's have
it, and I'll give you a note of hand paya
ble thirty days after any harvest between
this and 18(50.'
4 (>h ! but,' says he, 4 there's a little con
sideration ; how are \ou goin' to vote this
fall, Sam V
4 Yv hy, dad," says I. 4 from what I've
been hearin v ou say, I speet we'll be nearer
pullin in the same team of politics than
since the days oi Polk and Dallas, when
they made you believe that those men
were better tariti men than Mr. Claw'
4 That's right, Sam.' says he, 4 that's
right. I'm going to town in a few days,
and will settle the whole matter.'
And with that he lilt me, apparently in
great glee. But I must postpone the finish
ing touch of this matter to another week,
when 1 will relate to you how the thing
MATCH US. —The value of watches im
ported into this country last year was
£1,700,000. as appears from records of
the custom-house.
JC/"Counterfeit five dollar notes, purporting
to be of the Dank of Middletown, are in circu
lation. They resemble the genuine very close
ly ; but a practiced eye, however, will detect
them hy the engraving, particularly the face of
the man on the left end, which is rough, and also
the engravers names. They arc letter B. The
counterfeits have no period afte - the ord 44 rfr
mamd," which is in tl. , n tn. irk,
however, had ' r t
may be inserted.
1 ho counter! it I t ■
Farmers' Rank of i.an i-; r <- .Jb it f e
tcction by the inexperienced, hoe b ■ n further
improved by a new issue, which are still better
calculated to deceive. The Tribune says that
in Ihe first batch of the counterfeits the smoke
issuing from the chimney of the house, in the
vignette of the genuine, is omitted, and the cat
tle arc imperfect, and look much like blocks of
stone. In the new counterfeit these defects are
remedied, the cattle being tolerably good repre
sentations, and the sinoke from the chimney ap
On Tuesday, 10th instant, at the residence of
Mrs. Hannah, by Rev. Win. R. DeWitt, Col.
AUGUSTUS K. CORNTN, of Huntingdon, and Miss
ELIZA II JACOBS, daughter of the late Richard
Jacobs, Esq., of Harrisburg.
At the residence of his father, in Montgomery
county, Md., on the 23d u!t., after a brief ill
ness, Rev. LUTHER J. ETCHISON, of the Balti
more Annual Conference.
On the 27th ultimo, at the residence of his
grandfather, JESSE WINUATE, infant son of Hen
ry and Elizabeth Jane Ivulp, aged 1 year, 4
months, and 15 days.
In Hanover, on Thursday night, 29th ultimo,
after an illness of sixteen months' duration,
LAURA BACHMAN, daughter of John and Anna
Amelung, and wife of William Bachman, of
that place, aged 23 years, 4 months and 16 days.
On Sunday, the Ist inst., at his residence in
Oliver township, Mr. HENRY WILSON, aged 74
years, 7 months, and 7 days.
On Friday, 6th inst., JAMES DEBOUND FELIX,
aged 1U months and 10 days.
On Monday night last, in Derry township,
NATHANIEL FKAR, Esq., aged about 40 years.
I.owidtown, September 13, 1 850.
I'urUbyl'eattrj Hrtail
Flour - $4 50 $5 00
Wheat, white - 95 1 03
red - 00 1 00
Rye - - 50 fR)
Oats, new, 30—old, 33 45
Corn, - * 50 50
Cloverseed old, 3 00
Do new, 3 50
Flaxseed 1 00 1 25
Timothyeeed - - 2 00 2 50
Butter, good - - 12 12
Kgijs - • 8 10
Lnrd 0 8
Tallow - 8 10
I'olatoee - - 37 50
BALTIMORE. September 11, 1850.
FLOUR —Holders are ROW generally a?kinsr
§1 81$, whilst buyers refuie to ufl'er more than
GRATN. —We continue to quote ordinary to
wood reds at -0u95 cts., and good to prime at
95.103 cts We quote white wheats at 100a
1 H els , and family Hun white at llOallocts.
(' rn 57a58 c's , yellow 58a00 eta.
• he market tor HrondstiifTH continues dull.
he export demand is limited, and only ou7oo
barrels fre.-h ground so dat 85 per bbl. I'ye
Flour is heid at 83, but a saiecf old triuck was
made at £2 75.
GRAIN —\V heat continues in limited demand.
We quote red at 81 02a 1 Onand white at 81.07
a 1.10. 500 bushelf Rye at 65 eta. per
bushel. Torn is steady ; sales of 1200 bushels
yeiiuw at 05 (60 c's , in store at the latt r rate.
Oat* are in limited request; sales of 2000
Im-ii*' - .n* r..-1-!. at 35i35 ct- — Daily .Veres.
T)CBIXESS CARDS of two lines will be insert
j ) ed in the Gazette one year for ONE DOL
LAR, and 50 cents for each additional line—to
t e paid in advance in all cases. Lawyers, doc
tors, mechanics arid others, can thu advertise
their business a year for from £l to $3.
the charge for which would be jjl per annum.
fM)WL\ ALLEN, Market street, Lewistown,
'j D'-aler in Drugs, Confectionary, Toys, &fC.
'BLV-e/'RA s'VS'
Wwi-WO V* w 0 tt-L- U,r -U<
\(<< s* tie v at Is aw ,
OFFICE in Market street,opposite the Post
Oll'n o. will attend to any the
Courts of Mitflin, Centre or Huntingdon coun
ties. [Lewistown, sept. 13, I^so-ly*
i▼ 1 SH AD,
CODFISH, Constantly on hand and
SA LMON, for sale by
PORK, Market street Wharf,
HAMS Si. SIDES, I'liilad li.pijiv.
LARD & CHEESE. J flept 13 Mm
JOIIA ST.\i: A: SO\,
Silk*, Rii)t)oii<>& tlillinerj Gnod.
-Vo 45 South SECO.\'D Street. Philadelphia,
XT AVE received by late arrivate from France, a large
*A. very d-'iirtble assortment of FALL Mil.LI-
Js'F.ltY GOODS, among whkh ill tie font,J
Bonnet Fclvets of altcotora in variety of price*
" Satins " " " "
Corded F'lrets " " "
Figured, water'd and calnred Bonne; GcaJs
Bonnet and Cap /Uiions— a targe assortment
French end Ameriran Flowers
litres, Bonnet 7'sir, Crowns, Buckrams, ire, together
with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers. j
The above goods were selected b> one of the firm in
France,and will be sold autre very lowest market prices
Philadelphia, September 13, I*so tin
HAT & < AFgg-^
At his Old Stand in Market street,
1-8 NS just returned from the city with the !
8 FALL FASHIONS and a large stock
of material, which ho is manufacturing into
most superb HATS, \yhich cannot fail to please.
Especial attention ts requested to his ox ten- j
sive stock of men's, boys' and children's
33 jcA. Es=> & .
the largest ever exhibited in Lowistown, com- j
prising no less than
Seventy Different Stjles,
at from 10 cents upwards.
His Ornish friends will also find him pre- i
pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled '
HftOAD-lIRIMS will receive the some care
and attention which he has always bestowed
upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where
vou may depend upon not being disappointed.
Thankful tor the liberal share of custom be
stowed on him heretofore, he solicits his old
friends and 999 new ones—being' ail he can
at present accommodate—to call and adorn
tt.erose.ies with a new* fiat or cap,
V ,-I.MV !;. *ept 19. l *so_tf.
" v '
PURSUANT to in Act of the General Assembly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled
"an Act relating to the Elections of this ( ommon
wealth," approved the 'Jd day of July, A I). 1839. I.
DAVIS Mi-KK A N CONTNKK,Sheriff of the cuuntv
of Mit Din. I'ennsylvmi.i, do hereby make known and
give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid,
that a general election will be held in said countv of
Miiifln, on the second TUESDAY, (Bth, of October,
18.T0. at which time State and county officers are to
be elected. to wit:
One person to till the office of Canal Comm.ssioner
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the otfice of Auditor General of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
tine person tu till th,> office of Surveyor General
of the Commonwealth oi Pennsylvania
One person lo represent the counties of Mifflin.
Juniata. Centre. Hiintimoon and Blair, in the 32d
Congress of th- United States.
' >ue person to (id tno office of member of the
House of Representatives, to represent the county
of Mifflin tn the House of Represcniatives of Penn
One person to Gil :he office of Countv Commis
One person to fill the office of District Attorney of
the county of Mifflin.
One person to fill the office* of Prothonotarv. Clerk
of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions aiid Oyer
and Terminer, of the county of Mifflin.
One person lo fill the office of CouiUv Surveyor of
the county of Milflin.
One person to fill the office of Pirertor of the Poor !
for the term of three years, jn the district composed i
of the township* of Armagh, Brown, Union an J
One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor
for the term of two vear3, in the district composed
of the township* of Wayne, Oliver, Granville, Perry,
Decatur, mid the boroughs of McVeytown and .New
ton Hamilton.
One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor
for the term of one year, in the district composed of
the east and weal wards of the tx>roiigh of T.ew,,-
One per ton to fill the office ol Auditor of r„ i
account*. funic
Whereas, a joint resolution to amend the (
tnlion ol' tt.is t otnmonwealth, in the second
ol the fifib article thereof, by providing for il",
tn.n of the Judges ol this Commonwealth ! ,h"
people, ha been agreed to b> a inaioru*'..? i
members elected to each House of the ! ■ <i J
at two succes*ne session# of the same. " =>" ,a, "fe.
And whereas, the Constitution of the sai d
monwealth retjures that any amendment so agreed
j upon shall be submitted to the people in such'
, tier, and at such tune, at least three no , * c'"
SSBSSa' - '" .IKfi
, wealth, in regard to the in,. i;„„ , . OMtnr.n
hmt"nr" ent ' ,! ' e UoJtvor of r th J r. Ct Commo 6
wealth shall issue a wrt r r pipnt.< t n.moi,-
Sheriff' of each and every county of tLe
wealth,commanding the,., u> ' ', ?mnrK,n
munner, that an election ■ i'| tc Ici I U9 " al
ship, ward and dstrict "here n,,nt T 1 "
day of October, A. I>. lSCOforh R ° C ° nd T,,r ' B '
ding upon the adoptionor tl^n rp T °K deC "
amendment; which said election si.Vl beVldVffe
places, an.l be opened and closed ; t th, tim, ,
v.ithm u hich the gen, ral . lectins'"
wealth are held, o, encd and closed." -
No-.\. therefore, in obedience to the requirement
of ti.e Constitution, and in .accordance with the-r *
intent and meaning of the said act of the i
Aasembiv ol tins Commonwealth, I, DAVlti
COAT.NER. Sheriff of M.ffiu, count,. givo
that an election will be held, according to the te, r
of tlie ( .institution, and provisions of the Act of tip
General Assembly aforesaid, in each of the tow!
ships, wards and districts therein, on the ,i,, n 5
Tuesday of October, for the purpose of dec.
; d.ng upon the adoption Tfr rejection of the said
amendment. 0
And the freemen of the countv of Mifßin who ar
in favor of the amendment made by the
to the Constitution of this Commonwealth may e?
press their desire by voting each a , nntodor writ-**
ticket or ballot contain,:, 2 ihe words Tor til
Amendment.-and those who are opposed to ,
amendment, may express their opposition by votinr
each a primed or written ticket or ballot, containing
Lie wort Is gainst the Amendment/*
I also hereby make known and give notice, that the
; .ace of ho,ding the aforesaid flection in the several
districts of the said county will he held respectively
at the p.aces hereinafter designated, to w,t:
i he Klectors of the Borough of Newton Hamilton
; " eet at l '.e public school house in sa d bor
the Electors of Wayne township to meet at the
stone school house .11 the borough of Newton Ham-
That bv an act passed the sth day of April 1840,
1 lie voters of Oliver township, in the county of Alififn'
who reside on thel north side of the Juniata river'
shall hereafter hold their general and spring elect, CM
at the public school house in the Borough of McVcv
town, see Sec. 61. P. laws, page 560. ""
The voters of all thatpart of Oliver township, sout'-i
of the Juniata river, commencing at the line dividing
Oliver and Wayne townships on the west,and Strunk's
rut atlhe UnodividingOliver and Granville lownsbiD,
on the east, will hereafter hold their general and
spring elections at the brick school house onthefam
of William Ilarshbarger. in said township.
The Electors of the Borough of McVevtown to
meet at the Union School house in said borouoh.
The Elecors of Granville township are to meet a:
the Court House 111 the borough of Lewistowu.
The Electors of Menno township are to meet a;
the public house of James Hemphill, lately occupie.
by Daniel Whitaker, and now occupied bv C. <
Hemphill, in Allenvillr., in said township. •
\ The Electors of Union township are to meet at
the house formerly occupied by Jacob Sagner in said
; township.
The Electors of Brown township are to meet at
the house formerly occupied by Adam Greer and
now occupied by Samuel W. Stewart, at Brown's
Mill*. 111 said township.
I The electors of Armagh township are to meet attha
house now occupied by Jesse Wingate in said town
■ ship.
The Electors of Decatur township are to meet a:
the house of Abraham Muttershaugh. formerly occu
pied by David Muttersbatigh ill said township.
The Electors ofDerry township are to meet at the
Court House in the borough of Lewistown.
And by .111 Act of Assembly, the borough of Lew
istown was divided into two Wards and each Ward
■ 10 compose an election district. The Electors of the
But Ward will meet at the Court House and vote at
the Window .if the Commissioners' office.
The Electors of the West Ward will meet at the
satire. place and vote at rhe window of the Sheriffs
oifee in said C'.iurt House in said borough.
An act of the legislature having changed the
mode of voting in Mifflin county.all officers hereafter
to be elected may he voted for on a single slip of pa
per and deposited in one ballot box, a fact which
should be particularly noted by all entitled to the
right of suffrage, and by the officers of the election.
1 also make know n and give Notice, as in and by the
1 13th section of the Election Law, i am directed, that
evi-rv person except Justices of the Peace, who sliali
hold any office or appointment of profit or trust, under
the government of the United .States or of this State, or
I of any city or incorporated district, whether a commis
sioned officer or otherwise, and subordinate ofircr or
agent, who is or shall he employed under the Legislative,
Judiciary or Executive Department of the State or of the
United States, or any city or incorporated district: And
also that every member of Congress and of the State
Legislature, and of the select and common council ofanv
city or incorporated district, it by law incapable of holding
ot exercising al the same time, Ihe office or appc'.otment
of Jndge, Inspector or Clerk of any election in this com
mon wealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or other c.fficar
of such election shall he eligible to any office there to bs
voted for.
ALSO. That in the lih section of the Art of Assembly,
entitled " An Ait relating to Executions and forotherpiir
poses." passed and approved lt'th April, 1840. it is enacted
that the u 13th section shfll not be construed to prevent
any iiiilitui or borough officer from serving as Judg-, In
spector or Clerk at any general or tspesiai Election of
this Commonwealth.
1 also hereby give Notice that, pursuant to the prov.s
. ions contained in the 761h section of the act first aforesaid.
the judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take
. charge of the cnrlificate or return of the election of their
respective districts, and produce them sea meeting of one
judgv from each district.t the Court House in the borough
, of l.evvistown, on the third day after the election, being
, for the present year on FRIDAY, the 11th of Oct her next,
then mid there to do and perform thp duties required hr
Uvv. 18 sickness or unavoidable accident prevent, CM/
unable to attend a:d meeting of judges, (hen the re;-*-
* rat" or return aforesaid eb..1l be taken charge of by it*
of the Inspectors or Clerks of ilie election of said distort,
vv lio shnil do and perform the duties of said judge unable
lo attend.
ALSO, That in the 81st section of said act it is enacted
that, " when two or more counties shall compose a dis
trict tor the choice of a member or members <>f the Senate
of this Commonwealth, or of the House of Representa
tives of the United States or of this Commonwealth, the
Judges of the election in each county having met
aforesaid, the Clerks shall make out a fair statement af
all the vol* i s which shall have been given at such election,
within ihe county, for every person voted for as such
member or members, which shall be signed by said judges
and attested bv the clerks; and one of the judges shall
take charge if such certificate and shall produce the saie-'
at a meeting of one judge from each county,at such pUc
in such district as is or may be appointed by law for I)K
purpose, w Inch meeting shall be held on the seventh dav
after lit.- Diettion." The return ju Iges of the 17th Con
eres-ional District shall meet on I'T KSDVV, the IMh DIV
of October ne.v, al Norris* Mills, la Mifflin county, then
ami there to do and perform the duiies required bv law of
■s.titi judges i.f the aforesaid Congressional District.
Ai so, Tint in the ti|st sec I ion of said act, it is enacted*
that " every general and special election shall be opened
between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjournment until
seven o'clock m ihe evening, when the polls shall be
ALSO, That in the I*l section of the art of Assembly, "I"
I itled " an At t to reduce the expenses and provide for Ik '
election of the Board of Canal Commissioners," passed
Vpril ISth, la! 3, it is enacted "that at the nevt annus'
election, He qualified voters of the several counties of ihn
Cotnnion Wealth shall vote for one person is Canal Coin
miasHMter, who shall |ierfornt all the duties now ei joined
by law upon the Canal Commissioner; the election
Canal Commissioner shall be conducted by tlie i die"
authorised by law to conduct the general elections in Ibc
several election districts ; a return of the vote* given f'f
said office shall be made to tjte Secretary of ilie Common
wealth in the manner now provided for the transutissnin
of returns of the election of representatives: the Secrt
tary of tlte Commonwealth, on lite receipt of all ihr re
turns, shall notify the person, vho shall enter upon h-"
duties ou the second Tuesday in January succeeding
Given under my hand at my office, in 1-eu i.tmvn te
""ill day of September,
1) M'KT i\ f"<>\ STR. ' h'ti
I O istown. "irptemher 1 " IJCO J.