..ti!i-(alpliiii orators to it. Mr. Garesehe -ays to tin* Secretary of the Treasury : " TG man seems really penitent, and I am in.'lii.ed to -think, ill common with his friends, ,'iat he is lioiit-t, and has been led away las duty by the example of his predecessor, Hirti a certain looseness in the code ot rnoralit_v, which here does not move in so limited a circle ,= does with ns at home. Another receiver w fluid probablv follow in the loot=teps ot the two You will riot, therefore, be surprised il ae- ommend his being retained to preterenee to another appointment : for he has his hands lull r,j\v and will not he disposed to speculate any tn ire."—Page ISO of Keport 31 J- And was Colonel Gordon 1). Boyd, the warm personal triend ot General Har ris,*" the •• ardent supporter of the admin istration." the '• unyielding advocate ot the principles of Democracy," Lite " really -uenitent" Colonel Boyd—was he removed \o. sir; on the Tilt of October, 1897, Mr. Woodbury acknowledged the receipt of his resignation ! t)n page 18'.) is this short statement: •*G. I>. lbvil is indebted fifty thousand nine hundred and "thirty-even dollars and twenty .idne cents. ($50,937 2D.) a- per la*t seltleracut at the Trcasuiy." Is this " Galphinizing," or only sustain ing the principles of Democracy ? Xext is the case of I.ittlebury Hawkins, receiver at Helena. (J i page 192 of the report is this statement: •- Balance due from Mr. Hawkins, one hun dred thousand d liar-. *iiK).OUO 00 per last ♦ eitiement " Mr. A. G. Mitchell, receiver at Cahaba : on page i9O is this remark : • Mr. Mitchell, a late receiver at Cuhaba, is tadcbU-4 fifty-fu ir tho.i-.ind six hundred and twentv-six : liars a J fiftv-five c- a!-. $54.- 026 55.") The next ease of Democratic ** G.rl phimzing'" is that of Mr. Chitdre-*, receiver -•*. Heb-aa. I.out-ana. >a page 199 of i!ie report it i a *aid : •• Balance due from Paris t hiidris-. twelve rhc-a-ar.d four hundred and forty-nir • liars and -< ventv-six cc-ts. *12.149 70 The next case is that of Mr. J. Alien, receiver at Tallahassee. the Government, twenty-six thousand-ix hundred ai d ninety-one dollars and fifty-seven cents, ,20.691 57." Then there i- a com -pondence bciw en Mr. Woodbury ..ml Mr. Spencer receive, ~i Fort V/.ivnc. I v. i-"i to read om or two interesting ex.r,. • Mr. H ARLAN stated f;<: die inform '.. >n of th* gentleman from V>rth < irolina and i the House, that Col. John Spencer was not now, nor at the time to which th** gentleman refer-, a defaulter to the Gov ernment ; i.'ui on the eontrarv, was both then and now a creditor of the Govern ment; and a previous Congress and the Kxecutive olln-irs of the Gov eminent h.-.\ e so decided. Mr. STANLY -.id he w i- glad to.h'ar that one man had paid what he owed. Mr. DTSHAM explained that Col. Spen cer was improperly -et down a* ;i default er. the Government being in fact m his debt. Mr. STANLY. \\ ;.- not judgement ob tained against him bv the I nited States Mr. I>. MUM. It was improperly ob tained, and was afterwards released when the facts were made known. Mr. STANLY said he should he glad to know how the n lca-c was obtained. Was it because lie was •• a pillar of Democra cy ' ' But i? was not the amount of the defalcation in this case ih t I was com menting on. It was to the reasons given by Mr. Hendrick-. and Woodbury's an swer, to which 1 ask attention—esjieciallv vlie reasons why Mr. \\ oudburv ought nut ■o remove him. After various complaints from Mr. Wood bury, Mr. \\ liiiatn Hendricks writes to him in behalf of Mr. Spencer. In that letter Mr. Hendricks .savs: ••It would to some c xter.t produce excitement, it he were removed, for fie has many warm and influential friends, both a! Fort Wavne and in Dearoorn county, Horn which he removed to his present residence, lit TIER rr.r IT BE." In aswer to this •• Better let it be," Mr. Woodbury wrote as short a letter to Mr. Hendricks :• General Cns- did to the ' 'hieago convention. Hear it . "TRBAVRT I>EPVRI4I.-;T, Sept. 7. 1-36. •- SIR .—Your fet i r of the 31t ultimo is re i eired, ami 1 am happy to inform you that Mr. Spencer'- explanations have been such that he wilt probably continue in office. ' I am. tr, very respectfully your obedient •'i vant, LEVI WOODBURY, " .S< eretary of the Tr asurv •• Ifon. WHI.MM HESPRICKS. 1 ' /'he reason of Mr. Spencer continuing in office will be known, when we hear the following from his letter to M-. Wood bury, dated October Ul. 1 83ti : '• My Democratic friend- think that I ought ;ot to leave ui til after we fold an election for President, on the 7th of .November, which I have concluded to waif"' '• The Democratic party —the election— the main pillars of the Democratic cause —the unyielding advocates of the princi ples of Democracy"—these were the rea sons assigned for keeping men in office w ho had neglected their trie's, and kept the public money for tie u* own purposes. Let me sav, Mr. Speaker, in parenthe ses, what I think of G. aural t 'ass's letter. That he wu? inore tin fortunate in his Nicholson than in his ( 'hi'-;,go letter. We never could agree in tlte. South in ••'••istriiing the Nichoison letter. General ( ass was as clear and definite in his letter as Launeelot in the Merchant of \ mice was, when he gave old Gobbo direction.- for finding the way to the Jew's house. DOB BO. —Master young gentleman, f pray sou which is the way to Master Jew's lai'vctLOT —'l urn up on your bind, •at the next turning, but, at the next turning of -.1, on your left; marry, at the very next turn •''g, turn of no baad, but turn indirertlv to the _ew's house." ' l'was a hard way to bit—as hard as to ..i (general Lass:'s meaning. i wnl not detain the ilousc further by u reference to other eases mentioned in the -une report But. ir, it tnay fv said, we heard all rh; in IP X) ; ihe judgement of the coun try h:i< bepn pns-ed on ?hr-e trair- .ciions. That exense will not answer. 1 have for some weeks past been making inquiries relative to the otlice-holders tinder Mr. Polk. I suppose that when the office holders in this city were eneouraged to leave their offices and make speeches against General Taylor—when funds were collected out of clerks by your public offi cers—when some of them were engaged ■ in writing party essays, that some of the government money was probably used lor the election by the " pillars of the Demo cratic party." 1 have judged correctly, and I invite the special attention of all those who have been thundering against the Galphin claim to hear my facts. I find that various public officers, such as Indian agents, collectors of customs, contractors, navy agents, marshals, pen sion agents, Arc., holding office under the last administration, have retained in their hand**, or misapplied—to use no harsher words—the public money entrusted to their custody to an amount of nearly oxi: MILLION OK DOLLARS 1 1 have a table be fore me and some of the names 1 will give; main of the names 1 do not wish to bring to public notice, because all of them have not been mentioned in the newspapers of the day. Here Mr. STASIA read the names of Denby, Beard, Collins, Beach, and some others referred to in this Ibt. .Vunr* ft IcA-lf r tpnitu .4eii>u*! r.'.t'Ht,' InJi.nn Ajj-'t.r, #10,191.69 Njlhanicl !>1 Ol'l'lUMmS,*!. .\U§U>tllH?, 1,0-2 11 C L Hr-a.a, t.'onir-Klor, Ac , 56 563 45 Patri is, Si:r & li,, l'u.> .mia'.i, Receiver! ( PnMlt Money, 4.a1l 5t We .a". R ft, >!t. Navy Agent, 17,697 37 liulian Atf.nt, 4,5-18 St J U . 8.Vi1., All fur Itii: Sat. v 1 it:, r*, 53,-31 09 Navy As nt, 5,551,0S Sub-In Inn Agent, s 176,57 I'iirser I' S. Na vv, 3,326 31 i-att Marshal, 1.518.05 Xiry A(> lit. 4.011,11 Pension Agent, 5,101 SO R: \ar.l H.wift, Hub-Indian Ag'ii!. 1-.112 28 Owlrirtur, , 1,3*21.45 Navy Agent. 5.894 59 Contractor, *r , 345 62 H I! Krtinerl), Afoistant Quartermaster. 26,397 46 Contractor, Ac , 5.124 60 l'urser L". rj. Nav v, A.679 16 Navy Agent, 5,767.59 P M Wi [more,' Navy As-nt, 1-1,.5*079 Navy Ag nt, 9,616 93 NivyA.Vivc Peneion Aj-nt, 8.157 27 I'uner t si Navy, 13,189 7s N' tvy IVliaion A f< ..t, 1,119 50 N-lVj AgfUt, 1.311 31 Aj.-nt fur ;>s> mj P-ne -nerr, 6,-64.44 #8*26,401.16 *Mr W. tmore, navy -fit, ha* j,a:d since he was s it 1. #32,600 e, sir, nearly one million of dollars is th*" amount of defalcation specified in this list. Patrick Collins, of Cincinnati, " Gal phimzes" #181,390 19 in the district re presented by the gentleman (Mr. DISNEY whose lucid arguments on interest will cuntound the Supreme Court. He only gate a bond for ten thousand dollars, but us lie was '* a pillar of Democracy," the gentleman is mute as to this defalcation. Why has his denunciation been sup pressed .' The truth is that modern De mocracy seems to think that its pillar*" have a right to take on; of the public crib what they please. Mr. DISNKY rose U> explain in reference to the case oi Collins. The defalcation alleged against Collins was on account of fees and uncollected hoods, whicli were explained, and were handed over by Col lins to lus suecp-9,000 1848, September Ist. To amount of sal ary as minister to Berlin, from April 10, 1816, at {9,000 per annum, 21,500 1-48, September Ist. Expenditures made as Minister to Frankfort, prior to the separation of the Prussian and German mission, 2,250 I-> 49, November Ist Outfit to Frankfort, 9.000 1849, November Ist. Jnlit from Frankfort, 2,250 1849, November Ist. Salary from Ist Sep tember to date, 10,500 Total, $54,500 And now let us sec how well Mr. At torney General Clifford w as taken care of. lie was sent to Mt xieo, to aid in exchang ing the ratification of the treaty. For this he received an outfit of £'.1,000 and a sal ary. After Ins blundering with what he called a protocol ; and by his conduct threatening at one lime the most serious dangers to the country, he was returned as .Minister to Mexico. And thus the ac count stands with this " pillar of the Democratic party." The following arc the payments which which made to Mr. Nathan Clifford, late I . States Minister to Mexico, viz : h 'if warrant N • '7 6(M, dated IS Marrh, 1:1 ft, |jr #9,000 00 111 B.ISSi, do a.Nov, do, 6,000 00 do 6 22.1, fo 4 11rr.., do, 375 31 do r.351, do 2 Ke&'y, lo!9, JI0 00 do " do 9 March, do, 116 CO 609. do 1 .'opt On, 3.3 00 #16,391 31 An 1 -or tiatai ci die t > h :n on settlement, 17,HH 91 VVti'iic amount received t) Mr Clifford from ("tf. Mar-b. I-'.S to !lb So.it,•utlrei, IftlO, #31,2 OV2 Is this •' Galphinizing," or what is it ! And now those who have tolerated all these abuses are denouncing the Whig party as the '• Galphin party." Truly, sir, do these noisy deelaimcrs resemble a Democratic overseer I once heard of iu the southern country. He had been in formed that the squirrels were eating the corn, and he took six good men from their work to kill the squirrels, while he kept a pet bear who was allowed to devour corn entirely uncontrolled. I am not aware w hat public service Mr. Clifford has done to entitle him to uch reward. lie is a gentleman of respectable abilities, has been Attorney General; but I think the only monument to his memory, as Attor ney General, vv ill be, that after a few of his speeches the Supreme Court were compelled to adopt a two hour rule. Now compare his services with those of Rever dv Johnson. We have seen published the opinion of the Supreme Court, in the case of Fleming vs. Page, involving the right to levy duties on goods imported into certain ports in Mexico during the war. This case had been decided in the court below against the United States. By Mr. Johnson's efforts the ease was brought to the Supreme Court and after his masterly argument even the Judge who had been of different opinion, was convinced, the judg ment was reversed, and the United Stales saved nearly seven millions of dollars by this decision. For his services he received no compensation, and would receive none, though some of his predecessors for ser vices of a like character had been com pensated. In the case of the Louisiana land claims he saved to the Government two millions of dollars. And now. sir, this is the gentleman of unsullied private character—of spotless in'egrity—upon whom, as his colleague in the Senate remarked, before lie was Attor ney General, the mantle of Wirt had fallen —this colleague, too, one of the first tnen in our country —this is the distinguished lawyer whose conduct and opinions cer tain persons are disposed to make them selves ridiculous by censuring. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Meredith, having passed through life with unstained reputa tions, (of which their country will be proud.) will smile at the impotent malice that attempts to wound thern, knowing that all good nten " will not mistake the venom of the shaft for the vigor of tile bow." There is no patriotic gentleman of any party, whose heart will not cordially ap prove the sentiment of Cicero, who, in one of hi 9 orations, w hen speaking of the duty of good men to defend the fame of the illustrious dead, said, he thought himself " bound to light for their fame, glory, and memory, with as much zeal as for the al tars arid temples of my country ; and if it were necessary to take arms in defence of their praise, 1 should take them as strenu ously as they themselves did for the de fence of our common safety." Surely, then, it is right to guard tfie reputation of eminent public men, though still living. I regretted very much, Mr. Speaker, to hear the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. CAK TLRJ depart from the propriety which ought to mark our language here, and in dulge in harsh epithets toward the members of the Cabinet. The gentleman, lam sat isfied, spoke under excitement, and in his calm moments will regret the v iolence of his language, because it was unbecoming in him, and unjust toward those whom he denounced. But when 1 saw sa.iles of approbation in tiie countenance of a few on the other side, while the gentleman from Ohio vi as speaking, I was forcible reminded of a scene drawn by Catlin, during his travels among the Indian tribes. It was. 1 think, among the Sioux Indians, a custom, when thev were preparing for war, to kill a dog, place his liver on a stake four or five feet high, and the barbarous ar.d beastiv vv arriors then formed a ring, and while they danced around, each man would bile a piece from the liver. I thought those who enjoyed so violent a speech were men of taste congenial to that of those uncivilized barbarians. Mr. Speaker, I will conclude. I repeat, 1 do not justit'y the conduct of the Secre tary of \\ ar, iu acting as a claim-agent while he was a member of the Cabinet. It was in bad taste, to sav the least. It is a bad example, and apart from other con siderations, a sense of public duty forbids me to approve this conduct. It this act is justified, auditors, comptrollers, and other officers will act as claim-agents, and the most enormous abuses be practiced ; and in sax ing this. I feci, as I think Mr. Craw ford felt, when he was nnxiou that Mr. Walker should act on ibis claim, before Mr. ('. cainc into the Cabinet. 1 desire that the truth should he known by the country, that it may see there are as many Democrats as Whigs responsible for the payment of the Galphin claim ; that some of those now trying to use the pay ment of this claim for party purposes, have justified enormous abuses on the part of piliarsof the Democratic party ; that some of them hnxe been guilty of taking public money for unjust claims. When the truth can be known, the small orators of party may cry •• Galphin !" until " Galphin !" the hills •• Galphin !" the woods, " Gal phiu !" the rocks resound. Thev may buy starlings, and teach them to cry Galphin, nothing hut Galphin ! It will be a lesson the birds will soon learn, for the starling orators have learnt it in a few weeks. Hut when the people of this country know the whole truth ; when they see that the Dem ocratic u pillars" have plundered the Treas ury, and passed along unrebuked by their party friends*; when they hear the facts 1 have mentioned just now. they will tell each noisy drummer of party, " Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye ; and then shall thou see (dearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." FIRE. —Our citizens were startled from their beds on Tuesday morning last, about 1 o'clock, by the alarm of fire, proceed ing from the lumber shed of ROBERT H. MCCLJNTIC, Esq. The morning was calm, and the fire was arrested before it had made much progress. Both Hose com panies were on the ground, the Juniata arriving first, attached their hose and ex tinguished it. — Democrat. The population of the borough of Bedford, as ascertained by the census of 1850, is 1201. The population of Kittaning is 1574, or an increase t 76\? over 1840. The dwellings in Kittaning number : IGB and the families >778. THE GAZETTE. LEWISTOWN, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 16.1*50. TER M 8 : O*E DOLLAR PER ASM 1, 1M ADVANCE. For six months, 75 cents. NEW subscriptions must be paid in advance. If the paper is continued, ami not paid within the first month, $1.25 will be charg ed ; if not paid in three months, $1.50; if not paid in six months, $1.75; and if not paid in nine months, $2.00. WHIG NOMINATIONS. For (anal Commissioner, JOSH I A DIWGIA, of Bucks Counts. For Auditor General, HEYRY W. SYYDKR, of Anion fount*. For Surveyor General, JOSEPH HEYDERSOY, of Washington (o. Notices of Adtfrlisenifntj. The attention of business men is invited to the advertisement of George W. Ridgway. Persons indented to Sheriff Vl'.Manigil for costs will find an interesting notice from Esquire Stoner in another column. Money may be saved by paying your School Tax immediately, as per notice of the Treasurer. James Robinson offers for sale a valuable real estate in Oliver tow nship. The heirs of Joseph Bartholomew also offer for sale a valuable property. The Yomlnatlon for Congress. Mr. Calvin still adheres to his determi nation to decline a re-nomination for Con gress, and it now becomes our duty to look around for some one qualified to rep resent the Iron District in that body. Centre county has able men— HALE, CUR TIN, and probably others, who would fill the station with much eclat—but having furnished members for several terms, the whigs there make no claim to the nomi nation at this time. Neither Blair nor Juniata, so far as we are are informed, of fer a candidate, the latter hating appointed conferees favorable to the nomination of Dr. McCullcch, but without instructions. In this county the friends of Adjutant General Irwin arc urging his nomination, while Huntingdon has probably named Dr. McCuHoch. The Bellefonte Whig, in an article on Mr. Calvin's declination, pays a just trib ute to his worth. It savs : " We sincerely regret the determination of Mr. Calvin. He had given entire satisfaction to the people of this county by the manner in which he has represented their interests in Con gress, and the Whig party looked to his re-nom ination with a unanimity we have rarely seen settled on a public servant. No other Candi date was spoken of, and until this Card appear ed we heard of no aspirant for the place he filled. We still have hopes that he may be in duced to sutfer his name to be used, arid have no doubt that this county w ill be represented in the Conference by gentlemen ready to express the sentiment of the Whig party", by again placing him before the people. Should he ad here to his determination, and refuse a nomina tion which would be made unanimously, it is full time the Whig party of the District should canvass the claims of gentlemen who wish to be his successor. We have heard of a number of candidates in Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Juniata counties, all good and true men, either of whom would be acceptable to the Whigs of Centre." "Centre county sets up no claim to the can didate. and we understand what we say when we declare that no Whig in this countv claims or a-ks the nomination on personal considerations Centre county has received too manv distin guished mar ks of favor and confidence from the other counties of the District, she understands too well the necessity for harmony and unanim ity at this crisis, to disturb the energetic and successful action of the party by proposing a candidate out of time. We are prepared to support to the utmost of our ability the nominee of the Conference, and the action of the Whig party of this county in the contest will be unit ed and energetic. We speak our own senti ments on this subject, and so far as we are in formed, (and we have taken pains to inquire,) the sentiments of the party to which we have the honor to be attached, it is true we could pre sent a candidate, ami with as much unanimity as in the sentiment we expressed in this article, but for the present we throw the selection on the other counties of the District." rr The locofoco nominations have pro duced a deep dissatisfaction in the ranks of that party throughout this county, particu larly against the nominee for Assembly. The insulting rejection of Mr. Gibbonev, without even assigning a cause for the act —tt not having been done under the pre text of " one term," as the published pro ceedings show—has aroused main who have heretofore submitted quietly to the in consistencies exhibited bv their county con ventions within the last four or five years, to a proper view of the dictatorial course pursued by tiio.se who have taken the reins into their hands, under a belief, perhaps, that the " Democracy" would, like well trained oxen, bear any yoke that might be imposed. They cannot understand why a taithful public servant—faithful certainly to that party —of good character, and perhaps belter qualified than the nominee, should be thrown aside without a word of expla nation, and in a manner that implies a cen sure on his conduct! Can the Democrat enlighten them ? 137' Our absence from town and a press of business on returning, prevents us from paying attention to the locofoco county meeting this week as promised. 1 C GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK for Septem ber is receiving high enconiums from its subscribers for the beauty of its embellish ments and excellent reading matter. It deserves all the praise bestowed upon it, ! _ ~~ " hi lcgutC LitUiali. We would again call the attention our whig friends to the importance of ... lecting delegates to the county convention Unpledged to any person or any particular object, as in that way alone can the dele gates form a proper ticket. Send good men, who will meet together in the old fashioned way, and after consultation, sr. tie upon those who are most hkelv to re ceive a general support, and we can enter the field with a fair prospect of success. 1 The Democrat is copy ing some far i fetched specimens of want of harmony among the whig* in Berks and Union, i for the purpose of withdrawing public attention from the dissatisfaction existing in this county among the demo cracy." Had our neighbor felt disposed to chronicle the scenes enacted here on j Saturday a week, his readers would have been served with a dish they could appre ! ciate. As it is, they can substitute the names of Cameron and Jesse Miller for | Johnston and Cooper, and " harmonious | Ovenshines" for Galphinites, and the ar ticle from the Reading Press will convey a fuint idea of what occurred here. In Union county it has entirely overlooked the divisions in the locofoco ranks, a large portion of the county convention having seceded and denounced their locofoco brethren as anything but gentlemen. The difficulty among the whigs is confined to a few persons, while among the iocofocos | it extends to the party. JCMAT A, COVNTV. — The whigs of JA niata county have nominated Col. Eh Slifer, of Union county, for Assembly; Noah Ilertzler, of Turbett, Commissioner; Win, Dunn, of Fayette, County Survey or ; Joseph Wallace, of Lack, Auditor. Col. McClure was chosen representa tive delegate to the next State Convention, and John M. Pumroy, J. D. Sharon 3rd Dr. G. I. Cuddy appointed congressional conferees. They are uninstructed, but understood to be in favor of Dr. McCul loch. Among the resolutions are the fal lowing : Resolved , That in the Hon. SAMUEL CALAIS we recognise a true and able Whig, and a faith ■ ful Representative; and had he consented again to be a candidate, the Whigs of Junia'.i would have followed hirn through another con test with a zeal and firmness worthy of their noble cause. Resolved, That our Senator and late Repre sentatives in our State legislature, merit the j high regard of their constituents for their marly support of our Whig administration and Whig measures. Resolved, That we recommend that the Con gressional Conference to nominate a Whig can didate for Congress.be held at McVeytowr. on Tuesday, the 27th of August. The loeofocos of Juniata have named the following ticket : Prosecuting Attorney—Samuel E Ileneh. Commissioner—David Alexander. County Surveyor—Conrad Markle. Auditor—James W. Hamilton. The Cabinet. The vacancies in the War Department and the Interior, have been filled bv the President, by the appointment of .Mr. Cox HAD of Louisiana to the first, and Hon. THOS. M. T. M'KENXAN of Pennsylvania to the latter. The Cabinet, therefore, is complete as follows: Secretary of State, Mr. WEBSTER. Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. CORWIK. Secretary of the Navy, Mr. GRAHAM. Postmaster General, Mr. HALL. Secretary of the Interior, Mr. M'KEV.VAK. Secretary <>f War, Mr. CONRAD. Attorney General, Mr. CRITTENDEN. Amongst the many distinguished sons ol Pennsylvania, Mr. M'Kennan stands pre-eminent for ability, integrity and moral worth, and his appointment is hailed with the liveliest satisfaction. J. Porter Brawler. The Crawford Gazette says of the loco foco candidate for Surveyor General: " We stated, as soon as the nomination of llrawley was known, that he would be distanced badly in this his native county. We were tudy aware of his unpopularity, and spoke then from the book ' Our assertions have been backed up by hundreds of Democrats, over their own sig natures, and hundreds of others, who do not wish publicly to make known their sentiments, will veto his aspirations at the polls. " Neither he nor ins friends have any hope whatever that he can, it) any event, receive even a respectable vote. This is truly an unusual, an astonishing circumstance in the annals o: political history A candidate abandoned by his party at home' WVII may the Democracy it other portiors of the State fail back and repu diate a candidate who is repudiated by those who know him best! " Such is the state of our political atmosphere in Crawford county—and such, to a greater or less extent is lit? state of feeling in the whole North-western portion rf the State, ll all who desire that " honesty, capacity, and moril worth" shall constitute the passports to office will do their duty, Joseph Henderson of Wash ington county will be elected by an overwhelm ing majority." LA FAYETTE COIXKGF., located at Kaston, Pa., will commence its Winter Session on the 31 st day of Occtobcr in I *', under the charge of a talented and efficient faculty. The instruction will be thorough and complete, embracing all the brain - he* of a full collegiate course, and a Christian' Literary and Scientific Education. 1' expenses for tuition, fuel, room rent, &c --are $53.33. Good boarding can be ob tained at reasonable rates. Further into: - mat ion can be obtained on application Ki-v, .l"-lli v . I,e \\ is'ow i.