HARVEST DRINK- —A BEVERAGE roin nt.se.] of eoltl water and molasses, with the addition of an ounce of ground ginger to everv gallon of the mixture, will be toiind uipst refreshing and invigorating D>r harvest hands. KEEP YOVRCORNFIELDS F 1.1 and grass are regular robbers ol the foot of the corn, and should be exterminated at once, and your corntields kept perlecth dean from this period to the time ot the em's full maturity. Stir the surface ot vour cornfields in time ol drought, and h\ this means the enriching gasses that lloat in the air, will be absorbed, and the growth of the corn largely promoted. A HINT TO GARDENERS. —Perhaps there is nothing that irritates a lover of garden ing more than to have plants destroyed by insects after thev arc up and growing. An effectual*remedy will be found in apply ing plaister, (gypsum) sufficiently impreg nated with spirits of turpentine, to make it smell pretty strongly, freely to the plants when the dew is 011 them. The plaister ts conductive to the growth of the plant, and the odor of the turpentine will entire ly- rid them of every insect. MOWING PASTURES. —We have before spoken of the necessity of keeping the grass pastures from running up to seed and dying on the ground. As grass grows with more rapidity in the early part of the season than at a later period, it is diffl cult to keep it properly fed down, without putting on more stock than can be kept on the land after th eflash of feed is over, and vet if the grass goes to seed and lies on the ground, the after feed will be less in quantity and of poorer quality. The dif ticulty may be overcome by mowing the grass at the right time—before it has run to seed, at all events. This may be done on many pastures to good advantage, the hay obtained being of good quality for anv kind of stock ; and the pastures are left clean, start equally, and afford a growth of fresh after-feed. We have lately met with several fanners who have followed this practice for many years, and they agree with us in regard to its utility.— Albany Cultivator. TOMATOES ANTI BILIOUS. —The tomato is excellent for bilious affections, and for dyspepsia. When we were publishing the Yankee Fanner, there was an article in that paper on the healthful properties of the tomato, and the same paper con tained a seed catalogue, in which was the tomato. A person who had been severely afflicted with the dyspepsia for ten years, so that he could eat but very common dishes of food, procured some tomato seed, of which he had previously no knowledge ; and he raised some fruit and used it as food, and he had jellies and other prepara tions made in the fall, that he might use when the season for fresh tomatoes was over. By this simple remedy he was completely cured, in a few months, of an obstinate disease, that had bid defiance to the best medical skill for ten long years, for so they must have seemed to the un fortunate invalid. Here we also have the important bearing which a single fact gleaned from a useful paper, has upon a man's health, life and interest generally.— A". E. Farmer. £ H c humorist, A young lady being asked why she did not use the medicated soap, replied, that as to soap, she had got plenty of soft soap from her beau, and that always brought plenty of color into her cheeks. Joe Pentland says he knows a youth vho every time he wishes to get a glance of his sweetheart, has to "hollar fire" right under her window. In the alarm of the moment she plunges her head out of the window, and exclaims " where ?" when he poetically slaps himself on the bosom and exclaims " here,my llangilina." A pedlar overtook another of his tribe on the road, and thus accosted him : " Hallo, friend what do you carry ?" " Drugs and patent medicines," was the prompt reply. " Hood," said the other, " you may go ahead, I carry grave stones." EPITAPH. —The following appears on the tombstone of John Lang, who was killed by a falling timber while raising a meeting house : On the 25th of September, A big stick of timber Fell slam bang, And killed poor John Lang. Don't say you will become rich till you have asked your wife. Of all spendthrifts that nature ever invented, a thoughtless woman is the most so. AVo care not how much money a man may make, if his wife ■does not second his endeavors, he is just • s sure of dying poor as if he kept agro • < rv store and trusted everybody. An elderly lady, telling her age, re marked that she born the twenty-sec ond of April. Her husband, who was present, observed, 44 1 always thought you were born on the first of April." " Peo ple might well judge so," responded the matron, 44 in the choice I have made of a husband." llow apt men arc to condemn in others what they practice themselves without scruple! Plutarch tells of a wolf, who, peeping into a hut where a compauv of shepherds were regaling themselves with a joint of mutton, exclaimed, 44 What a clamor would they have raised, if they tad caught nit at such banquet !" Hu! FOR CALIFORNIA! QOLD! aOLD!I Ureal Bargains at Thomas' Clirap Cash Store!! I\M now selling off my stock at I.ESS THAN PHILA DELPHIA PRICES, and to all who want BAKOUNS will say that now's your time ! DRV (it)ODS w ill be re tailed at prices such as follows : I INENS for Pantaloons at 6, 10 and I*2} rents per yd CAI.ICO that cost 10 cents will now be sold at 10 cents. FUR HATS, #I.OO. ROOTS and SHOES, of superior manufacture, arc of fered below city prices, besides a thousand articles too tedious to mention selling after the same fashion 1 have also a tine assortment of choice LIQUORS, amone which is some of the best Monongahela Whiskey ever offered. Patent Scythe Sueths ; CHEESE, IIAM, SHOULDER, and DRIED BEEF; Also, a fine slock of Cooking, Nine Plate, and other STOVES, lower, much lower, than Philadelphia prices. Also, Salt, Ti*li and Plaster, Fishing Tackle, such as Trout Rods, atul Cane Rods al if I per hundred. The Kews from California RV the last steamer are so encouraging a® to have induced me to sell off, pull up stakes atnl make tracks lor the El Dorado Hence lam determined lo sell out, go to Cali fornia, and try my skill in gathering yellow gold. The lease of the room I occupy has still two years to run, and the BEST STAND IN TOWN for the business, so that greater inducements for anyone having a mind toembark in the mercantile business is rarely offered. Two Carpenters Wanted. The undersigned being a carpenter by trade, wishes toem ploy two carpenters, young men, to accompany him to Cal ifornia. He will pay their passage and give them a chance to work it out None but Sober, steady men need apply- AlCIIO\! If the goods are not sold out within two months, they will be sold at auction. As good bargains as were ever off, red are now to be had Come and see for yourselves Remember a few doers irrsf of the Black Bear Tavern. THREE HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE, All in Lew istowri. For further particulars apply to J. THOMAS. Lewistown, May 31, ISjff— tf BIHIkUSUTIOm TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that ho has REMOVED his store to the room lately occupied by JOHN I. M'Cov, as a Shoe Store, nearly opposite the Bank, where he has just received a first rate assortment of Congress, Plug, Roll, Lady Twist, Small Lump, Sweet and Plain Cavendish, Black Fat, Ltlscious Lux ury, Eldorado, Natural Anti-nervous, Mrs. Mil ler's and Anderson's Fine Cut and Solace TO BACCO ; Rappee, Scotch, Macabau and Na tiotehes SNUFF and Snuff" Boxes; PIPES, and SMOKING TOBACCO; Havana, Span ish, Half do., and American CIGARS. Also, Letter and Writing PAPER; Quills, Steel Pens and Pen Holders ; Motto, Transpa rent and Plain WAFERS; Sealing Wax, Slates and Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Black, Blue, Red, and Indelible INK, and Inkstands; Black Sand and Sand Boxes, and a general assortment of ltlank anil School Book*, together with a choice selection of JUVENILE and LITERARV WORKS. Also, a good article of Pen Knives, Pocket Combs, Eank Cases, Port Monies, &c.. &c., which he will sell at the verv lowest cash pri ces. GEO. W. THOMAS. N. B.—He will sell Tobacco, Snuff and Ci gars at WHOLESALE to dealers on the most accommodating terms. Lewistown, June 7, 1650—3 m PLAIN and Fancy Envelopes, Note Paper, Letter and Writing Paper, Quills, Steel Pens, &.C., &.C., for sale at the Diamond Drug and Variety Store of A. A. BANKS. DR. JAYNES EXPECTORANT, " " Hair Tonic, " 44 Carminative, for sale by J. B. MITCHELL. Lewistown, march 2*J, 1650. A M amij., RUDISILI, has added a fine assortment of SUMMER HATS and CAPS to his stock —embracing fine PANAMAS, and all the inter mediate qualities down to STRAW and CHIP. Call and ee them. AY RE'S CHERRY PECTORAL. A N elegant, safe, and efficacious remedy for -Zm. the various affections of the lungs and throat. Castor Oil Capsules—M'Allister's (liniment, fmylOJ For tale by J. B. MITCHELL. DR. GREEN'S LINIMENT, for Rheumat ism, Swellings, Bruise?, Ac., Ac.—one of the best remedies now in use for beast as well as man. Price 37$ cts. per bottle. For ' sale at A. A. BANKS' : aplg Diamond Drug Store. Thompson's COMFOI ND STRIP OF TAR k WOOD NAPTIIA, IA OR the cure of Pulmonary consumption, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, obstinate coughs, spitting of blood, liver complaint, w hooping cough, croup, Ac. EVANS' Sugar Coutrd Pills—Herman Pills frnylO] For sale by J. B. MITCHELL. i\cellcr's CELEBRATED COMPOUND UEMLBCK PLASTER. HIGHLY recommended asa counter-writsnt in the cure and relief of Pulmonary and Rheumatic affections; also, local pains in Neu : ralgic diseases of the body, weakness of the i chest, back, Ac. For sale only by rnaylO J. B. MITCHELL. fJIANCY SOARS.— Almond scrip, Marsh Mallow soap, Amandine soap, Transpa rent soap, Military soap. Tooth Balls, Almond Shaving Cream, Rose do. do., Amandine for chapped hands, Ac., Ac., for sale by J. B. MITCHELL. ■ Lewistown, inarch 22, Ikso. I T WILL CURE. —When you have a cough or breast complaint, get a bottle of Dr. S. F. Green's Sartaparil/a, TUT and Cherry Ptdoral. It has cured persons in Lewistown and vicinity, which can be testified to. It does not nauseate the stomach,and ie pleasant to take. Price only 50 cts. per hottle. For sale at A. A. BANKS' apl'2 Diamond Drug Store. GOODS.—Port Monnaies, Pocket Books, Cigar Cases, Shaving Boxes, Note I'ujicr, superior Sealing Wax, Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Stamps, superior Percussion Caps, Snuti Boxes, Motto Waters, superior white .nvelopes, do. brown do., redding and pocket W.B, superior Shaving Brushes,do. Hairdo, I ooth and Nail do., &c., &.c., for sale by J P.. MITCHELL. I.ewistown, march 22. 125(1. Selling <>fl (it AND NO MISTAKE!! INTENDING to relinquish the Dry Goods business in this place and engaging in other 1 pursuits, the splendid stock of Goods now on 1 the shelves and counters of MM, BROTHERS, : comprising, in great variety, all the leading articles usually found in a carefully selected stock, and a considerable quantity of FINE GOODS, • not always to be had, will besold oft A 1 COS I. As is well known, we have always sold CHEAP, ! and as the stock was purchased KIGIIT— we may say without boasting, es low as uny one could have bought it—it will be SOLD RIOHT. The i selection consists of Fancy A .Staple Dry Good*. Such as Fancy Prints at all prices, Ginghams, Checks, Alpacas, De Lainea, Merinocs, Silks of all kinds, and a general assort ment of Ladies' Dress Goods. Cloths. Cassimeres & Satinetts. ! Joans, Tweeds, Kerseys, Flannels, &c. Ifleucliod iV Etrowii Tickihg, Shawls, Ribbons, Ibices, CapstnfTs, Fringes, Gimps, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspen ders, Combs, &.c &c. iili) XII l)D* AND READY MADE CLOTHING, Together with a good and general assortment of GROCERIES Should any one be desirous of purchas ing the whole stock, it will be sold a bargain, j The stand is a good one, and in such case pos session would be given in a short time. P. S.—'All persons indebted on the books are earnestly requested to call and make settle ment on or before the EIRST DA Y OF JUNE NEXT, as after that date they will he placed in the hands of an officer for collection. GREAT mDUCEMENTS TO f 111 IE subscribers having purchased the stock JL of goods lately owned by C. L. JONES , at a heavy discount on their first cost, now of fer thern at the same stand, at PHILADELPHIA PRICES, in order to close them out. This stock has nearly all been recently bought, and is well selected, and as it is tiie desiro of the present owners to run it oft in the shortest possible time, V a sit B will have such an opportunity for GOOD BARGAINS as rarely occurs. The assortment of 1 LADIES' DIIBS GOODS is very fine, embracing a SPLENDID LOT OF FIGURED, PLAIN, CHANGEABLE AND FOULARD SILKS, Handsome Bareges, French liftwiis CiinghaiiiM, Prints, Fringes, Gimps, 4 Vc, Xc. The stock also of BONNETS, SHOES, PARASOLS, BONNET TRIMMINGS, is large and desirable, and can be had at r t rc>|s~la-i ' \ Fngli*li riiis Fashions Hcci*ol. w. G. ZOLLINGER'S HAT MAMUACTORV. Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken nedy 4' Porter's Store. 1 ,|R, Z.. informs the citizens of Mifflin ; IVI and the adjoining counties, that he has —"s just received the spring la- I shions, and is now prepared to furnish all in want HATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, | comprising every style manufactured for this j market. The care and attention he has ever given to 1 the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred j by his numerous Ornish customers, will be ! continued; and he feels warranted in giving i the assurance that thev will not be tlisap | poitted. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give him a cull, for his arrangements are now such, i as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus | far received, he will continue to deserve it. by continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, j and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29, l*-50—tf • BiAT & CAI|JP7 ; IT. J. KtJDISILL, At las Old Stand in Market street, H'AS just received the Beebe Costar and latest Philadelphia and New York Spring Fashion of Hats and (Japs, and is cow prepared to furnish both old and new customers j with an article, which he will warrant good, and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a j large and general assortment of II ATS AM) CAPS, / OR MEN AND BOYS, which he w ill dispose of, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained here or elsewhere. llis Ornish friends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BROAD-BRIMi will receive the same care and attention which lie has always bestowed upon thern. Don't forget the old stand, where vou may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. It. feels grateful for the generous pa tronage he has thus far received, and assures all that he will spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed -1 ed in affording all who have dealt with him. Lewistown, march 29, 1850—tf. SOMETHING NE\v7 j In the Diamond, Lewistown. • A DRUG & VARIETY STORE. \A. BANKS has just opened a general • assortment of Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils and Dye-3tuffs, with SPICES of all kinds, fresh and genuine. Aiso, a great variety of ('onfcctionaries,JN'uls, Crackers and Raisins. A LSO, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Quills, Steel Pens, Slates Pencil*, Envelopes, Copy Books. Biank Books, English Bibles and Testaments, wi'h several kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Tobacco, Smtft and Scgars, of the be-:t quality, Segar Cases, Snuff* Boxes, Pen Knives, RazorJ Strops, Shaving Cream, Hair Oil, Perfumery of different kinds, Tooth Powder. Motto Waters, Gold and Dutch Leaf,&c. All of the above articles will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, nt I lie ARCADE, East side of the Diamond. Lewistown, April 5, 1850—tf DR. J. EL TIITCHEL L~ | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL }| DRUGGIST fit CHEMIST-> 8 KESPECTFULDY informs his friends and . the public generally that he is now open ing in the new and splendid storeroom lately occujiied by W. J. Sterrett, in Market street, Lewistown, south side, a few doors above the Hardware store of F. G. Franciscas, the best selected, purest and cheapest assortment ever | offered for su'c in this place, of Fresh Bni; r s and Nlediciiies, French mid English fJH EM ICAL S; Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs ; Varnishes, Patent Medicines, 'PvwnseneTs Sarsaparilla, ('oncentrated Sarsaparilla, \\ islar's llalsam of Wild Cherry, Dr. Juune's tamilu Medicines, }V„ 4-c., system in which it may not be administered. Yours, dec." 2,1 A respectable physician of Lebanon county, in this state, writes " I have been in the habit of prescribing your Compound Sjrupof Spigelia for some time past, and have found it an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.— Please forward per bearer 2 doz bottles. —Yours,Ar." 3d.—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we had previously sold the syrup, w rites : "Since my return hoiuc, I find that your Syrup of Spi gelia has come into general use in this neighborhood. We have sold what tve had on hand, and it gave such satis faction that it is now called for evey day. You will please put us up 5 or 6 dozen in a small package, and send to the care of W. Anderson 4. Co., Richmond, as soon as possi ble, and forward the bill ner mail.—Yours, See." 4th. —A respectable merchant of Ohio, on n late visit to Philadelphia, stated, that some time since he had been ap plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver mifuge for his son. Not having the article asked for, he advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup of Spigelia ami gave him a part of a bottU which was all that remained in the store. A day or two after this the gentleman returning to the store,expressed his surprise and delight at the effect of tin- Syrup, declaring it had expelled 200 worms and entirely relieved his son. The merchant added an expression of his great regret that lie had not had on hands a buttle of the Syrup at the time when his own little daughter died, as he confidently be lieved it would have saved her life sth—A gentleman of Hudson. N. Y., having sent a bot tle of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound Syrup off pl gelia, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great num ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend was Imme diately relieved; the words of the patient were : "It took every worm out my body." MANUFACTURED ONLY BY HARRIS, TURNER & lIALE, Wholesale Druggists, No. 001 Market street, Philadelphia, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win iloiv glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac., Ac , ami exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Hale's Sugar-Coated Pills, Huxham's Liniment for tha Piles,the llanbridge Hair Tonic, Eberle s Eye Water, Mrs. Madi son's Unrivalled Inilellible Ink, Dowses' Culehrated Nervj and Ilone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor. Mrs Shars wood's Extracts of Lemon ami VaniHa,for flavoring Pud dings, Ice Creams, Ac., Ac. For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in Centre, Mifflin and Lunula counties jattfi— if um •suii'iAiiVi, J aim (lice,