Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 21, 1850, Image 3

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    For the Gazette.
the I'r-nnsvlvanla Railroad-"lts Manage
ment, Ue,
Although this road is being constructed
hy a company, and, as such, might in some
measure be deemed a private affair, yet the
magnitude of the undertaking—the vast
powers conferred upon it by the Legisla
ture—and the effect, either for good or
evil, according to its management, it must
ultimately have on the vallev of the Juni
ata—-rcfhler it a proper subject of com
ment and an object of jealous vigilance ;
for if this is not done, abuses will creep
in, and, instead of a public benefit, we
shall have a vast heartless and soulless cor
poration, swallowing with anaconda greedi
ness everything within its reach.
Whatever opinion may be entertained
by others, it seems to us that there is
something radically wrong- in its manage
ment —that there is either too much placed
on the shoulders of one man, or else the
Hoard ot Directors and principal Engineers
do not pay that personal attention to its
interests which they ought to do. There
is besides a great deal too much petty
scheming—little acts unbecoming to any
one—and a grasping spirit which, there is
reason to believe, is intended to minister
more to private ends than to the benefit of
the companv.
W hat, for instance, has been the course
pursued in relation to the location of a Ma
chine Shop ■ In making choice of a pro
per site for such a building, one would na
turally suppose that a few dollars and cents
—either as a bonus or in the purchase of
land—would not influence the parties to
whom the stockholders have delegated the
power. \et what has been the course
pursued ! Why almost every little town
along the road was told (in a confidential
manner of course) that a great spirit of!
liberality might induce the companv to
locate the machine shop. <kc., there—that i
it would be the making of the place, en- '
hance property, and rapidly increase pop
ulation ! Even to this day, this under
handed policy seems to be continued, for
we notice in a MitHintowif paper that it is
• confidently expected" the company will
build their shop there; Huntingdon too
still has some hopes ; while the holders of;
lots at Altona, six miles north of Holli
daysburg, announce that 44 it is well known
that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company '
have selected this place (Altona) for the
erection of their main machine and other
shops, and are note building the same."
In so important a matter, convenience for
making repairs, the point from whence j
assistance could be most readily sent in
case of accident, combined with other ad
vantages for accelerating business, ought to
be the governing motive in making a selec- '
lion, and when made, there ought to be no
secrecy of its locution.
Another most objectionable feature is the
company embarking in the grog-shop
business! Little as it may seem, and
startling, perhaps, to some, the same
Engineers and Board who last winter de
termined to discontinue Sunday travelling •
are now spending the earnings of the road
in erecting costly tavern stands, at which
lhey will of course compel passengers to
cat and drink, no matter how much out of
time or place, or do without. Of all others, i
this is about the smallest business in which
a companv can engage, and will ultimately j
result in loss, as almost every attempt of
the kind by other companies has.
Another error committed by those hav
ing the direction of affairs was the running
of two trains on Sunday ; but as this is
now in a measure obviated by a change of
hours, we will pass it over.
Some time ago it will be remembered
that the Philadelphia papers a great
flourish about the directors having reduced
the fare to a uniform rate of three rents a
mile , yet in defiance of the resolution thus
paraded, all passengers from this place to
llarrisburgare charged #l.9o,when by their
own measurement it is less than 01 miles.
As this point furnishes more travel than any
station on the road, these seven cents extra
from each passenger will amount to a con
siderable sum in the course of a year.—
Who put on this extra charge is a matter
some of our citizens may at a future day i
inquire into.
While richly cushioned scats and splen
did cars are provided for the silk and broad
cloth gentry, a miserable looking machine,
more resembling the old keel boats former
ly used on the Juniata than anything else,
is dignified with the title of M ay Car, in
which our farmers and others dressed in
homespun are politely stowed away.
There are other matters that might be
referred to, but as I do not wish to do more
than call public attention lo subjects that
have been complained of here and else
where, I will close with the hope that those
most interested in the welfare of the road
will take these matters into consideration
before going too far, arid apply the remedy.
The interests of a corporation ought always
to go hand in hand with the people whom
it was designed to accommodate and benefit;
if it does not do this, it is no longer a ben
efit, but an evil. FRANKLIN.
The Secretary of State in Ohio, in his es
timate of the population of the Stale, seta
rlown fifteen counties in the Miami coun
try as having increased Jort y-three per
cent, in the last ten years. The first set- '
tlement of the Miami country was made
but a little more than sixty years since.
The above counties comprehend, in round
numbers, 0,500 square miles, and contain
about a half a million of people ! This
is a density of 77 to a square mile ; much
more than that of the State of New \ ork,
which is but 50 to a square utile. This
District will probably contain, in twenty-,
five years, a million of inhabitants.
An editor down East, who served four
days on a Jury, says he is so full of law,
that it is hard for liiin to keep from chcat
n' potnebodv.
i rom the HarrUburg Telegraph.
Hmn a p Slate i tf,f * nion has suffered more
! corr„np Dn6y t ,Um <rorn tlle rrrore ' ,oll,es .
corruptions of politics, and too strict party at
isclinienta ll er Stale debt is overwhelming
and her taxes oppressive; yet, with all thts
■ , U P°" ll,e people, her treasures are
I d , a . with a " ""Provident hand.
All the income, or nearly so, of her public irn
| provements, is scattered along the lines to keep
, them passable, mich less in good repair. The
system of paying otf active partizans with fat
jobs supplying lumber, and other materials,
i lor hauling, &c.,—has swallowed up our tolls
or many years, while our State debt and our
taxes have gradually increased.
II the people knew why this was so, and how
to app y a reniedy. we are confident they would
not fo d their hands until the end wa/accom
j pushed. \\ e propose briefly to oiler some hints
i lor their consideration, trusting that they will
see and feel their force.
h or many years all Ihose officers who expend
; the public funds, and settle the accounts, have
been in the hands ol one party. Our Canal
< commissioners, our Superintendents and Su
pervisors, and the Auditor General have been
i ot one family ; and it is not necessary to charge
open corruption, to prove that this fact alone
has cost Pennsylvania many hundreds of thou
sands of dollars. Party prejudice, party at
tachments, and party partialities, too often mis
lead the judgement. There has been no check
or watch upon their actions—there was •' no
one to make them ashamed or afraid," even
though they might ba 100 honest to steal, out
right, the treas ares of the people—yet, 44 when
ones self is in the scale, it is hardly rightly ad
J n every State where part y power has changed
hands occasionally, we lind the condition of the
treasury always better than in those States
where one party has been permitted to rule su
preme, and have grown insolent and corrupt,
because of their strength.
For twelve years the mysteries behind the
curtains of tiie Auditor General's cffice have
never been exposed to the public eye—(and
may that not be one reason why just st the tune
when a Whig Governor would expose the se
crets of that. 44 prison house" the r ppointment
was taken out of his hands and given to the
people, beiievmg that they were "still safe in
their party strength ?) The people are now
called upon to choose from among their own
number some person to fill that office. Do they
desire to know its secret history ? It so, they
must not select one of the old party managers,
whose interests are to keep them still in igno
rance. Again, would it not be more certain to
guard the money of the people it the auditing
of these accounts of political favorites was to
be done by one whose pride would be to detect
and expose anj and all abuses of power?
Would not that very thing make the disbursing
agents more careful—perhaps more honest?
Nothing can be more certain. It would save
for the State thousands and thousands of collars.
Freemen! and Work-doers !—'Taxpayers ! and
State debt payers!— Would it not be well tor
you to think over this subject and act at the
noxt election as common sense shall dictate?
You ail remember how the lamented Power,
while Canal Commissioner, scared from the
Treasury of the State the vultures of party,
who sought to impoverish it by their lavish aid
imprudent apptoprialioue. Has the lesson been
thrown away ? will you permit another chance
to pass and refuse to set one to watch two '<'
While one member of the Canal Board is di
rectly—politically—interested in watching the
other two—(it matters but little to the people
fur what motive ) —the temptation and the abil
ity to do wrong is much lessened. Fear, if
not honesty, make the majority more cautious,
more prudent,and less careless and extravagant,
and the result is that the money of the taxpayer
is more sparingly and more properly applied.
The opportunity is again offered to divide the
political character ot the Canal Board ; und as
it may be that both parties need watching, each
will be as a watch set over the other, ud the
people will teap the harvest in the replenished
Treasury. This is worthy of every man's con
scientioua consideration ; and then it demands
that action at the election which republican
integrity will endorse as well done.
Let every Farmer, Mechanic, Liborer, and
those who " ait at home at ease," examine these
hints, and see if they cannot profit thereby.
Destructive Fire at Columbia.
Correspondence of the Daily New
COLOMBIA, June 17, 1850.
DEAR SIR Our town was visited last night
by a most terrific conflagration. It originated
about 10 o'clock in a large frame house, on the
west side of the Columbia Railroad, occupied
by a number ol Irish and German families, and
owing to the combustible nature of the houses
and a cooper shop adjoining, the flames spread
with fearful rapidity, and soon another frame
dwelling on the south was completely enveloped
in a sheet of fire. The Green Tree Hotel, kept
by Mr. E. A. Howard, and a large warehouse,
owned by Mr. N. Evans, and occupied by F. S.
lllentz, Esq., on the south, were also burned to
the ground, whilst on the north, a large building
opposite the Washington Hotel, in which vanous
branches of business were carried on, was com
pletely destroyed. Among other things the of
fice of the Columbia Spy, which was in the last
mentioned building, was burned to the ground.
After the fire had raged for some time, the lum
ber piles took fire, and all the lumber between
Locust and Walnut streets, with the exception
of one or two piies, was burned to the ground.
The bridge was discovered to be on fire at one
time, but owing to the energy of Mr. Wm.
McConky, the Collector of the Tide-water Ca
nal Company, there was no material injury done
to it. A chimney in one of the houses fell down
during the raging of the flames, and struck a
man by the name of Augustus Myers, crushing
his skull and face in a most shocking manner.
He died in about an hour afterwards. The loss
in all is estimated at about $50,000 r. w. j.
A NOVELTT. —The keel of a schooner has been
laid at one of the boat yards at Hanisburg, I'a.,
below the railroad bridge. She will be floated
to tidewater when completed.
The steamboat Kosciusko left Albany on
Thursday, for New York, for si-t and a quarter
cnts a passenger.
Judge Johnston, the Whig candidate for
Governor in Ohio, opens the campaign by
declaring himself in favor of the immedi
ate and untrammelled admission of Cali
fornia into the Union, and against the
compromise bill. He is in favor of the
application of the Jeffersonian Proviso to
the territories; and in case that cannot
pass, then he adopts the President's plan,
as by far the best of those submitted to
The Newest Goods sold in Paris arc
made of wool and silk ; and the fineness
and softness of that novelty made it very
fashionable. It is called Moravienne, and
it has been adopted already l>v the most
elegant ladies of Paris.
Burci.art.— Three houses in this town were
j burglariously entered on last Wednesday niuht
10th inst viz : Mr. Kepner's, Mr. Riddle's,tnd
Lol. i arker's, but no goods of any consequence
taken. We also learn that the house of Mr.
Suloff, near town, was entered on the same night
and some trifles taken. That's what might be
called a pretty strong business. Our citizens
should be on the lookout, for the end may not be
yet- —Juniata Sentinel.
IIKAVT FINES. —In St. Louis, not long 6ince,
.Jessrs. Wheeler & Bullock, brokers, were each
hned SIOOO for circulating bank notes of a less
denomination than $lO. Win. P. Jones was
nneu SSOO for keeping a billiard table without
Andrew J. Ogle has been unanimously nomi
nated for re-election to Congress by the Whigs
ol the district composed of Somerset, Fayette
and Greene. Mr. Dawson is to be run by the
opposition. J
XA AAA |f et Flooring and Siding from
JU.UUU B °yn'°n & Sloat's Planing Mills.
40,000 feet half inch Siding-.
,i B ' 000 " " Box boards.
100,000 prime Shingles just la nding and for sale
jeldtf low by WSJ. REWALT.
TUIR undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that
he has recently purchased the Warm Springs, in
1 erry county, I'a , and lias improved and refurnished the
buildings for the entertainment of visiters, in a style
calculated to ensure comfort and convenience to all who
may feel disposed to patronize the establishment.
These springs are situated on the hanks of and empty
into Sherman's creek, a stream associated with the thrill
ing scenes between the early settlers of that part of
Pennsylvania and the aborigines, whose hunting grounds
lay on its margin. They are II miles from Carlisle,
(through which the Cumberland Valley Railroad passes
from Chambersburg to Harrisburg,) from which place
visiters can at all times procure excellent conveyances.
T hose also from the east, wishing to reach the springs by
the Central Railroad, can do so by taking passage to the
Ditncannon iron Works, (13 nnles distant from the
springs) where coaches are constantly in readiness to
convey them thither; and those coming from the west
on the same road,can at all limes obtain easy conveyan
ces at the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which is but a few
miles distant from the springs.
The finalities of the water at these springs are most
extraordinary indeed for the speedy and permanent cure
of SCRt)FI!L.I, TKTTF.R, h.ruptions of the ft kin, and
in fact every epecien'of Cvtaneovs Ditto sea He hag
hundreds of certificates, showing the wonderful cures
effected by using this water internally, and by bathing in
it, obtained as well from as from those residing
in the immediate neighborhood of th- springs, who have
not only experienced the infallible efficacy of the water
themselves, but witnessed the game upon others. Prof.
JAMES < BOOTH has analyzed the waters, and found
them to contain S 3 grains of ohd matter in the gallon,
which is composed as follows :
Carbonate of lime, ... 2.G07
magnesia, - . 1.33 ft
Alkaline salts,chiefly chlorides, with a por
tion of sulphate, - - 1 093
Silicia 0.C03
Organic matter, . . . 2 ft'JT
There are also at the same place half a dozen of other
springs, of different descriptions, among which is one of
sulphur and one of cold water
It may not be improper to state why a knowledge of the
extraordinary medical qualities of these springs has not
been more extensively known than is indicated by the
certificates of those only who have resi led in their im
mediate neighborhood. Years ago the property fell into
the bands of a number of ln-r, ho were indisposed to
undertake the re-pomibilily , ( makir git a,• lace iff pub
lie entertainment—probably because the patronage of the
public would not have justified the undertaking, a at
that time (before the spirit of improvement had rend red
distant and difficult points of speedy and cheap accc-- 1
its location was out of the way, and the roads to it roup;,
and almost impassable. At the dealhof .Mr. Kennedy,
u fell into the hands of his heirs, neither of whom seem
ed disposed to take hold of it, but leased it to tenants,
more for the cultivation of the land than a regard to the
use of the water It was finally rented to Mr. Hippie,
(now proprietor of a large hotel it, Tremont. Pa ) who
made arrangements to accommodate the public, and dur
ing bis term many invalids availed themselves of this
opportunity to visit and test its medical qualities Mr
Hippie however retired in u short time, and the pro|ertv
agiin fell into the hands of the heirs, and remained so
until proceedings were instituted in the Orphans' Court
for its sale. It was ordered to be sold, and the subscri
ber became the pun hascr- It wilt thus be sen ibat with
the exception of the short time it was held bv Mr. Hip
pie, no efforts were made to bring it into notice.
The country round the springs and neighborhood is di
versified by cultivation and beautifully wild an 1 pictu
resque scenery, abounding iti game, while the stream
passing through the property affords fine fishing. livery
attention wiil be paid to the comfort and convenience of
guests, and Ilie charges so moderate, that all may avail
themselves of the benefits of the Water.
May 31-61 ' 11. li. ETTER.
<rcal at Thomas'
Cheap Cash Store!!
r AM now selling off my stock at LESS THAN PHIL A
OEI.PIIIA PRICES, ami to all who want BAHGAIMS
will say that now's your time : DK V GOODS will be re
tailed at prices such as follows :
LINENS for Pantaloons at 8, 10 and I2J cmts per yd
CALICO that cost 13 cents will now be sold at 10 cents.
FUR IIATS, *1 00.
ROOTS and SHOES, of superior manufacture, are. of
fered below city prices, besides a thousand articles too
tedious to mention selling after the same fashion.
I iiave also a fine assortment of choice LIQUORS,
among which is some of the best Monongaheia Whiskey
ever offered Patent Scythe Sneths; CHEESE, HAM,
SHOULDER, and DRIED BEEF; Also, a fine stock of
Cooking, Nine Plate, and other STOVES, lower, much
lower, than Philadelphia prices. Alsr,
Malt, ri*li ami Plaster,
Fishing Tackle, such us Trout Rods, and Cane Rods at $ 1
per hundred.
The News from California
By the last steamer are so encouraging as to have induced j
ntc to sell oir, pull up stakes and make tracks for the El •
Dorado. Henre 1 am determined to sell out, fro to Cali- \
furnta , and try ray skill in gathering yellow gold. The !
lease of the room I occupy has siill two years to run, and
the BEST STAND IN TOWN for the business, so that I
greater inducements for any one having a mind to embark I
in the mercantile business is rarely offered.
Two Carpenters Wanted.
The undersigned being a carpentei by trade, wishes to em
ploy two carpenters, young nten, to accompany him to Cat- ]
■ tornia He w ill pay their passage and give them ti chance
to work it out None but sober, steady men need apply
If the goods are not sold out within two months, Ihey
will be sold at auction. As good bargains as were ever i
offered are now to be had. Come and see for yourselves.
Remember few doors west of the Mack Bear "tavern. j
All in Lewistown. For further particulars apply to
Lewistown, May 31, 1850—tf
Etslutc of Rcv'd Jacob (timber,
NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned, 1
residing in the borough of Lewistown, has
bee.it duly appointed and qualified as Executrix
of the Estate of Rev. JACOB <JRUBER, late
of Lewistown, Mifllin county, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate are re- 1
quested to present them for settlement without
dqUy, and those indebted to make immediate i
payment. RACIIEL GRI;|tER,
May Hi, 1850- Gw pxecutrii. (
HAS just received a large supply and vari
ety of GROCERIES , which he will
sell at city prices. Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Mo
lasses, Liquors, Fish, Salt, Plaster, t ifc. {Also,
I Lumber, Coal, Nails, and ail leading articles
j of trade.
i t ' ie business will be transacted
| s fictly on the Cash principle, I can sell vou
Igo sas low as any other house in town. By
calling at my store, (west end ol Elizabeth
street, at the lock on Penna. canal) vou can be
convinced of this fact. j-j._. Tt f
Proposals for Poor House Farm.
• '' su^s cribers, Commissioners to cieter
-i- mine upon and purchase real estate lor the
accommodation of the poor of Mifflin county
will receive sealed proposals at the Prothonc
i tary's office, Lewistown. until three o'clock P
M. MONDAY, June24,l9f>o,from all persons
desirous of offering their farjns for sale. Pro
posals to set forth the quantity and quality ol
1 lundand improvements, the payment required
title, &c. SAMUEL W. TAYLOR '
jel4-2t SAMUEL BARR.
Operations 011 the Teeth.
WOULD inform the public that he has re
turned to Lewistown with the view of
making it his perminent place of residence,
and is now ready to be consulted on the busi
ness o. his profession. His Office is in the front
room of the second story of the Bank. [my24tt
subscriber respectfully informs his
A. friend l * and the public in general, that he
has REMOVED bis store to the room lately
occupied by JOHN I. M'Cov, aa a Shoe Store,
nearly opposite the Bank, where he has just
received a lirst rate assortment of Congress,
Plug, Roll, Lady Twist, Small Lump, Sweet
and Plain Cavendish, Black Fat, Luscious Lux
ury, Eldorado, Natural Anti-nervous, Mrs. .Mil
ler's and Anderson's Fine Cut and Solace TO
BACCO ; Rappee, Scotch, Macabau and Na
tiotches SNUFF and Snuff Boxes; PIPES,
and SMOKING IOB.ACCO; Havana, Span
ish, Half do., and American CIGARS.
Also, Letter and Writing PAPER; Quills,
Steel Pens and Pen Holders; Motto, Transpa
rent and Plain WAFERS; Sealing Wax,
Slates and Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Black!
Biue, Rod, and Indelible INK, and Inkstands;
Black Sand and Sand Boxes, and a general
assortment of
ISlank and School Hooks,
together with a choice selection of JUVENILE
Also, a good article of Pen Knives, Pocket
Combs, Bank Cases, Port Monies, &c.. &.C.,
which he will sell at ihe vcrv lowest cash pri
ce?. GEO. W. THOMAS.
N. B.—lie will sell Tobacco, Snuff and Ci
gars at U HOLES ALE to dealers cn the
most accommodating terms.
Lewistown, June 7, 1850—3 in
THE undersigned has
just relumed f.um the east
with a large addition to his
*K* K t'loc.kvWatclit's A
j which lie wiil dispose of
on ilie principle of "small profits and quick
sa'es." Of the assortment he has on hands he
will briefly enumerate a few of the leading' ar
ticles, such as
Thirty Hour Brass Clocks, Eight Day Clocks;
.Iccordtons ami Musical Boxes ;
Ladies' 1 &, Gentlemin's Breast Pitts Sf Finger Lings
Far Kings, Bracelets, Slides, Grid Medallions ;
Gold Pencils. Gold Pens, Gold Guard if Fob Chains;
Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spoons ;
Rodger\s Pen Knives.
He ai&o keeps an as-ortment of
Razors and Streps, Hair Brushes, Parses, Port Mo
naies, Money Belts, Envelopes, A'otc Paper,
Motto Wafers, Combs, Inkstands,
with a variety of other knick knacks too nu
merous to mention.
attended to promptly ar.d correctly, as usual.
Old (iold and Silver will he bought, and the
highest price paid for it Call at the DIAMOND
WATCH and JEWELRY STORE, two doers east of
Turner's Hotel, where you arc sure to get bar
Lewistown, June 7, 1650—3 m
Pennsylvania Railroad.
ON and atler MONDAY, June Iff, 1650,
Lewistown daily as follows, viz :
Eastward at 2 40 a, m., and 9 42 a. in.
Westward at 2 50 a. in , and 5 54 p. m.
Fare to Philadelphia, $5 00.
FREIGHT TltA INS daily, (except Sun
day.) Arriving from the East at 250 a. in., and
going East at 2 40 a. m.
LIVE STOCK is charged at car load rates.
SAM. MILL!KEN, Jr., Ag't.
Lewistown, June 11,1850 —tf
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, residing
in Derry township, MilUin county, on the
28lh May last, an indented apprentice to the
Tanning business named HENRY KELLY.
He is about 10 years old, rather dark complex
ion, black eyes, and left with his usual working
clothing. He was last soon at the railroad
depot. All personsare hereby cautioned against
harboring or employing said boy, as the law
will be strictly enforced
June 14-3 i* ROBERT VV. SHAW.
Lancaster County, §s.
Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
vania to the SlieiifT ot Lahcas
ter county. (IKBKTI.NO :
VVK command you that you at
tach John Ivelley. late of your county, by all
and bingular his goods arid chattels, lands and
tenements, in whose hands or possession soever
tho same may be found in your Bqiliwic, so
that he be and appear before our Judge at
caster, at our Common Pleas Court for the
County of Lancaster, there to be held on the
THIRD MONDAY in August next, to an
swer John \V. Smith of a plea in Debt on Nuto
under seal. And have you then there this writ.
WITNESS, the Honorable Eiiii Lewis, Presi
dent ot our said Court, at Lancaster, the twen
tieth day of May, in the yenr ot our Lord, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty.
A Copy— JACOB FOLTZ, Dep'y. Sheriff.
Lancaster, June 4, (14} 1850 Ot
BACON. — Hams, Shoulders and Sides for
je7tf sale low by WM. REWALT.
DUNCANNON A a its and Spikes for silo
je7tf by WM. EVVALT.
PRUNES, & c ., at A. A. BANKS'
mydl Diamond Drug and Variety slure.
Bushels for sale by
<**"" je?if WM. REWALT.
rjnHE choicest and best LIQUORS—if you
A don't believe it come and taste them— eell
my3l ing at J. THOMAS'
Pure Cider Vinegar.
ut the Diamond Drug Store of
17* OR sale, a good stock, by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Cedar Ware.
BUCKETS, Tubbs, Churns, &.0., for sale by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
A LARGE STOCK low for cash at
apl2 Hardware Store.
Steel Springs.
VLARQE STOCK of first rate quality for
-sale at F.J.HOFFMAN'S
apl2 Hardware Store.
UTS, Crackers, Raisins, &.C., at the Dia
-l 1 rnond Drug and Variety Store of
aps ~ A. A. BANKS.
Salt and Fish.
A GOOD STOCK on hand at very light
. J. A. profits for cash, by
apia F. J. HOFFMAN.
Tobacco, Snuff and Segars
OF every description at the Diamond Drug
and Variety Store of
aps A. A. BANKS.
Looking Glasses.
LARGE and small sizes, of beautiful pat
terns, at unusually low prices for cash, by
api 2 F. J. HOFFMAN
Tin, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c,
ON hand, always, at very low prices for cash,
at * F. J. HOFFMAN'S
apl2 Hardware Store.
PLAIN and Fancy Envelopes, Note Paper,
Letter and Writing Pap°r, Quiils, Steel
Pens, &c., &.C., for sale at the Diamond Drug
and Variety Store of A. A. BANKS.
" " Hair Tonic,
" Carminative, for sale by
Lewistown, march 22, 1850.
Ci RE EN'S Celebrated Vermifuge. —This
*" Vermifuge, so justly celebrated, is too
well known to publish anything in its praise.
For sale at A". A. BANKS'
apl2 Diamond Drug Store.
Leather and Shoe Findings.
f fU roccos. Lining Skine. Lasts, Boot Trees,
ppg-tj ( Shoe Kit, &c., &c., for sale by
apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Shoe l ; iii<liiig*.
SOLE LEATHER, at 16} cents nett cash.
Men's Morocco, Lining & Binding Skins,
Pegs, leasts, &.c., for sale by
niii 1711" F. G. FiIANCISCUS.
To Painter* and (xlaziers.
]f|A lbs. Putty, 300 lbs. Whiting, Chrome
- vFVF Green, Chrome Yellow, Litherage,
I'erra Sierra, Red Lead, Vermillion, (English,)
<Ae , always on hand by F. G. FRANCISCCS.
d avd aimL
Kl DISI'LL has added a fine assortment of
, SUMMER HATS and CAPS to his stock
—embracing fine PANAMAS, and all the inter
mediate qualities down to STRAW and CHIP.
Call and see them.
Hams and Bacon.
THE subscriber has and in
'l - - *?*S tends keeping on hand a large
stock of H A M S, SHOUL
DRRK and FLITCH, of prime
quality, to sell low for cash.
api'2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
New Hardware .Store.
W" I ''WE have always on hand
very large assortment of all U ij
of Hardware, Saddlery * L '
ami Coachware, which being purchased strictly
for cash, we ore prepared to sell wholesale or
retail at low prices.
■pl2 F. J. HOFFMAN.
Drugs, &c.
DRUGS, Medicines, Oils, Paints, &c., A'C.,
can be had low at
apl2 Drug Store.
Pure White Lead at $2.00 per keg.
Fine Copal Varnish at $2.00 per gallon.
Good N. J. Glass, Bxlo $2 12.} per Halt Box.
BY virtue of an Alias Order of Sale to me
directed front the Orphans' Court of Mif
flin county, 1 will expose to sale at the Court
House, in the borough of Lewistown, on
MONDAY, July 3tli, 1 BJO,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the following de
scribed REAL ESTATE, late of GKJRUE
SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit:
One half lot of ground situate on the north
side of Third street, in Lewistown, being 30
leet more or less on raid street, aud extendino
beck samo width to public alley, adjoining lot
of Rev. J. Rosenberg on the oast, and lot of
W in. B. Hortman on the west, having thereon
a one and a half story frame dwolling house,
and other improvements.
TERMS. —One half of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
other half to be paid in one year thereafter,
with interest, to be secured by bond and mort
gage on the property, D. M. CON I NER,
Lewistown, may 24, iSoO-tit Trustee.
■N O T I c *:•
I RESPECTFULLY invite all person- cVal
ing in or using HARD WAKE, tic., iu u.y
large and well selected slock, which will Ln
i sold lor cash at lowest prices.
inalT'f F. G. FR A NCISCUS.
(COUNTRY merchants are informed ihat
J assorted bills of Hardware may be bought
for cash at Philadelphia prices. Come and M
! mal7lf F G. FRANCI3CI S.
O LhlHiE MOULDS, 16 t025 lbs., for sale by
n mulTif F. G. f RANCISCUIS.
PLANES of all kinds lower than the lowest
malTtf by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
SI OV KS jow for cash by malTtf
jV| ILLW RIGHT TGOLs"of all kinds for
j ITI- "al7tf sale by F. G FRANCISCUS.
8 set Hoot 1 rees, Bpr Crimping Boards, for sale
mal/tf by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
WAGON and Buggy English Boxes from
1£ to for sale by F. G. FRANCISCIS.
POTS, Kettles, Fry ing Pans. &.c., for sale by
rival /tf F. G. FRANCISCO®.
Gun and Rifle Barrels, Castings, Tubes,
• &c., for sale by F G FRANCISCIS.
VARNISH, (Coach and Cabinei,)Glue, Paint
and Varnieh Brushes always on hand by
ITOUSEKEEPING articles of all kinds con
stantly on hand by F. G. FRANCISCIS®,
" ,:i- I,eet Zink, 10() Block do, for
sale by F. G. FRANCISCIS.
rSy Boxes Tin Plates, Iron Wire, Biock Tin,
Pig Lead, &c., for sale by
MOUSEHOLE Anvils, from 100 to 2$
Tower Vices, 3( to 150 lbs., for /
nial7ff F. G. FRANCISCf
Shovels, Manure Forks, H# / K
j►3 from 50 cents to SL best, for sal/ %
malTtf F. G. FRANCIS^%
Q9 pair Blackar,d Brigtt Sprir —(f
G plates, to wide, at° /
malTtf F. G. FRANCI/ 1
"I OHA yards Carriage Lace'
• -■ mings, &c., for sale by
BRASS, Silver and Iron Nut Patei
Plated Stump Joints, for sale by
HIDES. —Enamelled, Chaise, Piain, Pal .t
Leather, &c., for sale by
CARRIAGE Makei's Trimmings and ma
terials of ail kinds for sale bv -
ma l7tt F. G. FSAITCWCCS.
j sett Mahogany Veneers, Butt &c Column,
LjLt crew 6 an( * ' D - long-; Bed
j Castors, for sale by F. G. FRA.NCISCUS.
Bdoz. pair Wood llames, silver <St brass plated
2do Iron do do do
mal <ti for sale by F. G. FRANCISCCS.
C 1 AM PHINE, Ethereal Oil and Lard Lamps,
rnal/tf for sale by F. G. FRANCISCCS.
lIObbE BLL.LS from 20 to3o lbs., for farn>
er's use. Cow, Sheep and Hand Bella for
ma!7tf sale by F. G. FRANCTSCUS.
4 sizes, round and oval, Tire Iron fron
TO 4 in., at F. G. FRAKCISCCS'S.
BEATTY'S, Rose's, Underliill'p. t
most celebrated English Edge Tool Man? —'
utacturers' goods, always on hznd b\
Kegs of Nails, Spikes &, Brads, at $1.25
vl Vr 55 •> Pure White Lead, at $2.00 per kg
I 40 gats. Flaxseed Oil, at SI.OO per gallon, by
BUILDERS of honses will find the latest
styles of IjOcks, Latches, &c., of superior
' quality and finish, for sale by
roal7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS.
CI OFFER KE'l TLES,;B to 30 gallons,
2 Iron do i
Brass do by f
malt7f F. G. FRAft*7ISCgTg t L
Wdoz. Saddle Trees, 300 lbs Deer's Hair,
120 gross Buckles, 300 yds. Cotton Girth
ing, 200 yds. Straining Webb, for sale by
SHOE THREAD, Boot Lacers, Kitt Files,
Shoe Hammers, Pinceis, 0 to 5 ; all kinds
of Boot and Shoe Kitt for men and ladies wear
for sale at all times by F. G. FRANOISCTS.
Cast Steel.
SANDERSON, Bros & Co's Shear, Spring,
Country and English, at lowest prices, fcv
mal7if F. G. FRANCISCUS.
Saws, Chisels, &c.
ER'S Cross cut and Panel, always on hand by
mal7tt F. G. FRANCISCUS.
I*\ A art^s P n ' n a ' K l Figured Patent Canvas, —-
1 .111 50 yds. Gum Cloth, 15 yds. Pearl Drab
Cloth, 172 yds. Head Lining and Cur
tain Stuff, assorted qualities and widths, for sale
mal7tt by F. G. FRAKCISCIS.
llrokeii llanrito.
Isell at astonishingly low prices,
Socket-Chisel Handles.
Auger do
Firmer do .
Brad Awl do
D Handle, for long handled Shi-' cL
Jack and Fore Plane hardies.
Saw do
Brush do a! way son hand by
inal7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS.
THE subscriber
always on hand an as
sortment of^
very low, and warrar.l
to give eutir" satisfac- *
an 12 F.^.'HOFFMAN