rrUIK choicest and best LIQTJtiRS it you .ft. don't brieve it come and taste tharn— sel'- Iliylil ing at J- IHOMAS Pure Cider Vinegar. 5 lOR sale t'.t the Diamond Drug Store of T at,". A. A. BANKS. Grindstones. I'tOß sale, a good stock, bv . apl2 t . J. HOFFMAN. Cedar Ware. "¥>UCKETS, Tubbs, Churns, &c.. for sal? by j> apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. Nails. V LARGE STOCK low far cash at F. J. HOFFMAN'S b|)l2 Hardware Sloie. Steel Springs. i LARGE STOCK of first rate qualify lor IV sale at F. J. HOFFM AN'S apl2 hardware SinrP. G'onfectionaries, •f\TUTS, Crackers, Raisins, Y'C., fit the Dia- J. i rncii'i Drug and Variety Store of aps A. A. RANKS. Salt and Fish. a GOOD STOCK on hand at very light J. V profits lor cash, by apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. Tobacco. Snuff and Segars OF every description at the Diamond Drug and Variety Store of aps A. A. BANKS. Looking Glasses. T ARGE and small sizes, of beautiful pat terns, at unusually low prices fur cash, apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. Tin, Sheet Iron. Wire. &c, /AN hand, always, at very low prices for cash, at F.J.HOFFMAN'S apl2 Hardware Store. jy LAIN and Fancy Envelopes, Note Paper, .li Letter and Writing Paper, Quilis, Steel I ens. &c., &c., for sale at the Diamond Drug nd Variety Store ot A. A. BANKS. OR JAYNE*B EXPECTORANT, " " Hair Tonic, " Carminative, for sale by J. B. MITCHELL. Lewittown, march 22, InoO. /d KEEN'S Celebrated Vermifuge. —This *IX Vermifuge, so justly celebrated, is too -v ell to publish anything in its praise, for sale at A. A. BANKS' apl2 Diamond Drug Store. Leather and Shoe Findings. SOLE and UPPER LEATHER, Mo roccos, Linin? Skins. I.asls. Boot Trees, Shoe Kit, ike.. &C., for by apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. Groceries, I. WAYS an extensive assortment on hard. Y Salt at ,§1.50 per ack. or 4 e i centa p;r tihe!. hv the quantity. *pl2 F.J.HOFFMAN. AVRE'S CHBtT RCTOBIL k N elegant, safe, and efficacious remedy for Y the various affections of the lungs and ■ roat. Ustor Oil Ctpsulev-M'Allister's Ointment, ftnylOJ For sale by J.B.MITCHELL. Hams and Bacon. zdWfcgk. THE subscriber has and in- - tends keepme on hand a large stock of II A M S, SHOUL- I - DEKS and FLJTCiI, o:' prime .ality, to sell low for cash. Api 2 F. J. HOFFMAN. a ML GREEN'S LINIMENT, for ilheumat i * ism, Swellings, Bruise-, and (Joacfenfire, whrnh being purchased strictly for cai;h, we are prepared l > ec-.i whoi' sale or retail at low pries. apFd F.J.HOFFMAN. Drugs. &e, DRF'i-. Medicines, Oils. Paints, &c . &c., can lis bad to v at F. J. HOFFMAN'S apl2 JirugSiore. za i, ALSJI, \vr,|if 1 .end hi .§•., dij o keg i ine Cop-i. v mi u qt. per gallon Good N. .! (.bs. to " James West. Makv Pekasintu, *OO " J U Bowne. : }5, nO |, E . 700 " Henry F. Miercken. The above ships will sail punctually, on their appointed day-, viz: From Philadelphia on the lOUt of each month. From Liverpool on the Ist of each month, r- Taking Steam on the Delaware, i'or passage, appiy to RAMfEI. PLEASANTS, No. 3? Walnut street, Philadelphia. Partie v. ill find these superior first class SIMPS rrm.il desirable conveyances for bringing out their friends, the accommodations in second cabin and steerage being of , tht most airy and capacious description. 3> Also Drafts for sale, payable in all parts of England, Ireland an.i Scotland, from one pound upwards February 3, lf3o ly The (Ureal China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. TUIANKFI'L to tht citizens of l.ewistown and ita vi •A cinity for their increased custom, we again request thetr company to view our large and splendid assortment of China, Glass ami Uueensware. Dinner sets, tea -ets, toilet sets, ami single pieces, either of Glass. China •ir Stone Ware, -"Id in quantities to suit purchasers, tor less than they can be had elsewhere —in fact at less than wholesale prices. American and English BHITTA.YIA .VKT.It. GOODS, in trr.-ater variety than ever before offered in the city Fancy China tit great variety, very cheap. s> We would invite any person visiting the city to call and set us —they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China tad tht chrap'st the world produces Very respectfully, TVNDALF. A MITCHELL, .Yo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. September 22, !^9~ly. I* A V E R ! V A I* E 15 ! Yo. 21 Bank street, Between Market and Chesmet, and 2 d and '3d streets, r n 1L A v K LP HI A. THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of coun try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing :he different varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Bo.v Boards, Ac. Being engaged in tiie manufacture of printing papers, Ihey solicit orders from printers for any given size, which u ill be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices Market prices eiiiier in cash or trade paid fur Hags DUCKETT cY KNIGHT, Yo. 21 Bank street, Philadelphia, October 6, Gl9-Iy. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS .it ELDkIUGE is ( HE.il' CARPET STORE, j fJIHE 81 BS( RIHER being in a bye street, is under a low rent and very light store expenses, whi< h enables him 1 to sell g oJs, holcsalc and retail, at the lowest prices in : lie city Persons wit-lung to boy, will do v, ell to ciainint thechoU" assortment he offers this -euson, of BEATTIFI-L IMPERIAL > and every VARIETY' of [carpets: indrain and venitias ) Anil Dili < LOT 11S from '2 to2i f?tt wide, So cut ("r Rooms, U-tll*, tcc., with a great variety of low priceo In gra."i Carpet*, from '25 to 50 wnu, and Entry and Stall Carets from 10 to 50 cents [>er \arJ Also, Mattings, Hearth Robs, Table Covers, floor Italic, Cotton end Raj; Carpel, See., Ate H. H. ELDRIDGE, n Strawberrj st , one door above Chesnut, near Second ; •!reel, Philadelphia. [march tt -3in OLIVES EVANS, •V'< 61 South second street, Philadelphia, Mmufaeturtr of >alamandcr, ft re and Thttf Proof Iron C'htite, with Potcdcr Proof J.aeks, \ NT> WARRANTED aqual to any other make for s0—ly f HEAP BLINDS k SHADES. R. .1 . W I Is la I A JI S, .Vs. 12 Vurth S> r! A afreet, Pkitaditphia. t'F.N'ITIAN BLIND manufacturer and wholesale and ' retail deal rin wisdow siiAaes— awarded the highest ! phe"i!i vi at the N'. Tv York, Philadelphia and Biltimore Exhibitions. CLRTAIV"? made and Lettered for store* and public ' buildings A large assortment f BLINDS and SHADES if new styles and finish, at the lowest cash prices. The public w ill find it to their interest to call. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new B. J \Y informs the patron* of KREEMANoId estah iHlirnent, No. 113] South S ondst , ileal he has remove <1 f. ioi there to No 12 North Sixth st . where he respectful !> -olidis a continuance of patronage. Inih-J 3in ' 1_ _ • I>. ISK KS JOiYES, H'holetule Wooden, H'illom-U'are, Praam, Br ask, Couth, Booking Pii'ti and furtety Store, •Vo It: fiorth Soond Street, Philadelphia, under J Sidney Janes' (,'arpit Warehouse, TT M INT; enlarged n.y STORE, have on hand and am •* * constantly manufacturing and receiving from the . .irtern slates and Europe, additions to my stock Cedar tVaxe.— 500 nest Cedar and Lit) nest painted Tubs, , •SftO barrel and 2'o staff" churns, Iftn dozen Cedar and CM dozen painted I'ails, 2u;i dozen Wash Board*, 100 dozen n-.t Si.gar and F'lour Box' - ; stpigots, Spoons and Ladles i Willutr tt'-ire —f'k'l ne.i Market ami 400 nest Clothes H i* k - *s, if* I Willow Coaches, < hairs and Cradles; a large -.ortmcnt of Fremhand Domestic Baskets. hrtf-t a* and onuin Wlra Rnenii io/mo Mm* ktr Broom i, 2iaf dozen each Wall, Paint, Scrubbing, fline ifid II- se Brushes; Tooth, Hhaving, Cloth and Hair Hru Ilea of every style Cem-'-r 2OOO dozen Kanry C oirbs, of varinup patterns, : side, ni " k, pocket, dies- eg and fine-tooth Combe of vari ous styles. Ijookinp (Ha*'" of Pine, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany >nd Gilt I r-irrie— all si/, s and patterns ; Herman, French nli- - <-b f.'tbktnu fit Pit' -of all siz.es from 7by V up ro 72 by 12" (packing insured to all parts of the Union) I t- z- tin i v. itn it large assortlru lit of Variety tioods too numerous to mention The attention of Merchant* is r. ipci'lfullyr solicited to the examination of my stock, all i i wiii- it will In- eld low for t. sll or city acceptance, so a t" anticipate any competition that can be offered. Philadelphia, Mareii 2, ISso—ly W he I c kale & li €* Ia i I tiiOtK sroiii;, -Nr. ~'i~ Market street, above. Seventh, Smith side, I'll ILA DELPHI A. \LTHOIIGXI we can scarcely estimate ttie value of TIME commercially, yet by r ailing at the above es tablishment, Jah km Btaata will furnish lus friends, irnnng whom he includes all who duly appreciate its fleelni ri, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking it-, progress, of whose value they CAN judge. Hi- extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in -< iiforinlly to the improvement* in taste and style of pattern and workmanship, consists of Kighi dap and 'l'kirttt-hour Brass Counting House, Parlor, ''* v *Church, and Alarm t -LOCKS, French, (,'o thir and oilier fancy styles, as well as plain, iv tiii h from his extensive connection and correspondence •v hh the maimfai Hirers he finds be can put at the lowest •ash liaure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of which he vvill warrant the accuracy. frClucke repaired and warranted. Clock 'J'riututinfe '•ti tiftfid • A 1.1. atiri ♦-#• •*#• ftmonK Ihf iu. J A MISS DAItRKK, MurKct st. Phtladclpbin, augusi ib, lbtO-ly Philadelphia Advertisements. SALAMANDER SAFES, Warranted I'irc A. Tliiei Proof, .LVD FREE FROM DJMPXESS. tpiIESE SAF%? possess every qualification to render theiu proof against tlic at lion of fire or thieves, and of ! sufficient strength to endure a fall from any story of a burning building. They are made of wrought iron, being kneed, livited and welded together, and lined with a per ; feet nonconducting fire proof mineral composition, no wood being used in their construction as in the majority of safes sold by other makers. The doors of (Javier's Safes are secured with his THIEF DETECTOR and ANTI GEN POWDER LOCK, which precludes the possibility of picking or blowing them open with gunpowder. Over TWO HUNDRED of these Safes have been exposed in accidental fire to the most intense lieat, in many instances remaining in the burning ruins for ae vera I days, and at no time have they ever been known to fail in preserving their contents. The public are invited tocull at the BRANCH DEPOT, No. 10 EXCHANGE PEACE, PHILADELPHIA, near Dock street, and examine the numerous testimonials in favor of (Javier's Safes, also tin* large assortment i n hand for sale at manufacturers' prices, by JOHN L. PIPER, Agent. P. S Also for sale low, new and second-hand Hales of other makers, which have been taken in part payment for Gayler's Salamanders. ap2f> 3m Pure Wines and Liquors. mm; attention of Dealers and Hotel Keepers isrequesl ed to my fine assortment of Wines and Liquors se lected with great care from stocks in Europe and this country, and from evurcc* which enable int to oi akantik their panto. KUAN DIES of every description from SI to £3per gallon V iIISKRY , fine Irish. Scotch ami Monongahela OLIJ J AMAIC A HI >l, Holland Gin, and Peach Brandy. >I.YI)i:iItA, SIIIiRU Y At rojtr WINES, of every variety and grade, from 73 cts. to #3 per gallon. CHAMPAGNE of all celebrated brand-, $'J 30 to sl6 Claret—Fine Table Claret at .Jr3, and higher grades. Also, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Malaga, Muscat, Ac. Wild Cherry Brandy, Raspberry, Blackberry and Lavender Brandy, Ac. kc. i Sic Fountry Tralc supplied at wholesale prices -A complete assortment of Wines and Liquors, very cheap, for culinary purposes. c'.-0.-ders promptly attended to. Good* carefully pack ed and forwarded by "Express." Samples sent to any part of the country free ofcharge, hv addressing, post paid, A. IJ AFCALLA, al2.3m] Wine Merciiatil, 30 Walnut si , Philadelphia. EE IT3I ERS! FEATHIERS!! * qualities, for si!?. wholesale arid retail, at th lowest cash prices, by HARTLEY ll. ( I OTiIS from 10cents to #1 00, \ vl " vi.wi lis, Entry Carp-riling., . from 20 cent* to #! 25, JUKI Hag Carpeting* from 25 to 10 centx ! nATTIXCiSi. Also, oil ( loth* and Mat ting", at ail price? Porokky HVRTI.KY A KNIGHT, I J-H iteeond *t . 5 door*above rtpruec, Phda finh'22-3m Indemnity. R P;IE RN.SKI.IX KIKE IXU RAM K COYI-AM of Phitadet phis OIFK'E 103. Ctiesiiut street, near J iflli street. D I RECTORS Charles N Bancker, Geo R Richards, Thomas Hart, Moriiecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E Bone, Samuel Grant, D ivul ff. Brow n, Jacob R Smith, Morris Patterson. Continue to make itiiurancr, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in TOWN A COI NTUY, at rat s -'is low as are consistent with serumy The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured The assou of the Company, on January Ist, Ixi9, as published agreeably to an Act <#( Assembly, were • < i.d lows, \ 17.: Mortgages, # 1,017,-138 41 Real Estate, 91,72-1 *3 Temporary Loans, 55,001 o5 Stock?, 51,523 25 Cash, A< , 38,801 37 #1,328,192 71 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, Ihey have paid upwards of Out .Million four Hundred 7 Aoti.ni nd Dollars, lossr - by tire, thereby affording an evi dence of the advantages of Insurance,as xx ,-li as the abil ity ami disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES N HA VCKEB, President. Citxßt.cs (I lixNCKSR, Secretary AGENT fur Mifflin county, 11. C. HALE, Esq., Lewistown. [spl2-ly American Saws of all Kinds. PANEL and Cross Cut SAWS. Mill do s£, G& 7 ft. Hoe &, Co.'s Circular do 14 to 30 in. Veneering do by tnal7tf F. G. FRANCISCrS. DOW N, M YNDERSEE & C< VSCast Iron, Revolving, Weil and Cistern Pumps.— An assortment of these highly celebrated arid cheap pumps daily expected. All information in regard to capacity and service of these pumps will be given by F. G. FRANC ISC US, Sole Agent for Mitllin county. Good News for Blacksmiths. I R C IT . riMIK subscriber has just received a large lot of y Irvin & Co.'s Centre county Iron on com mission, ami shall continue to keep a heavy stock which he will warrant, and sell at the following prices, for cash, on delivery : Regular assorted Iron, 3. cents. Horse shoe do 4 do Nail rods, 4j do F. F. HOFFMAN. Lewistown, March 2'J, IHSQ. jN. B.—On hand, also, a large assortment of SMALL IRON. F. 3. 11. PRTRRiRCM OR ROCK OIL. \ use as the best remedy yet discovered.' See the Pamphlets-, v. hi< h you - an get from one of our Agen's gratis Also, Dr. Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, in all < is-s where a purgative is needed. ' > Prepared and sold b, MAR IIN >fc WHITEI.BY, Wholesale Drug St.,re. No !- S. Culvert t , Baltimore. For n:i!e by F. J. HOFFMAN and ATT SON & JACOB, Hewi.-tovvn ; and by Alex ander Riti.edoe, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. J tin" 3ft, I*49—ly. HARRIS, TVRXER ii!ifl >j i*it|> of Mpip lia or Vfp lahlc Vcruiil'tigc, The most effectual, the safest, plea sunt est and most court nient Worm Medicine trrr offered 'o the public. rpiJK SI'HTKI.IA, tys a work of bi;heit authority, i(lands at thr hi id t an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.— Please forward per bearer 2 doz. bottles.—Y ours, ice." 3d.—An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we had previously sold the syrup, writes : "Since my return home, 1 find that your Syrup of Spi- i gi lia has come into general use in this neighborhood. We ' have sold what we had on band, and it gave such satis- j faction that it in now railed for evev day. You will please j put us up .1 or f> dozen in a small package, and send to the care of \\ Anderson Ac Co., Richmond, as soon as possi ble, and forward the bill per uiail.—Yours, Ac." •lib.— A lespecta'de merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to j Philadelphia, staled, that some time since he bad been ap- , pi t*-d in by a customer f>r a vial of —'s Ver mifuge for it is sou Not having tbe a Hide asked for, he ' advised n trial of Harris, Turner Ac tfile's Compound Syrup of Spigolla and gave him a part of a b-tlle which i was all that remained in the *f re. A day or two aftei tins the gentleman returning to Ihe stor-, expressed his surprise and delight at the effect of tin .Syrup, .tetb: : ,'iig it had expelled 200 worms and eul.i lx r. I v. .; in s. 201 Market street, Philadelphia, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win- i dow glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumeries, Ac., Sec., and exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner A Hale's ; Sugar-Coated Pills, Huxham's Liniment for the Piles,the j Hanbridge Hair Tunic, liberie s Eye Water, Mrs. Madi son's I'n rivalled I mle I libit-Ink, De wees* Celebrated Nerve and Bone Liniment, or Magic Pain Extractor, Mrs. Sluts- I wood's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla,forfiavoting Pud- j ditigs, Ice Creams, Ac., Ac. For -sale by dealers in Drugs generally in Centre. Milihn and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf ; IYOR THE 1. A DIES.—Lily White, Violet ' toilet i'owder, 'l'ootli Powder, Tooth and j Hair Brushes, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Musk Bags, [dp salve and Fancy soaps, for sale at A. A. BANKS' apl2 Diamond Store. Saddlers and Coackmakers! LOOK to your interests—call upon subscriber and purchase your ware W low for cash at P. J HOFFMAN'S apl2 Hardware Store, mm Jaundice. I>s>|iejNia, Chro nic or n'ervou* Dcbiiify, Disease of llie Kitlueys, AND ALL DISEASE ARIB - NO PROM A DISOR DERED 1 .IV KR OR STO MACH, SUCH AS CONSTIPA TION, INWARD PILEB, FULLNESS, OR JBLOCD TO TUB HEAD, ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH, NAUSEA, HEART-BURN, DIS ! OUST FOR FOOD, FULLNESS, OR WEIGHT IN THE ! STOMACH, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, SINKING OR FLUTTERING AT THE PITOF THE STOMACH, SV.TMING OF TIIE HEAD, HURRIED AND DIFFICULT BREATHING, FLUTTERING AT THE HEART, CHOKING OR SI FPOC A T I N G SENSATIONS WHEN In n lying posture, Dimness J \ tsnn, Dots i or webs before the Sight, lever and dull | pain m the Head, Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of (he Shin and I'yes, Pan in the. Side, Park, Chest, Limbs, cjre., Sodden Plushes of Heat, Horning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great depression of Sjiiri's, can be clfuct.ua!- ly cured by DR. IIOOFLAND'S celebrated ii E R 31A X 111 TT KISS, PREPARED BY R.R. C. IVX. JACKSOIJ, At the German Medicine Store, 1.?9 Arch st. PHILADELPHIA. Theirpower cv.r the above diseases in no' excelled—if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States an ' the caret attest, in many eases after skilful physicians had : failed. These Bitter* are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing err at virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the met search ' in# powers in weakness andaffections of the digestive or gans, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. REM) AXD BE CONVINCED. ' CIIAS. ROBINSON, Esq., Eastern, Md., iri a letter to I)r. j j Jackson, January 9, 1850, said— "My v. ifc and myself have received more benefit from i I your medicine than any other we have ever taken forthe | Dyspepsia and Liver disease." "THE TKNTTI LECHOK," published at Woodstock,Va., January 10,1850, said— "l GREAT MEDICIXE'' ) "We hive uniformly refrained frurn recommending to the public any of the various Patent Medicines of thj day, UIIO s. thoroughly convinced ofllmir value. Among tin -<* we consider worthy of notice is the German Bitttre, ii.vented by Dr. Hcufiand, arid prepared by Dr Jackson, m Philad'-i; hia. One instance iu particular, ir, which the superior virtues of this medicine has been tested, has fal- ! len tinder our observation. During the last summer, a sou of Mr. ABRAHAM OR A MM., of this county, was very seriously afii.' led with Lit er Complaint, and after trying , in vain various remedies, he purchased a bottle of the Hitters, and after using it. wj, so much relieved of his distressing malady, that he procured another bottle, and j is restored entirely to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS 1 NOM " I'nt WELTI'.M MEBALD," pufcltshcdat H'eldon V C\, J it.tnry -J!. l-'.O, which said — " FA TEXT MEIJICTXES." " It is very seldom that we make any allusion to Patent Medicines, either approving or otherwise. Unfortunately for the country, and for honest and conscientious inven tors and venders oftliese medicines, ihe land is becoming flooded with quack preparations, that are made alone for profit and are fit not even for the dogs. In this state of tilings it is haul to tell which are, and which are not Avorth having. If a prson gets an indifferent medicine the first time be purchases, he is very apt to condemn the whole of iliem and buy no more, and invenjors must only blame those of their number, (who ignnrantly combine plain medicines together for the purpose of making money,) for the ill success which attends Hie efforts of the deserving " " We believe Dr. C. M. Jackson's 'Hoofland's German Bdiers' to be a rnogt excellent medicine, and one that should be highly popular in these days of Temperance; fur they are altogether Vegetable in their composition, without one drop of ,dlcckolte Spirits in them. This med icine is innocent, but strengthening in its effects, and rich ly deserving of an unbounded popularity, which, when it becomes known, It will, no doubt, fully enjoy ." JtnoE M. M.NOAH said, in his " WSSKLY MESSEM OEM,'' January 5. 1850 " Dr. Jiaefiand's German Bitten. —Here i< a prepara tion whirl) theleadin* presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and the reason Is obvious- It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times—the late I>r. Christopher VVithclm Huofland, professor to the Uni versify of Jena, private physician to the king of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor and endorser may bo confidently relied on. He specially recommended it in l.icer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertieo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the iiver and the .ntestines Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellency, and sev eral of the editors speck of its effects from their own indi vidual experience. Under these circumstances, we feel vv arranted, not only in calling tlm attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr C M. Jackson's) prepara tion, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE. The " PHILADEIPH! A SATURDAY GAZETTE," the best family newspaper published in the United states Th editor says of Dr. lion/land's Herman Bitters: " It is seldom ibat we recommend what are termed Pat ent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and, therefore, w hen we recommend Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters, we wish it to he distinctly under stood that we are not speaklugofthc nostrum* of the dav, that are noined about f..r n brief period artd,then forgotten ■ift. rit li,i9 done it* guilty race of mischief,but of a med icine long established, universally prid,and which ha* met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence his been received (like tse foregoing) from all sections of the Luton, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor,is, that there is more of it useti to the practice of the regular Physi cians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, u tact that can easily he established, ami tally proving that tt scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval w hen pre sented even in this form. That this medicine will cure I.tver I 'omplaint and Dyspepsia, no one cttn doubt after usjne ,t as directed. It acts specifically upon the stom ach end liver; it is preferable fo calomel in alt bilious diseases the efiTect is immediate. They can be administered to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, at any time BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. I Ins medicine has attained thai high charac ter which is necessary for all medicines to at tain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spu rious articie at (he risk of the lives ol those who are innocently deceived Ijook well to the marks of the genuine. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the OER MAN MEDICINE STOKE. NO. J2O ARCH STRUCT one door below Sixth, (late ot 27* Race Street 9 Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers P e„cr'. Qiy throughout the country. march 22 —ly. Paper & Blank Books. subscriber has always on a finc Hock of Printing, Cap, .. .. . Otter, V\ ronping. Window ud an Papers and Blank Hook*. (0~ W riling Papers very low b< the Ream a V I3 F- J.' HOFFMAN. tins i in i', PURIFY! PURIFY! Life and Health are in the Blood. Not ono of all the numerous medicines that have l>eon prepared, begins to be of as great medical virtue, power, and unfailing certainty to cleanse and purify, produce new. healthy blood, and strengthen and invigorate the whole sy - tern, aa BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tid.s Purifier is the most wonderful and astonishing rem edy in the world. No other medicine has effected such al most miraculous cures of Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, SYPHILIS, and other eruptive and skin diseases, viz.: Lry sifielat, Sores, Ulcers. Ulcerated Sore Mouth and Throat. Nursing Sore Mouth, Scald livid, Biles. Piles, Pimples on the Fairs, Rheumatism, LIVER COMPLAIST, and many other diseases. THOUSANDS of such diseases have been cured bv t! is PURIFIER, and cured by the use of FOUR TIMES Less Quantity, at Less Cost by four-fold, than ever such diseases were before or since cured, by Sarsapariiia, or any other remedy. What, then, is the question for those interested to decide, as to economy aril health? FIRST— (FiII it cure my complaint i SEC OND— Is it cheaper t THIRD— WiII ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of BRANTS PURIFIER effectively cure FOUR TIMES ss much disease as one dollar's tcorlh of Sarsapariiia ? If it will, theu it is FO U R TIMES CHEAPER than Sarsapa riiia. And to prove this wo offer one case of cure, out of the many cases of MOST HORRID SCROFULA. To realize the gran potcer of this medicine as a purifier, read, in our Pamphlets, the perfect cure effected on Mr. J, B. Has kin, of Rome, Oneida county, If. Y. He was confined to hie bed One Year —was not expected to live twenty-four hours longer —his neck was eaten nearly off. from ear to car—a bole was eaten through the Wind pipe —his car nearly eaten out —the use of one arm destroyed —an Ulcer, as large as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through his side—and there were on him, in all, . Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Ulcers, which were ALL CURED, and he restored to health an.l strength to labor again, by the use of ONLY TWELVE BOTTLES. This Wonderful cure is certified to by Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. An 1 it is the greatest cure, the most undoubtedly substantiat ed, of one of the most horrid and most hopeless cases of Scrofula, that h-s ever been cured since the world was cre -I—. ..-npletely establishing the great potcer and certain Ji-a-g of the medicine. 3 RANT'S" INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Ph.s Pa!-am i -scss.-s a 1 ! the ehranfin% and fnertfytng Virtues ot th. -i'miv.' named PUKIFYINO Extract, and a'.-.o po-oniTcra. other meditations, partiiuh ly and pen.- hot iapted to cor- COUGHS md CONSUMPTIONS, it ■teats ana .-u, et I' .ere ;n the Lungs, and elsewhere internal ly. as readily ami as easily as the purifying Extract heals and cures e eternally. TM T.SAKQS of cures of the most hopeless Consumption fuilv prove it mo-t miraculous efficacy In ali due&scs of the LUNGS, THROAT, and BREAST. A DYING WOMAN' SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED! w ,-ive the following ccrtifirate as a fact of cure, which guev to prove the pow.-r to save iife. even when the person seems to be ir. :he very '.art stages of existence, when Brant s Indian Pulmonary Ea 'ram is administered : T ■ f lisllston, Sc-ctoga Co.. .V Y — ss. ZIDA PYKT MAX. being duly sworn, says : That in the winter of i 845. deponent's wiie was believed by her physician and others to be dying with a consumption of the lanes; and deponent believing that to be the went to Mr. John Wait's store, in the <■> luge of Bails ton Spa, to purchase cloth for a shroud, ur.d other neccs-anes, to prepare his wife for burial alter eh should die. Deponent further savs, that while he was in said IV* r J store, he was persuaded by the Proprietor of bit ANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM," who was then present to take a bottle of said MeJiciae—he remark it!.: tit .1 the dying unman be now past recovery, yet if she be much oppressed and d:sheeted, the said medicine would soothe and relieve her. and make the pillow of death more easy. Deponent took the said medicine home with him. together with the cloth be had purchased pre paratory to the anticipated death of his wife. Deponent CM used "a portion of said medicine to be administered to lii- wife, and to hit astoni.-diment it soon relieved her .-he continued the use of said medicine until she recov ered from her disease, and has been able since (it being now more than three years) to do the work, and attend to all her household affair's . and deponent verily brikvea that, through the blessing of Providence. the restoration to health ot Ins wife was tiie result of the curative and healing effi- cacy of Bruit's tnduin Pulmonary Balsam. Z'.BA DYKEMAN. Subscribed and sworn to, before me, this 29th day of April. 1848. THOS. G. YOUNG, Justice of the Pence. Tmm of Ballston, Saratoga county. A'. V.— ss. This is to certify, thnt I am. and have been lor many years, well and intimately acquainted with the above-named Ziba DykemaD. > who is one ot our most worthy and respectable citizens, sud whose statements are entitled to full credit and belief. THO.- . G. YOUNG. Justice of the Peace. April 29, 1848. T. 'lti of Ballston, Village of Ballston Spa —ll. : 1 :us is to certify, that tlie circumstances aad facts stated above by Ziba Dykomaa are to my knowledge strictly true, and that he has frequently since stated to me that Brant's Indian Bs!-:itr. saved the life of Mis. Dykeiran. April 29, IF IS. JOHN WAIT. BRANT'S PULMONARY BAr.FAM cures COVSI MP TIOS, Coughs, Colds, -Spirting of Blood. Bleeding at tat Longs. Pan in Or B rail and Side, Sight■ Sweats, -VVrcr-L j i ( Sip'ai its. Pulpit.ition of the Htart, Festal* Weaknesses and Complaints, Cholera Infos'"** Ih; sent try, and S untie rr Com vlaints PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF. DOCT. J W. FRENCH, of Hillsdale. Hillsdale Co., Mich.. wrote to us. Dec. 8. 1848: " I have been in the regular prac tice of medicine in this place for .Vine Years ; out was obliged to quit the practice of my profession in conse quence of ill health. 1 was so severely afflicted with a chronic disease of the lungs, as to convince me that I had the Consumption past J cult I coughed almost incessantly night and day. and had severe pains and soreness in my chest, side, and breast. I tried the remedies recommended by the most skilful of my profession, all to no effect, excepting the nausea and debility caused by them. 1 was prejudiced against Patent Medicines, and have no faith now in them, generally. But i was induced, as an experiment, more thau through faith, to try a bottle of BRANT'S INDIAN PUL MONARY Bat - AN and I do here acknowledge, lor the ben efit of the afflicted or whom it may serve, that the effect of its use on me. was the must prompt and salutary of any med icinos 1 ever witnessed the effect of in all my practice My couoit was IMMEDIATELY RKt tkvsp. and in about eight - ten days. 1 was free from cough, soreness of the chest, and pain, and now consider and pronounce myself a well man " Poet French is uow a respectable druggist and merchant at Hillsdale. ANOTIIFR IMPORTANT VICTORY: Messrs. Hoitstander Jfc Co., respectable merchants ef Oborlin, Lorain Co., Ohio, wrote December 19, 1848 : "Af ter allowing th • Brant's Medicines which you sent to us. to r> main at Cleveland about three months, we sent for them We have been so often deceived by such medicines net proving to be equal to their recommendation*, and therefore would not seß, when their want of efficacy was known, that we considered it unprofitable to keep such, and were therefore prejudiced against Kraut's, supposing it to be i better than many others we have on sale. After we ha ! received Brant's. I, (A Hoitstander) was persuaded from read-ng the nvmphiet to take a bottle of the Pulmonary P sam home. My wife bad been afflicted with a severe couga lor about ten months, and our friends were alarmed '.. i fearful that she would find nothing to relieve or eure b- Hut notwithstanding our prejudices to patent medicine". we are okhgrJ to say. and cheerfully confess, that BSANT'< BVlmid PuiirviNo EXTRACT, can be depended on in PTV'll- Va CC f - '" y ! >r . 0t tlu> m " u Y kind* that have bet" in herl",' i TT' r y . Wlfc Immediately relieve ' t ! V efore * he hsJ finished uring the f botUe began to gam strength and health, and onlv th bottles effected a perfect cure. The PuatrviN® EXT.A, 1 have personally used lor a general debility ol the systeir v>.! Ve . M 0 heaitftnty in saying that it in th* bet medi cine TO restore and invigorate the system, that I hare ever ouiut In every instance where w t have sold these lOedv- Cities they have proved their efficacy, and given tha F Sfttistncti'in. FOR SALE BY •fI.FRED MARKS, Levristoxm, ' 1 If. Hfxß Voftjfotm, M. STEELY V CO., Btlif'riUt, J OILY ALBRIGHT, RttibvilL, And by Agents in all parts of the Stale. All letter* and orders must be uddresse WALLACE A Co., 10t Broadw ay, New Yor November 17, 1S 49—colv I > 'XJSSELL'S PERFU M KR Y.— Ext I* assorted; Kau Lustrale, Phiiocnme, . Hair Dye, Charcoal Tooth Paste, Rose ! hs'p, Pear. Powder, loo'lt Powder, &p., • It. MUVMFU/S !,e\visto\vn. n.-iu !i is'iO