Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 14, 1850, Image 3

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    A Baltimore paper, in speaking of the death
0 t" ihe Rev. J. limber, says ;
•' We remember him well. Me was one of
the old fashioned Methodist preachers with a
warm heart and stout lungs—able to make
saints shout and sinners tremble, fie had no
college learning himself, and no great love
tor it in others, lie was equally good at set
tling predeetinartans in the pulpit, or a riot at
the doors. A little noise of the right sort (or
the wrong either) did not disturb him. Mis
prayers waxed more fervent amidst the audible
aspirations arour.d him, and his voice was heard
like a trumpet above the cries of glory towards
the end ot his sermons. Farewell to this
gjod old servant ! At the last day he will be
found, we doubt not, right side up with care
" We must here add, for the benefit of "hi
f iture biographer, an anecdote of Mr. Gruber,
which passed current. On one occasion at a
camp-meeting which he attended, there was
some disturbance created by a young woman
who persisted in standing on'the benches.
• .Never mind,' said brother G., I'll bring her
r, j° W ' t * l a ' out * vo ' ce he exclaimed,
•It 1 hRd as large a hole in my stocking as
that young woman, I don't think I'd stand on
the benches.' Down catne the lady. • Why
brother,' said one of the preachers, • how did
you know she had a hole in her stocking.'
' Well if she hadn't'said Mr. G., * 1 dou't see
how she'd got her foot into it.'"
('RAIN AND CALICO. —It is stated on the most
reliable authority that the entire exports of
breadstuff* from the United States to England
in 1349, will not be sufficient to pay for over
o.ie-half the Calicoes imported from that coun
try during the same period ! In the year 1849
we imported from Great Britain alone over
l-LOOO.OOO.dollars worthof Calico ! Meantime
rhe heaviest calico manufacturers in the United j
States have failed.
BACON. — Hams, Shoulders and Sides for
jeTtf sale low by YV.M. REVVALT.
PRUNES, &C., at A. A. BANKS'
my3l Diamond Drug and Variety store.
Shoe Finding*.
SOLE LEATHER, at 18J cents nett cash.
M en's Morocco, Lining 1 &. Binding Skins,
Pegs, Lasts, tc., for sale by
ma 17if F. G. FttANCISCUS.
To Painter* and (dazirrsT
"i Putty, 300 lbs. Whiting, Chrome
JL "vf Green, Chrome Yellow, Litherage,
Terra Sierra, Red Lead, Vermillion, (English,)
&.c , always on hand by F. G. FKANCISCUS.
RUDISILL has added a fine assortment of
SUMMER HATS and CAPS to his stock
—embracing fine PANAMAS, and all the inter
mediate qualities down to STRAW and CHIP.
Call and see them.
Operation* oil the Teeth.
WOULD inform the public that he has re
turned to Lrwistown with the view of
making it his permanent place of residence,
and is now ready to be consulted on the busi
ness of his profession. II is Office is in the front
room of tlie second story of the Bank. [my24tf
Estate of ftev'd Jacob iirnber,
NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned,
residing in the borough of Lewistown, has
been duly appointed and qualified as Executrix
of the Estate of Rev. JACOB GRUBER, late
of Lewistown, Mifflin county, deceased. All
persons having claims against said estate are re
quested to present them for settlement without
delay, and those indebted to make immediate
May 31, 1850—Gw Executrix.
TIHE undersigned begs leave to inform the public, that
he has recently purchased the Warm Springs, in
Perry county, Fa, and has improved and refurnished the
buildings for the entertainment of visiters, in a style
calculated to ensure comfort and convenience to ail w ho
may feel disposed to pallatize ike establishment.
These springs are situated on the banks of and emplv
Into (Sherman's creek, a stream assoc aled with the thrill
ing scene* between the early settlers of that part of
Pennsylvania and the aborigines, whose hunting grounds
lay on its margin. They are 11 miles from Carlisle,
(through which the Cumberland Valley Railroad passes
from Chambersburg to Ifarrisburg,) from which place
visiters can at all times procure excellent conveyances.
Those also from the east, wishing to reach lite springs by
the Central Railroad, can do so by taking passage to the
Duneamton Iron Works, (13 miles distant from the
springs) where coaches are constantly in readiness to
convey them thither; and those coining from the west
on the same road, can at ail times obtain easy conveyan
ces at the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which is but a few
miles distant from the springs.
The qualities of the water at these springs are most
extraordinary indeed for the speedy and permanent cure
of SCROFULA, TETTER, Eruptions of the Skin, and
in fact every species of Cutaneous Diseases. 1| has
hundreds of certificates, showing the wonderful cures
effected by using this water internally, and by bathing in
it, obtained as well from strangers as from those residing
in the immediate neighborhood of the springs, who have
not only experienced the infallible efficacy of the water
themselves, hut witnessed the same upon others. Prof.
JAMES C. BOOTH has analyzed the waters, and found
them to contain 9 2 grains of solid matter in the gallon,
which is composed as follows :
Carbonate of lime, ... 2.6G7
44 magnesia, - - 1.938
Alkaline salts, chiefly chlorides, with a por
tion of sulphate, • - 1.093
ftilicia ..... 0.603
Organic matter, - - - 2 897
There are also at the same place half a dozen of other
Springs, of different descriptions, among which is one of
sulphur and one of cold water.
It may not be improper to state why a knowledge of the
extraordinary medical qualities of these springs has not
been more extensively known than is indicated by the
certificates of those only who have resided in their im
mediate neighborhood. Years ago the property fell into
the hands of a number of heirs, who were indisposed to
undertake the responsibility of making it a place of pub
lic entertainment - probably because the patronage of the
public would not have justified the undertaking, us at
that time (before the spirit of Improvement had rendered
distant and difficult points of speedy and cheap access,)
its location was out of the way, and the roads to it rough
and almost impassable. At the death of Mr. Kennedy,
it fell into the hands of his heirs, neither of whom seem
ed disposed to take hold of it, but leased it to tenants,
more for the cultivation of the land than a regard to the
use of the water. It was finally rented to Mr. Hippie,
(uow proprietor of a large hotel in Tremont. Pa ) who
made arrangement* to accommodate the public, and dur
-4 his term many invalid* availed themselves of this
•portunity to visit and test it* medical qualities Mr
-pple how ever retired in a short time, and the property
•rain fell inlo the hand* of the heirs, and remained so
uittl proceedings were instituted in the Orphans'
f its sale It was ordered to be sold, and the subscri-
I" became the purchaser- It will thus be seen that with
t; exception of the short time it was held by Mr. Hip
pi* no efforts were made to bring it into notice.
' Lie country round the springs and neighborhood is di
ve.-fieii ty cultivation and beautifully wild and pictu
tstnie scenery, abounding ir. gome, while lite stream
P**.iiig through the property affords fine fishing. Every
* l '*ntion w ill be paid to the comfort and convenience of
*-ts, and the charges so moderate, that all may avail
mselves of the benefit* of the Water.
\U\ ai-St 11. H. KTTER.
THE following is a copy of an Agreement pro
hnrif j entered into by the late Borough
ha*4n<p h Company, but which not
IViwn P signed, the present Burgess and
i T own Council refer to a vote of the people, and
I ion go>era themselves according to that decis
| AGREEMENT made and concluded this 4th
a * °Tr ' between the Lewis*
, town V\ ater Company of the first part, and the
Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of
Lewistown of the second part, witnesseth that
| tne said Lewistown Water Company agrees to
! erect not less than eight, and not exceeding
I twelve fire Plugs, in addition to those already
j erected, in such places in the Borough of Lew-
I istown as may be selected bv the Burgess and
I town Council of the Borough of Lewistown.
I the said firo plugs, as well as those already
j erected, are to be under the control and care of
j the said Water Company, who are to keep the
i sarne i" good repair, except where the same may
j be broken or injured in any way for the purpose
! ot getting water to extinguish fires, in which
cas-s all necessary repairs are to be made at the
expense of said Borough of Lewistown.
In consideration whereof the said Borough of
I Lewistown agrees to pay the said Lewistown
i Water Company an annual rent of three dollars
; for each fire plug by them erected in the Borough
; of Lewistown, as well as for all those already
erected as for those now agreed to be erected ;
which said sum of three dollars is hereby agreed
upon by said parties as the water rent to be
charged and paid for the water used out of each
hie plug for the extinguishing of fires in said
borough, be the same more or less.
Witness the hand of the President of said
Lewistown Water Company and the Seal of said
Company—Also the hand of the Chief Burgess
of said Borough and the Seal of said Borough,
the day and year aforesaid. This contract to
continue for the term of ten years from the first
day of April, 1850—at which time a neic can- ;
tract is to be entered into in regard to the said wa- I
ter rent.
The Llection will be held at the Town
r 1 4 on ,, Salurda y, June 15, between the hours
of J A. M. and 6 P. M., and it is understood that
those who rote "FOR FIRE PLUGS " are in
favor of paying rent to the Water Company as I
provided in the Agreement, and that those who
vote "AGAINST FIRE PLUGS" are opposed
to the payment of such rent as is provided for m
said Agreement. DAVID BLOOM
Lewistown, May 17, 1850-te Committee.
HAS just received a iarge supply and vari
ety ot (t It ()( LItI £S, which he will
sell at city prices. Sugar, Coffee, Teas Mo
lasses, Liquors, Fish, Salt, Fluster, i f-c. |A!so,
Lumber, (.ual, Jiails, and all leadiic articles
of trade. "
As the business will be transacted
strictly on the Cash principle, 1 can sell you
goods as low as any other house in tow n. *Bv
calling at my store, (west end of Elizabeth
street, at the lock on Penna. canal) vou can be
convinced of this fact. " fjeTtf
rpflE subscriber respectfully informs his
A friend* and the public in general, that he
has REMOVED his store to the room lately
occupied by JOHN I. M'Cov, as a Shoe Store,
nearly opposite the Bank, where he has just
received a first rate assortment of Congress,
Plug, Roll, l,ady '1 wist. Small Lump, Sweet
and Plain Cavendjsh, Black Fat, Luscious Lux
ury, Eldorado, Natural Anti-nervous, Mrs. Mil
ler's and Anderson's Fine Cut and Solace TO
BACCO ; Rappee, Scotch, Macabau and Na
tiotches SNUFF and Snuff Boxes; PIPES,
and SMOKING TOBACCO; Havana, Span
ish, Half do., and American CIGARS.
Also, Letter and Writing PAPER; Quills,
Steel Pens and Pen Holders; Motto, Transpa
rent and Plain WAFERS; Sealing Wax,
Slates and Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Black,
Blue, Red, and Indelible INK, and Inkstands;
Black Sand and Sand Boxes, and a "eneral
assortment of
lllank .iiifl School Hooks,
together with a choice selection of J WVENILK
Also, a good article of Pen Knives, Pocket
Combs, Bank Cases, Port Monies, &c.. etc.,
which he will sell at the very lowest cash pri
ces. GEO. W. THOMAS.
N. B.—He will sell Tobacco, Snuff' and Ci
gars al H HOLES ALE to dealers on the
most accommodating terms.
Lew is town, June 7, 1850—3 m
THE undersigned has
__ just returned from the east
j with a large addition to his
\\ \ " Clock*, Watches Sc.
iSltf .V. r which he will dispose of
on the principle of 44 small profits and quick
sales." Of the assortment he has on hands he
will briefly enumerate a few of the leading ar
ticles, such aff
Thirty Hour Brass Clocks, Eight Day Clocks ;
Jtccordeons and Musical Boxes ;
Ladies' 1 &,• Gentlemen's Breast Bins Sf Finger Rings ;
Ear Rings, Bracelets, Slides, Gold Medallions ;
Gobi Pencils, Gold Bens, Gold Guard Fob Chains;
Silver Table, Tea and Salt Spoons ;
Rodger's Ben Knives.
He also keeps an assortment of
Razors and Strops, Hair Brushes, Burses, Port Mo
naies, Monty Bells, Envtlvpes, .Vole Paper,
Motto Wafers, Combs, Inkstands,
with a variety of other knick knacks too nu
merous to mention.
attended to promptly ar.d correctly, as usual.
Old Gold and Silver will be bought, and the
highest price paid for it. Call at the DIAMOND
WATCH and JEWELRY STOKE, two doors east of
Turner's Hotel, where you are sure to get bar
Lewistown, June 7, 1850—3 m
1 and East Kishacoquillas Turnpike Com
pany, That there will be an election held nt
the house of WM. BROTHERS, in Reeds
ville, Mifflin county, on THURSDAY,2Oth of
June, 1850, to elect one President, five Mana
gers, and one Treasurer, to conduct the affairs
of said Road till the first Monday of November,
1850. By order of the Commissioners.
WM. C. DUNCAN, ) 0 .
M. BOOT, JSecretMwa MA v .24.^d
Jk 4 k Bushels for sale by
w" je7tf WM. RE WALT.
nUNCANNON V ails mid Spikes for sale
jeT'f by WM. KKWALT.
IN pursuance of the duties enjoined on me, the
following act for the erection of a House for
; the Support of the Poor of Mifflin County, is
| made public.
Lewistown, May 30, 1850. \
■ Authoiising the Overseers of the Poor of Ly
coming county to sell certain property belong
ing to Walter Potts, an insane relative
j to the Boundary Lines between the States of
Pennsylvania and Delaware; to Elections in
Philadelphia county ; and to holding Courts
in Juniata county; and to taking Excessive
Interest from the Bank of Lewistown.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate uutl House
i of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby eu
| acted by the authority of the same. That Samuel
W. Taylor, Isaiah Coplin, Samuel Barr, James
Criswell, and David Jenkins—all of the countv
of Mifflin—be and are hereby appointed Com
missioners, whose duty it shail be, or a majority
of them, on or before the first day of August,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and
fifty, to determine upon and purchase such real
estate as they shall deem necessary for the ac
commodation of the poor of Mifflin county ; and
it shall be lawful for said Commissioners, or a
majority of tliem, to take conveyances therefor
in the name and for the use ot the corporation
mentioned in the third section of this act; and
they shall certify their proceedings therein, un
der their hands and seals, to the Clerk of the i
Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of
Mifflin, to be filed in his office; arid at the next
general election the qualified electofs of Mifflin
county shall elect three reputable citizens of i
said county to be Directors of the poor and of
the bouse of employment for the county of
Mifflin for the ensuing year in the following i
manner, to wit: The townships of Armagh,
Brown, Union, and Menno shall elect one per- j
son, who shall serve three years ; the townships '
of Wayne, Oliver, Granville, I)Try, Decatur,
and the borough of M'Veytown and the borough 1
of Newton Hamilton shall elect one person, who
shall serve for two years ; and the borough of !
Lewistown shall elect one person, who shall !
serve one year—and annually thereafter one !
person shall be elected to serve for three years, ■
and be elected in the district where a vacancy
shall occur by the expiration of the term of
office; and the judgesof the election of said coun- j
ly shall, immediately on receiving the returns
from the several election districts and casting up
the number of votes therein, or within three :
days thereafter, certify, under their hands and '
seals, the names of the persons so elected di- j
rectors to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter '
Sessions of said county, who shall file the said |
certificate in bis office, and forthwith give notice
in writing to the said directors of their being i
elected ; and said directors shall meet at the '
Court House, in Lewistown, on the first Monday
of November next ensuing their election, to !
transact business.
SECTION 2. Every director elected in manner
aforesaid, or appointed as is directed by the
eleventh section ol this act, shall, within ten
days after he is notified of such election or ap
i pointment, and before he enters upon the duties
of the said office, take an oath or affirmation,
which shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions, which anv jus
■ tice ol the peace ol said county is hereby author
ized to administer, that he will discharge the
■ duties of the office of director of the poor for
the said county truly, faithfully, and impartially,
r to the best of his knowledge and ability ; and in
case of neglect or refusal to take said oath or
affirmation within the time aforesaid, he shall
forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for the
■ use of the poor of said county, which fine shall
be recovered by the directors for the time being
as debts are or shall be by law recoverable ; and
the directors qualified as aforesaid are hereby
authorised to administer an oath or affirmation
in any case when it shall be necessary in relation
to the duties of their office.
SECTION 3. The said directors shall forever
hereafter, in name and in fact, he one bodv pol
itic and corporate in law to ail intents and pur
poses whatsoever relative to the poor of the
county ot .Milllin, and shall have perpetual suc
cession, and may sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded, by Hie uurne, style and title of '• The
Directors of "the Poor and the House of Employ
ment for the County of Mifflin," and by that
name shall and may receive, take, and hold any
land*, tenements, and hereditaments not exceed
ing the yearly value of ten thousand dollars, and
any goods and chattels whatsoever of gift, alien
ation, or bequest of any person or persons what
soever ; to purchase, take, and hold any lands
and tenements within their county in fee simple,
or otherwise, and erect suitable buildings for the
reception, use, and accommodation of the poor
of said county ; to provide all things necessary
for the lodging, maintenance, and employment
of said poor; to appoint a Treasurer annually,
who shall give bond with full and sufficient sure
ty for the faithful discharge of the duties of bis
office, and at the expiration thereof for the pay
ment and delivery over to his successor in office
all moneys, bonds, notes, book accounts, and
other papers to the said corporation belonging,
which shall then be remaining iri his bands, cus
tody, and possession ; and said directors shall
have power to employ, and at pleasure remove,
a steward or stew ards, matron or matrons, phy
sician or physicians, surgeon or surgeons, and
all other attendants that may be necessary for
the said poor respectively ; to bind out appren
tices so that such apprenticeship may expire (if
males) at or before the age of twenty-one ; if fe
males, at or before the age of eighteen years,
such poor children as shall come under their
notice, or as may now be bound apprentices by J
the Overseers of the Poor; Provided, That no j
child shall be bound at a greater distance than !
thirty miles from the poor house, and to have !
not less three months schooling in each and every '
year; and the said directors shall exercise and ;
enjoy all such other powers now vested in the
Overseers of the Poor as are not herein gran cd j
or supplied ; and the said directois are hereby
empowered to use one common seal in all busi- ;
ness relating to said corporation, and at their ;
pleasure to alter and renew the same.
SECTION 4. The said directors, as soon as may
be after their election and organization as afore
said, shall make an estimate of the probable ex
pense ol purchasing the lands and buildings, or
erecting the necessary building or buildings, and
furnishing the same, and maintaining the poor
within the said county for one year, whereupon
the County Commissioners of the said county
shall, and they are hereby authorized and re
quired to increase the county tax by one-fourth
part of the sum necessary for the purpose afore
said, and shall procure on loan on the credit of
the taxes herein directed to be levied, the re
maining three-fourths thereof to be paid in in
stalments, with interest, out of the county taxes.
Provided always, That not more than one-fourth
of the whole amount of the sum necessary for
the purpose aforesaid shall be added to the coun
ty tax annually thereafter, to be paid by the
county treasurer to the directors aforesaid, on
orders drawn in their favor by the county com
missioners as the same may be found necessary.
SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the said
directors, on or before the lirst day of November
in each and every year after the poor house shall
have been completed, to furnish the commission
ers of said county with an estimate of the pro
bable expense of the poor and poor house for
one year ; and it shall be the duty of said com
missioners to assess, and cause to be collected,
the amount of said estimate, which shall be paid
to said directors by the county treasurer, on
warrants drawn in their favor by the county
commissioners as the same may be found neces
sary ; and the said directors shall, at least once
in every year, render an account of all monies
by them received and expended to the auditors
elected to audit and settle the county accounts,
| sll hj ß ct to the same penalties and rules and reg
) ulations as are by law directed respecting the
i accounts of the county commissioners, and shall
at least once in every year lay before the Court
ol (Quarter Sessions and Grand Jury of said
county a list of the number, age, and sex of the
persons maintained and employed in the house
ot employment, or supported or assisted by
tliem elsewhere, and of the children by them
hound out to apprenticeship as aforesaid, with
inc name of their masters or mistresses, and
their trade, occupation, or calling ; and shall, at
all times w hen thereunto required, submit to the
inspection and free examination of such visitors
as shall from time to time be apposed by the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the said coui.lv ail
their books and accounts, together with the rents
interest, and monies payable and receivable by
the said corporation ; and also, an account of all
sales, purchases, donations, devises and bequests
as shall have been made by or to them, Prodded
That 110 director shall sell" or dispose of anv ar
ticle or articles to the said poor bouse during the
time be shall serve as director thereof, nor be a
contractor for erecting buildings. '
SECTION fj. As soon as the said building shall
have been erected or purchased, and all necessa
ry accommodations provided therein,notice shall
be sent, signed by any two of the said directors, to
tin; overseers of the several boroughs and town
siiipsof the said county of IVlilllin, requiringthem
iorlhwith to bring the poor of their respective
boroughs and townships to said house of em
ploy merit, which order the overseers are hereby
enjoined and required to comply with, or other
wise to forfeit the cost of all future maintenance
except in cases when by sickness or any other
sufficient cause any poor person eannot be re
moved, in which case the said overseers shall
represent the same to the nearest justice of the
peace, who being satisfied of the truth thereof,
shail certify the same to the said directors, and
at the said time issue an order under his hand
and seal fo the said overseers,directing them to
maintain such poor until such times as he or she
may be in a situation to be removed, and then
coi.i e\ the said pauper and deliver him or her
to the steward or keeper of the said house of
employment, together with the said order: and
tlr: charge and expense of such temporary re
lief and of such removal, shall be paid by the
said directors at a reasonable allowance.
SEC TION 7. The said directors shall from time
to time receive, provide for and employ, accord
ing to the true intent arid meaning of this act,
all such poor and indigent persons as shall be
entitled to relief, or shall have gained a leal
settlement in said county of Mifflin, and shalfbe
sent there by an order or warrant for that pur
pose under the bands and seals of any two jus
tices of the peace, directed to any constable of
the said county of Mifflin, cr to the overseers of
the proper tow nship in any other county of this
commonwealth ; and the said directors are here
by authorized when they shall deem it proper
and convenient to do so. to permit any poor
person or persons to be maintained elsewhere:
Provided, The expense ol their maintenance does
not in any case exceed that for which they could
be maintained at the poor house ol the said
county of Mifflin.
Sect in v 8. The said directors, or any two of
thein, who shall be. a quorum in all cases to
do business, shall have full power to make and
ordain such ordinances, rules, and regulations
as they shall think proper, convenient, and neces
sary for the direction, government, and support
of the poor and house of employment aforesaid,
and of the revenues thereunto belonging, and
of all such persons as shall come under their
cognizance; Provided, The same he not repug
nant to this law, or any of the laws of this Stale
or the United States, *lnd provided also, That
the same shall not have any force or effect, until
they shall have been submitted to the court of
common pleas for the time being of the countv
of Mifflin, and shall have received the approba'-
tion of the same.
i-KCTtoN !L The said directors, or either of
thenj, shall have full power and authority to ad
minister oaths or affirmations to all persons re
siding in the said house of employment, or be
coming chargeable to the said county, touching
she.ir place ot legal settlement; and ia ease
tuch poor person or persons shall refuse to take
the >aid oath or affirmation, or shall refuse to
answer such questions as -hall be asked bv the
said directors, touching and relating to said set
tlement-, the -aid directors may withhold all
further reliel from such poor person or persons
until he or she. or they shall con-ent to take
such oath or affirmation, and answer all such
questions as aforesaid ; and the said board of
directors, or a majority of them, in addition to
the powers hereinbefore granted, are author
ized and empowered to administer oaths and
affirmations in all cases whatever relating to
their official duties.
HUM 10. A quorum of said directors shall,
and they are hereby enjoired and required, to
meet at the said house of employment at least
once in every month, and visit the apartments,
and see that the poor are comfortably supported,
and hear all complaints and redress or cause to
be redressed all grievances that may happen by
the neglect or misconduct of any person or
persons in their employment or otherwise,
SECTION 11. In case of any vacancy by death,
resignation or otherwise, of any of said direc
tors, ttio remaining directors shall fill such va
cancy by the appointment of a citizen of the
district in which such vacancy mav occur, un
der the same penalty as is provided by the sec
ond section ol this act, to serve until the next
general election, when another director shall be
elected to serve as if no such vacancy had hap
SECTION 12. The said directors shall each of
them receive for their scrv ices annually the sum
of twenty dollars, to defray the expenses of the
necessary attendance on the duties of their
SKCTION 13. All claims and demands existing
at the time of this act being carried into effect
shall have full force and effect as if this act had
not passed, and when the same may have been
duly adjusted and settled, all moneys remaining
in the hands of the overseers, as well as the un
collected taxes levied for the support of the
poor in the several boroughs and townships in
the county of Miillin, shall be paid over to the
treasurer of the poor house, to be applied to
the maintenance and support of the poor ; and
as soon as the poor of the county of Mifflin
shall have been removed to the house of em
ployment of said county, and the outstanding
taxes collected and paid over, the oflioc of over
seer of the poor within the said county shall
from thenceforth be abolished.
SECTION 14. The powers conferred and the
duties imposed 011 the overseers of the poor ia
and by an art to empower the overseers and
guardians of the poor in the several townships
within this commonwealth, to recover certain
tines, penalties, and forfeitures, and for other
purposes, are hereby conferred and imposed 011
the supervisors of the highways in the said
county of MilHin, and that the justices of the
peace and sheriff within the said county are.
hereby required and enjoined to pay to the said
supervisors, to be by them applied to the repair
of the highways, the aforesaid tines, forfeitures,
and penalties within the time and in the manner
prescribed by the said act for the'payment there
of in other counties to the oversecrsof the poor,
and to give notice of the receipt thereof to the
said supervisors within the time and in the man
ner aforesaid, and for any neglect or refusal to
pet form any of the duties enjoined on them by
the said act, the said justices of the peace and
sheriff in the said county shall be subject to all
fines, penalties, and forfeitures to which the jus
tices and sheriffs in other counties by the said
act are subject or liable.
SECTION 15. The commissioners of said coun
ty are hereby authorized and empowered to pay
to the directors a reasonable compensation for
their services during the term they are employed
in erecting any building or buildings aforesaid;
Provided, The same shall not, including the an
nual sum allowed them by this act, exceed fifty
dollars in any one year.
SECTION Hi. SO much of the laws of this
commonwealth relating to the poor ft* are by
this act altered or supplied be, and the same are
hereby repealed so lar as they effect ti.e counti
of wliilbn.
SECTION 17. That the sheriff of the, aid
county shall in due time notify the said commis
sioners of their appointment, and when and
where they shall meet for entering upon the du
ties assigned them by this act, which place of
meeting shall be as ucar the centre of the coun
ty as possible.
SECTION 18. It is hereby enjoined and made
the duty of the sheriff of {he county of Mifflin,
to cause this act to be published in all the pa
pers of Mifflin county for three, successive
weeks immediately after its passage.
SECTION 19. The poor house farm "now owned
by the borough of Lewistown shall be sold by
the Burgess and Town Council of said borough
as soon after the erection of the county poor
house as the same can be conveniently done, and
upon the contract for the sale being approved
by a resolution of the Burgess and Town Coun
cil, the Chief Burgess is hereby authorized and
requii ed to make a deed to the purchaser thereof,
attested by the corporate seal of said borough,
and the proceeds arising from the sale of said
farm, and the personal property belonging to the
same, shall be paid into the borough treasury
for the general purposes of said borough.
Approved the twenty-second day of April,
one thousand eight hundred and fifty.
I do certify that the within and
I foregoing is a true and correct copy
I of Sections Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 5 6 7
8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17,
18 and 19 of the original Act of the General
Assembly entitled " An Act for the erection of a
House for the Support of the Poor in the County
ol M illlin ; authorising the Overseers of the Poor
of Lycoming county to sell certain property be
longing to Walter Potts, an insane pauper; rela
tive to the Boundary Lines between the States
of Pennsylvania and Delaware ; to Elections in
Philadelphia county ; and to holding Courts in
) uniata county ; and to taking Excessive Interest
Iroai the Bank of Lewistown," approved Apiil
22d, 1850, as the same remains on tile in this
Witness my hand and the Seal of the Secre
tary's Office, at Harrisbug, this twenty-fifth day
of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and
Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Great Bargains at Thomas'
Cheap Cash Store!!
J VM now selling off my stock at LESS THAN PHILA
DELPHIA PRICES, and to all who want BARGAINS
will say that now'g your time ! DRV GOODS will be re
tailed at price? such as follows :
LINEN'S for Pantaloons at 8, 10 and 12£ cfnt? per yd
CALICO that cost 15 cents will now be sold at 10 cent?
HOOTS ami SHOES, of superior manufacture, are of
f-red below city prices, besides a thousand articles i<o
tedi-itis to mention selling after the same fashion.
1 have also a fine assortment of choice LIQUORS,
among which is some of the best Monongahela Whir-key
ever offered Patent Scythe Sneths; CHEESE, HAM,
SHOULDER, and DRIED BEEF; Also, a fine stock of
Cooking, Nine Plate, and other STOVES, lower, much
lower, than Philadelphia prices. Alsc,
Salt, Fish and Plaster,
Fi-bin? Tackle, such as Trout Rod?, and Cane Rods at
per hundred
The IVews from California
By the last steamer 3re so encouraging as to have induced
nie to sell off, pull up stakes and make tracks lor the El
Dorado. Hence I am determined to sell out, pa to Cali
fornia. and try try skill in gathering yellow gold. The
lease of the room I occupy has still two years to run, and
the BEST STAND IN TOWN for the business, so that
greater inducements for any one having a mind tocmbark
in the mercantile business is rarely offered.
Two Carpenters Wanted.
The undersigned being a carpenter by trade, wishes loem
ploy two carpenters, younc men, to accompany hiui to Cal
! ifornia. He will pay their pasage and give them a chance
to worts ,t out None but sober, steady men need apply, i
AICI lO.\ !
If the goods are not sold out within two months, they
\n iit te sold at auction. As good bargains :is were ever
offered are now to b** had. Come and see for yourse lves. !
Remember a ftic door? west of tht Black Bear Tavern.
i Alt in Lewistown. For further particulars applv to
! I.ew idtown, May 31, 1930—tf
HY virtue of a writ of Pluries Venditioni Ex
poiiai issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Perry county, Pennsylvania, and to me
directed, will be sold on the premises on
TI'ESDAI", June 4511 i, I*so.
at HJo'cl xk A. M., the following described pro
perty—seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of R. C. Craig—viz :
A Lot of Ground fronting sixty feet on Main
street, in the borough of Newton Hamilton,
bounded on the north and east by Samuel Drake. '
on the south-west by John C. M'Kinstry, and on
the south-east by the Pennsylvania canal—part
of said lot lying on each side of said street.
Also—His Interest in a Lot of Ground front- '
ing sixty lcet on Main street on the north-west. ;
on the north-east by Bridge street, on the south
cast by the Pennsylvania canal, and on the south- !
west by George \V. Askins, witb a large frame
ware and store bouse, &c., thereon erected.
Also—A Lot No. 4, in Newton Hamilton, six- ;
ty feet front on Main street, more or less, and
140 feet deep to an alley, with a three story brick
house, astable, and other improvements thereon, '
bounded by J. J. Cunningham, William Allen,
arid others.
Also—One other Lot of Ground situate be
tween Main street and the Pennsylvania canal,
in the borough of Newton Hamilton, being sixtv j
feet in front on said street and Pennsylvania ca- j
nal, more or less, and 34 feet in width or depth,
with a large three story frame warehouse thereon
erected, bounded on the north-east bv J. J. Cun- j
ningham, arid on the south-west bv Wm. Allen
Lewistown, May 31, 1850. $
JN. B.—Purchasers at the above Sheriff's sale
are hereby notified that the amount ol the sale
will be required to be paid immediately on the '
property being knocked down, or it will be forth- !
with resold to the highest bidder.
BY virtue of an Alias Order ol Sale to me
directed trom the Orphan*' Court of Mtf- 1
flin county, 1 will expose to sale at the Court
House, in the borough of Lewistown, on
MONDAY, July Btli, ISSO,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the following de
scribed REAL ESTATE, late t>f GEORGE
SCHWARTZ, deceased, to wit:
One half lot of ground situate on the north
side of Third street, in Lewistown, being 30
feet more or less on said street, and extending
back same width to public alley, adjoining lot
of Rev. J. Rosenberg on the east, and lot ol
Win. B. Hoffman on the west, having thereon
a one and a half story frame dwelling house,
and other improvements.
7TU.MS.—One halt of the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
other half to be paid in one year thereafter,
with interest, to be secured by bond and mort
gage on the property, 1). M. CONTNEK,
Lewistown, may 24, 1850- fit Trustee.
\ t i v k -
I RESPECTFULLY invite all persons dn'-
ing in or using 11 All D W ARE, *Lc , to it.y
large and \v II selected .-lock, winch vffli b*
sold tor cash at lowest pr'ces.
i M*ipf f. g. franciscds.
j merchants are informed that
I assorted bids of Hardware ma) be bought
' for ca.-h at Piiiadeipma prices. Come and see.
tnalTtf F G. FRANCIdCUs.
' „ ___
SLEDGE MOULDS, lb to 25 lbs., for sa'e by
itiiilTif F. G. I RAfSJCISCL'-S.
PLANES of all kinds lower than the !. west
mal7tf by F. G. Fit SNOISCUS.
SI'OV ES low tor cash by
irnlTtf F. G. FRAN ("ISC US,
Ml I.L WHICH li Ft )OLS of a!! kinds fiir
inal7tf sale by F. G FRANCISCUS.
8 set Boot Trees, Bpr Crimping Boards, forsale
malTtf by F. (1. FRANCISCUS.
WAGON and Baggy Enebsh Boxes from
1A to 6s, foimle by F. G FBANCISCIS.
POTS, Kettles, Pans, &c., for sale Iv
Gun Rifle Barrels, Castings, Tubes,
• &c., for sale by F G FBANCISCUS.
ARNlSH,(CoachandCab!ne',)Giue, Paint
v arid \ aruish Brushes always on hand by
jTFOUSEKEFFING articlesof ail kinds cpn
* stantly on tiand by F. G. FRANCISCCS.
lbs. Sheet Zink, 100 Block do, for
! ♦•'V/VY sale bv F. G. FRANCISCOS
S Boxes Tin Plates, Iron Wire, Block Tin,
I Pig Lead, &c., for sale by
,\1 OUSEHt)LE Anvils, from 100 to 200 lbs.
i J-TA Tower V ices, B0 to 150 lbs., for sale by
ma!7ff F. G. Fit VN CISC US.
SPA DES, Shovels, Manure Forks, Hay Forks
from 50 cents to §l, best, for sale by
Q O pair Black and Brigt t Springs, from 3 io
6 plates. 1A to 2] wide, 8t
| *J{|o yards Carriage Lace Icr Tritn
t/l/ mings, &.c., tor sale by
HASS, Silver and Iron Nut Patent Axles,
-S3 Plated Stump Joints, for sale bv
HIDES. —Enamelled, Chaise, Plain, Patent
Leather, &c., for sale by
C CARRIAGE Maker's Trimmings and ma-
J terials of ull kinds for sale by"
ftft sett Mahogany Veneers, Butt &c Coiumn,
Bed Screws, (>, 6£, 7 and 8 in. long; Bed
I Castors, for sale by F. G. FRASCJSCUS.
Bdoz. pair Wood Haraes,silver&. brass piated
2do Iron do do do
rr.alTtf for sale by F. G. FRANCISCCS.
CAMPHINE, Ethereal Oil and I,ard Lamps,
Wicks, Shades, Chimneys, Globes, <fcc.,
mal7tf for sale by F. G. FKANCISCIS.
jtIOLSE BELLS irom 20 to3o lbe., for farm
l er'suse. Cow, Sheepand Hand Bens for
inalTtt sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS.
4 LL round and oval, Tire Iron from
2\. to 4in, at F. G FRANCISCVS'S.
BEATTY'S, Rose's, Underbill's, and the
most celebrated English Edge Tool Man
ufacturers' always on hand by
I Kegs of Nai's, Spikes &, Brads,at £4.25
; 55 •• Pure V\ inte Lead, at $2.00 per kg
40 gals. Flaxseed Oil. at 81.00 p<-r gallon, by
mal7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS.
BUILDERS of houses will rind he latest
styles of Ixcks. Latches, tc., of superior
qualify and finish, tor sale by
CHOPPER KE'l TLES, 6 to 30 gallons,
J Iron do
Brass do by
in a 117 f F G. FK'\.\i 'ISGUS.
| A doz. Saddle Trees, 300 lbs I) t's ICir,
111 120 gross Buckles. 300 vds Gotten Girtn-'
ing, 200 yds. Stramn g *4 ->bb. fiir !.>.)•• by
1 niyl7tt F. G. FHA.VCJSCTS.
SHOE THREAD, Boot I.acers. Kitt Files,
Shoe Hammers, Pinceis, oto 5; all kinds
ot Boot and Shoe Kitt for men and ladies wear
for sale at ell tunes by F. G. FRANCISCLS.
Cast Steel.
ANDERSON, Bros & Co *s Shear, Spring,
83 Country and English, at lowest prices bv
malTtf F. G. FRANCISCLS. *
Saws, Chisels, &c.
kk s Cross cut and Panel, always on hand by
1 A P ' Bin Ra<l Figured Patent Canvass,
I-111 50yds. Gum Cloth, 15 yds. Pearl Drab
Cloth, 172 yds. Head Lining and Cur
tain Stuff, assorted qualities and widths, for sale
ma 170 by F. G. FRAXCISCI'S.
ISiMikeu Handles.
I sell at astonishingly low prices,
Socket-Chisel Handles.
Auger do
Firmer do
Brad Awl do
D Handle, for long handled Shovel.
Jack and Fore Plane handles.
Saw do
Brush do always on hand by
_fs| THE subscriber has
always on hand an as
r^^^flL sorln,ent o, ~
Nine Plate, and other
a!iot which he will sell
ver y K>w, and warrant
to give eutire satisfac-
S. Hatia *V or
a pF2 F. J. HOFFM V'