Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 14, 1850, Image 1

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    Cctuistouiu .jaU®, ©(luetic.
Vol xxx v 8 Whole No 1 8 88.
Rates of Advertising.
One square, 18 lines,
1 time 511
2 times 75
" 3 " 1.00
1 mo. 1.25
3 " 2.50
" 6 " 4.00
" 1 year 6.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00
" 3 mos. 3.50
2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
" 1 year 8.00
•J column, 3 mos. 6.00
6 " 10.00
" 1 year 15.00
1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
6 " 15.00
" 1 year 25.00
Notices before mar
riages, &c. sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
JAMES A. I, I I. I, I' V
TY ESPECTFFLLY informs the public that he
I\, has taken the shop recently occupied by
door north of Alfred Marks' Drug store, up
stairs, Lewislown, where he will continue the
above business, in all its various branches. He
solicits a share of public custom, and promises
to devote all his time and attention to his busi
ness, and hopes by so doing to merit encourage
ment. He will be in the regular receipt of the
fashions of each season, and prepared to make
his garments to please all who may favor him
with a call. [march 29, 1850—3 m
VT hisold stand,on MARKET street, Lew
istown, six doors east of the public square,
south side, informs the public generally, that
they will always find at his establishment, a
llca\y Slock of Miulc Up
T I X W A It K ,
of almost every variety, and offering great in
ducements to purchasers.
wish to lay in a stock for sale, he will make
such reduction in price as will prove advanta
geous to them.
Thankful for the encouragement he has thus
far received, he will endeavor to deserve and
hopes to receive a continuance of the same.—
A good practical knowledge of his business,
and all work being made under his own per
sonal superintendence, warrants hiin in assur
ing the public that they will nowhere find bet
ter or cheaper. [mrrch 22. l-. r )0 -tf
Bfnj.iiiiiii Hi ilk let's Patent
Clastic Spring Ilottoni
r r d
At the Lewislown Cheap Cabinet Ware Rooms,
"W*7 HERE the article can be eeen at any
ww time among his large stock of other
FURNITURE ol ail descriptions. The fol
lowing testimonials from those who purchased
and have now in use, or bad the bottom put into
their old bedsteads, will speak for themselves:
This is to certify that I purchased twenty
pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley's patent
elastic spring bottom in, am well pleased with
them, consider them a good article, and would
buy no others. I would recommend them to
all persons, as they are easily screwed together,
and can be kept cleaner than any hitherto made.
I concur with the above and consider it a
good article for tavern keepers and others
We certify that c got A. Felix to put. B.
Hiokley'a patent bottom into ouroid bedstead?,
and that they answer the purpose exceedingly
well. We consider it a bedstead that can be
kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up
firmer than any others, and recommend them
to the public.
Lewistown, April 20,16.30 —tf
Looking Cila&se*
I A ROM 50 cents to £4, usually sold at $1 to
1 $5.50 —the cheapest Frames and Glass
offered to the public by
m a 17f F. G. FR A N CISCUS.
A safe and effectual remedy tor Rheu
matism, Gout, Lumbago,Palsy,Sprains, Brui.-es.
Chillbaine, Numbnese, &c. ; Judkin's Specific
Ointment, Dewee'a Celebrated Rheumatic
Nerve and Bone Liniment, or l'ain Extractor,
Heyle's Embrocation for horses; Indian Hair
Dye, &.C., for sale by
3 J. P,. Mi l CIIF.LL.
Lewistown, march 22, 1650.
Auditor"* ."Notice.
undersigned having been appointed
A Auditor to distribute the balance remain
ing in the hands of JOHN CUPPLFJI, Esq . ad
ministrator of the estate of J DUN MARTIN,
'ate of Oliver township, dee'd, to those legally
entitled to receive it, will attend at his office in
Lewistown, on WEDNESDAY, June 26th,
1650, for that purpose, where those interested
can attend. W. J. JACOB.
May 24, 1850—4t
Auditor's "Notice.
rWIUE undersigned liaving been appointed an
1 Auditor to report on exceptions filed, and
to re-state account if necessary, of THOMAS
WATTSON, administrator de fjtmis non of
township, deed, will attend at his office in
lewistown, on MONDAY, June 24th, 1850,
for that purpose, where all persons interested
rnav attend if they think proper.
May 24, 1850-41 JAS. DICKSON.
Auditor s Notice.
flAllE undersigned having been appointed an
I Auditor to make distribution of the bal
ance in the hands of MICHAEL .MILLER, admin
.u'rator of HENRY MILLER, late of tho
State of Ohio, dee'd. will attend at his office in
Lewistown, Qf TUESDAY, June 2. th, 16-jO,
'or that purpose, where all interested may at
'< nd if they see proper
Mav 24 1850 4i J AS. DICKSON.
3PiEHss' ! 2 , iiis) iisym) iP'srsEjUsnnsTg) <&wsmam csawss'swrorsJa MeniFiFiLsiiss" (DKSHrasrss IPJ^
Selling off at Cost
IN I ENDING to relinquish the Dry Goods*
business in this place and engaging in oilier
1 pursuits, the splendid stock of Goods now on
, the shelves and counters of
comprising, in great variety, all the leading
articles usually found in a carefully selected
stock, and a considerable quantity of
j not always to be had, wii I be sold of! AT COST.
As is well known, we have always sold CHEAP, i
and as the stock was purchased RIGHT —we may
say without boasting, es low as any one could
have bought it—it will be SOLD BIGHT. The
j selection consists of
Fancy A; Staple Dry (^ooth,
Such as Fancy Prints ut all prices. Ginghams, I
! Checks, Alpacas, De Lames, Merinoes,
Silks of all kinds, and a genera! assort
ment of Ladies' Dress Goods.
Cloths, Cassimeres & Satinetts,
Jeans, Tweeds, Kerseys, Flannels, &c.
Klt at Stol A liruivn
Ticking, Shawls, Ribbons, Ibices, Capstutfa,
Fringes, Gimps, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspen
ders, Combs, & c &c.
iBDD'MdiIJJ 311
Together with a good and general assortment of
(FT Shouid any one be desirous of purchas
ing the whole stock, it will be sold a bargain.
| The stand is a good one, and in such case pos
session would be given in a short time.
P. S.—All persons indebted on the books are
earnestly requested to call and make settle
ment on or before the FIRST DA Y OF
JU.XF XF X 7', as after that date they will bt
placed in the hands of an officer for collection.
rpHE subscribers having purchased the stock
X of goods lately owoed by C. L. JONES
at a heavy discount on their first cost, now of
fer them at the same stand, at
in order to close them out. This stock has '
nearly all been recently bought, and is well
selected, and as it is the desire of the present ;
owners to run it off in the shortest possible time,
F ash IS
will have such an opportunity for
as rarely occurs. Ihe assortment of
is very fine, embracing a SPLENDID LOT OK
S 1 LS,
IS a iidsomc Karcges, I rcnch
I,a%viiß, (*iiik r liin, S'riiih,
Frillies, Ac, Ac.
The stock also of
is large and desirable, and can be had at
cj- . 'j r> r ~ Y r~ -r:- >
iV French
mmi diJJil 1KD93U191,
BOOTS & siloes,
can all be bouglit at first cost.
MERCHANTS wishing to replenish will
find they can do better by buying from thie stock
than by going to Philadelphia.
(0~ Apply soon, as the store will be kept
open but a short time.
Lewistown, may 3, 1650.
a IN i; %v Ji ia iiici VEJ
A VERY valuable preparation for persons
TV recovering fiom fever, or other diseases,
a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow
and vigor equal to a glassful of brandy, or other
stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef
fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor
of any kind ; and it is therefore especially ap
plicable to children and females. To the aged
it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic,
and to those who are predisposed to gout and
rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and
to the inebriate, who wishes to reform, but
whoso stomach is constantly craving the nox
ious liquor, it is invaluable —giving tone to the
digestive organs, and strength to resist tempta
tion, and is consequently a great agent in the
cause of temperance. For sale by
J. B. MITCH F.I. 1,.
Lew.stowo. March 22. I*so
T IST of Foreign and Domestic Goods, Wares, Merchandize, &c., within the county of
M-J Mifflin, for the year 1850, as prepared by the undersigned, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes
of said county, viz :
.Nami stf Retailers. Place of Residence Annual Hales. Class. /.iqunrs. Whole Amount
of license.
VV attson <V Jacob, Lewistown, 940,000 No. N ' S4O 00
Samuel Frank, do 15,000 No. 11 15 00
Samuel Frank. do 8,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 00
Nusbaum, Brother. do 10,000 No. 12 12 50
Kennedy & Porter, do 10,000 No. 12 Liquors, 18 75
Alfred Marks, do 10,000 No. 12 Liquors, 18 75
George Blymycr, do 18,000 No. 11 15 00
John A. Sterett. do 7,000 No. 13 10 00
A. Siglcr & Go,, do 15,000 No. 11 Liquors, 22 50
Frank & Stineheiser, do 5.000 No. 11 10 00
Martin Webb, do 2.000 No. 11 Liquors. 10 50
F.G. Franciscus. do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Johnston Thomas, do 5.000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 00
Charles Ritz, do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Frederick Schwartz, do 10,000 No. 12 12 50
Edwin Allen, do 4,000 No l l 7 00
George Davis, do 1,000 No. 11 7 00
Michael Buoy, do 2,000 No. U 7 00
Francis M'Coy do 6,000 No. 13 10 00
A. A. Banks, do 2,000 No. 11 7 00
J. 11.I 1 . Schlosser, do 1,000 No. 11 7 00
A. Stewart & Co., do 10,000 No. 12 12 50
A. W. Graff & Co., do 6,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 00
J. B. Mitchell, do 2,000 No. 11 7 UO
F. J. Hoffman, do 8,000 No. 13 10 00
William J. Sterrett, do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
G. W. Riehwioe, do 1.000 No. 11 Liquors, 10 50
John A. VV right & Co, Derry township. 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Geo. Lumbaugh, do 1,000 No. It Liquors, 10 50
John Hoopes, do 2,000 No. I I Liquois, 1050
S. Sultzbaugh, Decatur township. 2,000 No. 11 700
Michael Horning, Oliver townshitp. 5,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 CO
J. L. likes, do ' 2,000 No. 11 700
G. & W. Macklin McVeytowa. 6,000 No. 13 10 00
Hardy & Hartzler, do" S,INK) No. 13 10 00
N. B. llrat ton, do 3,000 No. 1-1 Liquors, 10 50
G. W. Brehman, do 3,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
John Bogle, do 1,000 No. 14 7 00
Jacob Lex & Sons, di 5,000 No. 13 10 00
George Ard & Co., do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Jacob Convll, do 1,000 No. 11 Liquors, 10 50
J. W. Smith, JVewton Hamilton. 8,000 JVb. 13 10 00
John Parcel], do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Morrison & Balsbaugh do 5,000 No. 13 10 (HI
VV. P. Vanzaut, Wayne township 2,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
George McLiaughlin, do 2,000 No. 14 7 00
Johnston Temple, do 1,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Henry &Mo Williams, do 4,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Eiisha Fields, do I,ooft No. 11 7 00
John Dysart, do 2.000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Overholtzer & Stirk, Union township B,OfK) No. 13 Liquor?, 15 00
M. Steely & Co., do 1.000 No. 14 7 (XI
Hoar & MeNabb, tie 10,1X10 No. 12 Liquors, 18 75
Everhart & Contner, Menno township, S.IKK) No. 13 It) Oft
George Blymyer, do 1.000 Nc. 14 7 00
R. M. Kinsloe, Armagh township. 7,(XX) No. 13 10 (Ml
Reed & Cottle, do S,(HK No. 13 10 (Kl
Land is & Barefoot, do 7.000 No. 13 10 (X)
Henry Jvobler, do I,(NXI No. 11 7 (X)
VVrn. J. Glass, * Brown township, 6.000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 (Xl
John Albright, do 3,000 No. 14 7 (XI
4 DDITIONAL persons returned for License, under the Act of Assembly passed the Itth
-V day ot April, 1813, entitled an Act to create a sinking fund, and to provide for the gradual
and certain extinguishment of the debt of the Commonwealth, to wit:
Same* and Residence. So of sals. Jit tilled Annual Sale. Class Amounnt of
per Annum. Licenst.
E. K. Lock A Co,, Armagh tp.,
Distillers of Alcohol, 18,000 $5,400 No. 8 sl2 50
James M'Donald, Menno tp., Distiller
of Spirituous Liquors, 1,800 450 No. 10 5 00
Christian Smith, Lewistown, Brewer
of Beer, 4,800 1.056 No. 10 5 00
Retailers. Residence. Annua! Salt*. Class. lActr.se.
Charles Ritz, L*wistown, £2OO No. 4 $5 00
Edwin Allen, do 200 i 5 00
A. A. Banks, do 100 1 5 ot)
J. B. Mitchell, do 100 4 5 00
F. J. Hoffman. do 200 4 5 00
Alfred Marks, do 200 4 5 ot)
John Albright, Brown township, 100 I 5 00
Landis & Barefoot, Armagh township, 100 4 5 00
Overholtzer & Stirk, Union township. 100 1 5 00
G. VV. Brehman, M'Voytown, 100 1 5 00
Charles Shell, Lewistown. £SOO No. .8 $5 fO
Mrs. Hart, do 500 8 5 00
Ezra Britton. do 500 8 5 00
George Siegnst, do 500 8 5 00
Jacob Vandaniker, do 500 H 5 00
Joseph Vandaniker, do 500 8 5 00
Frederick Grimminger, do 500 8 5 00
Vr AN APPEAL will be held at the Treasurer'? Office, in LEW ISTOVVN, on SATUR
DAY, the 22d day of JUNE, 1850, between the hours*of 0 A. M. ai.il 4 P. M., f r a'.i th_.se
who may feel themselves aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement and classification.
Lewistown. May 23, 1850. Mercantile .9/y/raixrr for Mifflin County.
,1. W. FAKKtlli:,
Attorney at L uw,
OFFICE on Market street, two doors east of
the Bank. [Apr.l 12, lbfKMf
w. If. II*WIW
A TTOli N K V A T L A Jt\
I BAS resumed the practice ofhis profession
J in this and the adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of Longeneek
er, Grubb &. Co, Jan. 20, 184S—tf.
A T T O 11 N K Y A T L A W ,
Lewistown, Miiliin County, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 20, 184ft—tf.
Attorney at Law,
\\T ILL attend promptly to business entrust
v t ed to his care in Una and adjoining
counties. Office one door west of the Cost
Office. June 10,'4'J-ly.
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Lewistown and vicinity. He
can always be found at his office, in his drug
store, or at tin* house of Gen Irwin, unless pro.
feasionaliv engaged [March 15, 1850.
EI. 11. SSVi:2ia,
MAUi El' STREET, Lewistown,next door
. to Judge Ilitz's. niay24tf
E NANCY GOODS.— Fort Mommies, Pocket
i Books, Cigar Cases. Shaving Boxes, Note
Paper, superior Sealing Wax, Steel Pen?, Pen
| Holders. Stamps, superior Percussion Caps,
, I Snuff Boxes, Motto Wafers, superior white
Envelopes, do. brown do., redding and pocket
.! Combs, superior Shaving Brushes, do. Hairdo,
Tooth and Nail do., &c., &c., for sale by
i Lewistown, march 22, 1850.
IT WILL CURE.—When you haveacough
or brJast complaint, get a bottle of Or. S.
F. Green's Sarsupurilla, Tor and Cherry
Pectoral. It has cured persons in Lewistown
and vicinity, which can be testified to. It does
not nauseate the stomach, and ispleasunt to take.
! Price only 50 cts. per bottle. For sale at
apl2 Diamond Drug Store.
rpo prevent baldxkssand o&ay hair, restore
i JL the hair when it has fallen off or become
| thin, and to cure effectually scruff or dandruff.
Rousscl's Kan Lustrale Toniqne Hair Restorative
For cleansing, beautifying and presetving the
hair, and for the promotion of its growth ; pre
venting falling oil' ed the hair and baldness,
[myioj For sale by J. B. MITCHELL.
When the young bird goes from her early home,
Though the swift-winged moments in happiness fly,
Though the bridegroom is near with a gentle tone
And a truthful love in bis deep (lark eye—
Though the future is strewn with the roses of hope,
Anil peopled with phantoms too brilliant to last—
She turns with a tear to the friends of her youth,
To those who were dear in the past.
The wonderer far, far from kindred and fiiends,
in fancy revisits his dear native cot ;
He views tlie clear stream where the willow tree bends,
And the cowslips that brighten the spot,
lie views the dark wood and the green sloping lull,
The porch, with its graceful white jessamine hung,
The half-open window that looks on the rail!,
And the garden where honey-bees hung.
And before him appear as distinct as of yore,
His mother's soft eye, ar.d his sire's furrowed brow ;
His Mary's light form, as when la3t on the shore
He bade her remember her vow ;
His sister's long hair, with its sunshiny gleam,
I.ike a banner of gold to the summer wind cast—
Hut one touch of the present dissolves the Ugh; dream,
And He sighs for the joys of the past.
Tho* surrounded with blessings, and favored with all.
That God in his bounty bestows,
We revert to the pleasures we ne'er can recall,
And the tear-drop unconsciously flows.
While roving, entranced,'mid Hie fairest of scenes,
A cloud o'er our warm glowing hearts will be cast,
If we think of the blossoms, the birds aud the streams
That were lovely and loved in the past.
Creator and Father : Oh: teach me to live
With thy precepts divine for my guide,
Oh ! let my young bosom thy lessons receive,
And divest it of folly and pride.
That, tvtien this lithe form is decrepit and bent.
When my color is fading, my pulse waning fa-t
I can look back with joy to the moments well spent,
And muse with delight o:i the past.
James Lewis was fifteen years old.
Like many lads of his age, he frit at times,
that the parental hand which sought to
guide him aright drew upon the rein too
often. He wished to do many ihingsthat
his lather disapproved, and often became
impatient when checked by one wiser and
more experienced than himself.
In this respect. J nines was like most
young persons, who think their parents or
guardians over particular about them, and
more inclined to abridge their pleasures
than to widen the sphere of their enjoy
" I think in} - father is very unkind." wc
have heard a boy say, when the act of the
parent was dictated by the tenderest regard
for his welfare.
" Mother never likes to see me enjoving
myself," says a little girl, when some re
striction was laid upon her. And yet that
very restriction is meant to save her from
years of misery in after life.
Children are not apt to think that their
parents are older and more experienced
than themselves, and, in consequence, know
better than they what is for their good.
\or do they comprehend the loving and
thoughtful care, deepening often into anx
ious solicitude, with which thev are ever
regarded. We do not greatly wonder at
this, because the minds of children are not
perfected, and their store of experience is
small. Still, they are able to understand
what their parents teach them, and to act
more wisely than if they followed only
their own inclinations. And it is to help
them to act more wisely, and thus to se
cure happiness in the future, that their pa
rents and friends so often present good
precepts to their minds, correct in them
what they see to wrong, and seek so
constantly to turn their feet into wavs of
Hut we were going to relate something
about a lad named James Lew is, who was
15 years old. A boy who has gained that
age, generally has iiis mind pretty well
stored from books, and he is able to think
on a good many subjects. And he is,
moreover, very apt to have a go oil opinion
of himself, and to believe that he knows,
even better than his father, what is best for
James was just such a lad as we have
been picturing, anil his father often frit
troubled about itim, when he saw how per
versely he sought to have his own way.
even though it was not opposed bv his pa
*• My son,' said Mr. Lewis, one dav af
ter having vainly endeavored to make
James understand that something he wished
l to do was wrong, " there are two ways in
life—one leading to happiness, the other
to misery. At first, they run almost side
by side, and we may casil\ step front one
to the other, but soon they diverge widelv,
and never come in sight of each other
again. The path that leads to destruction,
my son, looks more inviting to the \ oung
and inexperienced than the one that leads
to happiness. The flowers that grow
along the margin have brighter hues and a
more attractive perfume, while in the dis
tance a hundred bright prospects are given
to the eyes. The young are naturally in
clined to walk in this path. But God has
given them parents and friends, to point
them to the better way, -and lead them
therein. I'hev stand as angels of mercy,
sent from Heaven to guide them in the Way
of Life. James, try and let this thought
sink into your mind. And now 1 leave
you free, in this instance, to act as your
mind may direct. I hate pointed out "the
\ew Series—Vol. I—IVo. 3 1.
danger that is before vou. 1 have toil!
you that the way in which you desire to
walk is not the right way. That w hat
we feel inclined to be is not always the
best for us, because our hearts are evil, and
inclined to lead u.s inlo evil, heft free, as
I now leave you, my son, let me entreat
you to choose the path of safety. It may
not be so inviting at first; you may not he
able to enter it except through self-denial ;
but you will not walk in it long before
discovering that the flowers which spring
up here and there have a sweet and sooth
ing perfume, and that your feet are not
weary, although the way looked
when viewed from the path I have so ear
nestly warned you not to take."
We are sorry to say that the words of
Mr. Lewis did not sink as deeply into the
heart of James as they should have done.
It is true that he thought about them, and
to a certain extent, comprehended their
meaning. Hut his inclination was stronger
than his reason. As his father had not
laid his commands on him, he after a
j struggle in his own mind between a sense
of right and a desire to enter into a pleas
ure whose charms his imagination had
heightened, suffered himself to enter the
way in which was no safety, and before
he dreamed of danger, he was led aside
into the commission of an act that violated
human and Divine laws.
When James returned home, he felt
afraid to meet his father. Oh, how unhap
py lie was ? Never in hi- life had he
been -a wretched, lie had gathered the
first fruit that hung temptingly from the
branches that bent over the way he had
chosen to walk in. But it had proved
to his taste as bitter as worm-wood. All
that his father had said, when warning him
not to c'loose the path of error, came vi
vidly to iiis mind, and almost with tears
did he repent of his folly. Alone in his
room, bowed down with shame and self
condemnation, James Lewis sat after the
shadows ol evening had fallen. Gradual
ly, as the twilight deepened, and his eyes
seemed to reflect the objects around him,
the mind of the lad became confused and
filled with rapidly changing images.
.Suddenly there was a great change,
lie found himself standing on a beautiful
plain, from which departed two roads
towards which he was walking. His
mind was tranquil and happy. One of
these roads looked exceedingly inviting.
Bright flowers sprung thickly beside it, and
trees, among the branches of which sported
birds ot the gayest plumage, grew all along
its borders. The other road presented
nothing attractive. The margin was near
ly barren, and began at once to ascend a
steep and somewhat rugged hill. As
j James drew near the point where these
two ways diverged, he met an old man,
with a mild countenance, and eyes lit up by
! wisdom.
" h ou see before you," said the old man,
die \\ ay of Lile and die Road of De
struction. Choose now. which will you
walk in. The road to Destruction looks
far more inviting than the Way ot Life,
but the flowers you S; ;■ have no sweet per
lume, the fruits tiiat lung temptingly from
the trees are bitter to the taste, and the
road which looks smooth aud pleasant, is
in reality rough and stony.
" The farther you go in this road, the
less attractive it becomes : but with every
j step of progress in the Way of Life, the
more beautiful will al! appear. The one
leads to Death. The other to Life.
Choose now, the way in which you will
i lie boy paused only a few moments.
IL> looked, first at the attractive way, and
then at the path so full of beauty.
"The old man has erred," said he to
his heart. " 1 hi* is the road to happiuess
and to Lite, and the other is the wav to
And then he entered, with hurrving feet,
the Road to Destruction. Earnestly the
old man called after him. and tenderh- did
he warn him ; but the boy'heed* -.1 not.
In his eagerness to reach a spot at a
short distance lrom the point where the
two road* separated, and at which there
was a beautiful arbor, with a fountain
throw ing bright waters into the sunny air,
his foot struck against-a stone that was not
perceived, and lie fell to the earth with a
stunning jar. lie was in so much pain
trom the tall, when lie reached the green
arbor, that he could not enjoy its pleasant
shade nor take delight in the beautiful
fountain. \\ ith a groan, he threw himself
at full length upon the greensward, where
he had lain only a few minutes, when he
sprung to his ieet in sudden terror, tor
close to him had crept a poisonous serpent
that was just about striking him witluus
deadlv fang.
>\ ith less ardor the boy moved on the
way he had chosen. Soon a number of
flowers, glow ing in all the colors of the
rainbow, arrested his eyes, and he stepped
aside to gather them. Hut their odor was
so ofiensive that he threw them to the
earth quickly. Another "flower tempted
him with its beauty ; but in plucking it he
tore his hands with thorns.
Pausing now, he looked back, and the
wish arose in his mind that he had taken
'he other road. ll* would have re-irae: d
his steps, but he remembered the scrp. • t
at the fountain, ami feared to go h\ that
dangerous place again. So he moved o;