Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 07, 1850, Image 4

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1 IST .-.r .mi Domestic Good*. W -res, Merchandize, &c„ within the county t.f
li Mifflin. !.r the v.- ,r 1-5 >. prepared by ih undersigned, Appraiser ol Mercantile Taxes
of Suid county, viz :
\/mia of tir'ait. Place rf Rrf'Jrnrt Annual Silet. Clan. Liquor Whole Amount .
1M "' ' ">'• - of JJcenv. J
'""ST" *SSS Nil! '*BS
WF al do 8,000 No. 13 Liquors, <
Kennedv A' Porter. <J'> 10 WW No. 13 I.iquor., jg
Alfred Marks, Jo 0,000 No. 2 Liquor W
George Blymyer, 1 -t'i 10 00
i.L„do ~000 No. 1.1 J ~ Vr
A 4 sl'ri"V , Uo lu.OOu No ll I.iquor*. 22 SO ;
Frank &. StiHelieifOr do 5.000 No. 14 JO 00
Martin Webb. do 2,000 N° j Liquors, 10 SO
F. (j. t'raninscus. tlo 5.000 v° i'l i ■ t r mi i
Johnston Thomas. do 5.000 No. 13 Liquors, lo IH)
t'l.arlcs R lz d' 5.000 No 13 10 00
H&*k£hwu. do No. 12 12 50 ,
Edwin Allen, do -'TOO Ao. It ,00
George Pavis. uo $° \\ °°
Michael BUOY, do ;' 000 £°- ] * ' .J .
Francis M'Coy do C ' ooo S u - 13 10 00
\ a Banks do 5,000 No, It 7 00
J. P. Schlosser. LOOO N. II 7 00
A. Stewart A Co.. y" 10,000 No. 12 15 50
\ U T Gnft'& Co do 0,000 No. 13 l.iqoors. l. 00 1
JB. MitcheU, " do 2,000 No.i t 700
F. J. Hoffman. ,1 " 8,000 No. 13 10 00
William J. Stenvtt, do 5,000 No. 13 KMX)
G, W. Richwine, do 1.000 No. 11 Liquors, 10 50
John A. N\ right A Co, Derry township. 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Geo. Bumbaugh, do 1,000 No. It Liquors, 10 50
John Iloopes, do 5.000 No. It l.iquois, 10 50
S. Sullzbaugh, Decatur township. 5,000 No. It 700
Michael Homin*. Oliver townshiip. 5,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 00
J. L. lekes. * do 5,000 No. It 700
G. & \V. Mack!in McYVvtown. 6,000 No. 13 10 oo
llardj & llartaier. do 5,000 No. 13 10 (HI
N. B. Rratton, do 3,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
G. W. Brehntan, do 3,000 No. 14 Liquors, 10 .50
John Bogle, do 1,000 No.lt 700
Jacob l.ex & Sons, do 5,000 No. 13 It) 00
George Ard & Co.. do S,(HH) No. 1.1 10 00
Jacob Correll, do 1.000 No. It Liquors. 10 50
J. W. Smith, AVwton Hamilton. 8,000 .Yo. 13 10 (H.l
John Purcell, do S,(HHi No. 13 10 00
Morrison & Balsbaugh do 5,000 No. 13 10 (H>
W. P. Yanzant, Wayne township 5,000 No. It Liquors, 10 50
George McLlaughlin. do 5,0(H( No. 11 / (HI
Johnston Temple, do I,(KM) No. 11 Liquors, 10 50
Henrv & McWilliams, do 4,(MHi No. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Klisha Fields. do 1.000 No. It ,00
John Dysart, do 5,000 Ao. 14 Liquors, 10 50
Overholtzer & Stirk. I'nion township 8,000 No. 13 Liquors, 15 00
M. Steely A; Co., do 1,000 No. 14 700
Hear & McNabb. do 10,000 No. 15 Liquors, 1*75
Everhart A: Contner, Menno township, 5,000 No. 13 10 (HI
George Blymyer, do 4.000 Nc. It , 00
R M~ Kinsloe Armagh township. 7,000 No. 13 10 (H)
Reed k Cottle. do 5,000 No. 13 10 00
Landis & Barefoot. do 7,000 No. 13 10 (Hi
Henry Holder. do 1,000 No.lt 700
w'm l r.h.ii Brown township, n.iHHi No. 13 Liquors, C> 0"
John Albright.' do ' 3.000 No. M 700
4 DDITIONAL persons returned lor License, under tiie Act of Assembly passed the lltii
A dav of April, 184'J, entitled an Act to create a .sinking fund, and to provide f<<r the gradual ;
and certain extinguishment of the debt of the Commonwealth, to wit:
Satttt and llwhtue Sot./ gait ditUlhd Annua! Salt' CUt Amounnt r,f j
fite Annnm. I.icente.
E. E. Lock A: Co.. Armagh tp..
Distillers of Alcohol. 12,000 $5,400 No. 8 *ls 50 ;
James M'Donald. Menno te., Distiller
of Spirituous Liquors, 1,000 450 No. 10 a 00
Christian Smith, Lewi-n an. Brewer
of Beer, 4,-00 1,056 No. 10 5 00
Retailer?. Rttndcnct. Annual Sale?. ( late l.uense.
Cnaries Ritz, L--wistown. S2OO No. j *5 00
Edwin Alien, do 500 4 5 00
~ A. Banks. do 100 4 5 00
. 13. Mitchell, do 100 4 5 00
F. J. Hoffman. do 500 i 5 00
John Albright, Brown township, 100 4 5 00
Landis k barefoot, Armagh township. 100 4 5 00
Overholtzer Ac Stirk. 1. nion township. 100 4 5 00
G. \V. Brehman, M'Veytown, 100 4 5 00
Charles Shell, Lrwistown, SSOO No. S $5 fO
Mrs. Hart. do 500 8 5 00 |
Ezra Britton. do . 500 8 5 'Hi
George Siegrist, do 500 - 5 <H)
Jacob Yandaniktr, do sth) 8 5 00
Joseph Yandaniker. do 5(Ki * 5 00
Frederick Grirnminger, do 500 5 00,
APPEAL will be held at the Treasurer's Office, in I.EWISTOWN, on SA'I 1 R-
D \Y. the 55d day of J1 NE. 1850. between the hours of r J A. M. ar.d 4 P. M., for all t!iose
who may feel themselves aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement and classification.
\\ . It. McCAN .
Lewistown. Mav 23, 1850. Mercantile .Ippraiser for Mifflin Cuunltj.
In (lit niiiiiiomt LewliUwa.
A A. BANKS has jul opened a genera) i
4 V • assortment of
Medicines. Paints, Oils j
and 3>yc-stuffs.
with SPICKS of all kinds, fresh and genuine, j
Also, a great variety of
Cuufcftiouaries, Nuts, (rarkert and Raisins.
Foo'scap and Letter Paper, Quills, Steel Pens. j
Pencils, Envelopes,
Copy Books, Blank Books,
English Bibles and Testaments, i
with revcrai kind* of (SCHOOL BOOKS
Tobacco, Sll :ill IIIKI Scuai *
<.f the best quality, Segar Cases, Snutl Boxes.||
Pen Knives, Razor Strops. Shaving ('ream.
Hair () !, Perfumery of d:tl<-reot kinds, Toothij
Powder. Motto Waters.< ohi and Dutch iz-al.&.c j
All of the above articles sviil be sold at the jj
lit the ARCADE, East ~n|c of the Diamond, j'
ewistown. Apr ; o, 1 SAO —if
iiSi nir.Rßv mimi.
\N elegant, safe, arid efficaoiou- remedy tor
. the various sifter ions of t ie lungs and,
Cftslor Oil faj Milcs--M , A!lis'fr , Oiiiliarnl,
[uty MIJ 1W sale by J. B. MITCHKI.E. j
Hams and Bacon.
T: IE ru'.'-eriher Ims audio-!
*1 - • oF. tend* km-cng mi hand a large-
Stock of II A M S, HIP >U [.- i
DERH and I 1.1 l'< Ul, o prion
•quality. 'o ee 1 1 J,w 'or et-'b.
- - -.. - ,i
"i )tniii|i<i(itrN
fIUK Tiit cuff of J'ulinoiiuy cunsmaptiin,'.:
bronchi!ic, ftithint, influenza. cost n.itc .
i u i-rU. n( bhro'i, int r cnp!i.iif.|{
<:i>u%ii, croup, A
/JiSV .Supr tuiilri Piils—liirman Pills
.j H IMr u_•by J L ,ij 1j ■ ii; LI.
IMS . .1 . IS. H I T V II i: I. la,
RESPECTFUI.LV informs his friends-and
the public generally that he is now open
ing in the new and splendid storeroom lately
occupied by W. J. Sterretl, JII Market street,
Levvietown, south aide, a few doors above the
Hardware store of F. G. Franciscm?, the best
selected, purest and cheapest assortment eve r
j fife red for sale in this place, of
Frelt Rrugs and Tledicinfs,
Preach ami English CHEMICALS;
Paints, Oiln and Dye Stuff's ;
Varnishes. Patent Medicines, Townsrnd's
Sarsapariiln, Concentrated Sarsaparilla,
Wtstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry,
Dr. Jayne's tamily Medicines,
<Jr., Cjc., <|jrc.
Paint and Varnish Brushes ,
Native and Foreign Herbs and Extracts;
Surgical Instruments, warranted ;
Sath Tools, Window Glass, Spices, &c.;
MousselEs Perfumery, Ac., A c.
A crr>Ht variety of BLF.GANT FANCY WOOD-'.
I lis drugs have been purchased irora Lmti,
' Smith & Co., Market street, Philadelphia,
jfuie of the mo.it extensive and reputable estab
:ll ineuir in that city, and every article iswar
| ranted to be pure and of the first quality.
j The profits ovi the sale of drugs are well
| known to be very great —often exceeding 'soo
! per cent, on the cost —Eotliat the present exor
bitant [<rii.es can be greatly reduced, and yet a
.good profit be realized. The adulteration of
drugs the most valuable, (Opium, Calomel,
Quinine, A c ,) is ft most dangerous and destruc
tive, but very common, fraud, and cannot b
j delected without a careful chemical analysis.
Mv stock ha been selected with great care,
• in'd I will sell drugs warranted free from all
Ut l li I.K 11 VS BI'.KN fcOl.n
AH prescriptions will be made up alter the
mot (improved method, arid medical id\ice
ifiveil to purchasers without citahok.
I'iiy Memna and druggists in the country or
neigiiboring towns will be supplied on the most
! liberal terms. All orders promptly filled, and
and packages of drugs &c , carefully
pot up and forwarded.
Market street, south side, three doors ear-' of
ti I'raricieeua. Lewistowri. I'a
J.'/V. iv.*. n. Viui ii J.J. l-.'iO.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
, CODFISH, CuiiklaiUiv on hand and
1 SALMON, for taltj by
PORK, Market Wharf, :
11AMS& SIDES, THit.AiyEi.pniA.
LARD &. CHEESE, March 22. 1830-Bm. j
H'liil.KieSpliia and liirerpool
, Hani.tv, ToOl iis, Alfred F. Smith
SnKXA*B(iit, SGO " Jane s West.
I M*RV PLKAbA.NTS, MjO " J Q Bovvne.
Ei roi'B, 700 " Henry E. Mien ken.
j The above ships iviil sail punctually,on their appointed
1 days, vir.:
From Philadelphia on the ifiih of each month
From Liverpool on the Ist of each month.
*5- Taking Steam on the Delaware
Fur passage, apply to
No 57 Walnut street. Philadelphia ;
y> Parties vw l find these suuerior first class SHIPS :
i most desirable convey awes f>r bringing .nit tneir friends,
he accommodations insecond cabin ar.il steerage beingof
the most airy and capacious description,
j k> Also Drafts for sale, payable in all pari*of England, j
i Ireland and Scotland, from one pound upwards
I February 2. 1&50-!y
llie (dreal Ctina Store
qiIIANKFI'i. to the citizens of I.ewistowti and Its vi- j
| F ctnity for their increased custom, we again request
ihvir company to view our large and splendid assortment
of (,'fiira. Glass and (dueenswure. Dinner Rets, tea :
. sets, toilet seta, and single pieces, either of Glass, China i
, or Atone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for !
; leas than they can be had elsewhere—in fact at less than
j wholesale prices American and English Kfi/JT.J.VW
j METAL (rOOD.S, in greater variety than ever before
od'ered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very j
, cheap. ti-We would invite anv person v railing the city
to call and < t-j they will ..l least be pleased to walk
• around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China
: aid the cheapest the wrl.l produces \. ry respectfully, I
No. 219 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. j
September 22, lW- ly.
-Ve 1!2 ,4rrh strut,between Sulh an u Vr.e.A.. jth *\Je, ;
'IVIC proprietor c.f the above extensive establishment
- ban now opened his superb stock of WALL PAPERS, ,
which are all of the i.atxst sti Li a, and of the very best
manufacture. Purclias' r* from the country can rely on
being accommodated with patterns suitable f. r every
j purpose, without the inconvenience of looking further ,
He is determined to aell atsucb prir< a a* t'-.o adv mluge '
j of a cash business afford*
V B Paper bung in (he country at .it v price*
Philadelphia, March ~ Itv'fl ?m
1* A 1* i: IS ! I* A ps; IC!
\i>. 21 Bank street, Between Market and
Cfiesnut, and 2d and D d *tre*'x,
r nil. f d f.l t i; i.t.
p:ir. subscribers beg leave to call th atl. nt. i ofcoun
-a- try buyers to their assortment c.f paper-, embracing '
he different varieties of Printing, Hardw are, Writing,
Envelope, and Wrapping pap- rs, Fi*-ue papers wliit.
j n.i assorted colors, also Bonnet and 1. \ it -aids, A. c
Being engaged in 'h riialiufact r - of prmtit a pujer.
hey soli.it orders front pr,i.l. r. lY.r any g.v. n M7.e,
which will to- furnished at short notice, and at fair prices.
M rk*-t prices eitln r ,u cash or trade paid for !tes
Xo. 21 Bunk Uteet. Philadelphia.
October fi, It 19--Jv.
-il £/./)*/(,GE-* CIIE*IO C.IRI'F.T STOkE.
THE SI IWi TtIBER beingiri a bye street, la under a low
• urit ar.i! v- r y light atore expert*-,. which enables him
to wli <ot>-1, wholesale tod rt-ta-.1, .it the lun'.'i pre es in
the ti'. v Pert u,s wishing to b jv. w ill do well to • xatnitte
:hf rh ;t • assortment he nfT .-# this season, of
**;> evkbv vari-.h o ( AI!I'I!TS!
it I OIL C LOTHS froat 11 .if t wide t t foi
R >n >, H-tIU, Ar , with 'i great variety of low priced In
grain ( arp!s, fri-m 1j to Ml Cents, >,d tloirv and Stair
Carpet* from 10 to Mi rente p-r yard Alko, Mattings,
Hearth Kug. Table t overs ft >t Hues, Colon and Ktg
It Sf r4wW ft\ M % ont d rnbo% sprf-nd
( .ft *f Cki 3 it
OIJVCK i:\A\s,
.V' 82 Simlk Srco n d . tf , Philadelphia,
V- s/ir;i. rtr of Salamander, hrt nnu Thitf I'' f Iron
t At-fr, trith Puttier Prmf loci.-.
KM WaRRANTEII - qual to any other rr tk* for ■■■•
rjr,rr ag, in*t Fire or Burglars, having withstood the
t> t of both, wit.iniit injury or lost to the ownere.
Also Itr store and for tale, J.t Iter Copying Presses and
Bonks; final Pr- etet for Corporation*, IJank*,A.r.; Drug
cit*' Presses with Cylinder* and Pans; ICnsting Mi
hir,- s for Store*, Factories, A- ; Portable Show er Bith*
of a new and superior construction, intended for either
Cold or Warm water; Refrigerators for rooting and pre
i-rving M--ate, Butter, Milk, 4.e., in the warmest w either,
• unable to stand in any >rt of the house ,r cellar . Wa.
ler I ilt< r. warrant-,! t r puiify muddy or had w rter.
w hr!her atf • led by Rain*, Mirl, l.tioi stone, or anv other
-ante. [Pint*. March i, laM) ly
li. fliit Bi* JO\l>.
Ilkolreate Wooden, lli/hir* ll 'iif, flrorr*. Tiro. ~ tTwl,
T.ouking fi.'jii ami I'ariein Sferc,
-Ve. |o.\ar:A Scroti Street, Fkiladelphia, under J Sidney
JAit*' Carpet It'arehoute,
lIA V |Nfi enlarged my dToRK, have on hand and am .
** constantly manufacturing nnd rereiiing fiom the
eastern state* and Europe, additions to my stork
C>< iar H art. ~ 'Oh neat ("edar and 100 net painted Tubs.
400 barrel and iOO start Churns, ICM do/.en Cedar and 800
dor.en painted Puts, 'hid dozen Wash Boards, list dozen
nest Sugar and 1 lour Hon-* ; Spigot*, Spoons and Ladle*.
Hii/eir Ware (100 nest Market and 200 nest Clothe*
Baskets, 100 Willow Coat, he*, than* and I radles ; alargt
assortment of French and Domestic Baskets
Hroom. t ami llru<he> —IO,OOO Wire Brooms, 10, but) Shi
Iter Brooms, 500 dozen ea, h Wall, Paint, He rubbing, Shoe
and Horse Brushes ; Tooth, HUaving, Cloth and Hair
Brttsiie* of every *tyl "
Combe 20'g) dozen i-'awy I'.nubs,of Various patterns.
► tile, ner k, pocket, dostdng and tine-tooth ( timtis of van
ou* s'.y Its.
looking fita'ttf of Pino, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany
ind (lilt I ,anie all tie and patterns ; Herman, French
and English l ooking (Jlaee Platet of all sires from 7 by V
up to I'd ta> l'itl (pat king Insured to all parts of the t : nion)
• together with a large assortment of Variety Hood* too
numerous to mention. The attention of Merchants is
r. cpet lfully solicited to the examination oi my stork, all
of which will be sold low for cssit or city acceptance, t
is to antn ipate any competition that > an he offered
Philadelphia, March it, bill ly
\V li olvs aI p SL It cln i I
CiiOlK KTOIti;.
.No. , 23"' .Miirkd street, above Si tenth. South >i<Je,
\ I.TfIOI'HH wo can scarcely • stimatc the value of
*• TIME cornuiercially, vet by calling at the above e#
ablmhnient, Jamc* BstinrH will furuisli hi* friend*
iniong whtuii he includes all who duly appreciate its
fleetness, with a hcatttiful and perfect Indev for marking
its progress, of whose value ihey n* judge
Ills extensive stork on band, constantly chmginy in
onformity t ■ the iliiplnveinenls in lu*t< and stylt of
pntti rn and workmanship, consists of flight day
a wi.' 'l'hirti/ ttnur Brass Counting House, Parlor,
E*.. oft Hill, Church, nnd Alarm CLOCKS, French, H,t
liir< and other fancy styles, as well as plain,
w Inch from his extensive connection and correspondence
with the manuficturers he finds he can put nt the lowest
moth figure, in nny quantity, from one to u thousand, of
which he w ill warrant the accuracy
0 Chirk* rrjmirrd and trnrrantcil. t lor l , 'I ri •lining 1
"n A and.
1 ALL and see me aniong lliem.
1 \ MKS HAKHKK, *2as Mu.lvft n.
Fli.Udslphta. august Is, jytu ),
Philadelphia Advertisements.
M4i,iin4\utK s.%it;s,
Warranted Fire Ac Tliief Proof,
r |MIK"T; SAFIiH possci" every qualification to r< iiil.-r
tlicm proof against the action of fire or thieves, a rid of
sufie ioiit str.-ugth to endure u fall from any story of a
hurtling Motrin g They are made of wrotight iron, being
kneed, ii\ it.-ri ami welded together, and lined v. ith a per
fect nonconducting tire proof mini-nil composition, no
w '.-id being need in their construction as in the nmjorit) of
safes sold by other makers. The doors of (Javier's Safes
are secured with Ms THIEF DFTEri'OH and AVI I
GI'NPOWDFtt l.O( K, which prei ludes the possibilil. of
flicking or blowing them open with gunpowder. Over
l'\VO 111 VUREII of these Safes have been exposed in
accidental lire to the moat intense heat, in many instant t-s
remaining in the burning ruins for several day a, and at
no lime have thev r-ver been known to fail in preserving
their contents.
The public are invited locall at the UK VXCII DEPOT,
No. HI EXCHANGE PLACE, Pllll.AliF. i'MIV, near
Hock street, ami examine the numerous test inc.nials in
favor of Guy let's Safes, also the large assortment on
hand for sale at manufacturers' prices, by
JOHN L. FlPliU, Agent.
r. S.-- Also for sale low, n vv and second hand siafes ui
other makers, which have been taken in part payment for
Guyler'e Salcinaouers. np2G dim
Pure Wines and Liquors,
Tiff! attention of De;.l--rs and Hotel Keepers is requeu
ed to my line assortment of Wines and Liquors se
lected with great care from stocks in Europe and this
country, ami from sources which enable me to (H-arantee
their puritu
Hit AN DIES of evi ry description from J.to $5 per
>\ lIDHiEY , line l'i-h. Scotch and Monongaliela.
OI.D J A31.W1 V JSI Ai, Holland Gin, and Peach
Iti and',
MAl)i:il(A, sllf Un ,v PORT WINKS,
of every variety and grade, from 75 c!.. to >5 per gallon.
CHAMPAGNE of all celebrated brands, 50 to |<IG
Claret—fine Table < liret at jt.'i, and higher grades
\!so, I.iebon, Teneriife, .Malaga, Muscat, tf. Wild
Cherry Brandy, Raspberry, Blackberry and l.avender
Brandy, he Ac.
The Country Trade
supplied at wholesale prices. A complete assortment of
Wines and Liquors, v try cheap, for eutinoro purports.
IcOrJern promptly attended to. Goods carefully pa? k
ed and forwarded by "Express." Samples sent to any
part of the country free ofchargc, bv addressing, post paid,
A. 11. AI'CALLA,
aI - 3m] Wine Merchant, 50 Walnut t , Philadelphia.
d! POI \D~ "f Leathers. • otnprising all
w wjW VW qualities, for ah. wholesale and rein!
at the lowest casii prices, by
\ soath Ki coiiil five (i'Hirs abov#* Bpru<*
>ur cutniirr-. and tb- public in general \\ i I please
th :t sine the alo rations recently made in our store, the
r.f our business t- in the second story, where wr now
tuv > . r.-ady made, or will make to order, on short notice,
M.U TRESSES, and (T.S7//OAN of all kinds.
We also k.-.-p constant! - on hand, a good assortment of
7'icAin.. Bhirkcls,Alar.n ,7. • Quilts, Cpmfurtables,Sack
ing Bottoms, ftc. The first fl -or and basement have leen
appropriated to its i'- of Carpeting*, among which are
Brussels Ctrpeiinge,
Tapestry do
Imperial Three Piy CARPETIXCS,
fiigrstii (.'.trpetings,
from to cents to #1 no,
Mair t arpetl-ugs, Oil fl ATIHi
from 10cents to $l 00, > *'
Entry Carpentings.
from 20 cents to f I ?! Ulld
K if ( arpetii.gs
from 25 t-> 10 ( cnts •MATTISGS.
Also, Oil ( ioths and Mat
tings, at all prices
I4>" •( t'c-cnnd st , 5 doors abr>\ e Bprnrc. Pbita [inltE Jm
u . J . w i u j 1 n s,
-V 12 AVrtA >irtk ttrrtt, Phtladtlpkij
ITMTIAX ftl.IM) manufacturer and wh iles,tic and
relitl dctil-r in n mum nn Anns awarded the highest
i-ukmii MK at lb. N fork. PhiltdMjvhiiA and Hi
( I R JAINS n. idc and I t:< rc.i Vr -lore* and pubis •
niiiltti(> A !*r*e aMnrtmnnt• C HI.I N lis and SHADE - *
■'l r.n tyi. a tind fioivh, at the !>>w.-et r.i*h pricea. The
public will nnd it to their iuterrat tu rati.
Old iiiinds paiuled and trimim-d to t>i>k equal to new.
B. J W inform* the patron* of FREKM AN'd old i stab
iWbiiieiit, N > !l3j South Second *t, that he has removed
front there P. \ 12 North Sixth at .wh- t- he respectful '
ly eolirtta i ruiilluuanre of patronage [mlii-' 3m j
'PtIF T nk! in I"Ihr Ivsi ravck ContoM of I'hilaiM
' l(i'a on !• i: I j 3, ( lieanut street, near Fifth street.
C harles N Itanrk'-r. f.-o It Richards,
Thomas Matt, Mordocai I> la-wia,
Tobtat Wagner. Adolpbe R Boric,
Samuel Or.int. David 8. Itrotvn,
Jacob ft Smith, Morris Palteraon.
t'oiiilnne to mat t.-iiram iwrpMiial or limited, on '
■ ver\ lit sciapihn f pr-'|i<rfy in |il\ \ A TO! NTItV.
at rat'-i m low a are Coiiaiatenl with "eturity.
Ilia Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund,
which, with their Capital and Premiums safely invested,
.-•.flurdf ample protection to the auted
Ihe assets of the Company, on January Ist, lSttr, a
published agreeably U. an Act of Assembly, were ; f.l
low*, viz :
Mortgages, ♦. nj7,l3S II
Real Kstatr, 91,724 K7
Temporary I.oans, 96,001 hi
Stocks, 51,523 23
<'ash, to- , 3fc,-0| 37
#1,320.4! 71
Since their incorporation, a pciiod of eighteen years
t'lev lotve paid upwards of One Million Four Hundred
Thousami /dollars, losses by tire, thereby affording ailevi
dence of the advantages of Insurance, as welt n the abil
ity and disposition 'o meet -villi promptness all liabilities.
♦IH \RI.E3 N BANCKEK President. j
AtiKN'l 1 for Mitilin county, If. 0. HAI R, 1
Eewistown. [pl2-lv
Good News for Blacksmiths.
FPHK subscriber has jut received a large lot of
I Irvin & (Jo.'a Centre county Iron on com
mission, and shall continue to keep a heavy stock
which he will w arrant, and sell at Ibc following
prices, for cash, on delivery :
Regular assorted Iron, 31 cents. \
Horse shoe do 4 do
.Nail rods, 4{ do
Lewistown, March %?*♦, ISSO.
N. B.—On hand, also, a large assortment of
S.MAI t. IRON". F. J. H.
A 4n*eal Natural Kemely,
IJROCURKI) from a well 400 feet deep.und
possessing wonderful curative powers in
diseases of the CHEST, WIND-PIPE ami lunss. —
Also, for the cure of diarrhtea, piles, gout, rheu
matism, asthma, bronchitis, scrofula, neuralgia,
burns nnd scalds, tetter, ring-worm, obstinate
eruptions of the skin, blotches and pimples on
fhe lace, biles, deafness, chronic rre eyes, etv
ipelfis. pains in the bones and joints, and all
that class of diseases in which alterative or
purifying medicine* are indicated. For sale by
maylu J f| MU'CIIKI.L
eowjjoimfc ot
I ■) the b. -t Medh M-t for Cough*. Cold#, Co'.:i p
' ti<>n, Asth.na, SpiitL.g (.! Wood, iu F.-ii it."
low irig:
N v.-.fiber '1 L '.id-
I'rcr Sir I tuke gfffit |i!.v .'•• in saying (•■ . ; ;ik;
Mrs. Kus* litis been entirely relieved of li r f "*i"h o. it><
tle ol i our Syrup of H'lht t. berry l! I; a: . •'itinue 1i" t
fully eighteen months. She I. :>l us. J sever -.'pri-psrr
tiune of the Wild < hurry no v. in jM.pular ye, but fit.!
vi .th rtie •lighted benefit, until site it ok j our*. She on-
I) took sit boltli •, Rial 1 ui pleased to say she .< now in
good lu-:i!th. liver} on.- who um Mrs. Roi 11- oght
lier in h deep deciim-. LFiWJS r ROSS,
Vu -x: .< rtmi!. a tit-.cef. II ilrin oie. C.ipaii. >f S-hton
er'i. h . Cambridge Facke'.
In t"i<-rzyiTinit's sure Tiir< i ,1 n truly ft " Severe t'
R .lm," as the <I id p.-Ho AVariiinstlon ro : tv, Mar>
land, of .ftiue f.tli, isjb, sate Price 75 cents a. B I'.c.
I're oared it,.! s.ild by MA It'll V <r W 111 i'El-EV ftl
tli-ir ivltoie.jl • Dm* i- S Calvert fu> t, Bsiso
At'tl for edic by I'. J. HOFFMAN an J
\Y.\TTSON a- J ACOB, l.*wi-town; ALEX
ANDER Rt illdok, \\ iiiiam-burg, Huntingdon
county. I June 80. IS 19 —ly.
iV lileley'"
A certain Cure lor Ague. Fever,
and Dyspepsia,
i\ uir suinCi-r ar.d fall month* many sections of our
rnuntrv are prostrated l.y BIIdJOL'S F£V£U arid
AOI E atidrCVfiU.. It has Ven our particular tudy to
find out sorii" remedy to stop thi.- dreadful scourge, and
think, in this TON If we have effected this (treat object
It is also we think the very beat remedy in Dyspepsia,
and if our directions are followed, wit! not f-,i to effect
a cure.
In a letter dated. May 23d, 1849, r,ar Agent, Mr Elias
iiaub.of WrigiilsviHe, l urk county, I'a .aaye:—l have
never known any remedy fur t'zree and Ague equal to
your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal
satisfaction, ami has cured cases of Ague of years stand
trig, and after the failure of all othi r medicines made use
of. Mr. Henry Bevet-un, of the same place, saye in his
certificate, dated 22d Man!, 1619, • I applied to a number
if !'hy*icmo*, and also used a variety of the most popu
lar Ague Mixtures at different times, but all without the
desired effect; no permanent cure having been afforded
I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your
worthy Agent at this place, to try a b title of your Na
tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before 1 had
used half of it, 1 felt completely cured, though I contin
ued the use of it till 1 had taken two bottle?.* In a joint
certificate from Me'.m. Miles Hoke, William Black-em,
and James I). Brow n, of the same plate, they say—'Hav
ing tried nearh all the remedies within our reach with
out .iicrc-s, we a, list purchased some of your .Vctunvaf
Tovie, which ha* completely cured us. We, therefore,
ch erfully recommit d it to the notice of all persons af
flicted with that terrible disease as the best rca.edy yet
See the Pamphlet-' Ahioh you can get from one cfour
Agents gratis.
A!-, Or Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use.
in all c.a*. s w here a purgative is needed
> Prepared and sold by MARTIN it Will i ELEY,
Wholesale Drug -'ore. No Ins Calvert t , Baltimore.
For i>a!e by F. J. HOFFM \X and W ATT
SOX A JACOB, Lcwistown ; and by ALEX
ANDER RETI.EDOE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon
county. June 80, lb49—ly.
( oii))M)uti(l Vvriip of'Spigt'lin
or Vegetable Ycreniliigc.
The vw.it effectual, tkt safest, pleasantest
and most convenient Worm Medicine
ever offered 'o the public.
THE SPIGEMA, siys a work of highest authority,
stoede at .'Ac head rf the list of *r
-\frdinnrs. It is adapted to a wider range of case*, and
10 a greater variety of constitutions and states oi the
constitution, than any other. But prepared a* it com
monly is, in the form of tea, it can seldom he given to
children in sufficient do*-*. In Harris, Turner 4 I! t! -**
Compound rup. is is so concentrated that the £f>e i"
very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera
tion. and so palatable as to be taken, not only w sth ease,
but with positive pleasure.
Th'* precise composition of th! syrup and the mede of
preparing it, are th ■ r- sult cf a series of eiperiroents
continued for years Before offering it for sale, it was
subjected to the test of experience in the hands of emi
nent physicians, in Philadelphia and elsewhere, whohave
recommended it in the highest terms, and still employ It
in th-ir practice. In addition to tin* v\ idencc of its mer
its, we oiler the following. select- d from a comber of un
•olicited testimonials.
Ist A distinguished physician of Virginia, of truch
experience, writ- e of it thus :
"1 should have written before thl*. but fell disposed
first to try the efficacy of your Vermifuge. 1 have used
more than halt the quantity received, and the experiment .
lias hern most so. ceesfol. / realty tclt'Te that it paggrg
srs atirantajret t vrr any at her P'ermifuge ] hare ever used.
Independent of the smallness of the dose, and the plca
s.antness of the sirup (great advantages in doting chil
dren! the advantage of administering it under a variety i
of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is
scarcely a condition of the system ir. w hich It may net
be administered. Yours, Ac."
'2d A respectable physician of l.ehunon county, In this
slate, writes
" I have been in the habitof prescribing your Compound
Hyrupof Bpigelia for some time past, and have four,c. it
an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.—
Please forward per bearer 5 doz bottle*.—Yours,
3-1 - An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we
had previously sold the syrup, writes
"Since my return home. | find that your S_\ rup of sin
gelta hasromc into general use in this neighboihood YVe
have sold what we had on hand, and il gave such satis
taction that it is now called for evev day You tvill phase
put us up a or 6 dozen iii a small porkage, and send to the ,
rare of \t Anderson A Co., Richmond, as soon as ps-sst-
Ule, and font ard the bill per mail Yours, Ac."
4th. A respectable merchantnhio, on a late x '.sit to
Philadelphia, slated, that some time since he had beer. aje
plied to by a customer for a vial of - ' Ver
mifuge for ln= *on. .Not hiving the article asked for, he
advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound
Byrupof rpigslia and gave him a part of a bottle which
was all that remained in the store. A day or two after
this the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his
surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring
it had expelled '2O-> worms and > ntircly relieved hi* son
The merchant added an expression of his gieat regret (hat
In* had not hail on hands a bottle of the Sv rup at the time
when his own little -laughter died, a* he confidently be
liev- -1 it would have saved her lite
ith \ gentleman of Huiisi M N V , having eciu e bot
tle of Harris. Turner & Hrl?'? routpoutiil Syrupof s,u
gclia, to n voun 5 friend who hart t r- <! inxain a ge-at nuui
her of worm mdir:uf>s,writ??, that his fricm! hs ltmn
itinti-lv relieved ; Ihs oidf of llie piillrnt ivrrr "It::, ,
every worm out my body."
MtMKArri'REn ONLY by
Harris, tijrxrr a- hall.
II ho!rsale Druggists, \n. 2(11 Marhrt *:r( >r,
Drugs, Medicine?, I h'-micah. I\,ti nt Medicine*. r .1
and (lUiiti'trifal 1 iiitr anient-.. Druggist?' t;!a..* are VV i.
•low-glass, Paints, Oil?, Iye?, Perfumer i. .->, A ,*. , ami
irluaive manufacturer* of Ilarri*, Turner A Hiie'
Sog.ir-I'ohlod Pill?, Iliixiiain'? Liniment for the Pit,-? 'lie
llanbrideo Hair Tonic, Minnie s Hie Water, Mrs. il.i.i:-
aon'e I'd rivalled Indellilde Ink. Dc weea't'elebrati <1 \ -■: ve
and Hone Liniment, or Magic Pain r.xtr-wlor, Mrs Sli .r?-
wood'g p.xtracts or Lemon and Yuiiilla,forrLivar.:,g i'nd
dtirgs, Ire t. reams, &.C., Alc.
For sale by dealers in Drugs genera v in
Centre, Mifflin and Jmiialu comities, [an.")—:i
OR TDK LADIKS.-I.ih White, Violet
■ toilet Powder, Tooth Powder, Tooth and
flair Brushes, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Musk Bags
Lipsalve and Fanrv son us, fir sale at
a pF2 Diamond Diug bu.re.
Saddlers and Coachmakers!
i'Ntt^ v KOOK to your interests—cnli upon
subscriber and purchase your ware
® low fr •:'.•!, at
''l'l v lluduirt' S'."re.
i imi\ gbJH.UVj'j,
J-tutuiiM- Clirct.
* ; r 01* Art'voti*
o< lit** Kidneys.
"ISO filt.M V DteJli-
Wilier ! lVfcR i,R NiO
ii s, INWARD Fit ut. Ft LLSES*.
on lit.. ii 10 in n HL.D, ACIDITY (,?
OUST Frit i o ;. i el.l.Ni:--. UK XVfCIUOT in the
Hr. MAc.ll, HOIK FattrMATMNs, SINKING ok
cx.i Dll ricL't.r BREATHING,
M i r .H. A 1 I N G
LI U V A' Jrojlir.-e, Dimness (if FrsoJl, D<>lt
or 'i' turr Hit Sight, l ever and duil
pain tithe 11-ad, Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Yellowness oj the Shin and JJr/e,
Pain in the Side, iiuch, Chest, Limbs, c .
Sudden Plushes of Heat. Burning in tl.r
P.'rg/i. < 'onstaal Imaginings of Kvil, and
great depression (.J Spirits, can be efV-ctua;-
At the liTinan Medicinr Store, DO Arch st.
Their y tr orer the above dtruiits u not euclled -1/
eyu-ilic-i •/ an other preparation in rke United States at
the ~a at 'est, in many ras's ijler shhj ul phyiutant hid
Th-ce BittPrs are worthy the attention of Invalid*.
Po)ises*:i.g yreal virtues in the rectirication ofdiseasen f
the Liver and lessor glands, exercising the most Eearcn
iitg powers in weakness andaffectiens of the digestive or
gans, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
("HAS. ITOBINIOJI, Esq., Elision, Md., iu a letter to Dr
Jackson, January y, 1650, said—
"My wife and myself have received more b*-nefii from
your medicine than any other we have ever taken for the
Ihiepepsiaand Lirer direase."
■•TUK TIVTH REGION," published at Woodstock, Vj ,
Jsouary 10. 1-50, said —
' \Vc have uniformly refrained from recommending !.-
the public any of the various Patent Medicines of t;,c
a 'iiilees thoroughly convinced oftheir value. Among
thisr v . oiiotder worthy of notice,is the German Bitter e,
invented by Tr. Hv-jUnd. a..d prepared by Dr. Jackson,
m Philadelphia One Instance iu particular, in which the
superior vi-t'i- - "f this medicine has been tested, has f;
len under cur observatiori During the last summer, a
son of MR ABKCHAM GRABILL, of this county, was verr
-.eriously afßi<t-.-d with Liver Complaint, and after try;
in vain vari ois remedies, he purchased a bottle of tha
B.tteri', and after using it, was so roucb relieved of fan
distresiiug malady, that be procured another bottle, sr.J
is r■ stored entirely to health "
FROM "TUK \\ ELDUN HEHALO, 'published at Welder,
N C., Jantißry 24,1658, which said—
• It is sfry seldom that we make any allusion \r Pa-.er.t
Medicines, either approving or otherwise. Unfortunately
for the eo ntry. and for honest and conscientious inren
tors ane venders of these medicines, the Sand is becoming
flooded v. ith quark preparations, that are made alone for
profit and are fH not even for the dogs. In thisetate of
thing? it is naid to telJ w hit.a are, and which are not worth
having. !f a person ge t? an indifferent medicine the fir-t
i im lie purchases, he is very apt to condemn the whole
of Itieiii and hue no more, and inventors must only blame
those of their number, (who ignorant!)- combine plain
medicines together for the purpmte of making money,) for
t";ie ill success vt hlch attends the t (ferts of the deserving "
*' W-* believe !)r C M Jackson'* ' Hoofland'g Gsrnisa
Biters' to be tn<*f excellent medicine, and one that
slt-.iild be highly popular in these days of Temperance ;
f'r ?fcy ere sltog-ther l''grtab!t in tbeir composition,
' ; bciir on*,l'np of.?/c<?4c.'tf Spirits in tbem. Thts mcd
ictne i> inroeent, but 'lengthening in its effects, and rich
ly deserving f "ti unbounded popularity, which, when it
becon-.es kno A-B, it v. ill, no donbt, fully enjoy."
JCDOB M. M. NOAH said, In his " WEEKLY Muss*
crtt," January 5, !SSO
"I)r Ifoef. —. 's G'raan Ei't.rj—Here Is a prepara
tion v. bieb the leading presses in the Union appear to be
ur.tr.hiHiU* fr. r . the reason is obvious.
It f madr after a prescription furnished by one of the
most r>!-!>rati d physicians of modern times—the 1 ar•
L'r Christopher Wilbelni Ifoofland, professor to the Uni
versity 01 Jni, private pbyeicfon to the king of Prussia,
and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever
produced Us was emphatically the enemy of kuvtvg,
and therefore a medicine of which he wag the inventor
and endorser may bo confidently relied on. He specially
recommended it it: Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility,
Vertigo, Aridity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all
complaints arising fioin a disordered condition of the
stomach, the iivcr and the iniesttnc-s. Nine Philadelphia
papers express their conviction of its excellency,and scv
era! of the editors speak of flu effects from their own lndi
vidua I experience I'm! r these circumstances, w * feel
warranted, not only in railing the attention of our readers
to the present proprietor's :Dr C M Jackson's) prepara
tion. but recommending the article to all aftiu! !."
family newspaper published in th- United State*. TIN
editor says of
Dr Iloofiand's Herman But erf:
" It is seldom '.ha: we recommend whst are termed Pt
ent Medicines t"> the confidence and patronage of ovr
reader*; and, therefore, when we recommend I>r. Hoof
tand'a German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly under
stood tiist we art n •: speaking of the nostrums nfthed3i,
that arc noised about for a brief period a tuft ben forgotten
-uter it his dune (is guilty race of mischief,but of a m*d
icitlong -tsrablished, uitivercally prized.and which ba
met th.- heart) approval of the faculty itself "
Evidence upon evidence has been received
tko the fire-going) from all sections of iu?
I u ton, the lavt throe years, and the strongest
testimony in its favor, is, that there is more ot
it used in the practice of the regular Physi
cians of Philadelphia than ail other nostrums
combined, a fact that can easily be establishes,
end fu'ly proving that a scientific preparation
will tr.'el with iheir quiet approval when pre
sented even in this form.
That ttii- medicine will cure f.i ver Contplaint
and IHfpenyia, no one can doubt after usitig it
a- uirt'i ted. F acts specifically upon the stom
ach and liver; it is pefcrabie to calomel nrcil
In I tons disatrf— ihe effect is immediate.
Tlin ex:.- be administered to FRMAI.F.CT isroi
v. i:n -rie't and reliable benefit, at any time.
I his medieuie lias attained thai high chcme
ter w lech j necessary for ail medicine? to at
tain tu induce counter;ei ; ers to put forth a spu
rious article at the risk of the lives ot those
who are innocently deceived
Ei>ok wfll (a the marks of the #f.nuinr.
1 hey have the written signature of C. \F
J Al-KSOX unon the wrapper, and the name
blown in the holflo. wrV/owf uUieh they art
For sale W la'eva'.e and Re'kil ot the 'KK
ono dotn below Sixth,(late ot'JT*' RaccH'reei.l
Pinißtlelplici, and bv resprei-th e dottles g l ' et
s'ly throughout the country,
march ~'2 —ly.
Paper & Biank Books.
f fjjjjjSr I ffE sui-M ritv r has always on
imi a fine stuck of Printing, Oap.
1 , or, Wrapping, Window' at •<
\\ ill I'njww .iiii H Htik R'-i'-.s.
Wr.t !'. • t-rv O.v by the Re*to
apU 1\ I.' IP UKM \N