I'ui \rKKKKiTa —Spurious or ultered notes of (he denomination >t ijuVs, tgtlOV, ami S2UV, per iwrling to be issued by the Bank of Delaware county, are "> circiilat on. The vigncte rep resents \ errury offering a bsg of coin to a t'e in!e, who holds a key in her hand. At her j-itfe is a winged lion on an iron chest. Altered notes of the denomination of s2o'.s on the Philadelphia Bank, ore in circulation he e. The vignette is a blacksmith at his forge, and a dog's head between the officers' names. Look out tbr them. I'IRK VNO Lessor I IKE. —We learn from the Bradford Aigus, that on Sunday night, May 19th, the dwelling house of Cornelius Hurley, of Sheshequin, was consumed by fire, and that Mr. II with his wife and onlv child, perished 'lithe ffanies ! Mr. II was an Irishman—an i idustriotifiand worthy young man, having boon mairied about a year. MI LTCM IS- PAR\ O. —The O. Crescent, a neutral paper, very justly remarks -We have never known a better abused administration than Gen. Taylor's. If he does anything, it is wrong ; it he does not, that also is wrong. The Pennsylvania Railroad will be opened to Huntingdon on the 10th June. THE MARKETS. Lewistowr, June 7th, 1950. Paid bq Dealer M Retail Flour . $4 GO 00 Wheat, white • 108 1 10 red - 100 1 05 By* - - GO 60 i Uats - - 111* .97* i Corn, - - GO GO* Cloversecd old, 3 00 Do new. 3 00 Flaxseed - - 1 00 1 25 Timothyseed - - 2 00 2 GO Butter, good - - 10 124 Eggs - 8 8 Lard - 0 8 Tallow - 8 10 Potatoes - • 62 75 PHILADELPHIA, June 5,1550. There is no change to notice in the market. The export demand tor FLOUR continues limit ed, but holders are firm in consequence of the small receipts. Sales of 1,000 barrels com mon and good brands at $5 25. Sales to the trade at fjs 25 a 5 37A fir common and good brands, and .§5 50 a 575 for extra. Rye Flour is scarce. A small sale at Js3 per bbl., at which holders are firm. Corn Meal is in lair demand. Sales of 1,000 barrels at $3. GRAIN —There ia very little Wheat coming in, but the demand is less active. Sales ot v;a 3.000 bushel? good Red at :gl 20, and White at AI 29 a I 30 per bushel. The last sale cf Rve was at 65 cents. Corn is in limited re quest. Sales of 1,000 bushels Yellow at 67 a 07 cents, but buyers generally offer 65 cents. Oato are scarce, and wanted at 43 cents for fair Pennsylvania.—Daily News. BALTIMORE, June 4, 1850 This morning, before the steamer's news was made public, sales of 700 bbls. Howard street Flour were made at After the receipt of the steamer's news parties did not manifest much disposition to operate, and the market closed in an unsettled state.— American. WARM SPRINGS, PERRY COUNTY, PA. rPFtn ur.derxlgried begs leave to inform the public, that -*- lie hag recently purchased the Warm Sprint#, in Perry county, Pa , and has improved and refurnished the building# for the entertainment of visiters, in a style calculated to ensure couifort and convenience to all who may feel disposed to patronize the establishment. These springs are situated on the banks of ami empty Into Sherman's creek, a stream assoc ated with the thrill ing seen< between the early settlers of that part of I Pennsylvania and the aborigines, whose hunting grounds lay on Its margin They are 11 miles from Carlisle, (through which Ibe Cumberland Valley Railroad passes from Chambersburg to Uarrisburg,) from whkh place visiters can at alt times procure excellent convey arires. Those also from the easi. wishing to reach the springs by the Central Railroad, can do so by taking passage to the Duncannon Iron Works, (13 miles distant from the springs) where coaches are constantly in readiness to convey them thither; and those coming from the west on the same road, can at ail tunes obtain easy conveyan ces at the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which is but a few miles distant from the springs The qualities of the water at these springs are most extraordinary indeed for the speedy and permanent cure of SCROFULA, TETTER, Eruption vf the Skin, and In J act every sptciet nf Cutantoue Vutasrs. He has hundreds of certificates, showing the wonderful cures effected by using this water internally, and by bathing in It, obtained as well from strangers as from those residing I't the immediate neighborhood of the springs, w ho have not only experienced the infallible efficacy of the water themselves, but witnessed lite same upon others. Prof JAMES C BOOTH has analyzed the waters, and found them to contain W 2 grains of solid matter in the gallon, which is composed as follows : Carbonate of lime, ... 2 (if,7 " magnesia, - - 1 b3S Alkaline salts, chiefly cltlorWies. wish a p>,r lion of sulphate, I Htl3 Hiliela - - - - 0 603 Organic matter, "... 2.MIT 1t.200 There are also at the same piace half a dozen of other springs, of different ilescrtptions, among which is one <>f sulphur and one of cold water. It rosy not be imiiropertostate why a knowledge of the extraordinary medical qualities of these springs has not (•••en more extensively known than is indicated by lh<- certificate# of those only who have resided in their im nedtate neighborhood. Yi-ars ago the property fell into 'tie hands of a number of heirs, who were indisposed to undertake the repon#ibility of making it place of pob tic entertainment —probably because the patronage ol'the pjblic would not have justified the undertaking, as at 'bat time (before the apirit nf improvement had rend red distant and difficult points nf speedy and cheap access,) Us location was out of the way, and the roads to il rough ar,.) almost impassable At the death of Mr. Kennedy, it fell into the hands of hi# heirr, neither of whom seem il disposed to lake hold of it, but leas' d it to tenant#, more for the cultivation of the land than a regard to the use of the water It was finally rented to Mr flippte, (now proprietor of a large hotel in Treiuorit. I'a ) who made arrangements to accommodate the public, and dur ing hi* term many invalids availed themselves of lids opportunity to visit and test it* medical qualities Mr liipph- however retired in a short time, and the property again fell into the hands of the. tu ir< and remained so iiilil proceeding# were instituted u> the. Orphans'Omri for us sale. It ordered to le sold, and ih' - sutwen 'cr became the pur. baser- li will ihu# be seen that with 'lw exception of the short lime it was held by Mr. Hip pie, no effort# were u ad,- to bring it into notice I he country round Ibe springe and neighborhood i di c'rified by cultivation and beautifully wild and pictu repqug scenery, abounding in gsme, while the stream passing through the property affords tine li-litng Every retention will be puui to the comfort and convenience of r lest*, aud the charge# so mode rale, that all may avail then,selves nf the benefit# of the Water. May3l-8i 11. 11. E'ITER. of Rrv'd Jacob billlbcr. f I €?<*' the neglect or misconduct of any person or persons in their employment or otherwise. SECTION 11. Jit ease of any vacancy by death, resignation or otherwise, of any of said direc tors, the remaining directors shall lilt such va cancy by ttie appointment of a citizen of the district to which such vacancy mav occur, un der the same, penalty as i* provided by the sec ond section oS this act, to serve until the nexl general election, when another director shall be elected to serve as if no such vacancy had hap pened. SECTION 12. The said directors shall each of them receive for their services annually the sum of twenty dollars, to defray the expenses of the necessary attendance on the duties of their office. SECTION 13. A!) claims and demands existing at the time of this act being cairicd into effect shall have full force ami effect a-, if this act had not passed, and when the same may have been duly adjusted and ettlcd, all moneys remaining in the hands of the overseers, as well as the un collected taxes levied for the support of the. poor in the several boroughs and townships in the county of Milliin, shall be paid over to the treasurer of the poor houe, to he applied to the maintenance and support of the poor; and as soon as the poor of the county of Mifflin shall have been removed to the home of em ployment of said county, and the outstanding taxes collected and paid over, the office of over seer of the poor within the said county shall from thenceforth be abolished. SECTION 14. The powers conferred and the duties imposed ou the overseers of the poor in and by an act to empower the overseers and guardians of the poor in the several townships within this commonwealth, to recover certain fines, penalties, and forfeitures, and for other purposes, are hereby conferred and imposed on the supervisors of the highways in the said county of Mifflin, and that tho justices of the peace and sheriff within the said county are lureby required and enjoined to pay to the said supervisors, to he hv them applied to the repair of the highways, the aforesaid lines, forfeitures, and penalties within the time and in the manner prescribed by the said net for the pay mcnt there of in other counties to the overseers of the poor, and to give notice of the receipt thereof to the said supervisors within the time and in the man ner aforesaid, and for any neglect or refusal to perform any of the duties enjoined on them by the said act, the said justices of the peace and sherifi in the said county shall he subject to all fines, penalties, and forfeitures to which the jus tices and sheriffs in other counties by the said act are subject or liable. SECTION 15. The commissioners of said coun ty are hereby authorized and empowered to pay to the directors a reasonable compensation for their services during the term they are employed in erecting any building or buildings aforesaid; Provided, The same shall not, including the an nual sum allowed them by this act, exceed fifty dollars in any one year. SECTION 16. So much of the laws of this common wealth relating to the poor as arc hy this act altered or supplied be, 3mi the same are ; hereby repealed so tar as they effect the county : of Milllin. I Hti TIOV 17. That the sheriff of the said i county shall in due time notify the said comrnis i sioners of their appointment, and when and i where they shall meet for entering upon the du ; ties assigned them by this act. which place of meeting shall be as near the centre of the coun j ty as possible. SECTION 18. It is hereby enjoined and made the duty ot the sheriff of the county of Milllin, | to cause this act to be published in all the pa pers of Milllin county for three successive weeks immediately after its passage. .SECTION lib fhe poor house farm now owned | by the borough of Lewistown shall be sold bv ! the Burgess and Town Council of said borough j as soon after the erection of the county poor house as the same can he conveniently done, and j upon the contract for the sale being approved by a resolution of the Burgess and Town Coun cil, the Chief Burgess is hereby authorized and , required to make a deed to the purchaser thereof, i attested by the corporate seal of said borough, and the proceeds arising from the sale of .-aid • ann, and the personal property belonging to the same, shall be paid into the borough treasury for the general purposes of said borough. Approved the twenty-second day of April, i one thousand eight hundred and fifty. WW. F. JOHNSTON". Se< an TAP v's OITICE. PENNSYLVANIA, SS. "i6BHBBk' Ido certify that the within ami HggpjM foregoing is i true and correct copy WJaa of Sections Nos. 1. ii, .*}, q, (; 7", 9, id 11. 12, i;t, it. i; # , in 17, 18 and 1!) of the original Act of the General Assembly entitled " An Act for the < rectiou of a lions- for the Support of the Poor in the County of Milllin; authorising the Overseers of the Poor of Lycoming county to sell certain property be longing to Waiter Potts, an insane pauper ; "rela tive to the Boundary Lines between the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware : to Elections in Philadelphia county : and to holding Courts in Juniata county ; and to taking Excessive Interest from the Bank of Lewistown," approved April 2-2.1, 1 *.->O, as the same remains on tile in this ofiire. Witness my hand and the Seal of the Secre tary V Office, at Ilarrisbug, this twenty-fifth dav of April, A. 1) one thousand eight hundred and fifty. A. W, BENEDICT, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. HQ! FOR CALIFORNIA! COLD ! GOES I! *real at Thomas* ( heap Cash More!! j \\t no v s<-l!in® off my stock at LESS THAN' I'Jtlf.A DEI.I'tMA PRIDES, and to all %vho want DAKCVINS ill siy tint nw 'e > • ir time I I>'i V GOODS will tie rt tailed ;t |>r!<:•:(• sueJi as follow - : I TWINS for tV'ii-iloon* at 8, 10 and Iv| rrrr> per yt <' Ai.K O tha ( cnM cents will now !>e sold ot to cents I I It DATS. 4*l .(HI liOt' I S and slluES.nf -uperior tuamifai lure, are of ferrit In-low c>l > prices, l.e-idr- a thousand articles too Odious to ineiitr 11 selling after tl.e same fashion. 1 hat e also a fine assortment of choice l.iqt'OßS, ■itnnn? wiuch ir some of tin* best Mniiniignlir-la Whiskey <•'. r off red. Patent Scythe Snellis : fHEI'.SE. HAM, Slloi I.DKK, ami DRIED UK El* ; Also, a tine stock of ( unking. Nine Plate, and other S i'ON ES, lower, much low er, than Philadelphia prices Alsc, Nail, Fi-li and Plaster, i irli in.' farkle, It is Truul 110-i.s in ! Cant* Rods at £ jt<-r huiiilrt il Jhe .\ews iVomi Cniiiornla 0) I lie list steamer are soetienuragirp as to have ir.Ju.. I rue to He I' off, |iti II up crakes an.t make trark> for Iho I'l Hondo Heme lam determined to nell out, go to Call . rir, and try rr. !l in cathertng rettorr gold. The Ir .-<• of ttie room I otciloy has still two year* to run. and the BR£T STAND IN TOWN i T lh<-business, so that greater inducements fur any one hiving a mind toeinbr.rk in the li.ertaiiiiiv b trine*:. is r.-.rely offered. TM Curpt- liters \% ait(cl. Tii •* mi-iersizned being a rarj.cnter by trade, wishes to em ploy !i irpenter*, young men,tfiarcnmpau) hrutoOsl il'ur : lie w ill pay their passage and give Itiem a • liat c<* in w.rk 1t out N)m but "..her, steady men need apply \l( I lO.\ ! If ti.fi goods aie not sold out w itliin two months, they \> .1! i: mild at auction. As good bargains as \v re ever ill. led are tnnv to be hail t'omr and see for yourselves Keuitii.li.ru fc.r J- , vest ,f the Bla. k Bear To vera. 11IHEC HOI'SES A.\D LOTS FOR SAIL, VI! in I' v. istor. ii. lor fu.-ltirr particulars i>{• vto J. THOMAS. !.■ i t iwrn. May 31, 19/.0 if SHERIFF S SALE. T)A virtue of : writ of Pinries Venditioni Ex f/onas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry county, Pennsylvania, and to roe directed, will be sold on the premises on 81 i:SE>\l, June '251 11. I*iAO at 10 o'clock A. M.,the following described pro perty -seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of R. C. Craig—viz: A I.nt of Ground fronting sixty feet on Alain street, in the borough of Newton Hamilton, bounded on the north and east by Samuel Drake, on the south-west hv .lolin C. M Kinstry, and on the "outh-cast by the Pennsylvania canal—part uf said lot lying on each side of said street. Also--His Interest in a Lot of Ground front ing sixty feet on Mam street on the north-west, on the north-east by Bridge street, on the south cast by the. Pennsylvania canal, and on (he south west by George \V. Askins, v- itli'a large frame ware and store house, Ac., thereon erected. Also—A Lot No. 4, in Newton Hamilton, six ty feet front on Main street, more or less, and 140 feet deep to an alley, with a three story brick hou-'e, a stable, and other improvements thereon, bounded by J. J. Cunningham, William Allen, and others. Also—One other Lot of Ground situate be tween Main street and the Pennsylvania canal, in tiie borough of Newton Hamilton, being sixty feet in front on said street and Pennsylvania ca nal, more or less, and 24 feet in width or depth, with a large three story frame warehouse thereon | erected, bounded on the north-east by J. .1 Cun ningham, and on the south-west bv Win. Allen I) WIS McK. COXTNER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S Orrtric, ) Lebhstown, May.'ll, 18.Id. ( N. IP Purchasers at the above Sheriffs tale are hereby notified that the amount ol t lie sale will be required to be paid immediately on the property being knocked down, or it will be forth with resold to tiie highest bidder. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an Alias Order of Sale to me directed from the Orphans' Court of Mit llm county, I will expose to sale at the Couit House, in the borough of I.ewistown, on j?IOi\DAY, July BISI, I at 'J o'clock in the afternoon the following de scribi d RKA L, ESTATE, late ol Guoitac Scuwxm/., deceased, to wit: One half lot of ground situate on the north side of Third street, in Lowistown, being 3(1 feet more or less on said street, and extending beck same width to public alley, adjoining lot of Rev. J. Rosenberg on the cast, and lot of Win. B. Hoffman on the west, having thereon none and a half story frame dwelling house, and other improvement. 0 . TE One hail" of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of tiie sale, and the other half to be paid in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by bond and mort- ' gage on t tie properly, D. M. CONTNER, i.VWiMov.n, may '24. iP.KMJf Trustee. FIRE PLUGS. r PHE toilowing is a copy of an Agreement pr posed to he entered into by the late Borough authorities and Water Company, but which not having been signed, the present Burgess and I on n Council refer to a vote of the people, and : will govern themselves according to that decis ion : AGREEMENT made and concluded this 4th day of March, A. I). I8t0, between the I.ewis town Water Company of the first part, and the Burgess arid Town Council of the Borough of : J.ewistown of the second part, witnessclh that | the said Lewistown Water Company agrees to erect not less than eight, and not exceeding twelve Fire Plugs, in addition to those- already . erected, in such places in the Borough of Lew istown as may be selected by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Lewistown. The said fire plugs, as well as those already erected, are to be under the control and care of the said Water Company, who are to keep the same in good repair, except w here the same may be broken or injured in any way for the purpose, of getting water to extinguish fires, in which on-e ali necessary repairs are to be made at the expense of said Borough of Lewistown. In consideration whereof the said Borough of Lewistown agrees to pay the said Lewistown Water Company an annual rent of three dollar; for each lir<- plug by them erected in the Borough of Lewistown, as well as for all those already erected as for those now agreed to be erected ; which said sum of three dollars is hereby agreed upon by said parties as the water rent to bf chargcd and paid for the water used out of each hre plug for the extinguishing of tires in said borough, be the same more or less. Witness the hand of the President of said Lewistown Water Company and the Seal of said Company—Also the hand of the Chief Burgess of said Borough and the Seal of said Borough, the day and year aforesaid. This contract to continue for the term of ten years from the first day of April, ltmO—at which time a new con trad is la be entered into in regard to the said Wa ter rent. JXTJ" The Election will be hei /if for the A\n. Sun. Sch. Union. N. B.— It is my intention to visit during the summer, Huntingdon and Mifflin counties, for the purpose of establishing Sabbath Schools, and supplying with hooks those schools a!ready established. The first several weeks will be spent in Huntingdon count v. May 24.1850—3t * S. J. M. ORANGES, (fresh) LEMONS, PIGS, RUBINS, PRUNES, &0., at A. A. BANKS* my.'il Diamond Drug and Variety store. a MI aimST 1") I DISH, has added a tine assortment of L St MM Lit HATS and CAPS to his stork —embracing fine PANAMAS, and all the inter mediate qualities down to STRAW and CHIP. Call and see them. Operations on the Teeth. J. N. St/IVtNER, DENTIST. 11/ OCLD inform the public that he lias re v J turned to Lewistovvn with the view of making it his perminent place of residency and is now ready to be consulted on the busi ness ol ins profession. HIB Office is in the front room of the second story of the Bank. [my24tf TURNPIKE ELECTION. NOTICE IS 3EKIBT GIVEN f|lO Tut: BTCGEHOI.DEUS of the Milhciin A and East Kishacoquillas Turnpike Com pany, That there will tie arf eletftion held at the house of \VM. BROTHERS, in Reeds viile, Mifflm courtly, on THURSDAY,'2Oth of June, 1850, to eirct one RrcsiJent, five Mana gers. and one Treasurer, to conduct the affairs of -aid Road til! thefirsl .Monday of November, I*,>o By order of the Commissioners. DANIEL KREAMER, Pres't. \Vj|. C. DI NC VN, ) .. , M. Boot, J ma^4 . w Pennsylvania Railroad. Ci'r-b 1 AtKte f 1 | jj^ ON and after MONDAY, April I, JRSO, FASSP. A (JEIt TRAIX'S leave daily for the East at 3 o'clock 47 m. and 10 o'clock 10 in , A. M , and Westward at 12 o'clock 20 m. and 5 o'clock 45 rn., P. Al. Fire to Philadelphia, $5 00. /• Ii hI(iII E TRAIXS dail v, (except Sun day.) *i.' Freight in all cases, payable on delivery of goods at the warehouse. SAM. Ml I.LI KEN, Jr., Ag't. Lewistovvn, April 5. 1850—tf COOKING STOVEST~ THE subscriber has J always on hand an as- ; _ sortiucnt of Cooking, J ft if| D jKa X'ine Plate, and other Tr- " JjmA kinds of STOVES, |l|'jllil^|p; : allof which lie will Bell ver y > uW < and warrant ! p|HP to give entire eaiisfac proved llathawav for "I.lv F. J. HOFFMAN. * O T st: K- I RKSPIICTFF! i.V invito ail [Arsons dea'- a ing in or using lIARRWARH, &c , to my iutge and well selected Mock, winch will Le sold lor c:i?ii at lowest prices. MRIITIF F. G. FRANCISCFS. ("IOUNTRY merchants are informed that J assorted bills of Hardware may be bought for cash at Phladeiphi i prices. Come and sec. malTtf F- (. FRA NCISCFS. 1) I. AMES of all hinds lower than ttie lowest 5 mal7tf hy F. C. PR \ NCISCFS. S IN >VKS low for cash hy malTtf F. (i. FR A NCISCFS, V| iM.Vv RIGU 1 TOOI.S of all kinds for IT I malTtf Rile by P. G FftANCISCFS. Ssei Root ITees.SprOimping Boards, for sale malTtf liy F. G. FRANCISCBS. \^.' r AGON' and Buggy. English Boxes from v T 1| to Oj. forsale tiy 1. <1 FRANCISC'TO. B JOTS, Kettle, Frying Pans, &iz., for sale by E inalTlf F. (1. FRANCWCCS. lon and Ri He Barrels. Castings, Tubes, * 8 ic., for sale by {' („ FRANCISCI S. ts r AßNlSM,(Cone!iand< *abine',)G]ue, Paint and Varnish Brushes 01 vv 3vs on liand by ma IT! f ]•'. C. Fb A \cisot s. 1 ffOUSEKMKPING articles of all kindsron ■ slant! von hand by F. (I. FttANCfsecs. i " vs " m ' c > FH) Block do, for c J• A\ P sale by F. G. FRAXCISCVS. Boxes Tin Plates, Iron Wire, Block Tin, ** Pig l.ead, &c., for sale by malTtf F. G. FR A NCISCFS. OUSEHOLE Anvils,from 100 to COO U. x* fi. Tower Vices, 30 to 150 ibs., for sale by malTtf F. G. FR ANCISCtJS. SPA L)fiS, Shovels, Manure Forks, Hay Forks trom 50 cents to tjfel, best, for sale by ma! Itf F. (i. FR A NCISCFS. O O pair Black and Brigl t Springs, from 3 to M*i 6 plates, H to 2| wide, at n.al7tf F. G. lit ANC CSC US. | yards Carriage Lace lor Trim •. inings, (Sic , lor sale by F. G. FRA \ CISC US. BRASS, Silver Gnu Iron Nut Patent Axles, Plated Stump Joints, for sale by F. G. FIIAXCiSCUS. t | IDES.—Enamelled, Chaise, Plain, Patent n Leather, Air.., for sale by tnalTtf F. G. FRASCISCCS. t CARRIAGE Maker's Trimmings and ma* ' terials of ai! kinds tor sale by inalTtf F. G. FRANCISCUS. i)t) se:t Mahogany Veneers, Butt Ac Cd!tmn, //, Bed Screws, 6, 6£, 7 and 3 in. long; Bed Castors, for sale by F. G. FRANCISCUS. Bdoz. pair Wood Games, silver Ac brass plated 2do Iron do do do malTlt for sale by F. G. FRASCISCCS. C A AMPHINE, Ethereal Oil and Lard Lamps, J Wicks, Shades, Chimneys, Globes, &c., rnalTtf for SA'E by F. G. Fr ANCISCCS. jTI OL'SE BE! .I.S from 20 to3o lbs., for farm er's use. Cow, Sheep and Hand Bells for ma 1 Tii* sale by F. G. FnANcrscus. IRON. VLL sizes, round and oval. Tire Iron from l.\ to 4 in , at F. G. FKANCISCCS'S. BEATTV'S, Rose's, Underbill's, and the most celebrated English Edge Too! Man ufacturers' goods, always on hvnd by mal7lf F. G. FRANCISCUS. Kegaof Nails, Spikes&. Brails,at §4 25 55 •' Pure White Lead,at §2.00 per kg 40 gais. Flaxseed Oil* at §I.OO per gallon, by nai7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS. of houses will find the latest ) styles of Locks, Latches, &.C., of superior _ quality and finish, for sale by ms'lTtf F. G. FRANCISCUS. r /COPPER KEITI.,ES,B to 30 GAIIO^ v7 Iron do Brass do by lU iltTf l\ (}. FR A SCISCVfy, j/I do/- Saddle Frees, 500 lbs. Deer's Hair, 111 120 gross Buckles, 300 yds. Cotton Girth nig, 200 yds. Straining Webb, for sale by my 1 Tlf F. G. FRANCISCVS. SHOE THREAD, Boot Lacers. Kitt File?, Shoe Hammers, Pinceis, U to 5 ; ail kinds , of Boot and Shoe Kitt for men and ladies wppr for sale at ell times by F. G. FRANCISCVS. Cast Steel. SANDERSON, Bros & Co.'s Shear, Spring, Country and English, at lowest prices, by maltif. F. G. FRANCISCUS. Saws, Chiselsj &c. SPEAR Sr. JACKSON'S, WADE &. BlTCH i:a's Crocs cat and Panel, always on hand by inalTtf F. G. FRANCISCUS. 1 ~ l\ Plain am! Figured Patent Canvas.--, lilll 50 yds. Gum Cloth, 15 yds. Pearl Dral Cloth, 172 yds. Head Lining and Cur iam Stuff, assorted qualities and widths, forsaie ma 1 70" by I\ G. FRANCISCVS. To FsiiiUi'fi :ni3 Men's Morocco, Lining & Binding Skins, Pegs, Lasts, &c., for sale by ma!7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS. Broken Handles. I sell at astonishingly low prices, Socket-Chisel Handles. Auger do Firmer do Brad Awl do D Handle, for long handled Shovel, Jack and Fore Plane handles. Saw do Brush do a!ivays on hand ty mal7tf F. G. FRANCISCUS. '