Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, June 07, 1850, Image 2

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For six months, 7."> cents.
'F7=*\il NEW subscriptions must be paid in
advance If the paper is continued, and not
paid u itiiin the first month, $1.95 will he charg
ed ; if not paid in three months, $1.50; it not
paid in six months, >1.75 ; and if not paid in
tune months, $2.00.
The Whigs of Mifflin county are re
quested to assemble at MOVER'S HOTEL, <>N
.Saturday Evening, June
1850, for the purpose of appointing dele
gates to the State Convention to be held on
the 19th of that month. A (.'anal Com
missioner. Auditor General, and Surveyor
General are to be nominated.
By order of the County Committee.
CC7" Attention is invited to the advertise
ments of Win. Rewalt, G. W. Thomas and J
i\ Schlosser which appear to-day.
PROM EVROPE. —The advices by the steamer
America represent that cotton continues iirai.
while flour has a downward ten-iencv. The
political news is unimportant.
The Rev. Jons NEW-LAND .MAFFIT, A minis
ter of the Methodist Church, died at Mobile on
the 25 th ult. His death was quite sudden, and
the cause of .t cot stated.
.Mr. K. \V. 11 utter, former editor of the
ilirrishurg Keystone and l,ancaster Intelligen
cer, was licensed to preach the gospel by the
German Lutheran Synod, ot tins State, at its
xeceet session at Potts vine.
C<7~ The Nashville Convention is now ;n
tvssion, and from present appearances is com
posed ot as discordant materials as any gather
ing of unruly spirits could well be. But few-
Stales are represented, and only in part.
Gen. Pillow, of ditch digging memory and the
confidential fiiend of Polk's administration
during the war with Mexico, is ore of the prin
cipal speakers.
CO" The locofocoe of Massachusetts, in their
S'ale address, allege that democracy has in
scribed upon its banner, in letters of .sght, the
great law of christian order—" l)o unto others
ae you would they should do unto you !" De
mocracy there must be vastly different from
what it is in Pennsylvania—for here they hold
. very petty office on the railroads and canals,
-ora Superintendent down to Mud boss, and
were a proposition made them to do as they
i.could like to be done by —that is, yield their
pponents a share of the labor and stealings—
would raise a perfect storm of indignation.
Laying of the (orner Stone of the Lu
theran Church.
Tiie ceremony of laying the Coiner Stone
of the new Lutheran Church, new being erect
ed on the corner of Third and Main street?,
took place on Wednesday last, in the presence
of a large number of persons. The prelimina
y services were held in the Methodist Episco
pal Church, in consequence of the day being
< xtremeiy warm, and v. ere conducted in the
'allowing order :
Singing by the Choir.
Prayer by the Rev. JA<- B ALBERT.
Sermon by Rev. LCTHER K. ALBBKT.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. BL*KE.
The congregation then adjourned to trie site
• f the new Church, where, after an appropriate
Hymn by the Choir, the Rev. JACOB ALBERT
read, in an :tnpres-ive manner, the Corner
Stone service. G. \Y. ELDER, Esq., then ad
rc-ssed the audience on the importance and
necessity of liberally aiding the erection of
buildings dedicated to the worship of Cod, and
which he considered essentia! to the preserva
tion of our political institutions, when the
stone was placed in its proper position, and the
following deposits made in it by the Rev. J.
ROSENBERG, officiating pistor:
The Holy Bible; Hymn Book and Disci
pline; The Augsburgh Confession; Luther'?
Catechism; Lutheran Observer; Missionary;
a German com furnished by Dr.'J'. A. Worraii,
M. D.; a view of Lewistown ; the newspaper?
of the borough ; iist of officers of the Luther
an Church of Lewistown ; list of officers of
the U. S. Government; of the borough of
Lewistown, of Judicial officers of Mifflin
county ; of the clergymen, physicians, attor
neys, and overseerscf the poor of the borough ;
the names of the building committee, assisting
clergymen, and the builder of the Church.
The audience was then dismissed by singing
the Doxology and giving the Benediction.
The building will Hdd much to the appear
ance of that part of the town in which it islo-
ated. It has o front of 4A feet and is 70 teet
:n depth, ami will be ornamented with a spire
4lf) tee* high
J lie Choir are deserving of praise for tho
manner in which they acquitted themselves, as
.ntioeti are a.l who took part m the ceremony,
tn connection with this subject we may also
mention that the Rev. IATHER E. ALBERT, of
Bellefome, who delivered several dur
ing the past week, has made a most favorable
impression on the citizens ot Lewistow n and
surrounding country, he is still very young
—but twenty-one yea re of age—and if life and
Lealth should be hta lot, he will we trust, have
a long career of usefulness before him, honor
fcb'e to himself ami of benelit it. the profession
-e Pas chosen
\oiuinatlng the Best Men.
We said last week that the locofoco leaders
were not sincere when they spoke of nomina
ting good men for otiice, but that the object of
this cry was to cover the corruptions of its old
party hacks, and thus induce the people to vote
tor them. It now appears that on the very day
our last paper was issued the locofoco conven
tion at Williainsport was engaged in nomina
ting these lest men. and after laboring hard
and long offer to the people of Pennsylvania
the follow ing ticket :
Canal Commissioner —W. T. .MORRISON, of
Montgomery county.
Auditor General — EPHRAIM BANKS, Esq , of
Mifflin county.
Surveyor General —J. PORTER BRAVVLEY,
Esq., of Crawford county.
Of the first named we know but little ; the
second is a resident of Lewistown. and pretty
well known as the leader of the radical portion
of the locofocos; while the third was thus
spoken of a few weeks ago by the Easton Ar
gus, a rank locofoco paper :
•- J. Porter Brawley, of Crawford county, is
named by one or two newspaper correspondents
for Auditor General. He would do very well
for IV7iis7.fi/ Inspector. If the democratic
party wishes to prosper it MUST NOMINATE
SOBER AND HON EST M EN—men of good
moral character personally and politically."
To this paragtaph the Jackson Democrat, of
May 31, another locofoco paper, published at
Bedford, adds—
"That's the talk! Beside! l , Brauley lias
been repudiated by the democracy ot his own
county, and is connected with the rotten faction
headed by J. H. MT'ar aini, of Crawford county,
sufficient in itself to sink any honest man.—
Now we Ipg our readers to remember that
we are not making these charges, but thai they
were made by members of the locoloco party
who could have no object in thus speaking of
Br&wley unless the charges were true. How
the farming community, w hose records and in
terests the party would place in the hands of
this best man, will like tiio nomination, re
mains to be seen at the next election.
During the session of (he Convention a rich
scene occurred. Mr. Johnston, cf Lancaster,
who was here last year as a daguerreotypiet,
stated that bribery was going on, aad that cor
rupticn of the deepest dye could be proved
against certain persons, but hesitated to name
them. Upon being urged to do so, he referred
to Mr. Donahue, of Philadelphia county, who
threw down upon the table in front of the
President, eighty dol'ars, saying " there is the
money, I despise it." Another delegate, Mr.
Green, of the same county, said that hi had
also received one hundred dollars from the
same source. A committee was appointed who
reported next dav. They exonerated the can
didates from any improper conduct, but de.
nounced in the severest manner two persons
named Ranken and Ovenshine, of Philadel
phia, who had offered to bribe the delegates.
The report was adop'ed after an exciting de
bale. The proceedings of the Convention are
represented ns having been characterized
throughout by a spirit of rowdyism almost un
equalled in any similar assembly. Bribery and
corruption was in its midst; bargain arid salt
the order of the day, and at last the two most
prominent candidates for Canal Commissioner
were defeated and a man placed in nomination
who had on the first ballot only 10 votes. Ail
this was accomplished either directly or indi
rectly by the operations of two men whom 'die
Convention denounced as scullions, scoundrels
and villains.
The following extract of a letter al?o throws
some light rr. the doings of the democracy of
Mifllin, who teem to have ben fu' v repre
sented among the outsiders :
WILLIAM.- J'.RT, June Ist, 1
Well, the ioug agony is over, and the ioco
.ocos have made their nominations, as you wiil
-ee by the published proceedings. The great
and the jittle men of iocofbeoisin were iicre, and
our town (or a week WHS a perfect jam. Von
no doubt beard of the " bribery and corruption,"
so unfortunately tor Mr. ilubtey and his friends,
exposed by a delegate from Lancaster. 1 need
not give you in detail the circumstances, BB they
will be published and amply dwelt upon. 1
speak of it to refer to the manner in which a
certain Collector not a thousand miles from
your town found it convenient to become invis
ible just when his presence wis needed to
clinch the nail on the charge against Ilubley
and his friends, for it appears he knew more
than anybody else w hen the thing got out, and
was " d'.ad set" against that particular faction,
ft was then discovered thai hir course was like
ly to injure the cause of a certain candidate for
Auditor General, who has for several years been
anxious to do the state some service for honor
and cash, in nnv capacity his friends desired,
and was finally induced to go to him, along
with a certain ex-Postmaster, arid compel him
to make him-e f scarce, he was obliged to
comply, and made oil us fast us the fuuf legs of
a horse could carry him, and did not make his
appearance again till next day within gun-shot
of town. V hen next you get up locotococan
didates for '•tate offices it is to be hoped that
they mav have more discreet friends to bore for
'hem tliHii the specimen referred to. X.
SI.AVI: CAST. I\ HAI.TIMORI: —A case has
been before the Hilti:nore County Court in
hearing 1 a petition of' a eoloied wuioon, named
Kebcccn tiarreif, and ten children, who claimed
their freedom from a lean named Isaac Aiider
eon, of Iloward District:
The woman had licen permitted togoat large
for a period of twenty years, during wh'ch time
she had married and raised a family cf fen chil
dren. Her master then seeing that the and
her family were worth tome three or four thou
sand dollars, claimed them as his property —to
he disposed of at lie taw proper. Several Qua
kers, however, took the matter in hand, and
employing good counsel, contested the cane in
a Court of Justice, which resulted in the Judge t
charging the jury that if they believed the pe
-1.1 loners had been going at large for n long
jtmod, ( without limitation,') doing acta incon
sistent wiih aUvery, with the knowledge of
i their owner, they were entitled to their free
dom, ami so the jury rendered their verdict.
The ease will be taken to the Court of Appeals
i.v 'he own•*r, however
The tuba Itl'ulr*
It is said that despatches have been received
by the Government from our Consul at Havana
stating that he had demanded the 105 persons
taken by a Spanish ship of war on the Island
of Contov. Contoy is a neutral territory, and
the men taken there had not been engaged iu
open hostilities, and were actually considering
of abandoning the enterprise and returning to
the United States. The Governor has made
no reply to our Consul, who had transmitted
despatches to Washington, staling the facte and
calling for additional power to second hie de
This, says the Daily News, is precisely the
result we anticipated from the first, of this ma
rauding expedition—that whether successful
or not, it would ultimately involve the United
States Government in difficulty with Spain,
which would end in war and more conquest of
territory ; and this in all likelihood, was also
tiie anticipation and desire of the principal
movers in the expedition. But notwithstand
ing the indefensible character of the expedi
tion, the government has, tinder the circum
stances, a high duty to perform, and we are
gratified at the determination of the President
to maintain every right to which any citizen
of the United States is entitled. The impris
onment and punishment by the Spanish author
ities of American citizens found upon the neu
tral territory or upon the high seas, engaged
in no act of aggression, but who had in fact
abandoned an aggressive enterprize, upon learn
ing its true character, is as clearly without
justification as an open act of aggression. It is
not enough that they are suspected of contem
plating an over act. It is said that four Amer
icans who were taken prisoners at Cardenas,
have been shot at Havana, and that those who
were made prisoners at the Island of Con toy
end at sea, are reserved for the same fate. In
the execution of the Cardenas prisoners the
Spanish authorities are justified by the law of
nations: but between them and those taken at
Con toy, there is a wide difference, and it iseiear
ly within the duty of the United States author
ities to extend to these men the prjtectmn
which the American flag secures to every citi
zen, even though he be suspected of having
entertained bad designs.
The feusus let.
The Cnsu Bill having passed both House s of
Congress and received the signature of the Pres
ident is now a law. Its provision* arc very full,
precise, and discriminating; and as a piece ot
legislation i- worthy of the age. its progress and
increasing civilization.
An important feature w as added to the Bill in
the form of an amendment offered by Mr. \ is-
T>V in the House of Representatives. This
rlau'i enacts that if provision shal' not be made
by Congress to take the census in I*6o by the
first of June, the present Act shall remain in
force and the Secretary of the Interior is era
powered to proceed at once in the work. In
connection with this it is further provided that
until a new apportionment of representation in
the lower House shall be made by Congress the
number of members in the House shall not ex
ceed two hundred and thirty-three. Two mat
ter* of importance and often of great difficulty
are here simplified and made definite and easy.
When the census returns all come in, the Secre
tary of the interior taking the aggregate federal
population of the United States and dividing the
w hole number by two hundred and thirty-three,
rnav ascertain at once what is to tie the ratio of
representation- It will then be a very simple
matter to allot to each State the number of rep
resentatives to which it is entitled and to notify
the Governor of the same. That brief process
is alt that i* necessary, should this Act remain
permanent, in order to arrange the troublesome
business of new apportionments every ten years.
The Census Act contains six schedules of
which an abstract may not be uninteresting :
The first relates to the free inhabitants, and the
name of every one, with his abode on the first of
June, is to be given. Profession, occupation,
place of birth, married or single, age, deaf or
dumb, pauper or convict, insane or idiot, w bite
or black, n<>n-abiiity to read, if <>vi r 30years of
age. are all to be given.
Schedule two, relate- to Have inhabitants, the
owners of slaves and the number of slaves; the
fugitives from the slave States, and the number
manumitted, with their age. >t-x, color, and nat
ural atllictions.
Schedule three, relates to productions tf ag
riculture; to the names of owners, agents, and
managers ; the arres of land improved and un
improved ; the rash value of farm, and value
all farming implements ; the horses, mules, and
a-ses ; the working oxen, milch cows, and other
cattle; the sheep and swine ; value of livestock,
and of animals slaughtered during the year; the
bushels of w heat, beans, peas, buckwheat, bar
ley, potato* s, (Iri-h and sweet) clover, grass
seed, rye, corn, oats, flax seed, the pounds of
rice and tobacco, the bales of ginned cotton,
(100 lbs. each j the value of orchard products,
market gardens, pounds of cheese and butter,
tlax, hops, sitk cocoons and maple sugar, tone
of water and dew rotted heinp, hogsheads of
sugar, (101)0 lbs. each) gallons of molasses, and
value of home made manufactures.
Schedule four, names the products of indus
try, the name of each corporation, company, or
individual producing annually articles of the
value of each kind of business, capital in
vested in real and personal estate ; quantity,
kind, and value of raw material used, including
fuel, the kind of motive power, the average,
number, of hands employed, the number and
cost of male and female labor, ami the annual
quantity, kind, and value of each product.
Schedule liv <\ relates to social statistics, as the
aggregate value of real and personal estate ;
the. Stale, county, parish, town, and road tax ;
the colleges, academies, schools, free and other
w isc ; the amount raised for schools, and re
ceived for them from public funds; the libra
ries and newspapers ; the public paupers, and
their color, birth, and cost; Sunday schools ;
the churches, their name, and the number each
will accommodate; the criminals convicted and
in prison during the year ; the average of w ages
by the venr, month, and day, and whether with
or without board; and the average and short
Schedule six, a-ks for the name of every per
son who died during the year; the age, sex.
color, whether married or single, month of
death, place of birth, disease, profession, or
Thus ends the list, comprising nine-two ques
tions in the six schedules. The information ex
pected is a* to the year ending June I, 1K">0.
0"t7~ Major Klbow line some curiosity to
know which taction of the democracy had the
upper hand in the late treaty of peace made and
concluded for the purpose of getting a foothold
in the Auditor lieneral's office ! Home think
that our friend in the Collector's office is to be
(hf famfice, while others contend that it was
the cohesive power of plunder that drove them
together Who can tell f
Health Pleasures.
The Philadelphia Board of Health are taking
atron*' measures to preserve the health of the i
city. Among other resolutions we find the fol
lowing, which are well worthy the attention
of our citizens :
Resolved, That the attention of the City
Councils a:.d the municipal authorities of the
several districts ot the county, represented in
this board, he called to a more thorough and
more frequent cleansing of the streets and gut
ters, and to cause them to be well washed and
brushed during the season ; also, to collect
daily the kitchen garbage and other offal in
covered carts; and further, that they he re
spectfully requested to notify the Board of
Healtn of any accumulation ot filth or rubbish,
of foul courts or allots not within their juris
diction ; also, of foul privies, pig etyes or pig
geries, or any yards or collars of houses where
offensive matter exists, so that, by co ordinate
action, we may establish a more perfect sani
tary policy for the counteraction of disease and
the better preservation of the health of the city.
Resolved, That the citizens, generally, he
reques'ed to report to the Board of Health, in
writing, all causes or suspected causes of dis
ease iu their neighborhoods, or finely to become
so; and that they he requester! to have their
houses, cellars, yards, and alleys cleansed and
Resolved, That the depositing of vegetable
refuse and kitchen and other offal intocesspools
or privy wells, is a nuisance prejudica! to pub
lic health, and wherever found will be prompt
ly abated by the Buard of Health, and the own
ers thereof prosecuted for the penalty.
Resolved, That the citizens be requested to
make tree use of chloride of lime or other dis
infecting agents in their privies, sinks, yards
and gutters, alleys and cellars, for the purpose
of purdying the same during the ensuing sum
Resolved, That ail llntrherinif establish
ments ascertained by the Board to be filthy from
accumulation of blood or offal, or any offensive
matter, and such establishments as arc without
means of sufficient and proper drainage, and
are, from their peculiar loca'it ies, or circum
scribed limits, rendered incapable of being kept '
clean, are declared nuisances prejudicial to the
pubjic health, and will be removed and abated
ae promptly as possible by the Board.
Profevioiial IHguKaries.
Our friends of the Democrat, it is weil
known, are terribly opposed to professional dig
nitaries and no doubt conscientiously believe
that these dignitaries, especially lawyers, have
no interest in common with the hard-working
laboring man, industrious mechanic, or toiling
firmer The i< cofoco convention at Wiliiauis
port having put in nomination two professional
dignitaries, we had confidently calculated on
some aid Irom our neighbors in keeping these
•'oppressors of the poor," " who only desire to
make the rich richer, and the poor poorer,'
from gaining further power; but it seems from
their last paper that these dignitaries are now
" eminently worthy" of the support of the de
mocracy of Mifflin, to whom the editors " most
cordially and cheer fully catnnteniV them. Mr.
Banks, weare to!d,-'a democrat without guile,
a pure minded and honorable gentleman, and
wherever know n esteemed and beloved." For
our part, we don't intend to say much against
the candidate for Auditor General, simply be
cause we respect lurn as a gentleman, whose
private character, so tar as we know, is unex-
ceptionable, but really c hope our neighbors
will not continue to make too many new dis
coveries. nor lay on soft soap too thick, lest
some folks might begin to suspect that where
so much ot that article is wanting', there must
needs he grease spots.
DEMOCRACY Boti.ro DOWN, —In A late num
ber of the Holmes county, Ohio, Farmer, a lo
cofoco paper, published in the county of Holmes,
where locos grow " spontaneously," a writer
advocates the adoption of the following senti
ments m the Revised Constitution :
Ist. No person shall own more than 400
acres of land lying in this Slute.
'-id, N'o banks and no corporations whatever
sha.i b<- granted.
thi No professor of religion abali hold any
ollice, except in the church.
This is the last specimen oi progressive de
mocracy which has. as vet. come to the ear* of
the public.
The ilain of Advertising.
The increasing demand for newspapers, am!
in connexion with it, the extension of advertis
ing, is working a great advantage in business,
especially among retailers. Thirty years ago,
rays a eolempornry, a store once established,
was sure to keep its custom, unless its proprie
tor recklessly and blindly neglected Ins n flails ;
but now no establishment, however popular,
can rita n its patronage unless it advertises, and
advertises extensively. This isas it should be-
People, instead of running up urul down to
hunt an article they may happen to desire, have
now only to glance over the columns of the
paper and learn at cmce where their wonts can
be supplied. Profits, too. are less in conse
quence of the competition ; and hence the pub
lic is supplied cheaper than formerly. A IC
tailer who wishes to inake a fortune now, must
expect to sell twenty thousand dollars' worth
of goods where lie used to sell five or six
thousand, ami to make but one quarter the
profits he did before. lie cannot continue the
old prices without losing his custom, ilis only
chance to outstrip his neighbors is to advertise ;
to advertise extensively and continually. It is
useless tor him to complain of this, as some do,
who cannot understand the times. He must
adapt himself to circumstances, or lie will,
sooner or luter, be insolvent. Ho has, indeed,
but one thing to do; and that, vigorously per
sisted in, will make ium rich ; it is to advertise,
to advertise, and again to adveitise.
The Supreme Court at Washington has issued
an order directing Chancellor Walworth, of
New York, to lake new testimony, whether the
Wheeling Bridge impedes navigation, so as to
constitute a nuisance.
Hon. Franklin 11. Elmore, U. S. Senator from
South Carolina, recently appointed by Gov.
Seabrook to till the vacancy occasioned by the
death oi Hon. John C. Calhoun, died 'it Wash
ington C'itv on th' 1 May
From i alifornlu.
The steamship Cherokee, from Chagres, ar
rived at New York on Wednesday, with one
million three hundted *and fifty-two thousand
three-hundred and sixty-cue dwii&rs in gold :
duet, ami California rna.s to the first of Muv,
At San Francisco, trade hue assumed u more
lively turn, and us the amount of gold,
winch has been wintered in the mines comes
down, it gives an impetus to ail kinds of bus
The owners of rattle along the country, are
beginning to supply milk ami butter, which re
duces the price of the imported article.
Anothet great excitement lias taken place at
Panama. The officers ot the Panama steamer
Echo having born robbed by a colored boy, lie
was arrested. The natives rushed to the res
cue, am! put the party to flight. The next
day, upon the occasion of the re-arrest of the
boy, a light took place, in which Air. Stumpier,
of New \uik, was killed. It 13 reported that
liye or six of the natives yvere shot.
All the Americans became highly excited,
and turned out, arid it was only by the utmost
exertions of the Governor nini American Con
sul that a general fight was prevented.
The body of iMr. John Everett, of Cayuga,
N. V., was found horribly mutilated.
The Legislature of California hdjourned, al
ter passing 1 IB acts and 17 joint resolutions.
ground on this road was broken on Tuesday last.
It will connect the western extremity of the
Shamokin Coal basin with the Susquehanna
river, and thus open those rich coa'i fields to
market. The felling of town lots in the new
town of Trevorton wis very spirited for two
days, and upwards of 15,000 dollars' worth are
said to have been disposed of. The concourse
of people amounted to several thousand, and is
said to have partaken somewhat of the charac
ter of the old Mahonoy Battalion training.—
DaiitM? Democrat.
QVERR WAGER. —In Brooklyn, a young man
named Wni. Pool, has been backed in the sum
of s'2s, to pick up, with his mouth, 20 egg®,
placed one yard apart, and drop them into a ,
bucket without cracking a shell. Each egg is
to be separately raised from the ground and de
posited in the bucket; and the feat is to be per
formed within 2U minutes.
Hon. John Cummings died at his residence,
near Wiltiamsport, a few days ago. lie was
h4 years of age, had been elected Sheriff four
times, first in 179% and filled the office of As
s Ktiate Judge of Lycoming countv for a period
of seventeen years.
MR. FRTSIKGER :—The Whigs of Miillm coun
ty have at no time claimed at the hands of the
people, the National or State Administration,
any of the important offices at their disposal.—
I therefore think it not out of place to suggest
through yot.r paper the name of JCDCE C'RISWZLI.
for the office of Surveyor General. The Judge
has long been an active working Whig in this
county, and of most industrious habits, and is in
every way qualified for a faithful discharge of
the duties. I therefore suggest his name in con
nection with that office to the consideration of
the Convention to meet at Philadelphia on the
19th instant. OLIVER.
For the Curette.
MR. FRYSIXCLR —The lath day of June is the
time appointed for the citizens of Lewistown to
decide by -perial election whether they vs ill
vote a tux to be levied on them yearly and every
year for each Fire Plug or not. The tax u ii'l
he perpetual. Now fires in Lew istown are mat
ter* of rather rape occurrence, when incendi
aries and villains are not about—yery rare, in
deed Why, then, should the taxpayers saddle
themselves with a perpetual tax ■ —for this is in
truth the real state of the case. Taxpayers 1
look to this to time, for the Council will be
bound, or rather tec! bound, by vour decision on
the 15th day of June, now close at hand. Re
collect, the real question is not '• Fire Plugs," or
•' -Vo Fin Plugs." By no means—but Tax or No
la\. So stands thecase, torture it as you please.
Why, every one is in favor of Fire Plugs, but
every one is not in favor of the tax. Mark that
us you go along. Why, 1 ain in favor of nothing
more decidedly than the Fire Plugs, hut for ail
that 1 shall deposite my vote against the Fire
Plugs—that is. against the Town Council put
ting them in on the contract drawn up last w in
ter, and published in the paper. Let every man
give a reason lor his conduct, if he has one to
give ; if not, let him hold his peace. 1 shall
vote ag.iiuil the Fire Plugs for the following
reasons, viz :
Ist. It is unjust for the taxpayers of the Bo
rough to pay the whole of the tax or expci.se.
2d. Because the Borough is only out stock
holder among a number, and holds less than a
fourth part of the whole stock.
3d. Because the Borough, therefore, should
only be taxed by the Lewistown Water Com
pany to the amount of her share of the stoeh
one-fourth, and not Jour-fourths.
4th. Because in the petition to the Legislature
the stockholders of the Lewistown Water Com
pany agreed to put in the necessary plug*. They
put in three, (if we are correct.) and wish to tax
the people three dollars a year for even these .'—
Shame 1 shame ! It is true they struck out the
word " necessary," so that the sentence merely
read plugs. Honest men might differ as to the
number deemed necessary. One man says
twelve —another three .' llow many say you, Si
mon Telescope: Eighteen, and not one le**.
says Simon. Well done, Simon, cry the people:
you have hit the right number. Now we require,
besides the six or seven already put down, some
twelve more : but this should be done on just
principles, it is the very nature of monopolies to
grow. They arc like Jupiter; and what did
Jupiter do: Why, nothing le* than this, and
this was quite enough ; h>• eat his viva children .'
We shall vote against the Fire Plug* on the prr
scnt proposed contract.
sth. Because, while the Borough ha* at stake
only the Town Hall, worth some three thousand
or so, the County has at stake the Court House
and Jail, woith some eighteen or twenty thous
and. Reason : because the Borough Im* the
whole of the water tax to pay. and the County
not one cent! Is that justice ; Simon Tele
scope calls up the ghost of old Aristnle*. Old
Arislides, that honest old Grecian, shake* hi*
head, look* angry, and savs .No '
<>th. Because the farmers, who are more
deeply interested than the citizen* o( the Bo
rough, b\ the terms of the said contract are to
pay nothing. They contribute at least four-nth*
ol the inhabitants of the counts, and with infi
nitely more involved in danger, contribute m.
part of the said water tax. Put on your specta
cles—if you have none, borrow a fair for ihi*
express occasion. How much grain and dour
have we sometimes stored in Lctvislowu wan -
houses? Our statistics show more than one
hundred and twenty thousand dollars' woith.
Is that nothing ? Is not that worth more than
the Town Hall, worth some three thousand :
Look at that, after you have wiped your spec
tacles, County Commissioners, and ye laborious
farmers. Let us calculate thus —keep on yom
spectacles :
Hour and Grain, 120.000
Court House and Jail, 18,000
One hundred and thirty-eight thousand dollars'
a pretty round sum. Now take off your spec
tacles. Messrs. Commissioners, ahd ye farmers
of tiie cotiritv Take $3,000. the rvalue of the
Town Hall fr< m the above sum xnJ wl.ot !uvt
we Ml - *135 000 So, * hilc the poor B ,rou.rh
has at stake only three thousand dollars ihe Cc r.i
missioncr- and tarniers lave at stake one him ' ' /
and thirty-fire tlwitiand dollar* .' \V hat nice hone'-'t
fellows these Commissioners are. Weresneit
every one oi them. Why 3 Because thev ar
positively the most modest men that breatl "
Why ? Because they ask us to turn out day and
night, sunshine, rain, hail or snow—to do what'
Let us take oil our coat first, and get ready-
Now we will tell you. Why, nothing less ih an
to work and sweat for them—yes, for them— ••
case of lire. And who is to do all (his 3 Why'
the citizens of the Borough. No better stuff :,nv
where—mark that as you go along. Andwh
pays the piper. 3 Why, the citizens if the Borough!
Now, gentlemen Commissioners and farmers
don't you begin to think that these citizens o
the Borough are fine fellows, to do all this J>
the Court House is on fire, to put it out - in
.Oil h on fire, t„ p,„ i, ou t j if ,he W.rehojS
containing your grain and flour is on fire to un
it out; if the Stable of the tavern where you
lodge, and where your horses are placed is" on
lire, to put it-out—-in line, to save from destruc
tion your ( ourt House, jour Jail, vonr K rah,
your Hour, your horses, and perhaps vour own
proper Persons, and all without remuneration.
But lliia the endr By no means Their
cterfrve** exceeds even this. li o w so? Thu
The citizen- are taxed for the Hose, for the
Hose Carriage, for the Hose House, for the IV
gine, for the Engine House. But the end is not
yet. Ihe of the Borough are more
clever than even this. How so? Thus: Thev
are, by the terms oi the said contract, to pay a
tar of three dollars a year foreverv Fire Plug—.
those already put down and those to be put down
—to the l.ewistown Water Company, some of
the members of which have conside'rahle pro
perty at -take, and by the terms of said contract
pay nothing—yet they want the Borough, only
a stockholder to a limited extent, to pay aii t!,i
water tax. Should not the other stockholders
should uot all the stockholders—pay their fair
proportion of the said water tax 3 Undoubtedly.
No, no—fair play is a jewel. Let us have no
gouging. \ otc dou n the plugs, and that is the
way to vote up the plugs in the end. We w ill
have the Borough to put in twelve new plugs, but
first call on the other stockholders for their pro
portion of the expense. We will call on the
ommhsioners of the county for their propor
tion of the expense. Anything but this eternal
tar. We shall soon sell our snug little farm, and
have funds in the. treasury, so that the Borough
can accomplish all this Without levying any spe
cial tax. "
We say again to the citizens of the Borough
who wish to do in this matter w hat is right and
just, v ote L\~S T the Fire Plugs, and we will
then show you that we can have Fire Plugs, aid
as many of them as you wish, on just principles
Now, having voted, go and take your dinner i-i
JT AS just received a large supply and var.-
1 ety of GROCERIES , which he wiii
sell at city prices. Svgar, Coffee, Teas, M„'.
lasses, Liquors. Fish, Salt, Plaster , cjx. {Also.
Lumber, Coal. JSails, and all leading articles
of trade.
CO" As the business will be transacted
strictly 011 the Cash principle, 1 can sell vou
goods as low as any other house in town. Cl
eaning at iny store, (weet end of Elizabeth
street, at the lock on Penna. canal) vott can bo
convinced of this tact. " fjeTtf
Lumber! Lumber!
ON hand always Ist, -2d and lid quality
Boards, Plank, Scantling, Shingles. Lath
for plastering and roofing—prime lot >ust land
ing and for sale at the canal by
o & for sale by
jcTif WM. REWAI.T.
DLN't A .WON l\at/s and. Spikes for ss e
je?tf by WM. RE WALT.
BACON. Hams, Shoulders and Sides tor
je7tf saie low by WM. RE WALT.
THE subscriber respectfully informs bis
A friend* and the public in general, that he
Las RLMO\ ED his store to the room late!v
occupied by JOHN 1. M'Cov, as a Shoe Store,
nearly opposite the Bank, where he lias just
received a first rate assortment of Congress.
Ping. Roll, Lady Twist, Small Lump, Sweet
and Plain Cavendish, Black Fat, Luscious Lux
ury, Eldorado, Natural Anti-norvous, Mrs. Mil
ler's and Anderson's Fine Cut and Solace TO
BACCO ; Rappee, Scotch, Macabau and Na
tiofc.hes SNUFF and Snuff Boxes; PIPES,
and SMOKING TOBACCO; Havana, Span
ish, Half do., and American CIGARS.
Also. Letter and Writing PAPER; Quiiis.
Steel Pens and Pen Holders; Motto, Transpa
rent and Plain WAFERS; Sealing Wax,
Slates and Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Back. ,
Blue, Red, and Indelible INK, and Inkstands;
Black Sand and Sand Boxes, and a general
assortment of
lllaiik ami School Kooks.
together with a choice selection of Jvv EXILE
Ait-o, a good article of Pen Knives, Pockf'*
Combs, F.aiik Cases, Port Monies, &c.
which lie w i ! seii at the very lowest cash prt
N. B.—lie will se!i Tobacco, Snuff ami Ci
gars at W HOLESALE to dealers on tnc
tn.ist accommodating terms.
Lewistown. June 7, 1350—dm .
THE undersigned has
just, returned from the east
■f/ - " >v i'h a large addition to his
II C w Jk| t loek.Watclie A
*2|S| Ji'uelrv ,
Lvi/. V vvlueh he will dispose of
on b" principle of "small profits and quirk
sacs." Of the assortment he has on hands be
will brn ?! , enumerate a few of the leading ai
ticles, such as
/'vil li/ Hour Hit's t'l'ccks, Eight Pay Ch -'ley ,
.ircordtons and .Musical Boxes ;
I.ad its' ,v htntUmr.n's Bit if t /'in* A,* Finger Rings ■
Eur K' 'rags, Bracelets, Slides, Hald.Medailicns
Ct'i/ Ptnrtf.y, hold Pi its, I iold (iuartl Sf Eib ( *>'
Silver I'ttbU, i't a and Suit Spot',ls ;
Rodger's Ptn Knees.
He P'SO keeps an assortment of
// .:. - . id Streps. Hair finishes. Purses, Fo! .Mo
unt ts, Alniini Pills. Envehpes. ,\'ote Paper,
.Motto Wafers, CninK*. Ink-tends,
with a variety of other knick knacks too nu
merous to mention.
!iEf' \lßt.Xti of CLOCKS AND V* ATCUE*
cltended to promptly AND correctly, AS usual.
Old Hold and Stiver will BE bong hi ami THF
highest price PAID for IT CA : i at tlie IFIAMONI
V\ A TEN and JEWKLKY STORK, two doors eastel
Tamer's Hotel, where you ire sure to GET HAT
,to.vis, June t W>i—:t n