Vol XXXVI —Whole \o 1887, Rates of Advertising. One square, 18 lines, |1 time 50 " 2 times 75 3 " 1.00 1 mo. 1.25 3 " 2.50 44 6 " 4.00 " 1 year 6.00 2 squares, 3 times 2.00 " 3 mos. 3.50 Communications recommending persons for office, must be paid in advance at the rate of 25 cents per square. TAILORING. .1 A TI E S A . I, I I, J, E V ~|) EsPhOTF I LLY informs the public that he l\, has taken the shop recently occupied bv UILLIAM MCFADDEN, in MARKET street, one door north of Alfred Marks' Drug store, up stairs, Lewistown, where he will continue the above business, in all its various branches. He solicits a share of public custom, and promises to devote all his time and attention to his busi ness, and hopes by so doing to merit encourage ment. He w ill be in the regular receipt of the fashions of each season, and prepared to make his garments to please all who may favor him with a call. [march 29, 1850—3 m TIN WARE! TIN WARE!! J. B. NIXIILIHITS, A T hisold stand,on MARKET street, Lew- JA istown, six doors east of the public square, south side, informs the public generally, that they will always find at his establishment, a Hfaty Stock of Made U| TI X >V A li K, of aimoot every variety, and offering great in ducements to purchasers. To COUNTRY MERCHANTS, who may wish to lay in a stock for sale, lie will make such reduction in price as will prove advanta geous to them. Thankful for the encouragement he has thus far received, he will endeavor to deserve and hopes to receive a continiance of the same.— A good practical knowledge of his business, and all work being made under bis own per sonal superintendence, warrants him in assur ing the public that they will nowhere find bet ter or cheaper. [mtrch 22, lcfjl) -tf "GREAT EXCITEMENT ABOUT Benjamin Hinklev's Patent Elastic Spring Bottom MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY A. FELIX, At the Lewistown Cheap Cabinet Ware Rooms, WHERE the article can be seen at any time among his large stock of other FURNITURE .of all descriptions. The fol lowing testimonials from those who purchased and have now in use,or had the bottom put into their old bedsteads, will speak for themselves: CERTIFICATES T This is to certify that I purchased t wenty pair of new bedsteads with Hinkley's patent elastic spring bottom in, arn well pleased with them, consider them a good article, and would buy no others. I would recommend them to all persons, as they arc easily screwed together, and can be kept cleaner than any hitherto made. JAMES ALLISON. I concur with the above and consider it a good article for tavern keepers and others THOMAS MAYES. 1 We certify that we got A. Felix to put B. Hinkley'e patent bottom into our old bedstead?, and that they answer the purpose exceedingly well. We consider it a bedstead that can be kept much cleaner from insects, screwed up I firmer than any others, and recommend them to the public. DAVD BLOOM. JOHN CLARK, JF.RMA.N JACOB, D. SUNDERI.*VD Lewistown, April 26, 1850—tf DR. GREEN'S LINIMENT, for Rheumat ism, Swelling 3, Bruises, Ac., Ac.—one i of the best remedies now in use for beast at well as man Price 37i eta. per bottle. For tale at A. A. BANKS' apl'2 Diamond Drug Store. WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE OF MUSTARD. — ; A safe and effectual remedy for Rheu matism, Gout, Lumbago, Palsy, Sprains, Bruises. Chillbaine, Numbness, Ac. ; Judkin's Specific Ointment, Dewee's Celebrated Rheumatic Nerve and Bone Liniment, or Pain Extractor; Heyle's Embrocation for horses; Indian Hair Dye, Ac., for sale by J. B. MI I CI I F.LI.. istown, march 2*2, 1850. Xotiec. rpflE undersigned having I>een appointed X Auditor to distribute the balance remain tog in the hands of JOHN CUPPI.ES, EJ ■ ad- ; ministr&lor of the estate of JOHN MARTIN, late of Oliver township, dee'd, to those legally entitled to receive it, will attend at his office in Lewistown, on WEDNESDAY, June '26 th, l w so, for that purpose, where those interested I&D attend. W. J. JACOB. May 24, 1600~4t Auditor'* ,\olif€. f|AHE undersigned having been Hp[oiiited an JL Auditor to report on exceptions tiied. and re-state account if necessary, of THOMAS WATTSO*. administrator d? Louis nun of M.EXANDER CAMERON, late of Armagh j township, dee'd, will atletid at his office ir 'am- town, on MONDAY, June 24th, 1850, Fr that purpose, where all persons interested "m attend if they think proper. May 24. 1850-4f J AS. DICKSON. AuHilor** ,\olict\ r pHE undersigned having been appointed an | ■ Auditor to make distribution of the bal- i (NR E in the hands of MICHAKI. MILLER, admin "tator of HENRY MILLER, late of the of Ohio, dee'd, will attend at his office in tw stown, on TFESDA Y, June 25'h, P'lb. '•bat purpose, where all interested may at •' bev see proper. - v 1 Jfc.-Hj ti J.\S DP "KSON. 2 squares. 6 mos. $5.00 1 year 6.00 $ column, 3 mos. 6.00 6 " 10.00 41 1 year 15.00 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00 6 44 15.00 " 1 year 25.00 Notices before mar riages, &c. sl2. nr£. 3 M^wnsi^ws?, c-^usrir^^ Selling • off at Cost AND NO MISTAKE!! IN I ENDING to relinquish the Dry Goods business in this place and engaging in other pursuits, the splendid stock of' Goods now on the shelves and counters of MAW BROTHERS. comprising, in great variety, all the leading articles usually found in a carefully selected stock, and a considerable quantity of F1 NE G 0 01) S not always to be had, will be sold off AT COST. As is well known, we have always sold CHEAP, and as the stock was purchased RIGHT —we may say without boasting, its low as any one could have bought it—it will be SOLD RIGHT. The selection consists of Fancy A Staple Wry LOT oy FIGI'RED, PLAIN, CHANGEABLE AND FOULARD SILKS, Bl;tiiD \ X.\ L£JI'JL!."GtiS2 v can all be bought at first cost. MERCHANTS wifhing to replenish will find thoy can do better by buying from this stock than by going to Philadelphia. Apply soon, as the btoro will be kept open but a short time. A. SIGLKR &■ CO. i Lewistown, may 3, lis 1 }!) A KEW MfiflM€lE! BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, AVERY valuable preparation for persons recovering finni fever, or other diseases, a few drops imparling to the stomach a glow and vigor equal to a glassful of brandy, or other stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind ; and it is therefore especially ap plicable to children and females. To the aged it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic, and to those who are predisposed to gout and rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate, who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is Constantly craving the nox ious liqhor, it is invaluable—giving tone to ihe d; restive organ*, and strength to resist tempta tion, and is coriwjuen , !y a great agent in the cause of temperance. For sale by J. B. IMI re 11F.1.1.. Lev. l-:ow 11. March 22. 1-50 FKIDAY EVEXI.\, JI.M; S, IHOO. I IT. J. RTJUISILL, At his Old Stand in Market street, * HAS just received the Beebe A. Costar and latest Philadelphia and New York Spring Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is row prepared to furnish butii old and new customers ! with an article, whicti lie will warrant guoii, ■ and nothing shorter. He has ihnv on hand a largo and general assortment of .HATS AM) CAPS, 1 OH ME V A XI) HOYS, I which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or RE I AIL, ou as fair terms as ran be obtained ! here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will £ilr> find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care . and attention which he has a! ways bestowed : upon them. Don't target the old stand, where vou may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. foals grateful for the generous pa tronage he lias thus fur received, and assures all that he will spare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in afidrding ail who have dealt with him. Lewistown, march 29, ISso—tf. spring Fashion* Hcccivt-d. vv. xuujvuEirs HIT MMMTORL Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken nedy dp Porter's Store. \|R- '/■ informs the citizens of Mifflin XT I and the adjoining Counties, that he has 0U "*) j'tst received the spring j,Tif "jini I s'hioie', and is now . n-parml JegyLto furnish a'l in want lI.\TS r.r CAI'S with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, comprising every style manufactured for tins market. The cure and attentiou he has ever given to the manufacture of the style >:f Hat.- preferred by his numerous Ornish customers, will he continued; and he feels warranted in giving the assurance that they will not be distp pointed. COUHTHY IVLCRCHAMTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give biru a call, tor his arrangements are now such, as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he has thus far received, he will continue to deserve it by continued assiduity to the wants of his friend-, and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29, 1850— tf f HE choicest and best LIQUORS —if vou A don't believe it comennd taste ihern—eell my.'ll ing at J. THO.M.aS' Steel Springs, \ LARGE STOfK of first rate quality tor - sale at F. J. HOFFMAN'S up 12 Haidware Store. Grindstones. IjNOßsale, a good stuck, bv "."12 P. j. HOFFMAN. Cedar Ware. BL C KKI'S, Tubbs, Churn?, &r., for sale b\ apl2 F. J. HOFFM \N. * Nails. k LARGE SM OCK ii for cash at - * F. I. HOFFMAN'S •'•pi - Hardware Siure Confectionaries. \C PS, Crackers, Raisins, Ac., at the Diu moral Mr og arii! Variety Store of aps A. A. BANKS. Salt and Fish. \GOOD STOCK on hand al urv light . prntila for cash, by APT 2 F. J. HOFFMAN. PLAIN ami Fancy Envelopes, Note Paper, Letter and Wr ting Paper, Quill?, Steel Pen?, Ac., S c., tor sale at the Diamond Drug and Variety Store of A. A. BANKS. DR. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, " " Hair Tonic, " " Carminative, fir sale bv J. B. MITCH I'LL. Lewistown, march 22, 1550. REEN'S C'!(brated Yrrmifugf. —This 'JY Vermifuge, so justly celebrated, is too well kno vii to publish anything in its praise. For sale at A. A. BANKS' apl'2 Diamond Drug Store. Leather and Shoe Findings. SOLE and UPPER LEATHER, Mo ffj roccos. Lining Skins, Last?, Boot Trees. Shoe Kit, Ac., Ac., for sa'e by apl2 F. J. HOFFMAN. New Hardware Store. WE have always on bund very large assort inent of all i( it SratsaKj"™#kinds of Hardware, Saddlery and Coachwttre, which being purchased strictly for cash, we are prepared to be.l wholesale or retail al low prices. apl2 F.J. HOFFMAN. Drugs, &C. DRUGS, .Medicines, Oils, Paints, Ac , Ac., c ut be h id low at F. J. HOFFMAN'S op 12 Drug Store. A LSO, Pure White Fend nt $2.00 per keg. Fine Copal Varnish at $2.00 per gallon. Ijii'id N. J. <1 n-. -silt $2 l'.'.J- per ila.t Box. .9. W. 1M Kit EK, i florae y a I Lan , ECWISTOWN, wiri'i.i\ co., I*A. OrncK on Mb rket street, two doors east of the Bank. [April 12, 185u tf W- 88. lItMI.X, A TTO II V 1: )• .4 T r, .4 HAS resumed the practice ot'iiis profession in Uits arid the adjoining counties. Otiice at the Bunking House of Longeneck er, Grubb & Co. Jan. 20, 184*?— if. GEO. W. SLDSE. • A TT O R \ /: Y A J LAW, f.t'Wisftnvii, liifffin Comity, Pa. OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo crat Offiee. Mr. Cider will ntlciid to any business in the Courts of Centre cuuutrv. August 20, 1849—tf. £JQ li/jL-CO-LL j Attorney at Law. H.L attend prompt!y to business entrust * ed to his cure in tins and adjoining counties. Office one door west ot trie I'o.-t Office, Junelfi, *l9-1 y. 195?. .I. IS miTCHEiX £\ i -'FEUS his professional services to the citizens of f-t'vvistoun and vicinity. Jfe can always be found at bis office, in his drug s' -re, or ut ihe house cf Gen Irivin, un!e-= pro fessionally engaged. [March 15, I-o<> MACHSTEATE'S CFPICE Ma ÜBSTSA \ i!lOVi:i{, .ItDlict' or (lie i'face, (CAN be found at it is office, in ;be room ro- J cenllv occupied by Esquire Ku!p, wh re lie uuli attend to all business entrusted to his • *r>' w itli the greatest cure and despatch. Lewisfuwn v July 1, {His—-tf. 59. !!. HOAt 11. badber and hair dresser VIARKET STREET, l.ew.stown, next door -*1- to Judge Hp/,'•. in iy 24 if SI. EDGE MO I.EDS, liito 2o i bs., for sn Ie by inalTtf F. G. 1 R A.N CISC I.'.S. Pure Cider Vinegar. ■ AORsalent lbs:- Diamond Drug Stiirc of ■ aps A. A. BANKS. Tobacco. Snuff and Segars OF every description at the Diamond Drug and Variety Store of p5 A. A. BANKS. Looking Glasses, lARGE and small sizes, of beautifal put -4 terns, nt unusually low prices lor cash, by apt 2 F. J. HOFFMAN Tin. Sheet Iron, Wire. &c, ON h ;nd, always, at very low prices for ca>h. ai ' i". J. HOFFMAN'S ap 12 llardw ire Store. Groceries. VI.W A A San extensive assortment on hind. Salt at >.! . per *ack, or 42 cents p; r hustic!, by the quantity. api2 r. J. HOFFMAN. American Saws of all Kinds, PtMM, ami Cross Cut SAW'S. Mill do C) j, 0 7 ft. iloe JL' Cu.'s Circular do lj to Bit in. Veneering do hv naa 1711 F ii FR ANCISCFri. DOW ,\, M\ .\[>KRSKEi ("O.'JtCast Iron. Revolving, Weil and Cistern Pumps.— .'V assortment of these highly celebrated and cfmap pumps daily expected. All information in regard to capacity ami service of (temps will he given bv F. G. FRANCISCFtf, Sole Agent lor MilHm conn'>. i\eeiller ? * CELEBRATED COMPOUND HEMLOCK PLASTER. HIGHLY recommended as a counter-irritant . in the cure and relief of Pulmonary ami Rheumatic affections; ii's >, local pains m .Neu ralgic diseases of the tody, weakness of the cheat, iwck, A.c. For sale only bv may IP J. B. Mi *1 CHKI.L. \.\T\ SOAPS. Almond soap, Marsh 5" Mallow soap, Amandine soap. Transpa rent soap, Military soap. Tooth Malls, Almond Shaving ('ream. Rose do. do., Amandine for eliapp "J builds, & c., &c., lor sale by J. B. MITCIIKI.L. J.fuvistown, march 22, 1850. | x \\<:Y GOODS.—Port Monnaies. Pocket 5. Books, ( igar Cases, Shaving Boxes, Note Paper, superior Sealing Wax, Steel Pens, Pen Holders. Stamps, superior Percussion Caps, Snuff Boxes, Motto Wafers, superior white Envelopes, do brown do., redding and pocket Combe, superior Shaving Brushes, do. Heir do. Tooth and Nail do., &c., &0., Ibr sale by .1. B. MITCHKLD. Lewistown,anarch 22, 1950. IP WILL CL'BK. When you have a cough . or breast coin plum t, tret a bottle of Dr. S. F. Green's Surnaf.ar illa, 1 'ay tuid ( 'hf. rry I'i ctorol. it has cured persons in I ewistown and vicinity, whieh can he testified to. It does not nauseate the stomach, and is pleasant to take. Price only 50 cts. per bottle. For sale at A. A. BANKS' ap!2 Diamond Drug Store. STORK'S CHEMICAL HAIR IXVIGORATOR, rn() prevent BVI.UNESS and OR w HAIR, restore X the hair when it has fallen off or become thin, and to cure effectually scrtilF or dandnilP. ROHSMPS HUH Lnsfrale Toniqne Hair Restorative For cleansing, beautifying and presetving the hair, and for the promotion of its growth ; prc venting fulling off of the hair and baldness. Imy Pl] For-a!* by J B MITCIIEI.I. i*ortui>. ~ LOVE THAT HIETH \©T. Love not alone the gay, The beautiful, the bright; For youth will fade away, Like day-beanos into night; Hut love the heart that's pure, How plain soe'er the face— Such love will long endure— -Such love cannot debase. I.ove not alone on earth Those transient things of life. W ho, like the rainbow's birth, Soon fade 'midst shadowy strife ; But love the power that made- All that to man is given— Whose spirit doth pervade The universal heaven. I.ove all things, great ami small. From man to tiny flower ; Created were they all By an Almighty power. For •' God is Love" we know. YVhate'er may be our lot; In iife, then, let us sow 'I he Love that dieth not. fsrrliKucous. DlSCONTENT.—Discontent is a sin that is its own punishment, arid makes 'men torment themselves; it makes the spirit -ail—the body sick—and all the enjoy ments sour; it arises not from the condi tion, (uit tiie mind. Paui was contented in prison—A hah was discontented in a palace : he had all the delights of Canaan, that pleasant land, the wealth of a king dotn, the pleasure of a court, the honors and powers of a throne ; yet all this avails liitn nothing without Naboth's vinevard. Inordinate desire exposes men to continual vexations, and beintr disposed to fret, thev w lil ulway •- find something to fret about.— Med tin no Henri}. 1 III; J KT E W ORSHIPI'KR. — i rue vener ation is not confined to arts of immediate worship. It is the habitual temper of the soul. Not only when engaged in prayer or praise, but in the silence of retirement, and even amidst the occupations of the world, the Divine Being dwells jpon his thoughts. No place, and no object, ap pear* to him void of God. On the works ul Nature he views the impression ol his hand ; and in the actions ol men he traces the operations ol his Providence. What ever lie beholds on earth, that is beautiful or fair, thai is great or good, he refers to <'Oil, a* to tin supre me origin of all the excellence which i- scattered throughout his work-. i nun these effects lie rises to the tir*t cause. From those streams he asc( nds to the lountain whence thev flow. By those rays he is led to that eternal source of ligfu in which thev centre.— l)r. Ulair. WHO WILL MARK A uooo WIFE. — W hen you see a young woman, who rises early. sets the table and prepares her fath er s breakfast cheerfully—depend upon it sue will make a good wife. \ou mav re ly upon it that she possesses a good dispo sition and a kind heart. W hen you see a young woman just out of bid at nine o'clock, leaning with her elbow upon the table, gaping and sighing, Oh dear, how dreadful 1 feel"—relv up on i( sh. will not make a good wife. She must be lazy and mopish. When you see a girl with a broom in her hand, sweeping the floor, or with a rubbing board or a clothes line in her hand, you may put it down that she is industri ous and will make a good wife for some bod v. W hen you see a girl with a novel in her lett hand and a fan in her right, shedding tear<. you may he sure she is not lit lor a w il>. I lit l. W onus.— W hen a man of sense, no matter how humble his origin, or de- I graded Ins occupation may appear in the eyes of the vain andlopish, is treated with contempt, he will soon forget it ; but he will be sure to pm forth the energies of lus mind to raise him above those who look, down in scorn upon hiin. By shun ning ilte mechanic, we exert an influence .derogatory to honest labor, and make it unfashionable tor \ oung men to learn trades, or labor lor a support. Did our \ oung women realize that for all they pos sess they are indebted to the mechanic, it would be their desire to elevate him. and to encourage his visits to their society, while they would treat with scorn the la zy, die fusiuoiiablc, the sponger, and the well-dressed pauper. On looking back a lew years, our most fastidious ladies can trace their genealogy from some humble mechanics, who perhaps, in their day were sneered at by the proud and foolish, while their grandmothers gladly received litem to their bosoms.—Jo/iu S'eaJ. A HOME THRIST. —The late Rev. Dr. eeeentrie but honest minister, was onee preaching on the practical virtues, and hav ing a short time previously bought a load of wood of one of tin "officers of the church, and finding it fall short in mea sure. took this occasion to speak thus plainly on the subject:—" Any man that will sell seven loet of wood for a cord, is no Christian, whether he sits in the gal lery. below, or in the deacon's seat ?" !\cw Vol. C~Aw. AtKHI LT! nl. MANAGING OF ANIMAI.S. — Li I; caking or tad/)'.:; uig a horsv, however imrae titbit or .-tuhborn his temper may be, preserve your own. Almost every fault of the brute from ignorance. Be patient with him, teach and coax him, rind success in time, is certain. There are tricks, how ever. which are the results of confirmed habit or viciousne.-s, and these sometimes require a different treatment. A itorse ac customed to starting and running away. may be effectually cured by putting him to the top of ills speed on such occasion®, and running him till pretty thoroughly ex hausted. Sow IN U I\i> i\ \ ( OR\ FOR FODDER. — W c cannot too olten remind our reader of the great advantage of sowing corn for green iodder, where it is valuable, which is always the case in the vicinity of citiea and the larger class of towns. By com mencing the sowing tiic latter part of tbi-* month, and continuing the operation each successive week or ten days tih August, a constant supply of choice food wili he se cured during the remainder of the season, when it w ill be most wanted. The natu ral grasses of the pastures, when close! v fed, begin to give out in July; and if the season prove dry, they frequently continue short for several months. A comparative ly small quantity of land, richly supplied vv ith manure, finely prepared and culti vated. w ill yield an immense quantity of sweet, niKritous lodder during this time of of drouth. From the experience of our best dairy men. an acre of corn, thus culti vated, will supply ample food for four cows during three months. It m York iI? raid Many men lose much hv being too com inunicative in their matters of business The great laconic philosopher, Shirkc, i says : '• Keep shady ; and if you see a quarter on the ground, put your foot oait."